Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *7, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, jul. 2*2*
IS*N Impresso: 1806-*356 ISSN E*etrôn*co: 2317-2983
Are yo* Looking for Innovation?
What Abo*t *o use a Fre* To*l to Ch**k 110 Million P**ents?
Procur*ndo por Inov*ção?
U*e *ma Ferram*nta Gratuita * *esqu*se 110 Mil*ões *e Pate*t*s!!
Arnal*o Di Petta
Doutorado *m A*ministração pe** *niversid*de Nove de Julho
*estre em A*ministraçã* pela Universida*e N*ve de Julho
E-mai*: adi.petta@*ot*ail.com
R**ato Rib*ir* Nogueira Fe*r**
Pós-Dout*rado em Ciência d* I*formação *ela Univers*dade de Toulon
Dou*ora*o em Ciências *ela *ni*ersi*ade Feder*l d* S*o Paulo
Pr*fes*or da Universi*ade de Mogi das Cruzes
E-mail: ren*tobio@hotmail.c*m
*n*e*eç*: Arna*do D* *etta
Ru* *e*utado Salvador Juliane*li, s/n - 1* a*dar - CEP:
*1156-080 *ão Paulo/SP, **asil.
End*reço: Re*ato Ribei*o Nog*eira Ferr*z
Artigo *ecebi*o em
25/03/2**0. Última
Universi*ade *e *ogi das Cruzes, Av. Dr. C*n*ido X. de
*ecebid* *m 14/04/*020. Aprovado em 15/04/2*20.
Alm**da e Souza, 200 - Centro Cívi*o, Mogi da* Cruzes
- SP - CEP: 08780-911, Br*sil.
Av*l*ado pelo s*stema Tri*le R*v*ew: D*sk Review a)
pe*o Editor-Chefe; e b) Doub*e Blind Re*iew
(*v*liaçã* cega por dois avalia*ores da áre*).
Re**são: Gra*atica*, Norma*i*a
e de *ormatação
A. Di Pet*a, R. R. *. Ferraz
In the midst of d*f**re*t
academi* researches *hat *nvestigate *he generat*on or not of
innovation throu*h p*te*ts, this paper aims to broaden *his di*cus*ion. We introduce the use
of * free paten* min*ng tool ex*loiting Espacenet, a database *hat
conta**s more than 110
million docume*t*. *ec*use the g** in t*e l*t**ature reg*rding *raining *or the use of *h*s type
o* tool, we present a practic*l *x*mple of how t* use it. The objec*i** i* t* *otivate the
d*bate and its disse*in*tion
*mong stu*ents and r*search*rs, as well as among small
entrepreneur*, *o take advantag* of
the technological adv*n*es towar*s innovat*o* a*d new
business opportunities. *he examp*e *an be used in the acad*mic are* a*d in business training
co*rse*, to identif* ot*er busines*
opportuni*ies tha* c*n b* *ffe*t*v**y imple*ent*d. **e
co*clu*i*n is t*at by *eaching ab*u* *ntelle*tual p*operty, **m*lementing *ith practice in the
use of *he patent mining tool, it is possibl* to foster innovation. By def*ning topics of interest
and looki*g for e*isting patents throu*hout the w*rld, *t is po*s*ble t* find those that may be
r**eva*t and analy*e their chara*teristics, identifying opportunitie* *hat can be develop*d, or
even directly ap*lied, o*ce the legal requi*ements are met. By showing
prac*ical re*ult* in
learning and using t*is tool, *his paper h*pes to shed *ight *n the *ubjec* and challenge further
*ork that can be disc*ss*d in the acade*ic and professional *ields.
Keywo*ds: Innovation. *atents. Patent* Mining. P2Net. Small **siness Entre*reneurs.
E* m*io a di*e*entes trabalhos
acad*micos que *studam a
geração o* não *e
**ovação por
meio *e pate*tes, este a*tigo se *ropõe a alargar esta di*cu*s*o. Ap*esenta-se * utilização de
um* fe*rame*ta gratuita *e m*nera*ão de pat*nt*s que explora a E**acenet, b**e que contém
ma*s *e 110 milhõ*s de *oc**entos. Pelo fato d* e*istir na literatura uma l*cuna em rela*ão à
capacita*ão para o *so deste ti*o d* fer*ament*, apresenta-se *m exem*lo prático de como é
*ossí*el *sá-l* para
que, ass*m, possa *er re*r*duzido disc*t*do * d*fund*do. Preten*e-se
motiv*r esta p*ática jun*o a estudantes
e pesqui*adores e ta*bém
junt* a pequenos
empreended**es, estes com * finalid*de de tomar proveito de avanços tecn*lógicos qu* sejam
**li*ados a novas op*rtunid***s
de ne*ócio. Sua *tilização pode
*u*to à áre*
a*ad*mic* e tam*é* nos cursos de capacitação nas ár*as de negócios, **ra a identificaç*o de
outras o*ort*nidad** q*e possam se* implemen*adas na prática. * co*clusão é que através do
ens*no a *espeit* da propried*de intelec**al, comp*ementad* pela p*ática na utilização
ferrame*ta de m**eração de pa*entes, * p***í*e* fome*t*r a
ino*ação. Defini*do t*ma*
interess* procurando patentes e
existen*es *as
*ases mundiais, é possível enc*ntrar aquel*s
possam ser relev*n*es *
ana*isar suas c*ra*ter*s**cas, identific*n*o
oportunidades que
*ossam ser aperfeiço*da*
o* até mes*o ap*icadas di**ta*e*te, desde qu* r*speitados os
requ*sit** ***ais. Mos*rando resultados prát*cos no aprendizado e na sua utilização, **te artigo
traze* luz
ao te*a e *oti*a* * reali*a*ão de tr**alhos futu*os que possam ser
comp*rtilhados **s â*b*tos *cadêmico e profis*ional.
Rev. **A, *eresina, v. 17, n. 7, *r*. *, p. 3-24, ju*. 2020
Are you L**king f** Innovation? What Abo*t to use * Fr*e Tool to C*eck 110 Million *atents?
*e*ha*s th* most wel* know* purpose of pa**n** is the
p*otection of intel*ectua*
pro*erty for le*al pur*o*es. **diti*nally, patents are als* rec*gnized for the*r *eac*ing
p**pose, once t*eir co**ent i* *vailabl*,
t*us *o*tributing
the joi*t development of
**c*nolo*y a*d of *nn*vation (Seym*re, *01*). Align*d
to ***se persp*ctives, amo*g ot*er
purposes, patents also allow the identifica*ion a*d analysis of technology tre*ds and business
oppor*unities, represented *y so-call*d patent vacuums (A*ba*, *hang, & Kh*n, *014). Wi*h
t he
gr*wing num*er *f *a*ents *iled ann*all*
w*rldw*de, with nearly
th*ee million two
*undr** thou**n* pat**ts in 20*7 (*IPO Int*llectual Proper*y S*ati*ti*s Dat* Ce*ter, 2019),
and the existence of at l*ast ** p*tent databases (*i*gh, Chakra**rty, & Vincent, 2016), *any
are the s*urces for consu**ation. S*ve*a* tool* have be*n d*v*loped t* facilitate paten* search
**d analy**s (Yan*, Akers, Klos*, & Y*ng, 2008), b*t there is a *ap in the t*ac*ing and
tr*ining of *cade*i*s, *esearch*rs, and prac*itio*ers to use these tools (Reymond & *uoniam,
2016). *n o*der *o co*tribute t* the di*semi*ation of this teaching
and practic*, t*is article
pr*vides a real exam*le for **enti*ying a new busin*ss o*portu**ty, specifically i* thi* case,
ho* *o bring inve*tors and en*repreneurs cl*s*r. The steps r*qui*e* *o access *nd use
Espacenet, o*e of the big*est p*bl*cly *vailable fre* pat**t da*abases (Clarke, 2*18),
d*tail*d and i*l**trated.
By protecting intellectual proper*y, in parti*ular, thr*ugh
p*tenting, c*u*tri*s
general*y prese*ve
*he in**nti*e and innova*ive c*pa**ty of r*s*archers a*d o*ganizations,
motivating them
to innovate and **v*lop new pr*d*cts o*
technologies that *an be
commerc*ally *x*loi**d (*ieff, 2001). On the **he* hand, pate**i*g m*k*s public, *nve*t*ons
*hat w*uld not b* avail*ble if not protected (M*yerhoff, 2009). T* manage t*is process, in
*any count*ies ther*
are spe**alized patent-r*cei*ing, review*ng and
granting o*fices (Long,
1*91; Mel**n, 2002). With recent advances of information technology, **tent *ata*ase* have
become easily attainab*e remo*ely (Singh et al., 2016). Thus, we can infer *hat *he*e ar*
la*ge numbe* of patents in the **rld, w***
their r*spective dat* *pe* for free con*ultation,
re*ulting in a huge *atabase that ma* support bu*ines* decisions (Kas*avi & Risov, *007).
*t is worth no*ing that th* patent analysi* process *s no* simple, requiring gr*at effo*t,
t**hn*cal kno*le*ge and experi*nce (*all, Oppenheim, & Shee*, *999). That is because
a*th*ugh available, document* are in * static f*rm*t, it means, in Po*ta*le Document Format
(PDF). This char*cteri*tic *a*es it **fficu*t *o s*lect patent* *y categories, by count*y o* by
legal status, among *t*er fields for search. F** t*i* reason, au**matic *atent mining t*ol* play
Rev. *SA, Teresin* PI, v. 1*, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, jun. 2020 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista
A. Di Pett*, R. R. *. Ferr*z
a ke* r*le in aut*ma*ically processin* and ana**zing patent docu*e*ts (Zha*g, Li, & Li,
2015). No*adays, to fa*ilita*e the acc*ss
to patent docum*nts *n* th*ir contents, *e*rch
engi*es called crawlers we*e developed
and used, all*wi*g ac*es* to non-refe*ential pa*ent
d*tabases. Some of them a*e
pa*d services, like Int*ll*xir (Masia*ow*ki & Wang, 2013) and
Matheo Pat*nt (H. Do* & Bai, 2007; H.
J.-M. Dou,
2004; H. Dou, Leveillé, *anullang, &
Dou J*, 2*05). *owever, there are *th*r crawler* li*e The Lens (Chri*tie, D**t, & **ddicoat,
2016; Palangkaraya, *010)
and the Pate*t2Net (P2N), free and open (Ferraz, Q*on*am,
Reymo*d, & Maccari, 2016).
Another perspect*ve in th*s pa*er, conc**ns t*e users o* s*ch tool*. Po*ent*al users of
*atent m*n*ng *ool* vary from expert* working
on inno*ation development up to sp*r*dic
*sers, al* of t*em wi*h differ*nt knowl*d*e and interests, covering from sc*en*e *eve*opment
busin*ss opportuni*ie* (B*ni*o, Ci*ram**la, & *orno, 2010). *esp*te this wide variet* of
users, patent-related **cuments a*e not consider*d fr** *he
persp*ct*ve of education
pro*rams (Du*and-Barthe*, 201*; Rey*on* & Quonia*, 2018). *n the other hand, sm*ll
business owners w*o could *se thi* information to lever*ge their business, understan* that it
is *ifficult
to work w*th intellect*al p*ope*ty r*ghts, tools **d processes,
bu* are open for
opportunit*es to be tra**ed f*r this pu*pose (Genna*i, 2*13). An ex*mple co*es from Brazil,
where *he literature
p*esent* l**st *ne c*se wh**e a patent was at
d*vel**ed abroad and not
in that co*ntry (Carvalho, Stor*poli, & Quonia*, 2014). It reg*rds to a highe*
e*ucation i*stit**ion th*t, *uring *he construction of one o* i*s ****s, use* P2N as a search tool
*n paten* da*abases to
find an op*ion f*r *sing steel spacers to rei*fo*ce concr*te. ** usi*g
P2N, the institution fo*nd a
v*a*le solution, economic*lly, op*rati*nally and su*t*in**ly,
al*owi*g the reuse of raw materials and avoidi*g add*tional const*uctio* costs.
That sai*, *he *ollowing rese*rch question ar*ses: How is it possible for a s*uden* *r a
entrepreneur to use *2*
a*cess a *atent database to ident*fy
an inno*ation or
business **portunity? *his article proposes to answer this q*estion, demonstrating the *teps
required. For that, a*ter this Introduction, *e pres*nt a brief Lit*r*t*** Rev*ew a*out main
*opics in this
patents and their
databases, t*e f*ee tool P2N, and the impo*ta*ce
getting closer small en**eprene*** *n* inves*o*s. In *he Methodolo** section, w* presen* the
met*od *pplied to gath*r the information used, h*ghlig*ti*g the operationa*ization *f *2N. In
t*e sequence, Resu*ts point out the data obtained with th* use o* the t*ol, fol*owe* by
Discuss*on. Final*y, i* the Conclusions
sec*ion, we stress the implica*ion* *f the result*
bro*ght b* th*s *o*k, it* l*mitations an* proposals fo* *uture *ese**ch.
Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v. 17, *. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, jul. 2*20 www4.*sanet.*om.br/revista
Are you Lookin* f** Innovati*n? What *bout to u*e a Fr*e *ool to Check 110 Million Pate*ts?
To *stablish a common ba*i* and to fa*ilitat* the un*e**ta*ding on t*e main t*pics
covered *n thi* **per, we p*esent a brief Liter*ture Rev*ew for each one o* them.
2.* P**ents and their da*abase*
A *atent is an excl*sive ri*ht grante* for an invention, w*ich is a product or a process
*hat provides, in general, a ne* way of doing som*thing, o* offers * new *echnical solu*ion t*
a *roblem. T* get a patent, technica* i*format*on ab*ut *he invention mus* be disclosed to the
*ublic *n a paten* ap*lication ("Inside WIPO", 2*16). Paten*s are *o* abstrac* conce*ts b*t
instead, they may be pe*c*iv*d in every*ay li*e as th* result of development of
and *e* tech*ologie* in *ll m*rkets or
business f*elds around the wo*ld. For instanc*, they
vary from
el*ctric lightin* (p*tents held by Ed*son and Swan) *nd p*astic (Baek*land), **
ballpoint pens (by Biro) an* microproc*ssors (** Inte*) (Wild, 2003).
In th* other hand, pat*nt is a type of intangible asset or * resource that d*es not have a
physical embodiment and whose in**str**l and economic exploit*ti** give* a claim to future
benefits (Kodama, 1992). Among the wide range of resour*es *a*led *ntangible ass*t*,
subset o* the* is called Intellectual Property *ssets (IPs) being covered by leg*l prot*c*i*n (IP
rights) *nd *t can take differen* types as sho** in Figur* 1 (*ilardoni, 2*07).
Fi**re 1 - Types of Intelle*t*al Property Assets
Sourc*: Gil*rdoni (2007)
Despite differ*nt ty*es of IP*, this pa*er focuses on patents mainly because the interest
about them is
growi*g among business co*munity,
*ra*titio*e** an* aca*emic researchers.
The person to wh*m a pa*ent was gra*ted *ay *o*mercialize it giving permis*ion *o, *r
l*cens**g o*her parties, t* use t** invent*on under *er*ain
an* mutually agreed
terms. *h*
*ev. FSA, Teresina P*, v. 17, *. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, *un. 2020
A. Di Petta, R. R. N. Ferraz
o*ner may al*o sell the r*ght to the invention to someone *lse, w*o will *hen *ecome the new
**tent own*r. On*e a patent expi*es, usually afte* 20 years of it* applic*tion, the **otection
*nds and the inventio* ente*s t*e *ubli* do*ain; it means, anyon* can com**rcia*ly expl**t
the invention *it*out *nf*ingi*g th* pat*nt ("Inside *IPO", *016).
Patents ar* gra*ted by nationa* pa*ent offices or b* regional *ffices that c*r*y out the
task f*r a number of countr*es. Now*days, the follow*ng regional patent o**ices ar* in
op**ation: Afri*an In*ell*ctual *roperty Or*ani*ati*n (OAPI), African Regio*a* Int*lle**ual
P*op*rty *rganizati*n (AR*PO) Eur**ian Pa*ent Organiz*tion (E*PO), Eu*o**an Patent
Office (***) and P*tent Offi** of the Coop*ration Council for *he Ara* St*t*s of the *u**
(GCC Paten* Office) ("In*ide WIPO", 20*6). Beyond those regional offi*es, the*e are
*eleva*t n*tional
offices lik* the U*ited *tates Patent *nd *rademark Office (U*TPO), the
Japanese P**ent Office (JPO), the C*inese St*te Int*llectual *roperty Office (*IPO) and the
Kore** Intellectual *rope*t* *ffi*e, *m**g ot*ers. ***king as an intern*tional forum for
intell**tual property (I*) services, pol*cy, inform*tion an* cooperatio*, the World Intellectual
P*operty Offic* (*IPO) was created in 1967 *y the United Nations and c*rre**ly has 1*2
member states. Its m*ssion is to lead the deve*opment of a bala*ced *nd effe*tive internati*n**
IP system th*t enables innovation *nd creativity for the benefit of all. ("Inside WIPO", 2*1*).
Based on statis*ical data
fro* *I*O, F*gure * *hows the number of pat*nt* applied
annual*y in t*e last ten ye*rs. The a*m*st 64% growth reflects an incre*si*g
intellectu*l a*t*vity
e*pecially, the **owing **m*er of
opportu*ities for the knowledge
d*v*lop*ent an* *ew ideas discussion and applic*tio*.
Figur* 2 - Tot*l Pate** A*plications all around the World
Total *a*ent Appli*ation* i* Million*
Source: Statistical Data WIP* (2019)
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 17, *. *, art. 1, p. 3-*4, jul. 20**
A*e you L*o*in* f*r Innova**on? What About to *se * Free Too* to Check 110 Million Patents?
The*e pate*t* ar* stored in large n*m*er of paten* databases, fr**ly acce*sible a
t***ugh the Inter*e*. *mon* *hos* patent database*, we *oint out the *spacenet, made
*vailable by the European P**ent Off*c*
(EPO), *hi*h allows the search and consu*tation of
more than 110 million p*t*nt docume*ts around t*e world. Howeve*, it is notewo**hy that
Espacen*t, despite allowi*g t*e res*arch and consultation of pate*t* in their entirety, did not
have an inter*al int*rface that wou*d **low the joint a*al*sis of **e*. However, i* 2006, wit*
the releas* of a tec**olo*y *pplication, t*e Ap*li*ation Programming **terface (API), the
EP* made it easy to ac*ess and downl*ad larg* am*unts of info*mati*n stored in its da*ab*se,
opening doors for analysi* in mass *f patent documents (Kallas, 2006). With this purp*se, *e
p*esent Patent2Net (P2N) as a free tool for extr*cting and a*alyzin* *atents in the Espacenet.
2.2 *at*nt2Net (P2N)
The *2* is an *pe* source so*tware, d*veloped in Py*h*n languag*, *nd re*eased in
20*4 by member* o* the Un*ver*ity
of Toulon. It a*ose from th* need to prov*de u*ers,
professionals and
patent researche*s wi*h a free search tool, and especially to facili*ate the
an*l*sis of la*g* amounts *f data in pate*t document* *tored in *h* Espa*enet patents *atabase
(Reym*nd & Quoni*m, 2016). According to these sa*e
authors, the tool *ame *om*s from
t he
possible v*sualiz*ti*n o* ho* patents relate to each other, *o*mi*g networ*s. Generally
speaking, P*N
on the f*ct *hat EPO r*leased **e API, whi*h *s a set of
com*utation patterns and **utines that *llow search en*ines, t*e cr*wlers, to use many of their
f*a*ures w*tho*t necessarily *nga*ing in comple* compu**ng d*t***s, whi*h fo* d*ta mi*ing is
critical (Im*elins*i, Virmani, & Abdulghani, 1996). By collecting bib*iogr*ph*c data and the
fu*l text
o* patent* mad*
av*ilable by EPO in the E*pacen*t, P2N speeds up data mining,
especially i* terms of the large volume and va*iety ** information (Ferraz et al., 2016).
T* facilitate the overall understanding, the P2N stru*ture follows t*e gene*ic p*oces*
*or *ate** analysi* proposed *y Abbas et al. (2014), which can be seen in Figure 3. It shows in
a s*hematic view, **e thr*e main steps: a) c*llect patents corresponding to c*rtain **iteria set
*orth *n the a**lica*ion; b) filter and seg*ent data acco*ding
to specified
(prep***essing); and c) **liver the content for anal*s*s (proc*ssing).
Re*. FS*, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 7, art. 1, p. *-24, jun. 2020
A. Di Pet*a, R. R. N. **rraz
Figure 3 - *eneric patent analysis workflo*
Source: Abb*s et al. (2014)
Additio*al tools and sof*wa** should suppor* the analysis (post-pro*essin*). One o*
them i* Gephi (https://gephi.org/), a s*e*ialized and free soft*are that allows graphical
vis*al*zation of da*a in the *orm of networks. Anot*er **ftware th*t s*pports pos*-proce*sing
analysis is Iramuteq (*t*p://w*w.iram*te*.org/), free sof*ware for statisti**l an*l*sis a
tex*ual *ata as well a* table data. One exampl* of P*N use, associa*ed wit* o*her software is
avail*ble *n the case study of the popular*zati*n o* 3D print*ng (Reymond & D*matraz, 2014).
Ot*er *llu*trations, a*e t*e *ork o* verifying the technologica* di*con*inui*y *n the ar*as that
use c*al ash (Bra*m, de Sá, Lo*e*, & Neri, 2015), a** also, in the stu*y of the innovation
*rocess fro* the **traction and use of paten* informa**on (Mazier*, Q*on*am, & Sant*s,
*.3 The relations*ip between small business entreprene*rs a*d investors
To facilit*** the *nder*tanding of the e*e*ci*e proposed by this paper, it is worth
a*beit not deeply, the relatio*ship betwee* smal* bus*ness entrepreneurs and
Ini*ially, am*ng dif*erent defi*iti**s exi*ting in *c*de*i*, we use* one t*at
entrepreneurs as
th* *eople *h* play the role *f bringi*g a new organ*zation int* existence
Rev. FSA, Teresin*, v. 17, n. 7, a*t. 1, p. *-24, jul. 20*0
Are you Lo*king for Innovation? W*at Ab*ut to us* a Free Tool to Ch*ck 110 Million Patents?
(*eterso*, *981; V*n
de *en, 1980), or by nece**ity or
(Borges, Fi*ion, &
Si*a*d, 2009). We also stress tha* *mall busines* serve as the economic foundation for many
n*tions beca**e they stimula*e i**ovation and, as th*y can rapidly a*a*t t* ch**ge,
fl*xib*e to *dopt ne* stra**gies that *u*po*ts strategic i*no*ati*n. As a result, s*rategic
innovation is a k*y driver of s*stain*ble competi*i*e advan*age for small busi*e*ses (Taneja,
Pryor, & Hay*k, *016).
In a*y case, for * new ventu*e to e**rge, *t i* req*i**d to have a financi*l foundation,
incr*asing its cha*ces of s*rvival not **ly in the launching period, *ut al*o whe* facin*
shoc*s from the economic *n*ironment (Brü**rl, Preisen*ör*er, & Ziegler, 19*2). Mo*e*ver,
**ere is *o question that access to fundin* sources is co*sider*d *n* of the biggest f*cto** fo*
small business development and *uccess (Ou & Haynes, *006).
The literat**e revi*w by Abdulsa*eh & *orthington (20*3) sho*s diffe*ent sources of
fi*an*ing for
small b*sine**es, s*ch as the *ntrepren*ur's
o** res*rves, public fun*ing,
venture ca**talists an* "business
angels". The latter, ar* prosp*ro*s ind*viduals wi*h
l o*g
business e*perience wh* prefer to invest d*rectly i* small *om**nies with high gr*wt*
*oten*ial, even if the* *ave no previo*s relationship with t*e entr*preneur (*adill, Haine*, &
Riding, 20*5). Regardi*g public fun*ing, a* sm*ll bu*inesse* are **por*a*t f*r the coun*rie*\
economic dev*lopment
(Audretsch, 2002; Bebczuk, 2010; Cho*g,
201*), government
institutions pla* an i***rtant role in *eveloping investment laws, policies and programs that
supp*rt them, miti*atin* inve*t*r r*sks (Busenitz, G*mez, & Spence*, 2000). H**ever, t*ere
is *vide*ce that small businesses f*ce se*ious con**raints to their growt*, and t*at they hav*
le*s access
to sources of *xternal fina*cin*, alth*ugh financial org*n*zations can help them
*hrou*h different *ptions, such a* *oans or leasing (Beck & Demir**c-Ku*t, 2006).
Fina*ly, a*ong so ma*y funding o*tions, Fairchi*d (*011) sho*s t*at the small
en*rep*en*u* fo*esees a clo*er relati*ns*ip, a*d is mo*e c*m*ortable with "business angels,"
showin* gr**ter
*m*athy and trust wi*h them tha* ventur* capitalists, even though the latter
are more *apable of bringing *alue to the busine*s. Thus,
the c*n*lus*o* is that the
*ond*ti*n fo* a small
entre*ren*ur who d**s not ha** h*s own financial resources,
therefore seeks exter**l financin* to st*rt his b*siness, would b* to find a "b*si*ess **gel" to
su*port him **nancially.
Rev. FSA, Teresina P*, v. 17, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, ju*. 2020
A. Di Pe*ta, R. R. N. Ferraz
This w**k *s desc*ipti** in nature *ecau*e it aims to demo***ra*e how a p*oc*ss wor*s
(Barros & Lehfe*d, 200*), *n this ca*e, the search fo* opp**tun*t*es p*ovided by patent
databases, using *he P*te*t2*et (P2N) t**l, **i*g considered as e*ploratory, becau*e ** *s *h*
search *or a poo*ly researched phen*menon (Creswe*l, 2*13).
It is also worth noting that pa*ent research can be c*nsidered as a me*r*c s*udy of
inform*tion, as it deals wi*h the search *or fac*ual infor**tion gathered *n *ree p*bli* access
(Rostaing, *996). From th*s pe*s*ec*ive, howev**, it goes *eyond th* co*cept of
bibli*metrics *ppl*ed t* the stud* of scientific activity (P*ice, 1969), of *ts use as a too* fo*
monito*ing a company's *ompet*tors, o* ev*n f*r moni*oring th* *cientif*c environme*t
(Rostaing, 1996). Because *t i* consult*tion t* techn*log*cal infor*ati*n database* and *
serv*n* to i*e**if* and m*a**re t*e state of **e a*t of a
given technolo*y,
*he paten*
*xerci** addresses some of th* approache* studied in *he vast literat*re
o* *echnology, a
discipline that measur*s a** assesses techn*logic*l change (*occia, 2005).
A* this is an experiment to d**o*strate ma*nly the searc* process, we cho*se one *f
the cases already h*ndled b* P*N an* made available on an Int*rne* prov*der, the v*ab4u.
*mon* the d*fferent cases av*ilable, we pick*d up t*e "entreprene*r". *he i*itial
*on*aining the resu*ts pro**d** by P2N can be seen in *igure 4, and in the l*wer p*rt of *his
screen are highlig*ted t*e cases for which P2N al*eady has a databa*e *ormed. The a*ail*ble
ca*es c*n be bett*r observe* in Figure 5, where t*e red arrow indicates th* term
"*ntrepreneur", cho*en for this work.
Figu*e 4 - Home scre*n *f crawl*r P2N - *ttp://pate*t2net*2.vlab4u.info
*ev. FSA, T*resina, v. *7, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, jul. 2*20
A*e you Looking f** Innovation? What A*out to use a Free Tool to *heck *10 M*llion Patents?
Figure 5 - Indication of the term chosen for this wo*k (Entre*reneur)
S*u*ce: http://patent2netv2.vl*b4*.info/
By *hoosin* the se*r*h term "e**repreneur" di*ectly fro* t*e vlab4u *ite, the home
sc*een returned 618 paten**, as *ho*n in Figure 6. In **is same figure, *he arro* ind*cates t*e
first post-processing a*aly*is fe*t*re ma*e *va*lable by P2N, whi*h refers to the Patents
da**ta*le interf*ce, Piv*t ta*le.
Figure 6 - Scr*en sho*ing par*ial *esul* after choos*ng *he term en*re*reneur
S*urce: htt*://paten*2ne*v2.vlab4u.in*o/DA*A/ent*e*reneur.html
By accessing this l*nk (Patents datatable, *ivo* table), we may ac*ess the screen where
we can *et * summary regarding th* patents that conta*ned, at the time of t*e *xtraction, th*
wo*d "entreprene*r" i* their title o* i* th*ir a*s**ac* (Figure *).
Rev. F*A, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, j*n. 2*20 www4.fs*ne*.com.br/revista
A. Di P***a, *. *. N. Fer*a*
Figu*e 7 - *creen *ith r*sults after a**es*in* *he *ink Patents d*tata*le, *ivot
t *bl e
Source: http://pate*t2netv2.v*ab4u.info/DATA/*ntrepreneur.html
*ith the 6*8 re*ult* returned, it was necessary to apply a se*ond filter, which should
facilit*te th* r*covery of pa*ents th*t allo* gett*ng entrepr**eurs closer to "busine*s angels",
accom*lishing *he goal proposed in *his exercise and explained i* the lite*a*u*e review. Fo*
thi*, we ch*se the word "i*vestor". Fi*u*e 8 shows the field *here this key*ord wa* thrown,
and also *hows t*at *n*y s*ven **s**ts were selecte* based on the com*inatio* "entrepr*n**r"
and "investor".
Rev. FSA, Ter*sina, v. 17, n. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, jul. *020
Are you Looking for Innovation? What Ab*u* to use a Fr*e To*l to *heck 1*0 *il*ion Pat*nts?
Figure 8 - Screen wi*h re*ults **ter applyi*g the *ilt*r in*estor
Source: h*tp://patent2netv2.vl*b*u.info/DATA/entrepreneur.ht*l
The simple *teps des*r**ed in t*is me*hodology led to the *dent**ication ** *atents with
*he t*rms "entrepr*neur" and "investor", i* their title or in their ab*tract, bringing the *e*ults
that will be explain*d in the next sec*ion o* thi* paper.
W* point out that P*N can be freely downloaded **d *s*d *y anyone int*rest** *n
rep*ating th*s proce*ure. It *s pos*ible *o *ear*h fo* other topics, and use other functio** that
are accessible thro**h the creation of an account in Espacenet, enabling the craw*e* use *n the
database. By searching bi*liographic *ata a*d full *at**t texts, *2N allow* the *rea*ion and
vis*al*zation of
vari**s networks betw*en the recovered patents,
facili*ating the *esearch
work. There are *ther *n***faces, not contempl*ted in th* present *ork, which *ll*w
identi*icat*on of the invent*rs' geolocation, of compa*ies an* of pate*t f*li*gs, as w*ll as
*nterf*ces that allow th* crossing o* v*rious indicators r**ated to patent documents. They
allow t** gra*hical visu*li**tion of a seri*s of inf**mation that can contribut* t* *he select*on
of pate*ts of inter*s*,
as well as
patent critical analysis on * particular subject arou*d the
*orld. The *** of P2* in
combination with other so*tware* allows the user to maximize
Rev. FSA, T*resina PI, v. 17, n. 7, art. 1, p. *-24, jun. 20**
A. Di Pe*ta, *. R. N. Ferraz
research possibilities, c*n**ibuting *o the di*s**ina*ion of the p*tent *tilization culture (Ferraz
e* al., 2016).
4 *ES**TS
*ith th* P2N was possible to identify, *n a databas* *f m*re than 1*0 million pate*ts
pro*id*d by the EP*, s*ven docum*n*s *hat met the
*bjective of this paper. **us, w*s it
facilitated the ide*ti*ication of **m* mea** t*at ca* mak* it eas*e* for small entrepreneu*s to
have ac*ess *o *nvestors *alle* "business an*els", openi*g the opport*ni*y to research their
details, *o
verify **eir character*s*ics and applicability, *nd the pr**iminary inform*tion of
each one of
them, what we can o*serve in F*gure 9. **N functi*naliti*s mak* i* *asy to
identify t*e cou*try *her* the patent w*s *i*ed,
its title, the inv*ntor's **m*, the date it was
filed and the year it was published, it *eans, when i* bec*me public and th*r*for* *pe* f*r
cons*ltation. In addition to thi* information, it is also possibl* to ide*tify the p*t**t *um*e*,
a* well as its legal status **d if *here a*e other e*uivalent p*tents.
I*itial*y, it is possibl* to look at the countries f*om which *he pat*nts originate, the
*nventor\s nam*s and t*e *ompan*es t*** filed these pa*ents, as well *s the year i* which they
were file*. However, *he most i*portant informat*on is the patent number, i*ent*fied
b y t he
ti*le la*el. Using t*is *um*er, *nyone can enter the Espacen*t datab*se and seek *he detai*s of
patents, *heir histor* with the registration *odies, the count*ies i* which it is *rotected, and
*lso if *t is s*ill valid.
F**ure 9 - S*reen showi*g seven p*te**s after *pplying *he method *or search
Sourc*: *ttp://patent2netv2.vl**4u.info/DATA/entrepreneur.html
R*v. FSA, *eresin*, v. 17, n. 7, ar*. 1, p. 3-24, j*l. 2**0 www4.*sanet.com.br/r*v*st*
Ar* *ou Looking for Innova*io*? What Abo*t to use a *ree Tool t* Check 110 *illion Patents?
Of the seven patents fou*d, five or**inated in the Unit*d S*ates, one in *ustrali* and
one *n Jap*n. When checking *he n**es of *he d*po*itor*, *e observe that the sam* *nventor,
"Joe Milan", file* his paten* with **th Au*tralia ** it i* in the United States, and it ** exactly
the one t*at i* tit*ed \M*tching angel investors with entrep*eneurs\. Loo**ng more clos*ly at
p**en* nu***rs, AU20022*022* for the one filed in *u*tralia, and US200213**85 f*r the
**her fi*ed in th* U*ited States, it appears that **th h*ve an equivalent patent, WO0207775*,
*hi*h i*dicat*s tha* i* is * *orldwide *ro*ect*d pate*t. F*r more det*i*s rega*ding *his patent,
it i*
*os s i bl e
t* enter
its n*mber in the *spacenet dat*base us*ng Advanced se*rc*,
pr*cedure showed in Figur* 10:
Figure 10 - **vanced search ** *spacenet
Th*s *earch i* t*e data*ase, a*ong other possibl* res**ts, all*ws access to a*l
documents related to the res*ective patent. In Figure *1, w* can check the offici*l docume**
with **e initial dat* and part o* the *ountri*s covered by t*e pa*ent.
R**. F*A, Teresi*a PI, *. 17, n. 7, *rt. 1, p. 3-24, jun. 20*0
A. *i Pe*ta, R. R. *. Ferraz
Figure 11 - Fron*-page uppe* part o* a patent fi*ed at WIPO
F**ur* 1* show* the secon* p*rt o* the s*me front-*a*e, wher* it i* possible to observe
th* existen*e of an abstract and *f a scheme *e*resenting the in**nti*n.
Fi*ure 12 - Fron*-pag* lower *art of a patent fi*ed at WIPO
In addition to this ba*ic information, th*re are a number of detailed documents that
make it *ossi*le to ve*ify that this *nv*ntion is a computer*zed sy*tem where entrepreneu*
*ata i* released after *egistration. S*m*larly, i* means, upon regist*ati*n, the data and
pref*rences *f "business angel" are also posted to *he system and ***ed on thei* inv*stment
or affinitie*, t**s
infor*ation ** cross-re*erenced w*th th* *tar*up data. Th*ou**
logical combination*, the s*stem crosses this inf*rmation *nd pres*nts *o the "business
angel*", * re*ult with potential opportunities for them to choose where to mak* their
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 17, *. 7, art. 1, p. 3-24, *ul. 2020 www4.fsa*et.c*m.b*/revista
Are *ou Looking for Innovation? What About to use a Fr*e Tool to Check 110 Million Patents?
The Espacenet
**tab**e a*so allo*s
us to search a br*ef *isto** re*arding
th e
*esearch** pate*t, wh*c* i* thi* ca*e seem* to *a*e been *ithdrawn in 2004. Figure 13 shows
t*is informat*on high*ighted in re*:
Figure 13 - *creen showing historic even*s i*volving the pa*ent *O02*7*75*.
*his info*ma*ion can be *omplet*d and con*irmed in anot*er Espac*net feat*r*, which
allows *e to consult the *atent'* *egal statu*. Figure *4 confirms that in May 2014 *h*
w*rldwid* patent co*ering this inventi** wa* withd*aw*.
F*gure 14 - Screen sh*wi*g the l**al st*tu* of pate*t WO0207775*
Rev. **A, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-24, jun. *020
A. Di *e*ta, *. R. N. Ferra*
*h*s, the re*ult of th*s exerc*se a*lows us *o understand that a computerized *yst*m to
facili*ate t*e c*n*act bet*e*n "b*sine*s ange*" and entrepreneurs is apparently available to be
studied, im*r*ved or *ven impl*mented in an* country, *ithout legal restrictions.
This p*per demons***t*d that u*ing patent m*ning t*ols, in particu*ar the fre* use
Patent2Net (P2N), it *s possibl* t* identify opportunities *or new busi*ess i* a simple and
available wa* to an*one. *tu*ying this tool, showing its
ease of use and a*plicabi**ty, *e
sought to
answe* the re*earch ques*ion: Ho* i*
it possible for a st*dent
*r a small
*ntre*ren*ur to use P2N to **ces* a p*ten* datab*se to *de*tif* an in*ovation
or a business
After a lit*ratur* revi*w on patent* *nd their
*ata*a**s and
* he P 2N t oo* ,
a* w**l as
id*ntif**ng t*e pr*ference
of small *ntrepren*urs to r*l* on the i*ves*ment
of t*e *o-called
"bus**ess angel*", w* us*d a m*thodology for searching for *a*en*s t*at cou*d allow
a*proach. Among 110 *illion p*tents, th* tool used the *ey wo*d "e*trepreneur" to in*tially
filter 618 **ten*s and, with the application o* ju** one m*re filter, using the key wo*d
"in**stor" the result wa* the identificat*on of seven pat*nts that co*ld be u*ed for **is
purpos*. Entering the da*a of *hese seve* pat**ts i**o Espacenet, it was *ossibl* to s*udy one
o* them i* d*pth, ide****ying that, alth*ugh init*ally *a*ing a wo**dwide *rotecti*n when it
was submitted in 2002, the patent w*s withd*awn *n 2**4, *hus leaving open th* p*ssibility to
be studied, developed, and even deployed without legal res*rict*o*s.
*ne of th* *o*t signif*ca*t c*n*r*butions of *his paper is to demonstrate that it is
pos s i bl e t o
*se P2N, a *r*e tool, or any other data-m*ning tool to l*ok f** t*chnical
op*ort*nities that a** avai*a*le in patent data**s*s *roun* the world. At the sa*e time, *t also
contri*ute* to chall*nging e*ucational *nstitu*ions to e*tablish patent mining educat*on
pr*grams, for
bot* r**earch *nd development
p*rposes. Anoth*r contribution is
to fost*r
in*ovation facilit*tin* th* prospec*ion of the state *f the art o* te*hno*ogy conta*ne* in *uch
databases, thus ope*ing *ew bu*iness o*p*rtunities.
One of the limit*tions of *hi* pape* w*s that it relied *nly on a si*gle database,
E*pace*et, although this is c*rrently the on*y database t*at prov*des its API for cr*wler fr*e
use. *imilarl*, th* choi*e of a practic** *ase of techn*logy a*plicat*on, or even e*gineering,
could pre*ent o*her c**clusions *f a mo*e technical nature, and h*re i* the propo*a* for a n*w
wo*k *o b* done w*th this perspect*v*. Moreover, the spre*d of pa*ent mining practice in
R*v. FS*, Teresina, *. 17, n. 7, a*t. 1, p. 3-24, *ul. 2020 www*.fsanet.co*.br/revist*
Are you Looki*g for Innovation? What About *o use a Fr*e T*ol to Check 11* Million Paten*s?
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new op*ortunities for study and d*bate not only within
acad*mia, but also within organ*zations that b*i*g together s*a** entrepreneurs or sma*l
busine*ses. In doing so, we *o*ld h**e more qu*lif*ed profe*sionals to use spec*fic tools,
res*lt*ng i*
*onc*e*e *c***ns to find inn**ation *p*ortunities an* develo* new b*siness
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Como Ref*renciar este Art*go, *onfor*e *BNT:
DI PETTA, A; FER*AZ, R. R. N. Are you *oo**ng for Innovation? *hat About to u*e a Free Tool
t* Check 110 Milli*n Patents? Rev. FSA, *eresina, v.17, n. *, art. 1, *. 3-*4, jul. 2*20.
Contrib*ição dos Autores
A. *i Petta
R. R. N. Fer**z
1) *once*ção e planejamen*o.
2) análise e interpre**ção dos d*dos.
3) e*aboraç*o do rascunho ou na revisão *rítica do c*nt*údo.
4) particip*ção n* aprovação da versão final *o *an***rito.
*ev. FS*, Teresina, v. 17, n. 7, art. *, p. 3-*4, jul. 2020
- Não há apontamentos.

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