<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *6, n. 5, art. 1, p. 03-16, set./*u*. 20*9 </line>
<line> ISSN Impresso: *806-6356 I*SN Ele*rônico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/20* </line>
<line> M*rketing, Brand and Financial Per*o*mance: </line>
<line> Fee*ba*k in De**sion Making </line>
<line> Ma**eting, Marca * Desempenho *inan*e*ro: </line>
<line> Feedba*k na Tomada de **cisã* </line>
<line> Arnaldo D* Pet*a </line>
<line> Dout*r*do em Ad*inistração pela Uni*er*idade Nove de Ju*** </line>
<line> E-mail: adi.*etta@hotmail.co* </line>
<line> Renato Ri*eiro Noguei*a Ferraz </line>
<line> Doutor e* Ci*ncias Básicas p*la Univer*id*de Feder** de São P*ul* </line>
<line> Professor n* U**versida*e Nove de Julho </line>
<line> E-m*i*: renatobi*@hotmail.com </line>
<line> *ndereço: Arnaldo D* Pet*a </line>
<line> UNINOVE (PPG*), Rua *ep*tado *alvador J*li*n*lli, </line>
<line> Edito*-Che*e: Dr. Tonny Kerl*y de Alencar </line>
<line> s/n - 1º andar - CEP: 0115*-080 São Paulo/SP, *r*s*l. </line>
<line> *od*igue* </line>
<line> End**eço: Renato Ribei*o *ogue*ra Ferraz </line>
<line> A*tigo rec**i*o em </line>
<line> 11/04/2019. Última </line>
<line> ver*ão </line>
<line> UNI*O*E, Rua Depu**d* Sal*ador Jul*anelli, s/n - 1* </line>
<line> *ecebida *m 25/04/2*19. Aprova*o em 2*/04/2019. </line>
<line> an*ar - CEP: 01*56-080 *ão Paulo/S*, *rasil. </line>
<line> Ava*iado pelo sist*ma T*i*le Review: Desk Revie* a) </line>
<line> *elo Edi*or-Chef*; * b) Doub*e Blind Review </line>
<line> (avalia*ão ceg* *or dois avaliadores da ár*a). </line>
<line> Revisã*: Gramatical, Normativa </line>
<line> e d* Forma*a*ão </line>
<line> A. Di Pet*a, R. R. N. Ferr*z </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> A*S*RAC* </line>
<line> The brand, one *f the most company\s va*uable int*ngi*l* asset*, is based on credibil*ty and </line>
<line> cons*li**ted by m*rket i*dicat*r*. Busi*ess leaders and re*ear*hers in marketi*g have been </line>
<line> study*n* *ra*d consoli*ation, </line>
<line> deali*g wi*h its concep*s and compo*ents, as well as the </line>
<line> respectiv* ma*ag*rial actions measured by fin*ncial *erf*rmance. Thus, the </line>
<line> us e of t he </line>
<line> f*edback pro*ide* by these r*sults </line>
<line> can influence the proce*s </line>
<line> of takin* *ew actions required </line>
<line> for brand\* s**ce*s. This </line>
<line> pa**r ex*lo*e* *he use of f*edbac* to conve*t </line>
<line> results fr*m *arket </line>
<line> i*to organization knowled*e. *h*ough litera*ure review, it wa* p**s*b** to understan* the a </line>
<line> adequacy of t*e </line>
<line> u*e of f*edback f*r brand ma*agemen* in companies of different sizes. It </line>
<line> con**ibutes for rese*rchers in Marketing and f*r *usiness *eaders, to *v*l*ate and adapt the </line>
<line> learning pro*ess in </line>
<line> th*i* companies </line>
<line> and thus, a*equate *h* decision making process *o ta*e </line>
<line> actions t* co*solidate t*eir brands, *ccordi*g *o t** res*l*s **erging *rom *h* *ark*t. </line>
<line> Ke*w*rds: B*andi*g. Financia* P**forman*e. Deci*ion Mak**g. *trategic A*tions. Feedback. </line>
<line> RESUMO </line>
<line> O o*jetivo deste artigo é </line>
<line> discutir a nã* indicação do feedback dos r*sultados financeiros no </line>
<line> modelo p*opost* por Keller e Lehmann (2*06), para de*ons*rar co*o * valo* da </line>
<line> marca </line>
<line> funciona, e com* *e dá * relaciona*ento entre se*s diferentes componentes, </line>
<line> desde seus </line>
<line> a**ecedentes até as c*nsequências impact*s da ma*ca sobre os result*dos financeiros e </line>
<line> da </line>
<line> empresa. E* respos*a à c*amada destes autores p*ra nova* </line>
<line> pesquisas, * a partir de *ma </line>
<line> co*para*ão com * modelo proposto por Mo*gan (2012), onde o feed*ac* e a </line>
<line> aprendiza*em </line>
<line> dos resultados fi*anceiros sã* inputs para </line>
<line> a d*finição de rec*rsos </line>
<line> e capabilidad** </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> marketing, *oi feita uma r*visão de literatura q*e *ermit*u *omparações do modelo *roposto </line>
<line> c*m </line>
<line> outros modelos e*tud*d** por diferentes </line>
<line> *utore*. Concluiu-*e </line>
<line> que, de*tro da literatura </line>
<line> revi*ad*, n*o fo*am encont*ados </line>
<line> novos model*s o* cons*rutos que co*si*erem *s </line>
<line> antece*en*es e consequênc**s da marc* *m relação ao </line>
<line> de*e*penho medi*o pe*os **sultados </line>
<line> financ*i*os. Outra conclusão é que f*edback do de*empenho fina*ceiro po*e ou não ser * </line>
<line> ut*liz*do com* input para de*inir n*vas ações estratég*cas d* co*pan*ia em relaçã* à sua </line>
<line> ma*ca, de*e*dendo do pro*e*so *e </line>
<line> *lane*amento es*ratégico *ue ela a*ota. Além d*sso, </line>
<line> mostram-se implica*ões gerenc*ais para *ue cada empresa identi**que e apliqu* o modelo *e </line>
<line> planejamento estratégico que lhe *eja adequa*o, </line>
<line> perm**in*o </line>
<line> flexibilida*e para a***veita* </line>
<line> as </line>
<line> oport*nidades e </line>
<line> os i nput * que </line>
<line> o *e*cado of*r*ce*. Ass*m, </line>
<line> est* a*tigo contribui para </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> discussão *este tema e mot**a </line>
<line> a realização de *rabalhos fu*uro* que ge**m *esquisas </line>
<line> e*píricas d* feedback dos re*ul*ados financeiros na defin*ção *os plan*s de marketi*g. </line>
<line> Palavras-**ave: Bra*ding. </line>
<line> Des*mpenh* </line>
<line> Financeiro. </line>
<line> Tomada </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> Decisão. </line>
<line> A*ões </line>
<line> Es**atégicas. Fe*dback. </line>
<line> *e*. **A, *e*esin*, v. *6, n. 5, ar*. 1, p. 03-16, set./o*t. 20*9 </line>
<line> w**4.fsanet.co*.br/revista </line>
<line> Marketing, Marca e De*em*en*o financeiro: Feedback na Tom*da de Decisã* </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 1 INTRODUÇÃO </line>
<line> The Bri*i*h e*ecu*ive Stephe* Ki*g st*t** that a product *o*ld be copied by a </line>
<line> comp*titor, but a successf*l b*a*d is ete*nal. *his state**nt *i*es </line>
<line> the noti*n *f brand\s </line>
<line> importan*e in *** **siness *orld (CAMPBELL, 2002). By b*ing one of the most valuable </line>
<line> intangibl* *ssets a fir* </line>
<line> *a*, brand v*lue has b*en *ain*n* *ncrea*i*g atten**on from bot* its </line>
<line> leaders and resea*chers (KELL**; LE*M*NN, </line>
<line> 2*06). Its concepts an* </line>
<line> componen*s are </line>
<line> *ssociated w**h different *ctions that *nfluence b*sin*ss *e*ul*s, a theme that ha* *e*n studied </line>
<line> in di*f**ent wor*s ove* tim*. For </line>
<line> exa*ple, </line>
<line> b**n*\s personal**y (AAKE*, *997), </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> relationshi* betwee* co*sumers an* firms (FOURNIER, *998), and mor* recently, th* i*pa*t </line>
<line> of *lobal </line>
<line> br*nds (S*CHTMANN; DIAM**T**OULOS, 2*13), the brand influ*nce </line>
<line> on </line>
<line> *ons*mer respon*es (BUI*; M*RT**EZ; DE *HERNATONY, 2013) and th* soc*al medias </line>
<line> effe*t* in t*e per**ption of br*nds by **nsum**s (SCHIVI*S*I; D*B*OWSKI, 2016). </line>
<line> In this sc*nario, Keller e Le**a*n (200*) po*nt o*t t*at for a mark*ti*g e*ecuti*e to </line>
<line> ***rectly </line>
<line> m*nage brand, *s re*uired to understand its value and mainly, to mea*ure i* in a </line>
<line> three different levels: </line>
<line> a) *ased on the effects th*t the brand exert </line>
<line> on th* consume*; b) the </line>
<line> additional v*lu* *hat the *r*nd rep*esents *or the co*pa*y *n* fina*ly, c) the f*nan*i*l res*lts </line>
<line> that the bran* brings to the b*sine**. The c**t*ol o* *he resu*t* in thes* three dimension* le*ds </line>
<line> t* th* bran* va*ue performance\ measurement in r*lat**n *o the business, w*i*h, however, ** </line>
<line> not always </line>
<line> easil* achieved. It *epends on and in**uences *he </line>
<line> *e*isio* making </line>
<line> *ro*e*s in </line>
<line> dif*erent levels insi*e the co**any. For **is re*son, in orde* t* make exp*icit the re*ationshi* </line>
<line> be*ween the d*fferent *spec*s *s*ential t* the brand's *alue *nd to the company's performanc*, </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> also to g*ve *rea*er s*ientific *igor t* bran* research and its construction, Kel*e* </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> Lehmann (200*) proposed a model *o demo**trat* how the value of *ran* works **d how the </line>
<line> relation*hip *etween **s different *omponents *ccurs. Startin* f*om the conce*t of *h* *rand </line>
<line> val*e chain, proposed b* themselve* (KELL*R; L*HMA*N, 2003), they pr*pos* * new </line>
<line> *odel covering t*e antec*dent* and th* c**sequences of the brand, from the actions tak*n by </line>
<line> the co*pany, pas*ing b* the consu*e*s re*ctions an* pointi*g t* the f**anc*al impact on *he </line>
<line> ma*ke*, *uccee*i*g the init*al *ctions. </line>
<line> On the other hand, Morgan (2012) studied i* *e*th </line>
<line> the rel*t*onsh*p </line>
<line> between the </line>
<line> diffe*ent marketin* comp*n*nts **d *inancial perfo**an*e. Thus, he c**e *o a </line>
<line> *r*mework </line>
<line> t*at c*n*ide*s the *ntegrat*on of d*fferent contributio*s of the struct*re-condu*t-performanc* </line>
<line> (SCP) parad*gm, also b*th from **e Resource Base* Vie* (RBV) and Dyn*mic Capabilitie* </line>
<line> (DC). While rec*gnizi** that no empirical study could capture the full range of **riab*es a*d </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 16, n. 5, art. 1, p. 0*-16, set./*ut. 2019 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> A. D* Pet*a, R. *. N. Fe*raz </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> relatio*ships between ma**etin* **d finan*ial performa**e, t*e author und*rstands tha* his </line>
<line> model can gr*dually add to th* contribut*ons t*at come from st*ategic ma*age*ent theory a*d </line>
<line> strategi* marketing lite*ature. </line>
<line> Af*er c*mparing these two mo*els, it i* po**ib*e to obs*rv* a gap in the mo*el </line>
<line> p*oposed by Keller an* *ehmann (2006), since th*s o*e does not consider usin* the fi*ancial </line>
<line> i*pa*t feedback </line>
<line> to t*ke *ew actions related to the brand. O* the </line>
<line> ot*er h*n*, the </line>
<line> m**el </line>
<line> pro*o*ed *y Morgan (201*) *eflect this feedback, *hi*h associates financi*l *erformance </line>
<line> with reso**c*s *nd market**g capa*ilities throu*h l*arning a*d reinvest*ent. T* answer this </line>
<line> gap, the following research question is pro*os*d: whe* to use *i*ancial r*su*ts feedback from </line>
<line> t*e marke* *o take new </line>
<line> action* t* susta*n the brand? Re*ponding th*s ques*ion, will *e </line>
<line> possible to conf*rm w*e* th* feedback ca* s*rve as in*ut for companies plan*ing new actions, </line>
<line> thus con*ri*uti*g t* </line>
<line> the review *nd adequa*y </line>
<line> of t*e process of making de*isi*ns related </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> their *ra*ds, accord*ng *o the results expressed by *he mar*et. In addition, the literature </line>
<line> revi*w allows </line>
<line> verif*i*g t*e possible exist*nc* of new mod*ls *hat consider t*e ant**e**nts </line>
<line> and the consequences of *he brand in </line>
<line> rega*ds to the performance measured </line>
<line> *y </line>
<line> f*nancial </line>
<line> *esults. </line>
<line> With that purpose, beyond *his int*odu*tion, th** pap*r presen*s * litera*ur* rev*ew </line>
<line> coverin* the mai* l*ne* of r*search cited by M*rgan (2012), who ba*ically, seeks to explain </line>
<line> th* r*aso*s for th* bet*er </line>
<line> pe*formanc* of compa*i*s and the relationship between b*an* </line>
<line> p*rfo*mance in </line>
<line> the mar*et and the com*an* f*na*cia* per**rm*nce. Addit*ona*ly, </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> perspective of *he main processes of str**egic plan*ing is shared, h*ghl***ting the *mp*rtance </line>
<line> of feedback *o suppo*t it. The met*od u*ed t* co*lect </line>
<line> th* info*mation is describ*d and the </line>
<line> discussion *f findi*gs is p*esented. Finally, in ad*ition to the conclusions, fut*re resear*h are </line>
<line> suggested to *over the limi*ati*ns f*ced *n this pape*. </line>
<line> * LITERATURE RE*IEW </line>
<line> Under the Dynamic Ca*abilities (**) per*pective, *hich studi*s t*e compa*y's abil*ty </line>
<line> to capture, establ*sh, and reconfig*re int*r**l a*d ex*erna* *ompetencies to a*hie** success in </line>
<line> rapidly changing economi* environments (TEEC*; PISANO, 1994), *his litera*ure review </line>
<line> ex*l*res the ba*ic li**s of ma*k*ting r*search cited by Morgan (2*1*), l****ng fi*ancial </line>
<line> performanc* to </line>
<line> mark*ti*g resources and cap*bili*i*s using processes of lear*in* </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> rein*es**ent. *tarting from the struct*re-co*d*ct-performance (SCP) pa*adigm, *he </line>
<line> au*hor </line>
<line> confess*s *ha* </line>
<line> *o emp*ric*l study could </line>
<line> cover the full multiplic*ty </line>
<line> of *ariables </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, *eresina, v. 16, n. 5, **t. 1, *. 03-16, set./out. 20*9 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.co*.br/revista </line>
<line> Marketing, Marca * Dese**enho financeiro: Feedback na *o*ada *e Deci*ão </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> relationships betw*en market*ng and financial pe**ormance. In *ny case, a process is required </line>
<line> that con*iders the feedback and its *nputs in the planning of *ew actions by the compa*y. </line>
<line> Anot*er point cove*e* b* **is l*ter*ture rev*ew is the use of feedback in the decision- </line>
<line> making pr*ce*s and strategic action* in *elation to the brand. In order ** verify *** *d*erenc* </line>
<line> o* res*lts to the app**ved strat*gic pla*, compan*es *ust develop a m*nitoring system that </line>
<line> pr*vides *el*vant informatio* and accu*a*e feed*ack of these act*ons. The correct timing </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> results col*ecti*n, the *ommun*cat*on to approp*iate sta*eh*lders and their part*cipation in the </line>
<line> decision-*aki** </line>
<line> process, hel*s to *aint*in *h* c*mmi*m*nt to the </line>
<line> plan (*RMSTRONG, </line>
<line> 198*). </line>
<line> *.1 Basi* lin** of marketin* research (*organ, 2012) </line>
<line> In th* introd*ction, *organ (2012) shows three theo*i** that were *onsid*red in th* </line>
<line> deve*o*ment of his model of the relat*on***p between marketing *nd financial perfor*a*ce: </line>
<line> SCP </line>
<line> pa*adigm, R*V and D* t**or*es. The SC* paradi*m, developed b* Bain ** *l. (1976), </line>
<line> e*tablishes relatio*ships be*ween market str*cture, *a**et behavior and m*rket p*r*ormance, </line>
<line> and is c*nsider*d a basis o* </line>
<line> industrial organ*zation theory, also being a s*arting point in the </line>
<line> analysi* of markets and i*dustri*s, not on*y in </line>
<line> *conomics, but a*so in *h* </line>
<line> areas of </line>
<line> *usiness </line>
<line> management a*d *ontrol (*CWIL*IA*S; SMART, 1993). This *aradigm summarize* the </line>
<line> in*luence </line>
<line> o* pr*duct and technology </line>
<line> on *he struc*ure o* t*e market, *hile p*bli* policies </line>
<line> influence bo*h *he *tructure *nd co*duct o* the market. Finally, the co*du*t of the </line>
<line> mark*t </line>
<line> *ould *epend, i*s p*rfo*mance. </line>
<line> In his articl*, Morgan (2012) shows *hat in the view *f the SCP paradig*, the best </line>
<line> perfo*m*nce of the compa*y would be ac*iev*d by invest*ng in **rkets with low </line>
<line> competiti*eness and b* gaini** valu*ble positions *ithin these ma*kets. From this </line>
<line> perspective, the fo*mulation of a bu*iness strategy would focus on sector analysi* *nd m**ket </line>
<line> selection. Followi*g t**s, the *uthor shows that this paradigm was challenged by the RBV </line>
<line> theory that *ee* t*e co*pany's specifi* r*sources, r*the* than the characteristics of the m*rket, </line>
<line> as the basis of competiti*e adva*t*g*. In this way, *nc* a company has devel*ped its own </line>
<line> r**ources, a*y *ompetitiv* adva**age is underpinned b* t*e inability </line>
<line> of other comp*nie* to </line>
<line> mimic the combination o* reso*rces on *hich th*ir strategy is based. Therefore, in the RBV, </line>
<line> the formulation of a </line>
<line> strateg* focuses on the iden*ificat*on *f key r*s**rc*s an* </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> development of these resourc*s in m*rkets wher* the*e a*e *he best potential for profit*. </line>
<line> Rev. *S*, Te*esin* *I, v. *6, n. 5, art. 1, p. 03-1*, set./o**. 2019 ww*4.fsanet.*om.*r/revi*ta </line>
<line> A. Di Petta, R. R. N. Ferraz </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> C**cluding his comm*nts *n the three *ain theories considered *n d*ve*oping his </line>
<line> model of the r*lationsh*p between m*rketing and financial perform*nce, M*rgan </line>
<line> (2*12) </line>
<line> s*ows </line>
<line> that the R**'s limita*ion *n considering *nd responding t* the impacts </line>
<line> o* market </line>
<line> *ynamics **s led to th* development of the t*eory *f D*n*mic C*pa*ilities (DC). DC </line>
<line> cons*ders th* *ompa*y's abil**y to acquire, com*in*, and *ra*sfor* ava*lab*e resourc*s in *uch </line>
<line> a way </line>
<line> to ach*eve *ts strategic o*je*tives, within an *rganizat*onal routine *v*r time. This </line>
<line> wou*d allow the formula*ion an* implementatio* of new strategies to **flect t*e con**tions of </line>
<line> an </line>
<line> *ver-c*ang*ng mar*et, either b* mod*fyi*g available resourc*s *r by *ear**ngin* th*m in </line>
<line> *ifferent w*ys. F*r this ** happe*, it is also ne*essar* to es*a**ish a planning pr***ss </line>
<line> th*t </line>
<line> capture* *nd guides t*e inputs of the mark*t in su*h a *a* as to al*o* *he opport*nities to *e </line>
<line> exploite*. </line>
<line> Finally, in the broad concept*al fra*ework dev**oped b* Mo*gan (2012), it is possi*le </line>
<line> to *bser*e the relatio*sh*p between marketi*g performance and **nancial </line>
<line> performan*e. The </line>
<line> int*grati*n between </line>
<line> *he components a*d the contribut**ns of each one </line>
<line> o* the t*e**eti*a* </line>
<line> r**ere*ces ***ulted in a clear a*d understandable frame**rk. </line>
<line> 2.2 Feedback o* decision-mak*ng </line>
<line> Develo*ing a st*ategy is a co*plex process that involv*s several </line>
<line> fea**res </line>
<line> of human </line>
<line> thought an* for this reason should al*ow, i* *dditio* to the structured pl*ns for the future, that </line>
<line> th* emerging oppor*uni*ies are *lso captured. Al*g**d to this per*pective, Steiner </line>
<line> (2010) </line>
<line> *xplains that there are two ways to develop strate*i* planning: intui*ive planning **d *or*al </line>
<line> sy**ematic planning. Ther*fo*e, in this review </line>
<line> o f t he </line>
<line> lite*atur*, we will </line>
<line> cons*der </line>
<line> the*e *wo </line>
<line> aspects. </line>
<line> The formal strateg*c p*anning proce*s i* g*nerally c*mposed of nin* *teps, a** o* them </line>
<line> surroun*ed by decisions, and the la*t*r st*p is co**osed of measures, control and ac*ion* to </line>
<line> fee* back *he pro**s* (COHEN; CYERT, 1973). Likewise, formal plan *s *xpected t* be a </line>
<line> pr*p*red in ad*a*ce to moni*or and verif* projecte* performa*ce, as well as achievem*nt o* </line>
<line> ***posed ob*ectives, and t*is p*ac*ice is more applied an* bring* *etter results in stable </line>
<line> envi*onments (ANSOFF, 1991). On th* *ther ha*d, intui**v* s*rategic plan*ing is pe*forme* </line>
<line> w*th*u* the same **rmality, </line>
<line> being m*re *gile and *pplicable </line>
<line> in uncertain envi*onm*nts </line>
<line> or </line>
<line> *n*ol*ing greater risk* (L*WIS; WELSH; D*HLER; GREEN, 20**) being m*re commo*** </line>
<line> used by small *o**ani** (PAU* JONES; CHOUDRIE; C*LK*N, 2013). In thi* case, </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v. 16, n. 5, art. 1, p. 03-16, set./**t. 2019 w*w*.fsa*et.*om.br/revista </line>
<line> Marketing, Marc* e Desempenho financeiro: Feedba*k *a Tomada d* Decisão </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> p*oximity favor* feedback fr** more operation*l level employee* to *op-le*el executives who </line>
<line> make strate*i* and tactical decisions about the busi*ess (EI*ENHARDT, 1989). </line>
<line> I* r**ards to the rel*ti*nship **t*een brand </line>
<line> *erforma*ce and fina*cial pe**orm*n*e, </line>
<line> both locall* and *nt*rnationally, furth** studies are still *eeded, mainly to m*asure </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> und*rstand *he *mportance o* bran* strategy (SMALL; M*LE*AR; YIN WONG; </line>
<line> MERRILEES, 2007). Th* same st*dy shows that in terms of the international ma*ke*, br*nd </line>
<line> performance has a significant influenc* </line>
<line> on financi*l perfo**ance. On the other hand, in </line>
<line> or*an*zations that h*v* </line>
<line> a mar*et-*riented c*lture, f*nancial perf*r*ance is in**rect*y </line>
<line> influenc*d by their p*r*orman*e in *he same market (HO*BURG; PFLES*ER, 2000). At th* </line>
<line> sam* time, it can be observed that past financi*l pe*formance, influencing the reputation of </line>
<line> com*anies whi*e *nfluenc*n* future f*nancial perf*rmance (ROB**TS; DOWLI*G, *002). I* </line>
<line> another more *ecent study, i* is shown *hat from the perspective of *esource Based Vie*, an </line>
<line> i*te*rated marketing com*unicat*on *s a *ap*bility that has a significan* d*re*t impact *n the </line>
<line> effectiveness of * cam*aig* a*d </line>
<line> thus indire*tl* influen*es bran* *erforma*c* </line>
<line> and financi*l </line>
<line> performance (LUXTON; **ID; MAVONDO, 2*15). </line>
<line> That said, Fi*ure 1 s*ows *he model proposed by Kelle* a*d Lehm*nn (2*06) which </line>
<line> will s*ppo*t the discuss*on pro**sed *n ***s art*cle. *i*st, it </line>
<line> *hows the company's </line>
<line> *ction*, </line>
<line> deployed in strategies and programs and the *mpac* of *hese actions on *hat con*umers t*ink </line>
<line> *nd *eel about the brand. C*nsume* thinking and feelings unfold in other c*mponents related </line>
<line> to consumer r*acti**s such as awareness and attitud*s towards the </line>
<line> brand, directly </line>
<line> affecting </line>
<line> what consum*rs do in relati*n to th* </line>
<line> bra*d. In a**it*on, t** impact o* consumer *ctions </line>
<line> on </line>
<line> their thoughts and feelings, are expressed in th* opposite dir**tion *y the satisfac*ion they feel </line>
<line> in relation to the br*nd. In t**s model, com*etit*rs' act**ns, en*ironmental condit*ons and the </line>
<line> bu*iness sector, in addition to th* **tions of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> **mpany's partners such as em*l*yees </line>
<line> a*d </line>
<line> distri*ut*on channels, influence a*d are </line>
<line> influenced by what consumer* do </line>
<line> about a *rand. ** </line>
<line> can also be obse*ved that the financial performa*ce of the co*pany is impacted by *he actions </line>
<line> of th* co**umers in relat*on to the brand and </line>
<line> als* by </line>
<line> the *ondi*ions o* the business </line>
<line> environme*t *nd the actions of the c*mpetitors. </line>
<line> In the model presen*ed *y Keller and *ehmann (*006), it is remarkable, *ow**er, </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> note *ha* the impact *n the f*nancial market does not re*u*n t* the be*in*ing of the pr*cess, </line>
<line> serving as fe**bac* f*r redefini*g or *ven definin* new strategic action* or p*ograms. Withi* </line>
<line> a form*l *trategic planning pr*ces*, monitoring outcomes from the *arke* an* feedbac* </line>
<line> would be exp*cted to feed ba*k t*e pr*cess (COHEN; *YE*T, *973). </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 16, n. 5, art. 1, p. *3-1*, set./*ut. 20*9 *ww4.fsa*et.com.br/rev*sta </line>
<line> A. Di Pe*ta, R. R. N. Fe*r*z </line>
<line> 10 </line>
<line> Figure * - *roposed model *eflecting brand an*ecedents a*d co**equences </line>
<line> Source: (KELLER; L*HMANN, 20**) </line>
<line> Accordin* t* th*s model, *t *eem* that the impact *f the financial market is not being </line>
<line> use* as f*edback. As observed in t** *lan*ing p*ocess, the feedb*c* co*ld be useful to </line>
<line> redefine the actions taken or e*e* consider new company actio*s, deployed i* new s*rat*gies </line>
<line> or also new programs. *hus, th* ques*ion of re*earch *s reaffirm*d: wh** to us* the fee*b*ck </line>
<line> *f *inanc*al re*ults *btained from the marke* *o supp*r* the brand? </line>
<line> 3 ME*HOD </line>
<line> Lite*ature revie* is an impor*ant part of any research. St*rting f*om i*, the know*edge </line>
<line> b*se *ill be dev*loped to answer *he proposed research *uest*on (TRAN*IELD; DENYER; </line>
<line> SMA*T, 2003). In order to carry ou* a syste**tic r*vie* of the literatur* *f the main journals </line>
<line> starting in *016, th* y*ar of publication of the **ller and Lehm*nn model (2006), the research </line>
<line> method was descr*bed, descri**d below. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *er**ina, v. 16, n. 5, art. 1, p. 0*-16, set./out. 2019 </line>
<line> *w*4.f*an**.co*.br/re*ist* </line>
<line> Mar*eting, M*rca e **sempenho *i*an*eiro: Feedback *a T*mad* de Decisão </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> *n the Publish or Perish (PO*) database, we *ook fo* papers in re*p*nse to t*e model </line>
<line> proposed b* K*ller and Lehmann (200*). P*P is a fr*e softwar* that uses *he Go**le S*ho*ar </line>
<line> b*s* *o research </line>
<line> and ana*yze academic cita*ions, </line>
<line> also rep*rting t*e impact fa**or for non- </line>
<line> indexed publica*ions *n the *eb of S*ienc* (HARZING, 2010). Using *h* same databas*, *e </line>
<line> also sear*he* for the most c*ted *o*ks a* *ll tim*s addressing the topic of 'strate*ic planning' </line>
<line> i* the 'Th* p*r*se' field. Finall*, usi** th* same criteria, we looked for pape*s that at the same </line>
<line> *ime referred to '**and Pe*formance' an* 'Fi*ancial Perfor*ance' ('*rand pe*formance' AND </line>
<line> 'fin*nc*al performanc*' in th* '*he p*rase' fie*d). </line>
<line> To start *p the **ter*ture review, we c*oose the four p**lications *egarding this </line>
<line> subject, above 1*0 cita*io*s eac*, discardin* the *thers. Consi*ering that K*ller and Lehmann </line>
<line> (2*06) propo*ed and *ri**itized future st*di**, to an*lyze the evolu**on of the mode* initially </line>
<line> proposed, w* </line>
<line> used t*e Scopus *nd Google Sc*olar data*ases to id*ntify how ma*y pap*rs </line>
<line> *espo*ded the*r ar**cle. *h*se *atabases *ere *sed </line>
<line> because </line>
<line> t*ey cover </line>
<line> the largest variety of </line>
<line> journals, *ave t*e fastest citation analysis, </line>
<line> a*d </line>
<line> re***eve articles *rom </line>
<line> different websites </line>
<line> (FALAGAS; PITSOUNI; MALIETZIS; PAPPAS, *008). </line>
<line> In the Sc*pus d*taba*e, *77 *itations were *ound, where*s in th* *oogle *chola* were </line>
<line> *ound 1,423 citations. Consi*erin* that the </line>
<line> **flection point in the *umbe* </line>
<line> of citatio*s w*s </line>
<line> around 60, the 20 pape*s with 60 cita*ion* or mo*e in the Scopus dat*b*se were selected. All </line>
<line> o* thos* 20 papers we*e contained i* *he first 50 articles with m**e th*n 60 citati*ns w*thin </line>
<line> the *oogle Scho*ar base. After s*m*arizin* th*se 50 </line>
<line> articles, *e id*nt*f*ed *hat only tw* </line>
<line> mentione* th* pro*osed m*de*: i* one of them, written by Brodie, Whittom*, & Br**h </line>
<line> (20*9), *t was suggested t*at the mod*l of Kel*er and Lehmann (2006) would be integrated </line>
<line> into *he framework propo*ed by Rust, Ambler, C*rpenter, Ku*a*, & Sri*a*tava (2004). The </line>
<line> ot**r pa*er *y Kr*snikov, Mishr*, & Oro*co (2009), **esents * *o*ceptual model that </line>
<line> supports a quantitative study ba**d on second*ry da*a obtai*ed from differ*nt source* </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> *nfo**ation, in*luding a**ual reports from different c*mpanies. The concl*sions of these two </line>
<line> pa*ers *i*l be disc*ssed in the next section. </line>
<line> To fin* *u* new mo*els o* *onstruct* cons*dering the bran* **te*edents </line>
<line> *nd </line>
<line> *onseq*ences related *o the **rforman*e measured by t*e fi**nci*l *esu*ts, we consulted </line>
<line> databases ProQue*t, Sc*pu* an* Google **h**a*. The combination *f key words sough* w** </line>
<line> "*o*e* of </line>
<line> bran*s </line>
<line> kelle* 2006", </line>
<line> and the search *eys consider*d t*e most relevant articles in </line>
<line> Engl*sh, published market*ng or managemen* j*ur*als, peer-revi*wed and published *fter in </line>
<line> 2007, *he yea* followin* *he publicatio* o* the m*del *nd finally, </line>
<line> **e *omplete pap*rs </line>
<line> availab*e fo* f*ee *onsultat**n. From e*ch of the *as*s, the 30 most c*ted arti*les *ere *isually </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 16, n. 5, a*t. 1, p. 03-16, se*./out. 2019 www4.*sa*et.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> A. Di Pe*ta, R. R. N. *erraz </line>
<line> *2 </line>
<line> a*al*zed in *elation ** the exis*ence of mode*s. In addition to the mode* pr*viously *ropos*d </line>
<line> by (RU*T et *l., 2004), no o*her *entioned d*rec*ly wi*h *he b*a** </line>
<line> an*eced*n** </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> *onsequen**s r*lated to the perform*n*e measur** by the *inanc**l results. </line>
<line> 4 DISCUSSI*N </line>
<line> We conclu*e that the u*e of feedback as </line>
<line> *npu* *o take strategic actions in relatio* to </line>
<line> **e brand may vary *ccord*ng to the *ypes of stra*egic planning adopted by **m*anies. </line>
<line> Com*anies operat*ng in </line>
<line> an enviro*ment o* uncertainty or grea*er risk *o *ot h*ve formal a </line>
<line> and systemat*c pr*cess *f strate*ic pl*nni*g whi*e there are compa*ies that adopt *n int*itive </line>
<line> planni*g *nd t*erefore </line>
<line> do no* co*sider feedback *s an im**r**nt element for the p*ocess </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> definiti*n of c*mpan*'s shares. On the other ha*d, the *eview of the literatur* has shown that </line>
<line> th* p*actice of </line>
<line> c*nsi*ering *eed*ack as in*ut to the s*rategy is adopted *ven in small </line>
<line> companies, t*roug* the participati*n of the employees of *he operatio*a* level, s*pply*ng with </line>
<line> i*forma*ion the level *hat mak*s the dec*sion. With that in m*nd, it *s poss*ble to speculate *or </line>
<line> a possible r**son for Keller and *ehmann (2006) </line>
<line> not includ*ng th* fee*back in their model. </line>
<line> Maybe the feedback was not indicated in the mod*l, perha*s becaus* t*e it would be intended </line>
<line> fo* co*panies *hat ope*ate in *n *nviron**nt of uncerta*nty or ris* a*d theref*re, would not </line>
<line> ha*e a formal and systemat** pr*ce*s of strategic **anning. </line>
<line> In rega*ds to th* evo*ution o* </line>
<line> the model initially prop*sed *y Kel*e* and </line>
<line> L*h*an* </line>
<line> (2006), </line>
<line> the litera*ure review showed one pap** (KR*SNIKOV et *l., 2009). *t pr*sents </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> concep*ual mo*el that *den*ifie*, among other*, va*iables su*h a* intensi*y of adve*tisem*nt, </line>
<line> i*tensity and *den*ific*t*on of brands and the impact of th*se variables on finan*ial *ndicators </line>
<line> suc* as cash flow </line>
<line> and earnings p*r s*are. However, it does </line>
<line> no* present a graphic </line>
<line> r*presentation of t*e *odel used. Fin*ll*, the literatu*e r*view showed t*a* no *ew m*d**s o* </line>
<line> constr*cts w*re presented that consider th* br*nd antece*en*s and consequences ***a**d to t*e </line>
<line> *erform*nc* measu*ed by *inancial res**ts. </line>
<line> *ow**er, *hree of the mo*els f*un* calle* the attention and ar* therefor*, discussed in </line>
<line> t*is section. The fir*t one, is t*e "Ma*ket*ng Productivity Chain" cited by Brodie *t al. (2009), </line>
<line> which seems to be most re*ated *o *he model </line>
<line> pro*osed by *eller & *ehma*n (2006). The </line>
<line> c**ceptual framework of *ust et al. (2004), w*ich is th* one that would allo* the inclusion of </line>
<line> financial m*trics su*h *s *OI, EVA and E*IT t* the m*del propose* by Keller *n* Lehmann </line>
<line> (2006), thus *einforcing t*e mark*ting relations*ip wit* fi*a*ci*l ac**u**ing and custome* </line>
<line> profitability. *t is wor*h noting *h** this model contemplates *he feedback of financia* posit*on </line>
<line> *s input to feedback the tactical actions to be taken by the *a*keting ar*a of *he c*mpany. </line>
<line> *e*. FS*, Teresi*a, v. 16, n. 5, art. 1, p. 03-16, set./ou*. 201* www4.**anet.com.br/*evis*a </line>
<line> Ma*ket*ng, Marca e Dese*penho financeiro: F*e*back na Tomada de Decisão </line>
<line> 13 </line>
<line> *nother mode*, propose* b* *elm & Jo*es (20*0), </line>
<line> despite </line>
<line> not </line>
<line> direc*ly to**hing the </line>
<line> ***nd relation *ith *inancial pe*formance, proposes *he expansion of the value *hain to better </line>
<line> unde*s*and brand management. The *onceptual fram*work *rop*sed by t*e authors offer* </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> complete </line>
<line> view of the proc**s *f *o-*reation of </line>
<line> v*lue a** *ts </line>
<line> go*ernance, *s an int*rrela*ed </line>
<line> sy*tem. I* t*is c*se, </line>
<line> t*e closed and interrelated system s**nds out, where it is observ** that </line>
<line> the creation of </line>
<line> value to the stakeholders through the *a*es, c*ntributes as a feedback to the </line>
<line> *efinition o* the a*tions *ha* *ustain *he brand. </line>
<line> *ina*ly, t*e third mod*l c*nsidered is th* *ne proposed by R*berts & Dowling (2002), </line>
<line> showing in a s*mple way t*e relation between the *erfo*m***e of the brand and th* financi*l </line>
<line> perfor*ance. In fe* wo*ds, past f*nanc*al performance *irectly impacts the bra*d's rep*tation </line>
<line> *nd *hi*, influ*nces *uture *inancial perfor*ance. Thus, i* t*is model it is possi**e to infer </line>
<line> that financial results are **ken *nto accoun* to **fine the acti*ns that **ll build the reputation </line>
<line> of *h* *rand. </line>
<line> 5 FIN*L REMARKS </line>
<line> *n order to a*s*er the research question when to use fi*ancial results feedback *omin* </line>
<line> from the ***ket, t* support a sustainable brand, </line>
<line> *e </line>
<line> perf*rmed a literature </line>
<line> review. We </line>
<line> conclud*d that feedback on fin*ncial pe**ormance </line>
<line> or even mark*ting actio*s w*ll be used as </line>
<line> input to define new strate*i* *ctions o* the com*a** in r*lation to i*s bra*d, depending on the </line>
<line> process of *trategi* pl**ni*g that *he company adopts. This can va*y accordin* *o y*ur size, </line>
<line> y*ur practices, y*ur int*rn*l process*s *nd also, th* f*e*ibility of *hese processes to capt**e </line>
<line> th* results and convert the* in*o practica* *c*ion*. </line>
<line> *t *as al*o po*sible *o *onclude that, based on t*e reviewed *ite*a*ure, no new *odel* </line>
<line> or construc*s were fou*d that consi*er *he brand antecedents and co*sequenc** in relation to </line>
<line> *h* performance measured *y the fin**cial results. It *as observed that two new models wer* </line>
<line> suggeste* to com**ete the o*e origi*ally *r**osed by Keller an* Lehm*nn (2*06) a*d that of </line>
<line> Rus* e* a*. (2004) would allow th* inclu**o* of financial metrics and, in a certain model, the </line>
<line> feed*ack in the r*def*nition or prepa*a*ion ** ne* a*tions *r Marketing programs. </line>
<line> Anot*er conclusion is that leaders m*st con*ider the s*z* *f *he*r *o*panies to define </line>
<line> a strat**ic p*annin* </line>
<line> process *hat is appr*priate *nd fle*ible enough to </line>
<line> *peed </line>
<line> up decision </line>
<line> process, *aking ad*antag* of the opportunit*es offered by *he mar*e*. In the *ase ** *ompanies </line>
<line> with * market-orie*ted cultur*, it can be understood *hat the c*pture of *hat consumers do i* </line>
<line> relation to the brand is *uff*cient to defi*e the *ompany's n*xt *ct*on*, being strategies or </line>
<line> progra*s. Final*y, the asses*ment of p*st financia* performanc* and the measurement </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 16, *. 5, art. 1, p. 03-1*, set./out. 2019 w*w4.fsa*et.co*.br/revista </line>
<line> *. *i Pett*, R. R. N. Ferraz </line>
<line> *4 </line>
<line> future *in**cial pe*formanc* are impor*ant to define ho* *he brand's reputatio* *s being built </line>
<line> as well as its impac*s on t*e busin*ss. </line>
<line> The pr*sent re*ie* </line>
<line> *ssume* that did not </line>
<line> c*v*r </line>
<line> a*l s**rces or even all datab*se* to </line>
<line> exhau*t the exi*tence of o*her model* or papers that have been dedicated to veri*y the use ** </line>
<line> feedback to suppo*t t*e decision *aking pr*cess fo* defi*ing new strateg*c ac**ons t* val*e o* </line>
<line> sust**n the power of the bran*. *nother limitation was *ot having *earc**d for *apers i* *he </line>
<line> f*nancial area, a distinct </line>
<line> pe**pective that cou*d co*ple*e th* understanding of the role of </line>
<line> feedba*k in the dec**ion making p*ocess **r p*an***g actions a*d ev*n their impact on </line>
<line> fi*a*cial and operating r**ult*. </line>
<line> The f**st and *erhaps *h* clearest recommendation r**ard*ng future research is based </line>
<line> on the q**st *o s*udy an* whet*e* fi**s that use *ar*et f*edbac* as *nput to de*i*e thei* </line>
<line> stra*egic actions p**form bett*r than thos* who do not. A*other recomm*ndatio* for future </line>
<line> res*ar*h wo*ld be a </line>
<line> practical study *hat demonst**tes the applic***lity and demonstra*es </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> re*ults of the mar**ting </line>
<line> prod*c*i*i*y model *u*gested *y *ust (20*4). Fin*lly, a third </line>
<line> recomm*nda**on ref*rs to detaili*g Krasnikov's (2009) research to *onfirm the effectivene*s </line>
<line> o* the method and also t* bring a g**phic** representat*on of the m*del *sed, com*aring it to </line>
<line> th* mod*l pro**s*d by Kell*r an* Lehm*nn (2006). </line>
<line> REFERE*CES </line>
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<line> C**o Referenciar este Ar*igo, conf*rme ABNT: </line>
<line> DI PETTA, *; F*RRA*, *. R. N. Marke*ing, *arca e De*empenho financeir*: Feedback na T*ma*a </line>
<line> de **cis*o. *e*. F**, *eresina, v.16, n. *, *rt. 1, p. 0*-1*, set./out. 2019. </line>
<line> Co*tribui*ão do* Autores </line>
<line> A. D* P*tt* </line>
<line> *. R. *. Ferraz </line>
<line> 1) c*ncepção e *l*n*jame*to. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 2) *ná*ise e i*terpre*ação **s da*os. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 3) elaboração d* *a*cu**o ou na revis*o c*íti** do **nteúdo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) part*cipação na ap*o*aç*o da v*rs*o fi*al do manuscrit*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Te*e*i*a, v. *6, n. 5, art. 1, p. 03-*6, set./out. 2019 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.*r/re*ista </line>


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