The competitive in global market requires a continuous transformation in information technology contents, mainly by the insertion of new tools and techniques that rapidly evolve and are absorbed by members of the organizations. This advanced of new technologies in organizations scenario brought challenges addressed to need to collect, store, process and transform their data into relevant information to create competitive advantage. In highly dynamic business environments, the possibility of generating information pushes companies to use efficiently a huge volume of data, in both resources and capacities approaches. This paper aimed to analyze the relation between Big Data and competitive advantage using the resource-based view and the dynamic capabilities. Three international databases were used and analyzed 29 articles. Results indicated that both the resource-based view and the dynamic capabilities approach are used to analyze Big Data as competitive advantage creator. Two aspects were evidenced: the combined approaches can result in more consistent analyses; and the lack of a robust theoretical framework for Big Data analysis is evidenced by the predominance of descriptive articles and practical reports.
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