<line> www4.fsane*.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresin*, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, *. 96-115, set./out. 2016 </line>
<line> ISS* I*p**sso: 1806-6356 ISSN *l*tr*nico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> h*tp://dx.doi.o*g/10.12*19/2016.13.5.6 </line>
<line> Icts Optimization and Inform*tional *low Increasing: Impacts on High S*h*ol Daily L*fe </line>
<line> *timiz**ão das Tecnolo**as da Inform*ção e Comuni*ação * A*mento do F*uxo Informac**nal: </line>
<line> I*pactos no *oti*iano E*c*lar do E*sino Médio </line>
<line> Horácio d*s S*ntos Ribeiro Pi*** </line>
<line> Mestre em *ognição e Lingu*gem pela U*iversidade *stadual do Norte *lu*inense Darcy Ri*eiro </line>
<line> Prof*ss*r do Inst**uto Fed*ra* Fluminense </line>
<line> *-m**l: hpires@*ff.edu.br </line>
<line> Eliana C*i*pim Franç* Luquetti </line>
<line> Do*tora em Linguísti*a pe*a Universida*e Fe*er*l do R*o de Janei*o </line>
<line> P*o*essora da *niv*rsidade Estad*al do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ri*eiro </line>
<line> E-mail: elin*f*f@*m*il.*om </line>
<row> En*ere**: Horácio dos Sant*s *ibei*o Pires </row>
<row> End*reço: Ins**t*to Federal Fluminense C*mpus B*m </row>
<row> *esus do It**a*oan* - Av. Dario *ieira Borg**, 235, </row>
<row> Parq*e do Tre*o, Bom Jesu* do It*bapoana/R*, Brasil </row>
<row> C*P: 2836*-000 </row>
<row> Ender**o: Eliana C*ispim França L*que*t* </row>
<row> Editor Científico: T*n*y Kerle* de Alen**r Rodr*gues </row>
<row> Artigo recebido *m 30/06/**16. Última versão </row>
<row> recebid* em 28/07/2*16. Aprovado em 16/07/2016. </row>
<row> E*dereç*: U*iversida*e Estadua* do N*r*e Fl*minense </row>
<row> Darc* Ribeiro - Av. Alberto La*ego, 2000, H*rto, </row>
<row> *a*pos do* Goytacazes/RJ, Brasi* </row>
<row> CEP: 28015-6*0 </row>
<row> A**liado p*lo sis*ema Tr*p*e Rev*ew: Desk Review a) </row>
<row> pe*o Ed*tor-Chefe; e b) Dou*le Blind Review </row>
<row> (a*a**aç*o cega por *ois avaliad*res *a área). </row>
<row> Revis*o: Gramatic*l, Normativa e de Formatação. </row>
<line> I*ts *pt*mization and Informational *low In*rea*ing: Impacts on High School *aily Life </line>
<line> 9* </line>
<line> ABS*RACT </line>
<line> This *tudy aims to evaluate how the a*vancemen* *nd empowerment of textual/hyp*r**xt*al </line>
<line> insta**e an* re*d**g media ha*e chan*ed reade* and authors*i* profil*s </line>
<line> and what the </line>
<line> implicatio*s *n *chool life, s*ecifically in h*g* *c*o**. The advent of </line>
<line> *yberspace and the </line>
<line> *ig*tal w*rld brin*s </line>
<line> paradig* shifts, *specially when it comes to reading </line>
<line> and **thorship, </line>
<line> requi*ing collaborative reade*s *nd autho*s-readers *o*l*wing the dynamism, fluidity, sp*ed </line>
<line> and li*u*dity of the current e*a. There*o*e, the school context of In*tit*to Federal *lu*inense </line>
<line> Cam*us Bom Jesu*/RJ was o*s*rv**, com*r*s**g teach*rs a*d **ude*ts o* h*gh sc*ool. S*, it </line>
<line> was poss*b** to </line>
<line> eval*ate th* teachi**-l*arning pro*ess of that </line>
<line> Institute: stu*ents (digital </line>
<line> natives) would be rece*ving appropriate care in th* Institute? Have the teachers been *raini*g </line>
<line> in their proper appa*atus to de*l wi*h thes* g*ys? Ha* the school fulfilled i** soc*al role as </line>
<line> c*tizens train*ng? </line>
<line> The study was guided in the light of t**oretical </line>
<line> contrib*tions of scholars </line>
<line> su*h as Pi*rre Lévy, Roger Cha*tier, Marcuschi, Santaella, Gil*es Dele*ze a*d Félix Guattari, </line>
<line> among *thers a*out readin* paths, hype*text*alit*, clash *f generations (digital *atives vs. </line>
<line> digital i*mi*rants) and rea*ing media. The result* show that th* teachers did n*t receive (and </line>
<line> s*ill do not) in their a**demic educat*on, teaching m*thods and strategies *u*ded by *h* use of </line>
<line> ICTs, meeting un*repared </line>
<line> t* </line>
<line> deal with the </line>
<line> ne w </line>
<line> d*man*s </line>
<line> ** the educationa* routi*e </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> ther*fore no* meeting the students o*es. </line>
<line> *e*-wor*s: Cybersp*ce. Hypertextual*ty. *eadi*g Media. </line>
<line> RESU*O </line>
<line> E*te es*udo tem c*mo *bjetivo avalia* * forma co** o avanço e a pot*n*ialização *a in*tâ**ia </line>
<line> textual/hiper*e*tual e dos suportes de lei*ura têm muda*o os perfis de *eitor e a*toria e qua*s </line>
<line> a* imp*icaçõ*s na vida esco*ar, esp*cificamente no Ens*no Mé*io. * adv*nto do ciber*spaço e </line>
<line> *o mun*o *igital traz *u*an*a* de </line>
<line> pa*adigma, es*ecialmen*e quand* se trata d* </line>
<line> leitura </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> autoria, exig*ndo </line>
<line> leitor*s colabo*ativos e autores-leito**s que acompa*hem o din*mismo, </line>
<line> fluidez, </line>
<line> velocidade e liquide* da era atua*. Para t**, ob*ervou-se o cont*xto esc***r </line>
<line> do </line>
<line> In*tituto F*deral Fluminense *ampu* B*m Jesus/*J, *om*ree*dend* p*ofessores e alunos do </line>
<line> Ensino Méd*o. Assim, foi pos**vel avaliar o pro*esso </line>
<line> de ensi*o-ap*endiz**e* daquela </line>
<line> in*tituição: *s estudantes (na*iv*s digitais) </line>
<line> estariam receb*ndo *s cuida*os adequado* </line>
<line> na </line>
<line> Institu**ão? Os </line>
<line> pr*fessore* </line>
<line> têm em *ua formação o aparato adequado </line>
<line> *ara li**r com esses </line>
<line> s*jeito*? S*** q*e * esco*a *em cum*rido o seu pa*el s*ci** como forma*ora de cidadãos? O </line>
<line> estudo foi nor*ea*o l*z das contribuições teórica* de estudios*s como Pierre Lévy, Rog*r * </line>
<line> Ch*rti*r, Marcusch*, Sa*tae*l*, *eleuze e Guatt*r*, </line>
<line> entre outros, a respe*to dos trajetos de </line>
<line> le*tu*a, </line>
<line> *iperte*tua*idade, con**it* d* </line>
<line> gerações (n*t*vos digitais cont*a im*****tes dig*tais) </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> suportes </line>
<line> de leit*ra. Os resultados mostram que os profes**res não rec**e*am (e con*inuam </line>
<line> se* re*ebe*) </line>
<line> e* *ua for*a*ão acad**ica, método* de ensino e estratégi*s de utiliz**ão *a* </line>
<line> TIC*, encontrando-se de*preparad*s par* </line>
<line> lidar com as </line>
<line> **vas demanda* </line>
<line> do cotidian* </line>
<line> educacion*l e, p*rt*n*o, d*s alunos. </line>
<line> Palavr**-c*ave: Ciberespa*o. **pertex*uali*ade. *uporte *e Lei**r*. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter**ina PI, *. *3, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, set/o*t. 2016 </line>
<line> w*w4.*sanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pi*es, E. C. F. Luqu*tti </line>
<line> 98 </line>
<line> 1 INTR*D*CT*ON </line>
<line> T*is study *ims t* assess how th* *d**ncemen* and empowerment o* textu*l/hy*ertext </line>
<line> ins*ance a*d *ea**ng su*ports have been chang*ng r*ader and autho*s*ip p*ofil** as well as t* </line>
<line> figur* *he im**ication* i* sc*o*l life, specifically *n High School. It i* *n*wn th*t t*e ad*en* </line>
<line> of cyberspa*e a*d t*e digi*al w***d brings *ith </line>
<line> paradi*m sh*fts, especially in regard to </line>
<line> reading and author*hip r*quiring collaborative </line>
<line> auth*r-readers and readers *ho follow the </line>
<line> dynamic*, fluidit*, speed </line>
<line> and liquidi*y o* *he curr*n* era. Fo* this en*, the scho*l </line>
<line> c*n*e*t </line>
<line> is </line>
<line> o*served, i*clu*i*g tea*hers and student* of High School *f the **stit**o *ede**l Flumi*e*se </line>
<line> Camp*s Bom Jesus/RJ in o*de* to e*al*ate t*e t*aching/learning moment: whether *tud**t* </line>
<line> (digital native*) h*ve been re**iving appropria*e care in the *nstitute, and if **achers *av* g*t </line>
<line> alo*g their *ra*n*ng suit*ble mechanisms fo* dealin* *ith the** issu*s, and the la*t *ut not th* </line>
<line> least, if th* school ha* fu*filled it* social r*le of *r*i*ing citi*ens. </line>
<line> The pre*ent e*ude will be guided by the light *f the theore*ic*l co*tri*ution of </line>
<line> i*telec*uals *uch as Pierre Lévy, Roger Chartier, M*r*uschi, Santae*la, Deleuze and Gu*ttari, </line>
<line> **ong </line>
<line> o*hers about read*ng p*ths, hy**rtextuality, the c*ash </line>
<line> *f gener**ions (native* versus </line>
<line> dig*tal immigrant*) a*d reading su*por*s. </line>
<line> ** is unden*able the technolo*ical advan*emen* in *hic* humanity has *een **ssi*g </line>
<line> over along the *ime, mai*ly in *ecent </line>
<line> *e**des. Increasingly, techniques have </line>
<line> been imp*oved </line>
<line> and e*hanced m*king *he societ* t*nds *o adapt to *he cons*an* chan**s wh*ch </line>
<line> arise eve*y </line>
<line> mom*nt ** consi*e*able spee*. Th* new comes strong as a waterfall in </line>
<line> an avalanch* *f </line>
<line> *otential, *n* with*ut permission, will *e allocating *n our *i*st. </line>
<line> C**m*nication and in**rm*tion beco**s *ui*k, *ast and f*uid. *h*t is *he er* of Just- </line>
<line> i*-time a*d requires each of us t* be as fast </line>
<line> as </line>
<line> th* time flo*s. This affect* </line>
<line> the socie*y at </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> who*e, parti**larly the Educa*ion. *ew reader a*d author profile* are necessa*y beca**e of </line>
<line> the dynamics of the moment which requires the total **sorp*ion *f in*ormation </line>
<line> as fast as </line>
<line> possible. </line>
<line> *he adv*nt of computers and the Internet whi*h ar* Cy*ers*ace *rivers v*hicles, has </line>
<line> been c**sing *** boom of *he current sc**er* for being po*entiating t*ols of informat*on and </line>
<line> communic*tion, as wel* as se*ting new parad*gms </line>
<line> of wri*ing *nd reading: i*fographic*, </line>
<line> hypertext and h*permedi*, a </line>
<line> po*ential breakthroug* that ca*se* *he *ame imp*ct *s the </line>
<line> Gutenbe*g pr*ss. </line>
<line> For these reason*, *ducation starts bei*g r*thought. There is a need f*r retr*ining </line>
<line> te*ch*rs to meet the d*ma*ds of digital natives and these, o* their *urn, *u*t be o**ented </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> *ev. *SA, Teresina, *. *3, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, set./ou*. 20*6 www4.fsanet.com.br/re*i*ta </line>
<line> Icts Optimization **d *n*ormation** Flow I*creasing: Impa*ts *n High Sc*ool Daily L*fe </line>
<line> 99 </line>
<line> *bsorb as much as you can turning these absorptions to kn*wl*dge a*d make *o*d use of i*. </line>
<line> Be*ides, it is also nee*ed the D**ital Literacy or *u*tilit*rcy which tra*scends the *rdina*y </line>
<line> rite of *iteracy, demandin* the *c*oo* consciousn*s* consist*ng with the lived real*ty, in order </line>
<line> to able to rec*iv* the *re*ent-day pub*ic who has *een b*rning inserted amid t*e ne*, the </line>
<line> constant chang*s a*d above al*, to *nable them to act this muta*t and f*st atmosphere in in </line>
<line> constant becom*ng. </line>
<line> 2 THEORETIC*L *RA*EWORK </line>
<line> 2.1 (R)evolut*on *f writing: *ut*or and authors*ip in **c** </line>
<line> After the discovery of mova*le types, a styli*tic shock is introduced: manusc*ip* </line>
<line> versus p*inted book, these being lightly u*deserv*d by *olders </line>
<line> *.*. the*e is resi*t*nce as </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> a*cep*ance of the *ew (prin*e*) wh*ch r*presents the sam* impact figured *ut nowadays </line>
<line> between print *n* dig*tal. It i* pos*ible *o establ*sh a dial*g*e with Chartier (1998) about the </line>
<line> re*ol*t*on b*ought about by t*e advent of pr*nt*n* wh*ch c*use* * de*rease in p*odu*tion </line>
<line> costs. However, *o the researcher, this re**lution is *ot as absolute *eca*** both </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> *an*script and the post-*utenbe*g book have *een *ase* on *he same *unda*ental </line>
<line> structures: *he Codex. Aspects suc* as pagi*g, abst*act, contents are from *andwritten phase </line>
<line> that is inh*rited by G*tenberg and later *y the modern b*ok (C*ART*ER, 1*98, pp.7-8). </line>
<line> The **dern reader is *o longer seen as a passiv* and inert s**jec* and the r*ading </line>
<line> proc*ss *tself h*s been </line>
<line> u*dergoing a </line>
<line> process o* streamlining. N*w read*r **d a*tho* can </line>
<line> d**logue more openl* and **nestly and that one, according to Lévy (*011), update the text(*) </line>
<line> at the time o* reading ie "*he reader's in*e*ligence r*ses o**r the e*p*y page* one mobile and </line>
<line> rugged la*d*c*** *eman*ics" (LÉVY, 2011, p.35) wh*ch mean* th*t the senses are not *iven </line>
<line> *n*tially, but when (re)read. An* he *ontinue*, </line>
<line> Fi**t, th* text is pitted, scratche*, </line>
<line> dott*d *ith gaps. The words are *ember* of </line>
<line> ph*ases that we *o *ot **stra*t (th* perceptual but also intellectual sen*e). The*e </line>
<line> are the text *ragme*ts we do not und**st*nd, put togethe*, meet each other, *nd </line>
<line> even neglect. So that, para*oxic**ly, read, listen, is to begin to n*g*ect, *nread *r </line>
<line> turn the text off. At the *ame time w* tear it by reading a** listening, *e crumple </line>
<line> the text. We fold it on him. We m*tch the passages which cor*espond each other. </line>
<line> We sew *he sparse, exposed and </line>
<line> d*spers*d members up o* t*e ***fac* of </line>
<line> t*e </line>
<line> pages o* the linearity of the speech: reading a text is reun*te* textiles gestures tha* </line>
<line> ga*e it its name. (Ibid, pp.35-36, Tran**ated). </line>
<line> Re*. ***, T*resin* P*, v. 13, *. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, **t/out. 2016 </line>
<line> *ww4.fsa*et.com.b*/re*ista </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pires, *. C. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 100 </line>
<line> The stud*es of L*vy (*011) are directly *ssociat*d *ith th* Zilberman (2001) *houghts </line>
<line> which also allows us to infer *he pr*acti*ity co*ing *rom the curr*nt reade* as *ell as the self </line>
<line> inter*al stripping caused by di*log (**so proactiv*) bet*een r*ad*r *n* aut*o* and </line>
<line> t hi s </line>
<line> perf*rms more asse**ively *hro**h the porosi*y of the pa*er or its hollow* and dep*essio*s. In </line>
<line> her own words, </line>
<line> The linear*t* *he words a*e pres*nted is m*slea*i*g just because among each oth*r </line>
<line> t***e are many gaps hidde* as if the voids could *o* be seen w*th the n*ked ey*. </line>
<line> T** li*erary ti*sue is a *hin and delic*te, no* **lid: it c*ntains too many hol*s </line>
<line> mimick*ng the constitu*ive pa*e* *orosity, and thro*ghout *h*s surface leani*g to </line>
<line> the *bsorptio* of the other penet*ates the reader. (Ibid, pp.118-1*9, Translated). </line>
<line> Whereas it is n*t hard or </line>
<line> plaste*ed, pape* </line>
<line> allows *ons*ant communica*ion a*o*g </line>
<line> discou*se entities, in other w*r*s reade*/writ*r a*d vice versa, so th*t both are mutually </line>
<line> *bsorb*d. The dig*ta* text is supported by th* screen w*ich c*n*ists in a* objec* not *irectly </line>
<line> handled by the *e*de*. The struc*ure, o*ganiz*tion and distribution of *hi* kind </line>
<line> of text </line>
<line> *n* </line>
<line> imag*s as wel*, ar* not *he same as the </line>
<line> reade* of the ancient scr*lls was confro*ted to by </line>
<line> reading *orizontally a*d *inearly. The cur*ent reading *roc*ss is fluid, *alle**le and there is </line>
<line> no more com*itment to t*e disc**sive *inearity (CHAR*IER, 1998, p.12). </line>
<line> Th*s finding allows us to be restless *egarding the di*ital book revolution: whether this </line>
<line> is actuall* *he r**olution of revolution*. Wh** can b* seen is that every </line>
<line> discovery </line>
<line> brings </line>
<line> together optimizations </line>
<line> and imp*ov*m*nts *oncerning wha* h*ve been </line>
<line> di*cov*red, however </line>
<line> would it be </line>
<line> correct to *ay that the last </line>
<line> stage of perfe*tion i* t*e *reatest re*ol*tions and </line>
<line> transfor*ations wher**y a parti*u*ar object o* scen**y has ever experienc*d? </line>
<line> *.2 New Reader and Authorsh*p Pr*files </line>
<line> Writing has been not*bly i*provin* since i*s creation step by step </line>
<line> and generates </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> need to (re)adaptation which o*iginates new ways o* readin* an* new ki*d* *f r*ade*s as well. </line>
<line> Inside the ancient rolls, *deas *ere dispos*d li*ea* </line>
<line> a*d horizontally, making reade* to b* </line>
<line> p*si*ione* *n t*e same way. Thi* pass**e behav*or is inh*ri*ed by m*nuscript and later by t*e </line>
<line> **inted book of Gut*nbe*g. In this ne* phase, reader and author f*rs*ke *aziness, stillness and </line>
<line> *orizonta*ity of the r*ading process and </line>
<line> dip in the noi*e and *angle *f in*ormation </line>
<line> whi** </line>
<line> intensi*y th*mselves by fol*owing the fluid*ty, speed and d*namics *f the mom**t causing *he </line>
<line> same as witnessed *hen t*e f*r*hcom*ng *f the press. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eresin*, *. 13, n. 5, *rt. 6, p. 96-**5, set./out. 2016 ww*4.f*ane*.co*.br/re*ist* </line>
<line> Ict* Optimiza*ion *nd Informatio*al F*ow Increasing: *mp*cts on High Scho*l Daily Li*e </line>
<line> 101 </line>
<line> Accordi*g *o Villaça (2002, *.17): </line>
<line> The complexity m*teria*ized in mediati*ns is revisited at th* *ime of p*ess a**ent, </line>
<line> at the t*me of *cce*erati*n of the pro*ess *ith *he introduction of t*e *ota*y, an* </line>
<line> *oday, *he* the *laces of pr*duc*ion an* *eprod*ction suffe* new sh*ck. </line>
<line> (Tr*n**ated). </line>
<line> The transit*** from *rint to el**tronic cul*ure happens by open*ng cha*ne*, a* a </line>
<line> alway*, o**ered by ar* in genera* and litera*y creation as the place where *ne rea*s </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> insc**ption* of *ubjectivity (Ibid). A*cord*ng to *artin-Barber* (19*7) the crisis that </line>
<line> c*nstitutes us "is no* *nly a social fact, bu* a reason *or bei*g, fabric t*mporalities an* spaces, </line>
<line> memorie* *nd imagined th*t so f*r **ly </line>
<line> t*e *e**ing *oic* **ard." (VILLAÇA, 2002, *pud </line>
<line> MARTIN-BARBERO, p.259, **anslated). </line>
<line> The co*stant and int*nse chang*s in the *niverse of w*iting led Marshall McLuh*n </line>
<line> predict the **d of the "Gutenberg Gala*y" and the establishment o* a "gl**al elec*ronic and </line>
<line> planetary *illage", arising especia*ly from </line>
<line> the 60s a* the *iring o* TV signals, </line>
<line> comm*n**ations sate*lites networking, the *mergence of a portable video and following </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> ho*e *ecorder, a micro*omputer, tele**t*cs, *nteg**ted digital networks, *nt*ractive TV, </line>
<line> mobile phones, H*TV (Hi*h Definitio* TV). (VILL*Ç*, 2002, pp.17-18). </line>
<line> It is obvious that *y t*e transposit*on *f *ach phase *hat the book g**s from **s </line>
<line> *nvention, the*e is a growing concern wit* t*e im*rovem**t and achievement of a more </line>
<line> effi*ien*ly des*gned *hich i* *h* </line>
<line> legacy of every discovery. And it is not *o *ifferent *hen </line>
<line> ma*k*nd sees a*d *nters the *hase of the d*gital boo*. In this pe*spective, Villaça (200*, p.18) </line>
<line> ****ents, </line>
<line> The *-book can be ev*lua*ed </line>
<line> *rom several angles: ea*e of co**ilation in spatial </line>
<line> terms, mul*imedia enrichment, quali** of inte*active **m*n*ion, level of f*eedom </line>
<line> af*orded, *u*li*i*s that ar* *istributed on d*ff*rent sup*orts. (Translated) </line>
<line> The e-book en*anc*s all p*e*io*s phases requiri*g *ew kinds of *eader and aut**r. It </line>
<line> req*ires a dy***ic and fluid r*a**ng f** fro* the linearity an* ho*izontality *f yore. There is </line>
<line> * rapprochement with the te** dialog*e *r co*ve*sation due to his fluid, deter*itorialized and </line>
<line> dynamic charac*e*, after all *he text los*s its fixity an* meets the pl**er to be upgrade* </line>
<line> wrinkled and </line>
<line> cru*pl*d i.e., d*pped in oceanic world of cyber*p*ce. Nowadays, we can read </line>
<line> on i-Pads, i-Phone*, e-book*, PCs, laptops, ce*l **ones, etc. and no* ju*t in a s**g*e bracket. </line>
<line> *hese con*ideration* are lin**d to *é*y (2011, p.39) abo*t th* cu*rent text, </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te**sina PI, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, *. 96-115, set/out. 201* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.c*m.br/rev*st* </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pires, E. C. *. Luqu*tti </line>
<line> 102 </line>
<line> For the co*te*porary text, fuelling online *orresp*ndence and </line>
<line> electronic </line>
<line> conferences, running n*tw*rk*, </line>
<line> fluid, deterritorialized, dipped in the oce*n </line>
<line> environm*nt of cy**rspace, this dynamic </line>
<line> text r*co*structs, but ot*e*wise *n </line>
<line> i*finitely *reater *cale and the c*-p*esence of **e mes*age and its *iving cont*x* </line>
<line> that c*ara*terizes oral com*unication. *gain, the cri*eri* change. Reaproximate </line>
<line> from those dialogu* or c*nversation: relevance depending on the time *f readers </line>
<line> *n* virtual *l*ces; brev*ty, by being ab*e to immedi**ely poin* o*t the *eferences; </line>
<line> ef*iciency by pr*viding s*rvice to the reader (and in pa*ticular help you n*vig*te) </line>
<line> *s the best way to be re*ognize* un*er *he *nformational flood. (Transla*e*) </line>
<line> Th* advent o* the digital age genera*es s*gni*i*ant impacts i* re*ding pat*erns. As **en </line>
<line> previ*u*ly, the curre*t reading is deterrit**ialized as V*llaça (2002, p.64) *ommen*s: "a </line>
<line> d*parture from the traditio*a* and in*ivi*ual lived body, *nd a *hutdown of th* place, </line>
<line> * *e </line>
<line> ea*t* **d non*erb*l *asks." *ow, with the presen*e of th* electronic media and </line>
<line> its </line>
<line> aggregative struc*ure i* wh*ch numerous inn*vative *eature* com* in*o play: moving images, </line>
<line> *nimat*on's own words, the </line>
<line> presence of </line>
<line> voices, pag*s with multiple </line>
<line> outputs, emerge </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> hy**rtext. The digital support, as Lé*y (2011) states, allows new types of reading and writin* </line>
<line> team. </line>
<line> Hypertex* termi*olo*y eme**es *s th* *efining *exts plac*d on the Web and which </line>
<line> have hyperlinks that lead browsers r*aders to othe* *nunc*ations and so o* through points of </line>
<line> convergence th*t Lévy (**11) calls kn*ts an* which **leuz* and Guattari (2011) c*ll </line>
<line> rhizomes: "o*pose joint and segmentary lin** *o be lines of **ight, movements of </line>
<line> desterr*t*riali*ation an* de*tratification. Accordi*g to the authors, the rhizome is </line>
<line> an </line>
<line> a*tigeneal*gy." </line>
<line> Hy**rtext does not m*mic reality according to Deleuz* and Guatta*i (2011), but it is a </line>
<line> map*ing for the map t* be </line>
<line> **en, connectabl* in all its dimensions, *etach*ble, r*versi*le, </line>
<line> susceptible to recei*e *onstant </line>
<line> changes, diff*rent from tracing which is ful*y e*closed </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> i*revers*ble, </line>
<line> The rhizome proc*ed* *y variati*n, e*pansion, co*quest, *apture, sting. Opposite </line>
<line> to t*e *ra*hics, d*aw*ng or photog*aph, and tracing, rh**ome *e*ers to a map *hat </line>
<line> *ust be produ*ed, constructed, alway* det*chable, </line>
<line> conne*table, *e*ersible, and </line>
<line> modifiab*e, wi*h multiple inputs and outputs, *ith t*ei* lines of *light. (Ibid, p.*3, </line>
<line> Translated). </line>
<line> T*e r*izo*e emerges w*th *t*ong p*sitioning a </line>
<line> against hierarc*ic*l co*muni*a*ion </line>
<line> cen*ered system* and pre-es*ablishe* c*nnections. ** other words, it *s a non-hierarchica* and </line>
<line> non sig*ifi**nt eccentric system with*ut an org**izing mem*r* or *eneral *u*oma*on only </line>
<line> defined *y organization states (Ibid). </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter*sin*, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, set./o**. *016 </line>
<line> *ww4.f*anet.com.br/revi*t* </line>
<line> Ic*s Optimization and Informational Flow Incre*s*ng: Impacts on High School Da*ly Life </line>
<line> 103 </line>
<line> T*e lan*uag* evolution brings with it *he adv*nt of *ew commu*icati*n technolo*ies: </line>
<line> **gita* Media o* H*pe*m*dia. Ac*ordi*g to C*utinho and Silveira Jr. (**08), hyp*r*edia </line>
<line> along wi*h their m*lticode res*urces, adds *ew possibilities to the co*munica*ion *cenery f*r </line>
<line> gath*ri*g the thre* matrices of lan*uage: visual, voiced an* oral. *inally, *here is the noti*n of </line>
<line> hypertext whose prec*rsor Va**evar *ush *laims that it rep**duces the structure of the </line>
<line> huma* mind. L*v* (1993, p.33) shares the idea ** Bush and defi*es hypertext as follows, </line>
<line> set of knots connec*ed by links. **ots can be word*, pa**s, pictures, graph*cs or </line>
<line> parts of g*a*hi*s, s**nd *eque*ces, *omp*ex docu*ents **at may the*s*lv*s be </line>
<line> hypertext. *he *tem* of informati*n are not linked linearly *s in a rope wi*h knot*, </line>
<line> but each </line>
<line> of t*e*, or most *f them, </line>
<line> extends the*r *onnections such a st*r, *n </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> reti*ular way. S*rf the hyp*rtex*, *her*fo*e, me*n* *rawing a route on a *etwork </line>
<line> that can be *s complicate* as poss*ble becaus* *ach </line>
<line> of them may hold whole a </line>
<line> *etwo*k. (Tra*slate*) </line>
<line> 2.3 Re*der-Book-Reading Re*a*ionships: Wha* *s new? </line>
<line> Readi*g w*s not the same *lwa*s *nd e**n ever*where. As explained so far, it goes </line>
<line> *hrough many c*nstan* t*a*sformations </line>
<line> ap*lie* *o a*y support as it is possible </line>
<line> readi*g a </line>
<line> printed text, e*ectronic, a pict**e, a pho*ograph, etc., a*d i* is done by diff*rent *ays. The </line>
<line> *eading practice *ri*gs a history on *tsel*, *inc* Western *en and wom*n do n** alw*ys read </line>
<line> the same *ay. Uncountabl* *ransforma*ions (and revolutions) metamor*hosed *he*r ges*ures, </line>
<line> habit*, pre*erences, con*eptions, etc. *ccording to Fachi*etto (200*, p.11), th* cu**ent </line>
<line> revolution w* ar* *xper*encing is the e**ctronic tran*mission of texts and w*ys of r*ading it </line>
<line> *mposes. And h* continue*, </line>
<line> She </line>
<line> redef*nes the "mate*iali*y" o* work* by brea*ing **e ph*s*ca* </line>
<line> link exis*ed </line>
<line> b*tween the pri*ted object and writing it conveys. The rea*er be*ins to dominate </line>
<line> the appearanc* and ***out of text th*t appears on the computer screen. The </line>
<line> gestures change accord*ng to the tim*s and *lace*, o*je*ts and reasons *o read. </line>
<line> New a*titud** are in*ented *nd ot*ers are extinguished. </line>
<line> For L*vy (20*3) hypert**t reader is more activ* than *he printed *ne. *e says that </line>
<line> even befor* interpretin* the *eani*g of a particular t*x*, "read on screen" is to se*d </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> co*mand to a </line>
<line> com*uter so that i* *rojects such a partial acc**pli*hment of th* tex* in </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> br*ght surfac*. The idea of par*i*l under*ie* the assumptio* tha* th* </line>
<line> t*xt *diting is m*de </line>
<line> differ*nt*y fr*m the p*in*e* version where contents are </line>
<line> complete. *ur**erm*r*, </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> hypertextua* reading a*lows sp*ed besides being processed without limits d*e to its infinite </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 1*, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-*1*, set/*u*. 2016 </line>
<line> www4.fsane*.*om.b*/re*ist* </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pires, E. C. F. *uqu*tti </line>
<line> 104 </line>
<line> **ailabl* *i*ks, and interbreeding infinite possibilities of non-**quential o* non-l*near ma*ner </line>
<line> as well. </line>
<line> We c*n notice t*at *he g**at disti*ction be**een text and hypertext is the *peed that </line>
<line> the tool* and information are *cce*s*d. A simpl* mouse click on the highlighte* *o*ds on a </line>
<line> *ebsi**, called ho*word*, is much faster t*** a s*arch in *he *ictio*ary or if it is d*ffic**t to </line>
<line> foun* what we search *n pa**icu*a* a </line>
<line> ho*e page, we can immediately jump to a*oth*r o*e. </line>
<line> T*is redr**i** o* the processes of *riting and readi*g ** *h*t *évy (199*) calls n*vigation. </line>
<line> Neverthe*ess, if the hyp*rt*xt consists in trails, possible p*ths of reading, so the </line>
<line> *ext </line>
<line> can be under*t*od *s a particula* </line>
<line> reading of a hyper*ext perform*d thro*gh the cli**ings </line>
<line> produced. *c*ordi*g to *evy (2003, p.4*), "*h* browser thu* participa*es i* t*e w*iting, or a* </line>
<line> *east ed*ting the *ex* read" reads "as *e determ*nes *ts f*nal orga*ization." (Translated). </line>
<line> Ther*fore, hyper*ext </line>
<line> appears a* a b*eak fro* reading </line>
<line> canon*zed se*uenti*l m*de* </line>
<row> explo*ing into **fferent *eading poss*bilities. Eco (2003) says t*e p*oduct of *he mac*ine is </row>
<row> *o lo*ger linea*, it i* an explosi*n of *irew*r* sem*o**c a*tifi*e*; *hei* model is l**s a *traight </row>
<row> line than a r*a* galaxy. </row>
<line> 2 .* </line>
<line> *ypert*xt and **aching-learning pro*ess </line>
<line> In rece*t times, acc*rding to Copell* and **tter (2010), technology has changed th* </line>
<row> wa* *eople interact, *ialog*e, live, an* behave as we*l. As Lévy (In: COPELLI; MOTTE*, </row>
<row> *0*0) asserts, </row>
<row> [...] *n other words, *e think togeth*r. We th*nk through the langu*ges of s*g*s, </row>
<row> im*ges, and common tools, tra*smi*ted, s*ared sys*ems. B*t do *ot ju*t state that </row>
<row> ther* is no human int*llig*nce outside o* c*ltu*e. I speak of an *ve*t in progress, </row>
<row> so*ethin* *m**nse, coming, it is the*e, light, quiet, almo*t imp*rcep*ible and </row>
<row> brilliant: the *hink*ng and the sharing of kn*wledge change co*m*nity figur*. </row>
<line> The *eleph*ne c*nnectio* terminal* and </line>
<line> computer memo*ies, the reticulation of </line>
<line> *igit*l transmission, a*plify each day a glob*l "cyberspac*" i* which e*ery p*ece </line>
<line> of in*ormat*on is found in *irtual *ontact w*th any other...This t*end i* actio* </line>
<line> there more than 2* years, always m**e itself felt incr*asingly, their effects *urin* </line>
<line> the *oming decades. Ongoing developments converge to form a new means o* </line>
<line> commun*cation, t*i*king and working for hum*n s*cietie*... (Transl*ted) </line>
<line> Th*s *uotati** points to a ne* way to fee* t*e effect* and employ dig*tal technology in </line>
<line> the e**ca*io*al environmen* *hat is where th*y feed m*des </line>
<line> *f knowl*dge and perception of </line>
<line> the *orl*. Acco*d*ng to *o*el*i and Motter (201*), man always establishes v**tu*l </line>
<line> relatio*ships *ith *artners, throu*h imag*s and ob*ect* from *is imaginar* wo*ld. Howeve*, </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 13, n. *, art. 6, p. *6-11*, set./out. 2016 </line>
<line> *ww4.*sane*.c*m.br/revista </line>
<line> Icts Optimization *nd Informational Flo* Inc*easing: Impact* on High School Daily Life </line>
<line> 1*5 </line>
<line> t*e technology </line>
<line> has come *o increase and mate*ialize the activa*i*n process of b*nd*, links, </line>
<line> knots, e*c. </line>
<line> T*e great dilem*a *s h*w to *r**ni*e hyper*exts *hat set educational environm*nt* </line>
<line> such a way *ha* it does </line>
<line> not limit th* **p**rati*n *nd crea*iv*ty of s*uden*s and ensure t** </line>
<line> ac*ie**me*ts of learnin* obje*ti*es. Thu*, Pires and Veit (2006, a*ud SILVA, 2*10, p.18) </line>
<line> suggest *hat in an educatio*al conte*t, </line>
<line> th* hyp*rtext should be organized in order to b* </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> flexible content presentatio* mode* w*ich can </line>
<line> prov*de the </line>
<line> l * nk </line>
<line> bet*een d*fferent ty**s of </line>
<line> information to be *isplayed in a f*rm of a te*t, image, sound, among *thers. </line>
<line> There are certain diff*cult sci*n*i*ic concept* to b* lear*ed by engagi*g a high de*r*e </line>
<line> of abstraction a*d concentrat*on, acc*rding to Tavare* (2008). T*us, *i*va (*010) **y* *hat </line>
<line> the use of co*puting resourc*s, such a* hyperme*i*, *an enable the comprehens*on of these </line>
<line> concepts sin*e it al*ow* flexibility of study and interaction between the conten* s*udied and </line>
<line> *he s*ude*t. This *n*er*ction o*curs through applicati*n of *he co**ept of view* in th* for* of </line>
<line> a*imated images *nd sounds simulati*n*. Such flexibility can avoid *ognitive ov*rload </line>
<line> st*d**ts wit* ages, *bilities and level* of le**ning var*** as each one f*llo*s its own pac* of </line>
<line> study. </line>
<line> In the opin*on of Tavares (2006), hypert*xt becomes a compre*e*sive tool as it allows </line>
<line> a gr*ater </line>
<line> number </line>
<line> of p*ople *o vi*w </line>
<line> and un*erstand </line>
<line> natura* phenomena which is </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> compr**e*s*o* that once wo*ld be ***erve* </line>
<line> only for *hose st*dents *ith a *reat *b*tra*tiv* </line>
<line> ability. </line>
<line> Silva (2010) argues that the **cess to contents in an ide** hypertext can be flexible, </line>
<line> interactive and non-sequential *m*ng t*emselves and between them and *he student a* well. </line>
<line> *ccord*ng ** the aut*or, this p*oce*s is *referably *ar*ied out in acco**ance to the indi*idual </line>
<line> needs and learning styles *f each stu*ent or group of student* and n*t ** * formal sequence </line>
<line> es*ablishe* by the te*cher. And h* co*tinues (I*id, p.1*), "this functiona* way of presenting </line>
<line> the in*ormat*on in a h*pe*te*t impl*es th* need t* develop new skil*s of autono*y *nd critical </line>
<line> use of t** study material, allowing flexibilit* *o th* learning d*ve**pment." </line>
<line> Silva (2*10) asse**s that hypertext can also f*c**itate the *ducation*l process b* </line>
<line> a*lowing students to become familiar wi*h information technolog* we mu*t increa***gly c*me </line>
<line> across in your daily life. </line>
<line> 2 .* Infor*ation and communication technolog*es in school field </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, Teres**a PI, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-11*, set/out. 201* </line>
<line> ww*4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pires, E. C. F. Lu*u**ti </line>
<line> 106 </line>
<line> In *he curr*n* *ra, </line>
<line> d*e to the eme*genc* of new communication enviro*ment </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> *ed**ti*n of in*ormation, socio-cultural pra*tices of re**in*/writing *ave suffered l*rge </line>
<line> an* </line>
<line> si*nificant *h*nges, shar*e*i*g the debat* at the University conc**nin* the docent training </line>
<line> and *ra*tices. In th** s*udy, **a*hers *f mo*her to*g*e in the setting of new c*gnitive ec*log* </line>
<line> r*quires a c*nsta*t dialogue, a* intersec*ion point be*we*n reading practices and mom*nts of </line>
<line> re**ection of this *r*cess. </line>
<line> Thus, considering *elevant ** understand and *iscuss new teaching methods for </line>
<line> te*ching/lea*ning p**cess opt*mizati*n in a *y**rtextual perspe*tive *y th* ins*rtion and go*d </line>
<line> *s* of Information and *ommun**a*ion Technologies (ICTs), lies this research, as well as </line>
<line> *ow to integ*ate *nvestigative t*o*s to **in* t*ese is*ues to a breakthrough effo*ts. </line>
<line> The school context suffers t*e most *ignifica*t **a*ge* w*t* the advent of Informati** </line>
<line> and *ommun*cation T*chnologie* (ICTs). Th*s real*ty confirms, th*refore, deep changes in </line>
<line> re*der and a*thors*ip profiles as wel* as the roles o* teach*r *nd stu*ent. *** forms of study </line>
<line> *nd knowledg* acquisiti*n occur more openly. A*cording *o Almeid* & Menezes (2004, p.1, </line>
<line> Tr*nslated), </line>
<line> Exploring the p*ten*ial of ICTs du*ing i*s daily li*e, p*rt*cu*arly with the Internet, </line>
<line> the s*hool op*ns for new r*lations*ips with kno*ledge, exper*encing the shared </line>
<line> comm*nication and th* info*mation exc*ange with oth*r area* of kn*wledge </line>
<line> whi** have t*e same inte*ests. </line>
<line> Enh*nc** by new t*chnolog*cal resou*ces, education c** bring improvements, </line>
<line> **ansformations, although it is ch*llen*ing for *oth teac*ers and *ch**l as a w*ole. Among </line>
<line> the *a*t d*ff**ulties of the pedagog*ca* practic*s reconf*guration *s the need *f Digital Literacy </line>
<line> (or Multiliteracies). Th*re </line>
<line> is urg**cy in detecting th* ne*ds of Multi*iteraci*s so tha* the </line>
<line> i*sertion of new i*for**tion *nd c*mm*nica**on technologies can b* *ffective </line>
<line> in school </line>
<line> amb*ence fulf*llin* *ts tr*e role o* *he t*aching-learning process o**imizer. In this br*akd*wn, </line>
<line> M*rqu*s (1993, p.109) states, "[...] learning is colle*tive const**ction assum*d by sp**if*c </line>
<line> g***ps in the br*ade* </line>
<line> dynamics of societ*, w*ich, </line>
<line> in turn, built fro* *he i*divi**al and *s </line>
<line> group *e*rning." </line>
<line> The teaching practic** ren*wal can be detected </line>
<line> by the time such </line>
<line> **ui*me*t </line>
<line> sign*fica*t*y m**ify the lo*k o* the *eache* in *ront of hi* </line>
<line> p*actic*, his c*nceptions </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> e**cation, </line>
<line> ba*ed on Sacri*tan (1999, p.7*, Translated), "[...] t*e teach*r is responsib*e f*r </line>
<line> sh*ping the practice, but t*is is the int**section of dif***ent contexts." </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, Teresin*, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-**5, set./out. 2*1* </line>
<line> w*w*.fsanet.*o*.br/revi*t* </line>
<line> Icts O*timi*ation and Informa*ion** Flow I*creasing: Imp*cts on High School Daily Life </line>
<line> 1*7 </line>
<line> School must change its *on*eption of literacy s* that off**s rea* *pportunitie* for </line>
<line> indiv*dua*s and co*munities who *re o* the m**g*ns </line>
<line> of glo*al s*ciet*. School needs t* </line>
<row> engage in other social liter*te p*acti*es in or*er to insert the *ultimoda* ways o* making </row>
<row> mea*ing at the p**se*t *omen*; aware stu*e*ts t*e dis*ursive b*t*les an* pow*r relations and </row>
<row> thus fo*m active *gents and particip*nts in fut*r* society changin*. </row>
<line> * </line>
<line> RES*LTS *ND DISCUSS*ONS </line>
<line> *his re*earch results fr*m Master\s Thesis presented to U*iversidade Estad*al do </line>
<line> Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro - </line>
<line> Brazil in Ma*ch, 20*4, compr*sing Institu*o F*deral </line>
<line> Fluminense (F*umine*se Federal </line>
<line> Institute) p**fess*rs and students *rom Agribusin*s*, </line>
<line> Comput*ng, Agriculture an* Cat*le </line>
<line> Raising </line>
<line> course*. This se*tion starts presenting data </line>
<line> conce*ning the prof***ors and th*ir d*aling with N*CTs, and later, concer*i** studen*s. </line>
<line> 3.1 Te**hers </line>
<line> In o*der to set*le a v**wpo*nt of the s*en**y surrounding the Ins*itut* where the survey </line>
<line> took *lace, par*icipan*s an*wered a structured e**ct*onic questionnaire. was 136 students It </line>
<line> and 27 professors in tota*. It is notewort*y that the school where *he work hap*ened is both </line>
<line> sec*nda*y a*d technical. *n other words, students from high school have th* opportunity to </line>
<line> have a profession e**n before the gr**uat**n. </line>
<line> A*alysin* the questionnai*es *t is p**si*le to concl*de that 8*% *rofe*sor* a*e *ast*rs </line>
<line> *r doct*rs *r *ven ha*e a kind of specialization course *hich is not c*mmon in *ther teachi*g </line>
<line> segment* of education in </line>
<line> Brazil, for ex*mp*e, municipal an* sta*e. It *h*ws **e federa* </line>
<line> se*ment of ed*cation *eads Bra*ilian educat*onal ran*ing so th*t *nvests in pro*essional </line>
<line> train*ng. </line>
<line> The **udy aims to *nalyse *ow digital immigrant teac*e*s *eal wit* ICTs adve*t and </line>
<line> how they have b**n u*ing th*m i* t*e daily school to *or* the di**tal n*ti*es stud*nts, </line>
<line> conside*ing **e definition of Pr*snky (2001) who *onsi*ers **migrants th* ones bor* b*fo*e </line>
<line> the las* de*a*es of th* twentie*h centu*y an*, at some *oint, adopted many or most aspects *f </line>
<line> th* new techno*ogy a*d </line>
<line> d*g*tal the *n*s b*rn af*er the *ast decades of the twentieth century. </line>
<line> This way, it would be app*o*riate *o analys* the partici*ant ages *n order to define if they are </line>
<line> di**tal nat*ves or i*migrants. I* **i* case, th* professors *f the I*stitution obs*rved are 1*0% </line>
<line> digital immigrants *aving few *r *one experience regardin* education *echn*logies so that </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter*sina *I, v. 1*, n. 5, *rt. 6, p. 96-115, set/out. 2016 www4.fsanet.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> H. S. *. *ir*s, E. C. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 10* </line>
<line> 37% ass*rt helding *efres*e* courses in digital *nvir*nment ag*inst *3% th*t assert </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> op**sit*. Th*s is *orris*me </line>
<line> fo* re*eal*ng a l*ck of </line>
<line> incentives and e**n investments to this </line>
<line> *ind of *rain*ng to form t**chers an* cri*i** prep*red to dea* w*t* *ew tec*nolo**es, a* sho*n </line>
<line> by Street (2012). </line>
<line> I* is curiou* to noti*e *hat the *ame *ercenta*e *hat claim to **ve traini*g *oc*sed *n </line>
<line> the use of ICTs claim to have *r*in*ng *long t*ese line*, i.e. l*ss than half of th* individ*als </line>
<line> (37%) wa* motivated to *ook f*r w*ys to suit the new *emands of society, ** stu*ents. This </line>
<line> cut reflects Herm*nt (**12) th*ughts which states that a*low**g students to have *heir classes </line>
<line> tau*ht in old forms, *s the same a* allow *he sac**fice of th*ir Multilitera*ies, *s to depri*e </line>
<line> th** of a **arning by making s*gnific*nt k*owledge *nd usa*e *f this r****entary compar*d </line>
<line> to thos* who c*u*d impro** their *ultimod*l skills. </line>
<line> The following table shows the loc*tion wh*re t*e p**t*cipants had techni*a* training or </line>
<line> practice for using ICTs as teaching tools: </line>
<line> Table 1 - Location *f the *r*i*ing cou**e *n ICTs as *ea*hi*g *o*ls </line>
<line> Locatio* of the training course Occurrences Percentage </line>
<line> J*b </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 50% </line>
<line> On*i*e specific course </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 40% </line>
<line> Co*puter school </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 20% </line>
<line> U**v*rsity </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 20% </line>
<line> C*ngr*ss, Meetings, S**inar* </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> *0% </line>
<line> Others </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 10% </line>
<line> In or**r *o *e pos*ible an objective *nalys*s, it was impor*ant *onsider *he real *umber </line>
<line> of oc*urrenc*s rather *han only percentage. Among the *went*-seven partic*p**ts onl* sixteen </line>
<line> answere* this questio*. So, we considered the rema*nin* eleven non-holde*s of *he *raining </line>
<line> *ourse since the* do </line>
<line> not com*en* abo*t this. The *or*yi*g fact is that only two p*ofe*sors </line>
<line> *ad this *i*d of improvement at the Uni*ersity. T*is *hows *h*t there is still *uch to do a*out </line>
<line> teacher pr*fess*onal suitability to *he current per*od marked </line>
<line> by *he pres*nce of ICTs. And </line>
<line> ev*n the ac*demi* events a*e s*ill l*cking consid***ng that only *wo hav* acquir*d this kind *f </line>
<line> knowledge in an aca*emic *vent. </line>
<line> **azilian U*iver*ities (at a whole) perhaps *ave *ot assume* t*e resp*nsi*i*it* of </line>
<line> pro*iding this type </line>
<line> o* t*aining yet in diff*rent </line>
<line> d*gree courses and </line>
<line> neithe* the *chools </line>
<line> ha*e </line>
<line> enco*raged t*eir commun*ties to se*rch this k*nd of knowled*e, causing teachers </line>
<line> discour*gement, r*fl*cting what Es*eve (1999, In ALO*SO, Educ. Soc., Campinas, vol. 29, </line>
<line> Nº. 104 - Special, </line>
<line> pp.747-7*8, may. 2008) calls the materi*lization of the feeling </line>
<line> o* </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 13, n. 5, ar*. 6, p. 96-115, set./ou*. 2*16 </line>
<line> www4.fsan*t.**m.br/revista </line>
<line> Icts Opti*ization *nd Informationa* F*ow I**reasing: *mpa*ts on Hig* School Daily Life </line>
<line> 1*9 </line>
<line> uneasiness *ha* are "[...] **e re*c*i*n* ** all the teach**s as a p*o*essional grou* "misfit", *s a </line>
<line> re*ult of soci*l, *ol**i*al and eco*omic chan*e* o* our t*me [...]." </line>
<line> An*th*r poin* we cons*der r**eva*t in this analysis ** a*ou* *ow particip*nt* use </line>
<line> **te**et and computer (*nd if they use *h*m) a*d how *ft*n as *ell as shown in t*e fol*owing </line>
<line> *a*l*: </line>
<line> Ta*le 2 - Use of PC *nd internet </line>
<line> Place </line>
<line> Nº </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> Goal </line>
<line> Nº </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> A*ces* Nº </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> ( h) </line>
<line> Less an </line>
<line> hou* </line>
<line> At ho*e </line>
<line> 16 </line>
<line> 59% Entertainment </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> 41% </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> p er </line>
<line> *eek </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> t* </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> At work </line>
<line> *4 </line>
<line> 5*% School researchers </line>
<line> 13 </line>
<line> *8% </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> hours </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> Cybercaf*/Lan </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> Update/*nformation </line>
<line> 20 </line>
<line> 74% </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 3% </line>
<line> hou*s </line>
<line> hous e * </line>
<row> C*ntact family, </row>
<row> 5 </row>
<row> to </row>
<row> 6 </row>
<line> Ot*ers </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> friend* a*d </line>
<line> 16 </line>
<line> 5*% </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> hours </line>
<line> prof*ssiona** </line>
<line> 8 to 1* </line>
<line> Ty*ing texts </line>
<line> *2 </line>
<line> 4*% </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> h*u*s </line>
<line> Mo * e </line>
<line> W *r k </line>
<line> 21 </line>
<line> 77% </line>
<line> than 10 </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> 5*% </line>
<line> ho**s </line>
<line> Others </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> It i* *otable the pro*essors u*e t** PC and c*nside* it an i*portant tool on their daily </line>
<line> life, so that 100% use it to many goa*s. T*e pl*** of gre*test use of the comp*t** by </line>
<line> pr*f*s*ors is a* hom* and at wo*k, 59% and 52% respectively. R*g*r*in* the goals, m*st of </line>
<line> them use the tool (**) to u*d*te or *etti*g infor*ation (*4%), contact friends, relativ*s *nd </line>
<line> prof*ssio*als (59%) and f*r la*our *urp*ses (77%). Concer*in* hou*s of acces*, 85% clai* </line>
<line> sp*nd 5 to 10 hours * week, highlight*ng that among **ese, 55% spend m*re than 10 hours a </line>
<line> week using PC and internet. This is a </line>
<line> **oup that recognizes the imp*rtan*e o* new featu*es </line>
<line> and tools in t*e acquisiti*n and enhance*ent of knowledge, fact reveal*d in the a*ount *f </line>
<line> time spent on PC and th* Internet, conf**ming the d*fin**ion of Pren**y (2001) about digita* </line>
<line> immigrants *s alr*ady p*evio*sly detailed. </line>
<line> *o*e*er, t*ere *s an intriguin* detai*. When asked *bout the use o* NICTs b* the </line>
<line> professors *f diff**ent </line>
<line> disciplines, </line>
<line> students **ve*l contr*di*tory d*ta: 66% of students from </line>
<line> *he total 136 participan*s st*te th*t NICTs *re used only by the Comput*ng *r*f*ssors as they </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 13, *. 5, art. *, p. *6-115, set/*ut. 20*6 www4.fsanet.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> H. *. R. Pires, E. C. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 1*0 </line>
<line> *om**se a spec*fic technica* area. This discre**ncy has become mor* *a*ked over the years </line>
<line> in the Institution f*r allocati*g the use of new *echnologies on*y t* Computing *rofesso*s, </line>
<line> excl*ding Agr*c**tur*l and Agribusines* cou*ses. For the rema**ing 34% who state the </line>
<line> contra*y, us*** NICTs *s *he fact that some te*chers *ake us* of features like slides </line>
<line> presentations via Power Point or Prezi. Actual**, these resources a*e *sed </line>
<line> to avoi* the </line>
<line> whiteboard. </line>
<line> *ul*ili*er*cies practi*ing and tr*ining cou*ses for the *rofe*sors must be ins*alled </line>
<line> urgently. According to Kenski (2007), th*re *s di*ect relationship *etw**n a </line>
<line> e*ucation and </line>
<line> te*hnol*gy as </line>
<line> they both a*e pres*nt all the time during th* *duca*ional *rocess, si*ce </line>
<line> di*ciplin*s planning until the dev**opmen* of curriculum propo*al to ce*tifi*ate stu*ents who </line>
<line> have completed a course. B*lloni (2001) states the s*hoo* chal*enge is to e*hance </line>
<line> * he </line>
<row> technical virtues *f ICTs putting th** at t** *ervice of meaningful and more suitab*e learning </row>
<row> for *oung and ch*ldho*d culture. </row>
<line> 3 .2 </line>
<line> Studen*s </line>
<line> Most of *he student* f*om I*stit*to Federal Flumin*ns* Campu* Bom Jesus do </line>
<row> Itabapoa*a (Flumi*ense F*de*al Ins*itute) are male (6*%) b*cause *f the kin* of cou*ses the </row>
<line> Instit*tion off**s su*h as Computing and Agr*culture and Catt*e Raising. ** </line>
<line> does *ot mean </line>
<line> **sen*e of *irls, but th** are min*rity con**derin* these **o areas. Ag*s vary from 15 *o 16 </line>
<line> years *ld wh**h shows they *r* d*gita* nat*ves at a whole, i.e. hav* innate ability to *se virtual </line>
<line> tech*ologies. </line>
<line> Students from secondary school, or h*g* school, experience a pe*i*d of time in which </line>
<line> individuals start m*turi*g </line>
<line> **e in*e*l*ct. *hi* ed*cational segment is a *t*at*gic p*riod </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> analyse the kind of formation s*ud*nts have had and if school and profe*sors are **epared to </line>
<line> dea* *ith a commu*i*y who de*and new ped*gog*cal practic*s. </line>
<line> After i*enti**cation, stu*ents t*lked abo*t the*r h*bits *urin* time off as *he follo**ng </line>
<line> tab*e shows: </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Tere*i*a, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, s*t./o*t. 2016 </line>
<line> w*w4.fsa*et.com.br/revi*t* </line>
<line> Icts Optimizati** an* I*format*on*l *low Incr*asing: Impacts on High *chool Daily Lif* </line>
<line> *1* </line>
<line> Tab** 3 - *cti*ities *uring t**e off </line>
<line> Answers </line>
<line> Occurrenc*s </line>
<line> Percentage </line>
<line> *V, f*lms, TV series </line>
<line> 14 </line>
<line> 10% </line>
<line> Reading </line>
<line> *3 </line>
<line> 17% </line>
<line> Study*ng </line>
<line> *9 </line>
<line> 21% </line>
<line> Interne*/So*ial *etwork* </line>
<line> 50 </line>
<line> 37% </line>
<line> L*isure and social </line>
<line> 21 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> *cti*iti*s </line>
<line> 137 </line>
<line> 10*% </line>
<line> Tota* </line>
<line> Observing *hese **ta it i* possib*e to sa* that *7% *f student* sp*nd part *f their *ime </line>
<line> off accessing internet/social n*t*or** a* they a*e digit*l natives. *here was a moment during </line>
<line> the research pr*fessors wer* a*k*d ab*ut the pos*ible maj** difficulties faced during the </line>
<line> *nsertion *f t*e NICTs an* they attributed i* to *t*de*ts. Accordin* to **e *rofessors, stud*nts </line>
<line> do not *ave previ*us knowledge of thi* i*sue and d* *ot h*ve acce*s to in*er*e* </line>
<line> *ithe*. </line>
<line> Nevertheless, the table s**ws i* is a wrong theory. And *t *ou*d not be di*ferent sin*e *00% of </line>
<line> students state inte*net pla*s an important role on their lives s* that t*ey access it all the day- </line>
<line> l*n* at h*me, at school, on t*e phone, etc. </line>
<line> Anothe* point to c*nsider ** about the us* of in*er*et. As shown in th* following </line>
<line> table, st*d*nts op*nions are vary: </line>
<line> Table 4 - Us* of internet </line>
<line> *tility </line>
<line> Occurren*e* </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> E*tertain**nt </line>
<line> 130 </line>
<line> 95% </line>
<line> Inf*rmation </line>
<line> 122 </line>
<line> 89% </line>
<line> Learni*g </line>
<line> 137 </line>
<line> 100% </line>
<line> Soci*l ne*works </line>
<line> 1*2 </line>
<line> 89% </line>
<line> Comm*nication </line>
<line> *20 </line>
<line> 8*% </line>
<line> The *p*ions li*te* above are *alid concern*ng i*ternet so th*t a*e many ot*e* </line>
<line> oc*urrences. P*rticipant* c*uld choose more than one o*tion. H*wev*r, not*ble is the fact that </line>
<line> all **e *tudents associate l*a*ni*g t* internet. It shows st*den*s have remarkable potent*a* for </line>
<line> using the ne* t*chnol*gies even though they do not have suit*ble gui*anc* of professors to </line>
<line> do it r**h*. *eg*rding the other option*, *t is cl*ar in*ernet i* an im*orta*t res*urce in </line>
<line> st*dents\ daily li*es whether at school or out*i*e it. </line>
<line> This research a*proaches the relati*nship b*tween *ress*d a*d electr*ni* h*lders. </line>
<line> Ther*fo*e, *t was nece*s*r* investigate students readin* habit*, *heir pre*erences, as listed ** </line>
<line> t*e table be**w: </line>
<line> *ev. *SA, Teresina PI, v. 13, n. 5, ar*. 6, p. *6-11*, set/out. 2016 w*w*.*s*net.com.br/re**sta </line>
<line> H. S. R. *i*es, E. C. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 112 </line>
<line> Ta*le 5 - Reading habits </line>
<line> Ma*er*al </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> *requenc* </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> Ho*der </line>
<line> % </line>
<line> *ewspa*e* </line>
<line> 16% </line>
<line> Every*ay </line>
<line> 74% </line>
<line> *ressed </line>
<line> 74% </line>
<line> Magazin*s </line>
<line> 19% </line>
<line> Once * we*k </line>
<line> 10% </line>
<line> Electron*c </line>
<line> 2*% </line>
<line> Books </line>
<line> 4*% </line>
<line> Once a qua*ter </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> Ot*ers </line>
<line> 17% </line>
<line> O*ce e*ery 6 </line>
<line> 4% </line>
<line> months </line>
<line> 4% </line>
<line> Once a yea* </line>
<line> Never </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> Da*a listed on t*ble 5 allows us to *ealize *4% ** the stu*ents read for ***as*re *nd </line>
<line> prefer pres*ed r*ad*ng in order to be more c*mfortable. Accordin* to them, electr*ni* holders </line>
<line> ha*e disadvanta*es such as bri*ht*ess, appliance *ea*er, and i* *a*e of blackout there ar* time </line>
<line> res*ric*i**s. The ones who assert reading i* low *re*uencies (26%), *onsider reading on*y if </line>
<line> there is a manip*lation of an object, new*papers, books, magazine*, fo* ins*ance. These ones </line>
<line> read for a sp*cific purpose: studying, so th*y prefer electro**c reading becau** *t is more </line>
<line> flexible, non-linear, and they *ave the possibility to change </line>
<line> the topi* or issue if they f*el </line>
<line> bored as w*ll. *t sh*ws pressed an* electronic reading* coexist peace**lly be*a**e each </line>
<line> on e </line>
<line> pla** a *is**nct role dependin* on the individual *e*ds. </line>
<line> F*nis*i*g thi* talking, students ha* a *pace *o e*pre*s their op*nion about h*w and if </line>
<line> NIC*s insertion could h*lp a*ong the tea*hing-le*rning proces* as li*t*d below: </line>
<line> Table 6 - N*CTs a*d teaching-learning proces* </line>
<row> C*ntributions </row>
<row> (Yes/N*) </row>
<row> Ye s </row>
<row> No </row>
<row> % </row>
<row> 85% </row>
<row> 15% </row>
<row> Ho w </row>
<row> Dyn*mic cla*ses </row>
<row> Teac****-le*rning **nova*ions </row>
<row> Mo*ivation </row>
<row> Clo*er to students i*te*e*ts </row>
<row> No c*mmen*s </row>
<row> % </row>
<row> *4% </row>
<row> 19% </row>
<row> 14% </row>
<row> 1% </row>
<row> *2% </row>
<line> At fir*t *t is nec*ssary to *oi*t a di*cr*pancy ou*: 85% of st*dents agree *o the </line>
<line> import**c* of us*ng NICTs along *ea*h*ng-le*rning **ocess wher*as </line>
<line> 15% do n*t a*ree with </line>
<line> this. *a*ed *n *ther se*tion* of *he questi*nnaire stude**s ***wered, </line>
<line> *e can </line>
<line> ens*r* **% of </line>
<line> them do not k*ow how to define *his concept. Su*h con*radic*ion is d*e to the fa*t *h*t, ev*n </line>
<line> *houg* *hey cann*t de*ine, they under**and the im*ortance of settling new practices *nabling </line>
<line> a meaningful and enjoy*b*e learning. </line>
<line> Regarding th* co**ributions by *n*erting NICTs in school ambience, specifically, </line>
<line> along the tea*hing-learni*g *rocess, 48% of **udents *rese*t** relevant opinion* such as </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teres*n*, v. 13, *. 5, art. 6, p. 9*-11*, set./out. 2016 www4.*san*t.**m.*r/re****a </line>
<line> Icts Optimiz*t*on and Informati*nal Flow Increas*ng: *mpact* o* High School Dail* Life </line>
<line> 113 </line>
<line> dyna*ic **asses, teaching-le*rning innova*ions, motivat*ons and a chance *o have a studying </line>
<line> *loser to thei* inte*e*ts. The*e consider*tions reinforce S*iba (2010) thoug** wh*ch sa*s that </line>
<line> the greate*t impact of using new te**nologic*l pract*ces in c*assroom will lead student* to a </line>
<line> new </line>
<line> lev*l o* knowledge which *ill a*low them to use the availab*e *ig***l tools *o </line>
<line> com*unicate </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> share e*pe*iences such * m*ltimodal in </line>
<line> and wide way. Ch*ices more *nd </line>
<line> **re *i*l base on techno*o*ic*l *ools and the idea of building and sha*ing knowle*ge itsel* </line>
<line> *ill also bas* on t*e use o* techn*logies. </line>
<line> 4 CONCLUSION </line>
<line> This s*udy sho*s t*at professors did n*t receive guidan*e concerning the adoptio* of </line>
<line> new methods and teaching s*r*tegies during thei* f*rm*tion a*d keep on far away from it. S*, </line>
<line> they are unprepare* t* feed*a*k the constant *nd growi*g new ed*catio*a* demands which </line>
<line> *eq*i*e inn*vations so that *ear*ing can </line>
<line> be me*ningfu*, e*joyabl*, fl*xi*le and more </line>
<line> *o*izont*l *s *ell. </line>
<line> W* coul* obser*e alo*g the present re*earc* tha* educati*n ha*e been *opin* wit* </line>
<line> *any proble*s, *nd perhaps the current g*neration sho** between n*tive and di*it*l </line>
<line> immigrants i* </line>
<line> t*e gre*tes* of all. For exam*le we can re*l*ze in B*azi**an e*ucation a gap </line>
<line> which remain* *tatic for *g*s: s*hool from ni*eteenth cen*ur*, p**fesso*s fro* twentieth and </line>
<line> *tudents from twenty-first. T*is situa*ion does </line>
<line> not change because profe*sor* without notice </line>
<line> pr*pagat* *rad**ional models and practices th*y exp*rienced along their fo*m*tion. </line>
<line> Far fr*m the*r t*ue role, p*o*essors tie *he*selv*s to s*l*-*ndulg**ce, and as time goes </line>
<line> by *eco*e more and more d*fficult to leave the c*mfort zone they are *laced. When *hey a*e </line>
<line> as*ed ab*ut this t*e answ*rs a*e un*nimous: Insti*utio* *espo*sib*lity, lack *f ma**rial, low </line>
<line> intellectual *evel of stu*ent* when, </line>
<line> a*tua*l*, it *s a sense of f*ee will, evo*ution, *orld </line>
<line> c*nception and the need *o ma*e an important part of a pr*ce*s, of a *ea*ity. </line>
<line> So t*at the *se o* NI**s plays its educational ro*e to </line>
<line> pr*m*t* a learning i* such an </line>
<line> incidental *ay, by disc*vering, col*abora**ve, mea*ingf*l </line>
<line> and enj*ya*le, </line>
<line> there *ust be </line>
<line> *ig***icant i*vestm*nts in theor*tical and practical t*acher *raining </line>
<line> con*erning the u*e of </line>
<line> digital environment. It me*ns t*e practice of con*inuing for*ation to pr*mote </line>
<line> these </line>
<line> pr*fessionals in *rder *o permit *he access to current r*adi*g as well *s discussions and </line>
<line> reflections which *ead to the improvemen* </line>
<line> *f t*ei* prac*ices. There also must be a practic*l </line>
<line> train*n* such as a co*rse focusing on using NICT* i* teaching-learning process. Furt*erm*re, </line>
<line> i* is impo*tant to int*oduce n*w </line>
<line> cur**culum </line>
<line> purposes in *raduat*on course* which pre*a*e </line>
<line> R**. FSA, Ter**in* PI, v. 1*, n. 5, art. 6, p. *6-115, set/out. 2016 </line>
<line> www4.f*a*et.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> H. S. R. Pires, E. *. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 114 </line>
<line> education profe*si*nals. This way, both in initial a*d in continuin* formation p*of*ssors *ill </line>
<line> be prepared. </line>
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<row> Como *e*erenciar e*te Artigo, confo*me ABN*: </row>
<row> PIRES, H. S. R; LUQ*ETTI, E. C. F. Icts Opti*iz*tio* and Informat*onal Fl** Increasing: Impacts </row>
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<line> Contr*buiç*o dos Autor*s </line>
<line> H. S. R. P*res </line>
<line> E. *. F. Luquetti </line>
<line> 1) concepção e plane*ame*t*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 2) anál*se e interpretação dos dado*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 3) elaboraçã* do rascunho o* na rev*são crí*ic* ** conteúdo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) participação na aprovação d* versã* fin*l do ma*uscri*o. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, T*resina PI, v. 13, n. 5, art. 6, p. 96-115, set/out. 2016 </line>
<line> *ww4.fsan*t.com.*r/revista </line>


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