<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *9, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-129, j*n. *02* </line>
<line> ISSN Impresso: 1*06-6356 IS*N Elet*ônico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/202*.19.1.6 </line>
<line> Do *xpenditures on Research and Dev*l*pment (R&D) C*us* Exter**lities in the </line>
<line> E**ironment? Em*irical Evid*nce f*r *razil </line>
<line> Gas*os em Pesquis* * Dese*volvimen*o (P&D) *ausam *x*ernali*ades no meio ambient*? </line>
<line> Ev*dências empíri*** para o Bra*il </line>
<line> Gerson João V*leretto </line>
<line> D*utorado em C*ências Ambienta*s e *ustentabilida*e Agropec*ár*a pela Un**ersida*e C*tólica Dom B*s** </line>
<line> Profess*r assistente 2 da *n*versidad* Federal da G*ande Dourados </line>
<line> E-ma*l: ge*son_valerett*@hot*ai*.com </line>
<line> M*chel Ange*o C*n*tantino d* Oli*eira </line>
<line> Doutorad* em Economia pela Universidade *atólica de Bras*l*a </line>
<line> *o*rd*nado* Dou**rado e Mestrado d* U*iver*idade Cató*ica Dom B**c* </line>
<line> E-mail: michel@ucdb.br </line>
<line> Gra*iela E*i*h de Olive**a *orf*rio </line>
<line> Dout*rado em Bio**gia apli*ada pel* Universi*ade d* Aveiro </line>
<line> E-m*il: grasi_*orfir*o@hotmail.**m </line>
<line> Reginal*o Brito da Cost* </line>
<line> Dou*o*ado em Ciências Flor*s*ais pel* Univer**dade F*deral do Paraná </line>
<line> Mestr* em Des**volvimento Local. </line>
<line> Profes*or Titul*r da Universidade Católi*a Dom B*s*o </line>
<line> E-mail: rf*167@ucdb.b* </line>
<line> Cai* L*iz C*iariello </line>
<line> Dou*orado em Engenharia d* Produção *ela *n*versi*ade Federal de São Ca*los </line>
<line> E-mail: c*io**iariel*o@ufgd.*du.br </line>
<line> E*d*reço: *erson João Valere*to </line>
<line> U*iversidade </line>
<line> Cat*lica Dom Bosco, </line>
<line> Av*n**a </line>
<line> T*mandaré, </line>
<line> 6*00, Jardim Se*iná*io, 79117900 - *ampo Grand*, MS </line>
<line> Editor-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerl*y d* Al*ncar </line>
<line> - Brasil </line>
<line> Rodrigues </line>
<line> Ender*ço: Mic*el A*gelo Constantino de Olive*ra </line>
<line> Univers*dad* </line>
<line> Católica *om Bosco, </line>
<line> Avenida </line>
<line> Tamandaré, </line>
<line> Ar*igo receb**o em 30/08/2021. Última versão </line>
<line> 60*0, **rd*m Seminá**o, 79*17*0* - *ampo Gran*e, MS </line>
<line> re*ebida em *9/09/2021. Apr*v*do em 10/*9/2021. </line>
<line> - Brasil </line>
<line> Endereço: Gr*s*e*a Edith de Ol*veira Porfirio </line>
<line> *v**i*d* *elo sistema T*iple Review: Desk R*vi*w a) </line>
<line> Un*versida*e </line>
<line> Católic* Dom Bos*o, </line>
<line> Avenida </line>
<line> Tamandaré, </line>
<line> pelo Editor-Chefe; * *) Double Blind Re*iew </line>
<line> 6000, Jardim Seminári*, 7*117900 - C*mpo Grand*, M* </line>
<line> (a*aliação cega por dois avaliad*res da ár*a). </line>
<line> - *rasil </line>
<line> Endereço: Regi*aldo Br*t* da Costa </line>
<line> Revisão: Gramati*al, N*rmativa e d* Fo*matação </line>
<line> Un*versidade </line>
<line> *atólic* D*m B**co, </line>
<line> A*e*i** </line>
<line> Tamand*ré, </line>
<line> 6*0*, *ard*m Se*i*ário, *9117*00 - Campo Gr*n**, MS </line>
<line> - Bras*l </line>
<line> Ende*eço: Cai* *u*z Chiariel*o </line>
<line> Universidade Católica *om Bosco, Avenida Tamandaré, </line>
<line> 6000, Ja*dim Seminário, 79117900 - Cam*o Grande, MS </line>
<line> - Brasil </line>
<line> Do Expenditure* on Res*arch and Development (*&D) Cause Ex*ern*litie* i* the E*vironment? </line>
<line> 105 </line>
<line> ABSTRAC* </line>
<line> *eco*nizing inv*stments in Re*earch </line>
<line> and Development (R&D) </line>
<line> can </line>
<line> contribu** to the </line>
<line> developmen* </line>
<line> of Brazil, considera*le and *mportant investm*nts that were made available </line>
<line> s*nce the *940*. To leverage the econom* from th* 1990s, they *ere implem*nted *s pol*cies </line>
<line> o* Science, Technology an* Innovation (CT&I) rel*as*ng resources *hat must guarantee, o*er </line>
<line> time, a dev*lopment proce*s in accordanc* with the objective* *nd standards *f economic, </line>
<line> so*ial and environmenta* s*stain*b*lity. In this context, t*is articl* aims to analyze th* imp*c*: </line>
<line> *f resources in R*searc* and Devel*pment (R&*) for the public and priv*te *e*tor*; and </line>
<line> econo*y (credit payment* ma*e by B*DES and GDP p*r c*pita) *n how </line>
<line> the *O2* of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> agricult**al secto* (*O2Agro) in Braz*l, *etween per*ods </line>
<line> *et**en 2000 and 2015. F*r *he </line>
<line> analysis procedure, tw* models were *sed distinct, *he first *ith R&D from *he </line>
<line> *ubl*c and </line>
<line> p*ivate sector* in a li*ear and quadratic w*y, to i*ve*tig*te or impact *O2e emi*sion* i* the </line>
<line> agricul*u*al *e*tor B*azil. in </line>
<line> An*, without a *econd m*del, in add*tion to public and priv*te </line>
<line> sector R&*, credit d*sbursements from the N**ional Bank f*r Social *conomic Development </line>
<line> - BNDES and GDP p*r capita we*e incl**ed. *he applicatio* method ***s an ec*nomical </line>
<line> *pproach to </line>
<line> time se*ies </line>
<line> d*t*. A depen*e*t v*ria*le of </line>
<line> *h* two models is how CO2 in the </line>
<line> agric*ltural sector (**2Agro) in Brazil. T*e results of *he s*ggest** m*dels for wh*ch </line>
<line> resour*es with R&D gener*te *ositive externalities fo* the *nviron*ent and are p*rmitted, </line>
<line> s h** </line>
<line> the eff*cts on CO*e emis*ions in the agricultural secto*. In the **near analys*s of th* </line>
<line> i***c* o* R&D in*e*tment *bjects on th* pri*at* *ector, it wa* found that they corroborate </line>
<line> wi*h t*e i*crease in CO2e and Agricultu*al emission*. However, in the analys*s *f n*n-li*ear </line>
<line> impact *he*e is * s**gestion of the *r*sence of a maximum po*nt, and from this poin*, as *h* </line>
<line> us e of </line>
<line> A*ric*ltural CO* *ta*t* to lose </line>
<line> eac* u*it invested in R&D i* the *****te sect*r. The </line>
<line> variable disburs*ments with BNDES credit promotes a red**tion </line>
<line> i n t he ** e *f </line>
<line> agric*ltural </line>
<line> C*2 w*th l*w **atist*c*l signi**cance. Howe*er, a variable GDP </line>
<line> per </line>
<line> c*pita stron**y </line>
<line> c*r*obo*ates the increase *n CO2 emis*ions *nd the agric**tural secto*. In this way, t*e results </line>
<line> s*gge*te* f*r t*e development o* *h* country, and fr*m **blic re*ourc*s, cl*an tech*olog**s </line>
<line> *re generat** over t**e, aiming at reducing *O2 emis*io*s in the ag*icultural sect*r, which is </line>
<line> a *ery importa*t *ec*or o* the Braz*lian *conomy. </line>
<line> Keywo**s: **onomic *rowth. Greenhouse *ases. R*sea*ch </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> Deve*opmen*. G*P </line>
<line> p** </line>
<line> capi*a. Agricultural secto*. </line>
<line> RES*MO </line>
<line> Reconhecer *s *nve*time**os em Pesqu*sa e De**nvol**mento (P&D) *o*e c*n*ribuir para o </line>
<line> desenv*lvimento do Bras**, i*vest*me*tos *on*ideráveis e </line>
<line> *mp*rt*ntes q*e fo*** </line>
<line> disponi*ilizados d*sde * </line>
<line> década de 1940. Para </line>
<line> alavancar a economia a part*r da d*cada </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> 1990, foram implement*das como políticas de *iência, Tecnologia e I*ovação (C*&I) </line>
<line> liberando recur*os **e devem *a*antir, *o longo *o tempo, u* pr*c*s*o de d*senvolv*men*o </line>
<line> *e aco*do com os objetiv*s e padrões de s*sten**bili**d* eco**mica, so*i*l e ambi*ntal. </line>
<line> Nesse conte*to, *ste *rt*go te* co*o objetivo analisar o impacto: do* rec**s*s em Pesquisa e </line>
<line> D*s*nvolvime**o (P&D) para os setor*s </line>
<line> público pr*vado; e economia (**gament*s e </line>
<line> *e </line>
<line> *rédi*o feito* </line>
<line> pe*o *NDES PI* per capita) sobre c*mo o CO2* * </line>
<line> do seto* </line>
<line> *grop*cuário </line>
<line> (CO2*g*o) no Bras*l, entre os p*ríodos en*re *000 2015. P*ra o proc*dime*t* e </line>
<line> *e anális*, </line>
<line> foram util*zado* dois modelos distintos, o prim*iro com P&D de *s s*tor*s pú*lico e pri*ado </line>
<line> de *orma *inear e quadrática, </line>
<line> para investiga* o* impactar as e*issões de CO2e no *etor </line>
<line> a**opec*ário no Brasil. E, *em u* segun** modelo, além da P&D d*s se*ores pú**ico </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> privad*, foram incl*ídos os desemb*l*os de crédit* do B*n** Naciona* de Desenvolvimen*o </line>
<line> Econômic* Soci*l - B*DES * PIB per capit*. O mé**do d* aplicação usa u*a </line>
<line> abord*gem </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, T*r**ina PI, v. 19, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-129, jan. 2022 www4.fsan*t.com.br/re*ista </line>
<line> G. J. V*lere*to, M. A. C. Oli*e*ra, G. *. O. Porfiri*, R. B. Cost*m C. *. Chia**ell* </line>
<line> 106 </line>
<line> econômi*a par* </line>
<line> da**s de sé*i*s tempora*s. U*a variável </line>
<line> dependente dos dois modelos é </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> for** c*mo o CO2 no *e*or ag*opecuário (CO2Agro) </line>
<line> *o Brasil. Os re*ulta*o* dos **d*los </line>
<line> sugeridos </line>
<line> p**a o* quais rec**s*s c*m *&D geram e*ter*a*ida*es po*itivas p*ra </line>
<line> o me*o </line>
<line> ambiente e são permi*idos, mostram o* efeitos *as emissões d* CO2e no se*or agrop*cuário. </line>
<line> ** análise linear *o im*acto dos ob*etos de investim*nto em P&D no s*tor pr**ado, verificou- </line>
<line> se que eles corroboram com o aumento das e**ssõe* de C*2e e *gropecuárias. No entanto, </line>
<line> na a*álise *e impacto </line>
<line> não linear há a sugestão da *res*nç* </line>
<line> de u* pon*o máximo, * partir e </line>
<line> deste po**o, à me***a que o u*o de CO2 Agríc**a p*ssa a perder *ada unidade *nvestida em </line>
<line> P&D n* setor privado. A *ariável de*embo*so com crédito *o BNDES pr*mov* a redução do </line>
<line> *s o </line>
<line> de CO2 ag*ícola com baixa *ignific*nci* estatística. No enta*to, uma v*ri**el *IB per </line>
<line> c*pi*a corrobora f*rte*ente o aumento das e**ssões de CO2 e do seto* ag*opecuário. Dessa </line>
<line> forma, o* resul*ados sug*ri*os para o desen*ol*imento do país, e a partir de recur*os púb*ico*, </line>
<line> t*cnol**ias li*p*s s*o geradas ao **ngo do tempo, visando a *ed*ção das emissões de CO* </line>
<line> n* setor agropecuário, q** é *m *etor muit* *mport*nte da economi* br*sileira. </line>
<line> *alavras-ch*ve: Cr*scimento econômico. Gases </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> efeito </line>
<line> estufa. </line>
<line> Pesquisa </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> d*se*volv*mento. *I* per capi*a. S*tor agrícola. </line>
<line> 1 INT*ODUCTI** </line>
<line> Developed econo*i*s are i*creasingly i*vesting in *esear*h & Develo*ment (R&D). </line>
<line> These inve*tme*t* co*e from </line>
<line> gover*m*nt resou*ces and private insti*utions, the last one </line>
<line> repr*se*tin* th* major part *n countri*s suc* as the USA, Australia </line>
<line> a*d Ja*an, while in </line>
<line> develop*ng *ountries *he *unding is mainly carried o*t by th* Federal Government (GRIFFIN, </line>
<line> 2012). </line>
<line> I* Brazil, invest*e*ts *n Science, Techno*og* and Innov*ti*n (ST&I) that incl*des </line>
<line> r**o**ces with Research and Devel*pment, are calle* expenditures, and are divided b*tw*en </line>
<line> the pu*lic and </line>
<line> private sectors. These ex*enditu*es a*e sourc** of f*unds and *o*ter the </line>
<line> *co*omy *or technol*gical i*n*va*ion, *iming to increas* competitivene*s and development </line>
<line> (GRIFFIT* e* al., 2*04; GRIF*IN, 2*12). </line>
<line> Th*re is a co*sensus i* t*e literature that R&D expenditur*s h*v* a po*itive impact on </line>
<line> *he economy an* pl*y * fu*dam*nta* *ol* in the dev*lop*ent process, especi*lly in the </line>
<line> scientific an* *echnolog*cal aspects. Th*se </line>
<line> i***stments *er* answers to Malthus*an theo*y </line>
<line> and the gr*en r*vol*ti*n prove* that *he technology pro*ided by technologic*l progr*ss </line>
<line> by </line>
<line> R*mer, allowed to increa*e production with lower natu*al factor* such </line>
<line> as </line>
<line> land and hu*an </line>
<line> capital (HE*HMA*I AN* LÖÖ*, 2005; COCCI*, *009, 2010; SHAAR* et al., 2016). </line>
<line> In this contex*, Brazil, wit* *n ec*nomy </line>
<line> bas*d on agricu*tu*al prod*ction, m*de </line>
<line> important invest*ents over time f*om the </line>
<line> *9**s o* ST&I *olic**s, increased its a*ric**tural </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 19, n.1, art. 6, p. 10*-129, jan. 2022 </line>
<line> www4.fs*net.com.br/re*ista </line>
<line> Do Exp*nditures on R*s*arch and D*velo**ent (R&D) *a*se Ext*rnalities in the Enviro*m*n*? </line>
<line> *** </line>
<line> prod*ctivity indices an* transf*rm*d its economic matr*x, whi*h *as beyond the production </line>
<line> *f c*rn and so*be**s. Fr*m this scenario, this res*arch *a* motivated </line>
<line> by the ques*ion: Do </line>
<line> *&D exp*nditures ge*e*at* *osit*ve o* negative externalities1 to the envir*nmen*? And what </line>
<line> are t*ese ex*ernalities sp**if*cally on the ag*icultural sect*r? For the reason that, this is </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> sect** that has an enormous importa*c* amo*g the p*oductive sectors and de*erves spe*ial </line>
<line> attention from **e public po*icies of development. </line>
<line> In this follow-u*, the objective of the study *as to analyze the impact *f: spending on </line>
<line> research *nd dev*lopment (R&D) fo* t*e ***lic *nd p*ivate se*tors; and the economy (credit </line>
<line> disbursements made b* th* National Bank for Soci*l E*onomic Development (BNDES); an* </line>
<line> *he per c****a *ross N*c*ona* Product (GNP-p** capita) on *O2e2 em*ssions *ro* the </line>
<line> agricultu*al sector (CO2Agro) in Bra*il bet*ee* the period since *he year 2*0* until *he year </line>
<line> 2015. </line>
<line> 2 LI*ERATURE REVIEW </line>
<line> 2.1 Technology and Inn*vati*n in t*e Econ*my </line>
<line> T*chnologica* resourc*s m*st ensure over time a *evelopment process in ac*ord**ce </line>
<line> with the o*jec*ives *nd </line>
<line> *t*n*ard* o* economic, soc*al and enviro**ental *ust**nability. </line>
<line> Ac*ording to *aspar (2015) tech*ologie* evolv* and provide more and better *e**lts for th* </line>
<line> benef*t of </line>
<line> huma*ity. T*e*e technological developmen*s m** *n the future </line>
<line> help or h*rm the </line>
<line> survival of al* l*fe on pla*et eart*. Thus, t*c**ol*gies inf*uence t*e changes tha* occu* ** </line>
<line> humani*y (GASPAR, 2015). </line>
<line> The In*ustrial *evolution, whic* began *e**een the late eigh*eenth *n* early </line>
<line> nineteen*h centu*ies, promo*ed technological *evelopments that enabled e*onomic </line>
<line> advancement and enh*nced great inno*ations. </line>
<line> *umanit* in i*s activities d*mand* c*nstant t*chnological innovat*o*s to ass*st it* </line>
<line> co*sumption. In a con*umption-based econ*my, tec*nologic*l i*novations are the main </line>
<line> *rivers o* the m*r*et rise, b*cause *rom*tes the emergence of ne* n*ed* in humans *nd </line>
<row> 1 </row>
<row> - E*terna*ities refer to the impact *f a *ecision eve* o* thos* who did *ot *art*cipate in the decis*on, and may </row>
<line> have pos*tive or negati*e effects, in anot*er words, they m*y *epresent a cost *o society, or *ay g*nerate </line>
<line> ben*fits. (**RO, 2018). </line>
<row> 2 </row>
<row> The carbon dioxi*e equivale*t (CO2e* *u CO2*), it is an intern*tional accept*d measure, and expresses the </row>
<line> amoun* of various gree*house gases (GHGs) based on the amount of carbon **oxi** (CO2) that would have the </line>
<line> *am* *loba* warming potential. Equivalently, it considers all GHGs to be emitted *n p*o*ort*on to carbon di*x*de </line>
<line> (CO2). </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, T*resina PI, v. 19, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-129, jan. 2*22 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> G. *. Valer*t*o, *. A. C. Oliveir*, G. E. *. Porfirio, R. B. Costam *. L. Chiariell* </line>
<line> *08 </line>
<line> prese*t* itself as t*e mai* *actor of progress an* d*velopment (SILVEIRA; BASS*, 200*; </line>
<line> GASPAR, 2015). </line>
<line> According to G*iffi* (2012) te*hnolog* is a collaborative factor to increase the </line>
<line> economy, the production and *ervices and the goo* use of t*e m*st div*r** re*our*es in order </line>
<line> to promote the sustain*bili*y of humani*y. </line>
<line> Ne*so* a*d Phelps (1966) and Romer (1990) s*ate *h*t t*chno**gi*al evolution </line>
<line> *orro**rates t*e increa*e i* produ*tion. In the same contex*, R**tner (1967) points *ut t*at </line>
<line> increas*d production plays an imp*rt*nt *ole in economic develo*ment and g*owth. </line>
<line> Techn*logy and innovation are import*nt to *he eco*omy, *nd are fundam**tal to th* </line>
<line> soc*al process, clo*ely linked to hi*tory, culture, *ducati*n, instit**ional and *olitical </line>
<line> organizat*ons, a*d t*e *cono*ic *ase of society. The *echnol**ical </line>
<line> *rocess ** innovating is </line>
<line> n*t a *niq*e r*le at*rib*ted *o compani*s, bu* also to a very b*oad *ollective ski*l s*t, </line>
<line> channeled to g*nerate, ab*orb and diffu*e *he new (MCTI & C, 20*1; MCTI & C, 2002). </line>
<line> Verspa*en (200*) analyzed a mode* of evolutionary gro**h and no*ed th** </line>
<line> convergen*e bas*d on </line>
<line> *ssimi*ation of fo*eig* tec*nology was becoming * m*re a*tiv* </line>
<line> *roce*s. H* not*d that R&D is *ruc*al for **tchin* up with nati*ns and *s no l*n**r an activity </line>
<line> una***guou*ly associ**ed with cha*ging the world's tec*nolog*ca* f*ontier. *t **so found t*at </line>
<line> differ*nces betwe*n countries in terms of pure t*chnol*gical ski**s are i*po*tant in explaining </line>
<line> *rowt* diff*rentials. </line>
<line> 2.2 R*se*rch & Development </line>
<line> D*fferences in econ**ic performance bet*een coun*ries, a*cording t* the </line>
<line> neoschumpe*erian3 perspec**ve, are mostly e*plai*e* *y th* c*m**ex i*ter***ion of public and </line>
<line> *rivate institutions pa**icipating in th* National Inn*vation Sy*tem (NIS) *nd the coord*nation </line>
<line> between them. Reco*nizing that i**estments in Research a*d Development (R&D) </line>
<line> can </line>
<line> cont*ibu** to Braz*l's development, scie*ce, technology and innov*tion (ST&I) polici*s ha*e </line>
<line> been i*plemented sinc* t** 1990s to lev*rage the economy. </line>
<line> For M*zzucato and Penna (2016) </line>
<line> all </line>
<line> countries in the world *e*k to achieve sma*t </line>
<line> (innovation-**b*id*zed), </line>
<line> i**lusive and sustainab*e e*onomic growth. To this end, i*nova*ion </line>
<line> policie* must st*a*egically develop, implement a*d m*nitor an inno*at*o* program b*sed on </line>
<row> 3 </row>
<row> - The ne**chump**e*ianos unders*and the innovation as a pr*m*rdi*l dete**inant of the economic dynamics, </row>
<line> *eca*se it i* fund*menta* *o *efine the patterns of economic compet*t*veness, es*ecial*y *n this pr*c*ss of </line>
<line> cont*mporary glo*alizatio* (FELIPE, 20*8). </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 19, *.1, ar*. *, *. *04-129, ja*. 2022 www4.fsa*et.c*m.b*/revista </line>
<line> Do Expenditu*es on R**earch and Development (R&D) Cau*e Externalities in the En**ronmen*? </line>
<line> 109 </line>
<line> the **r*n*ths of the inn*vation s*stem i* o*de* t* overcom* *he nation's weak*es*es, </line>
<line> addre*sing the challenges, taking a*van*age of *h* po*entialities and *p*ortunitie* available in </line>
<line> **rms of r*sources ** *he country. Al*o, **zzu**to </line>
<line> a*d Penna (2016) stat*d t*at public </line>
<line> in*estments in R&D *nd innovation are resourc** that ge*e*ate *et*er multiplier effects on the </line>
<line> *conomy compared to other govern*e*t spendin*. These inve*tments promot* the inclusi** </line>
<line> of innovative t*chnologies that *ax*mize *roduction and consequently t*e *reation of </line>
<line> new </line>
<line> job openings and qualit* of hum*n life. </line>
<line> For Tuna *t **. (2015) sustaine* gr*wth in **v*loped nat*ons is at*ributed by *ost </line>
<line> con**mpo*a*y economists *o </line>
<line> th*ir *ntensive R&D activi**es. Metcalfe (2005) c*aims that the </line>
<line> mai* objective of *cienti*ic *olicy is to m*nage *nd finance the pr*du*tion and accumulation </line>
<line> of kno*ledge r*garding about the natural phenomenon </line>
<line> throug* </line>
<line> th* cr*ation and support of </line>
<line> appropriate organiza*ions - resea*ch labo**tories and universities. </line>
<line> O* Sc*ence, Technolo*y *nd In*ov*tion, Sala*i and So*tanzadeh (201*) p*ints out </line>
<line> t**t the*e are difer*nces betwe*n *he obj*cti*es of technologi*al policy a*d scientifi* pol*cy. </line>
<line> These policies represent broader phi*oso*hical considerations for a more instrument*l focus </line>
<line> on *a*ional pr*s*ige and e*onomic objec*ives. Innov**ion poli*i*s are *pproached by *oth as </line>
<line> an infr*structu*e to help organizations and *nstitutions invo*ved *n s*ience and technolog* </line>
<line> (S&T) poli*y m*ki*g. </line>
<line> M*zzucato and Penna (2016) studi*d *ra*ilian ex*licit innovation poli*ies (*oli*i*s </line>
<line> formulated *y t*e Minist*y of Fin**ce and th* M*nistry of Sc*ence and Technology (M**I) </line>
<line> and includ*d in science, te*hnolo*y an* innovation </line>
<line> policy plans) s* t*at the* can *uggest </line>
<line> policy *nit*atives that a*low th* *ati*n** *nnov*tio* S*stem (*NI) to be better </line>
<line> inf*rmed t* </line>
<line> pursue purposive state-sponsored policies *n dir*ct *artnership wit* the pri*ate sec*or. I* th*s </line>
<line> s t ud y t h e </line>
<line> authors c*nclud*d that </line>
<line> the innovation policies impleme*ted in </line>
<line> the last decades of </line>
<line> the tw*ntie** century were flawed because th*y were based on a restrictive perspective of </line>
<line> market *ailure, and tha* for th* com*ng ye**s, w*th t**geted in*ovation p*licies, it will become </line>
<line> efficient in defining the directio* and ambition* *bout *ts technologi*al trajectory in favor of </line>
<line> economi* devel**ment. </line>
<line> Mende* et al. (*013) ex**ined *he possible impact* of the Nation*l Policy on Science, </line>
<line> Technolog* **d Innovatio* *n Brazil, especially in ter*s *f its r*gulator* fr*mework, on the </line>
<line> indicator* of the innovative process. They an*lyzed the *roba**e </line>
<line> relationship* </line>
<line> between the </line>
<line> laws: Innovation Law *nd the Good *aw and also analyze* private R&D expe*di**res during </line>
<line> the *nitial period from 20*5 to 20*9. The *esult* confirmed </line>
<line> that there we*e </line>
<line> *ignificant </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te*esina PI, v. 19, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-129, ja*. 20*2 </line>
<line> www4.fsane*.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> G. J. Valeretto, M. *. C. O**veira, G. E. O. *or*irio, R. B. Cos*am C. L. C*iariello </line>
<line> 110 </line>
<line> development* i* th* innov*ti*n indicator* after Laws: Innova**on a*d *ood, and ver*fie* that </line>
<line> there h*s been a positive evol*tio* of private R&D *xpend*t*res. </line>
<line> Even with the posi*ive *volution of private spending *n R&D a*co*ding to M*ndes et </line>
<line> al. (20*3), the producti*it* gro*th of Brazi*ia* c*mpan*es has not yet been significa*t. I* the </line>
<line> *tudy *y *uniga e* al. (2016), whic* aimed </line>
<line> to i*entify w*y* to promote * *ore effective </line>
<line> *ational Innovatio* System (NIS), *nd t* *ropose a better performa*ce of inn**ation by t*e </line>
<line> *ri*ate sec*o*, was *n examination o* the Brazilian </line>
<line> situation with regard t* its *esearch </line>
<line> activities an* **chn*logy *ransfer and inn*v*ti*n to compare with similar economies and also </line>
<line> w*t* some developed countries. I* this </line>
<line> contex*, the a*tho*s stated that there have b*en </line>
<line> sig*ific*nt econo*ic and *ocial prog*ess ** Braz*l in rec*n* de*a*es, whi*h has *ontr*buted to </line>
<line> the reduction ** pover*y *nd inequalit*, and poin*ed out that, d*spite cons*derable economic </line>
<line> progres*, Brazil *as e*perienc*d </line>
<line> low p*od*ctivity g*owth in the last </line>
<line> *ix decades in </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> manu*actu*ing and *ervice industr*es. </line>
<line> However, even with low p*oducti**ty gr*wth, *s claim by Zuniga ** al. (2016), </line>
<line> Brazilian companies st*ll see* t* innovate to better comp**e in </line>
<line> the marke*. According </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> Resende et al. (2014) who evaluat*d innovati** policies in th* co**ext of Brazilian *ndustry in </line>
<line> 200*. T*ey *oc**ed *n com*lem*nta*ity and *ubst**utabilit* t*st* for obstacles *o i*nov*tion. </line>
<line> They fou*d evidence that internat*onal compet*tion p*omotes comp*n*es to be *ore prone to </line>
<line> innov*t*on and yet found evid*n*e that s*ggests an* favors th* adop**on o* mo*e in*o**tion- </line>
<line> oriented inc*ntive policies. </line>
<line> In *nternationa* market*, most compe**tors innovate and remain c*mpet*tive, * fact n*t </line>
<line> obs*rved </line>
<line> in Brazil. In th*s *ontext, Erber (**04) </line>
<line> claims t*at *ompanies loc*ted *n *raz** </line>
<line> inves* only in R&D and import technology *o introduce i* their *e* p*oducts and proc*sse*. </line>
<line> *ra*ilian companies to invest in R&D n*ed stimulation. T*us, according to **adros *t </line>
<line> al. (2001), who *na*yzed data coll*cted *rom mor* than 10,000 indus*ri*l companies in </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> st**e of *ão Paulo *n 1996, fou*d tha* *omp*nies wholly or p*rtially contr**led by fore*gners </line>
<line> are more likely to intro*uce ne* pr*cess*s and produ*ts, i* addition to *eing the com*anies </line>
<line> most employ *cientis*s and e*gi**ers to carry out R&* ac**viti*s. </line>
<line> But in the cas* *f Brazilian c*mpanies they are not m*tivat*d to inve*t in R&D by </line>
<line> som* factor, a l*rge part o* these compa*ies a*qu*re </line>
<line> in*ovatio*s </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> **ay m*r* co*petitive. </line>
<line> *cco*ding to Quadr*s et </line>
<line> al. (2001) Transnational corporations *rom </line>
<line> i*dustrialized countries </line>
<line> that *ain***n R&D centers t*ansfer their product and process innovations to the South </line>
<line> A*erican mark*t in o*der t* a*ap* them to local m*rket needs *r tech**cal co*strai*ts to *he </line>
<line> supply of materials and *ompo*ents. </line>
<line> Rev. **A, Teresina, v. 19, n.1, art. 6, *. 104-1*9, jan. 2022 w*w4.*sanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> D* Expenditure* on R*sear*h and Development (*&D) *ause Externalities i* the E*vironment? </line>
<line> 1*1 </line>
<line> Part of the e**sting problems in Brazil r**ate* to the inef*ici*ncy of go*ernment R&D </line>
<line> *xpenditures a*e *escrib*d i* the arguments *f Gu*ta *t *l. (2*13). Other au*hors stat*d t*at </line>
<line> p*blic r*so*r*es invested </line>
<line> in R&D do not </line>
<line> benefit the pr*va** sec*o*. They stated that *asic </line>
<line> rese*rch car*ied out by </line>
<line> universities is not being transfe*red to the private p*oducing </line>
<line> communit*, a fact that *a*es t*e *enefits of rese**ch i*pa*t th* economy. </line>
<line> Gupt* et a*. (2013) al** pointe* *u* that innovations in Brazil are largely adapted to </line>
<line> lo**l and </line>
<line> regio*al de*ands an* not shared glo*ally. Even </line>
<line> *o, B*azi* </line>
<line> *as a stro*g </line>
<line> manufa**uring </line>
<line> sector, dominates the S*uth American regi*n as a regional leade*, and *a* </line>
<line> maintai*ed a growing economy. </line>
<line> The adapt**i*n of in*erna**onal tech*olog*es in Brazil is o***rv*d by Rib*ir* (2016). </line>
<line> T*e author studi*d </line>
<line> the **ansfer o* techniques to *he s**i-ar*d </line>
<line> *ran*h of the Brazilian </line>
<line> Agricultural R*sea*ch *or*oratio* (*m**a*a) from the early 1*90s. It identifie* g*** a*d </line>
<line> *reas of *oncern, *n particular a frag*entation of m*cr*- and micro-level cooperation </line>
<line> tha* </line>
<line> requires effective *anagement </line>
<line> in th* e*en* of S&T collabo*ation to consolid*te Brazil's </line>
<line> i*terna*ional rol* *nd geopolitic*l *nter*sts. </line>
<line> *rber (2004) s**t*s that in Bra*il the majo*ity *f *nv*stments i* *cienti*ic and te*hn*cal </line>
<line> research *re made b* gov*rnm*nt funds, *nd more than 40% of R&D expen*itures are *pent </line>
<line> on maint*na*ce and e*pansion of the *ostgr*duate *ys*em. </line>
<line> *ompan*es inves* *nly 36% of </line>
<line> *otal R&D expe*ditures, a </line>
<line> percentage eq*iv*lent to a*proxi*ately *alf </line>
<line> *f the aver*ge </line>
<line> i*vestment i* the *CDE. E*b*r (20*4) **so *tate* </line>
<line> t**t th* governme**s o* Brazil </line>
<line> and South </line>
<line> Kor*a *nvest in *&* a port*on of G** (Brazil 0.57% and South *orea 0.7%) and *he private </line>
<line> *ector invest th* dif**rence in total investments in R&D. and *or**sponding to a pe*centa*e of </line>
<line> GDP, i* Brazil 0.9% an* in South Korea 2.5%. </line>
<line> To learn **o*t how othe* countries ar* managed in ter*s of in*ovations, Salami and </line>
<line> *oltanz*d*h (20*2) analyzed the policies *nd e*peri*nces wit* ST&I o* the *ount*ies: Brazil; </line>
<line> India; *hina; South </line>
<line> Afr*ca; an* South Korea, c*n*ide*ed successfu* in *anaging their </line>
<line> t*chnol**i**l change. They noted *hat each country's *over*ment *layed its role in desig*ing </line>
<line> a*d formulating science, *echnology and in*o*ation poli*ies *n thei* cou*tries. </line>
<line> In *ach of </line>
<line> the*e countries an ade*uate </line>
<line> infrastructure ha* been *reated to implem*nt STI </line>
<line> policies to </line>
<line> en*ble them ach*e*e succe*s in t*eir nati*n's ove*all national *echnol*gical de*elopment. to </line>
<line> They c*nclu*ed tha* with the analysi* of the countri** studied, policyma*ers from least </line>
<line> develop*d cou*tri*s should adopt ST&I policies that integrate with their national </line>
<line> de*elopme*t. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *e*esina PI, v. 19, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-*29, *an. 2022 *ww4.fsa*et.com.*r/*evista </line>
<line> *. *. Valeretto, M. A. *. Oliveira, *. E. *. Porfiri*, R. B. Costam C. L. Ch*ariello </line>
<line> 112 </line>
<line> Oliveira e* *l. (2*15) *nalyzed the im**ct of R&D expend*tures i* Bra*il on na*ional </line>
<line> patent applicatio*s an* the c*u*try's *r*ss *omestic Produc* (GDP), and the results of </line>
<line> eco**me*ric model* confi*m th*t public and pr*vate e*pendit*res *re im*ortant for G*P </line>
<line> g*owth, and t*at *atent re*istrati*n is a w*y of *ecuring int*lle*tual *r*perty. </line>
<line> According to the context *resented, </line>
<line> it is observ*d th*t in Brazil the*e is a slow </line>
<line> evolution of the *ol*cies </line>
<line> of Science, Techn*logy and Innovatio* (CT&I), even so, there h*s </line>
<line> *een progress *n t*e performanc* of *nnovations a*d </line>
<line> *on*equ*n* *co*omic gr*wth. T*ese </line>
<line> factors could be better to *ll*w the redu*ti*n of the external te***o**gica* d*penden*e t*at </line>
<line> sti*l pre*ails in the co**tr*. </line>
<line> 2.3 **on*my and CO2e em*ssio*s </line>
<line> T*e grow*h of nations must ens*re, over ti*e, a developmen* process in accord*nce </line>
<line> with *he o*jec*ives and standards of </line>
<line> economic, social *nd environmental sustainabili*y. </line>
<line> Res*a*chers condu*t daily *tudie* to de*ermine und** what conditions and w*ich factors </line>
<line> co*tribute </line>
<line> *o the increase or de*rease in greenhouse gas emis*ions. The*e *w* factors: </line>
<line> ec*nom*c, soc*al and </line>
<line> envir*nmental s*s*ainability and in*rease or redu*tion o* </line>
<line> greenhouse </line>
<line> gas *ffect *tu*i*s (G*G) ar* *a**s that </line>
<line> are being *tudied by sever*l resea*chers an* a** the </line>
<line> constant concern of t*e governments of each co*ntry. </line>
<line> I* th*s sense, Boopen and Vinesh (2010) analyzed the relationship *e*ween GDP a*d </line>
<line> ca*bon *ioxid* e*is*ions fo* Mauritius and reciproc*lly *or th* *ear 1975-20*9. The* use* </line>
<line> the *roperties of </line>
<line> t*me series and econo*e*ric analysis, </line>
<line> and the result* suggested t*at </line>
<line> carbo* </line>
<line> d**xide e*issi*n is closely relate* to GD* *ver time. </line>
<line> *** close relat*ons*ip between C*2 emissions and eco*omic growth (GDP) is </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> conse*uence of increased *r*ductivity and consumpti*n. To have produc*ivit*, as a *esult </line>
<line> t*ere is energy co*sumption. The energy to be p**d*c*d *mits CO2. </line>
<line> In t*is re***ning, *oares an* Lima (20*3) anal*zed t*e rel*t*ons*ip b*tween </line>
<line> energy </line>
<line> production, income an* </line>
<line> *arbon dioxide (CO2) emissi**s in Brazil, from 1962 to 2007, and </line>
<line> found that in Brazil, even wi*h * rel*tively clean energy matrix is *ot managing *o red*ce CO2 </line>
<line> *mi**ions. </line>
<line> In *he same t*eme *s So*res and Lim* (20*3), researchers **ang and Cheng (20*9) </line>
<line> investigated the existence of *ranger ca*sality between econom*c </line>
<line> gro*t*, </line>
<line> **ergy </line>
<line> consumption a*d carbon *ioxide (C*2) emissio*s i* China si*ce 19*0 to 2007, they ap*lied a </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *9, n.1, ar*. 6, p. 104-1*9, j*n. 2*22 www*.fsan*t.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> Do Expen*itures on R*s*arch and Developme** (R&D) Cause Externalities in the Enviro**ent? </line>
<line> *13 </line>
<line> multiva*ia** model of econ*mic gro**h and found evidence that n*i**er carbon *missions *or </line>
<line> energy c*n*umption promote economic growth in Ch*na. </line>
<line> Therefore, according t* Zhan* and Chen* (**09), CO* emissions and </line>
<line> energy </line>
<line> consum*tion d* not promote economic growth in Chin*. In this same follow-up *ang et al. </line>
<line> (**11) conducted a study *ith anothe* ob*ective, examining the causal relation*h**s betwee* </line>
<line> carbon *i**ide *missions, e*ergy *onsumption and actual econo*ic outpu* in ** pr*vince* in </line>
<line> C hi na </line>
<line> during the period 19*5 to 2007. Re**lt* showed t*at CO2 emissio*s, </line>
<line> ener*y </line>
<line> c*nsumptio* a*d economi* g*o*th appear t* be cointegrated. They f**nd </line>
<line> t*at energy </line>
<line> consumption a*d e*onomic gro**h *aus* *O* emis*ion*. There*o*e, they concluded that C*2 </line>
<line> emission* in C*i*a will not *educ* and could un*ermine th* country's ec*no*ic growth. </line>
<line> Thus, increased </line>
<line> pr*ductivi**, energy produc*i*n, energy consumption, i*creased </line>
<line> **nsumption of go*ds and consequent economic growth *re CO2 emi*sions. **us, many </line>
<line> r*search*rs ha*e **nducted studies *o ver*fy i* tec*nological e*o*u*ion can be the solut*on to </line>
<line> p**v*nt </line>
<line> or reduce GHG emissions, as well as to remove them. I* this sense, *haa*i et </line>
<line> al. </line>
<line> (2016) anal*z*d th* *os*t*ve and *egative effects of techno*ogy in </line>
<line> developed countries </line>
<line> (Ger*any, th* United Ki*g**m, *ra*c*, t*e United States, and Cana**) fro* 1996 t* 2011. </line>
<line> Coi*tegration *esults *howed </line>
<line> *hat there is a l*ng-term </line>
<line> relationship bet*een the v*riabl*s </line>
<line> (R&D, GDP, Energy Use *nd Carbon Dio*ide Em*s*ions). </line>
<line> T*ere***e, in the study b* Shaari et al. (*016) showed *hat energy use and ec*nomic </line>
<line> gr*wth emit *HG and, as a result, R&* positively and negativ*ly i*fluences CO2 *miss*ons. </line>
<line> Alrea*y i* a n*w s*udy by Shaari at al. (2014), the </line>
<line> a*thors i*vestigate* the effe*ts of </line>
<line> econom*c </line>
<line> growth and *oreign direct investm*nt-FDI on CO2 emi*sion* from 15 dev*loping </line>
<line> count*ies fr*m 199* to 2012. The **sults *howed a coi*tegrate* re**tionsh*p. Among t*e </line>
<line> variabl*s (FDI, CO2 and GDP), **ey analyzed FMOLS an* *ound that, in the long run, direct </line>
<line> F*I has *o effec* on CO2 em*ssions. *he**fore, S*aari et al. (201*) s*at*d t**t </line>
<line> increases in </line>
<line> econom*c g*owth may *ntensif* CO2 emiss*ons. </line>
<line> 3 MATE*IALS AND METHOD </line>
<line> 3.1 Data </line>
<line> The econometric an*lysis us** secondary </line>
<line> data in *im* series col*ected fr*m the </line>
<line> Mi*istr* of Science, Tech*olo** and I*nov*ti*n - MCT* & * which adopts the meth**ology </line>
<line> according to OEC* (2002) "Fras*ati M**ual" o* the Org**iza*ion for Economic Cooperat**n </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresin* PI, v. *9, n. 1, *rt. 6, *. 104-129, jan. 2022 www4.fsanet.com.br/re*ista </line>
<line> G. J. Val**etto, M. A. C. Oli*eira, G. *. *. Po*fi***, R. B. Costam C. *. Chi*riello </line>
<line> 114 </line>
<line> and Deve*o*ment, for the values o* *xpe*ditu**s in Re*earch a*d *evelopment (R&D). The </line>
<line> National **nk f*r Economic and Social Development (**DE*) is *espon*ible *o* cr**it </line>
<line> disbur*em*nt d*ta. </line>
<line> The *ra*ilian Ins*i*ute of *eogr*phy and Statis**cs (IBGE) ca*culates GD* and </line>
<line> disclo*es in the firs* </line>
<line> half of *ach year </line>
<line> the an*ua* GDP *or the previous period. *he </line>
<line> Greenhou** Gas Emissions ***imating System (SEE*) calcula*es the estimat** values of </line>
<line> *r*z*l'* Greenh*u*e Gas (GH*) e*issio*s </line>
<line> usi*g the emission fac*ors **om the </line>
<line> *ntergovernm*ntal Panel's Fifth Assessment *eport (AR5) 2013- IPCC. The I*CC *dopts the </line>
<line> acronym </line>
<line> CO*e for car**n dio**de equivalen* </line>
<line> to refer t* the *otal GH* Greenhouse G*ses </line>
<line> (*EEG, 2**7). </line>
<line> *he value* of t*e var*ables Pdpub, Pd*riv, BNDES are expressed in mi*lio*s of R*ais </line>
<line> and *n current value*. The GDP pe* capit* variable (P*bpc) is expr**se* i* one t*ousand Re*i* </line>
<line> and *he CO*Agro var*a*le is e*pre*sed in tons between 200*-2015. The *ata for analysis we*e </line>
<line> organiz*d *n Table 1 to provi** a be*ter *iew of the e*olu*ions t*ey had during the *tudy </line>
<line> period. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 1*, n.1, art. 6, p. 104-129, ja*. 2022 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Do Expenditures o* Rese*rch and *evelopment (R&*) Ca*se Externalities i* the En*ironment? </line>
<line> 115 </line>
<line> 3.2 Theore**cal M*del </line>
<line> Model (1) esti*ates the linea* a*d nonli*ear impact of spen*ing *n public R&D </line>
<line> (PDpub), p*ivate R&* (PDpriv); CO2e emissions from the agr*cultural sec*** (CO2Agro2) *n </line>
<line> Br*zil. </line>
<line> (1) </line>
<line> Model (2) *nalyzed the impact o*: R&* *xpendi*ures f** the publ*c (Pdpub) an* </line>
<line> priv**e (Pd*riv) secto*s, B**ES credit disburseme*ts (BN*ES); and GDP per capita (B*Ppc) </line>
<line> on CO*e Emiss*ons *rom the agricultura* *ec*or (CO2Agro) in Brazil. </line>
<line> (2) </line>
<line> 3.3 Estimation Method </line>
<line> For the empirical ana*ysis, economet*ic modeling was define* as a method*logical </line>
<line> proced*re a*d t*e estimatio* method applied was the Ordinary Least Squares (*LS). For the </line>
<line> analysis </line>
<line> procedure, two d**ferent models **re </line>
<line> e**bo*ated, th* first one using p*bl*c and </line>
<line> **iv*te sector r*search a** deve*opm*n* (R&*) exp*nd*tures *n l*n*ar and *uadratic form, to </line>
<line> investigate the *mpact on CO2* </line>
<line> emissi*ns of the agr*cultural *ector (CO2Agro2) in Brazil. </line>
<line> And, *n t*e second model, *esi*es t*e </line>
<line> *xp**ditures </line>
<line> *n r*search an* </line>
<line> develo*ment (R&D) o* </line>
<line> the public an* private *ectors, t*e *redit disbur*ements of the Na*ional **nk of Socia* </line>
<line> Econom*c Development - BNDES and th* p*r *apita g*oss domes*ic product (GDP) to </line>
<line> in**st*gate </line>
<line> t*e i*p*ct on CO e emissio*s f*om the * </line>
<line> *gric*lt*ral sec*or (CO2Agro) i* Bra**l. </line>
<line> The estimation m*thod uses an e*onom*tri* *pproach to </line>
<line> t*me serie* d*ta *rom 2000-*01*. </line>
<line> T*e depen*ent </line>
<line> vari*ble of b*th m*dels is *he CO2 emissions from the </line>
<line> agricul*ura* sector </line>
<line> (CO2*gro) i* Br*z*l. </line>
<line> All va*i*bl*s wer* conve*ted to natural logarithms in the econometric analysis to av*i* </line>
<line> the ef*ects of v*riables tha* could af*ect the data. The use of logarit**s impro*es the </line>
<line> i*terpretat*** o* the coe*ficients al*owing *he evaluation *o be on a pe*centage basis. </line>
<line> For the *nalysis o* m*del fit, R2 was used. The coe*ficient of *eter*ination, called R², </line>
<line> which i* a mea*ure *f f*t of a generalized linear statistical mod*l, such as **ne*r regression, in </line>
<row> r*latio* to observe* value* R *anges from 0 to 1, ind*cati*g, in perc*ntag*, how *uch the </row>
<row> 2 </row>
<row> model **n ex*la*n th* obser*ed va*ue*. The *arge* the R2, the more explan**ory the model, ie, </row>
<row> the be*ter th* mode* fits the sa**le (GUJAR*TI a*d **RTER, *011). </row>
<row> Rev. FS*, T*r**ina PI, *. 19, n. 1, **t. 6, p. *04-1*9, jan. 2022 www4.fs*net.com.br/*evista </row>
<line> *. J. *aleret*o, M. A. *. Oliveir*, G. *. O. Porfirio, R. *. *ostam C. L. C*i*ri*llo </line>
<line> *16 </line>
<line> 4.* D*sc*ip*ive Da*a Analys*s </line>
<line> CO*e emissions over *he perio* 2000-201* grew by an ave*age o* 0.7*% with an </line>
<line> average o* 2,515,624,636.6 tons ** CO2* (Table 2), while CO2Agro emiss*on* *rew b* an </line>
<line> average of 1.66%. (Table 3) a*d an **erage of 453,541,96*.3 tons of CO2e (Tab*e 2). Per </line>
<line> capita G*P in the sam* perio* had an **erage inc*ease of 10.11% and *n av*rage of R $ </line>
<line> 1*,607.** (Tab** 2), suggesting that *he grow*h of *HG </line>
<line> emiss*ons di* n*t evolv* </line>
<line> ***portionally t* GDP-per c*pita. *o*ever, fr** 2004 t* 2010 the*e was a reduction in total </line>
<line> estimated emiss*ons in B*azi* fr** 3,*29,252,165.35 tons to *,9*4,983,500.34 tons. In </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> same period, total estimated emissions from the </line>
<line> a*ricu*t*r*l secto* *n*reased f*om </line>
<line> *53,*0*,2*3.20 tons to *72,207,175.68 tons, while GDP-per capita went from R $ 1*,703.18 </line>
<line> i * 2 * 0 4 t o R $ 1 9 ,8 7 7 .6 8 i n 2 0 1 0 . </line>
<line> In *he inference *f th**e *ata, it appe*rs t*at </line>
<line> the agricu**ural *e*tor is emitting </line>
<line> g**e*h*use g*ses, proportional*y much *igher than th* tot*l CO2e em*ssions *f Brazil. </line>
<line> R&D *xpendi*ures for *ublic and private institutio*s inc*eased from 12.*0% ** </line>
<line> 13.30% f*om 2000 to </line>
<line> 2015 (Ta*le 3) and avera*es of 19,228.5 and 17,511.9 (mi*lio*s of </line>
<line> Reais) respec*ive*y (T*ble 2), whi*h shows a balanc* between e*pe*dit*re for bot* se*to*s. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 19, n.*, art. *, p. 104-*29, jan. 2*2* www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> *o Expend*tu*es on *e*earch and Devel*pment (R&D) C*use Externali*ies i* the Environment? </line>
<line> 117 </line>
<line> *he loans made b* BNDES in the *eriod u*der study result*d in an a*erag* percent*ge *f </line>
<line> 14.7*% (Table 3) and an ***rage of 95.43*.0 (mill*ons of R*ais) (Table 2), *hile the per </line>
<line> capita B*P had *0.11%. a**rage incr*ase o*er the same period (Table *). </line>
<line> The *hree vari*b*es PDp*b, PD*r*v, B*DES, an* PIBpc </line>
<line> had averag* i*creases of </line>
<line> 12.80%, 13.*0%, 14.75%, *0.11% (Table 3) respectivel*, whi*e the vari*bles C*2Agro a*d </line>
<line> CO2e had a* average i*crease of *.66% and 0.74%. Giv*n these data it can be inferr*d that </line>
<line> th* va*iables under *tudy may influ*nce the stabilization of greenhouse gas emissi*ns. </line>
<line> The evolution of the var*ables of this study is sho*n in Figure 1. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 19, n. 1, art. *, p. *04-129, jan. 20*2 </line>
<line> **w4.fsanet.com.br/revis*a </line>
<line> G. J. Vale*etto, M. A. C. Oliveir*, G. *. O. Po**irio, R. B. C*sta* C. L. Chiar*ello </line>
<line> 118 </line>
<line> Figure 1 - An*ual evolutio* of *ari**les </line>
<line> *o*r*e: *** author in the **ta bas*: B*DES (2017); IBGE (2*17a); </line>
<line> MCT*&C (201*); SEEG (2018). </line>
<line> R*v. *SA, **r*sina, v. 19, n.*, art. 6, p. 104-*2*, j*n. 202* </line>
<line> www4.*sa*et.com.*r/revis*a </line>
<line> Do E**end*tures on Research **d *ev**opment (R&D) Ca*se *xte**al**ies in the Envir*nment? </line>
<line> 119 </line>
<line> 4.2 A*a*ys*s and *is*uss*on of econometr*c res*lts </line>
<line> Th* p*o*os*d models wer* estimated in order to </line>
<line> analyz* the *mpact of R&D </line>
<line> exp*ndit*res for the public and private se*tors a*d the eco*om* (BNDES credit </line>
<line> disburse*en*s and GDP per capita) o* agricultura* sector CO2 emissions (C*2Agro) i* B*azil </line>
<line> between the per*od 2000 and 20*5. </line>
<line> *able * presents the e*onomet**c res*lt*. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te*es*na PI, *. 1*, n. 1, a*t. 6, *. 104-129, jan. 2022 </line>
<line> *w*4.f**net.com.b*/*evi**a </line>
<line> G. J. Valeretto, *. A. C. Olive*ra, *. *. O. Porfi*io, R. B. C*stam C. *. Chiariello </line>
<line> 120 </line>
<line> 4.2.1 Analysis and discussion of the results o* Mo*els * **d 2 </line>
<line> Tab*e 4 presents the eco*o**tric *e*u*ts of th* two *odels. Mo*el 1 analyzes </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> linear a*d *o*li*ear impact *f public and private R&* *xpe*d*ture* on CO*Agro em*ssion*. </line>
<line> Model 2 analyzes the linea* i*pact of: *ubli* and privat* R&D e*pen*itu*es; credit </line>
<line> dis*ur*eme*ts made by *NDES; </line>
<line> an* Gr*ss Domestic Pr*duct Per capita *n CO2Agro </line>
<line> emi**ions. The </line>
<line> fit o* the models presented a great level, in Model 1 R2 was 0.**2 and in </line>
<line> Model 2 R2 was 0.977 </line>
<line> In *odel *, th* logarith* of R&D expenditu*e for the Pub*ic-log sector (*dpub) </line>
<line> resulted in -0.373 (negati*e) and sig*ific*nt with p-value </line>
<line> <0.05. This *esult suggest* *hat </line>
<line> incre*ses ** R&D expendi**re in the public sec*or promote t*e red*ctio* of CO*e emissions i* </line>
<line> t*e *gri*ult*ral sector in a *inear *anner. In th* nonlinear fo*m the co*fficient was -0,0*0 and </line>
<line> p-**lue <0.10 significant. </line>
<line> In Mod** 2, t*e R&D exp*nd*ture c*efficient for the Pub*ic-log sector (Pdpub) </line>
<line> resu*ted *n -353 (*egativ*) and significant with p-va*ue <*.0*. T*is result suggests that </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> greater </line>
<line> *he in*e*tments i* R&D in *he public sector, the *ower th* CO2e emissions in the </line>
<line> *g*ic**tural se*tor. </line>
<line> Therefor*, both models pres**ted similar resul**, b*t model 2 presents a more </line>
<line> significant r*sult becau*e it </line>
<line> presents </line>
<line> h*gher coefficie*t a*d statisti*al signi*icanc*. So, these </line>
<line> *e**lts *uggest that R&D exp*ndi*ures for the pub**c sector contribute to the *edu***on of </line>
<line> C*2* and agricultural e*issio*s. Cons*quently, there is </line>
<line> evidence that </line>
<line> public R&D </line>
<line> expenditures positively imp**t CO2e and livesto*k *missions. </line>
<line> T*e study by Rauli*o (2*18) c*rr*borates the *esults of *his analy*is. The auth*r sta*es </line>
<line> that the grea*er the investments in technologies, especi*ll* in t*chnologies that e*abl* </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> m*tigation of GH* emis*ions and the red*ction *f environmental impact*, *he be*ter th* </line>
<line> conditio*s of s*cial we*fare. </line>
<line> Moreover, this resu** is in a*reement with the stu*ies by Y*i and *eetha (2*17) that </line>
<line> examined the causal relat*onship between techno*ogi*al in*ovation an* CO2e e*issions with </line>
<line> economi* growth, electric**y co***mption and energy price in Malaysia. D*ta over the per*od </line>
<line> from 197* to 20*3 were analyzed usi*g the VEC* and TYDL gr*n*er c*usal*ty tests. The </line>
<line> resul*s </line>
<line> i*dicat*d that technological *nnovat*on is n*ga*ively *elated to short-*e*m CO2e </line>
<line> *mission*, while *o long-term rel*tionshi* *as f*und, ie, the study sugge*ts that technolo*y </line>
<line> innovat**n pro*otes, in **e sh*rt t*rm, the redu**ion of C*2e emiss**ns. </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, Ter**ina, v. 19, n.1, *rt. 6, p. 104-129, j*n. 2022 www*.fsan**.com.br/revis*a </line>
<line> *o *xpen*itu*es on Research and D*velopment (R&D) Caus* Externalities *n the Environment? </line>
<line> 121 </line>
<line> The result still goes a*a*nst Fernández et al. (201*) w*o </line>
<line> in their study empirically </line>
<line> verifie* whet*e* *nno*a*i*n e*fo*ts *ave a positive effect *n *ed*cing *O2e emissions in the </line>
<line> European Union, th* Un*ted States and China from 1990 to 20*3. The est**ate was made </line>
<line> u**ng an ordin*r* least s*uares </line>
<line> line*r re*ression, usi*g R&D expe*ditu**s and energ* </line>
<line> consu*ption as *ndep*nd*nt va*iabl*s. The resul*s suppor* *he hyp*thesis that *he red*c*ion of </line>
<line> CO2 emissions *n d*velope* count*ies may be a co*s*quence of the </line>
<line> con**ib*t*on of R&D </line>
<line> *xp*n*itures. </line>
<line> A* an example that R&D cor*oborates the re**c*ion ** C*2 em*ssion* is sugg**ted in </line>
<line> the study by Burch*rt-Korol et al. (*01*) aimed to disseminate the t*chnologi*al *nnovations </line>
<line> *ha* mos* partic*pate i* reducing greenhouse *as e*iss*ons dur*ng th* productio* of st**l. The </line>
<line> r*sult fe*tured *nnov*t*ve steelm*ki*g techn*logies *hat reduce greenhouse gas </line>
<line> (GHG) </line>
<line> emiss*o*s b* *5-*5%. </line>
<line> Mode* 1 the lo*arithm of *&D expenditures for the private sector r*sulted in </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> c*e*f*cie*t of 0.522 (p*sitive), w**h p-value <0.01 with high signific*nce. That i*, in *he linear </line>
<line> *mpact analysis, in*re*s*s i* R&D expendit*re ** t*e private secto* corrobor*te with </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> increase in agricu*t*ral CO2 e**ssi*ns, but a* the fi*st *o**nt, in </line>
<line> *he nonlinear impact </line>
<line> anal**is, t*e coefficient resul*e* in -*,000 (negat*ve) </line>
<line> and with *i*nificance p-value <0.05, </line>
<line> dat* that su*gest the </line>
<line> existence of a maximum poi*t, and f*om this point, the CO2 emi*s*ons </line>
<line> *rom Farming beg*n to decrease with *ach unit i*vested ** private sec*or </line>
<line> R&D. *hi* result </line>
<line> suggest* </line>
<line> that spending on pr*v*te R&D m*y contribute to the redu*tion of CO2e *nd </line>
<line> agricultural *m*s*ions ove* *ime. Similar *esult, which </line>
<line> suggests *hat private s*cto* R&D </line>
<line> expe*ditures *ontribut* to i*cre*s*d agric*lt*ral CO2 em*ssions, no oth*r st*dy was found. </line>
<line> *n m*del </line>
<line> 2, in c*n*ra*t to </line>
<line> the res*lt of model *, e*penditures on research a*d </line>
<line> deve*opm*nt (R&D) *or the </line>
<line> private sector, w**n *nalyzed together wi*h *he *og*rithm of </line>
<line> BNDES credi* dis*ursements and per capita *r*ss domestic pro*u*t, pres*nted a coefficient - </line>
<line> 0.078 (negative) and *ith p-va*ue> </line>
<line> 0.*0 without statistical **g**fi*ance. But because the </line>
<line> co**ficie*t is n*gative, *t sho*s tha* incr*ases in R&D *pending in the *rivate sector promote </line>
<line> a re*u*tion in CO2e in the a*ricultural sector, b*t with l*ttle i*tens*ty. *his resu*t i* i* </line>
<line> agreement *it* t*e studies *y *e*nández et al. (2018) and Burchart-*orol e* *l. (2016), wh* </line>
<line> stated that inves**e*ts in R&D co**r*bu*e to the reduction of CO*e e*iss*ons. </line>
<line> Therefor*, t** r*sult of the i**act </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> p*i*ate R&D expenditures o* Model was 1 in </line>
<line> contras* to *he *mpact of *ub*ic s*ctor R&* e*penditu*es, th*t is, </line>
<line> public sector *&D </line>
<line> promot*s r*duction of ag*ic*ltural *O2 emissi*ns and p*ivate s*cto* R&D increases </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter*sina PI, v. 1*, n. 1, art. 6, p. 104-*29, jan. 2022 www4.f*anet.co*.b*/*evista </line>
<line> *. J. Valeretto, M. *. *. *li*ei*a, G. E. O. Porfirio, *. B. Co*ta* C. L. Chiariello </line>
<line> 122 </line>
<line> gre*nhouse gas emission*. Agricultural *O2, *ut until a c*rtain time, an* after that, al*o </line>
<line> r*duces emissio*s. </line>
<line> T*us, it ca* *e *ecommended that priv*te secto* R&D e*p**ditures could be favorable </line>
<line> fo* red*ci*g CO2e emis*ions if they were to *e realized in large* amounts so as to enable *he </line>
<line> same effects as R&D ex*en*itu*es on the public sector. </line>
<line> In th*s context, Zuniga et al. (2016) en*ure </line>
<line> that the Braz**ian </line>
<line> private sec*** invests </line>
<line> little in science, technolog* and innovation (CT&I) in various critica* areas of researc*, </line>
<line> developmen* an* inn*vation (RD&I), or *ther intangible ass*ts when compar** to its *e**s </line>
<line> and OECD </line>
<line> cou**r*es. **ber (2004) in his stu*y stated that the B*a*ili*n </line>
<line> go*e*nmen* makes </line>
<line> most of the inv*s*ment* in *&D, wh*le the pub*ic sector in*ests only 3*%. </line>
<line> According to the ab*ve c*nsiderati*ns, any R&* expenditure *an </line>
<line> co*r*borate the </line>
<line> redu*tion </line>
<line> *f CO2e emissions, a fact </line>
<line> that *s *n agreement with t*e authors Solow (19*6) and </line>
<line> Go*da (2005) w** **fe*ded th* *echn*logy wi*h the </line>
<line> argume*t that the </line>
<line> ecolo*ic*l *roble*s </line>
<line> cau*e* by the e*onomic *r*wth wil* be overc*me *ith t*ch*ologica* </line>
<line> progre*s </line>
<line> that creat*s </line>
<line> new resour**s *o mee* new or old need*, or *e*lace* scarc* *esources a*d / or save* ex*sting </line>
<line> resour*e*. </line>
<line> In *o*el 2, the *og(BN*ES) *ariable h*d the same beh**i** *s R&D ex*enditur* f** </line>
<line> *he private sec*or, with the coef*icient -0.003 (ne*ativ*) and no* statis*ically si*n*f*can* w*th </line>
<line> p-v**ue> 0.10. Th*s re*ult has low rel**ance </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> co*roborate the increases or reducti*ns in </line>
<line> CO2e emissions from the ag*i*ultural sector. But acco*di** to Muhammad e* a*. (2013) who </line>
<line> examined the links between economic growth, energy *onsumption, *i*ancial deve**pment, </line>
<line> t*ade o*e**ess </line>
<line> and CO2e </line>
<line> emiss*ons dur*ng the perio* f*om 1*75 to 201* in *ndonesia. </line>
<line> Empiri*al r*s**t* hav* ***gested that ec*n*mic growth and en*rgy consumption *nc*ease </line>
<line> C*2* emissions, but fi*ancial </line>
<line> devel*pm**t and trade openne*s compress it *nd may play </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> r*le in improving *nvironmental qu*lity. Thus, acc*rdin* t* the re*ults </line>
<line> of t he * t ud y </line>
<line> by </line>
<line> Muhammad e* al. </line>
<line> (2013), we </line>
<line> can c**si*er th*t BNDES plays a si*nificant role in </line>
<line> finan**al </line>
<line> devel*pment, w*ich in t*rn corroborates the compr*ssion of CO*e e*issions. </line>
<line> Accordi*g to t*e studies listed in this it*m, *t c** *e infer*ed th*t with the </line>
<line> financia* </line>
<line> de*elopment an* c*nsequent increase in the s*pply of re*ou**es *n *he market, as per*o*me* </line>
<line> b* BNDES, it is possible to reduce or int*nsify emis*ions. </line>
<line> In M**el 2, the GDP p*r ca*ita pr*sente* the coefficient 0.697 (posi*ive) and *it* </line>
<line> statistical signi*icance </line>
<line> p-value <0.0*. This result demonstrate* that per capita GDP impacts </line>
<line> e*i*sions with increas*s *n </line>
<line> a*ricul*ural CO2. This result show* high relevance of t*i* </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, *eresina, v. 19, n.1, *rt. 6, p. 104-*29, jan. 2*22 </line>
<line> www*.f*anet.com.br/rev*st* </line>
<line> D* Expe*ditures on Rese*rch *nd Developm*nt (R&D) Ca*s* Extern*li*ie* in the Envi*o*ment? </line>
<line> 1*3 </line>
<line> *a*iabl*, but i* is opp*site *o the results of *he ot*er v*riables *f th*s mode*, beca*se t** per </line>
<line> capita *D* corroborates the incre*se of CO2Agro **issions. </line>
<line> T*is result c*nf*rms the studie* b* Shaa*i et *l. (2014) when the* stated tha* i*creas*s </line>
<line> in **ono*ic growth may intensify CO* *missions. *t *ls* corroborat*s the studie* </line>
<line> by </line>
<line> *e**rborg *nd Sn*bohm (2016) that *xamined the relationship b*tween GD* per capita and </line>
<line> per capita emissio*s of *O2e. </line>
<line> The study was c*nduct** in 6* *ndustrialized countries and *5 poo* </line>
<line> countries using </line>
<line> cross-*e*tional dat*. The e*pi*ical res*l* of the cros*-se*tion*l stu*y **dicat** that there is a </line>
<line> relat*ons*ip between GDP p*r capita and CO2e emis*ions per capita. The *orrelatio* was </line>
<line> p*sit*ve, su*gesting *hat GD* gro*th p*r capita lead* to in**ease* CO2* emission* </line>
<line> The**fore, the analysis of th* impact of G*P pe* capit* on a*r*cu*tural CO2 em*ssions </line>
<line> sug*ests t*at thi* variable promotes in*rea*es in agricultural CO2 em*ss*ons. </line>
<line> 5 *ON*LUSION* </line>
<line> In the *ont*xt ** the study, it was found that *ncrea*e* i* public and p*ivate research </line>
<line> and *evelopme*t (R&D) expend*tures **ad to a *educ*ion in CO*e e*issions. *heref*re, *&* </line>
<line> *xpendi*ures g*nerate posi*ive externalities fo* the en*ironment an*, in this stud*, </line>
<line> specifically, are the reducti*ns o* impacts on CO2e e*issions in *he agricul*ural sector. B*t it </line>
<line> should be n*ted t*at in the *inear analysis of the *mpa*t of incr*ases in R&D expenditures in </line>
<line> the privat* sector, it was found th** th*y </line>
<line> c*rrob*rate the increase in CO2 and agri*ultura* </line>
<line> e*issions, bu* in the first instance, in th* a*alysis of nonlinear impact ther* is a *ugg*stion o* </line>
<line> the existe*ce of a m*ximu* *oint, and from this *oint, Ag*icultura* CO emissi*n* be**n to 2 </line>
<line> de**ea*e wit* each uni* invested in R&D in the pr*v*te sect*r. </line>
<line> The behavior </line>
<line> of ec*nomic variables (disbursement* wi*h BNDES credit and </line>
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<line> Domes*ic Product per *apita) are no* si*ilar, d*sbursements from BNDES pro*ote </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> *edu*tio* in </line>
<line> agricult*ral CO2 emissions with </line>
<line> low statis*ical s*gnifi*ance, GD* p*r cap*ta </line>
<line> presented hig* sta**sti*al si*nificance i* th* imp*ct of emissions, th*t is, strongly *or*oborates </line>
<line> th* inc*eas* in emissions in CO2e and *gricu*ture. Th*r*fo*e, the results suggest that *ith t*e </line>
<line> *eve*op*ent of t*e cou*try, and from th* increase in R&D expenditur** for bo** pu*lic an* </line>
<line> private sectors, clean technologies wi*l be ge*er*ted over t*me, aiming at r*ducing C*2e </line>
<line> emiss*o*s i* th* agricultural s*ctor. Th** sector is v*ry im**rtant for the Bra*i*ian an* *orld </line>
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<line> Contribuiçã* d*s Autore* </line>
<line> G. J. Valer*t** </line>
<line> M. A. C. Oliveira </line>
<line> *. E. O. P*rfirio </line>
<line> R. B. Costa* </line>
<line> C. L. Chiariell* </line>
<line> 1) c*ncepção e planejame*t*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 2) análise e interpretação dos *ados. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
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<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 3) el*bora**o do rasc*nh* ou *a *evisão crítica do conteúd*. </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) p*rticipação *a aprovação da versão fin** do manuscrito. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teresina P*, v. 19, n. *, art. 6, p. 104-129, *a*. 2022 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/r*vista </line>


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