Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 10, art. 1, p. 3-24, out. *0*1
I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983
Bib*iometric Review: Organizationa* S*udies wit* a Q*alita**ve Methodolog* *n Qualis a
Jo*rnals in Bra*il
Re*i*ão Biblio*étrica: Estud** Orga*izaciona*s co* Metod*l*gia Qua*itativa em Revista
Q*al*s a no Brasil
Nat*** Inêz Fern*ndes dos Santos
*estrado e* Administra*ão pela Universi*ad* Federal Rural d* Semi-Árid*
Gr*duada em **minist*aç*o pela Unive*s**ade Fede*al do Rio Grande d* N*rte
E-mail: *atalyinez@g*ail.com
Aline Fran*ilu*des Nery do Va*e
Me*tr*do em *dministr*çã* p*la Univer*ida*e Federal Rura* do Semi-Árido
Graduada em Admin*stração pela Un*v*r*i*ad* Fede*al R**al do Semi Árido
E-*a*l: ali*efrancilu*des@hotm**l.*om
Yáscara Pryscilla Da*tas Co*t*
Mestrado ** A*min*stração *ela Univer**dade Fed*ral Rur*l do Semi-Á*ido
G*aduada em *dminist*ação p*la Univer**dade do Es*ado do Rio Gran*e do *o*te
E-mail: pryscillad*n*as@hotm*il.com
A**stinh* Mafalda Barra de Oliv*ira
Do**ora em Psicologia Social * Antropo*ogia das Organizações pe*a Univ*r*idad de Sa*amanca
Pr*fes*o* efe*ivo na Univer*idade Federal Rural d* Semi-Árid*
E-ma*l: *gosti*hamafalda@ufersa.ed*.br
Lílian C*po**íngua G*esta
D*utora *m *dmin*stração pela Univ*rsi*ade Federal do R*o Grande do Sul (UF*G*)
*ro*essor efe*ivo na Unive*sid*de Federal R*ral do Semi-*rido (UFERSA)
E-mail: ligiesta@g*ai*.co*
Endereço: Nataly Inêz Fernan*es dos *ant*s
Rua Francisco Mota Bairr*, 572 - Pres. Co*ta e *ilva,
Edit*r-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerley de Alen*ar
Mossor* - *N, 59625-900. Brasil.
Aline Fr**cil*rd*s **ry do Vale
*ua Fra*cisco Mo*a Bairro, 572 - *r*s. Costa * Silva,
Artigo recebido em *9/*9/*021.
Mossoró - RN, *9**5-*0*. *rasil.
recebi*a em 04/10/2021. Apro*ad* em 05/*0/2021.
Yás*ara Pry*cilla Dantas Costa
Rua Francisco Mota **irro, 572 - Pres. Co*ta e Silva,
Avaliado pelo s*s*ema Trip*e Review: D*s* R*view a)
Mossoró - RN, 59625-900. Bra*il.
pelo E*i*or-Chefe; e b)
Double Bl*nd Revi*w
Agostinha Mafal*a Ba*ra de Olive*ra
(*valiação c*ga por dois *valiad*r*s d* *rea).
*u* F**ncisco *ota *a**ro, 5*2 - Pr*s. *osta * Silv*,
Mossoró - RN, *9**5-900. Br*sil.
Re*isão: Gr**a*ical, Norma*iva e de Formatação
Lílian Caporlíngua Giesta
Rua F*ancisco Mota Bairro, 572 - Pre*. Costa e Silva,
Mossoró - RN, 59625-900. *rasil.
*. I. F. Santos, A. F. N. Vale, Y. P. D. *osta, A. M. B. O*ive*ra, L. C. G*e*ta
Objective: To revi** lit*rature on o*ganizationa* studies with a qualitative methodolo** in
Qualis A journa*s in Brazil from 2015 *o 2020. *ethods: This is qua*titative-descriptive a
study *hat use* the *cientific Electronic *ibrary *nline (Scie*o) database *or ar*icle *earch.
*he sample encompasses *63 studies. Results: *os* publishing a*thors are linked to t*aching
inst*tutions in Sou*hern and South*astern Brazil;
t he s * *d y
determine* that most of t*ese
either us*d *ata de*c*iptive analysis or di*n\t
inform *he type of study. As *or
c*l**ction methods, m*st of t*em
used do*ument a*alysis and a semi-struc*ur*d
Conc*rning the analys*s t*chni*ues, content *na*ysis *revaile*. Co*clusion: in the l**t two
yea** there has been * d*cline in th* num*er ** articles publis*e*. Furthermore, there has be*n
the presen*e of articles *hat don\t *nform basi* da*a su*h as na*ure and type o* study, *hich
hampers a more *ccur*te *den*ification o* each on* of th*m. *he study sig*i*ic*n*ly
co*tributes *o bibliom*tric te*hniques t*at show how useful the r*search can
*e for the
*iscovery of scientifi* *roduction i* the qual*tative area.
Keywords: Qualitative M*thodology. *rgani**ti*nal Studies. Bi*liomet*** Revie*.
O*jetivo: Revisar a l*tera*u*a sobre *s*ud*s or*aniz*c*onais com metodologia qualitat*va em
periódic** Qualis A no Brasi* de 2015 a 202*. Mét*dos: Tr**a-*e de um estu*o quantit*tivo-
qu* utilizou a base de dados Sc*ent*fic Ele*tronic Libr*ry Online (S**elo) par*
busca d* artig*s. A amostra abrange 163 estudos. *esult**os: a maioria *os aut*r** *d*t*riai*
e*tá vin*ulada a inst*tui*õe* *e ensino da* regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil; * es*ud*
determinou que a maioria des*es estudos u*ilizou da análise des*r*ti*a de *ados ou
o **po de estudo. Qu*n*o aos métodos de cole*a,
a maioria utilizou
docum*nta* e entrevi**a s*m*estrutura*a. *o
que diz respeito
*s té*****s de aná*ise,
prevaleceu a análi*e de conteúdo. Conclusão: nos últimos do** anos, houve **a *ueda no
*úmero de
*rt*gos *u**icado*. A*ém diss*, *em havido a *resença de artigos qu*
da*o* bás*cos como natureza * tipo de es*udo, o *ue dificult* *ma identifi*ação
mais pr*cisa de cad* um d*le*.
P*la*ras-chave: Metod**o*ia Qualitativ*. E**udos Or*aniz*cio*ais. Rev*são B**l*ométrica.
E**udos Q**litativos. Bibliome*ria.
Rev. *SA, *eresina, v. *8, n.10, art. 1, p. 3-24, o*t. 2021
Bi*liometr*c Rev*ew: Organizat**n** Studie* with a Qualitativ* Metho*olo*y in Qualis * Journ*l* in **azil
In a prac*ica* way, theories t*y *o ex*lain **cts and eve*ts tha* *im at **voring a*d
*ro*o*ing the understandi*g
of organizatio**l *tudi*s
t*rou*h b*bliometric*. Th* us* of
bib*iom***ics in sc*entific re*ear*h is wide and it enables to run through several a*eas a
knowledge and contributes *o the understanding i* researches on organi*ational *tudies
through th* pe**pectiv* o* diffe*ent aut*ors. The A*mi*i*t*atio* researc* fie*d *n Bra*il has
grown in th* number of acad*mic p**lica**o*s (Ro**oni & Hoc*y*n-da-Sil*a, 2007).
In this sen*e, t*e pu*li*atio* of *rticles in journals conceives a* imp**t*nt part of
infor*a*ion flow t**t comes from scie*tific resea*ches (Oliveira,
2**2). Bibli*me*r*cs is
type of
*ib*i*graphi* research that com*s from I**ormati** Scie*ce, which co*s*sts of
qu*ntitative *nd
statis*ic *echnique*. It also a*lows *
q*a*itative *nalysis wh*n, thr*ugh
th e
mapping of literature *hat has been *ub*ish*d, th*re is a sys*emati* view *hat enables
t he
researcher\s appro*r*ation of what *as been designed *bout a **ven t*pic, theory, and m*tho*,
or fro* *atabases that wil* ser*e as a pa**meter to cer*ify the sci*ntific releva*c* of a new
rese*rch (*r**jo, 2006).
T*erefore, this arti*le concern* a bib*io*rap*ic study that *as c**rie* out based on a
de*cripti*e ana*ysis o*
o**anizational studies with a qualitative me*hodology
*n Qualis *
jour*als in the *o*tug*ese langu*ge in Br*zi*. Some **teg*ries were co*side*ed, **ch as: t*e
*umber of Q*al*s A articles on organizational studies with a **a*itative m*t*odol*gy,
t he
area *ccor*i*g to **e *niversities th** ar* linked to, **t*or* w*th
th e
hi*hes* n*mbe* of ar*icles pu*lishe* on
organizational st*dies, theme are*s, and mos* cited
key wor*s, among ot*ers. Thus, *t possi**e to envision th* val*e of a quali*ative research i*
through its *apabi**ty to bring in different perspectives about a certain c**text (*ank* et a*.,
This article is organiz*d into *ive sections. The first one concerns *his *nt*odu*tio*, the
seco*d one describes t** meth***logica* procedures t**t w*re adopted, t*e third sect*on
presents the *esults founds, f*llowed by t*e int*rpretation of *he remark* and, *n the end, the
*eferences *hat were used.
Th*s study used the lite*ature b*bl**me*ric rev*ew *ethod about o*gan*zational studies
w**h a qualitative meth*do*ogy in Qualis A journals *n the P*rtugues* la*guage in Brazi* fr*m
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 10, art. 1, *. 3-24, ou*. 202* w*w4.fs**et.com.*r/*ev*sta
N. I. F. Sant**, A. F. N. Vale, Y. P. D. Costa, A. M. B. *li*eira, L. C. Giesta
2015 t* 2*20. The strategy used f** d*s*gning the **bliom*tric review co*si*ted of a s*ep-by-
step g*ide w*th the adoption of criteria that are determining for fi*te*ing t*e resu*t*. The
meth*do*ogical layout in F*gure sh**s 1
the research p*t*s for
c*oosing the ar*icles to be
Figure *: Methodological l*you*: p*th* for sample s*l*ction
So*rce: Designed by the au*hors (2000).
The 1st Step co*si*ted *n c*oosing the *cientifi* Elec*ronic Library Online (*cie*o)
database, which is *n e*ectronic *ib*ary that encompasses a col*ectio* of Brazilian scientific
journals. *he reason for c*o*si*g this database w*s d*e to the fa*t t*e main objecti*e of t**s
**search is
to review literat*re on organizat*onal studies with a qualitativ* me*hodolog* in
Qualis A journals in the Portu*uese la*gua*e in Bra**l.
Th* 2nd Step *n*ompass*d t*e cr*ation of a s*arch st*i*g, t*at i*, the key words tha*
configured the *irst group of research fil*e*s. Th*
*n th* Scie*o databa*e happen*d
*hrough the Capes Platform. For su*h, t*e *oll*wing key words w*re used: "quali*at*v*" OR
"*uan*ita**ve"; *hoosing t*ese *erms encompasses t*e objective of this stud*. *oreover, o*ly
scientific *rti***s were fi*te*ed and other types o* docume*ts were exc*ude*, whi*h r*sulted *n
17,1*7 articles.
The 3rd *tep consisted of the *pplica*ion of *he second group of fil*ers in the research.
After the *nitial se*rch for the search *tring, the fil*er "B*azi*" was *pplied wit* *he objective
t* limit the search only to *he article* *ubl*shed in t*e country, w*ic* result*d in 11,9*4
articles. The term "P*rtuguese" was al*o used *o **mi* the *angu**e, which resulted *n 10,**9
articles. Then, the temporal cut from *015 to 2020 was appl*ed, which res*lted in 4,47*
Rev. FSA, Teres*n*, v. 18, n.10, ar*. 1, p. 3-2*, *ut. 202*
Biblio*e*r** **view: *rganizational Stu*ies wit* a Q*alitative Methodo*ogy i* Q*alis a Journals in Brazil
ar*icles. Su*se**ent*y, the filter "applied soc*al sc*e*ces" was chosen to comp*ise on*y are*s
of interes* f*r t** auth*rs i* this study, which resulted in 480 artic*es.
Th* 4th Step cons*sted o* the selection ** jo*rnals. Only Qua*is A journals we*e chosen
to comprise the sam*le. Ho**ver, the search showed the ine*i*ten*e of Qu*lis A1 journals in
Brazi*, which lim*ted the sample and e**ompassed
o*ly Qualis A2 journals. In order
iden*ify the qualification of t*e
journals, a search was p*rformed in the Sucupir* Platf*rm,
covering f*o* 2*** to 2*16. I* the end, a*ter the search in the Scielo database, all the Qual*s
A *dministration articl*s w*re selected, which resulted i* * journa**. ** e*d the s*a*ch, t*e
filter "arti**es" was app*ied and *he resu*t s*owed 166 artic*es, from which three were *uled
o*t (t*o of them for dupl*city and *n* dealt *ith a study that *as simply quantitative).
Therefore, th* samp*e for *his st*dy e*compasses 1*3 articl*s. C*art 1 shows this resu*t.
The journals that came f*om t** search in an *rde* from *ow*r *o *igh*r *umber of
Qual*s A articles w**h a qua*ita**ve methodol*gy, writte* in the Portugue*e langu*ge and
*ublished in Brazil between *0** and 2020 w*re: (55) C*dernos E*APE.B*; (2*) Journal
Contemporary Adm*ni***ation; (22) Brazilian J*urnal of Tourism Res*a*ch; (19) Jou*nal of P*blic
A*m**is*ration; (1*) Review *f Business Ma*agem***; (14) Orga*izações & Sociedade; (*)
RAUSP Ma*agement Journa* (São Pa*l*); *nd, with the same n*mber o* p*blications, (2) Jo*rnal
of *inance & Ac*ounting and (2) Busi*ess Administration Journa*.
Therefore, this study focus*d on the bibliom*tric re*iew of s*ch a*ticles.
Chart 1: *umbe* o* publica*ions by journal about *u*lis A or*aniz*ti*nal studies with
* qualitative metho*ology *n the Por*ug*ese language in Brazil *etween 2*15 an* 2*20
Sourc*: Resea*ch d*ta (2020).
Rev. FSA, Teresin* P*, v. 1*, n. 10, art. 1, p. *-24, ou*. 2021
N. *. F. S*ntos, A. F. N. Val*, Y. *. D. Cos*a, A. M. B. Ol*ve*ra, L. *. Giesta
Based on the an*lysis of Chart 2, i* is possible to *e* that the years 2*15 and
s*aye* relativel* stea** concerning the number of *ualis A pub*icati**s. In 2*17, there is
gr*wth of 40% in rel*tion to previous years. However, in *he following ye*rs there is
considerable drop in the number o* *ork* *ublished. It is importa*t t* *mpha*ize that
t hi s
study encompasses only the first semester of
2020, sinc* th* s*arc*
for articles t* c*mprise
th* sam*le took place in June the same year. *s a fundamental aspect in the t*mpora* c*t, *t is
possib*e t* highlight the fact *hat article* *ere not f*e*uently pub*ishe* *n the years analyzed.
*h*re was an average of 20 art*cle* published by year.
Chart 2: Y*ars o* articl* public*tion about Qualis A organizational studies with a
qualitative metho*ology in the Portug*ese lan*ua*e in Br*z**, be*wee* 2015 and 2020
Source: Research dat* (2020).
* os t of t he
a*tic*es *h*t were published in the time p*rio* a*al*zed a** by *uthors
who ar* link** to High*r Educat*on*l Inst*tutions (HEIs) from five *r**ilian regions, wi*h
so*e of them li*ked to international HEI*. Th* So*theast and South regio*s of Brazi*
correspon* to 33.6% and 34.1% of the articles pu*lish*d, resp*cti*ely. These num**rs can be
*xpl*ined by the num*er of stricto se*su post-gradu*tion pr*grams in **ministra*ion that are
offered *n the *eg*o*s men*io*ed, which also hold *he high**t num*er of re**arches in the ar*a
i* Bra*il, *ccor*ing *o th* Sucupira *lat*orm (2020). As for *ort*ern Brazil, it h*s a *ower
number of a*thors, whi*h represents *.3% *f the survey.
Re*. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n.1*, art. 1, p. *-24, out. 2021
**bliome*ric R**iew: Organi*atio*al S*udies *ith a Quali*ati*e Me*hodology in Qualis a *o*rna*s in **azil
Am*ng t*e main inst*tut*ons th** stood *ut, there are: *he Get*lio V*r**s Foundation
(FGC), *** Univ*rsity of S** Paulo (USP), t*e Federal Universi*y of Mi*as *e*ais (UFM*),
t** Federal U*iversity *f Espírito *anto (UFES), all located in the S*uthea*t region o* *razil;
*he *ederal University *f San*a Cat*rina (UFSC), the *ed*ral University of *araná (UFPR),
and the **deral University o* Rio Gran*e do Su* (UFRS), all l*cated in the Sou*h region; and
the **iversity of Br*síli* (U**), loc*t*d ** the *ent**-*est. This way, it ca* be stated that
these sta**s hold a higher r*presentativ*
number du* to the f*ct scientif*c production in the
South *nd Southeast **gions of Brazil may be a*sociated to a large conce*tra**on of hi*her
education insti*utions, post-graduation *rograms and pro*ram* that ar*
supported by st*t*
Base* on data c***ected about t*e **nki** of t*e authors who
pub*is*ed the highe*t
number of art*cles on organizational st**ies wit* a *ual*ta*ive methodology, the followi*g
stand out: Paes de Paula (2016; 202*), R*mos (2017; 2*19), Aquino (2*19; 2020), Lino
(20*9; 2020); Lavar** (2016; 2019), Godoi (*019; 2015), Gomes (20*6;
2*18), Me*eiros
(2017; 2019), Rowe (2015; 2020), *c*reiber (2015; 2017), Filippim (2016; 2017), Ma*hado
(2*18; 2019), Bueno
(2*1*; *018); Valadão (20*7; 2*18), Sar**v*
(2015; 2019), *reitas
(2*15; 2018), Lou*enço (20**; 201*), D*tra (2015;
2017), *ese (*01*; 2020), Bulgacov
(2015; **15), Sehnem (2018; 201*) and Orsiolli
(201*; 2019). Each aut*or has
R*v. FSA, Teresi*a PI, v. *8, n. 10, art. 1, p. 3-24, ou*. 20*1
N. *. F. Santo*, A. F. N. Vale, Y. P. D. Costa, A. M. B. Oliveira, L. C. Giesta
pu*li*at*ons in some of the journals analyzed. Andrad* (2016; 2017; 2*18) has t**ee
Upon anal*zi*g authors\ prod*c*ivit*, it *s possibl* to iden*ify invisibl* s*hools tha*
*old g*oups compo*ed of resea*c*ers wh* are *onded to researc* and publis* together (So*za
& R*beiro, 2013). In this context, the following *tan* out: Lino
and Aquino (2019; 2020),
Journal of Publ*c Adminis*r*tion; And*a*e and Val*dão (2017; 2018), *ournal of
P **l i c
Admi*i*trat*on; Bueno and F*eitas with a p*blicati*n in
2015 in the Organizaçõe* &
Sociedade Journa*, and *n 2*18 in the Cadernos EB*PE.BR Jo*rn*l; P*iv* and Dutra, with a
publication *n *01* in the Jo*rnal of Administratio* (São *aul*) a*d in 2017 in th* Ca*ernos
EB*PE.BR Jo**nal; and D*a*, Ramos and So*sa Neto, with articles **blished in 2*17 in the
Busin*ss Adm*nis*ration Journal and in 2019 *n *he Jou*nal *f Contemporar* Adm*nistration.
F*rther**re, b*s** *n dat* col*e*tion, *t was possible to s*e a sig*ificant variety of
theme areas focused
th* stud*es *nalyzed. Organi*ationa* Studie* pre*ai* with
participatio* of 39.5% *f the total, followed by studies perform*d about
P ubl i c
*on**rning the key w*rds used in these arti*les, a w*rd cl*ud was *sed. It enabled a
better c*m*rehension and made th* categorization process of th*se *ords more dy*amic.
Wo*d Cloud (WC) concerns i*ag** that are u*ua*ly present*d as a r*ading illustration in
su*e*fi*ial an* ob*ective way. T*e size of each word **ows *t* incidence *nd i* seen as is
l*vel of relevance for a *ive* topic (Survey*izmo, 2*1*) in the total number of *ype*texts.
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n.10, *rt. 1, p. *-24, *ut. 2021
Bib*io*etr*c Review: Or*an*z*tion*l Studies with a Qualitative *et*odo*ogy i* Q*alis a J*urnals in Br*zil
At f*rst, the r*s*lts were ar**nged manually *ith the help of the E*cel softwa*e,
to**ling 579 words. Then, in ord*r to opti**ze this st*a*eg*, a compu*e* pro*ram called
Word*louds was used. It creates a cloud of wor*s an* allows the creation of ***her * smal* or
a large cloud *c*or*ing to the number of words inserted. They are ar*a*ged by colors and
sizes, base* on the numbe* of ti*es t*e word is mentioned. There*ore, th* word* with a hi*her
nu*ber of repe*iti**s sta*d out in *h* te*t, *hus cr*atin* the f*rst cloud, as seen in Fig**e 2.
Fig*r* 2: Key words in *ualis A a*ticles publ*shed about *rganisational studies wi*h a
qual*tat*ve metho*ology *n t*e Portugu*se language in B*azil between 2015 and *020
S*urce: De*igned by the aut*ors (2020).
The analysis of t*eme con**nt en*ble* to go beyond indi**dual statements by
organizing, *oding, *a*egorizing and implying **e most cited w*rds (Bardin, Reto & Pinheiro,
2011). In this sense, *he words th** appear three o* mo** times were clipp*d out, from high*r
*o l*we* *nc*denc*, as f*llo*s: (8) Publ*c Pol**ies, (7) Iden*i*y, (7) *ourism, (5) Publi*
Ad*ini*tration, (5) Bra*il, (3) Administration, (3), Ent*epreneursh*p, (3) Gov*rnance, (3)
Par*i*ipatio*, (3) Qualitative Res*a*ch, (3) Research-Action, (*) S*cial Re*resentat*ons, (3)
Soci*l Res**nsi*il*ty, a*d (*) *ctor-Network Theo*y. Figure 3 shows th* cloud of word* after
c*ipping was **plied.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. *8, n. 10, *rt. 1, p. *-24, out. *021 w*w4.fsanet.com.br/rev*s*a
N. I. F. Santos, A. *. *. Vale, Y. P. D. Co*ta, *. M. B. Oliveira, L. *. Gie*t*
F**ure 3: M*st cited key words in the Qualis A *rticles publ*shed a*o*t *rganizational
*tud**s w*th a qualitative methodology in *he Portuguese la*guage in Brazil **tween
*015 an d 2020
*ou*ce: Designed by *he au*hors (20*0).
After clipping, *he *eader was able *o ide**ify *he most c*ted key wo*ds in **e ar*icles
studied i* a more precise **d objectiv* way. The number of articles tha* used w*rd* such *s
Tourism, P*bli* Policies an* Public Admi*istration stands *ut and
th*s conf*rm* *he
information f*om **ble 2, *hich shows
t he * *e m e
areas con*erning Public Admini*trati*n
and Tou*ism with a hi*her incid*nce of art*cles publis*ed.
An*th*r asp*ct that *ese**es a*t*nt*on in this *ibl*ometric revi*w is the nature of the
study chosen to make *p the *ample. Concerning the strateg* ado***d by the resea*cher that
will best meet their research issue, the study can b* characteri*ed as *uant*t*ti*e and
Kirk and *iller (**86) sug*est th*t the *uantitative research is
t*at wh*se data
obtained through the *ppli*ation of qu*st*onnaires to several r*spondents at *he s*me ti*e and
which, later o*,
a*e submitted to statis*ical *nalyses. Van *aanen (1979) ex**ains that
t he
qualitative **sea*ch, differe*tly *rom the q*antitativ* one, doesn\t aim *t *uantif*in* the data
obtai*ed, b*t t*a*sl*ting and ex*ressing t*e m*ani*g of su*h s*c*al world
phenomena to the
individual* st**ied. *n *his context, it is *ossible t* see tha*, out of the 163 articles analyzed,
most of them *sed the qualitativ* methodology excl*sively. Thi* c*n be *x*lained by this
s**dy\s *bj*cti*e.
However, it s*oul* be ment**ned tha* *t *east 20 from the 163 articles analyzed use a
quali-qua**itative me*hodo*ogy.
Fro* this perspect*ve, it is po*si*le t* *ee that q*antitat**e
methods are based
on positi*ism, whereas quali*ative methods
take o* an a*t*-positiv*st
character and are guided by **p*anato*y
par**igms (Gome* & Araú*o, 2005). Meireles ***
Re*. FSA, Ter*si*a, v. 18, n.*0, art. 1, p. 3-24, out. *021
B*bli**etr*c *evi*w: Organizational Studies with a Q*ali*at*ve *ethodo**g* *n *ualis a Journals *n Brazil
Gonça*v** (*0*5) *ighlig*t that, f*r positivism, world
*erception an* kn*wledge can
studied, acquired
a*d transmitted; but an*i-positivism,
on *h* ot*er hand, comes *rom
t he
assumptio* that knowle*ge is m*re subjec**ve. However, it i* p*ssib*e to *ee that, alt**u*h
the multi-p*radigmati* per*p*ct*ve is stil* *t
the co*e
of seve*al *iscussions a*ong
t he
a*tho*s, it *as
been u*ed in scientific researc*es and it is *ot possible t* st*te that *ne
approach fi*s more *han an*th*r (L*ão, Mel* & Vieira, 2**9). Moreov*r, Vieira and *ouain
(2004) believe that *he *se of the *uali-q*antit*tiv* approach *ay c*ntribute t* und*rsta*d*ng
s*m* *oi*ts an* o**ect* in this st**y, b*t it is up to the resea*c*er to hav* *he nec*ssary **ills
to use both meth*ds (see Char* 3).
Chart 3: Ty*e of approach of *ual** A articles published about organiz*ti**al studies
with * quali*ative me*hodology in *he Portuguese language i* *r*zil betwe*n 2015 and
Source: Resear*h data (*020).
Moreover, due to t*e need t* e*tab*ish the research outlin*, the *esea*cher cou*d
cla*sif* it
as *xploratory,
desc*iptive and/or e*plan*tory, taking i*t* acc*unt the objec*iv*
suggested in th* study (**u** & Beuren, 2006). Chart 4 *hows the studies\ q*alif*cati*n
concerning their obj*ctiv*. It was possible to see
t*at most of them ar* c*assified a*
des*ripti*e, wi*h a total *f 42 artic*es, followed by exp*oratory studies, with 28 *rtic*es. Only
18 of them *ere descriptive and *xploratory. *o*ever, th* high *umber of *rticl*s that don\t
in*orm the *ype of st*dy adopted deserv*s spe*ial at*ention.
Rev. FSA, Te*esina PI, v. 18, n. 1*, *rt. 1, p. 3-24, out. 2021
N. I. F. S*nto*, A. F. N. Vale, Y. P. D. Costa, A. M. B. Oliveira, L. C. Giesta
Chart 4: Classificatio* of Qual*s A artic*e* published concerning t*e o*jectiv* of
orga*izati*n*l studi** with a qualit*tive meth*d*logy in t*e Portuguese l*nguage in
Brazil, betwe** 20*5 a*d 2020
Source: R**earch data (202*).
Concer*ing *he data *ollection methods used i* the *rtic*e* publ*s*ed, *t was possible
t* see that 79 articles used **ly *ne data co*lecti*n te*hnique, wherea* 84 of t*em mixe* the
*echn*ques shown
i* Ta*le 3. There*or*, documen* analysi* was
th* mos* used techni*ue.
H*weve*, c*nsidering that
the interview a*pears three times und*r di*ferent classi*ications
(semi-structured *nt*rview,
in-depth interv*ew and only intervi*w), the total would r*n* the
method as *ir*t.
Concerning the data ana*ysis tec*n*q*es, content *nal*sis h*d the highes* incidenc*
a*ong the studies an*lyzed. This ca* be exp*ained by the fac* this i* th* m*st *omm**
t**hnique in quali*ative research*s (CAMIL*, 2018). Fur*h**more, this technique is st*ongly
connected to posi*ivism, *hi*h shows that, even though the qualitative research is
*e*. FSA, Teres*na, v. *8, n.1*, art. 1, p. *-2*, ou*. 2021 ww*4.fsanet.com.br/revista
B*bli*metr** Review: Org*niza*ion*l St*dies with a Qua*itative Methodolo*y *n Qualis a Journals in Brazi*
Tab*e 5 shows th* n*mber of study place* *y geographical regions. From the five
**azi*ian region*, tw* *tand out: Sout*east an* *outh. All the four states fr*m **e first re*ion
were m*ntioned (Es*í*ito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro a*d São Paulo). Minas Gerais
h*d the *ighest n***er of *itations. From the South regi*n, the m*st cited states were Rio
Grande do Su* and Paraná. However, Ri* Grande d* *ul stands out with th* highest nu*be*
of citations. Something that needs to b* d**cussed i* that, ac*o**ing *o Table 1, wh*ch sh*ws
the number of authors and t*eir resp*ct**e c*-autho*s by geographical region acc*rding to th*
*ns*itution *hey are linked *o duri*g t*e time per*o* analyzed, *h* S*uth and Sou*heast
regions, once mor*, *too* out, which shows the stud*\s c*nvenience, **a* is, a**h*rs an* co-
a*thors *e*d to carry out studies i* the region* whe*e *hey have a* inst*tutional
(GARCIA e* al., 2010).
Tabl* 5: R*search subject\s geographi*al regio* *f Qualis A arti*l*s about
*. *. F. S*n*os, A. F. N. *ale, Y. P. D. Costa, A. M. B. Oliveira, *. C. Giesta
So*r**: R*se*r*h *ata (2020).
Table 6 shows th* *ndi*idual* or the in*ormation s*urces o* the re*earch subject *n the
articles analyzed. M*st indiv*duals *re managers, entre*reneurs, busi*essme*, p*eside*ts,
d***ctors and supe*visors, foll*wed by a num*er of other
professi*nals, and *y the cat*gory
Upon sea**hing for s*udies on ar*as of inter*st, one of the r*search*r\s objectives *s t*
fin* data that either prove *r not that wh**h wants to be st***ed, which enables ne* researc*
insights. Pres**ting the a*t*c*e\* main co*t*ibutio*s *or the *rea, a* well as suggestin* new
**udies *nd discussin* their main limitations, is see* as quality criteria for *rt*cles that come
from a *ualitat**e res**rch, since thi* will help *the* resear*hers with wha* the* are t**i*g to
expl*re (P*tias & *ohendorff, 201*).
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n.10, art. 1, *. 3-24, *ut. 20*1
Biblio*etric *eview: Orga*izational **ud*e* with * Qualitat*v* Met*odol*gy in Qua*i* a Jour*als *n Brazil
It is extrem*ly impor*ant that these item* are menti*n*d in the article\s **nal *ema*ks
with the *bje*tive t* go further into t*e results. Such aspects constit*te the requiremen*s for
the development of a good qualitative artic*e. In t*e past, w*en attention *as *ot given to this
inf*rmati*n, many articles result** in mi*takes concerni*g the planning *n* the sub*ission of
qualita*ive *tudies, which poss*bly con*ributed to the stigma there used to *e (Camilo, 2018).
***rts 5 and 6 *how *he number of *rticles that either *u**ested, o* not, fu**re studi*s within
t*e the** are* addresse*, an* *he number of
articles *hat
e*ther informed, or not, t*e
limita*ions of *he s*udy applied.
By analy**ng *esearch data, it is possible to see that, according to Chart 5, there *s
prevalence *f articles analyzed th*t include s*ggestions for f*tur* st*dies, even if *he number
of articles analyzed and which don\t r*commend new researches has been hi**. In qualitativ*
*ese**ch*s, the in*ormation on futu*e s*udie* *n t*e area must *e includ** in th* fin*l *e*ark*,
wi*h the o*je*t*ve to g* further into the results present*d and guide n*w resea*ches (Camilo,
Chart *: Number of articles publishe* ab*ut Qualis A org*niz*tio*a* st**ies with *
qu*litative *ethodo*ogy in th* Portuguese l*nguage i* Brazil b*t*een 2015 and 2*20
and which inf*rmed a** didn\t info*m futur* studies
Source: Research d*t* (2*20).
More*ver, based *n the data in Chart 6, ** wa* also p*ss*b*e see that most of *he *o
arti**es th*t w*re anal*zed inform t*e st**y\s limitations. Ho*ever, the high *umbe* of
a**icles that d*n\t have s*c* in*ormatio* st*n*s out. As *xplaine* by More*ra (2*18), the
r*searcher has the key role to make a *rit*cal
reflec*ion i*
or*e* to iden*i*y t*e stu*y\s
lim*tations and describe them, providing the reader with a bette* c*mpreh*nsion as *o how the
kno*ledge wa* built, which factors influenc** such de*elopme*t
and how th*** i*fluenc*s
may have in*erfer*d in the resear*h\s planni*g, development and iss*e unveili*g.
*ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 10, *rt. 1, p. 3-24, ou*. 2021
*. I. F. Sa*tos, *. F. N. *ale, Y. P. D. Costa, A. M. B. Oliveira, L. C. Giesta
Cha*t 6: Numbe* *f Q*alis A articles p*blish*d about org*nizat*o*al studies with a
qu*lita*ive meth*dolo*y in *he Portuguese **ngu*ge *n Br*zil be*ween *01* and *020
a*d which inform and don\* *nform study\s limitat*ons
So*rce: R*search dat* (*020).
Thus, *his *t**y sho*ed how the *u*l**ative *esea**h ha* bee* introduced in Qu*lis A
jour*als in B*a*il at th* sam* time it h*g*lighted its **in charac*e*is*ics, *nabling the reader
to infer l*m*ta*io*s as ho* these st*die* are
developed, as *xplaine* by Lanka *t al. (2020),
who s*ate t*at *he qualitative r*search on
organiz**ion*l studies enables a deeper h*ma*
*ompr*hension due to the breakd*wn o* *ollected data and *s a source of more *ifferent poin*s
of view to *e incl*ded in **e decisio*-taking process*s.
Th** stu** aimed at reviewin* litera*ure *n organi*ation*l *tudies **** a qualitative
*ethodol*gy in *u*lis A jo**nals w*itten in *he Portuguese language in Brazil between *015
*020. *or **c*, a bibliometric stu*y *as performed with the
objective to check some
requirements, such as the *umbe* o* a*ticles **b*ished ab*ut *rg*n*z*tional stu*ies with a
qualitative methodology, the authors\ g*ograph*c*l
regions, the authors wi*h the
*umb** o* publicati*ns, t*eme areas, key **rds, n*t*re of study, type o* *t*d*, data *ollection
method, *nalys*s technique, g*ogr*phical r*gion of *he study su*ject, th* individ*als who
were the object of the s*udy, i*s limitation* a** contr*butions.
One of th* observation* that must be highlighted *s th*s research resul* is t*e f*ct that,
i* the last two yea*s, there
ha* be*n
c*nsiderab*e d*op *n the number of works pu*lis*ed,
wh*ch can p*i*t out that this result
happ*ned thro*gh *he de*r*ase in the numbe* of
public*tions. Concern*ng th* geographical locat*on of the scien*ific produc*ion in B*azil, the
South an* Southe*st re*ions, res*ec*ivel*, were the
ones ***ch contribu*ed the *ost wit*
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *8, n.10, *rt. 1, p. *-*4, out. 2021
Bibl*ome*ric Revie*: O*ganiz*tio*a* St*dies w*th a Qualitative *e*hodology in Quali* a Jour*als in Brazil
Upon lin*ing *he author* with t*e highe*t number of *ublicati*ns on orga*izational
st*dies in Qualis A journals, it *s possib*e t* highlight Ja*keline Amanti*o de Andrade, who
had three publications. It is als* possible to highlight the *resence of five
invisibl* colleges,
among which the *uthor appears *n* time along w*t*
*nother colleague and *hey had
publications w*t*in t**s study\s *emp*ral cut.
A* for the theme areas *hat had the
hi*he*t nu**er o* p*b*i***ions by Brazi**an
aut*o*s, and based on d*ta surv*y, the *revalence *f *rg**i*ational S*udies, in g*n*r*l, sta*ds
ou*, wi*h a par*icipat*on of **.5% of *he total. The main k** c*nc**ts addresse* we*e Pu**ic
**licies, Identit*, Tourism, Publ*c *dm*nist*at*on a*d Brazil. This ex*lain* the fa*t
o*ganization*l studies have gained promin*nce *mong Brazilia* auth*rs by the relevance of
this type o* study *uring th* ma*agement time.
Concerni*g t*e research nature, ou* of the 163 art*cles analyzed, 143 of th*m adopt*d
*nly the qualitative *ethodology, w*e*eas 2* of them used th* quanti**tive *et*odology a* a
c*mple*e*t to *he *ualitative app*o*ch.
** the othe*
*and, **e descriptive *ype of st*dy **d the hi*hest n*mber o* citations
concerning the
classification of the study\s obj*ct*ve. H***ver, th* high
number of arti*l**
that *i*n\* inform *he t*pe of stu*y adopted stands out. Conc*r*i*g c*llection m*thod and
analysis tec**iqu*, d*cume*t ana*ysis an* conte*t analysis stand out.
As for *h* geogra*hica* location t*at i* the *bje*t of the study *on*ern*ng scient*fic
pro*uc*ion in Brazil, t*e Southeast reg*on stands out. **en compared t* the geographical
location that produces the most, t**re is a change. However, it is i*port*nt *o emphasi*e that
this regi*n always sta*ds out. Concer*ing the individuals or the so*rces of
are the
objec* of the researc* *nd which s*and **t, these are **nagers, entreprene*rs,
business*en, pr*side*ts an* directors.
Co*c*r*ing *he l*mitations dur*ng the *esearch pr*cess, the lack *f infor*ation or the
dif*icult* *o identify basic informat**n t*at
dist*ng*ishes *ransparency should
b* mentioned
due to the lac* or i*comp*etenes* of information supplied *y t*e *u*hors about the nature and
the type of *tudi*s, *hich ham*ers a *ore accurate identi*icatio* of each one of them and,
*h*re**re, has an *mpact on the s*udy results.
On th* *ther hand, this stu** s*gnificantly contributes to bibliome*ric techni*ues that
s how
h*w useful the res*ar*h can
be for *he disco*ery of *cientif*c **odu*tion in the
qualit*tiv* area, which allo** helping other researcher* sin** *t cont*i*s information rela*ed
to a*ticle* published in Qualis A journals in Brazil between 2015 and 2020.
Rev. FSA, T**esina PI, v. 18, n. 10, ar*. 1, *. 3-24, out. 202* www4.fsanet.com.*r/r*vis*a
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**mo Ref*ren*iar este Art*go, *onforme ABNT:
SANTOS, N. I. F; VAL*, A. F. N; COSTA, Y. P. D; OLIVEIRA, *. M. B; GI*STA *. C.
Bib*iom*tric Revi*w: Organiza*ional Studies *it* a Qualitative Methodology i* Quali* a J*urnals in
Brazil. Rev. *SA, Teresina, v.18, n. 10, art. 1, p. *-24, o*t. 2021.
Co*tribuição do* *utores
N. I. F. Santos
A. F. N. V**e
Y. P. D. Cos*a
A. M. B. O*iveira
L. *. Gi*sta
1) conc**ção e planejamen*o.
2) análise e interpre*ação dos dados.
3) *laboração d* **scunho ou na revisã* c*ítica do co*teúdo.
4) pa*ticip*ção na aprova*ão da versão final *o m*nus*rito.
Rev. *SA, Tere**na, v. 18, n.10, art. 1, p. 3-24, out. 2021
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