Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 7, art. 2, p. 18-36, jul. *0*1
I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983
Valu* Stream Mapping (VSM) Applied to a C*m*any of the *et*l-Mech**ic in 4.0 Indust**
Map*amento de Fl*xo de *a*or (MFV) Apl*cado em uma Em**esa M*talmecân*ca n* Conte*t*
da Indú*tria 4.0
Sérgio Luiz K*ri*los
Doutor em En***haria de P*odução pela Uni*ersidade *aulista
Pro*essor da Univers*da*e Paulista
E-mai*: sergiola*up*@greco.co*.*r
Ridna* Jo*o do Nascime*t*
*estre em *iências pelo IPE*
P*ofessor d* Instituto F*deral de São Paulo
*-mai*: ridnal@uol.co*.br
J*sé *arro*o de Souza
*ou*o* em Engenh*ria *e Produção pel* Universidade Paulista
Profes*or do Instituto *e*e*a* do *spír*to S**to
E-mail: josebar*o*o@gma*l.com
Umber*o Ollitt* *u*ior
Mestre em Engenhari* de Pro*u*ão pela Un**e*sid*de Pauli*ta
Profess** da Unive*sidade *aulista
E-*ail: e*gumberto@*mail.com
*osé Be*edito Sac**mano
Dout*r em Engenhari* Mec*n*ca pela Universidad* d* São Pau*o
Profe**or da U*iversidade Paulista
*-mail: j**acomano@gmail.com
Endere*o: Sérgio *uiz Kyrillos
Edi*o*-Che*e: Dr. Tonny Ker*ey de Alencar
100. Bras*l.
Ri*nal João do Nascimen*o
A*tigo recebido em 0*/06/2*21. Última
100. Brasil.
receb*d* *m 1*/06/2021. Ap*ovado em 18/0*202*.
Jo*é Barrozo d* Souza
Avaliado pelo s*stema *rip*e Review: Desk Review a)
100. B*asil.
pelo E*ito*-Chefe; e b) D*uble Blind Review
Um*erto Olli**a Junior
(avaliação cega por do*s **al*adores d* *rea).
*v. P*u**sta, 900 - Be*a Vist*, São Paul* - SP, 01310-
100. *r*sil.
Rev*são: Gramatical, Normativ*
e *e *ormatação
José Ben*d**o *a**omano
Av. Paul*sta, 900 - Bela Vista, *ão *aulo - *P, 01310-
1*0. Brasil.
V*lue Str*am Mapping (VSM) Applied to a Company of t** Metal-Mechanic *n 4.0 Industry Context
Thi* research *r*s*nts the data obtained in a meta*urgical *o*pany, from the implem*ntatio*
o* VSM - Value Stream Mapping
*ool - *n agreemen* wi*h the Lean M*nufacturi*g - LM
sys*e*. Th**ugh * q*a**-quanti*ati*e **pro*ch, a*d *he re*earc*-action met*o* *as used *s a
res*arch st**t*gy. The star*ing point was based on a bi*liographical survey, it was sought *o
identify concepts to deve*op and implement VSM in a manufact*ring u*it located in
t he
indu*trial dis*ric* of Gua*u*hos (B*azil). The participatio* *f em*loyees and *esearchers, w*
test the hypothesis that with the VSM m**hod implementati*n is possible to obta*n
pro*uctivity gain wit*out investment assets. The res*lts dem*nst*ated an improvement in *n
produ*tivity, inc*easing the *an, ho*r, mac*ine (hh*) ratio by 26.74%, a 21%
reduc*ion in
processing t*me (*T) and 31.5% in Le*d Time (LT). Was conclud*d that with t*e application
*f the VSM tool a* improvement of the **anning, progr*mming and pro*uction control
(PPCP) m*n*gemen* i* obtained, resulting i*
actions t*at
lead to the prod*cti*i** gain. This
study *ontri*utes to de*onstra*e that managing the pro*uc*i*n ba*ed on real *ata structured i*
ma*hema*ical tools i* as *elev*nt as the *mp*ovement of the p**ductive **frastructure *f
* he
factory; *ead*ng ** the effective re*u*tion of waste, to improvin* productivi*y and increas*ng
the co*petitiven*ss.
*eyw*rds: Va*ue Stream Map*ing - VS*. Lean Manufacturin*. Acti*n R*sea*ch. Lead
Time. *roduct*on Ma*a*ement.
apresent* os dados o*tidos e* uma empre*a metalúrgica, a partir
implemen*ação da f*rramenta VSM - Mapeamen** de fluxo de v*lor - em co*cordância com
o sistema Lean Manufa*turing - LM. P*r meio ** um* abordagem qua*i-quant***tiva,
*étodo de *esquisa-ação foi u*iliz*d* como es*r*té*ia d* pesq*i*a. O ponto de partida foi
baseado e*
uma pesquisa b**liográfica, busc*u-se identif*car *oncei**s *ara desenv*lver
imp*ementar o VSM em
*ma *nidade fabril localizada *o di*trito i*dustrial de *uarulhos
(B**sil). Com * partici*ação d* funcionários e pesquisadores, *estam** a hipótese d* que, co*
a ***l*m*ntaç*o *o méto*o VSM,
é possí*el o*te*
*anhos de pr*dutividade sem
investimento e* at*vo*. Os resultados demonstraram *elhorias de *rodutividade, aument*n*o
a *rop*rção
homem, *or*, máq*i** (hhm) em 26,74%, red*ç*o
de 21% no tempo
pro*essamento (TP) e
3 1 ,5 % n o
*ea* t*me (LT). Co*clu*u-se
que, co* * ap*i*ação
fer*a*enta VSM, é obtida u*a me*****a no
ger*nciamento do planejam*nto, programação
controle de produçã* (*PCP), result**d* em açõe* que leva* ao *anh* d* *rodut*v*dade. Es**
estudo con*ribui para demonstra* que o geren**am*n*o da *rodução com base e* dados rea*s
est*uturados em **rramentas m*temáticas é *ão relevan*e qu*nt* a *el*oria da infraes**u*ura
produtiva *a **brica; l*vand* à re*ução ef*tiva ** r*síduos, mel**rando * *rodutividade
aume*tando a *om*etitivid*de.
Palavras-cha*e: Mapeamen*o do Fluxo de *a*or. *anu*atura. Pe*quis*-Ação. Tempo
**r**essame*to. Gerenciamento *e Prod*ção.
*ev. FSA, Tere*ina PI, *. 1*, n. 7, **t. 2, p. 1*-36, jul. 2021
S. L. Ky*i*los, *. J. Nas**mento, J. B. So*za, U. Ol**tta J**ior, J. B. Sa*c*ma*o
Curr*ntly Brazilian m**k*t is c*ar*cte*iz*d by the pred*mi*an*e of co*pan*** that
coe*ist in an
en*iro*ment with fierce competition. These organizat*ons s*ek insertion into
globaliz*d market where there a*e customers and consu*ers\ high *emand for product* wi**
adequa*e *ualit* and low*r costs a*d s*p*l*ers\ n*ed to be a*ile *n* adap*able to meet the
t*ght delivery d*adli**s.
In t**s *ay, c**panies *a*e been s*riving to consol*da*e th*ms*lves *n t*e current
highly competitive ma*ket **e*ario, where mana*i*g product**e activities req*ires
combi*ation of skills **d proce*se*. T*e nec*ssary s*il*s *re: entr*preneurial visio*,
intell**tual bo**ness *nd compete*c* regardi*g the use of *esources *ee*ed in prod*ction. In
*elat*o* t* process, *o that the m*nage*ent of productive activities *ecomes feas*bl*, it i*
nec*ssary to h*ve pro*ramm*ng, planning, mapping and operation*l *ontrol, which *equire
reliable *low of **form*tion.
According *o Tu*ino (20**) it is necessary th*t th* compan**s comprehen*, within
the*r limits, what a*e *heir abilit*es a*d **rengths *hen effecting the *ecessary r*lati*ns*ip
w*th the enviro*men*; *rea*ing competitiv* advant*ges t*at bri*g **em gains from the market
situations. This vi*ion, at the *trategi* leve*, will enab*e *he t*ctical an* operat*on*l lev**s to
*ake correct *ctio*s t* *ake pr*d*ctive uni*s e*fective through operations performed with
**g* level of e*f*cien*y.
Corporate sustai*ability is se*n not *n*y
**e *ias of the tripa**it* relation**i*
am*n* company, *lie*t*le a*d
inv*stors, bu* also i*cludes the consolida*ion of attitud*s
consid*red ethical - i* the sense *f observ*tion an* *espect for the s*and*rds and for *he set of
laws and *egulations *eeded ** be compliant with the guidelines and policies of the en**rpri*e
- fa*e to *ocal legal devices.
Within th*s conc*pt, the corporate sustainability wi*l pr*se*t co*sis*ency fro* the
effective ac**on pe***ated by
*ransparent d**lo*ues, consist*nt flow of in*ormation and,
fu*damentally, the *ractices t*at ma*e
possible the *alorizat*on o* the brand, cu*tomer
loya*ty, commitment a*d the est*bli*hment
alliances w*th part*er*. *hi* effect*ve *ction
consol*dat*s the strengthenin* *f both the company, fr*m t*e institutional point o* view, a*d
the net*or* that supports *t.
B* maintaining these practices, it *eets
t*e in*e*ests ** the or*a*iz*tion or the
b**iness unit (BU), the stak*ho*ders\ expectations, as *e*l as the return and the
maxim**ation *f profit margi*s, a*lowing t*e creation *f a fa*orable scenario to the existence
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n. *, ar*. 2, p. 18-*6, jul. 2*2* www4.fsa*et.*om.br/revista
Valu* Stream **pping (VSM) Applie* t* a Comp*ny of the Meta*-Mechanic i* 4.0 Ind*stry Con*ext
and the stre*gth*n*ng *f an organis* c*pable of *stablishing vigorou* social bonds and
provid*ng *he l*ng*vity of the *U, the ente*pris* or the company.
Accord*ng t* Marinardes, Alves, R*po*o and Domi*gu*s (2011), this classificatio*
prese*ts simplicity and coherence, diffe*ing from the cl*s*if*cation proposed *n t*e
Stakeho*de* Salience mode* pres**t** by Mitchell, Agle and Wood (19*7), which establi*hes
three factors - power, legiti*ac* and urge*cy - to classify by importance the *takeho*der* of
the B*.
*n op*rationa* d*finiti*n f*r ef*iciency ca* be esta*l*sh*d by *he relation
expected con*umption of resources and a*t*al c*nsumpt*on o* reso*rces. Bri*o and Mar*o*to
(2013) emphasizes the importan*e o* m*nag*rs seeking effi*iency and eff*ct*v*ne*s in *hei*
*ro*uctive pr*ces*es; but highlights t*e danger of the company i* *ursuing e*ficiency alon*.
The ***elopmen* of *his work included a *ibliog*aphic rese*rch *n co*t m*nageme*t,
pro*uction function, p*oductive systems, Le*n Manuf*cturi*g (LM) and Value Stream
M*pping (VSM). It should be noted t*at the cur*ent research, due t* its explorat*ry b*as a*d
it* goal of gen**ating knowled*e for practical applica*ion, is clas**fie* as being *f an applie*
na*ure; the *pproac* is qualitative-quan*itative, accord*ng to G*l\* *on*ept* (2008). ** relation
to the m*tho*, *t can be classified as action researc*, which according to *hiollent (20*1) is
the one *hich implies *c*ion on the *art o* *eople *r *roups *nvolved in the observed *s*u*, **
*he ca*e of this research, t* identi*y, d*velop and implemen* VSM b*s*d on the current state
map *nd *he princ*pl** of L*. This article was struct*red i* t*e following way: the fi*st
ses*ion p*esents the i*t*od**tion
*f th* research, the definition of
the proble* and
t *e
ap*roach; in the
se**nd *ne, the theoret*cal referentia* is described;
i n t he
third on*, the a**lication of the action resea*c* is p*esent*d and finally the conclu*ion of the
*esearch is describ** in the four*h session.
In *rder to set up
the theoreti*al methodological fram*work of this research,
*iblio*raphical res*a*c* **s ca*rie* out on: Re*earch Methodology, Production Planning and
Cont*ol, *ean Manufacturing,
and *al*e Stream Mapping (VSM). Accordi** to Torr**
(**1*), the re*e*anc* of bibliogra**ic resear*h "Is the *act, amo*g o*hers, that the t*eory in
possible e*ery wa* th* in
reading and in*erpreta*i*n of di*ferent texts wi*h which we
discover new texts, or not, in *earc* of ne* sense*. In a*dition, abov* all, to it* un*ty with the
*hat allows
us to see the ob*ect **om the concr*te
r*alit*, si*c*, f*r th*
R*v. FSA, Teresin* PI, v. 18, n. 7, art. 2, *. *8-36, ju*. 202*
S. L. Kyrillos, R. J. *ascime*to, J. B. S*uza, U. Ollitta Jùnior, J. B. Sacc*m**o
accom*lishm*nt of a re*earc* w*rk, there is to be made several *rt***lations between the*ry
and practice, resp*c*ing thei* autono*y and d*p**de*ce on the *oundat*on of the obje*t
***ld inve*tigated" (p. 43).
In this *ay, the pr*sent research a*ticul*t** the theory and th* pract*c* to answer
wheth*r it is p*ssible to *btain a productiv*ty gain without any investm*nt in assets, only with
the im*lementation of *he VSM t*ol.
2.1 Ma*agi*g costs: the pro*ucti*n *unction *nd the production sys*e*s
Seeki*g to c*nt*ol and reduce as w*ll as ensure and mai*tain t*e profit *ar*ins of
productive acti*ities, ma*agin* c*sts fund*menta* is
f*r the company to remain *u*ta*nable
and *ompe*itive; *ven more facing the globa*iz*d market. Tra*i*iona* cost ap*or*ion*ent
systems that in*olve direct (DC) and *ndirect (IC)
cos*s synergistical*y linked to fix*d (*C)
and variable (V*) costs requi*e sp*cial atten*ion.
T** indirect costs are parti*ularly
per*iciou*, *ince *heir growth is *ertiginous, es*ecially in the case of the demand
t * be
suppressed. T*e direct costs, however, require a proper mappi** of d**ect labor that must hav*
ad**uate *roductivity. On
the other hand, productive systems, involving the pro*uc*i*n
and servi*e*, are depen*ent *n a well-structured PPCP sector. Th* Taylorist-Fordist
paradigm, h*s the c*n*e*t
of a reord*r p*int and minimum lot *hich aim to p**h the
pro*u*tion, alway* look**g at inventories and *i*king purchase orders to p*odu*tion orders, as
shown in Fig*re 1.
F*gure 1 - P*CP unde* the conventional view. Source: Authors
Orders in Purchase
Orders *n Production
Linke, *haves, E*pi*ha, Tsu*u**, an* Nar*iso (2013) argue that
t he P P C P i s t he
*ecto* responsib*e fo* bo*h *he coordination and the adeq*ate *p*li*atio* *f p*oductive
res*urce* *o that t*e plans p*ev*ously *stablished by the comp*n* *re efficiently m*t. Th*
PPCP secto* is structured to simplif*
and to
eliminate u*necessar* time and
ac*ivities.Planning presupposes *esig*ing an* for*alizing futu** activit*es a*d aspirations,
*herefore keepi*g control and *doptin* eventua* *orrectio*s are essential so th*t the *la*s *an
be *on*retized and confi*med. Thu*, *he op*ration* *arried out must *e p*ofi*ab*e and *epe*d
on *he effici*nt m*nagement of pr*duc*ion systems; in *uc* way that the num*er of unit* a
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, v. 18, n. 7, art. 2, p. 1*-36, jul. 2021 www4.fsa*et.com.*r/revista
Value *tream Mapping (VSM) Ap**ied to a *ompa** of the Meta*-Mech*nic *n 4.0 In*ustry Cont*xt
pro*uced (as a function of *h* ins*all** oper*ti*nal *apacity - IO*) is a*le to s**pass t*e
equilibri*m poin* requ*r** by the productio*
**it, as *hown in Fi**re 2. They sh*uld add
value at eac* stage.
*he *e*ment O
B *r**slates th* behavior *f the total *evenues obtained from the
sa*es pro*pects to b* *arrie* ou* by the company. The s*gmen* A
C re*resents the w*y i*
which the company'* expenses are incu**ed, considering the *roducti*n cost* involved *s
function of t*e number of unit* *roduced and wh*ch ha* i* *he s*g*e** A
A t*e re***ence
to identify *he level of fixed costs (F*).
*s the segment O
B *xceeds the se*ment A
C pr*fit wil* be obtained; *he
opposite condition wi*l lead to loss **d, if total revenue cove*s total
expenditure, we
ac**eve sta*ility of the system
t*rough the break-even
poi*t. As for costs, on* mus*
unders*and the busines* a* * whole and in * detailed and formal w*y. The VSM tool presents
a challenge for the compan* r*garding the und*rstanding of **e *nt*re pr**uction process and
of *hi*h phase of the process is ab*e to d*liver value *o the cu*t*mer without impacting costs.
F*gu*e 2 - The profit*bi*i*y of opera*ions. Revenue*, *xpens** a*d units produ*ed.
Source: Authors
As show* i* fig*re 3, cu**ently, the production function *cco*nt res*urce* (labor,
**p*tal, energy, raw
other inputs) *h*ough innu*erabl* e*try port*, m*king the
p*oduction un*t depende*t on socia* demands (goods and ser*ice*) ***sing fro* the external
*nvi*on*ent. Therefore, this fu*ction **eks to consolidate itself in *he face of a market
subjec* *o high a*plitud* *s*i*lations and i* should b*have
i* a*co*d*nce with **e profit
zone sh*wn *n the fig*re 2.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 7, *rt. 2, *. 18-36, j*l. *02*
S. L. Ky*illos, R. J. Nasc**ento, J. B. *ouza, U. Ol***ta Jùnior, J. B. S*c**man*
Fi*ure 3 - The product*on *unction wit* the necessary *fficiency: to add value and
**iminat* c*sts. *ou*ce: Authors
2.2 Lean Manufactu*ing
By constantly seeking to eli*i*ate waste *nd excludi*g what does not *dd value, in
a**ition to
provid*ng speed to the co*pa*y, the *oundations of the Lean Manufa*t*ring
concept are at the heart of the dis*ussio*s. Werkema (2006) *e**nds the idea th*t L*an can
** a*plied to a*l kinds o* work a more *ppropr**te d*n*mination is L*an O*er*tions or Lean
Enter**ise. The origins of *ean Manufacturi*g go back
to th* Toyota *ro*uction Syst*m
(als* known as Lean Man*fa*turing or Just in Time Produc*ion - JIT). *aichi Ohno in
Japan, as well as Orlich in the US, h*ve *hi*ted paradigms from pushed to pulled produc*ion
whose m*in elem**t, JIT, shows that inventory *s o*e of the wastes *i*hin c*mp*nies. Ohno
*ontemp*ates some ele*e*ts, which u**il th*n was not se*n in manufa*t*ring, s*ch a* the
cell lay
out, t*e multifun*tional work*r, th* quick tool change, and especially the tot*l
qu*lity throughout the
company and the Kanban
i*formatio* c*ntrol sy*t*m. He also
*onsiders the *liminatio* *f the sev*n *aste* (Muda):
I. Produc*ion of produc*s with de*ects;
II. existence of overpr*duction not requi*ed b* th* clientele;
III. maint*nance o* st*ck* aw*iting processing;
IV. remanuf*c*ur*ng and / or *eprocessing;
V. unneces*ary *ove*e*t of employee* an* inadequ*te jobs;
**. unneces*a*y transport*tion and handling of g**ds;
Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v. 18, n. 7, ar*. 2, p. 18-3*, jul. *021 www4.fsanet.com.br/revi*t*
Value *tre*m Mapping (VSM) A*pli*d to a Company *f the M**al-M*c***ic in *.0 In*u*try C*ntext
VII. long s*t-up, pr*cess and / or machine with discontinuities wa*ting *o c*mplete
process*ng, empl*yees wi*h in*er*upted functions and / *r wait*ng to return to work.
The approach adopte* for what is generally understo*d as m**ufacturing, as described
by Mon*en (2012), is that lean production can\t, nor should be co*sidered a chan*e of th*
Sci*ntif** Ad*ini**ration,
b*t an evolu*ion of this. Lean production means doing more with
less, aff*rming the con**pt th*t over-activit* is unnecessary and costly, reduci*g long **ad
times, ap*lyin* the ju**-in-ti*e principle on prod*ction lines, r*ducing overall costs,
improvi** *he relation**ip between customers and s*p*liers *nd imple*en*ing an efficient
qualit* management system as well. Accord*ng to Raje*thir**umar and Shanka* (2011) "the
main contribution of le*n producti*n that these practi*es is
can functi*n s**ergistically
create a simplified,
*igh qu*lity *ystem
*hat produces finished p*o*ucts at the pace
cus*omer demand with little or no w*st*." However, it s*ould be *mphasized that the s*cc**s
of imple*en*ing any spe*ific m*nagement practices
often *e*en*s on th* or*anizationa*
characteristics, ** the *a*e set of pra*tic*s can\t be imp*emented in
all organi*ati*ns
random. (G*lbrai*h (*977), Pepper & Spedding (2*10), S*ah & Ward (2002)). Companies,
which a*e inc*ea*ingly in*egrated tod*y, depend on act*on* tha* add value t* th*m, *limi*ating
wastes; thus, according *e S*uza *t al. (2*1*), lean pr*duction may *lso be con*idered a* a*
extended J** mechanism tha* includes the parti*ipation of *ll p**ties involved in the supp*y
chain, i**ra and int*r *om*anies.
2.* V*lue *tream Mapping
V*lue Stream Mapping (VSM) seeks to system*tiz* the flow of informatio* **d
ma*eria*s in productive *r*an*zations. The stage of mapping the
current stat* o* the VSM is
essential to iden*ify wastes s* that *ne c*n strategically
take the *ecess*ry at*itudes f*r
t he
i*plementat*on o* *he va*ue map
o* t*e f*t*re sta*e. A
va*ue ma* is the representation
flows *r*m the moment o* receipt *f the produc*ion order t* the delivery of the final p*oduct.
W*mac* and Jone* (1998) a*gu* that in th* value stream ma*ping those steps
cons*dere* as non-a*ding value are c*rrectly specified and ti*ely eli**nate*. The* also state
that t** value in the
processing walks t*rough*u* the entire system in a co**inuous and
co*stant manner, under the proper management o* three mana**rial tasks, nam*ly:
- **formation manag*ment;
- physical *r*ns*or**ti*n;
- tro*ble*hoo*ing.
Rev. *SA, Te**sina PI, v. 1*, n. *, ar*. 2, p. 18-36, jul. 202* ww*4.fs*net.com.br/rev*sta
S. L. Kyrillos, R. J. Nascim*nto, J. B. Souza, *. Ollit*a Jùnior, J. B. S*c*omano
Rother and Shook (2*0*) understand that val*e *tream f*ow is all t*e actions
*urre**ly r*qu*red *o **ing a product thro*gh the main flows e*sential to ev*ry prod*ct.
Sulliva*, *cdonald & Van Akem (2002) high*ight *hat V*M, by pr*vidi*g a common basis
for *h* production p**cess, creat*s c*nditions for *ore *l*bor**e deci*ion making in order to
improve th* flow of value. *n this *a* i* can be inferred *hat **M i* applied as a way to
move towards l*an manufacturin* and as a formula ** lead i*provement a*ti*ities. (Sulliva*
et al., *002), Sah*o, Singh, Shankar & T*wa*i (2008)). With res*ect t* *omp*titiven*ss,
Rother *nd Sh**k (20*3) state that VSM *rovides compa**es with a co*petitive
avoiding dispe*sion i* pu*ctua* improveme*ts, w*ich in most c*ses provide *ittle end result
a*d little *uppor* ov** time.
The main foc*s o* *appi*g the value cha** is to demonst*ate the material and
i*forma*ion flow* in the vario*s phases o* producti*n, providing *he ne*es*ary s*bsidie* to
c**ose *e*n t*ols. In the *res*nt study, the c*ncept of value is understood as the accep*ance
*ndex that product (or process) p*ese*** against the e*pectation demonstrated by the client.
Thus, as the value of on* product (or p*oces*) is hi*h*r t*an that of anot*er, the grea*er the
**ance t*at the *rodu*t (or process) will exceed th*t off*red by it* *ompetitor. As shown in
*igur* 4, for the ap*li*ation of the VSM tool, f*ur steps must
*e ac*ompl*shed before the
pl*n *s
implemented: Produc* fami*y selection, *urrent-state **awing, Future-state
*nd P*anning and *mpl*mentati*n of the Act*on plan (Rother & *h*ok, 2003).
*ig*re 4 - Steps for d*plo*in* t*e v*lue stream *apping.
Re*. FS*, Ter*sina, v. *8, n. *, a*t. 2, p. 18-36, jul. 2021
Val*e *tream Mapping (VS*) Applied t* a Compa*y of the Metal-Mechanic in 4.0 Industry Contex*
Source: Adapted f*om Rother, M. and Sho*k, J.: Learnin* t* See: *a*ping the Value S**eam
*o A*d Va*ue and Elimin*te W*ste. São **ulo: Lea* *n*titute of Brazil, 2003.
According to the authors, the "mo** important *oint *f the fu*ure state
impl*mentatio* pl*n is **t to thin* of it as t** introduction of a series of t*chniques, but to
re*ard it as a process of *uil*i*g a serie* of connected flows for a produ** f*mily" (R*ther &
* *ook, 2003, p.
*6). It i* observed that i* **gu*e 4 the a*ro*s betw*en the present *nd th*
*uture st*tes have a doub*e di**cti*n, *ndi*ating that the
development of the *res*nt *nd
*uture s**t** a*e overlapping ef*orts.
The first st*p ** *h* c*nstruc*ion of V*M is to choose a prod*ct family, "com*os*d of
a group of products that pass *hrough similar proc*ssing steps and *v*r c*mmon equipme*t
in your downstre*m processes";
*elect*d the prod**t family the ne*t *tep i* to m*p (draw)
the c**r*nt state "by g*thering in*orm*t*on *n the shop **oor.
Thi* provide* th* information *ou need t* dev*lop * future s*ate". The construction
of t*e third sta*e - drawing the *ut*re stat* - begins with th* ideas *hat ar* us*al*y rais*d in
the m**ping of t*e current st*te. Likewise, when drawin* th* future s*ate im*ortan*
inf*rmation a*out *he current *tat* will *e *oin*e* *ut, *hich *f**n we*t unnotic**.
Th* fourth step - Action P*a* - should d**cribe *ow to p**n this transition fr*m the curre*t
state to t*e future state; a*d it* *mplementation should take place as *oo* *s possible. Then
*s soon *s the fut*re state com*s true, the mapping proces* *e*eats itse*f. That is noth*ng
more than ap*lying *he concept of contin*ous imp*o*eme*t at the value flow level. (*oth &
*hook, *003), Guim*rães, *ede*ros, S*NTANA, & Pereira (20*5)).
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, *. 18, n. 7, art. 2, p. 18-*6, *ul. 2*21 www4.fsane*.co*.br/revista
S. L. Ky*illos, *. *. N**cimento, J. B. Souza, U. O*litta Jùnior, J. B. Sa*coma*o
B*rcaw (2012) states that t*e tec*nique employed in the V*M tool allows tho*e
*nvolved (le* by a *anage*) to i*entify a*d analyze *oth the processes *nd the infrastructure
f*r dec*sion making to im*rove them and reduce *aste throug*o*t the fl*w. Thu*, an actio*
plan f*r the future s*ate can / *hould ad* value to the produ*tion *ystem.
*he following dia*ram (Figure
5) sh**s the symbology us*d in this work to draw th*
curr*nt-s*ate and the future-state flow maps for the implementation.
Figure 5 - *ymbols *sed for V*
F*gure 5 - Symbols used for V*
So*rce: Ada*ted fro* Rothe*, M. *nd Shoo*, *.: Learning to S*e: Mapping *a*ue Flow t*
Add Value and E*iminate Waste (2003).
3. TH* *TU*Y
3.* Research Meth**ology
Rev. FSA, T*resina, *. 18, n. *, art. 2, p. 1*-36, jul. 2021
V*lue S*r*am *apping (VSM) Appl*ed to a Company of the Meta*-*ec*anic in 4.0 *ndust*y Co*text
In orde* to lay *he foun*ati*ns fo* this resear*h, t* develop t*e s*udy and t* validat*
it, we s*ugh* support in t*e Ac*ion R*s*arch method (AR), according to Thi*llent\s concepts
*mon* the aspects hi*hlighted by this author, th*re *s the statement that a *ystemic
perspecti*e is presented in A*, d*aling with th* wh*le
and the par*s, i*proving
t he
a*p*ox*mat*o* *it* comple*ity, f*ctors that have proved import*nt *o this res*ar*h.
Through AR, resear***r* *ake p*s*tions a*d m*ke dec*sion* about transf**ma*iv* *ct*ons. In
this sc*nari*, th*
actor* have the role of
beco*ing artic*lators
and fac*litators of
t he
re*earcher* inv*lve*, allowing information sharing, feedba*k to stakeholders and
implement*tion *i*h concrete i*itiati*es.
The *lann*ng of the re**arch was carried out c*nsidering the
*emands o*
t he
production uni* due to the need to obtain grea*er produ*t*v*ty, to reduc* was*e and *o
effective*y introdu*e * quality standard. *hus, having de*ined t*e family of prod*ct and *he
*e*es*ary **t*
*ollection, it wa* proposed the
el*borati*n of the a*t**ities for
t he
constructi*n of the VSM according to *igure *, al*eady presented. This
is applied
exploratory research and * q*alitativ* and *uan*itati*e *ha*acter.
3.* The company and the prod*ct
F*r the **velopment *f the *ese*rch *ome field acti*ities were carried *u* in
transformation factor*
that operat*s in the m*t**-mecha*ical
*ndustry, located in
* he
in**strial p*** of Guarulho* / SP. O*e of the seve* products, made on a l*rge scale, was
chosen. The c*osen item is seen as * f*mily item, as it has twelve
*olor options an* thre*
pac*aging f*rmats. Accordin* to Slack,
Chambers and
John**o* (2*0*), the product*on
sy***m is
c*aracter*zed as M*ke to S*ock (M*S); hig* v*lum*
*ow variety
Req**rement = 21,600 pi*ces week in 3 or 4 shipments per we*k deliver*d to the /
distribution c*nter (*C)
***le1: Operating manu*acturin* process
*ev. FSA, Ter*si*a PI, v. 18, n. *, art. 2, *. 18-36, jul. 2021
S. *. Kyril*os, R. J. Na*ci*en*o, J. B. So*za, U. O*litta *ùnior, J. B. Saccoma*o
Semi- aut*m**ic
Automa*ic proces*
Semi- autom*t*c
Quantity of operator*
CT ¹ Cycle Tim* (seco*ds)
0 .2 3
1.3* (**gpm)
1 .*
2 .0
0 .2 1
OT (Operating Time) (seco*ds)
480 *ec / reel
50 (computed for boxes with 24* pieces)
UT 2 ( Up Time)
w**tten stock ³ (pieces)
1* reels (*) ~24,68* pi*ces. 3.5 days
2 ,3 0 0
6 ,1 9 0
Sourc*s: **thors
(*) a r*el equa* t* *,057 *ieces
¹ Cyc*e tim* (CT) is the time required to exe*ute a pro*uc**on *ctivi*y. CT is understood as the time *lapsed bet**en *he
repet*tion of the ope*ation, *ro* start to f*n*sh. CT is th* b*a* time.
² Up ti*e (UT) is understood in th** art*cle as the availability *f t*e equipmen* *n *he m**h*ne in *iew *f its n*c*ssary
effectiveness a*ainst the p*odu*t*on requir*ment*.
3 Written st*ck refers *o inventory *bs*rved prior to daily supply.
C*mpany PP** Activities: 1) R*c*ive the monthly foreca*t. 2) Feed t** production sys*em
(MRP). 3) Acquire the inputs through *rders for *teel a** plastic*zer. 4) We*kly S*h**ule
each of the pr*cess*s of *he p*oduction fu*c*i*n, namely: laminatio*, stamp**g, *njection,
assembly and packaging.
Working time data *f the manuf*ctu*ing company:
The *u*ren* *pe*a*ional *vailability is:
20 days / mon*h;
8h / day;
2 work shifts;
2 interval* / day.
Fi*ure 6: Valu* S**e*m M*p*i*g (VSM) - hhm Current State. S**rce*: Autho*s
Rev. FSA, *eresina, v. 1*, n. 7, art. 2, *. 18-36, j*l. 2021
Value St*eam Mapp*ng (VSM) *pplied to a Compan* of the Metal-M*chani* i* 4.0 Ind*str* **ntext
Calcu*ation of cur*ent state p*oductivity
hhm: cons*dering 7 *perator*
[(3,600/4.74)/7] = 108.50 un/*hm (unit/man hour machine *ork*d).
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina P*, v. 18, n. 7, art. *, p. 1*-36, *ul. *021
S. L. Kyr*llos, R. J. Nas*imento, J. *. Souza, U. Olli*ta Jùnior, J. B. *accomano
Figure 7 - Va*ue Stream Mappi*g - VSM - *uture Stat*. Sources: Auth*rs
Rev. *SA, Te*esina, v. 18, n. *, *rt. 2, p. 1*-36, jul. 2021
Value *tream Map*ing (VSM) Applied ** a Company of the Meta*-*echanic in 4.0 Industry Context
The work pr**ented the de*elopm**t
o* so** *rticulate* tec*niques to effect
t h*
V*M and, in this way, make ** pos*ible ** exten* the pro*u*tion planning and control o* *he
u*it. Managing based on real data stru**ur*d i* mathe*atic*l *oo** is as rele*an* as t*e
impr*ve*ent of the *a*tory\s *rodu*tive infrastr**ture; lead*ng to the ef*ective red*ction of
wast*, improv*ng productivi*y a*d in*reasing the competiti*eness of the **mpany. Another
***t worth mentioning *as been t*e consolidati** of a base f*r *h* i*plemen*a*ion of
t *e
*ean ph*loso*hy that requires c*mmi**ent, di*cipline and a*sertive direction.
These fact* were
able guide the orga*iz*tional culture so th*t the con**pt, in **
t he
operatio*al scope, c*uld *llow du* alignment of *he p*oces**s *n the sen*e of *ddin* value.
As a resu*t, Process Time (P) was reduced b* 21% a*d Lea* Time (LT) *y 31.5%. The Up
Time (*T) of machi*es and *quipment w*s increase* *n s*v*ral p*ases of th* p*oce*s, as i*
is verif*e* by the *aps *f VSM (current and futur*). It was ve*ified an improveme*t in
produ*t*vity raising
the **M (Ma*, hou*, Machine) ra*io b* 26.74%. I* addition to
t he
a*orementioned, a
dialectic was e*tablished betwee* the actors of the productive
organization and th* rese*rchers; *o that, throug* th* mapping of the mate*ial fl*w and the
effective coo**inat*on of the inform*tion, it was pos*i*le to in*rease the visibil*ty t*at
allowed greate* clarit* regarding the production process, *mprovement o* **e cleanin*,
t he
*nvironment *s well as the layout, w*i** also he*ps to e**minate w*ste.
As far *s tra**por* is concer*ed, ** has become
necessary *o car*y out an additional
de*ivery to *he netw*rk o* stores, which at firs* *ay *eem cost increase. However, this fact
did not cause losses, because *he company alw*ys has vehicles in the r*gion; since *here are
Rev. FSA, *ere*in* PI, v. 18, n. 7, art. *, p. 18-36, jul. 2021 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista
S. L. Kyr*llos, R. J. Nascimento, J. B. Souza, U. Ollit** Jùnior, J. B. Sacc**ano
da*ly deli*eries to the metr*po*itan **ea *f São Paulo *ity that **ncen*rat*s *t*er c*st*mers
o* th* c*mpany. *s for the method used to carry out t*is study, it i* possib*e to conclud* that
the use of Action Research (*R), t*ere was a conve*sio* of s*i*nt**ic facts *nt*
practica* action*, allowin* intense inte*action b*tween th* a*tors who acte* proactively
in*ra-org**izational*y and
al*o between the company part*e*s. *ith the *tudy, it
pos s i bl e t o
apply V** co*cepts, *o e*a*le those
involve* to *earn t* *dent*fy *nd solv*
problems co*lec**vely, with observa*ion and due ac*ion o* the **oblems poin*ed out.
Wi*h *eg*rd to lit*ra*u*e, title* where co*sulted *hat *nstrum*nted the actors with
tools capabl* of m*eting
the d*mand*
of *h* compan* a*d t*e res*arche*s in order to give
reliability to the process. At the same time, *e*efits *ave been *ncorporate* to maint*in the
price-term-quality trin**ial mak*ng the p*oduction f***t*on more *fficient, co*tribu*ing to
the effe*tiveness *f the organization. Fi*ally, cons*d*ring the descriptive nat*re of
t hi s
r*sear*h, since facts and phenome*a occ*rre* in *n environment where data extraction was
s*stemati* *nd *ractical, it is fe*sible *o classify *he stu*y *s being of an applie* natu*e. The
app*oach *s un*erstood as qua**tat*ve *nd q*antit*tive. *he *ese*rche*s are grateful for
t he
**lcome given by the com*anies *nvol*ed, which al**wed us to *ay t*e **unda*ions for t*i*
s**dy, as w*ll as ** the *val*ation members of *he editor*al staf* o* this we*l-kn*wn journ*l.
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Co*o Re*erenciar este Art*go, c**for*e ABNT:
*alue *tream *apping (VS*) Appl*ed to a C*mpany of the Metal-Mecha**c in 4.0 *ndustry Context.
Rev. *SA, Tere*ina, v.*8, n. 7, art. *, p. 18-36, jul. 2021.
Contribuição dos A*tores
S. L. Kyrillos
R. J. Na*cim*nto
J. * . Souza
U. Oll*tta Jù*ior
J. B . Saccomano
1) con*epção e planejam**to.
2) análise e interpretação dos dados.
3) elabora*ão do rascu*ho ou *a revisão crítica d* conteúd*.
4) par*i*ipa*ão na *provação da versã* fi*al do m*nuscrito.
Rev. FS*, Teresi*a, v. 18, n. *, ar*. 2, p. 18-3*, jul. 2021
- Não há apontamentos.

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