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Author Guidelines

It is suggested that before submission, authors read and evaluate your item through some questions whose affirmative answers in question raise the chance of the item getting positive review.

1. What is the contribution that your article brings to knowledge in the area?

2. Do you have references and citations originating from articles published in scientific journals quality?

3. Do you have references and citations originating from articles published in international scientific journals?

4. Do you have references and citations originating from articles published in scientific journals over the past five years?

5. Do you have references and quotations from classical authors in the area?

6. Do you follow the rules for editing the Journal?

7. Do you adequately described the methodology used in the research, qualitative and quantitative methods?

8. Its objectives and conclusions are clearly described?

9. You thoroughly verified the quality of your essay?

10. The paper has a maximum of five (5) authors?


The paper should be formatted in A4, bottom (2cm) higher margins (3cm), left (3cm), right (2cm), 1.5 line spacing, justified using text editor MS Word version 6 or higher, Times New Roman font size 12 and minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 25 pages, including charts, tables, notes, charts, illustrations and references.


The structure of the paper should be as follows:

- Portuguese title in early labor, omitting the identification(s) of author(s);

- Title in English;

- Abstract in Portuguese with about 15 lines or 250 words, without paragraphs containing aims, method, results and conclusion of the work, as well as a minimum of three and maximum of five keywords in lowercase, separated by semicolons and not the end point;

- All abstracts should have the English version (abstract and key words). Articles submitted in Spanish or French should have an abstract and key words in the original language, in Portuguese and English;

- The body of the text should consist of introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion and final considerations, being prepared in accordance with ABNT or APA (American Psychological Association).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Have at least 50% of references and citations originating from articles published in scientific journals quality.
  2. Have at least 25% of references and citations originating from articles published in international scientific journals.
  3. Have at least 50% of the references and citations originating from articles published in scientific journals in the last five years.
  4. Have references and quotations from classical authors in the area.
  5. Have done a review of Portuguese ensuring adequate writing.
  6. Item must be original and unpublished.
  7. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).
  8. URLs for the references have been provided.
  9. The text is with 1.5 line spacing (before and after 0,0) employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); figures and tables are placed within the text, not at the end of the document, as attachments; should be formatted on A4; inferior (2 cm) higher margins (3 cm), left (3 cm), right (2 cm); justified alignment, using text editor MS Word version 6 or higher, Times New Roman size 12 and minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 25 pages, including charts, tables, notes, charts, illustrations and references.
  10. The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality of the revised criteria, if subjected to peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Assessment.
  11. Be in accordance with the Copyright Notice Revista FSA.
  12. The paper has a maximum of five (5) authors.
  13. The article is not in submission and / or evaluation process in any other journal.
  14. None of the authors has published article in the Revista FSA this year, since only one article published in the same year is allowed.
  15. I declare that this manuscript is original and has not been submitted for publication in any other national or international journal, either in part or in whole. I also declare that once published in the Revista FSA, published by Faculdade Santo Agostinho, the same will not be submitted by me or any of the other co-authors to any other journal. Through this instrument, on my behalf and on behalf of the other co-authors, which may exist, the earlier picture of that Article to Faculdade Santo Agostinho and I declare to be aware that failure to submit this commitment the violator to sanctions and penalties under the law of Copyright Protection (No. 9610 of 19/02/98).

Copyright Notice


The AUTHOR, in accordance with law n. 9610 to February 19, l998, hereby particular states to whom it may concern, that assigns and transfers, universal, permanent, irreversible, exclusively and free of charge, all of the economic rights of authors in their article published, the Associação Teresinense de Ensino in the city of Teresina-PI, for publication in the Revista FSA.

The AUTHOR warrants:

1. That the article is original, except for the quotes from other published works, provided that subject to the limitations set out in Articles 46 and 47 of Law 9610 of 19.02.1998;

2. That the article does not contain any libelous or defamatory statements and does not infringe any intellectual, commercial or industrial property of third parties;

3. Promptly reimburse the Associação Teresinense de Ensino for any damages, losses or expenses arising out on account of the breach of the express warranties in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.

With this assignment and transfer of the property rights related to the right of the author and their successors to Associação Teresinense de Ensino shall be free of any payment of copyright to the author or his heirs or successors rights.

The author also states that Associação Teresinense de Ensino is fully authorized to use the Article in whole or in part, edited or in full, in English and all other languages, in print, electronic media, internet for commercial purposes or not, including being able to distribute, adapt, create derivative work, assign its rights to third parties, in Brazil and/or abroad, including but not limited to purposes: teaching, study and research, publication and dissemination; citation, use in telecommunications media in general; audiovisual use in general, including all existing or that may be developed in the future digital technologies, suitable for the storage and playback of data.

Are ensured to AUTHOR moral rights in your article, including linking your name as the author of the article under this transfer.

THE AUTHOR should always perform query in writing to Associação Teresinense de Ensino, through the Revista FSA, when you want to use any of your work now assigned, forcing himself still, always insert the credit to the original publication of his article, citing full bibliographic reference, legibly and prominently.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.