<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *1, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-43, fev. *0*4 </line>
<line> I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2024.2*.2.2 </line>
<line> User*\ Perspective on Knowledge Const*u*ts About C*vi*-19 on S**ial Media </line>
<line> Pers**ctiva dos Us*ários Sobre * Covi*-1* nas Mídia* Sociais </line>
<line> Cris**ane M*lchior </line>
<line> Do*tor* em Adm*n*straçã* pela Pontifícia Uni*er*idade Católica ** *io Grande *o Sul </line>
<line> Professor* Substitu*a no Institu*o Federal de Sant* Ca*arina </line>
<line> crmelchi*r@gmail.co* </line>
<line> Mí*ian Oliv**ra </line>
<line> Dout*ra *m Administr*ç** pela Uni*ersidade Federa* d* Rio Grand* do Sul </line>
<line> Profe*sora titular do (PP*Ad) d* Escola de Neg*cio* da *onti*ícia Univ*rs*d*de Católi*a do *io Grande do Su* </line>
<line> miriano@pucrs.br </line>
<line> Endereço: Cris*iane Melchior </line>
<line> E*i*o*-C*ef*: Dr. To*ny K**ley de Alencar </line>
<line> (IF*C) *veni*a Aloísio S*offel, 12**, J*rdim Alvorada, </line>
<line> Rodrigue* </line>
<line> São Ca*l*s, SC, 89885- **0*ras*l </line>
<line> Endere*o: Mírian Ol**eira </line>
<line> Art*go rece*ido em 23/0*/2023. *ltima </line>
<line> ver*ão </line>
<line> Ponti*ícia U*iversida** Católica *o Rio Grande </line>
<line> do *ul, </line>
<line> r*c*bida em 26/10/2023. Apr*v*do em 27/*0/2023. </line>
<line> F**uldad* de Administração, Con*abili**de e Economia, </line>
<line> Departamen*o de Admi*istração. Av. Ipiranga, 668* </line>
<line> Avali*d* pelo sist*ma Triple *evi*w: *esk *eview a) </line>
<line> Prédi* 50 - 11º andar - sala 1101, *artenon, 9*619*0* </line>
<line> pelo E*itor-Chefe; e b) Double *lind Revie* </line>
<line> Po**o Alegr*, RS - Bra*il </line>
<line> (ava*i*ção c*ga por dois avalia*ore* da área). </line>
<line> Revisão: *ramatical, Norma*i** e d* Formataç*o </line>
<line> C. Melchior, *. Oli*eira </line>
<line> 24 </line>
<line> ABST*ACT </line>
<line> Object*ve: (a) to identify the Social Me*ia *la*form (SMP) most used to search f*r </line>
<line> info*mat*on about the Covid-19 pande*ic and </line>
<line> its u*ers\ *rofiles; a*d (b) to identify the </line>
<line> relationsh*p between **e constructs of Knowledge Qua*i** (KQ), *nowledg* *ona*io* (K*), </line>
<line> *nd Knowle*ge Col*ection (K*) in the scope *f *he Covi*-19 pandemic and </line>
<line> us i ng </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> kn*w*e*ge </line>
<line> quality s*ale and a knowle*g* *o*a**on and collec*ion scale. </line>
<line> Design/m*th*dolo*y/approa*h: Data was *ollect*d through a survey with 295 answers. Fir**, </line>
<line> we analyze the p*ofile of SMP users throug* e*plorato*y factor a*a*y*is and reliability, which </line>
<line> was u*ed to tes* t*e hypotheses, follow*d by mul*i*roup analysis. Findings: M*st p*rticipant* </line>
<line> ar* women betw*en 25 to 34 y*ars wit* c*mp**te p*s*-g**duatio*. The *e**lts *ugg*s* that *he </line>
<line> mo*t used SMP t* s**rch for *r rece*ve info**a*ion about C*vid-19 was Facebook. Most o* </line>
<line> the respondents identified fake n*ws on SMP but ignored them. Th* model presents reliability </line>
<line> and a*equat* convergent and discr*minant va*idi*y. KC re*r*sent*d a medium effect on KQ </line>
<line> a** KD. T*e multigro*p analysis sh*ws that </line>
<line> there is a difference between a** groups. </line>
<line> Originali*y: This is the first st*dy to t*st the relation be*ween the constructs KQ, KC, and K* </line>
<line> using d*ta f*om the Covid-19 pandemi* on SMPs. </line>
<line> *eywords: Kn*wledge Qua*ity. K*owle*ge Don*tion, Knowledge Collec*ion. Fake News. </line>
<line> Socia* Me*ia Platforms. *ocial Networks. </line>
<line> RESU*O </line>
<line> Objetivo: (a) *dentificar a P*ataforma de Mí*ia Social (PMS) mais u**da para pesqu*sar </line>
<line> informaç*es sobre a pandemia de *o*id-19 e *s *erfis dos usuários; e (b) *dentific*r a relação </line>
<line> entre o* con*t**tos de Qualidad* do Con*ecimento (*Q), Doaçã* de Conhecimento (KD) </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> Co*et* d* Con*ecimento (*C) no âmbito da pan*em*a de C*vid-19 usand* um* esca*a </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> qual*da*e do conhecimen** e uma esc**a de doação e co*e*a </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> conhec*men*o. </line>
<line> M**odologia/aborda*e*: Os </line>
<line> dados foram coletados *or meio de um* </line>
<line> pesquisa com *95 </line>
<line> respo*dentes. Pri*ei*ame*te, ana*isamos o perf*l dos u*uários de PMS por me*o de a*ál*se </line>
<line> f*torial expl*ratóri* e de c*n*iabilidade. *a*bé* f*i rea*izado tes*e de hipót*ses, seg*ido de </line>
<line> aná*ise multigrupo. Result*dos: A maior*a dos par*icipantes são mulhere* *ntre 25 e 34 a*os </line>
<line> com pó*-graduação </line>
<line> completa. A SMP mais usada *ara pesqui*ar ou r**eb*r informações </line>
<line> *obre a C***d-19 fo* o Facebo*k. A maioria dos ent*evis*a*os iden*i*ic*u fa*e new* n* </line>
<line> Facebook, mas ignorou. O modelo ap*esentou confi**ilidade e valida*e convergen*e </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> d*scrim**a*te adequad*s. O </line>
<line> KC repr*sentou um efeit* mé*io no KQ e no KD. A análise </line>
<line> mul*igr*po most*ou que há </line>
<line> uma *iferença e**re as fa*xas etár*as. </line>
<line> Ori*inalidade: Este </line>
<line> é </line>
<line> o </line>
<line> primeiro est*do a </line>
<line> te**ar a relação *ntre o* c***t*u*os KQ, *C * KD usa*do dados da </line>
<line> p*nde*ia ** Covid-19 em *MPs. </line>
<line> Palavras-chave: Qualidade d* Co*he*imento. Doação de Conhecimen*o. Coleta </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> C*nhecimento. Notícias *a*sa*. Pla*aformas de *íd*a So*i**. Redes Sociais. </line>
<line> *e*. FSA, Teresina, v. 21, n. 2, a*t. 2, p. 23-43, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www*.fs*n*t.com.br/*evi*ta </line>
<line> Perspe**iv* d*s Usuários *o*re a Covid-19 nas Mí*ias *****is </line>
<line> 25 </line>
<line> 1 I*TRODUÇÃO </line>
<line> Sharing know*edge on Social Media Platforms (SMPs) en**les people ** a*cess a </line>
<line> m*re open a*d c*nne*t** world. *t *llows p**ple to esta*lish social connecti*ns in new wa**, </line>
<line> co*l*bor*te with others and *rovides t*e pow*r </line>
<line> to self-pub**sh their kno*ledge to </line>
<line> use*s </line>
<line> anywhere </line>
<line> *n th* wo*l* (HE*SLEY; MASON, 2012; **L*YAR; GOSWAMI; NA*A**, </line>
<line> 2021). In *ddit*on, t*e users *f SMP* *a* explore ma** possi**lities of interacti*n from s*ci*l </line>
<line> activit*es to sharing co*tent (OKPAR* et </line>
<line> al., 2021), an* t*e c*nte*porary e*osys*em </line>
<line> drive </line>
<line> like-**n**d users *nto groups </line>
<line> (GUERRA *l., 2013). *onv*rsely, et </line>
<line> th* lack o* c*it**ue on </line>
<line> *houghts and the ampli*ica*ion of radical *d*as b* the v**tual echo c*amber* *reat** by SMP </line>
<line> bo*s * s </line>
<line> t*e *ncrease of false con*ent. Hence, Alwrei**t (*021) a*d V*n de* Br*ucke </line>
<line> (2021) </line>
<line> al*o h*gh*ight t*e im***tance of *sers havin* inf*rmation literacy skills that enables them to </line>
<line> n*viga*e through the waves of fake ne*s on SMP. </line>
<line> Hence, one of th* main limitations of S*Ps in the *ealth area is the l*ck ** qualit* </line>
<line> c*ntent (*OPEZ; BL*BEL; GONZ*LE*, 2*1*). With *he arriv*l of *h* Covi*-19 pandemic, </line>
<line> ther* was an abundan*e of </line>
<line> u**lear, **b*guo**, and ina*c*rate </line>
<line> in*ormation caused *y a* </line>
<line> ove*lo*d </line>
<line> of i*fo*mation and accelerated false co*ten* *h*ring (KUMAR; BHAT*A; </line>
<line> *ANGWAN, </line>
<line> 20**; LAATO et al., 2020). M*reover, this *ind </line>
<line> of informat**n is sha*ed </line>
<line> *n </line>
<line> *MP, co*lected, *nd *o*ated to *thers frequently *ithout **rifyin* *ts ve*acity. </line>
<line> Thus, *h*s paper u*ed the info*mation qu*li*y scale (YO*; VONDERE*BSE; R*G*- </line>
<line> N*THAN, 201*) to underst*nd ho* users lead with the quality of *nformation *he* sha*e on </line>
<line> *MP. Hence, h*gh-qua*ity o* information is defined as informa*i*n accuracy, cu*rency, </line>
<line> accessibi*ity, re**vanc*, timeliness, com*let*ness, a** consistency (YOO; V*NDE*EMBSE; </line>
<line> R**U-NATHAN, 201*). In additio*, we used the don*t*on and colle*t sc*l* *f DeVrie* et al. </line>
<line> (2006) because *nowledge s*arin* is *efi*ed as two know*edg*-*har*ng behaviors (do*ating </line>
<line> a*d col*ectin*). S*, *he behavior of knowledge sharing consists *f both bri*ging (or d*nati*g) </line>
<line> and gett*n* (or c*llecting) *nowled*e (D* VRIE*; *AN D*N HOOFF; DE RI*DER, 2*06). </line>
<line> ** is evi*e*t that the *eg*tive point of knowledge sharing on SMP is the l**k *f quality </line>
<line> *o*tent. *he lack of </line>
<line> quality g*nerates fals* stor*e* wit* *a*tial truths or s**cu*ative sto**e* </line>
<line> wi*h*ut evide*ce (L*V*RGN* et al., *018), in ot*er wor*s, fake news. The term fa*e news </line>
<line> is commo*ly used t* refer to fals* stories c*ntainin* partia* *ruths or specul*tiv* stories th*t </line>
<line> mimic news medi* content in f*rm but **t in organizational process or intent. Here, we use it </line>
<line> as a* *mbre*la t*rm </line>
<line> t*at includes the different ty*es of m*sinformation and disinformation </line>
<line> (M*LCH*OR; *LIV*IRA, *022) </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Teresina PI, v. 21, *. *, art. 2, *. **-43, fev. 2*24 </line>
<line> www4.fsane*.*om.*r/revista </line>
<line> C. M*lchior, M. Oli*eira </line>
<line> 26 </line>
<line> There is * staggering amo*nt of fake n*ws pr*pagating onli*e. In the fi*st f*ur weeks </line>
<line> of J*nuary 2020, *here were 15 mil*ion Twit*er p*sts about Covid-19, sp*nning f*om </line>
<line> **di*ines fo* th* SARS-CoV-2 to c*nsp*racy theories that **ina created the viru* wi*h </line>
<line> political or economic *oals (G*NÇALVES-*Á, 2*20). </line>
<line> However, it w*s n*t only Twitter that people used t* inter*ct w*t* othe**. The nu*b*r </line>
<line> o* SMPs\ users i**reased by almost half * bi*lion over 2020 (on aver*g* more than 1.3 million </line>
<line> n** u*e*s joined s**ial me*ia every day), br*ng*ng the to*al to 4.2 bil*ion u*ers at the end of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> year. The SMP with the biggest user ba*e a*ong a*l plat*o*ms is Fac*bo*k, with </line>
<line> 2 .8 5 </line>
<line> billion *onthly **tive users world*i*e </line>
<line> as of *uly 2021 (KEMP, </line>
<line> *021). These p*atfor*s are </line>
<line> esp*cially important *uri*g * gl*bal pandemi* t* help use*s maintain social con*act and share </line>
<line> health inf*rm*tio* du*ing a globa* pandemic (*SAO e* al., 2021). However, users *req*ently </line>
<line> us e </line>
<line> the power *ro*ided by th*se *latforms share false cont*nt. Sin*e its inception, SMPs to </line>
<line> have had an e*sential role i* s*re*ding false conte*t (A*LCOTT; GEN*ZK*W, 2017), and </line>
<line> ther* are a**i**s that </line>
<line> the platforms could a*opt to prevent t*e spread </line>
<line> of these false content </line>
<line> (*IG*EIRA; OLI*EIRA, 2017). </line>
<line> Therefore, the aim of th*s study *s tw*fold: (a) t* *den*ify the m*s* used SM* to *ear*h </line>
<line> for infor*ation a*o*t t*e Co*id-19 pandemic </line>
<line> an* its users\ profi*es; and (b) to identify the </line>
<line> rel*t*ons*ip betw*en </line>
<line> t*e con*tructs K*owledge *u*lity </line>
<line> (KQ), Knowledge Donation (KD), </line>
<line> an* Kn*w*edg* Collection (KC) i* the scope of </line>
<line> t*e C*v*d-1* pan*emi* *nd *sing </line>
<line> two </line>
<line> d*ffe*ent scales. </line>
<line> To this e*d, a survey was performed ** answer th* following res*arc* **estions: </line>
<line> *Q1: *hat is the most used *MP to se*rch for inf*rma*ion *bo*t the Co*id-19 </line>
<line> *andemic? </line>
<line> RQ2: What i* the profile of </line>
<line> the SM* users, a*d </line>
<line> what *s their behavior towa*ds the </line>
<line> Covid-19 pandemic? </line>
<line> RQ3: W*at is the r*lationship betwe*n KQ, KD, and KC i* the *cop* of t*e Covid-19 </line>
<line> p**demic through *he lenses of the informa*ion qualit* *cal* of Yoo, Vo*derembse a*d R*gu- </line>
<line> Nath*n (2011) a*d the donation and co*lect scale of De*ries (2*0*)? </line>
<line> * ME*HOD </line>
<line> *his p**er used a survey t* col**ct the data and prepared the answers f*r analysis as </line>
<line> illus*rated in Fig*re 1. We spre*d the survey </line>
<line> l*n* in all </line>
<line> the *ajor **Ps (Wha*s*pp, </line>
<line> Fac*book, Instagram, Twitter, *n* S****hat) a*d sent by e-mail to cl*ser con*ac*s. We ran the </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, T*resi*a, *. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-43, fev. 2024 w*w4.*sanet.co*.br/**vis*a </line>
<line> Perspectiva dos Usuár*os So*r* a Covid-19 nas Mídias S*ciais </line>
<line> *7 </line>
<line> sur*ey with 14 qu*s*io** from *une *th to July 25th of 2020 and collected a t*tal o* 295 </line>
<line> answers. T*e full *uestionnaire ** av*ilable in Appe*dix A. </line>
<line> Figure 1 - Da*a preparation </line>
<line> The full text *f the **rvey text contains around 60* w*rds. *oweve*, some of the </line>
<line> questions ar* not shown *o the user accordin* *o their pre*ious answers so we will consider </line>
<line> 550 w*rds for this analysis. The s*udy of Castro, Kallie and *alomão (2005) found that </line>
<line> *eader* of the Portug*e*e ***gua*e ca* read up t* 238 words per minute, but for safety, </line>
<line> we </line>
<line> will consid*r t*at </line>
<line> a person may be able t* re*d 330 words per minute in our s**vey. </line>
<line> The****r*, a user *u*t sp*nd at least 1 m**ute and 40 *econds *o compl*te *he survey, so we </line>
<line> *gnored the 14 answers wh*ch com*le*ed the survey fas*er than t*i* </line>
<line> thres*old. The </line>
<line> eligibl* </line>
<line> audience for answering this survey w*s SMP *sers *ver 18 *ear* old because, *n Brazil, *hi* is </line>
<line> the age of majorit* (BRASIL, 2002). Thus, we also r*mov** 5 answers fr*m yo*nger *eo*l*. </line>
<line> F*r th* a*alysis of the *rofile of res**ndent*, the **vid-19 pande*ic and the *ake </line>
<line> news, and soc*al medi* platf*rms and education, we used 27* e**gible ans*ers th*t comple*ed </line>
<line> th* f*rst 12 questions. Among these, *4 a***ers did not complete *r answered the same v*l*e </line>
<line> for all *he 14 </line>
<line> op*ions i* t** la*t two que*tions (7-*oint Likert s*ale). T***efore, f*r the </line>
<line> analysis pres*nted in S*ctions 0 and 0 we *sed 25* e**gible answers th*t comp*e*ed the entire </line>
<line> su*vey. </line>
<line> We u*ed the sof*ware Qualtrics XM *o collect and analyze the su*vey answers. </line>
<line> Moreover, for an*lysis we also us*d the SP*S 17.0®, Sm*rt P*S and the R lang*age v*r*ion </line>
<line> 3 .5 .3 </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. *, a*t. 2, p. 23-4*, fev. 2*24 </line>
<line> *ww4.fsanet.com.br/*evista </line>
<line> C. Melchior, M. *livei*a </line>
<line> 28 </line>
<line> 3 RES*LT* AND DISCUSSION </line>
<line> In this *ection, w* pres*n* a profil* of the *esp*ndents, a descriptive a*a*ys*s of the </line>
<line> Co*id-19\* quali*y of information and the u*er*\ behavior in *e*atio* to Covi*-19 *nfo*mation, </line>
<line> as well as th* exploratory fact*r analysis and *eliability and m*ltigroup anal*s*s. </line>
<line> The survey was *ivided into *wo s*eps: the fir*t sec**on contains questions to </line>
<line> *haracteri*e the r**pond*nts: gender, edu*ation, respond*nt\s job, most </line>
<line> used SMP, </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> question* about the user\s *ehavior towards the Covid-19 pandemic. The sec**d se**ion was </line>
<line> composed of que*ti**s des*gned to measure </line>
<line> the knowledge-related constructs, for which we </line>
<line> used </line>
<line> t*o 7-*o*nt L*kert scale que*t*ons rangi*g fr*m 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongl* </line>
<line> agree). The Likert scale was use* becau*e *t *implifies *he *ensitive measurem*nt </line>
<line> of t h e </line>
<line> var**nce (COOP*R; *CHINDLER; S*N., 200*). *he questionnaire wa* </line>
<line> v*lidated by </line>
<line> applying it to *ote*tial respondents. </line>
<line> The scal* used *o measu*e the qu*lity of information that SMPs users receive was </line>
<line> taken from Yoo, Vonder*mbse, and Ragu Natha* (2011). It *va*uates *h* *nf*rma*ion is if </line>
<line> accurate, reliable, objec*ive, u*biased, bel*eva*le, *u*rent, and updated. The scale us*d to </line>
<line> *e*su*e </line>
<line> kno**ed*e donation an* coll**tion wa* taken fr*m D* Vries *t al. (2006). </line>
<line> Knowledge don*t**n includes the fo*low*ng four cat*gories: </line>
<line> the first is when I *ea*n </line>
<line> s*mething new, and I tell i* to my coll*agues; the s*cond is when I share the informa*ion I </line>
<line> *ave wi*h my *olleagues; th* *hird is t*at I *hink it is impo*tant that my col*eagues know w*at </line>
<line> I am d*ing; and t** fourth, I u*ually tell my collea*ues w*at * a* doin*. On *he other hand, </line>
<line> know*edge co**ecti*n seeks ** identify </line>
<line> how in*iv*dua*s b*have </line>
<line> *n ce*tai* situatio*s an* it </line>
<line> includes th* fol*owing four cat*go*ies: the first is *hen I need </line>
<line> *ertain </line>
<line> knowl*d*e, I ask my </line>
<line> colle*gues about it; the se*ond is *hen I like to be i*formed about what my **lleagu*s kno*; </line>
<line> *he third is *hat I *sk m* colle*gues about *hei* ski*ls when I need to lear* s*met*ing; **d the </line>
<line> *ou*th w*en a collea*ue i* good a* *ometh*ng, I ask them *o teac* me ho* t* *o it (DE </line>
<line> VRIES; VAN D** *OOFF; *E RIDDER, 2**6). </line>
<line> 4 PROFILE *F RESPONDENTS </line>
<line> Tabl* 1 pres*nt* t*e age gr*u* *nd gender </line>
<line> *f the 276 r*spondents, *he most </line>
<line> representative age g*oup, wi*h 99 (35.9%) an**ers, wa* 25 *o 34 years old, mostl* woma* (57 </line>
<line> or </line>
<line> *0.7%). It was foll*we* by the group 35 to 4* years old (62 respo**ents or 22,8%), </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> peop*e 18 to 24 *ears o*d (51 respo*dents or 18.5%). One *espondent of 65 **ars or more </line>
<line> cho*e not *o **swe* t*e** gen*er. </line>
<line> R**. *SA, Teresina, v. 21, n. *, art. 2, p. 23-43, fev. 2024 www4.**anet.com.br/revi*ta </line>
<line> Perspecti*a dos Usuá*ios Sob*e a Covid-19 n*s Mídias Sociais </line>
<line> 29 </line>
<line> Table * - Age group and **nder of answers </line>
<line> Gender *ge group Female Male </line>
<line> Tota* </line>
<line> 18 t* *4 years *2 (11.6%) 19 (6.9%) </line>
<line> 51 (18.5%) </line>
<line> 25 to *4 years 57 (20.7%) 42 (15.2%) </line>
<line> 99 (35.*% </line>
<line> 35 to 44 years 30 (*0.9%) 3* (11.9%) </line>
<line> 62 (2*.8%) </line>
<line> 45 to 54 years 2* (7.*%) * (3.3%) </line>
<line> 29 (10.5%) </line>
<line> 55 t* 64 years 17 (6.2%) 8 (2.9%) </line>
<line> 25 (9.1%) </line>
<line> * (2.9%) 1 (0.4%) 65 years or more Other or I prefer not to answ*r </line>
<line> * (3.3%) 1 (0.4%) </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 276 </line>
<line> Regar*ing the count**, 2*2 a*swer* *re from Brazil, 3 from P*rt*gal and 1 from Italy. </line>
<line> Regard*ng ed*cation, the h*ghest n*m*er is 115 (42%) people with comple*e p*st-graduatio*, </line>
<line> fo*l*wed by </line>
<line> 57 (2*%) people with i**omple** h*gher educati*n and 41 (15%) people who </line>
<line> have *o*ple*e high** education. Furthermore, 31 (11%) ha*e co*plete* high *chool, ** (8%) </line>
<line> *ave incomplete post-graduation, and th* o*hers repr*sent l*s* than 5%. </line>
<line> Ov*r*ll, the pub*ic that resp*nded to th*s survey h*s high levels of educa*ion, ****h is </line>
<line> expl*ined because *he a*th*rs are </line>
<line> part of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> acad*mic en**ronment. However, this level o* </line>
<line> education is very far fro* *he leve* of educ**i*n *n Brazil. Acco*ding to I*GE (202*), 2*19 </line>
<line> *6.*% of the po**lation aged 25 a*d o*er was co*centrated in the levels of ed*cat*on up t* </line>
<line> c*mp*ete elementary s*h*ol or equiv*lent. Only 17.4% ** the peo*le aged 2* **d over had a </line>
<line> co*p**te u**erg*aduate </line>
<line> degree (IB*E, 2*20), while </line>
<line> 2 7 .4 % * f t h o s e i n </line>
<line> this </line>
<line> *ame age group </line>
<line> have complet** high sc*o*l an* 32.*% of the people aged 25 and over *ad incomplete </line>
<line> elementary educa*i*n (IBGE, 202*). Furthermo*e, in 2019 in Bra*il, only </line>
<line> 4 8 .8 % o * </line>
<line> *eople </line>
<line> complete* primary compuls*ry *duca*ion (high school) (IBGE, 2020). </line>
<line> Rega*d*ng the impact of the pandemic on jobs (Fi*ure 2), p*ople were advi*e* *o </line>
<line> respond to al* th* optio** t*at apply. 1*0 (36.3%) peo*le answere* that th** are *r *ave been </line>
<line> i n t h* hom * </line>
<line> of*ice, followed by 79 (2*.*%) respondents that *arked that their *ob was not </line>
<line> aff*cted </line>
<line> an* ar* usually wor*ing. </line>
<line> 1* (6%) are entreprene*rs *hat had to close the company </line>
<line> t*mporar*ly, and 2 (1%) have permanently closed their compa*y. M*re*ver, 40 (13%) people </line>
<line> are retired, were already wo*king at hom*, were </line>
<line> no* *orking, are farmers, </line>
<line> or </line>
<line> even *er* </line>
<line> suspended fro* w*rk or *ad *heir work*oad and *alary reduce*. T*ere are al** 16 (5%) t*at </line>
<line> had to ta*e a vacatio* a*d 12 (4%) t*at l*st their job. </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Teresina *I, v. 21, n. 2, art. 2, *. 23-4*, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> C. Melc*ior, *. Oliveira </line>
<line> 30 </line>
<line> Figure 2 - Impact of the pandemic o* jobs </line>
<line> *ost respon**nts (237 o* 8*%) answ*red that they *ractice soci*l distan*ing, and </line>
<line> even more (253 or 92%) un*erstand that it is *ruc*al. *hen asked to select u* to two r*as*ns </line>
<line> *hy *hey think social distance is *s*en*ial (Figu*e 5), 170 (67%) answered that *t is *eca*s* </line>
<line> the contagio* cu*ve must b* flatte**d to prev*n* the health s*stem from collapsing, **7 (50%) </line>
<line> underst*nd that it is im*ortan* to c*ntain the spread of the vir*s *hat ca*ses *ovid-19 to avoi* </line>
<line> mor* deaths, and 76 (*0%) are a**aid *f ***trac*ing *o*id-19 *r that their relat*ves co*tract </line>
<line> Covid-19. In addition, 40 (16%) answered tha* soci*l d*stancing is vit*l becau*e the ec*nom*c </line>
<line> i*pact will be worse if </line>
<line> *he soc*al distance is not respected, 29 (11%). After *ll, it is a </line>
<line> recommendation from o*fici** agencies (World Health Organiz*tion (WHO) or Ministry </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> Health) and 18 (7%) replied that t*e reality of my *ountr* doe* not a**ow *he a**licatio* of </line>
<line> social *istancing only to the risk group. Finally, 8 (3%) of the people f*lled in custo* *nswe*s </line>
<line> saying that t*ey defend the risk group's isolati*n, have **rect conta*t wit* peopl* *n the *ealth </line>
<line> area, have rel*gious reason*, or are pregnant. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresi**, *. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 2*-*3, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.b*/r*vista </line>
<line> *erspect*va *os Usuários Sobre a Covi*-19 nas Mídias Sociais </line>
<line> 31 </line>
<line> Figure 3 - W*y is socia* dist**cing critical? </line>
<line> O* the other hand, 39 (14%) do not practi*e social di*tance, and 23 (8%) of </line>
<line> res*ondents do not t*in* *hat social dis*ancing is important d*e to th* foll*wing r*asons: 13 </line>
<line> (57%) respondents *e*ieve that the economi* impact of social distancing b*in*s more serio*s </line>
<line> conse*uences than the deat*s c**sed by Cov*d-1*, followed b* 10 (43%) p*ople who think </line>
<line> that social *i*ta*cing s*ou*d be applied *nly to the risk gro**. Ano*h*r 6 (26%) respo*ded </line>
<line> *hat Covid-19 *s a mild disease </line>
<line> used b* som* groups with a *oliti*a* imprint. In addition, 5 </line>
<line> (*2%) pe*ple believe that social dista*cing *il* not prev*nt deaths by *ovid-19 but onl* </line>
<line> po*tpo*e them, 4 (17%) r*sp*n*ed th*t there is no way to avoid cont*gi*n an* ever*o*e will </line>
<line> b* infected wi*h Covid-19. </line>
<line> *n additi*n, *hen asked a**ut the Covid-19 *ake news content (Fi*ure 4), 247 pe*ple </line>
<line> **swered that they had alre*dy ident**ied fake n*w* ab*ut Covi*-1* on S*Ps. However, most </line>
<line> *eople (115 or 47%) ignore the posts contai*ing *ake news </line>
<line> about Covid-19. ***y 48 (*9%) </line>
<line> res*ondents flag th* p*bl*cations, and 60 (24%) comment on the posts. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, T*r*sina PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-43, fev. *024 </line>
<line> www4.fsa*et.co*.br/r*vista </line>
<line> C. Melchior, M. Olivei*a </line>
<line> 32 </line>
<line> Fi*ure 4 - *esponse *o Covi*-19 related *ake **ws </line>
<line> Th*s fact m*k*s i* v*ry dif*icul* to co*bat fake news on SMPs, ma**ly bec*u*e after </line>
<line> the ma*s propag*tion it is ne*essary fir*tly to correct the false in*ormati*n an* then spr*ad the </line>
<line> *or*ection to *ll the people th*t were exposed to the f*ke ne*s, which *ardly ever </line>
<line> happ*ns. </line>
<line> So, the most efficient t* combat **ke ne*s sp*eading is the ear** detection of fake news with </line>
<line> hel* of the *s*rs to avoid further prop**ation on </line>
<line> the p*atform (SHU et al., 2017). Another </line>
<line> option is that *ealth prof**sionals and he*lt**are institution* can be protago*i*ts *n t** he*lth </line>
<line> e*uca*ion *f users (*ANDR**A, </line>
<line> 2015) to h*l* th*m to identify e*rl*er t*e fake news </line>
<line> co*tent and flag it as false. </line>
<line> Figure * shows the answers *o*lected when respond*n*s were a*ked what t*e main </line>
<line> SMP *s the* *se t* se*rch *r **ceive informatio* about Covid-19, str*tified by edu*ation. T*e </line>
<line> most sele**ed answer (84 or 31%) is that re*pond*nts h*ve not *een s*arching for or rece*v*ng </line>
<line> informati** </line>
<line> about Covi*-19 *hrough socia* net*o*ks. A**ng the*e, 38 (13.7%) have </line>
<line> complete post-gradu*tion, followe* by 20 (7.*%) w*o *ith unfinished *oll**e, a*d 13 (4.7%) </line>
<line> have bachelor's degrees. Fa*ebook was the SMP *hat 70 (26%) respon**nts us*d to search f*r </line>
<line> o* receive infor*atio* about C*vid-19. Among thes*, 23 (*.3%) have complet* post- </line>
<line> **adu*tion, fol*owed by 18 (*.5%) who **mpl*ted high school, *nd 13 (4.7%) have </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> R**. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-43, fev. 2024 www*.fsane*.co*.br/re*ista </line>
<line> Persp*cti*a dos Usuári*s Sobre a Cov*d-19 nas Mídias Soc*ais </line>
<line> 33 </line>
<line> ba*helor'* de**ee. WhatsApp was u*ed ** sear*h for or receiv* *nformation a*out Covid-19 by </line>
<line> 36 (13%) re*ponde*ts. Among *hese, 21 (7.6%) ha*e complet* post-grad*ation, follo*ed by * </line>
<line> (1.8%) *hat h*ve a bac*elo*\* deg*e*, an* 5 (1.8%) with u*fin*shed college. </line>
<line> *igure 5 - Respondents' leading social netw*rk an* education </line>
<line> Instagram is used t* rec***e informatio* about Covid-19 by 29 (11%) people. Most of </line>
<line> them (15 or 5.4%) have unfini*hed college, </line>
<line> *ollo*ed by *0 (*.6%) r*spondents tha* have </line>
<line> compl*ted po**-gradu*tion. T*itte* is used by 22 (8%) respondents *o rec*ive info**ation </line>
<line> about Covid-19, a*d You*ube is used *y 1* (5%) respondents. The oth*r social netw*rk t*e </line>
<line> res*ondents used to se*r*h for information abo*t Cov*d-19 represe*ted 4% of the an**ers or </line>
<line> less. </line>
<line> EXPLORATORY AN**YSI* </line>
<line> We show the *nsw*rs of que*tions 13 an* 14, both 7-point *i*ert sca*e q*estions, in </line>
<line> Fig*re 6 *nd *i*ur* </line>
<line> 7, respecti*ely. The fo*us *s to *now th* va*i*bles before applying </line>
<line> exploratory fa*to* *nal*s*s to the data. </line>
<line> The a*swers ind*cated t*e agreement level ranging from totally disa*ree (number 1) to </line>
<line> tota*ly agree (number 7). T*e figures </line>
<line> i*l*str*t* the answers mea**ng t*at *he f*rther to the </line>
<line> r*ght (*reen ba*), *he high** t*e agreement, and the further to the left (orange bar), the **wer </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eres*na PI, v. 2*, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-43, f*v. 2024 www*.fs*net.**m.br/revi*ta </line>
<line> C. Melc**or, M. Oliveira </line>
<line> 34 </line>
<line> the agreemen*. Therefore, five of *he seven aspects of Y*o et *l. (*011) qual*ty scale of </line>
<line> quality of informa**o* was pe*ceiv** by the hig*est p*rcentages of pa***ci*ants wh*n </line>
<line> e*aluat*ng the Covid-19 *ews o* *heir mai* SMP. </line>
<line> Figure 6 - Ho* do y** per*e*ve t*e quality of information about Co*id-1* th*t y*u </line>
<line> recei** o* *h* main social netw*rk you use (Q13)? </line>
<line> Fig*r* * *s*e*ses kno*ledge s*aring based on the D* Vries et al. (20*6) s*ale. Most </line>
<line> participants showed th*t they dislike inter*cting with Covi*-1* po*ts on their ma*n SMP. Both </line>
<line> knowled*e collectio* and do*ation on t**s subject are n*t *ell r*gar*ed among pa**i*ipants. </line>
<line> Figu*e 7 - What is y*ur b*h*vi*r regardi** inform*tion abo*t C*vid-19 (Q14)? </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, Teres*na, v. *1, n. 2, *rt. 2, p. 23-4*, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> Pe*spectiva dos *su*rios So*re a Covid-19 na* Mídia* Socia*s </line>
<line> 3* </line>
<line> In the first moment, th* kn*wledge c*nstru*ts (kno*led*e quality *r KQ, *nowledge </line>
<line> c*lle*tion *r *C, an* k**wl*dge d*n**ion *r KD) were a**ly*ed using explorator* f*ctor </line>
<line> ana**sis an* Cronb**h\s Alpha. </line>
<line> The explora*ory factor *nalysis us*d the Principal *omp**ent Analysis (PCA) with </line>
<line> the varimax ro*at**n method. The con*truct* were clu*tered in thr*e factors, as shown in the </line>
<line> t**l* of Descri*tive analysi*, factor loadin*s and r*liability </line>
<line> of constr*cts ava*l*ble *n </line>
<line> Appendix B thus </line>
<line> confir*ing *hat t*ey are di*fere*t co*stru*ts. In this case, th* variance </line>
<line> expl*ined *y the factors *o*nd i* the analysis *or*esponds to 75.78%. </line>
<line> *he fac**r **ading of each item w*s more significan* than *he re*ommended 0.70, </line>
<line> except KC* (as il*ustrated in Table 2). In c*ntrast, the varia*c* explained *y th* facto*s fo*nd </line>
<line> in the *nalysis c*rresponds to 71.22% *Q, 71.60% KC, and 83.45% KD of th* inst*ument's </line>
<line> variance, *hich is above the rec*mmended val*e *f 60%. </line>
<line> Str*ctur*l Equati*n Mode*ing (SEM) was us*d to tes* hypothe*es and validate th* </line>
<line> mode*, consi*ering the measur*ment and struc**ral models. </line>
<line> Table 2 - *escriptive analysis, f*ctor *oad*ngs and reliability of constructs </line>
<line> Constr u c ts - </line>
<line> Field </line>
<line> Min </line>
<line> M ax </line>
<line> M e an </line>
<line> S*d Devia*ion </line>
<line> Fact*r *oading KQ </line>
<line> Factor loadin* KD </line>
<line> *actor l*ading K* </line>
<line> Cr o n b * c*\s Alpha </line>
<line> **1 Q13-1 </line>
<line> Is accu*ate </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 4.02 </line>
<line> *.6* </line>
<line> 0.875 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ2 *13-2 </line>
<line> Is reliabl* </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 3.94 </line>
<line> 1.65 </line>
<line> 0.903 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ3 Q13-3 </line>
<line> ** ob*ec*ive </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 4.21 </line>
<line> 1.73 </line>
<line> 0.**8 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ4 Q13-4 </line>
<line> Is un*iased </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 3.45 </line>
<line> *.70 </line>
<line> 0.743 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *.93 </line>
<line> KQ5 Q13-5 </line>
<line> Is believable </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 4.1* </line>
<line> 1.68 </line>
<line> 0.*9* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ6 Q*3-* </line>
<line> Is *urrent </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 5.02 </line>
<line> 1.7* </line>
<line> 0.758 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ7 Q13-7 </line>
<line> Adds value t* *y d*cision ma*ing </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> *.01 </line>
<line> 1.*5 </line>
<line> 0.715 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KC1 Q14_1 </line>
<line> *hen I n*ed info*mat*on ab*ut Covid-19, I *ea*ch the mai* so*ial netw*rk I use </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 2.76 </line>
<line> 1.9* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.86* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KC2 Q14_2 </line>
<line> I li*e to *e inf*r*ed through the main social netw*rk I use about what oth*rs k*ow about Covid-*9 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 3.35 </line>
<line> 2.04 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.804 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.80 </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *er*sina PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-*3, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsan*t.com.br/revista </line>
<line> C. M*l*hior, M. Olivei*a </line>
<line> 3* </line>
<line> KC3 Q14_3 </line>
<line> I ask *bo*t Covid-19 in t*e *ai* soc*a* *et*ork I us* </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 2.0* </line>
<line> 1,59 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.690 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KD1 Q14_4 </line>
<line> When I have ne* in*ormation *bo*t Covid-19, I share it ** *h* *ain s*c*al netw*rk * use </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> *.95 </line>
<line> 2,1* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.889 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KD2 Q14_5 </line>
<line> * *ha*e i**or*ation that I h*ve ab*ut *ovid-1* in the main social ne*work that * use </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 2.91 </line>
<line> 2,08 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.*50 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KD3 Q14_6 </line>
<line> I think *t is impo*tan* to p*blish on the main social network that I *se the information that I have ab*ut Co*i*-19 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 3.14 </line>
<line> 2,10 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *.823 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.93 </line>
<line> *D4 Q14_* </line>
<line> I reg*larly shar* *he information I have *bout Covid-19 o* the main *ocial network I use </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 2.50 </line>
<line> 1,90 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 0.890 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> The reliabilit* was veri*i*d *sing Cronb*ch\s *lpha *nd Composit* Reliabil*t* (CR), </line>
<line> which were high*r than the min*mums H*ir Jr. recommend*d. (2014). *he *o*ve*gen* *a**dity </line>
<line> was checke* using the Analy*is of Va*iation E*t**cted (AVE) and the Composit* Reliability </line>
<line> (CR), which we*e high*r t*an the minimums recommended by Bagozzi and Yi (1988) (AVE </line>
<line> is g*e*ter than 0.* and *R is *bove 0.*). T*e r*sults c*n be seen in Table 3. Accor*ing *o the </line>
<line> **E and CR mea*ures, *he m*del *an be consider*d to have adequate c*n*ergent validity. </line>
<line> Table 3 - Rel*ability and *onverge*t **lidit* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Cron*ach's Alpha </line>
<line> CR </line>
<line> AVE </line>
<line> KC </line>
<line> *.800 </line>
<line> 0.**3 </line>
<line> 0.716 </line>
<line> KD </line>
<line> *.**4 </line>
<line> 0.952 </line>
<line> 0.834 </line>
<line> K* </line>
<line> 0.93* </line>
<line> 0.945 </line>
<line> 0.710 </line>
<line> Mo*eover, the Discrimi*ant Validity was checked *sing: a) the Fornell & L*r*ker </line>
<line> criteria (Table 4); and b) *he heterotrait-*onot*ait *atio of *orrelations (HT*T) ( </line>
<line> Table 5). Discriminant val**i*y *a* observed fo* this ***el us*ng both c*iteria. </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, *eres*na, v. 2*, n. *, art. *, p. 23-*3, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revist* </line>
<line> *erspectiva dos Usuários **bre a Covid-19 nas Mídias Sociais </line>
<line> 37 </line>
<line> Table 4 - Fornell-Larcker </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *C </line>
<line> *D </line>
<line> KQ </line>
<line> *C </line>
<line> 0.846 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KD </line>
<line> 0.482 </line>
<line> 0.913 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ </line>
<line> 0.435 </line>
<line> 0.264 </line>
<line> *.843 </line>
<row> Table 5 - T*e het*rotra*t-m**otrait *atio of c*rre*ati*ns (HTMT) </row>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KC </line>
<line> K* </line>
<line> KQ </line>
<line> *C </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KD </line>
<line> 0.552 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> KQ </line>
<line> 0.48* </line>
<line> *.263 </line>
<line> </line>
<row> All the Vari*nce Inflation Factor (VIF) values *ere under *.0 in this model. The </row>
<row> mode* did n*t ***sent a collinearit* problem *s recomm*nded by Ha*r J*. et al. [27], a*d the*e </row>
<row> is no Common Me*hod Bias as recommended *y Kock (*015). The *ig*if*cance *f the </row>
<row> *elati*nships was asses*ed using a b*o*strapping algorit**. </row>
<row> Table 6 - Results of the hypothesis tes* </row>
<line> *ath* </line>
<line> Coefficie*ts </line>
<line> * *alue </line>
<line> Result </line>
<line> K* KQ </line>
<line> 0.435 </line>
<line> *.*34 </line>
<line> Supported </line>
<line> KC KD </line>
<line> 0.482 </line>
<line> 7.20* </line>
<line> S**ported </line>
<line> KD *Q </line>
<line> 0.804 </line>
<line> Not *upported </line>
<row> T*b*e 6 summarizes the results obtained in *elation to the research h*poth*ses. The </row>
<row> K*** rela*ionship have f² = 0.233, and the K*KD rel*tionship have f² = 0.302. Both </row>
<row> values ar* considered a medium e*fect siz* *y Hair Jr. et al. (2014). </row>
<row> Ac*ording to t*e r*sults, 18.9% of the variance in the KQ can b* e**lained b* the </row>
<row> con*t**ct K*; and 23.2% of t*e var*ance in the KD can be explaine* by the co*st**ct *C, as </row>
<row> it *s also possible to observe in *igure 8. </row>
<line> Rev. **A, T*resina P*, v. 21, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-*3, fev. 2*24 </line>
<line> *ww4.fsane*.c*m.br/revis*a </line>
<line> *. M*lchior, M. Ol*veira </line>
<line> 38 </line>
<line> Figure 8 - Path a**lys*s using Structural Equa*io* Modeling (S**) o* Sma**P*S </line>
<line> MUL*IGR*UP ANA*Y*IS </line>
<line> We used the multigro*p analysis *o ex*m*ne parame*er es*imates spec*fic for ea*h </line>
<line> group, such *s o*ter weights and path coeffi*ients, an* *heck whether t*e*e are significant </line>
<line> diff*rences i* *hese metrics. We *sed the Partial Least Squares Mult*group Ana*ysis (P**- </line>
<line> MGA) appr*ach bas*d on b*o**trapping result* from *ver* gro*p. </line>
<line> We select t*e *g* of the respondents *o veri** t*e moderator effect in the relation </line>
<line> between quality, *onation, an* col*ection of knowl*d*e. Th* *ge *r*ups ar*: (1) 18 to 24 </line>
<line> years, (2) 25 to 34 yea*s, (3) 35 to 44 years, (4) 45 to 54 years, (5) *5 to 64 *ears and (6) *5 </line>
<line> **a*s o* o*d*r. </line>
<line> Table 7 - Age of responde** as a *odera*or varia*le of the re*ations*ip bet*een entre </line>
<line> know*edge collection and dona*ion and b*tween *ollection and qua*ity of knowle*ge </line>
<line> Pat* </line>
<line> C*effic*ent </line>
<line> ***up 2 x group 3 </line>
<line> P-v*lue </line>
<line> KC - > KQ </line>
<line> -0.31* </line>
<line> H1 </line>
<line> 0.017* </line>
<line> Pat* </line>
<line> Coefficient </line>
<line> Groups * and 2 x gr*ups </line>
<line> P-val*e </line>
<line> 3, 4 and 5 </line>
<line> KC - > KQ </line>
<line> -0.260 </line>
<line> *2 </line>
<line> 0.025* </line>
<line> *p-value < 0.05. </line>
<line> It is po*sib*e to observe i* Tabl* 7 the age o* re*po*de*ts as a moderator variable o* </line>
<line> the rel*tionship b*tween en*re knowledg* collection *nd donation and betwee* collection and </line>
<line> *ev. FS*, Teresina, v. *1, n. 2, art. 2, p. 23-4*, fev. 20*4 www*.fsanet.com.**/revis*a </line>
<line> Perspect*va dos Us*ár**s Sobre * Covid-19 *as Mídias *ociais </line>
<line> 39 </line>
<line> quali** of knowledge. It can b* *een that there is a difference be*ween *he age g*oups. </line>
<line> The*efore, t*e K* *nflue*ces KQ differ*n*ly *he* *omparing the age grou*s u*der 34 ye*rs </line>
<line> and 35 *ears or ol*er. In fact, *his may be related to people\s experiences. </line>
<line> Our *esearch *ffers a *heor*tical contribu*ion ** offe*ing *n a*tern**ive perspective to </line>
<line> un**rstand people\s online *ehaviors *n the *-*ealt* litera**re. I* highlights the need for </line>
<line> fu**her research int* the *nli*e be*avior of specific groups of users (e.g., *ealth </line>
<line> prof**sionals). Mor*over, i* *hi* st***, we </line>
<line> provide *vid*nce for the influen*e *f </line>
<line> experience </line>
<line> on user*\ *nli*e beh**iors i* the hea*t*care field by demonstratin* *he m*derating effect of </line>
<line> age on KC and KD. I* </line>
<line> *he *as*s of </line>
<line> he*lth p*o*es**onals, pre*io*s st*dies h*ve *hown that </line>
<line> *h*ir onl*ne be*avior is domin**ed by thei* professio*al experie*ce (YANG et al., 2*21). </line>
<line> Prac*ical implicat*on* inc*ude an updated overvie* of the user\s **rspective on f*** </line>
<line> news on SMPs. While m*ny users *ould like to re**ive infor*a*i*n *n the SM*s, *ost of </line>
<line> t*e* under*tand *hat the informati*n th** recei*e through thi* media currently lacks qualit*. </line>
<line> This highlights an oppo*tu*ity for health gover*ment age**ies t* *hare reliabl* informat*on </line>
<line> a*d reach *he intended a*die*ce, to **o*ide heal*hca*e ser*ices online, an* to promote official </line>
<line> online h*alt* comm*nities (*HCs) (MELCHIOR; </line>
<line> OL*VEIRA, 202*). This s*udy </line>
<line> also </line>
<line> hi*hlights </line>
<line> th** mo*t </line>
<line> *eopl* ignore fa*e </line>
<line> *ews *osts *n SMP, whi*h </line>
<line> *an ind*rec*ly help the </line>
<line> propagatio* of fake </line>
<line> n*ws. It important tha* the platf*r*s start to act mor* *ffe*tiv*ly is in </line>
<line> com*ati*g fake *ews and urge thei* users to do the same. </line>
<line> CONCLUSION </line>
<line> *mong the 276 respo*dents, 272 are from Brazil, most are between 25 to 34 *ears (*9 </line>
<line> or </line>
<line> 35.9%) *nd women (57 or *0.7%). *egarding their edu*ation, *ost people (115 or 42%) </line>
<line> hav* *ompl*te post-graduat*on, although th*s *s not th* most common educa*ion *evel of the </line>
<line> Brazil*an </line>
<line> popu*ation (IBGE, 2020). Regarding </line>
<line> the impa*t of </line>
<line> the pande*** on </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> res*ond*nt\s jobs, 140 (*6.3%) </line>
<line> people answered t*a* *hey are *r have **en in the *ome </line>
<line> offic*. More**er, </line>
<line> 2*7 (86%) answe*ed **at they are exercisin* soci*l distancing </line>
<line> due t o t h* </line>
<line> Covid-19 *andemi*, and *53 (92%) understand tha* *oc*al distancing is important. </line>
<line> The most used SMP to search or receive *nformation ab*ut Covid-19 was Faceboo*, </line>
<line> with 70 (26%) a*swers, whereas 2* (8.3%) h*ve *ost-Graduat*on complete. However, </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. 2, a*t. 2, p. 23-43, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/**vista </line>
<line> C. Melchi**, M. Ol**ei*a </line>
<line> 40 </line>
<line> alt*ough most respon*en*s ide**if*ed fake new* content ** SMP, t*e mo*t *o*mon *ct*on is </line>
<line> t* ig*o*e it. </line>
<line> On *he other hand, this study used empi*ical data to *nvesti*ate the effe*t of KQ on </line>
<line> K* and KC, using two different sc*le*. The main resul*s sh*w th*t *he **fluence *f K* </line>
<line> on </line>
<line> KQ and K* is medi*m. The con*truct KC was r*sponsib*e for mos* o* the variance *xplained. </line>
<line> Two of *he thr** hypothese* in the s*udy were supported. The mod*l *e*sureme*t in </line>
<line> the st*dy presents promis**g r*sults *or *o*vergent and disc*im*nant v**idit*. Us*ng two </line>
<line> s*ales, the mod*l of **is study offers ev*dence that th* KC em*has**es the key ro*e of KQ an* </line>
<line> K* on *MP. There*or*, </line>
<line> t*e more k*owledge *s colle*ted *n SMP, th* more is donated, and </line>
<line> the higher the *ual*ty of knowl*dge s*re*d *n SMP. </line>
<line> Th* m*lt*grou* analy*is using age as a moderating variable shows that the KC </line>
<line> influ*n*es KQ d*fferent*y among peop*e under 3* years and 35 years or older. Thu*, *eople's </line>
<line> *xperie*ces may hav* **f*uenced *his flow of k*owled*e, whether in KC </line>
<line> *r KQ const*uct </line>
<line> (SUI; ZHANG, 2021). </line>
<line> Thi* study is l*m*ted to a survey applied in *020 when </line>
<line> th* pand*mic of Covid-19 </line>
<line> started in *razi*, and *os* of the respondents are from this country. M*reover, t**s s*udy\s </line>
<line> sample </line>
<line> does *ot rep*esent the B*azili*n *opulation in terms </line>
<line> *f edu*ation. Th*refo*e, it *s </line>
<line> impossible t* *ene*al*ze o*r find*ngs t* th* ent*re co*ntry\s population. </line>
<line> Fur**er research is needed *o unde*stan* the behavi** of healt* pro*e**iona* and to </line>
<line> exp*o*e **ether *nowl**ge s*ari*g and the KQ in </line>
<line> onl*ne health *ommuni*i*s (OHCs) </line>
<line> d*pen*s on soci*l *nd economic **wards. Thi* r*se*rch *ay build upon the self-determ*n*ti*n </line>
<line> t*eory (S*T). Future *ork* can </line>
<line> be replicate* </line>
<line> and exte*ded to ot*er countries *o tes* if *he </line>
<line> culture influ*nces the KQ, KC, or KD ** con*ent by SMP users. It is also po*si**e to d*epen </line>
<line> the understanding o* the **ers\ behavior thro*gh interviews wi*h users to </line>
<line> unde*stand with </line>
<line> *ore de*ail </line>
<line> th* *otivatio* to collect and d*nat* knowledg* and **der**and how the users </line>
<line> e*aluate *he q*ality of </line>
<line> *nowle*g* on SMP </line>
<line> b****e spreading th* content *nd wh* m*st of </line>
<line> th** ignor* the fake *ews content. </line>
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<line> Rev. FSA, T*resina, v. **, n. 2, art. *, p. 23-43, fev. 20*4. </line>
<line> Cont*i*uição dos Autores </line>
<line> C. M*lc*ior </line>
<line> M. Ol*veira </line>
<line> *) concepção e p*a*ejamento. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 2) aná**se * i*terpre*aç*o *os dados. </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 3) elaboração do rasc*nho ou na revisã* *r*tic* *o *ont*údo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 4) *artici**ção na aprovação da vers*o final do man*sc*ito. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. *1, n. 2, art. 2, p. *3-4*, fev. 2024 </line>
<line> www*.fs*net.*om.br/re*ista </line>

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ISSN 1806-6356 (Impresso) e 2317-2983 (Eletrônico)