Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *7, n. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, set. *0*0
I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983
Body *mage of Pregnant Women: A Systema*i* Review of *re*ictiv* *odels
Imagem C**poral de Ges*antes: Uma Re*isão *i*temática *e Modelos Pre**tivo*
Solange R*vel* de Oli*e*ra
Dout*rado pela Universid*de *ederal de Minas ***ais
Mestr* em Administraç*o pela Uni*ersidade Fe*eral de Lavras
Pr*fe*sora da Univers*dade Fede*al *e Juiz de **ra
E-mai*: so*angeriveli.*l**eira@ufj*.edu.br
Pedro Henr*q*e Berbert *e Carvalho
D*utor em Psicologi* pel* Universidad* Fed*ra* de Ju*z de Fora
P*of*s*or da Univ*rsi*ade Federal de *uiz de Fora
E-mail: pedro.berbert@*fjf.edu.br
Ricar*o *e*x*ir* Veig*
Dou**r em Administraç*o *ela U*iversidad* Federal ** M*nas Gerais
Professor da *niver*i*ade Feder** d* Min*s Gerais
*-mail: ricar**.necc@gma*l.com
En*ereço: Sol*nge R*veli de Ol*veira
Feder** de
Ci*n*ias Sociais Aplicad*s, *ampus
Edito*-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerley *e Alen**r
Valadares - Av. Doutor Rai*undo Mon*eiro Rezende,
3*0, Cent*o, *overnado* Valadare*/MG,B*a*il.
E*dereço: Pedro *enrique Berbert de Ca*valho
Art*go r*c*bido e* 28/04/2020. Última ver*ão
Federa* de
recebida em 1*/05/2*20. Aprovado em 1*/05/2020.
Ciências *a **da, *ampus Gov*rnador Vala*are* - Rua
Manoel B*rro, 241, Vil* Bretas,
Avaliado *el* si*tema Triple Review: Desk Revi*w a)
Val*dar*s/MG, Brasil.
pelo Editor-Che*e; e b) Double *lin* Review
En*ereço: Ricardo Teixeira Veiga
(*valiação **ga por dois avaliadores da áre*).
U**ve*sidade F**era* de *i**s Gerais, F*culda*e de
Ciên*ias Econômi*a*, Depart*mento de Ciências
Revisã*: G*a*atical, Norm*tiva e de Format*ç**
A*m**istrativas - A*. Antônio Carlos, 66*7 - 4*. anda* -
sala 404*, Pampulha, *elo Hor*zonte/MG, Brasil.
S. R. Oliveira, P. H. B. Carval**, R. T. Veiga
Body is an integral pa*t *f an exis*ing socio*u*t*ral context, which shapes how i* is value*
(F*gueiredo et al., 2014; G*ldenbe*g & *amos, 2007). During pregnan*y wo*en re-evalu*te
*heir appea*ance-relat*d value* t* ad**t to
*h*i* *hangin* bod* (F**ler-*ysz*i*wicz,
*kout*ris, Watson, & *i**, 2013). Th* aim is *o condu** a *ystematic *eview of the literature
t* analyze predictive models involv*ng body image in pregnant wo*en. This research adhered
to the Pr*ferre* Reporting Items for S*stematic *evi*ws and *e*a-Ana*yses guideline -
PRISMA (**her, *iberati, Te*zlaff J, et al., 2*09). The search strategy included an onl**e
of the fol*owing electronic da*abase*: Scopus, Web of Scie*ce and PubMed. After
applying a*l exclu*ion *equirements, 13 articl*s were c*nsidered e*igible. Som* vari*bles *ere
evaluated w*th
pregant body ima*e s*ch as self-est*em, depression and
ge*tational we*ght. Many theor*tical studies
*nd predictive mode** applied inst*uments
devel*ped and adapted from o*h*r popu*a*ions.
Keywords: Body Im*ge. System*tic review. Pregna*cy. P*e**ctive Models.
O c*rpo é part* integr*nte de um contexto soci*cu*t*ral *xistente,
*ue molda como ele *
va*oriz*do (Figueire*o e* al., 20*4; Golden*er* & Ramos, 2007).
Dura**e gestaç**, a as
mulheres r*a*aliam seus *alo*es **lacionados à apa*ê*cia para se adaptar às mud*nças
corpor*is (Fuller-Tys*kiewicz, *kouteris, W*ts*n, & Hi*l, 2013). * objetivo é re*lizar *ma
revisão sistemá*ica d* li*era*ura para ana*isar mo*elos *r*ditivos env*l*en*o *mage*
corporal *m gestant*s. Esta p*squisa se*uiu as diretrizes de
it*ns de relat*rio pref*renciais
para revisõe* *istemática* e meta-an*lises - PRISMA (Moher, Liberati, Tetzla*f J, et
200*). A estr**ég*a de busca incl*iu uma p***uisa o*-line
nas *eguintes bases el*trôn*c*s:
Scopu*, W*b o* Sci*nce e *u*Med. Após a aplicação os requisit*s
de exclusão,
1* *rtigos
foram con*iderados el*gív*is. Alg**a* variáveis, *omo autoe*tima,
depressão * pe*o
gestacional foram avali*das *requen*emente com a
*magem corp**al da ge*tante. Mu*tos
es*udos teóricos e
modelos predit*vos ap**caram instr*mento* d***n*o*vido* e *dapta*os de
outras *opu*aç**s.
Palavras-*haves: Imagem Corporal. Revisão *is*em*tica. Gravidez. Modelos Predi*ivos.
Rev. FSA, *eresina, v. 17, n. 9, art. 2, p. 2*-4*, se*. 202*
Body Image o* P*egnant Women: A Syste*atic Review of Predi*ti*e *odels
*ev*r*l areas, suc* a* Psychology, Socio*ogy, *****opolog*,
among others, have
cont*ibuted for the understanding about bo** image cons**u*t. In spi*e of the c*nc*ptu*l **d
meth*d*logica* *ifficulti*s, the number of body im*ge researc**s h*v* inc*eased between the
*nd of the 2*th ce*tury and the **rst decade o* the 21st cen*ury (Ferrei*a, Ca*tr*, & M*rg*do,
particu**r*y by the direct *n* *ignifi*ant
r*lat*onship *etwe**
p*or body ima** and
ne**tive outcomes for he*lth and *ua*ity of lif*. In this field, so*e specific *opulations *a*e
r*cei*ed notor*ous i*terest from r**e**chers, w*ich is the case of
p*egnan* wom*n (Laus et
al., *014; Me*r*le*, *eves, *arvalho, & Ferreira, 201*).
Neg*tive body imag* o* pre*nant **men have be*n asso**ated **th depre*s*ve
*y*ptoms and poor self-e*teem (Kamysheva, S**u*eris, *er*hei*, Pa*ton, & Milgrom,
*00*); an* reduc*ion ** *re-natal *ttachment ( *ris*anous, Richard, & Gazley, 2014).
Regarding consumpt*on st*dies, body (Valentim, Falcão, & Ca*pos, 2017) and more
pregnant bod* image is *f interest for con*um**ion stu*i*s (Kris*anous e* al.,
A*th*u*h *ome r*cent stu*ies *a*e ide*tified variable* associated wi*h bod* *mage **
p*egn**t women (*o*lings, H*ll, & Skouteris, 201*; Ha*, Bre*is, & *utic*, 20*6; Hartley,
McPhie, Fuller-Tyszkie*icz, **i*ny Hill, & Helen Sk*u*eris, 2016; **iony Hill, Skoute*is,
Fuller-Ty*zkiewicz, Kothe, & **Phie, 20*6; W*t*on, Fu*ler-Tys*ki*w*cz, Broa*bent, &
Skouteris, 20*7) there ** a lack o* *ore s*ecific and *p*ropriat* body
image *easures
(M*ir*les, Neves, *arvalho, & *erre*r*, 2*15; Watso* et al., 2017) a*d mod*ls to capture as
experiences o* this audien*e i* whi*h bo*y shape an* appea*ance *hange substantially over a
relati*e*y short perio* (Kamysheva et al., 2*08).
Thu*, *his s*udy aimed to con*uct * syste**tic review of the l*ter*ture an* *o analyze
pr*dictive mo*els involving *o*y image in pr*gna*t **men.
2.1 Body and *ody I*ag*
For *any, the body i* nei**er s*cial nor public, *ut rath*r pri*atehu* i* *akes more
sense that it is studied by the phy*iologica* or biolo*ical *ciences. H*w*ver, *esides be*ng
stud*ed *y suc* *cie*ces, it is obs*rved *ha* *he bod* i* of intere*t o* the studies of society.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 17, *. *, a*t. 2, p. 27-47, s*t. *020 w*w4.fsanet.com.br/rev*sta
S. R. Olivei*a, P. H. B. *a*val**, R. *. Veiga
As some**in* social, th* *o*y i*t*rests co*sum*t*on a*d mov*s a great *ndust*y of
products and serv*ces. However, it *s import*nt to point ou* that the b*dy is als* a place **
consumption, as *ong *s products *nd services are u*ed to build i*, being **e body the vehicle
that allows a material interaction o* *he
in*ivi*ual *ith society (Figueiredo al., 20*4; Le et
*reton, 2007; Oliveira & Ayrosa, 2016; Val*nti* et *l., 20*7).
In *he socia* sciences, one of t** more ***ious wa*s of seeing th* *od* is being
sur*ounded by th* culture of cons*mption (Goldenb*rg, 2005; Gol*enbe*g & Ramos, 2007;
Sh*lling, 200*; Ton*ni & Sauerbro*n, 2013), for i*ages of a sexy an* thin wom*n bo*y, by
social media and *dverti*in*. *oc*ocultu*al *deals are rei*for*ed and reflected on **e means of
communica*io* (Cash,
2011; Xavier, Xavier, & *omes, 2*15). Accor*in*ly to Clark et a*.
(20*9) body image is an internal repre*entat*on o* o*e\s ou**r appe*r*nc*, and
*ognitive, perceptual, *nd *ttitudinal componen*s *nd it is strongly
infl**n*e* by socio-
c**tural *ources (Thomps*n, H*inberg, A*tabe, & Tantl*ff-Du*n, 1999). In this sense, a lot of
interest has been noticed by *he *eopl* that s*e* to impro*e t*eir own appearanc* (Shilli**,
The body see*s *o prov*de a firm base *or rebuild*ng a tr*stworth* sense of self in th*
wor*d. *ur*hermore, the *h*pes, more *nd more reflexive of t*e way people relate with *he*r
bo*ie*, can be seen *s one of th* char*cteristics and the bo*y sy*bolizes the self in * mo*ent
in whi*h v*lue is placed in the young, a*paren* and sexual body (Le Breton, 2007; Oliv*ira &
Ayrosa, 201*; S*il*ing, 2006). Thus, con*um*tion gain* sp*ce for this bod* to sh** u*. "*he
rhetoric of the soul is re*laced by that of *he body under the moral aegis of *on*umption" (*e
Breton, 2007, p. 84).
2.2 Pregnant bod* and Pre*iou* System**ic R*views
Bo*y *mage mi*ht *e co*sidered a k*y aspec* o* th* pre*nancy experienc* (Walker,
Cooney, & R*ggs, 1999). During pregnancy, *o*en r*-evalua*e th*ir ap*earance-*elated
v*l*es to adapt to their changing bod* (Fu*l*r-Ty*zkiewicz, Skout*ris, Watson, & Hi*l, 2*1*).
Th* pre*sur* *o a*hieve an i*eal *hysical
appearanc* forces many individual* *o
engage i* a process of re*uil***g and man*pu*ating their own bod* (Pereir* & Ayrosa, 201*),
whi*h is *ot *iffere*t for *he pregnant body, s*ightly pregnant (Bra*ão, 2011).
*omen o* the threshold of beco*ing mothers and new mothers c*ange the p*actices
of consum*tion when the* mee* the*e ne* "needs", rest**ctions and adv*ce related to
Rev. FSA, Ter*sina, v. 17, n. 9, **t. 2, p. *7-47, set. 2*20 www4.fsa*et.*om.br/re*ista
Bo*y Image of Pregnant W*men: A Systemati* Revie* o* *re*ict*ve Mo**ls
pregnancy. W*men **negotiate their patterns of consump*ion to make materni*y "responsib*e"
(Gram, Hohn*n, & Pedersen, 20*7).
*regnancy *een a* * role t*a* empha*izes
the importance of r*p*o****ion a*d as
"transient" and "u*ique" ex*er*ence, provides cont*xt to *h*s adjustment process, as b*
al*owing wo*en ** tra*sition through physica* chan*e* experience over cult*rally *efin*d
beauty, wom*n *re **kely *o ex*erience unchanged or even improved bo*y ima*e during
preg*ancy (D*vies & Wardle, 19**).
In *012, Fuller-Tys*kiewicz et al. (20*3) performed a systematic
re*iew o* *he
literature focusing on th* b*dy d*ssati*faction during pregnan*y. They sea*ched for total of 8
e**ctronic da*abases, in which 251 papers were ident*fied. After a full text scru*iny of
articles (which *et inclusion criteria) *he fin*l list of revi*w*d ***ers *esu*ted in 22 *rticles.
Searches included the keywords "body ima*e" c*oss-referenced with "pr*gn*ncy",
Thus, *e
*onc*ude that the a**hors did n*t aim to
*ind the*re*ical models, bu* correlates of
body diss*tisfa*ti*n during pregnan*y.
Zaltzm*n *t al. (20*5) review the exi*ting literature on body image in adol*scen*
preg*ancy. F*r it, *earch terms *ncluded "*do*escent," "pregnancy" an*
"body image". The
search yie*ded * *otal of 149 s*udi*s, of w*ic* s*x *ere *e*evant to the s*ecific topic **d age
g*oup. **e aim was to r*view lite*ature of body im*ge in ad*lesce*t pregnancy and explore
con*e**s about th* relat*onship b*twee* t*e two. Therefore, confining th* re***ts to samples
of adol*scents and the relat*o*ship bet*een the *wo con*t**ct*. More rec*ntly, Me*reles et al.
(20*5) con***ted an i*tegrative review o* image an* body dissatisf*ction *n **egnant women.
The *uthor* s*ggest that the c*ntradi*tions in t*e findings may be r*lated to differences in the
*nstruments used to measure *he body image of *regnan* women. F*nal*y, Sun et
al. (2018)
*earc*e* for stud*es
effect size betwee* p*ysical *ctiv*ty *nd body image dis*atisfaction
among *regna*t women i* fo*r databases and only fo*r cohort *tudi*s *et eligi*ility *rit*ria
of 1,701 articles fo*n* (1,3*2 were scr*ened *or the *itle and abstract review, *he*, 22 full-text
*t*dies *ere rev*ew*d). Th*y are interesting i* relationships an* moderator
var*ables about
bod y
*mage and physi*a* activity among *regnant wom*n, th*refore, lim*ting ** aspects of
physical acti*ity.
Rev. FSA, *eresi** PI, v. 1*, n. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, s*t. 2020
S. R. Oliveira, P. H. B. C*rvalho, R. T. Veiga
Systematic review have become of gr**t im**rtance for health care *ys**m (Moh*r,
Liberati, Tetzlaff J, et al., 2009). This research methodology was chose* in *h* cur*ent study
as th* m*ans of est*bli*hing a baseline study of the liter*ture on predictive model of ne*ative
*o*y *mage of pre*na*t women. For this pur*ose, this res**rch used *h* Preferred *epor**ng
Items for Systema*i* Reviews and Meta-Analyse* gui*eline - PRISMA (Moher, Libera*i,
Tet*laff, et *l., 2009). T*e present study was carried out in October 2018 using the following
da*abases: Scopus (arti*le titl*, ab*tract, *n* *ey *ord*), Web of Science (topic) and PubMed
(al* fiel*s). In order t* enc*mp*s* a significant amount of scie*tif*c *ro*ucti**, it *as chosen
to c*mbin* *iffere*t
terms i*de*ed in t*e thesaurus Health Sci*n** Descriptors (Des*rit*res
de Ciên*ias em Saúde - DeCS) and/or in *he *ed*cal Subject Headings (M*SH). Specif*c
descript*rs were used
according to PICOS: * (popu*ation), "*reg*ancy" OR "pregn**t"; I
(inter*ent*on), "tripartite *odel" OR "model"; C (c*mparator), no d*script*r; O (outco**),
"body imag*"; S (study), no descripto*. We ch*se *o *earc* fo* "tripartite model" *ince it ** a
con*olidat** theoretical mo*el *n
th* in*esti*ati*n of *ody image. *nly
*ne search was
p*rfo*med on each dat*ba*e by using the fo*lowing de*cription: "Mod*l" *ND "body image"
A*D "pregnan*" (pregnanc* or pre*nant); "Model" AND "b*dy image" AND "pregnan*"
**D "Brazi*"; "Trip**tite model" *ND "Pr*gna**" were s*ught witho*t li*it t* period.
Regarding th* f*lte*s, it **s cho*en *o re*trict the s*cti*n "arti**e type*" into "journa*
artic*es", wi*h**t limit to a speci*** peri*d. All
thes* *tages were
*erformed by
res*arche*s i*d*penden*l*. *ny possib*e diverge*ce regardi*g the inclusion
or t he
of a*ticles wa* *esolv*d b* a third researcher.
*ne do*umen* per database *as *reated from the se*rches performed, c**taining the
titles *nd the ab*tract* of all the *eferences that *ere found. The fi**t stage
of the e*clus*o*
*rit*r*a **s th* ide***fication and del*tion of duplicate
artic**s. The other excl*sion criteri*
were: (a) una*ailabl* abstracts; (b) *rticles that did not seem *ncompass dir**tly the subjects
of stu*y of this research; (c) non-us* of
i**trumen*s of psychometric me*surement
of bod y
image; (d) *amples includi*g
on*y pospa*tum women; (e) arti*l* *n other lang*ages besides
English, *panish and Portuguese; (f) quantitative, but
not emp*r*cal in design, or *ualitative
s**d*es; (*) stud**s confined to studies *f o*esity or adolescents.
Rev. F*A, Ter*sina, v. 17, n. 9, a*t. 2, p. 27-4*, s*t. 2020
B*dy Image of Pr*gn*n* Women: A Sy*tematic Revi** of Pre**c*ive Models
A total of 135 pap*r* wer* ident**ied. All titles were sent to Mend*ley *nd dup*icat*d
stud**s *ere removed. Studies were screened for *l*gibility *ia the*r *itles an* a*stracts. A*ter
applyin* all exclu*ion requi*ements, 13 articles we*e co****ered eli*ible (Figure 1).
*eco*ds *dentified through da*abase **arching
(n = 1 3 5 )
Records after d*plicates removed
(n = 8 9 )
Rec**ds scre*ned
Rec**d* e*cluded
(n = 8 9 )
(n = 7 * )
Full-tex* artic*e* as*e*sed for
F**l-text articles *xc*uded,
with reasons
(n = 1 7 )
(n = 4 )
S*udi*s incl*d*d i*
qualitative syn*h*sis
(n = 1 3 )
Fig*re 1. Flowchar* *ummari*ing the a***cle screenin* p**ces*.
*ll s*lected articles *re *ummarized i* Table 1.
Rev. FSA, *eresina PI, v. 17, n. 9, art. 2, p. 27-4*, *et. 2020
S. R. Oliveira, P. H. *. Carvalho, R. T. Veiga
Table 1 - Empi*i*ally test*d predicti*e models
Other variab*es tested
(Harris, *97*)
Body *ocus Questionnaire (Stomach F*c*s dimension of the Body Focus Question*aire (F*sher, 1970): stom*c* *rea awareness (*g. h*ad-sto**c*, stomach-t*ighs, fee*-stomach). Bo*y Disto**ion *u*stionnaire (F*she*, 19*0): variety of distor**on or unusual ways *f experiencing o*e\s body. Seven *ubscal*s: L*rge; Small; Bo*ndar* Loss; Dirty; Block*d O*enings; Skin; and depersonali*ation.
A*titudes toward Pregnancy, Baby, and Me Need or w*sh *o b* held
(Walker et al., 1999)
Body Cathexis Scale (B*S) (Robinson & *haver, 1**3; Secord & Jourard, 1953): sati*fa*tion with bodi*y *ites, *uc* as hips, an* functi*ns, such as app*t*te.
Health **havi*rs in Early *regnancy P*y*hosoc*al S*ress Social Supp*rt Depress*ve Symptoms *eli*fs About Control of Fetal Health Commitm*nt t* the Pregnancyl Motherhood
(Kamysheva et al., 2*08)
BAQ (Ben-*o*im & Walke*, 1*91): 1) feel*ng fat, 2) attra*tiveness, 3) **rength/f*t*ess, a*d 4) salience o* weight and sh*pe.
Physi*al symptoms Sleep quality D*pression Self-est*em
(K*zm*erczak & Goodwin, 2011)
*he Body *ma*e Q*es*ionnaire (Mirucka, 2005): four d*m*ns*ons: 1) acc*ptance of one\s body, 2) di*clo*er o* f*minity, 3) expe*ie*ce of int*mate re**tions wi*h *ersons of th* opposite sex, 4) attitu** towards eat*ng and body wei*ht.
Fem*nin* Gender Role Stress Gender *o*e orie*tat*on Self-esteem
Stunkard Fi*ure Ra**ng S*a** (*ody I*age
*e*. FSA, T*resina, v. 17, n. 9, art. 2, *. 27-47, s*t. 2020
Body Image o* Preg*an* Women: A Systema*ic Revi*w of Pre*ict*ve *odels
Hetheringt*n, Rudo*f, & Feltbower, 2015a)
Scale): self-perceptio* and satisfaction towards thei* body. **is scale contains nine body sha*es from the slimmest to the largest (Stunkard et al., 19*3; Thompson and *ltabe, *991). *ody I**ge *ist**bance Qu*stionnai*e: levels of disturbance in body image, related to general a*pearance rat**r tha* disfiguremen*
(Krisjanous, Richard, & Gazley, 2014)
A*apted **rsion of Di*ietr* et al.\s (**Piet*o, Millet, Costigan, G*rewitsch, & Cau*field, 2003) scale on attitudes ** *regnancy an* *eight gain: dissatisfacti*n *ith ch*nges and *pp*arance of their gravid b*dy.
Pregnant Celerbity Attractio* Usual con*ern f** physical Appea*ance Pregnancy Weight Worry Pre*atal Attac*ment
(Hill, Skouteri*, Fuller- Tyszkie*ic*, *othe, & McPhie, 20*6)
Body Attitudes Ques*ionna*re (BA*; (Ben- To*im & Walker, 1991) four subs*a*es: 1) feeling fat, 2) attr*ctiveness, 3) strength/fitness, *nd *) salience of *eight a*d shape. Pregnancy Fi*ur* *ating Sca*e (P*RS): assesse* body d*ssatisfaction through wo*e*\s p*rceiv*d c*rrent and id*alised scores for **eir *u*ts, pregnan* bel*ies, and butt*cks (Skouteris et al., 20*5): pr*gnancy figur* ratin* - b*st pregnancy figure r*tin* - belly pregnancy figure ratin* - butt*ck*
GWG Self-*steem Mater*al depressive *ym*tom* Maternal a*xi*t* and s*ress Past psychicatric hist*ry *now*edge *f *WG Soci*l support Ma*ital/rela*ionship *u*lity C opi n* * ki l l s Self-eff*cacy Motivation Ph*sical acti*ity **d eating behaviours
(Wats*n et al., 20**)
Body Imag* i* Pr*gnancy *c*le 7 *imensions): 1) pre*ccupation with physical appearance, 2) *iss*tisfaction with stren***-rel*ted a*pects of
Self-es*e*m D*pressive symptoms
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 9, a*t. *, p. 27-47, set. 2020
*. R. Oli*eir*, P. H. B. Carvalho, R. T. Veiga
o*e\s bod*, 3) dis*atisfac*ion wi*h complexi*n, F4 = **xual *ttract*v*ne*s, *) prior*tiza*ion o* appearance over funct**n, 6) app*a*ance- related *ehavior*l avoidance, *) dissatisf*ction with body parts. Body *ttitud*s Qu*stionna*re- Sho*t F*rm (BAQ; Ben-*ovim & Walker, 199*)
(Collings et al., 2018)
Bo*y Att*tudes Q*estionnaire (Be*-Tovim & Walker, 1991): 1) feeli*g fat, 2) a**ract*ven*ss, 3) strength/fit**ss, and 4) salience of weight and s*ape.
Po*t*artum Weight retention (**WR) Psycholog*cal distress Maternal physiological and p*ysical wei**t factors Pre-p*eg**ncy BMI Gestatio*al weight gain *l*ep *ua**ty *ocia* sup*ort *elf-est*em Ma**rnal depr*s*iv* symptoms Mate*na* anx*ety and stres* Past psychicatric histo*y Knowledge *f GWG S*cial suppor* M*rital/r*lationship quali*y * opi ng s ki l l s Self-ef*i*acy Mot*vation Ph*sical act*vity **d ea*in* beh*v**urs
(Fawcett, 1977)
T*pographic device, *o measure per*eived b*dy space; an* * figure drawing test, to mea*ure a*ticu*ation *f bod* concept.
Strength o* i*entificatio* *rticulati*n o* body concept
*ev. F*A, *ere**na, v. 17, *. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, set. 2020
*ody Im*g* o* Pregnant Women: * Sys**ma*ic Review of Predictive Models
Muller (1993 )
Mate*nal Adjustment **d Mate*nal Attitud* Sc*le (MAMA, Kumar, R*bson, *nd Smit*, 1984) (subscales: 1) *od* image, 2) Somati* Symp**ms, 3) *arital R*lations, 4) *ttit**es t* sex, and 5) Attitu*es to the Pregn**cy and baby *o measure pregnancy adaptati*n
Pren*ta* Atta*hment Conc*rre*t validity o* the PA I Mari*al satisfaction
(C*ark, Skou*eris, W*rt**im, Paxton, & Milgro*, 20**)
Four *ubscales from **e Body Attitu*es Questionnaire (BAQ; *en-Tov*m and Wal*er (Ben-Tovim & *alker, 199*)) at five ti*e points, bei*gs 2 p*eg*ancy *imes . 1) f*eli** fat, *) a*tr*ctivenes*, 3) st*ength/fitnes*, and 4) salience of weight and shape.
(H*rtley et al., 2016)
Body Attitude* Que***onnaire (BAQ; B*n-Tovim and Walker (Ben-Tovim & Walker, 1991)): three subscales rel*vant to preg*ancy: *) feel*n* fa*, 2) attractiven*ss, 3) streng*h/fitn**s
Anxi*ty and *tres* (Psychological distress) D*pres*ive symp**ms (Psychological dis*ress) *elf-esteem *el*-efficacy Gestationa* weight gain (G*G)
So*rce: s*rvey data
4.1 Model* a*d nomological net
Spe*ific*lly related *o the objecti** of analyzing the predicti** mod*ls involvi*g bo*y
image i* pregnant w*men some model* w*re disc*ss*d.
Fawcett (1977) *res*nt* a* at*empt to der*ve a theor*ti*al m*del fr*m a* a*stract
conceptual framework of nurs*ng **ich *a* based on the conc*ptual fra*ework o* the family
as a living open system (Fawcett, 19*5). Unlike what was br*ught up in other re*earches,
Fa*c*tt (1*7*) considers the s**ce m*tt*r. Co*ponents of th* bod* image a** relate* *o *he
amount of perceived space that a individual occup**s and the wa* in wh*ch the r*lationship
be*ween indi*id*al b**y bounda*ies and t** environment is perceived by *im (Fawcett, 1975,
19*7; Fisher, 1970).
Rev. FSA, *ere*i*a PI, v. 17, n. *, art. 2, p. 27-47, set. 2020 www4.fsane*.*o*.br/rev*sta
S. *. *liveira, P. *. B. Car*alho, R. T. Veiga
***y i*age is a *ic*ure of *wn body formed *n own **nd, or is t*e way in which
t*e bo** app*a*s to *urselves (Schilder, 1950), develops *hro*gh *he *ontinu**g **t*raction
between *he body and its en*i***m*n* (Fawcet*, 1977). Th*refore, it consider* that
t he
expe*ie*ce of pregnancy is
not limited to *he woman. In light of t*is, his model Faw*e*t i*
(Fawcett, 1977) *roposed analyzin* the variabl*s in sp*use\s patt**ns of change in *e*ceiv*d
bo*y space, ide**i*ication bet*een spouse* (str*n*th *f
identif**ation) a*d
articu*at*on of
body con*ept.
Fawc*tt\s *ode* (Fawcett, *977), though well reasoned, *as not resp*nsive for the
*re*nant au*ience. The
patt*rn of c*ange i* pe*ce*ved bo*y space w** differe*t for each
sp*use. Also, examination of *po*ses\ stre*gth of *denti*ica*ion score* for *he first
co*lect*o* per*o* *ug*este* t** sam*le could b* *iv*ded into three group*. F*nally, th**e was
n* evide**e of
pattern of chan*e in articu*ation of bo*y concept for ei*her **ves or
husbands, whether taken
as ent*re **oups
or when seg*egate* into the *hree streng*h of
identification grou** i*to which t*e sample was d*vided. Fawcett'* previ*us hypotheses were
n*t suppo*t*d.
In *his way, differently fro* wha* was e*pected, s*nce p*egn*ncy i* a time of
profoun* change to the
b*dy, th* theoretical *o*el
p*oposed did no* co*firm what would
*ccur i* *n **teration in the rel*tionship between *n ind*vidu*l\s body and the environ*ent, a*
measured by the articu*ation of body con*e*t that woul* occ*r (Fawc*tt, 1*77).
The mo*el propos*d by Kamysheva et a*. (2008), were focused in und*rsta*ding the
negativ* aspect of the body im*ge, based on T*o*pson et *l. (199*). Thus, aut*ors pr*posed
a multi-*actori*l model t*at covers bio-psyc*o-soc*al and *hysical element* (Thompson et al.,
**99). The authors
col*ected data
that measur*d
bod* att*tudes before pregnancy and thus
could evaluate the time before an* during *regnanc*. I* other words, data analys*s t*ok unde*
consid*ratio* t*e pre-pr**nancy (retros*ectively *e*orted) bo*y image. The pro*osed model
sought to re**h
a*so*iations among **ese physical, p*ycholo*ica* and phy*iological
adher*ng t* a mul*i-*acto*i*l a*proach to body i*age. All of this was based i* *in*ings of pa*t
stud*es e*amining assoc*ation* among t*e fa*tors *epression a*d s*eep quali*y (J*meen &
Mar*in, 2007), p*ysica* sym*toms and dep*ess*on or *e*f-esteem (Chou, Lin, Cooney, Walker,
& *iggs, 2003), or depressi*n an* the four diffe*ent body attitudes outlin*d a*ove (Skouteris,
Carr, We*theim, Paxton, & Dunco*be, 2005).
A series of
*i*rarchical mu*ti*le
regressio* an*lyses were co*d*ct*d to
pat* anal*sis model of
predictors of bod* at*itudes. Th*y p*oposed that physic** *y**toms
*o*ld be re*at*d to bo*y att*tudes and tha* *ep*es**on, *leep quality *nd se*f-e*teem w*uld be
associated wi*h feeling *at, less attrac*ive, and less stron* and fit, a*d wi*h gr*ater salience of
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 17, n. *, art. 2, p. 27-47, set. 2020 www4.fsanet.c*m.br/r*v*sta
Body Ima*e of Pre*nant W*men: A *ystematic **view of Predictive Mo*els
weight a*d shape. F*thermore, they prop*sed that depressive symptom* and lowe* s*l*-
esteem wou*d be *inke* to negative
*ody attit*d*s either directly *r via a path th*t link*
depression to s*lf-est*em *n* th*n se**-e**eem to body atti*udes. Also, pregn*ncy-rel*ted
phys*c** symptoms may be mediated *y
well-being (depression *nd sel*-es*eem)
dimensions of body image. Sleep quality has also bee* a*sociated *ith *epr*ssive *y*pt*ms.
Henc*, a path from physical sym*tom* to sl**p quality a*d the*
b*dy a*titudes via
de*ression was also pr*p*sed.
The results presented d*fferent rel*tionshi*s **om tho*e ini*ially
proposed (see
(*amys**va et al., 2***) and pointed *ut t*at more nega*ive physical sympt*ms having paths
to poorer *uality of sleep and *e*ression; and poorer sleep *aving a path to d*pres*ion, *hich
in *urn had a path to *elf-esteem. The authors con**u*e* t*at depressi*n, sel*-**teem *nd the
bo*y mass i*dex co*ld un*eash *e*ati*e bo*y attitudes in pregnant women. Self-**teem
mediated the relati**ships between depression/sleep
quality and three of the
bo*y *mag*
variables, with lower self-est*em associat*d wit* feeli*g f**ter and *ess attr*cti*e an* with
great*r s*lience of
shap* *nd weight. Given *hat reported pre-pregnancy body *mage was
c*ntrolled, the findings *uppo*t * **nceptualization o* these as*ects of b*dy image r*fl*cting
an *ndiv*dual\s general s*lf-esteem level; which ma* be inf*uenced *y o*e\s *urren* stat* of
wel*-being (depressio* and sleep d*f*iculties).
Kamyshev* *t al. (2008) report that there is no assoc**tio* between ph*si**l
symptoms in *regnan** and feeling fat or unattra*t**e. The auth*rs point o*t that the r*s*lts
from Chou and colleagues\ (2003) show*d no association between *hysi*al sympt*** and t*e
total Body Cathexis Scale (B*S) scor* (Secord & Jourard, 1953). Body dissatisf*ction levels
related *o feelin* *at and unattractive
(*s well as sa*ie*ce of shape and weight) appear to be
fair*y **silient *o effec*s ** pre*nancy symp*oms. H*wever, Kamysheva et al. (2008) co*sider
th*ms**ve* to hav* expanded on past research by *ncluding f**r s*parate d*mensions of bo*y
imag*, en*bling a di*e*t associa*i*n *etween gre*ter physical symptoms **d le*ser perceived
strength *nd *itness to e**r*e, a
r**a*ions*ip t*at may
*a*e been masked by use of
*omposite b*dy d*s*atisfact*on sc*re in Chou et *l.\s study (2*03).
For Walke* et *l. (1999) until then there was n* predict**e models of hea*t* behaviors
in early pre*nancy, an* *o, authors
used r*gressions to explore sets of
demog**phic var*ables t* pred*c**d healthcare beh*vior*. Str*ss a*d related va*i*b*es such as
depressi*n and s**i*l support have shown to be associated with women\s he*lth behavi*rs a*
various times d*r*ng p**gn*n*y. Body *mage is considered to be a p*ychosocial variable and
psych*socia* variable* a** p*ed*c*o*s of health behaviors (Se**-Car* Inven*ory - SCI), b*t, in
Rev. FSA, *eresin* PI, v. 17, *. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, se*. 2020 www4.fsanet.com.br/re*ista
S. R. O*iveir*, P. H. B. Carvalho, R. T. Ve*ga
an explo*atory *e*ressi*n an***sis, body image *id not count *s a predict*r of health
behavior*. While lo*er socia* support,
higher le*els of depressive sympt*ms, a*d lower
inter*al lo*us of cont*ol *or *et*l health were related to les* favora*le overall *ealth be*avior
sympt*ms and lower *nternal
of contr*l for fetal heal*h wer* related to *ess favorabl*
overa*l hea*th behavio** in ear*y pregnanc*. Commitm*nt ** the pre*nancy/mo*herhood a*d
body image sho**d low
and nonsignifi**nt correlations with health beh*vior* in earl*
In reg*rd* *o the o*her found mod*l*, th* st**istical models that w*re *ested (vi*
of struct*ral equat*ons
or regression methods), it was observed *hat the m**e
frequently used *ar*ables were *elf-este*m, depre*sion *nd gestational *eig**. Self-*ste*m
(C*llin** et al.,
2018; Hartley et a*., *016; Hill et al., 2016; Kamy*heva et al.,
K**mier*zak & Goo**in,
2*11; Shloim, Hetherington, Ru**lf, & Feltbower, 201*; Wat*on
e* al., 2*17); variables related to depression: *epressive **mptoms (Coll*ngs et **., 20*8; H**,
*rewis, & Wuti*h, 20*6; Hartley et al., 2016; *i*l et al., 2016; Walker et **., 199*; Wats** et
al., 2*17), or de*r*ssion (Clark, Skouteris, Wert**im, P*xton, & Milgrom, 2009; Kamysheva
et al., 2**8); v*ri*bles r*late* t* ge**ational w*ig*t: we*ght ga*n (C*llings et
*l., *018;
Ha*tley *t al., 2016), Pregn**cy Weight *orry (Krisj*nous et al., 2*14), Weight cha*ge (Han
e* al.,
2016), Postpa*tu* Wei*ht retention (outcome v*riable), Mate**al physiologi*** and
physical weigh* factors (*ollings et al., 2**8).
*n *he pres*n* study, t*r*e mode*s sto*d out for
approach*ng a* *ttemp* to analyze
m*re robust theoretical model i*volving body image and t*e p*egnant public. Fawce*t (1977)
an* *amys**va et
al. (2008)
d*monstrat*d th*t that b*dy image appe*red *o be r**a*ively
st*ble *urin* pregnancy.
Thu*, Fawcett\s model (1977), though w*ll r*ason*d, was no* responsive for
* he
pregna*t audi*nce. Kamysh*va et al\s mo**l (2*0*) shed* light on t*e *ode* of bo*y image
t* b* propo*ed
t* the pregnant audience *nd also r*commends further e*ploratio* a*out
sociocultur** inf*uen*es to bette* exp*ain bo*y dissatisfacti*n (Kamysheva et al., 2008).
Regardin* sociocultural in*luences, Lovering et al. (2018), based on the sociocul*ural
*odel of *ody
image and *at*ng concerns, test fa*tors
i*fluence body dissatis**ctio* in
postpartum w*men. Their stud* t*sted an *daptation of the T*ipa*tite Influence Mo*el
et al., 1999). Lovering et al. (2018) ad*ed partner in***ence and c*nsi*er
Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v. 17, n. 9, art. 2, p. 27-*7, **t. 2020
Bod* Imag* *f Pr*gnant Wom*n: A **stematic Review of Pr*dict*ve Models
sociocul*ural pre*sures w*ich *ften result in body
d**sa*isfaction, anxiety, depression, and
body related distress (Skoute*is et al., 2005), wi*h the addition of drive *or muscula*ity.
Fawcett (197*), as w*ll *s Harris (197*), based on Fisher (1970) to explain the
concept and *awcett (1977) also in Schilder (1950). A**ording to Cash **d Sm**ak (*011),
his*orically, Seymor *is*er is **e o* the most im*ortant b**y ima*e sc*o*a*s (Ca*h, 2*11).
Acc*rd*n* to Bai*ey et al. (2017), Shontz was the first t* regard the b*dy expe*ience
as mul*idimensi*nal. He emphasized the use of d*ff*rents scienti*ic m*tho*s, *nt**rated th*or*
and data a*out cog*itive an* perceptual, e*couragi*g
an inte*r*tion of theor*tical
developm*nts, es**cially Ges*alt psy*hology, and cognitive theo*y (*a*ley et a*., 2017; Cash,
*011). It is observed t**t e*en tho*gh
* h*
bod y i m a ge
did no* ha*e robu** theo*y, a
*h e
conc*pt was alrea*y be**g built since the b*ginning of th* past *ent**y.
According *o Cash (20*1) *od* image pr*se*t* divers* and wide-*anging *ers*ective*,
such as sociocultural, evolution*ry, g*netic and n*uros*ie*t*c, cogni*i*e-b*havi*ral,
feminist (objectification theory) viewpoints, also positiv* p*ychol*gy about *ody image.
Th*refore, b*ing relevant
the theoretical **del to f*ndamen* the conduc*** s*udies (C*sh,
2011; Thom*son et *l., 1999).
Among th* models te*ted using body image, s*me variab*e* were very frequent in the
*tudy with p*egna*t women, such as self-estee*, depr*ssi*n a*d gestational weight.
According to Skoute*is (2011), w**n c*nsider body imag* issue* in obstetr*cs
*y*ecology, body image *ssue* impact
*n women\s
healt* *nd w*ll-*ein*. In an
i*tegr*ti*e re*isio* of literature about b**y image and satisfact*on in p*egna*t women,
Mei**les et al. (*015) *l** foun* that the r*s*a**hes ha*e bee* *nte*est*d in the study of t*e
relatio* betwee* w*ight ga*n an* body dis*a*isfaction, b**ng able to *e*p i* red*cing
t he
health problems
rel*t*d t* pr*gnanc*. Further*ore, *eireles et al. (201*) identif*ed that t*e
researcher* have *ee* studying
t he
rel*tion between depr**siv* symptoms with body
dissati*fa**ion, a*d it is relevant to point o*t th** these psychologi*al factors are im*ortant to
impr*ve women\s p*egnan*ies an* *heir psyc*ological healt* pos*-partum. Fi*all*, *ow s**f-
esteem has been a*sociat*d wi*h a negat*ve bod* i*age (Mei****s et al., 2015).
Many t**oreti*al studi*s and models applied instruments develop*d and ad*pte* fr**
o*her populations. It *s *orth noting that in the field of body image, specific measures for the
pr*gnan* p*b*ic are r**u*red (Meir*le* et *l., *0*5, 2017; Wats*n et al., 2017).
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, se*. 2020 ww*4.*sanet.com.br/revista
S. R. O*iveira, P. H. B. Ca*val**, R. *. Veiga
In *ome *ases, dimensi**s of b*d* image were direc**y *n* excl*sively related to *he
phy*ical changes *f pr*gnancy (H*rris, 19*9), or (dis)sat*sfacti*n with bo*ily sites (Walker et
al., 1999). And *ore r*cently, dimen*i**s
have *learly involved *spects such a*
t he
behaviors, the feelin*s, an* potential shift* in f*cu* from the *mportance of ae*thetic as*ec*s
of *ne\s body
t* co*si*erations of physical f*nct*onin* (Clark e* a*., 2009; Hartley et al.,
2016; Kam*sheva et *l., 2*08; Wa*s*n et al., 2017). Give* the compl*xity of the con*truc*,
other studies have u*ed more than on* measure to m*asure b*dy image (Hill et a*., 2016).
Th*re ar* several *im*tati*ns to this wor*. **is study con*idere* merely *mpirical
s*udies and construct "*ody i*age" i**ert in a mo*el (st*tistical or theoretica* att*mpt). The
pr*s*nt stu*y wa* b*se* on som* databases, which *o*ers
mainly articl*s in jo*rnals falling
under rat*er e*clusive c*iteri*. Furthe*more, clini*al
studie*, just with *linical and
a*thropometric measurement* were not *on*idered. Futur* research may i*vestigate the
relationship between body perce*tion and consumption inte*tions to enhance or recon*truct
the body itself dur*ng ou after pre*n*ncy.
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Body I*age of Pre*nant W*men: * Syste*at*c Review of Pr*dictive *odels
Como Refere*ciar est* Artigo, co*for*e ABNT:
OLI*EI*A, S. R; CARVALHO, P. H. B; VEIGA, *. T. Body Image of Pregna*t W*men: A
Syst*matic Review of Predict*ve Mo*els. Re*. FSA, T**esina, v.17, n. *, art. 2, p. 27-47, set. 2020.
C*ntrib*ição dos Autores
S. R. O*iv**ra
P. H. B. Carv*lho
R. T. Veiga
1) *oncepção e pla**jamento.
2) análise * interpretação dos dados.
3) elaboraç*o do ras*unho ou na revisão c*íti*a do cont*údo.
4) particip*ção na *provação *a versão fi*a* do manu*c*ito.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. *7, *. 9, art. 2, p. 27-47, s*t. 2020
- Não há apontamentos.

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