Júlio César Leite Pereira-Filho


The theme of motivation for some time been increasingly gaining prominence because organizations have realized the importance of the subject and also because this is one of the elements that can lead organizations to success. This course completion report aims to analyze the interference exerted by motivating the employees of the company researched and how it can influence the performance of workers while engaged in their daily activities, being held in a search for this company. The company studied is located in Demerval Lobão-PI having engaged in the retail sale of pharmaceutical products, acting in the market for 15 years. A questionnaire to its 15 employees in order to identify the motivational level in the many everyday situations to which they belong has been applied. Methodological research has qualitative and quantitative descriptive nature, with data collection through closed questions questionnaire. The results obtained in the study indicate that employees Drugstore JM mostly are satisfied in relation to professional and personal activities, thus indicating motivation in relation to the work they do as well as in relations company policies and conditions work to which they are subject.

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