Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 7, art. 15, p. 239-256, *u*. 20*1
ISSN Impresso: *806-6356 I*SN Ele*rônico: 2317-2983
*nternet of Services for Smart Ci*i*s: A Compar*ti*e Stud*
*nternet de Ser**ços para Cid*des Intelig*ntes: *m *studo Com*arativo
Jacq**line *onichenn *eis
*outor*n*a em Eng*nharia de Produção p*la *niversidade Pa***sta
Mestr*do em Engenhari* de Produç*o pela Unive*sidade Paulista
*-ma*l: zonichenn@hot*ail.com
Ja*r G*stavo de **llo Tor*es
*outor em Eng*n**ria de Pr*dução pela Unive*s*dade Paul*sta
E-mail: ja*r_gustavo@yahoo.co*.br
N*usa Maria de A*dra*e
D*utor* em Engenh*ri* d* Produção *ela *niversidade P*ulista
E-mail: neusa@agenciaweb.*om.br
Rodrigo Fr*n*o *o*ça*ves
D*uto* *m Engenharia de P*o*ução *ela Univer*idade de **o *aulo
Professor da Unive*sidad* P*ulista
E-m**l: *ofr*nco212@g*ail.com
Ped** Luiz de O*iveira *osta Neto
*outo* em Engenh*ria de Pr*dução *ela Unive**idade de S*o Paulo
Profes*or d* U*iversidade Paulist*
E-*ail: ped*oluiz@p**cn.com
*ndereço: Jacqueline Z*niche** Reis
Av. Paulista, 900 - Bela *ista, São *aulo - SP, 01310-
Editor-Chef*: Dr. Ton*y *erley de A*encar
100. *ras*l.
Endereç*: Jair Gustavo de Mello *orres
Av. P*uli*t*, 900 - Be*a Vista, São Paulo - SP, 0*310-
Artigo *ec**ido em 1*/06/202*. Últim*
A*KN*WLED*MENTS: Th*s study wa* financ*d in part by the Coordenação de Aperfei**amento
de Pesso*l de Nivel
Superior - Brasi* (C*PES) - Fina*ce Code 00*.
J. *. R*is, J. G. M. Torres, N. M. Andrade, R. F. Gon*alves, P. L. *. C*sta Neto
The ind*v*duals as well as the citie* the* live, are ea*h d*y more inte*connected, *reatin* n*w
s**vic* p*s**biliti*s an* o**ers. * new *i*ital *ra is *arked by a n*w **ciety e*osyst*m
focus** o* the redefi*ition of the concept of ci*ies, urbanism, and way of life, motiva*ed by
t he
introduction or de*elopment of Information and Comm*nicat*on Technology. The
Int*rnet of Se*vic*s, coup*e* with *he Internet of Things, h** bee* mentioned *s an importan*
pillar for the Smart Cities architect**e, however publica*ions focusing on the *ntern*t of
Services doma*n are still missing. This paper *ims to f*ll t*is gap through charact*rizing *he
Interne* of Service* and a*alyz*ng if c*ties that already have * high degree of tech*ol*gy and
innova*ion are ready to be sm*rt cities. A c*se study was ca*ried out using *econdary data
publ**hed about
two *razilian cit*es: São José dos Campos *n* Soroc*b*. By means of
comparat*ve analys*s of the last Brazi*ian *m**t Cities rankin*s, it wa* assessed *he
perf*rmance of the two citie*. As *a*n
re*ult, it was
*oncluded that th*
be*ter t*e Internet
i*fr*-stru*ture and * go*ernance of the m**icipali** authorities
o* a *lan for a Sm*rt C*ty
**velopment joint*y *ith the inhabitants, the b*tter ranked *s Smart City w*ll becom* the
K*yword*: Internet of S*rvice*. Smart Cities. Inter*et of *hi*gs.
Tanto o* indiví*uos c*m* as cidades e* q*e v*v*m est*o cada vez *ais inter*igados, *riando
no*as possibilidades e of*rtas de ser*iços. Uma *ova era digital marcad* *or é
um nov o
e*ossiste*a da sociedade focado na redefiniçã* do conceit* de cid**e, u*banismo e modo *e
vida, m***vado p*la intro*ução ou desenvolv*ment*
d*s Tecno*o*ia* da I*form*ç*o
Comunicação. A Internet de Ser*iços, associad* * Internet das Coi*as, tem
sido a*ont*da
*m *mportante *ilar da ar*uitetura das Ci*ad*s Inteligentes,
porém aind* fal*am
publ*cações com f*co no domín** da Inte*net de Se*viços. *ste trabalho visa preencher es*a
lacu** caracteriz*ndo a I*t***e* d* Serv*ç*s e ana*isando se as *ida*es **e já possue* um
alto grau de tecnologia e ino*aç*o e*tão prontas para serem Cidad*s Inteligen*es. Foi
realizado um es*u*o d* cas* com dados s*cu*dár*o* *ublicados sob*e *uas cidades brasile*ras:
São José dos Camp*s e *o*ocaba. P*r me*o de uma an**is* c*mparativa *o* últimos rankings
*e Ci***** Inteli*entes no Brasil, avalio*-se o desempenho das duas cidades. Como r**ultado
pri**i*al, foi c*ncluído *ue *uan*o **lhor f*r * infrae**rutura de I*ternet e uma governan*a
autor**ad*s *uni*ipais em um plano
d* desenvol*imen*o
de Cidades **teligentes *m
conjunto c*m os morado*es, m*lh*r
*la*sificado como C**a*e Inteligente *e
*alavra*-chav*: *n*ernet de Se**iços. C**ades Inteligentes. I*ternet *as *oisas.
Rev. *SA, Teresina, v. 18, *. 7, art. 15, p. 23*-256, jul. 2021
*nternet of Se**i**s for Sm*rt Cities: A Compar*tive S*udy
*h* gr**ing a*d disordered urbaniz*tio* has become a cr*t*cal *ssue **r main citi*s
worl**ide (G**parotto *t*ro*l* et al., 2019). Air pollut*on, traffic conge**i*ns, di*fi*ult* in
*aste manage*en*, sc*rcity *f ba*** resourc*s like ener*y an* water are among the
challenges faced by the big *itie* (Chourabi et al., 2012). It is a cha*lenge to provide serv*ces
that population s*verely d*mand such as safet* an* *ecurit*, p*rking *ervice*, assiste* li*i*g
*or th* older po*ula*i*n, med*cal services, and *ccess to publi* serv**es. Sm**t *iti** come to
*h* scene s*owing the enable* ma* be t*e t*chno*og*.
Due to such growing importance o* cit**s *n the global con*e*t, the conc**t of Smart
City ha* become more *resent in scien**fic lit*ra*u*e and *ublic p*li*y *n recen* years (Torres
et al., *019), A ne* *igital **a is m*rked by a ne* s*ciety ec*system foc*sed on the
*ed*finition *f the con*ept o* c*t*es, urban*sm and way o* life, *otivated by the introduction
*r developme*t o* ICT (*nfo*mation an* Commu*icat*on Technology) (Gasparotto Storoll* e*
al., 2019).
Nowad*ys all the leadin* citie* *ave a *lan that includ*s th* ICT de**oyment. A smart
cit* sho*ld inte**ate conditi*ns of its cr*tical infrast*u*tures, from r*ads *o **ildings, *o better
optimize *ts resourc*s, pla* it* pre*entive maint*nan** act*vities, and moni*or secu*ity a*pects
*h**e maximizing services to its citizens (Cret*, 2012). Whil* touchin* the c*tizens, th* d*ta
p*ivacy mus* be also * co*cern. **e Br*zilian Gene*al Da*a P**tecti*n *aw - LGPD La* n.
1*,709/2018, which amended Federal Law n. 12,965/201* (*r*zilian Ci*i* Righ*s Framework
the *nternet), prov*des r*l*s fo*
*h* protection and **ea*ment of pe**o*al *a*a, protec*ing
*h* pri*acy o* the natu*al per*on (Araujo, 2019).
Whethe* for revitaliz*ng an old *ity or for pla*ning
a new *ity from *cratch,
**chnology has to *e bu*lt in. The go*l is to view techn*logy as part *f a hol**tic, services-
oriented approach to revitalizing citie* (*lfri*k & Ki*kla*d, 2012). That is where Internet *f
Serv*ces enters as an important pillar fo* Sma*t C*tie* con*eption.
T*e relevance of th* *nter*** of Serv*ces comes als* *ro* the promine*t role as one *f
the key compon*nts of Industry *.0 and Futur* Inte*net. In a nutshe*l, the Indu*try *.0 could
be di*ided into: C*ber-physical sy*tems (CPS), *nte*net of Things (IoT), Int*rnet of *er**ce*
(IoS) and *he *mart Factory
(*ofm*nn & Rüsch, 2017). And th* *uture Internet coul*
as the union and c*opera*ion of th* In*ernet
of Conte*t (I*C), Internet of Services
(IoS) and In*ernet *f Th*n*s (IoT) (**lakri*h*an & *angaiah, 201*).
*ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, *. 7, a*t. 15, p. 239-256, jul. 2021
*. *. R*i*, J. G. M. Torre*, *. M. Andr*de, R. F. Gonçalve*, P. L. *. Costa Ne*o
Accor*ing t* Kagermann et al. (2013), the Internet of Things and Service* wo*ld gi*e
dire*t*on and so*ve *ome current globa* challe**es, such as resour*e* and en*rgy efficien*y,
urban pro*uctio* and demo*raphic change.
Des*emo*s*ie* et al. (2019) re*o*t, howeve*, that having a good fun*tioning, efficient
and t*ch*olo*ic*l infrastr*cture is n*t eno*gh to become a Smart Ci*y. IC* or other
technolog*es *hould be c*ns*dered
to achieve certain e*ds, rat*er than an end itself. The
current re*lities of
the m*n*ci*alities are much *or* complex t*an *he technologi*al
ap**o**h. Territories encompass ma*y
other dimensi*ns than
just infrastructure. Th*
in*ormatio* and technology alone will not bu*ld an in*ell*gent ci**, but *ts capac*t* and abi*it*
to e*fectively *nd effi*i*nt*y me*t the needs of its *itizen (Cebreir*s & Gulin, 2014).
For further in*e*tig*tion on *uch *uery, *he resea*ch quest*o* of the present study is:
Would cit*es *h*t al*eady have a high *egree of tech*ol*g* an* inn*vat**n b* ready to
sma*t cities?
We perform*d a literature review re**rding the *onception mod*ls f** *mart Cit*es
*nd the application* of Inte*net of Serv*ces *n th*s
a*ea. A cas* stud* was carried out us*ng
secondary data pu*lished *bout t*o Brazilian cities: Sã* José dos Campos and Sorocaba. *y
means of * comparative
of the las* Bra*ili*n Co*nected Sma** Cities rankin*s, we
assessed the perfor*ance of the **o ci*ies to ev*luate if th*y c*uld be c*assifi*d as smart
Thi* paper is organi*ed as f*l**ws: *fte* this **troduction, the s*con* *ection covers
the literature review. *he third section
br*ngs the meth*d and colle*ted data. The f*u*th
sectio* brin** the re*u*ts and *iscussion, followed by a *o*c****on on *he fifth section.
2.1 Smart Citie* Conc*p*ion Model
The term Smart C*ty *as adopt*d i* *005 *y the technology compan*es Ci*c*®,
IBM® and Siemens® as
the *pplic*tion
*f complex in*o*ma**on sy*tem* to integrate
t he
operation of urban in*rast*ucture and se*vices *uch as buildin**, tr*nsportation, p*blic safety,
ele*trical and water distribut*on (Co**n Harrison & Donnelly, 2011). A si*p*e
wa* to
con*eptualize a smart
city i* as
an icon *f a sustainable and **vable city, *owever there are
divergent opinions *ith respect
to the underst*nding
of the concept
of S*art City and also
diffe*ent te*minologies t* d*f*** it - d*git*l city, in*elligent city, to name a few (Chourabi et
al., 2012).
Rev. *SA, *eresina, v. 18, n. 7, art. 15, p. 2*9-2*6, jul. 2021 www4.fsanet.com.br/r**ista
In****e* of Ser*i*es f*r Smart Citie*: * Comparat*ve Stud*
As i*lu*trated in Figu*e 1, Smart Cities are the i*terop*ra*ility among Inte*net of
Pe*p*e (made *f Social Web, Wik*s), Internet of Services (IoS - it refers t* the s*rvic*s
orga*ize* in clouds) an* the Inte*ne* of Things (IoT - the wir*less world of smart devic*s an*
*ensors whic* inc*udes *om* a*d *usi*e*s environmen*s) (Cretu, 2012).
F**ure 1 - S*art **ty concept
S*urce: Adap*ed Cretu (2012).
In * broade* view, a *mart city framework would c*n**st in six m*in com*onents:
s*art e*o*omy, smart people, smart gover*an**, *mart mobility, smart *nvironment, and
smar* l*ving. For * smart e*onomy *e**pe*tive, fac*ors inc*uded are all a*ound *** econom*c
competitiveness *uch as in*ovation, entrep*eneur*h**, trademarks, prod*ctivi*y *nd flexibility
*f the la*or market *s well as the integ*ation in the national and gl*bal market (Giffinger et
al., 2*07).
In another co*cept, a s*art cit* is a* instrumented, *nter*o*nected a*d intelligent city
(Ha*r*son et a*., 2010). *ns*rumentation
rel*es on the use of sens*rs, met*rs, camer*s,
s*artphones, wearables, a*d any oth*r dev*c*
able to c*pture *ive *eal-world data. The
inte*c*nn*ction mea*s the *ransf*r of such data through the *nt*rnet
into an *n*erpr*se
comp*ti*g pl*tform. This platfor* is then shaped by c*mbining servi*es to add some
int*lligence to th*s* connected elem*nts in an int*rop*rable mann*r tha* *rovides the system
with a *ighly hete*ogene**s con*ent.
Following *his concept, a p*oposed model for Smart Cities, als* composed of thr*e
layers - infrastructure, communication, and i**ell**ence - is illustrated on *ig**e 2.
Re*. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 7, art. 15, p. 239-256, jul. 2021
J. *. R*is, J. *. M. Torres, N. M. And*a*e, R. F. Gonça*ves, *. L. O. Costa Neto
Figure 2 - Smart ci*y architecture
Adapted Chamo*o et al. (*0*6)
*he infra-st*uc*ure layer is repres*nted by the h**dware or *a*ious smart *ity o**ects.
This physical p*r* is composed of different *ind* of sensors and actuators p*aced *n real
o*jects, b*ildings, and cars.
The communication layer is the interconnection fro* such objects. All th*se elem*nt*
are co*n**te* in s*veral different ways and they pro*ide b*th real and *imu*at*d *alues. The
sensors incorpora*e th* m*ch*nism ** tr*nsmit the inf*rmat**n so tha* it can be *nt*grate* in
the global system.
Th* i**elligence layer *s co*posed by th* services and applicatio*s. A* th*s layer,
several servic*s are gene*ated based *n the platform data or the integ*atio* of thi*d-pa*ty
services. A **t of tech*iqu*s and algorith*s are used for th* data process*ng to th* set of fi**l
applica*ions (Chamoso et al., 20*6).
2.2 I*te*n*t of S*rv*ces
The term Inter*et of Se**ices *as rais** from the conver*en*e of *th*r two *onc*pts:
*eb 2.0 and S*A - Se*vice-oriented *rch*tecture (Schro*h & J*nner, 2007). The in*ersectio*
of these two f*e*ds is the notio* of reusing and comp*sing e*isting resourc*s and services.
The fi**t conce*t, Web *.* is charact*rize* by f*ur asp*cts: intera*tiv*ty, s*cial
networks, taggi*g *nd w*b se**ices (*re*se, 2*06):
Rev. FSA, T*res*na, v. 18, *. *, art. 15, *. 239-256, jul. 2*21 www*.fsan*t.**m.br/revista
Inte***t of S*rvices fo* *mart Citie*: A Comparative Stud*
In*er*c*ivity: t*e **in of inte*activity *llows the c*mmunication and the dynamic
*anipu*ation of d**a betw*en * server and the Web b*owse*.
Soci*l networks: th* so*ial
networks up co*e based on common i**erests
and make
the *aptured *nform*tion from *ach network ava*lable through d**ferent ways.
Ta*ging: *s**s ca* a*d * *eyw*rd a* * *ag to a certain We* content, making this tag
**sily reachable *hen searched *y other us*rs.
Web S*rvices: allo* that other software make *se of the feat**es offered by a Web
appl*cation, since such
applic*tio** become *vailable not
only to *eople but also to
A Web service a* abs*ract no*ion that must be *m**emented is
b* a concrete agent.
The a*ent is the concrete piece of software or hardware *h*t sends and rece*ves messages,
**i*e t*e ser**ce is the resource cha*ac*erized by the abstract set *f fun*tionalitie* that is
*r*vided. To illustrate this dist*nc*ion, a particu*ar *m*lemented *eb service ca* *se one
**e*t one day, and a *ifferent
agent the next d*y, *ith *he sam* *unctionality. Although the
age*t ma* have c*ange*, the We* *e*vice remains the same (Treese, 2006).
The s*c*nd concep* that f*r*s the Int*r*et of Serv*ces is the Se*vice Orie*ted
Archi*ecture - SOA (Schroth & Ja*ner, ****). SOA is a w*y of designin* and *ui*ding a set
of Informat*on Tec**ology
applications where ap*lication components and **b Servi*es
make **e*r *unctions ava*lable on *he sam* a*ce*s *hannel f** mutual use. New a*pl*cations
be assembled from the
avai*abl* compo*e*ts *nd Web services, l*k* a LEGO®. As
m*taphor, it wor**
as a sho*ping mal* **derground fl*o* *n wh**h va*ious services su*h a*
food court, b*rber chop, repa*r of
cell phones, tailor sho*, *ll are o*f*red *n a *ame physical
location, facil*tating customer access (Reis & Gon*a*ves, 2018).
long as dev*ces and things *re connecte* *o the Internet t*rough sensors an*
ne*work*d with standardized protocol*, t*e Internet of Services applications e*pand a*d cover
more po*s**ilities of com*in*tions ** s*rvices to *e offere*, since the m*ltiple **jec*s *urn to
new con*ret* ag*nts. By linking such **ncepts to the Smar* City Architectu*e of Figure 2, t*e
Inter*et *f Things cov*rs th* Infrastructure *nd *he Communication layers, whi*e the In*ernet
of Services is placed most on the Intell*ge*ce *ayer but going through all the three layers.
In*tially ** carried out a bibliograph*c, n*t systematic, r*s*arch *o b*tter unde*stand
t*e role of the I*t*rnet of Se**ices *n Smart Cit*es concept*o* model.
*ev. F*A, Teresina PI, v. 18, *. 7, art. 15, p. 23*-256, jul. 2021 *ww4.*sanet.com.br/revista
J. Z. Reis, J. G. M. Torres, N. M. *ndr*de, R. F. Gonçalves, P. L. O. Costa Neto
Next, two ci*ies were s*l*cted for * c*se study, *o assess thei* performan** on
evolu*i*n to S*art Cities. Th* municipalit*es are Sã* José dos Campos and Sorocab* (Figure
3), both loca*ed i* th* state of Sao Paulo, Br*zil.
Fig*re * - Mu*ic*palities analyzed in the stu*y
*he *ase stud* was carried out using s*con*ary *a*a published b* th* Brazili*n publi*
*odies th*o*gh three wel*-known Smart Cities ra**ings: (1) Ranki*g of Connected *mart
C*tie*; (2) Ranking of Internet Frie*d*y Citi*s; (3) R*nking of Smart *ity *ervices. By me*ns
of a
**mpa*a***e ana*ysi* o* the s*oring of São José d*s Camp*s and Sorocaba in
Brazilian Connected *mart *it*es rankings, we a*sessed *ow the t*o
mu*ic*palities are
evalua*ed as S*art Cities.
The reason for choosing such *unicipalities is because both *ave a **gislation for ICT
deployment, w*at encourages the smart city development. São José d*s Campos has th* Law
95*3/20*7 tha* *ns*itu**d the "Sci*ntific, Te*hnological and Sustainable Innovation Incentive
Progr*m of São José
d** Camp*s" aiming to rec*ive
innovative projects for eval*ation **
long as the* can o*timiz* *ubli* works and services *n benefit of t*e population. Sorocaba has
the *** 11726/2018, "R**es for Smart Cities and oth*r *easur*s", that es*ab*ishes principles
and ru*es that will guide the implantati*n of equip*ent, d**ices, and infras*ructure adapt to
the city to the c*ncept of sm*rt cities.
t h*
t he
tele*ommu*icati*ns services regulator A*a*el has approved a set o* rules that will pave
t he
way fo* th* government *o award *pectrum for the prov*si** of 5G serv*ce* in Brazil (T*más,
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n. 7, ar*. 1*, p. 2*9-256, j*l. 2*21 www4.fsan*t.com.br/revista
In**rne* o* Services f*r Sm*rt Cities: A C*mparative Study
3.* Mun*cipalities a*alyze* i* the case study
3.1.1 São *osé *os Campos
The municipality of *ão Jo*é d*s Campos *s located in *he Paraíba Val*ey, *n th*
interior o*
th* S*ate o* São Paulo, Brazil. The estimat*d p*pul*tion *f *he muni*ipality in
2*20 is arou*d 629,921 *n*abitants a** the territori*l data show a popula*ion densit* of
5**.96 inhabit. / km². The total s*rface ar** is
1,099,40* k*² (I*GE, 2020), *f
353.9 km2 are
urb*n area. The
development index of t*e mu*icipality is 0.807,
acco***ng t*
the d*ta collected in *h* pe*iod of 2010. This index is considered
very high,
*c*ording to the classificati*n of
the Unit*d Nat*ons *evelopment Program. The p*r
inc*me of the *unici*ality corr*spo**s to a*proxim*t*ly *4*.56 (SEA*E, 202*)
The e*onomic scenario of the **ty is b*s*d on the prima*y, second*ry, and terti*ry
sectors. *he municipality of São Jos* dos Cam*os c*ncentra*es
9.37% *n e*ports fro* the
entire Stat* of São Paulo, being the *hird *argest *xporter in the c*untry. Its GDP represents
*.67% of st**e GDP, *ein* the 20th largest **
the country,
0.54% o* natio*a*
GDP (SEADE, 2020).
The city i* *he only one
to *ave in its Technology Park the three larges* aircraft
m**ufacturers in *he **rld: Embraer (Braz*lian Aeronaut*c*l E*te**ri*e), Boe*ng a*d Ai*bus.
The*e are **her compa*i*s s*ch as: General M*to*s, Pe*robras, Erics*on, Johnson & Johnson
and Pa*asonic
(Pref*itura *unicipal de *ã* José do* Campos, 2020). The ci*y *as the São
José dos Ca*p*s Techn*logy Park, *hich hous*s thr** bus*ne*s in*u**tors, four busines*
centers, two Local
*roductive Ar*angeme*ts (LPA), four **chnological development *ente*s
and *ix par*ner
u*iversities. The Loc*l *roductive Ar**ngement
of *nf*rmation Tech*olo*y
*nd C**munic*tion (LPA ICT Valley), created in 20*1, brings toge*her
67 *o*p*nies that
work i* the **ve*opment of hardware, software and *T services, focus*ng on Smart Citi** and
In*ustry 4.0 (Par*ue *ecnológico - Sã* José *os Camp*s, 2020).
3.1.2 Soroca*a
S*rocaba is a mun*cipa**ty i* the Stat* of Sao Pau*o, loc**ed i* the southeaste*n region
of the **ate, with a p*pulation of 658,547 inhabitan*s and a
*en*ity o* 1,462 inhab*t./km*
according t* 2020
data (IB*E, 2020). It covers a s*rface ar*a of 45*.38 **2, making it the
Re*. FS*, *eres*na PI, v. 18, n. 7, art. **, p. 239-256, jul. 2*21
*. Z. Reis, J. G. *. Torres, N. M. An*rade, R. F. Go*çalves, P. L. *. Costa Neto
fou*th *arge*t city i* the **ate *n* th* 30th larg*st i* Brazil. The hu*an development index of
the municipalit* is 0,7*8 (data from 2010), also consider*d a h*** index (SEADE, 2*20).
The main economic sectors in the city are industry, commer*e, and servic*s. The *DP
pe* c*pi*a is R$ 48.271,34 (I*GE, 2020). The *unici**lity o* Soroc*ba co*centrated, in 2019,
1.97% on ex*orts *rom the S**te of São Paulo. Its GDP *epre*ents 1.5% of t*e t*tal state GDP
(SEADE, 20*0). According t* Sea*e, thi* figure (GDP) repres*n*s the 11th in São Paulo *tate
*nd the 23rd a*ong all the ci**es in Brazil.
Some companie* *oca*ed in the ci*y ar* Toyota, F*extronics, *etso, General M*t*rs,
ZF Fr*ed*ichshafen AG, D*na H*ld*n* Co*poration, Y*K among ot*er*. It h*s been *n
t *e
*genda of the city a collaboration bet*ee* *he g*v*rnment, higher ed*cation in*tituti*ns and
the business sectors to promote innov*tion and entrepren*urship through a j*int: The
Sor*c*ba T*c*nology Park. The **cil*ti*s ar* in an area of 1.* mil*ion m2, s**ategic**l*
organized in spaces for the creation of innovative c**panies (inc*bato*), develo*ment of R,
D & I (Res*arch, Deve*op*ent & **novatio*) activit**s, projects with higher educa*ion
institutions *nd strategic area fo* fut*r* project*. The main areas of expertise ar* *r*an
mob*lity, **ternativ* ener*y, metal mechani**, *nt*grated *ec*nolog*es and smart ci*ies,
e**ctronic* (Parque tecnol*gic* *e So*o*aba, *020).
3.2 Comparative ranking analy*is o* th* ca*e study
**e **t*es aim to improve *heir competitiv*n*** a*d *heir po*ition i* relation to other
c*ties around t*e w*rld. Through this new trend, city r*nkings have experie*ced a remarkabl*
g*ow*h, and so forth, *he comparison of c*ties. Such ra*kings *an suppor* *nvestors in
th *
c*oice *f lo*ation to ne* *u*iness and be*ome an impo*tan* g*id* for citie* *o analy*e their
s*re*gths and weak*esses, as *ell *s to *et goals *nd strategies for future *evelopmen*
(Giffinger & Gu*ru*, 2010).
Fo* the present st*dy, we u*ed thr*e B*az*lian r*nkings a** by means *f a comparat*ve
analysis of the scori*g o* São José *os Cam*os and *oro*aba, we ass*sse* their perf*rma*ce
3.* *an*ing o* C**nec*ed Smart C**ie*
The Ranking
of Conne*t*d Smart C**ies
ai*s to ma* *he cities with the gr*atest
pote*tial for de*elopment in Bra*il t**ough indicators that portray intel*ig**ce, connection
a*d sust*inabili*y (Gaspar et a*., 2016).
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, *. *, a*t. 15, p. 239-2*6, jul. 2021 www*.fsanet.com.br/r*vista
*nternet of Services *or Smar* C*tie*: A Comparative Study
*igu*e 4 - Pe*formanc* of th* mun*cipa*ities analyzed i* the Connected *mart *ities
B*cau*e of the bread*h o* information an* conne**i**ty between the sect*rs covered in
the C*nnec*ed Sm*rt Cities ranking, the i*dica*ors used were designed *nd studied to mee* t*e
principl* of a *mart c*ty b*ing one t*at grows i* a planned way thro*gh analysis of the
devel*pmen* of 11 sectors, whi*h are: Mobility, Urban*sm, Environm*n*, Energy, *echn*logy
and *nnova*ion, Economy, E*ucatio*, Health, S*fety, Entrepreneu*ship *nd Gov*rnance
The performance *f the municipalities o* São J*sé d*s Campos and Sorocaba was
analyzed in the Connected Smart Cities r*nking (F*gure 4). Sã* J*sé dos Campos has been
li*te* since 2*15 amon* the hu*d*ed smar**st cities in t*e country. *o*ocaba wa* not listed in
t*e first year of the rank**g. A* of *016, the city sh**s a significan* improv*men* in its s*ore,
getting a position ah*ad o* São J*s* dos C*m*os *n 2019.
3.4 Rankin* of Internet Friendly Cit**s
T*e Ranking *f Inte*net *riendly Citie*, organ*zed by T*lec* Cons*lting, highl*gh*s among
th* 10* largest *razilia* munic*pal*ties those t*at o*fer a *u*table environment for the
inst*llation of telecom ne*wor* infrastructu*e (antennas and fiber optic*) (TE*ECO, 2020).
better posi*ion in the ranking m*ans
that the munic*p*lity is impro*in* citizen's int*rn*t
access and b*i*gi*g in*e**me*ts to th* muni*ipality. For
the composition
o* th* ranking,
r*st*ictions, bureaucra**, *i** and c*s* for the *mp*ement*tion *f Radio Base S**ti*ns (**Bs)
*nd Networks (U*derg*ou*d or ov*rhead) are evaluated (*ELECO, 202*).
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a PI, v. 18, n. 7, art. 15, p. 2*9-256, jul. *021 *ww4.*sanet.com.br/revista
J. Z. Reis, J. G. M. Torres, *. M. Andrade, R. F. Gonçalves, P. L. O. Costa *eto
*igure 5 - Perf*rmance *f the m*nici*alities an**yzed in the Internet F*iendly Cities
F*gure 5 details the p*rformance of the two municip*lities i* t*e *nternet Fr*end*y
Cit*es ranking. S*o José dos *a*pos showed an incr*ase in its sco*e sinc* the first year o* the
ra*ki*g, *ei*g in **e **rst position
in *he years
2019 an* 2020. Th* good per*o**ance
happened after the c*ty adopted measures to s*mplif* an* reduce the bureaucracy in
t he
implementation of the tele*o*municati*ns i*fra*truct*r*. So*ocaba a*so improved its
perform*nce *rom 2**6 to 2019 bu* had a *rop *f te* positions in 2*20.
3.5 Ranking of Sma*t *ities Services
The Ranking *f Smart Citi*s Servic*s, **ganiz*d by T*leco Consulting, ai*s to
i**ntify, am*** the 100 larg*st B*azilian mun*cipalities, the Bra*ilian municipalities wi*h the
greatest offe* o* intelligent services fo* citizens (TELEC*, 2020).
*he r*nkings *llow the munici*alities to check their pos**i*n *n *elation to t*e oth***
and t* identif* the poi*ts tha* requ*re im*r*vem*nts, *n order to make their cities more
in**lligent (TELECO, 2020).
Figu** 6 details the performance of the two cities in the Smart Cit*e* ran*ing. In this
ranking São José do* Campos show* stab*lity i* th* *hree ye*rs analy*ed r*ach*ng the twel*th
*osition in 202*. *orocaba showed * significant improvement, movin* from 58th *osition in
2019 t o 16t h *os i t * o* * * 2020.
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 18, n. 7, a*t. 15, p. 239-*56, jul. 202*
Interne* of Services for Smart Ci*ies: A C*mparat*ve *tu*y
F*gure * - Perfo*mance of the muni*ipalities *n*lyzed in the Smart C**ies Services
More and *or* *ities around *he worl* *re committed to developin* p**jects for *mart
Citi*s. The decli*e *n costs of connectivity and of require* devices are driving the g*owth *f
this ki** *f com*unications. In addition, ther* are so*e open data services available to
pr*vide useful informat*on, such a* *he
city\s weather for*cast or tra*fi* (Chamoso et al.,
From the literature *e**ew, we lea*ned tha* t** pil*ars of the S*art C*ty for Murgante
& Borruso (2014) *re: conne*ti**s, s*ch as n*tworks and technological in*rastructu**s; o*en
data, t* allow the
deve*opmen* of *nnovativ* s*lutions a*d *h* interacti*n between
citize**, and *he city; including citiz*ns *ble to acti**l* par**c*pate *n a b*ttom-u* w*y to city
It *an be seen t*rou*h *he compar*tive *anking anal*sis we did *n the case st*dy *hat
the municipalities ana*yzed, São **sé dos Campos a*d *orocaba, have similar i*itiativ** such
as free int*rnet signal distribution, lightin* with LED l*mps, mo**toring c*meras, i*tell*g**t
traffic lights, *lect*oni* par*ing systems, *p*r*tions control cent*r, inve**m*nts in fiber optic
network infrastructure, automat*on of proce*ses *nd public servi*e* in e**ct*o*ic med*a,
an efficient electro*ic government portal.
The prese*t stud* brought t*e **s*ar*h *u*stion "Would cities that **rea*y have * high
deg*ee of techn*logy an* innov*tion
be ready t* be smart cities?". We can con*lude the
*nswer *s affirmative fro* the case stud* we car*i*d
out b* ana***ing the perfor*ance
evolut*on of São Jo*é dos Campos and Soro*aba. As lo*g as the i*fra-structure dev*ces
things are conne*ted *o the Interne* and w*ll implem*nt*d, t*e
p*tential for Smart Cities
Re*. FSA, Ter*sina PI, v. 18, *. 7, art. 15, p. *39-256, jul. 20*1
J. Z. Reis, J. *. M. Torres, N. M. Andr*de, R. F. *onçalves, P. *. O. Costa Neto
grow* prop*rtionally. ** conse*uence we un*erstand *ha* *ore Int*rnet of S*rvices
ap*lications can b* *xplored and cover a w**er range of service offering
pos*ibil*ties to
* he
I*te**et of s*rvices appli*a*io*s h**e become a promising
p*ra*igm with
* he
devel*pment of s*artphone *ensing and mobile social networking tech*iques as **low mobile
phone u*er* to share
in*ormatio* such as *raffic
*onditions and l*cat**n inf*rma*io*.
Addi**onally, users can furt**r upload the data to the *loud for l*rge-s**le se*sing
*omm*nity intelligence mining **mping up other ap*lic*tio*s
li*e mobile social
recommendation, env*ronment mo**toring and t*affic pl**ni*g (K*** et al., 2020).
T*e de*loyment of a smart c*t* enables direct inte**cti*n wit* *he end-*sers. An* t*e
interaction with real end **ers *llow not only assessment of techno**gi*s b*t also *he re*e*se
** new servi*es. *he s*rvice* ap*lication*, e*abled *y the *nternet of Thi**s, trigger * market
tha* can be meas*red in trilli*ns of tr*nsactions. The *ev*nue* with recurrent servic*s make
the se**ices offer big*** than the sum of all t*e connec*ed devices wor**wide and p*t*n*i*lly
mor* p*ofitab*e *o the c*mpan*es and developers. *ith **e ente*prise compan*es moving to
software and subs*ription models, service* be*ome even more import*nt for st**ing r**evant
and str*tegic (Cis*o Sy*tems, 20*7).
This resear*h sh*ws th** b*th munic*pal*ties *re well positi*ned with their current
imple*ent*tion* of Smar* Cities, driven b* technolo*y but a*so by legis*ation and g**er*a*ce
th*t encoura*e *hei* deve*opment. T*e*r evol*tio* as Smart Cities has bee* revampi*g by an
evolution of *heir Inte*n*t infra-structur*
*nd s*rvi*es, as long a* the* start*d to give more
att*ntion to the subject and trigge* a plan of rules for *mart Cities development.
A similar study was appl*ed by *ngelid*u (2017) who exa*in*s the Smart Cities
p*ans of *ifteen major cities wo**dwid* and shown how th* focus is mainl* o* ICT as a *actor
that can imp*ove *rban systems.
A cri*ical re*iew of the
implemented project, how*ver,
highligh** *he lack of *ott*m-up
approac*es, the involvement o* i**epende*t part**s and
ge*eral disr*gard **r lo*al condit*on*, *n sharp contrast to th* (theo*etical) principles of *mart
Cit* polici*s an* practices.
The "smart**ss" *f a city can be defined as the ability to provide the infrastructu*e
needed for th* nodes or four entities: *eople, soft*are services, de*ice*, an* sensors
discover, understand and process events *n real-time. The events represent
me**ingful inform**ion **se* on whic* people or softwa*e a*ents **y a*t. Services *ay be
see* *lso a* age*t* a*tin* in *he nam* of *e*ple. Th*s, signals (data) may come from any of
*hose four en*ities w*ich coexist *ithin the *mart city space. The inhabita*ts *f a smart city
R*v. FS*, Ter*s*na, *. *8, n. 7, art. 1*, p. 2*9-256, jul. 2*21 www4.*sanet.co*.br/revista
In*ernet of *ervices *o* Smart Cities: * Comparative St*dy
**tegrate th*mselve* into an ecosystem where ub*q*i*ous com*uting is t*e norm and software
**en*s may b* co*f*gured to act in th* na*e of pe**le by *na*yzing r*al-time data *onv**ted
into events (Cr*tu, 2012).
Anywa*, ther* is i**eed a comple*ity for a*l*ca*ing all t*e d*f*erent r*sources *o
deplo* and *ustain * Smart City. And this is the path tha* we
s*e the two mu*icip*li*i*s
studi*d *re *oing. *hey ha*e a legislation that includes a master information and
comm*n*catio* technol*gy (ICT) deplo*ment and *hey have been indeed investin* *n
innov*tive pr*jects to op***i*e publi* works and se*vices *n benefit of th* populati*n.
The pre*ent study *x*lained the Smart city arc*itecture g*ving *ocus on the Internet of
Se*vice* and *ts *ole on this
model conception. The service i* experie**ed *hen resources
ma*e use o* any of the i*forma*i*n gathered by the
de*loye* infrast*uctu*e to *uild a smart
ci** app*ic*tio* or ser*ice. T*e t*rge* of th*se applications or
se**ices, is, in general, to
*he ef*iciency of **e city an* fac*l**ate a *ore susta*n*b** devel*pmen* *f th* cit*
and its citizens.
*hrough a c*se stud*, w* conclu*ed t*e better *h* Internet
in**a-structu*e *nd
gov*rnance of the municipality a*t*or*ti*s on a p*an for a S*art *ity development *ointly
w*th the in*abitants, the *ette* ra*ked as Smart City *ill become the mun**ipa*ity.
Smart cities are an impo*ta** upco*ing domain for the Intern*t of **rvices due to the
m*ltitude of appli*ation areas, th*refore rep*esent*ng a re**istic and *ertile ecosyst*m fo* such
tech*olo**\s de**lopment.
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*o*tribuiç** dos *utores
*. Z. Reis
*. G. M. *o**es
N. M. *ndrade
R. F. Gonçalves
P. L. O. C**ta N*to
1) concepção e plan*j*me*to.
2) *nálise e in*e*pretação dos dados.
*) elabor*ção do rascunho ou na revisão críti*a do co*teúdo.
4) participa*ã* na a*rovação da vers*o final do manuscr*to.
R*v. FSA, Te**sina, v. 18, n. 7, a*t. 15, p. *39-*56, jul. 2021
- Não há apontamentos.

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