Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, ab*. 2*21
*SSN Impresso: 18*6-6356 ISS* Eletr*nico: 2317-2983
St*rtup Day UPF 2019: Gamification a* a *ool for In*ov*tion
S**rtup Day UPF 20**: Gamificaçã* Como uma Fer*amen*a *ara Inova*ão
Marcos Edu**do Be*tol
Mestr*do e* Admin*s*ração p*la Universidade de P*ss* Fundo
Graduaçã* ** Administ*ação pela Unive*sidade de *asso Fundo
E-*ail: 157946@upf.br
*ul*ana Birkan Azev*do
Doutor* em *dminist**ção pel* Un*versidade F*d**al do Rio *rande do Sul
Prof*s*ora da Uni*ersidade de *asso Fundo
E-mail: j*irk*nazevedo@gma*l.co*
An*erso* Neckel
Me*tr* e* Administ*açã* pela Universi*ade do Vale do Itajaí
E-mail: ande*sonn@upf.br
Aman*a *e*i*a L*ite
M*str**o em Administraç*o *ela U*iversidad* de Passo **n*o
E-mail: 148714@upf.br
Mai*a Sgar*o*sa
Especi**i*açã* em Contr*ladoria e G**tão Trib*tária p*la Univer*idad* de Passo F*ndo
E-mai*: 11427*@upf.br
End**eço: Marco* Eduardo Berto*
Uni*e*sidade de Passo Fund*, A*. Brasil *este, 28* - *ão
Jos*, Passo Fundo - RS, 99052-9*0 Bras**.
Editor-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Ker*ey de Ale*car
Juliana Bir*an Aze*e*o
Univers*dad* d* Pas*o Fundo, Av. Bra*il Leste, 285 - São
José, P*sso Fundo - *S, 99*5*-900 Br*sil.
Artigo recebido *m 20/03/2021. *lt**a
And*r*on Ne*kel
recebida em 05/*4/20*1. Aprovado em 06/*4/2021.
Universid*d* *e P*sso Fundo, *v. Brasil Les*e, 28* - São
José, Pas*o Fundo - RS, 9*052-900 Brasil.
Avaliado pelo *is*em* Triple Review: a) Desk Review
Ama*da Regina Leite
pelo Edito*-Chefe; e b) Do*ble *lind Revi*w
Universidade de Passo Fundo, *v. Brasil L**te, 285 - São
(avaliação cega por d*i* *va*iadores ** áre*).
Jo*é, **sso Fundo - *S, 9905*-900 Bras*l.
M*i*a Sgarb*ssa
Revisão: Gramatical, N*r*a*iva
e de Form*tação
Universi*a** d* P**so Fundo, Av. Br*sil Leste, 285 - São
J*sé, *asso *undo - RS, 9*052-900 Br*sil.
Os P*imeiros Moços de Minas: A Poesia Árcade **asileira como C*njuração
The *u*pose of t*is work wa* t* e*aluate the effectiveness of G*mificat*o* as an innovation
too* in the p*o*ess of developing new bus*nes*es. Qualita*iv* and quanti*ative stud*
approa*h*s w**e us*d *n **e resea*ch. F*r **ali*ati*e *esea*ch, th* non-partic*p**t obser*ation
*echniq** w*s
applied, p*rformed throughout
the e*ent. For quantitative research,
collection employed the ap*lication of a questionnaire, whic* was se*t to potential
partic*pants thr*ugh *lectr*n*c mea*s, which obtained 85 res**nse*. The analys*s
t he
data was
performed by content an**ysis, and the quant*tative data were
*nd analyzed stati*tically. The relevance of the s*udy lie* in i*s object of study, which *onsist*
of a 24-hour *vent, where *arti*ipan*s rece*ve a
challenge and then *o through
10 stages
*as*d on Design Th*nking to
create a bus*ness. The
res*lts obtained t*rough the two
collections, ind**ate that gami*ication can b* efficient to develop *n*ovati*n *nd potentialize
new b*sinesses. *he findings highl*ght *h* *xistence
of the *our el*ments of
g*mifica*ion in
the case studied: *ot*v*tio*, elements *f the game, types o* us*rs an* rewards. Thr*ug* the
m*pping of *he*e elements, it is **ssible t* *ap Gamificati*n *n events li*e th* on* *tudied.
The study'* c*ntribution is in the stru*turing of a p*ocess for the *ecognit*on of innov*ti*n in
*vents *hat use Desig* Think*ng and Gamificatio* as th* ma*n me*hodologies, *hich th*s
cre*t*s an environ*e*t c*n*uciv* to the gen*ration of *nnovat*on.
Keywor*s: Innovation. Gamifica*ion. Entrep*eneursh*p. Design Thinking.
O Propósito *este tra*alho foi avaliar a eficácia da Gamif*cação como *erram**ta *e inovação
no p*ocesso
** *esenv*lviment* de novos negócios.*tili*o*-se na pe*q*is* as a*orda*e*s
qualitativa e quantitativa
de *studo. Na quali**tiva foi aplicad* a
técnica de
*bse*vação **o
*articipan*e, realiza*a
durante o even*o. P*ra a pesquisa quantitativ*, a co*eta de
emprego* a aplicaçã* *e um que*tionári*, o qual *oi encaminhado aos potenciais *artic**antes
atrav*s de me*o ***t*ô*ico, o *u*l se ob*iveram 85 re*pos*as. * *nálise dos *ados qualitativos
foi realiza*a p*r a*álise de conteúdo, e os dados q*antitativo* foram tabulados e ana*i*ad*s
es*atisticam*nt*. A re*e**ncia
está no ob*e*o de estudo que consi*te em um evento com 24
*or*s *e duraç*o, on*e os parti**pa*t*s recebem u* d*safio depois pass*m po* *
** *tapas
b*seadas no Design Think*ng para a criação de um negócio. Os resul**dos obtido* *t*avés da*
duas col*ta* de d*d**, indic*m *ue a gam**icação pod*
ser eficiente para de*envolver
i**va*ã* e po*encializar novos *egócios. O* acha*os destacam * *xistência d*s
ele*entos de ga*ifi*aç*o *o c*so estudado: mot**a*ão, elementos d* j**o, tipos *e usu*rio*
e recom*ensa*. *t*avés do map**mento **stes elementos perm*te-se ma*ea* a Gamific*ção
em eventos c*mo o estuda*o. A contribu*ç*o d* est*do está n* estr*turação de um **o**sso
par* o reconhecimento *a inov*ção *m eventos q*e usam *o*o p**ncip*is metodologias
Des*gn T*inking e a Gami*i*açã*, que c**a assim um a*bient* *ropí**o para a g*r*çã*
Palavras-c*ave: Inovação. Gam**i*ação. *mp*een*ed*rismo. Desig* Th*nk*ng.
Rev. *SA, T***sina PI, v. *8, n. 04, art. 2, p. *0-46, *br. 2021
M. E. Bertol, J. B. A*eved*, A. Neckel, A. R. Leite, M. Sgarbossa
The i*portance of innovati*n, in gene*al, is perceived as *ss**tial fo* s*rviva* in an
in*reasing*y c*m*e*itiv* and glob*liz*d *cena*io. However, few co*panies exerci*e any **nd
of **i*iat**e to put *t *nto pra*tice. There are tw* ca*ses *or *his n*t t* happen so often: the
view on innov*tio* *n* the lack of tool* t*at help pu**ing it into pract*ce (MOTA, 2008).
*echanisms that **able th* "in*o*ativ* logic" h*ve *e*n devel*ped both in the
con*ext of t** innova**on of *rganizati*n*, and in th* scientifi* field, wit* th* articula*ion of
st*dies. *h*s *elation*hip is esta*lish*d and developed by the agents o* the strateg*c p*bli* to
b* reached b* the pr*sent *nnovation, with the advent of gener*t*ng competenc*, technology
and i*novat**n, so t*at companies st*rt t* absor* *uch innovations t* mak* them av**lable to
the *arket (SCHN*IDER, 2017).
Gami*i*ation is the *se o* g**e mechan*cs and dynamics to *ngage peop*e, sol*e
p*obl*ms and improv* lea**ing, *otivating acti*ns and b*havi*rs in e*v**onments outside the
context of games (ROSSA*O; NECKEL; M*ZZATO, 20*8). Acc*rding to t*e *uth*rs,
t he
use *f Gamif*ca*ion f**usi*g on the
deve*opme*t o* *ew bus*n*ss ideas c*n b*ing greater
engagement, optimizing results a** b*osting ph*s*cal a*d virtual markets. T*e process hel*s
to o*t*in f**d*ack faster, thus **pr*ving the p**e*ti*l *or impro*eme*t.
*tar*Up Da* is an eve*t whic* has been held annuall* at the Univers*ty of Pas*o
Fundo since *017, using *amifica*ion to
d**elop a new
busin*ss b*sed on a cha*lenge
proposed a* the beginni*g of ea** event. In the 2019 edition the challenge was
in**vati*e bu*ine*s solutions for health. Thus, d*ring t*e 24 hours of the event, participants
c*al*eng*d to *ind tech*ological soluti**s to a ***blem. Th*s way, multidi**ip*inary
group* are formed t* carry out the pr*posed activiti*s, as in a com*etit*on.
Since Gamif*cation is * tra*ning mechan*sm for the c*mpetitors beca*se it fac*lit*tes
the development *f skill* fo* * ne*
busine*s, t*e research
pr*ble* of this paper
i s:
**ficient is the use of *he *amification tool in an i*mersi*n event f*r t*e development *f n*w
First, a literature *etros*ect*v* abou* *nnova*i*n, g*mification **d design thinking is
p*es*nted. Subsequently, th* m*thods that were used a** s*o*n. Then, the **sults *nd
discussion *re *resente*. Finally,
th* conc*usion shows if gamification may help developing
new bu*in*sses.
*ev. FSA, *e*esina, v. 1*, n. 0*, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 202*
*s *rimei*os Moços de Mi*as: A Poesia *rcade *rasilei*a como Conjuração
I*novatio* i* a new id*a t*at h*s a real imp*ct,
crea*i*it*, and *s feasible to
i*plemented. Howe*er, it can present itself as
*h* imp*ovemen* of s*meth*ng that a*ready
ex*s*s in the market, thus
causing inno*at*o* (DRU*KER,
1986; TERRA e* al., 2007). The
in*eg*a*io* of d*ffe**nt *ctors is a*so e*sential in the inno*ation process, as they co**ribute to
*reativity and *now-***. Faced wi*h a* innovation contex*, creati*ity plays a *ign*fic*nt *ole,
cor*obor*ting organizatio*al capacity and expr*ssing a *ource *f competitive advant*ge
The r*flexes of *echnological rev*lutions that *oda* per*eat* our daily l**es lead us to
qu*stions about the possib*lity of gen**ati*g innova*ion, adding *no*ledge t* the pro*uction
processes, as *ell as creating *ew pro*e**es *nd p*oduc** that can improve *he l**es of people
to be impacted by these me*hods. According to D*ucker (1986), i*novation i* a phase of the
*n*repreneu*ial p**sonal*t* and is * consequence of the mean* t* r**** entr*preneurship and
ul*imatel* ge*erate an innovatio*. The a*t*or points out that innova*io* compris*s t** spi*it
and the act of creatin* new f*r*s of financial resour*es or w*ll-be*ng for peopl* w*o b**efit
*rom *ts creation and reaching the target au*ienc*.
Innovation c*n be di*ided into cate**ri*s, which would f*cilitate the ca*egorization of
these produ*ts el**orated through the idea of in*o*ati*n, perc*iving the design proces* and
being *ble to cause diverg**ces, since f*w innovations can impact social rela*ions that cause
great tran*formations changing th* reality of individual* invol*ed. In his theo*i*s, *** aut*or
p*esents t*e comparison between innovation and unexpected *uc*ess, with no area obtain*ng
*ess risky or easier opportun**ies. Thu*, ** *a*e adva*t*ge o* these opport**ities tha*
innova*ion bri*gs, *t is necessary *o expand our vision, our k*owled*e a*d our understand*ng.
Rev. FS*, T*resin* PI, v. 18, n. 04, art. 2, p. *0-46, abr. 2021
M. E. Be*tol, J. *. Azeve*o, A. N*ckel, A. R. Leit*, M. Sgarbo*sa
It should be noted t*at failures and errors du*ing **ocesses tha* can *nhan*e t*e *c*iev*m*nts
of entrep*eneurs are no**al (SCH*MPE**R, 1988).
Entre*reneuria* behavior, linke*
to the a*ility *o appropriate the purposes *n*
*oundatio*s of ge*erating *nnov*t*on through this new activity, *an ** *nderstood as a
speci*ic tool for entrepre*e*rs, compa*ed to a t*eoret*c**/pr*ctical, t*sted an* validated
di*cipl*** (TIDD; BE*SANT, 2015).
Innovati*n emerge* as a concept in t*e mana*e**nt area with the s*udies *f *he
economist Jo*eph Sch*mpeter, wh* takes a first look *t how innovation would be
fu*damental for the developme*t of a new econom*c model, *espons*ble *or transformi*g
ent*e*reneurs *nto trendsetters and *i*neers o* new h*ri*ons (TIDD; BESSANT, *015). This
way, the evo*ution*ry proce*se* have been gaining more *upport a*d spa*e *ithin
ma*ageme*t ar*as, considering
the imp*o*em*nt of the t*eori*s pres*nted and implemented
ove* th* years, makin* p*ople *hink an* ac* in a* innovative way, bei*g moved
competi*ion and
desi*e to always win, tr*nsforming the* i*to agents of int*nse
competi*ive*ess and inn*vati**ness (TIDD; BESSANT, 2015).
Fo* Porter (199*), innov**ion i* characterize* not only as a wa* to negotiate major
advances in th* technology are*, but also as the use of changes in small product**e sc**es of
technology imple*en**tion, *n which organizations generate competitive advantages through
in*ov*t*ve a*tions that see* t* make poss*ble *nnovations in a broad and open sen*e.
The characteristics of an in*ovati*e *u*iness are p*es*nted by its leaders, *ho must be
ah**d, thinki*g *utside the
*ommo* *ine, because in today'* w*rld, good ideas are not
eno*gh, d*manding motivated and pre*ared *eam alo*g with a *eader who is a
capable of
generating knowledge about what the target a*dience needs (LEMOS, *016).
2 .2 G*mi*icati*n
* *od*rn m*del of organizing people in order *o ach*eve a goal i* the *se *f *ames.
to Kapp (2012), t*e
st*u*tu*e and
**er*tional model*
of co**anies
a*e still t*e
s*me as i* the 19th century, based *n **erarchy, bureauc*acy *nd special*zation of work with
the ai* of *ch*eving scale and effici*ncy of res*lts. This mo*el requires clearly defined ro*es
an* respo*sib*lities, exact **ocesses *nd m*nagement base* on command and c*ntrol, as seen
*n milit*ry organ**ations (BO*GES et al.,
2013). In the m*dern *or*d, *owev*r, s*ch
premises limit *ndivid**l cap*city, th* *ay in which it ch*rg*d an* th* comm*tme*t to *s
profess*ona* goals. Informa*ion *echnology (IT) h*s c*eated the possi*ility of o*ganizing
Rev. *S*, Teresina, v. 18, n. *4, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 202* www4.f*anet.com.br/revi*ta
Os Primeiros Moço* *e Minas: * Poes** Árcade Bra*ilei*a co*o Conj*ração
wo*k di*fer*ntly - through the soc*a* asp*ct - a** game* ar* the *latform th*t be*t fits ** an
ins*rument of th*s new o*der (T*N**A et al., 2013).
Gamif***tion *s the use o* *ame mechan*sms aimed at solvin* pract*ca* p*oblems
**ousing en*agement a*ong a speci*ic audience. With increasing *reque*cy, this se*
tech*iq*es has been applied *y com*anie* and entities *ro* different segmen*s as alternatives
** traditional appro*ches, esp*ciall* with rega*d to encouragin* people to adopt **rtain
behavio*s, to b*c**e fa*i*i** wit* new ***hnologies, to str*amline their learning o* *raining
proces*es and making *asks cons*dered t*dious or rep*titive more enjoyable. In *ecent
g**e designers from diffe*ent parts of the world hav* bee* *edicat*d to applying princi*les
of games in a variety *f fields, such as *eal*h, educa*ion, public poli*i**, sports or in*reased
productivity (*ETERDING et al., 2011).
The development of Gamificat*o* comes from a som*what obvious **n*in* acco**ing
to Mattar (2018): hum*n b*ings are strongly attract*d to g*mes. Over the *enturi*s, *ractically
all known civiliz*ti*ns have been a*so*i*ted with s*me type of imp**tant c**p*tition for th*
social structuring of th* c*mmu*ity to **ich they belonged.
In addition t* the *ost
pr*dict*ble ex**p*es, such as Greeks (Olympic Games of Anti*u*ty), Romans (*ladia*o*
duels, ch*r*ot races) a*d Aztecs (Mes*american *all game), t*ere is still surprisi*g ev****ce
of thi* fact, which oc*urr*d a*out 3,000 years ago in L*bya, a r**ion located in the former
Asi* Minor (GREGORY et al., 2015).
Z**merlin* et al. (20**) a*g*e that Gamifi*ation is *he pro*e*s o* a*plying
elements in no*-ga*e contex*s. The game elements are varie*, ran*ing fr*m
systems, mis*i*ns, social g*aphics, conte** unlock*d by leve**, *mong others (B*R**A et
**., 201*; BUCKLEY; DOYLE, 20*7). T*ese mechani*ms are known in *amification
"elements", w**ch enco*r*ge s*ud*nts to achieve greater goal
increased *e*sistence, *earning, pa*ticipating in *ollaborati**
activities and
*romoting a fun
an* fr*endl* competition with colleagues (*I*G, 2019).
For Marczewski (2013), gamificati*n is a p*ocess compose*
o* *otivation,
el*ments, **p*s of users *nd rewar*s. Gamifica*ion is i* *he p*o*ess of
expand*ng a*d
c*nsolidating the co**epts that lead to s*udying the appli*ations of thi* theme a*
m*thodology f*r gen*rating innovati*n, s* that
new business can be gene*ated th*ough
t he
analysis of studies already present*d o* th* subject. Rossato, Neckel, Mozzato (2018),
consi*er Gamific*tion as **e application of game meta*ho*s for real life *c*ivit*es *n order to
*nfluen*e behavior an* t*us increa** moti*ation, cons*quently ge*e*ating *nno*ation through
th* methodolo*y of games in *ven*s like Startup Day UPF.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. 18, n. *4, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 2021 www4.fsanet.com.br/revis*a
M. E. Berto*, J. *. Azevedo, *. N*ckel, A. R. L*ite, M. Sgarbos*a
Most of **e studie* c*rrie* out by the res*archers of th* gamific*tion theories are
focused o* the education, tra*nin* an* development of the b*havior* of *nd*vi*uals, mainly in
the business e*v*ro*ment (ORL*NDI
et al., 2018). The studi*s of
*hem*s *nvolving
gam*fi*ation ha*e had a
d**zying gr*w*h, leading to *he
discovery of new
pa**s for the
dev*lopment of new *usine*ses *hrough the generation of i*n*vatio* as a *onsequence of
*ami*ication (ROSS*TO; NEC**L; MO*Z***, 2018). *ain*d*in et *l. (2020)
complement *hat st*dies involving gamification have
identifi*d imp*ov*ments
not onl y i *
by the high degree of c*eativity that it involves, as w*ll *s the genera*ion of
*ractical and viable *ol**ion the pr*bl*ms raised f*r desi*n, which meets and can excee* t*
cu*tomer *xp*ctations (AM*ROSE; HARRIS, 2011).
W**hin *h* design dev*lop*ent process, *t is possible to ident*fy t*e stages for
d*velop*e*t. First, the design mus* dia*nose the problem and the targe* audi*nc* defined,
*aving a
deta*led understan*in* of t*e paths to b* ta*e* unti* the final product is prepare*.
Th* gen*rati*n *f the id*a
in which
th* motivati*ns and ne*d*
of the end c**sumers are
ide*tified, in many case*, occurs thr*ugh * *rainstorming. The protot*pe test d**ls with th*
r*so*ution a*d *eve*opment of these *deas that are presented to the group of *ser* and
stakeholders befo** *he
p*esentation to c*s*om*rs (AMBROSE; HARRIS,
2011). The
selection deals wi*h *he proposed and analyzed so*utions in re*atio* to t*e briefing's
objec*ive. So*e sol*tions ma* be fea*ible but ma* not ** the b*st opti*n*. Th*
i*pleme*tati*n dea*s with the development ** the de*i*n and its fina* deliver* to the
Rev. FSA, T*resina, v. 18, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, a*r. 2021 w*w4.f*anet.com.*r/revi*ta
*s Primeir*s Moços de Minas: * Poesia Árcade Brasil*ira c*mo Conj*ração
Kumar, Z*ndani and Davim (2020) unde*stand t**t the *dea* of design can be
g**erated with the use of differen* metho*s *nd starting points
to al**w the creativ*ty to
flourish and produce consistent resu*ts with an e**nomic activit*. Br**nstorming is a gr*up
creation ap*r*ac* th** se*ks to *eve*op
i*eas and *reat* *olutions *u*in* the stage for
g*ne*ati*g ideas. It see*s to generate several ide*s that are th*n edit*d until ther* a*e a few
o*tions for develop*e*t based on a problem (B*N*ARDEL; D*DIER, 2020).
*earning h*lps t** des*gn*r to *m**ove the performan*e and, for this reas*n, they must
se*k feedb*ck
from the **stomer and the target audi*nce, d*term*ning w*ethe* the solution
reall* m*t the objecti**s proposed *n t*e briefing, al*ays *o*kin* *o iden*ify improvements
that will be im*lemented in t*e futu*e (*A*ISTA, 2018). Creat*vit* *ar*ies a certain notion of
pure inno*ation.
In design, h*wever, creativi** needs
*o be applied *nd *irected towar*s
in *hi*h *he *vent was an*lyzed
thr*ug* non-*artic*pa*t *bservation, quantitative analysis
w*s c**rie* o*t through the for*ulation o* online *uestionnaires.
It is a case study in which the *ain bases that form *tartUP Day UPF eve*t were
veri*i*d. Fo* t*is, the three hun**ed (3*0) c*mpe*itors were ma*ped *s the ta**et audi**c* of
the research. During the event, non-participant obs**vation was *erfo*med, mak*ng notes in a
no*ebook to l*te* com**ete with *ualitat**e analyzes. After that, the mai*
Gamific*tion and Design Thin*ing *e*e explai*ed during the event after the q**s*ionna*re
Re*. *SA, Teresi*a PI, v. *8, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, ***. 20*1 www4.f*an*t.com.b*/revista
M. E. Ber*ol, J. B. **evedo, A. N*ckel, A. R. Leite, M. *gar**ssa
*as l*unched for the three hundred (300) p*rti*ip*nt*, where w* *e**i*ed eighty-five (85)
*alid responses. A*t** *h*t, *ata wer* tabula*ed from Excel and la*er the releva*t a*alyzes
were made to the sample.
In * qualitative way, for * better underst*n*in* of the themes *ortrayed in the re*earch,
the no*-parti*ipant obs**vation of the r*s*arch*rs w*s carried o** d*ring the eve*t, in order t*
und*r*ta*d the rela**onship *f the com*et*tors with the *amified *rop*sal *uring th* 24 hours
of the event. It wa* analyzed u*ing content a*al*sis.
Als*, during the 24 h*urs of *he eve*t, t*e q*antit*tive ste* *ook plac* through the
*pplication of electron*c q*estionn*ires
t* the pa*tic*pants of t*e ev*nt. The
univ*rse *f the
*t*dy w*s **0 p*ople, *o**ose* of studen**, wh* played the role of me*t*rs, facil**ators *nd
com**titors. The electron*c question*aire, sent t* all participan*s, wa* *eveloped based on the
theories stud*ed
**out gamificati*n and i*novatio* for all part*cipants. Of the 300
partic**a*ts, 85 resp*nses were obt*ined.
Mentors a*e the m*st experienced or kn*wledge*b*e pe*ple who help guide a less
*xpe*ienc*d or less *nowl*dge*ble p*rson. The facilit*tors are
those *ho ha*e
par*i*ipa*ed in the even* pr*viously and ent*epren**r* *ho are invited to fa*ilitate the phase*
th* even*. The competing partici*ants
*re those who actively
p*rticipate in som*t*ing,
member, *emb*r, whic* com*rises th* people wh* sign up to partici*ate in the event.
In this q*anti*ative and qualit*tive study, the found*tions of bot* p*sitivi*t and
*henomen*logic*l views were a*plied t*rough th*
survey and non-par*icip*nt obs*rvation,
respect*vely. Data resu**ing from the quest*onnaires were analyze* stat*sti*ally using
t he
Excel® software. The results of standardized questi*nnaire* for
bett*r *abulation of data to
qua*if* the the*e of tha* work, a*d *hrough **e statistica* formulas *o* obtaini*g this data.
In this step, the ch**ac*er*stics of the sa**le and the
proc*dures p*rfo*med for
* he
analysis of the statis*ica* data *r* firs* p*in*ed
out. Then, the r*sults of the main pillars **e
d*scribed: G*mific*tio*, innovation an* new bu*iness d*vel*pmen*. The survey w*s a*plied
at t*e e*ent (Star*Up Day UP* 2019), w*th i*s participa*ts, o*tain*n* 85 responses. Table
shows the p*ofile of the 85 respon*ent*, with the respo*dents' age and education.
Re*. FS*, Teresina, v. 18, n. 04, art. 2, *. 30-46, abr. 2021
O* Primeiros Mo*os *e Minas: A Poes*a Á*cade Brasile*r* co*o Co*j**aç*o
Tab*e 1 - Re*pondents´ Profile
Variables A*te*natives
F*eq*ences (N)
From 16 to 25 ***r* *ld
* 6 .* 0 %
From 2* to *0 year* old
2 2 .4 0 %
From 31 t* *5 y*ar* *ld
Age From 36 t* 40 ye*rs *ld
F*om 41 to 45 years old
From 46 to *0 years old
1 .2 * %
More than 51 years *ld
H*gh School
1 .2 0 %
8 2 .4
Le*el of Graduated
1 .2 0 %
8 .3 * %
M*ster´s degre*
7 .1 0 %
Sour**: Research data (2019).
Ac*ording to Tabl* 1, the par*icipation in the St*rtUp Day UPF 2019 event was
ma*nly of st*d*n*s between 1* and *0 yea*s old, most of *hom are un*e*graduate (82.40%),
fol*owed by those *ho are *n postgraduate *ourse* (8.3%), *a*te*'s de**e** (7.1%), while the
oth*rs studying at h*gh scho*l level o* w**h graduation course comp*eted. Of this total of 85
p*rtici*an*s, 3 are team captains and 4 correspond to the facilitators *h* assist
th* tea*s
du*ing th* 2*h e*ent. Thi* leads us to conclude tha* the *vent ** well recei*ed by *he y*ung
*cademic popul*tion and encourage* b* the various areas of underg*aduate cour*es, arous*n*
*ntere*t in y*ung people, due to it* inst**ating ch***cteristic, w*ich *timulates c*eativity and
Finally, Table 2 pres*nts a summary of the *n*icators that represent t*e importance of
*amif*cat*on for t*e development o* new businesses. Questions * - * i*t*n*ed to check t*e
if t** *amif*cation m*tivate* the pa*tici*ants *n *art*cip*ting in the event. Questions 6 - 8
inte**ed to understand the elem**ts of games in the event, while question 9 intended to link
ga*i*ica*ion and the creation of new bus*nesses. Resp*nden*s were *sk** to chec* in a 5-
poi*t Li*ert *cale if the* 1 (t*tally disagre*) *o 5 (totally agre*).
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 04, art. 2, p. *0-46, abr. 20*1
M. *. B***ol, J. B. Azevedo, A. Neck*l, A. R. Leit*, M. Sgarbo*sa
Tabl* 2 - G*mificat*on fo* new businesses
Standar* Devia*ion
1. Th* co*ne*tions *ith p*ofess*onals from other *reas motiv*t*d me to participate ** Startup Day!
3 .8 7
1 .1 4
2. The possibility ** dev*lop creati*it* *otivated me t* partic**ate in Startup Day!
4 .5 8
0 .6 8
3. *h* *ossibili*y of devel*ping new bu*i*esses motivated me to participate in S*artup Day!
4 .3 1
0 .9 2
4. The pos*ibil*ty of dev***ping *earning in the areas of entre*reneu*ship and innovation motivated me to *articipate in Startu* Day!
4 .5 3
0 .* *
5. During the activit*es I felt to*al*y motivated by the reward!
3 .9 1
1 .0 5
6. The p*s**bility o* an awar* i**rea*ed my level *f eng*gement with my team!
3 .8 0
0 .9 7
7. T*e score k*pt ** fu*ly inv*lved in the group's activitie*!
3 .8 9
1 .0 8
8. My **am *ad a high*r performance *ue to t*e p*ssibilit* o* a prize!
3 .6 *
1 .* 5
*. The Gamifi*ation process made it e**ier *or me to develop new busi*es*es!
3 .9 5
1 .0 4
S**r*e: Re**a*ch Da*a (20*9).
Tabl* 2 *hows that the research *hrough the *ven* h*s great ac*epta*ce among the
*nterview*d populatio* co*sidering that the indexes s*own in th* *able are betwe*n *.68 and
4.58, which leads t* the inte**retation that t*e participants
agree with the item* presente*,
espec**lly in th* variab*es th*t **esent
the motiva*ion w*ich *ed t*em to partic*p*t* in
t he
event, where t*e
deve**p*ent of creativity, the possibility of developing
an *ntreprene*ria*
vision and inno*a*ion, **d t*e *ossib*lity of developing new
bus*nesses, confirm
t he
importance *sing t*e Gamific*t**n *oo* t* d*velop new businesses.
St**l on *able 2, *egardin* to motivat*on, it is *viden* that the parti*ipants were
motivated to *articip*te in t*e event, due to poss*ble connecti*ns wit* p*ofess*ona** *rom
other area* and the poss*bility of d*veloping creativit*. Design T*inking i*volves a high
degr*e of creativity, togethe* wit* the generati*n of a *ractical *nd *ia*le *olution to the
problems rai*ed (AMBR*SE; HARRIS, 2*11). Quest*ons 5, 6, 7 and 8 *how that the *eward
or award as an imp*rtant element o* gami*ication (TA*AKA et al., 2013).
*rom th* non-p*rticipant **serva*ion, it was p*ssible t*
de**ribe al* element* of
games, b*longing to the e**nt, as well as to evalu**e the level of interaction of the *arti*ipants
*nd the
me*hodolo*ie* *sed. Fi*ure 1 shows th* M*rc*ew**i (2013) model redesign*d
a*cording *o the gam* elements *ound in th* event (StartUp Day UPF 2019).
Rev. FSA, Teresin*, v. 18, n. 04, a**. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 2021
O* Primei*os Mo*os de Minas: A Poe*ia Á**ade B*asi*ei*a com* *onjuração
Figure 1 - **mification elements f*om Startu* Day U** 2019.
*ource: D**elo*ed by the authors (2020), adap**d from Marczewsk* (201*).
Fig*re 1 *as constructed from the non-partici*ant observ**ion, based on *he mod** of
*ar***wski (2013), w*ich *resents gamificat*o* as a process compose* *f mo*ivat**n, game
*lement*, u*er types and rewards. In the m**iva*ion quadrant, which corresponds to
**nn*ct*on, cre*tivi*y, *ch**vements a*d t*eir *eanin*s, i* was found *h*t all i*dica*ors are
presen* *n the gami*ication mo*el propose* by the Startu* Day UPF, *s the methodol*gy *sed
*nsures full integrati*n between th* *articipants, w***h significantly im*acts the *esult of the
id**s develop*d, *x*a*ding th* d*gree of *r*ativi*y, as i* allows the integr*tio* *f part*cipants
with *ackgrounds in the most varied *reas of knowledge. Achie*em*nts are also present, *s
Startu* *ay is **vided into ph*ses, where *ach *hase
ha* an evaluativ* act*vity **a* allows
e*ch t*am to *volve in the
ra*king of scores according to t*eir *eliv*ries, wh*ch provides
gre*ter meani*g for
t*e developm*nt of activ**ie*. I* this *ontext, ea*h *art*cipa*t starts *o
*iew th* gam*fication process with * more com*etitive look, expan*ing their *e*el of
engagement, ** acc*rdi*g to Mattar (*018) *uman b*ings feel more co*mitted in any game
Re*. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 1*, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 2021 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista
*. E. Ber*ol, J. B. Az*vedo, A. Neckel, *. R. L*ite, M. Sgarbossa
I* the qu*drant that represents **e gam* elements, chara*terized
by the *h*llenge*,
levels of competi*ion, *eaders, competiti*n and co*laboration, it was possible to iden*ify that
the g***fied stru*tur* of the Start*p Day UPF is composed
*f ** phases, *here e**h phase
h*s a challe*ge an* *hic* requires *ac* *eam to choose a leader, *ho is *esponsible for all
de*iveries *f the ac*ivi*ies proposed in each **as* and also receives all the guidelines to pass
on to the team. There i* a very well str*ctured competition pr*cess that g*nerates
collab*rat*on *etween part*cipants from the first activity to the last, whi*h can be seen in the
quality of
the pr**ects develope* *uri** th* event a*d the level of inn*va*ion p**po*ed by
each t*am to hav* * mult*dis*i*l*nar* gr*up
of p*rt*c*pants, *hich
proves that the use of
gamifi*ation, as wel* as elem*nts of the ga*e can posi*ively influence the develop*en* of
new busines*es. Z*che*m*nn **d Cunnin*ha* (2011) desc*ibe tha* a gamifi*d system can u*e
innume*able ele*e*ts of games, to *nhance the enga*ement ** competito*s.
The qu*drant that characterizes *h* u*er type* as explor*r, independent, entr**re*eur
an* co*s*mer, it was possib*e t* ident**y tha* al* partic*pants can be *har**terized
because in *ddit*on t* *mpacting th* knowled*e
*bo*t entrep*en*u*ship, th*
gamifie* propos*l of *tartup *ay UPF allows that the competitor* use *ll their kn*wled*e t*
s*arch fo* n*w s*luti*ns tha* match the challenge proposed by the game, which was solution*
f*r heal*h
in the 2*19 edition. F*r this me*hodology it was also identifi** that at *he same
*ime that ev***o*e becom*s an entrepr*neur, e*eryone become* a consume* of solutions that
aim *o qualify *h*ir ideas, in order to have a* even more p*siti*e result for their ventur*s.
Rew*rds, *re*ent in the final
quadrant, is characterize* by point*, *ro*hies and
achieve*ents. I* was identi*ied th*t *n
addition to the sc*re th*t each te*m acq*ire* in each
phase, t**re w*s a*so a *inal a*ard, i* wh*ch t*e thr*e winning teams, in add**ion to receiving
firs*, secon* and t*ird medals, **re invit*d to *a**icip*te in the
p*e-*n**batio* proj**t, wi*h
UP* Parque Incubato* (IUP), where *hey rec*i*ed spec*ali*ed mento*i*g to
develop **e
busines* p*an
*nd s*pport for the search for inve*t*rs *nd *usine*s rounds,
*arr*ed out
incubat*r. Marcze*ski (2013) *efines that t*e rew*rd *s one of the main m*tivators of the
ga**fic*tion process, but at the same *im* *hese *ewards may vary accordin* to t** proposal
or the ob*ective of the gam*fied structur*.
The gamifi*ation *roces*, *s present*d in the model, is *urr*unded by s*ver** asp**ts,
so it is necessa*y to emp*asi*e, as alre*dy men*i*ned, tha* ***s composition *epresen*s the
*u*lity of **e
gami*ication *rocess, and it is not recommended to
only va*ue the r*war*
el**e*ts that end up restr*c*ing a tool rich in new possibilities (NICHOLSON, 2012).
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 1*, n. 04, a*t. *, p. *0-46, abr. **2* www4.fsa*et.*om.*r/*e*ista
Os Pri*eiros Moços de Minas: A Poesia Árcade Brasileira c*mo Conj*r*ção
After completing *he research, i* app**r* that gamif*cat*on has a highl* *mpac*i*g
power on
users, w**c* c*n
be s*en
in the methodol*gy of S*artup Day UPF, *avi*g
gamif*ed plat*orm with th* object*ve of cre*ting possibilities for new bu*ines*, which in fact,
*c**rs bec*use most of
the pr*jects develo*ed during the applicatio*
of t*e tool have
poten*ial *or *arket sc*le. As an example, "*lick Prof*ss*ona*", a company *ha* em*rged at
the first event *nd i* now i* the pro*e*s of consolidating
itself *n the mar*et. *hus,
t *e
*mportance of
us*ng gamifi*d processes fo* the d*velopment of new bus*ness ideas is
p*sitively pr*ven (ROS*ATO; NECKEL; MOZZA*O, 2018).
I* conc*usion, by *on*ider*ng all dimens***s together, i* is pos*ible to *dentify th*t the
elements of the *ame, m*tiva**on and rew*rd ar* directly related with r*gar* to the eff*c*ency
o* gam*f*ca*ion, wi*h respect to the e*g*gement of partici*ants. B* developing a scenario t*at
i*tegrates *rofes*ionals *rom differ*nt areas o* knowledg*, as well as dif*erent levels
education, a*d consec*ti*ely the level *f involvement *ith the
proposed activity will be
directly expa*ding. Therefore, the challe*ge also plays an importan* role in the gamification
enabl*n* participan*s ** achieve unexpected r*sults, si*ce according to S*h*mpe**r
(1988), in*ova*ion is an *lly in the developm*nt of new busi*es*es, s* *t is *e*e*s*** to have
an ope* *ind fo* n*w processes an* new met*odol*gies.
This *aper aime* t* e*alua*e the *ff*ctive*ess of G*mifi**tio* as a tool for innov**i*n
i* *he process o* de*elo**ng **w businesses, us*ng the StartU* D*y U*F 201* ev*nt a*
object of stu*y. The *vent, w*i*h *se* gamificati*n,
has the design
thinking pro*ess *o
establish a s*ries *f 10 activities to solve the prop*sed ch*llenge, w*ic*, in this edition, were
in*ov*tive business solut*ons in the hea*th area.
The research wa* carrie* o*t
in a qualitative an* quantitativ* w*y. Fir*tly, through
o*se*vation du*in* the 2*
h*urs *f t*e aforemention*d *ve** to obser**
t he
**ements of gami*ication *re**nt in th* event: *otiva*ion, game elements, types of users and
rewards. In addition, dat* wa* col***ted fr*m the participants *s**g an e*e*t*onic
qu*sti*nnaire. O* the 300 participants, 85 c*m*l*te* the questi*nnaire.
As a main resul*, *t wa* i*enti*ied t*at Gami*icati*n
can be a valuable tool for *h*
develo*ment *f new busin*sse*, as i* all*ws greater in*er*cti*n and comm*tment o* th* part of
users. I* can be characte*ized as an eff**tive process,
*s long as it structured for a certain is
purpose, beca**e today gamification can ac* in di*fe*ent conte*ts effectively, *nd can also b*
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 18, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. 20*1 www4.fs*net.c*m.br/revista
M. E. Bertol, J. *. Azevedo, A. Neck**, A. R. Leite, M. *gar**ssa
adap**d for a specific
being it *layf*l, for *nter*ainment, or ev*n *o* pro*ess*onal
purposes. *n this *ense, the ap*lication of g*mifica*ion at the busin*ss lev** still needs to be
better ex**or*d, as it o*fe*s nume*ous possibilities th*t can impact not only on t*e en*agem*nt
of wo*kers, but also on the final *es*l*s *f organizations.
The limitations of *his s*u*y are cha*acte*ized by the scope of t*e chose* theme with
the target*n* fo* *ames and
*y its emergin* issues in the are** of management, as t**
l*terature that involves real experime*ts at the ma*agement level *s still scarce, e*pe*ially
with *egard to *
gamif*ed proce*s. ** sug*estions for futur* res*arch, it is sugge**ed to
investigate the indi*idu***y way t*e *ethodology is used *n gami*ied pr*cesses, to assess the
real engagement of the participants, as well as the **ssibility of crea*i*g new work f*onts.
Finally, it *an *e sa*d t*at the gamif*cation pr*cess has a *ositive in*luen*e on the
develop*ent of new businesses, as long as the entire d*ve*opm*nt and applicatio* pro**ss i*
well structur*d and *ocused on this s*gment, *lways with the objectiv*
*f s ol *i ng a
pro*lem, a* Gamifi*ation can also be direct** linke* to innovation.
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Como Referenci*r es*e A*tigo, confo*me ABNT:
2019: Gamificat*on *s a T*ol for Innovation. Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v.18, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr.
Contribuição **s Autores
M. E. Ber***
J. B . Azevedo
A. Neckel
A. R. Leite
M. Sgarbos*a
1) concepção e planejamento.
2) an*lise e interpret*ção dos dado*.
3) *laboração do *ascunho ou na revisã* crítica do con**údo.
*) participaçã* *a *pr**ação da versão fin*l do manuscrito.
Rev. *SA, T*r*sina, *. 18, n. 04, art. 2, p. 30-46, abr. *0*1
- Não há apontamentos.

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