Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *9, n. 9, art. 13, p. 272-284, *e*. 20*2
ISSN Impresso: *806-6356 I*SN Ele*rônico: 2317-2983
*anking Analysis of Production E*g*neering C*ur*es Aga**st Industry 4.0
**álise de Ran*ing dos Curs*s de E*g*nharia de *rodução Fren** à Ind*stria 4.0
L*ís A*tônio *e*des de M*squita Araújo
Douto*ad* em Engenharia d* **odução pe*a Universidade *aulista
M*stre em Enge*haria de Produçã* pe*a Universidade *aulista
P*of*ssor Ass**tente I *a U*iversidade *s**dual do M*ranhão
José *eraldo Basa*te
Doutorado em Ed*caç*o pela Pontif*cia *ni*ersi*ade Catól*ca *e *ão Paulo
D*cen*e da Universid*de Cruzeiro do Sul
Márcia Ter*a *a *i*va
*outo*a em **genharia de Prod*ç*o pel* Universid*de de São **u*o
Professora Titular da *niver*i*ade Pauli**a
End**eço: Luís *ntônio *endes de M*squi*a Araújo
U*iversid*de Fed*ral do Pia**, Centro de *iências
Edito*-Che*e: *r. Tonny Kerley de Ale*c*r
Human*s e Letr**. Campu* Universitário Minis*ro
Petrônio Portella, B*irro Ini*ga, 64049550 - Teresina, PI
- B*asil.
A*t*go recebi*o em 20/05/2*22. Ú*t*ma
Endereç*: José Geraldo Basante
*ecebida e* 08/0*/2*22. Apr*vado em 09/06/2022.
Ins*ituto Fede*al ** São Pau*o. Rua P*dro Vi*e*te, 62*
Ran*ing Anal*sis of Produ*t*on Engi*eering Courses Against I*d*s*ry 4.0
In the mids* o* *h*n**s related to I*dustry 4.0, the prep*ra*ion o* enginee*s is essen*ial. Thu*,
this paper aims to point out the effect**eness of evalua*ion instruments
of Brazi*i*n
univer*ities or c*u*s*s to portray the adequacy of pr*duction *n*ineers' training to t*e needs
*f *roduction methods for In*ust*y 4.0. This pa*er
*nalyzes tw* systems: th* ENADE, a*
o*fi**al e*a*u**ion of h*ghe* e**cat*on, a*d *he RU*, a uni*ersity ran*i** applie* by a la*ge
Braz**i*n newspape*. ENADE intends to evaluat* the absorption of specific progra* content
in accordance with *ational guidelines, in addition t* the as*essment of general kn*wledge
re*ate* to con*e*pora*y issues of social and e**nom*c impact; it *s mandatory a*d applied
throughout the National ter**tory. The RUF is an
a*nual assessment of B*azili*n higher
educatio* and is subdivided by institut*ons and *our*es. As a result, it was ide*tified *hat the
joi*t applicat*on of *hese *wo sys*ems promotes a reading *f the adequacy of th* co*rses to
i n d u s * r y 4 .0 .
Keywords: Evalu*tion. Effect*veness. Rankin*. Brazil.
*m meio às mudanças r**acionadas à I*dústria 4.0, a p*eparação dos engenhe*r*s é ess*n*ial.
Assim, este trabal*o tem como *bjetivo apontar a *fic*c** dos instrument*s de av*liação da*
univer*idades ou cursos brasi*ei*o* par* retratar * adequação da for*aç*o dos *ngenheiros *e
p*oduç*o às
nece*si*ades dos método* *e produç** para a Indústr*a *.0. Este arti*o an*li**
dois sistemas: o E*A*E, avaliação oficial do en*ino superio*, e o RUF, rankin* univers*tário
apli*ad* por *m gran*e jornal bras*leiro. * ENADE pretende ava*iar a *bs*rçã* de conteúdo*
progra*átic*s *specíficos *e *co*d* com a* diretriz*s naciona*s, além d* avaliaçã* de
conhecimentos gera*s relacion*dos a que*tões contemporâneas d* *mpacto soci*l
econô*ico; é obrigatório e
aplicado em todo * territóri* nacio**l. O *UF é uma avalia*ão
anua* ** ensin* superio* brasileiro e é sub*ivid*d* por ins*i*ui*ões * curs*s. *omo resultado,
identificou-se qu* a aplicação co**unta desses dois *istemas pro*ove *ma lei**r* da
adequaç*o dos curs*s à indústria 4.0.
*al*vras-chave: Avaliação. Efic*cia. *lassif*cação. Brasi*.
Rev. FSA, Ter**ina PI, v. *9, n. 9, art. 1*, p. 272-2*4, set. 2022
L. A. *. * Araújo, J. G. Ba*ante, M. *. S***a
I*dustry 4.0 is *ore *ha* *he implant*tion of technology; it is also ab*ut *av*ng
trained personnel, adequa*e culture, an* instruments (human an* t*ch*olo*ical) to abs*rb
*han*e, **ich is increas*n*ly
present and profo*nd. So, as an essential *oi*t
*f this n*w
pr*duction m**ri*, e*gineers mu*t *aster different a*pec** ** *he oper*tion process design
an* management, both technology and human-**sed.
Prepar**g *ew prof*ssional* fo* the*e **tivit*e* demand* *nowing the *ndustry
transformat*on scenari*. *nd*s*ry 4.*, the predetermine* operatin* envi*onment for f**ure
enginee*s, provides t*e digitiza*ion *nd *g*re*ation of techno**g*cal procedure* t**t cover *he
en*ire *roduct*on ne**o*k, as well as **ter-sa**s services (TURKYILM*Z et al., 2*21). *his
digit*l transformati*n allows ne* productive *y*am*cs, w*th the po*sibi*ity of manufa**u**ng
cust*mized products in * large-*cal* process.
Mo*eover, *o*bi**ng pr*duction machines wit* com*utational tec*n*log*es en**les
the com*lete s**tem, i**luding e*p*oy*e*, to transmit informa*ion efficiently **t*in al*
su*ply *ha*ns, shrinkin* co*ts (*OROWS*I, 20**). *able 1 co*denses
an o*erv*ew of
selected technologies according to thei* occu*rence in individual key stud*es. These
technologie* are the most critical *nes, iden*ified with a signi*ic**t impac* o* the ec*nomy
ov*r the nex* te* y*a*s (LAC*OK et al., 2*21).
T*b*e 1 - Se*ected technolog*es overview
So*rce: L**iok e* *l., *021.
**alyzin* t*e Indus*ry 4.0 concept, Fra*k e* al. (2*19) *rgan*ze* technologies into
two layers: on* com**i*es the technolo*i*s related **
their front-end p*rpose, named *ront-
Rev. FSA, Ter**ina, v. 19, *.9, a*t. *3, p. 27*-284, set. *02*
Ra*king An**ysis of **oduc*ion Engine*r*ng Cours*s Against I*dustry 4.0
*nd techno*ogies; th* othe* i*c*udes the *ase techno*ogie* that permit the connectivity *nd the
intel*ig*nce *f th* Front-end *echno*ogie*. This organization is helpful to un*e*stand the
app*ication of the te*hnolo**es of *hich engineers *hou*d have * *horough understa*din*. On
the o**er hand, the F*ont-end lay*r comprises fo*r *reas: Smart M*nuf*c**ring, tha* is, the
process tr*nsfo*ma*ion *nd managemen*; Sma** Pro*uct, meaning the *esign o*
conn*cted p*o**cts; Smart Supply Chain, considering the acq*isition a*d delive*y
of r*w
materia*s *nd p*oducts; an* Smart W*rk*ng, co**ern*ng the plann*ng of *he **y the w*r* will
T* summarize, Industry 4.0 can be understood as th* *s* of
techno*o*ical *evices
that combin* production
e*uipm*n* wit*
*o*putational tec**ol*gies
and t** p*o-d*c*ion
o*g*niz*tion, *iming at *mprov*ng flexibility, custo*ization, and ef*iciency. *he
industry 4.* organiza*ion dema*ds tech**cal and human co*pet*ncies deve*opment to design,
*mplement, op*rate, a** maintain its complex operating system. It can be seen, th**, that *her*
are * set of modifications that be*ome in*reasingly necessary, changing not o*ly p*od*cti*n
te*hnologi*s but also the way **ople ***k withi* companies. Th**ef*re, the trans*ormation
to*ards a digitali*ed
production p*ocess depe*ds on
*orkforce qual*fication *nd t*chnical
per*onnel recr*itment.
To meet t*e progre*siv* demand for technica* worker*, se**ra* engine*ri*g schools
are *ede*igning their curri**la tailored for Indu*tr* 4.0, increasing trend poi*ts suc* as Cyber
*hy*ical Systems, v*rt*alization, robotics, and advance* compu*ing *o*ls (Sa**an et
2*19). *owever, it is **ill hard to identify t*e c*urse fit to the indust*y *.0 demands. Thus,
this pa**r *n*lyses two **aluat*on systems of B*az*lian uni*ersities o* cour*es to portray the
adequacy of production engineers' tra*ni*g to t*e need* o* the indu*tr* 4.0 context.
The cen*ral ass**ption of this inv*s*igati*n is that engi*eering cou*ses in*luence t*e
profile of the
gr*dua*e* re*arding tech*i*al knowl*dge, mindset, and world*iew. Thus,
t he
evaluation *ys*ems *re *nalyzed co*sidering *f the* contemplate the thre* asp*cts.
The development and im*lemen*ation
of technologies
are part of
t*chnicians and
*n*in*ers' jobs, who, ther*fo*e, need to m*st*r the technolo*ical **v**onment of Industry 4.0.
The en*ineering schoo*s are supposed to accommodate t*is *nowledg*, and, for a permanent
and official *hange, i* is n*cessar* *hat *he cours*
e*aluati*n i*str*ments also
*dapt to *h*
ne* rea*ity.
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 19, n. 9, art. 1*, p. 272-284, set. 2022
L. A. M. * Araú*o, J. G. Basa*te, M. T. Sil*a
The following subsections pr*se*t *wo e*aluation syste*s - an official *ys*e*
ca*rie* out ** th* Brazilia* Min*stry of Education a*d the University rankin* *pplied by *
Brazilian new*pap**.
*.1 ENADE - S*ud*nts\ Performance Na*ional E*am
In Brazi*, a pe*iod*c e*aluati*n nam*d ENADE is
carried *ut by the Brazilian
M*nistry *f Educ*tion to identify whet*er higher education schools *espond to *xisting market
de*ands. ENADE is * lar*e-sc*le a*sessment o* *ndergraduate *ystems, applied every th*ee
years to **l co*rses of s*me areas of *no*ledge (w*th thei* courses/qualificat*ons). The results
*f ENAD* /
2**9, f*om t*e Pro**ction Engineeri*g Ar**,
present, in
addition to
t he
quantitat*ve measurement of
t*e student's p*rformance *n the test,
qua*i*ative ind*cato** of
the*r *conom*c and social conditions (*N*P, ****).
As fo* the quantitative m*asurem*nt, *he ENADE aims to mea*ure s*u*ents'
performance on the c*nt*nts prov*de* *n th* curriculum guidelines *f the *n*ergraduate areas,
the *kills *eede* to adapt to t*e *vo**tion *f th* knowledge, and skills
t h*
prof*ssional cros*-cutti*g issues (INEP, 2**0).
T*e analysis rep*rts
of the produ*tion engineering ENADE / 201* main**ined, in
principle, the struct*r* ado*ted in *he previous exams. Among *hese, the f*llowing stand out:
(i) * *pecific re*ort on the performance of the differe*t Areas in the General Trai*ing test; (ii)
an analysis o* the profile
of the cour*e coor*inators; (iii) a*
a*a***is o* the *ercepti*n
course coordinators and students about the t*ai*ing process during gra*ua*ion; (iv) an analysis
of the ling**stic pe****m*nce of *h* gra*uates, based o* *he discur*ive ans*ers in t*e G*neral
Formati*n test; and (v) a separate an*lysis *or *ace-to-face and
di*tance co*r*es (whe*
applicable). In a*dition, the ENADE was applied to stude*ts of *ngin*ering *our*es that were
*xpected *o b* concluded by July 20*0.
More broadly, this type o* eva**ation also s*ppo*ts de*is*o*s *bou* p*blic
investm*nts in Higher **ucati*n, th* *dequacy of n*tional gu*delines, and the *eneral *olici*s
of the body of directors of *d**ational i*stitu*ions. The*efor*,
d*cision-makers in higher
educ*ti** *chools tend to use EN*DE's analysis axes to *u*de the st*ategie*
of ped*g**ic*l
projec*s and ot*er aspects of
ins*itutions. Moreover, *rom the s*udents' point
*iew, th*y **e interested
in t*e outs*a*ding performan*e of the *nstituti*n, whose name they
w*ll carry through their prof*ssional life.
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 19, n.9, art. 13, p. 2*2-284, se*. 2022
Ra*k*ng Analy*is of Production Engi*e*ring Co*rses *ga*nst Industry 4.0
Hence, the ENADE's c*pacit* to evalu*te *he compatibility of th* courses *ith
I*d*stry 4.0 p*incip*es c*n enable a faster trans*o*ma*ion of eng*neer*' cours*s to-wards the
new paradig*.
2.2 *UF - Universi*y *anki*g of Fol*a d* São *aulo
The major know* international un*versity ranki*gs include Times *igher Educati*n
*orld Universit* Rankings, QS *orl* Universit* Rank**gs and Academic Ranking o* World
Univ*rsiti** (ARWU)(*IECHETEK and P*STUSZAK, 2022). T*e Times Higher Education
lists 1,4*0 universities *n 92 countries and measures the performance o* *nst**utions on criteria
out l ook
The Fol*a *e São Paul* new*paper ranks Brazilian schools al*ng the lines of these
global ra*kings *n* p*blishes th* RU*, a university ranki*g that evalu**es schoo*s, *ncluding
t*e one* *hat do not enter the i*t*rnational level.
This ass*ssm*nt is carried out annually, *over*ng 196 B*azilia* universities, public
and private. The RUF takes into account five refe*ences: Education, Ma*ket, Re-s*ar*h,
Inno*a**on *nd I*ternationalization.
The ranking *sses*es market a*equ*cy *h*ough interviews carried out *ith *u*an
*esou**es *rofessional* from **mpanie* of diffe*en* natur*s. Research on the innov*t**n
aspect covers p*ten*s and partn*rships with companies an*, in *er*s of inter-nationaliza*ion,
evalu*te interna*ional
citations by professors *nd pu*licat*ons *n internatio**l co-auth*rsh*p.
Finally, the
r*search framewo*k analyzes pu*lished *rticles **d quotes f*om professors, in
add*tion *o t*e*r eva*ua*ion by research fu*ding ag**cies. *n addit**n to Universiti*s, t*e RU*
al*o eva*uat*s 40 *egrees of *niv*rsities, Colle*es a*d University C*nt*rs with the high*st
number *f entrants in *h* country accor*ing to the latest Hi*her Ed*cation Census a*ailable
and, therefo**, Produc*ion E**ineering c*urse*
are *valua*ed in this
c*ass*fic*tion (RUF,
This pa*e* dis*uss** the t*ai*ing *f producti*n en*ineer*
*nd whe*her
t he
asse*sment *ools *f **e schools that
pr***re th*m are adap**ng to
new ed*cation/training
pr*posal*. It *s *ssumed *h** assessme*t instrum*nts, whethe* administered by government
or the ra**ings o* in*ependent media, by m*king *ubli* any inadequa*ie* in
t he
practices o* training profess**nals with solid ana*yzes, can *hape t*e educati*nal strategies *f
Rev. FS*, *eresina PI, v. 19, *. 9, art. *3, *. *72-2*4, *e*. *022 *ww4.***net.com.br/revist*
L. A. M. M Araújo, J. G. Basante, M. *. *ilva
About t*e researc* method*logy, this st*dy has a descriptive purp*se, given that **s
primary objective is *o describe the character*sti** of a giv*n population
phen*menon or
establish rela*ionships betwe*n va*iables (*OSAVI et al., 2018).
*o** descriptiv* research goes beyond *dentifying relationships between variables,
ai*i*g to determine t*e nature of th** r*la*ions**p, and, in this way, comin* cl*se to an
explanatory inves*igat*on. On the oth*r
hand, t*e*e are studies that, although de-*in*d as
descript*ve *a*ed on thei* objectives, e** up ser**n* more to provi*e a new view of the
problem, *h*ch b*ings t**m closer to exploratory resear*h. De*cript*ve re*earch **, a*ong with
the exploratory ones, the one t*a* social re*earch*r* usually *a*ry out wit* a view to pra*tical
This re*earch seeks a new view *f th* ***blem, as e*plained abov*, bas*d o*
bibliographic and do*ument**y research. Firstly, it was sea*ched
ENA*E, using **e *A*ES journal
ba*is with
t*e keyw*r*s i* P*rtugues*: *NADE,
education*l C*nsus, and *valuation of courses. Within *he s*arch s*o*e, t*ese ex-pressions
*r*vided the s*tisfactory r**urn rat* for the c***truction of t*e **aly**s.
A s*cond search was m*de *n the indust*y 4.0 and educat*on, as well as on
t he
ranking* *f unive*s*tie*. Fo* this
search it was used the We* of Science and Scopus bases.
The s*a*ch for Ind*stry 4.0 aim*d to identify t*e profile of **e Engineer suit*ble for
t hi s
prod*ct*on mo*el, as well as aspects
o f hi s
tra*n*ng; for that, it was used the keywords:
pro*essio*al profile of t*e **gineer, engine*ri*g educ**i*n. To searc* for publ*cations on *he
teac**ng o* e*gineers for I*dus*ry *.0, it was used the key-**rds: Industry 4.0, pr*duction
enginee*ing, professi*nalism *n t*e labor mark*t. The *ost cited texts w*re *elected, and the
abstracts we*e read t* choose those that sup-ported this research ab*ut *he *roduction
Engineering course. This area is *hosen beca*se it is **delibly integrated into t*e p*oduction
syst*m*, the c*nt*al point o* debate *n Industry 4.0.
*n *ddition t* *he bi*liographi* research, a *o*ument*l in*estigation abou*
t he
ENADE e*amination a*d th* RUF ranking was realized. This
investiga*ion *sed
th e
following documents: Area Synthesis *eport - Pro*u*tion Eng*n*ering an* the School Ce*sus
2019, av**lable on *h* site *ttp://portal.in*p.gov.br/web/gu*st/ resul*s-and-summaries. The
study se*rched the online r*cor*s f*r the performance re*orts of *ro*uc*io* engineering
courses and the *x*mi*ations c*rried out from 2012 to t*e pr*sen* d*te.
Rev. FSA, Ter*si*a, v. 19, n.9, a*t. 13, p. 27*-*84, set. 20*2 *ww4.fsanet.c*m.br/revista
Ranking A**lysis of Pro*uction Engine*ring C*urs*s Against Industry 4.0
h*t**://*uf.fo*ha.u*l.*om.br/*019/, where the stud* looke* for the dimensions and indicators
used and t*e pro*ed*res for their co*struct*on.
Schislyaev* et al. (2*22) establish that industry 4.0 is qualif*ed by the use of cyber-
physical s*stem* *n production processes. It shou*d be noted that these systems will be
connected to a n*twork, will tal* to eac* oth*r, wil* *el*-adj**t and wil* learn new *perating
Industry 4.0 has gained a leading role in i*dustrial des**n and *s
causing prof*und
changes in production engine*ring. H**ever, to res*ond t* the in**stry *.0 design, an
essenti*l foundation *ust be available, both technic** *nd human. The**fore, necessary action
is t* r*conci*e the edu*at*onal structure to this n*w way of producing, with special at*ention to
*ngin**ring education (*OSKUN et al., 2019).
The author highl*ghts a trip*d that supports the *ifferentiated
*ou**e to prepare
yo*ng people to work in
In*ustry *.0. The *irst p*llar is focused on the cu*r*culum, which
th* technical areas for
industry *.0, i*cluding
an i*terdis*iplinary project. Fo* th**
project, t*e t*achers sho*ld gat*er students from differen* d*gr*es
and *ar*ous courses. *his
inclusion is k**
in i*t*grated lea*nin* and, with a sy*temic focus, a conditi*n fo* the
performa*ce of a *e*hnological producti*n st*ucture. In addition, the curric*lum r*in*orces th*
discipline* of statistica* an*lys*s and compu*er *y*tems, *s computer technology is the *as*s of
*he fo*r*h indus*rial revolu*ion. The se*ond pill*r *s the activ**ies
and use of l*boratories.
These a*e importan*
pie**s in the
proposal, as they p*ovide pr**tical kno*l*dg* throug*
s*mul*ted and monitor*d experiences supervised by the teach*rs. I* addition, the
*roj*cts c*n help the learn*r *nd*rstanding the production process while impr*v*ng
t he
operating skills of n*w technolog*es. Fi*all*, the third pillar is scena*io-bas*d lea*ning, whi*h
uses *eal proble*s to **omot* knowle*g* ac*u*sitio* in wh*ch th* student plays a leadin* *ole
(CO*K*N et al.,
2019). Th*s, these
a*thors combi*e the learn*ng of technical content wi*h
the ne*d fo* some ess*ntial *oc*al skills *or constant dev*lopment during profe*sion*l life.
L*kewise, Erol et a*. (2019) argue that the indus*ry 4.0 pr**essi*nal *ust have social
a** interaction skills to partici*ate an* l*ad interdisciplinary p**jects, as the t*ams
composed of a range of
professional* from diffe**nt background*
an* *xperiences. For t*is
reason, havi*g
*oc*al**in* tool*
bec*mes *ssenti*l for **e enginee* i* th*s environment.
*ev. *SA, T*resina PI, v. 19, *. 9, art. 13, p. 272-284, set. 2022
L. A. M. M Ara*j*, J. G. Basa*te, M. T. Silva
Con*e*uently, it would be ne*e*sary to *nderstan* how schoo*s off**ing *ro*uct*o*
*ngineering cours*s adapt their serv*ces to meet th*se dema*ds. The chal**nge that lies ahead
is how t* asse*s the *bilit* of sc*ools to develop ski*l* that address **e social di*en*ion.
Marik (201*) dra*s *tte**ion to *he fact
the fourth Industri*l Revolution *s
fun*a*e*tal change in pe*ple'* *hi*king rather than a modification *n technology. As a *esult,
a number o* *ew edu*ation requi*em*nts are placed *n uni*ersiti*s, which will, in tu*n, h*ve
to change th* cont**t an* style of *eaching a* the b**den *f additional ec*nomic investm**ts.
In short, *hese movements point towards
*ducat*on, *hich *ill have to *ace * significan*
change in th* way students lear* and are e*aluat*d. M**eover, engineeri*g s**ools *ill have
to inv**t in laborato*ies and equipment, and *he mos* critica* is the train*ng of prof*ssors and
Grad*atin* st*dent* will ha*e to ** pro*c*iv*, have inde*end*nce and seek
k*owledge, which will
come from actual
expe*ienc*s that influence students
to d*s-co***,
research, pro*ose, question, and problematize (MIQUILIM and SILVA, 2019).
Howe*er, some auth*rs po*nt ou* t*at *ven
though the*e
an effo*t to mo**
engin*ering *choo*s to the demands of the curr*nt mo*ent, seve**l gaps remain to be sol*ed.
Fo* example, Ca*va*ho and Tonini (2017)
und*rstand that t*e cu*rent *ngineering cours*s
*ncorporate many comp*tenc*es in their c*rricula requ**ted by traditional indust**es, w*ile
some cr*tic*l charac*eristics o* the new engine*r *re stil* ab*ent. The main as*ect* me*t*on*d
by the aut*ors are re*at*d to *eople *an*g*ment, a feature investigated in detai* in **eir *o*k.
4.1 Rankings and *ndustry 4.*
Decuyp*re and Landri (2021) rankings do not only measu*e educational
perf*rmance, but they al*o provide s*a*us, a* w*ll
as enhance co**eti*io* bet*een
i ns t i t ut * ons .
*ukman e* *l. (2010) a**o *ighlight that one of the purposes of measurement thr**gh
ranking* is th* percep*ion of quality *aps in sch*ol* tha* *ffer hig*er educa**on, helping them
improve thei* service. Moreover,
*ach adaptation
deve*ope* t*
adjust t*
the current
requirements can ** a*sesse* conc**ning the w*ole c*ncept of the pro***si*nal pro*il*, which
*s key to reachi*g the **b market'* fit.
Therefore, *hes*
*val*a*ion* permit a vision that makes it easi*r to *on*er *he
cour**s' **a*nesses, strength*, and opportuniti*s, ***n* a
*elpful *ool for *trategic change
(LU*MAN et al., 2010). *o, c*nsidering the need to verify the *uitability
of t hi s
R*v. FSA, Teresina, v. *9, *.9, a*t. 13, p. 272-284, s*t. 2022 www4.fsanet.*om.br/revist*
Ranki*g Analysi* *f Production E*g*neer*ng C*urses Agai**t *ndustry 4.0
professi*nal* f*r t*e job mark**, a query *o be post*d i* whether the r*nkings a*e st*uct*red
and e*ecuted to indicate the be*t professi*nal trainers *or *he indu*try 4.0.
Initial*y, what *an
be s*en *mo*g the r*nkings p**sented
i* that
there a*e many
similarities bet*ee* them in t*e topi*s obse*ved, *ince the R*F us*s ENADE dat* to s*art i*s
*ppl*c**io*, but t*e **lcu*ation
equ**iz*d by the Folha de S. Pau*o *ewspape* *xtend* to
var**bles more consisten* with the re*l desire
of *he industry, as i* add**ion to taking into
account the aspec*s o* *eaching, resear*h, inte*nationa*ization, it
i* also attentive to
t he
dev**o*ment of in*ovations, and *his point is fu*damen*al in the current ind*stry, in *d*iti*n
to verifying how the ma*ket *udge* profess*onal* "man*fact*red" in these cour*es.
It should be *oted *hat the RUF me*t* som* points highl*gh*ed by Erol et al. (2*16)
e Co**u* *t
al. (2019) as it seeks *o point out which c*urse* prov*de
professionals with
*robl*ms\ solving
capacity, su*h as those who hav* s*cial resou*cef*lness *e-ma*ded by
te*m working *nd networking.
4.2 E*ADE and Industry 4.0
The a*sess*ents applied to t*e Production Engine*ring course *e*e acces*ed fr*m
2012, th* year t*at the term in*ustry 4.* was coin*d for the first tim*. In th*s peri*d (2012 to
2019) thr*e exams were pe**ormed, the years of *pplication were 2014, 2*17, an* 201*.
In 2014, a question (out
of a total of
40) was found on the concept of inn*vation,
*hich is i*p*rtant for Industry
4 .0 ,
as *oi*ted out *y Bonil*a et al. (*0*8), thoug* *ot
exclusive. *lso, as obs*r*ed by the *uthors, the con*ept of sustainability **s f*un* in all the
eval**ted exams. The 2*17 test *oes *ot appe*r to have questions that c*nve*ge to
* h*
"univ*r*e" o* industry 4.0. Alr*ady in the year 2019, five q**st*ons (out of *0) are r*lat*d to
the conten* discu*sed by a*tho*s dea*ing with ind*st*y 4.0 (EROL e* al., *016 e COS*UN et
al., 2*19): Add*tiv* Manufactur*ng, I*tern*t *f Things, Technology
and Artifi*ial
i* not*worthy that th*re were no
questions that e*ok*d
important points ab*ut
knowledge and sk*lls related to the *e*elopment of t*e c*ncept of lead*rs*ip. In additio*, i* is
*bse*v** th*t the ex*ms al*o did not perform the analyzes *ha* stand out: *lo*k Chain,
augmented r***i**, virt*a* realit*, ro*otics, *rone* and big data.
I* *s n*te**rt*y that the eva*uati*ns
*o not m*nitor the quality
of *he labora*ories
availab*e in the instituti*ns, this n*n-su*erv*sion ends up compromising the reading *f
t he
training of professionals *ho gr*d*ated from
th* course*, Ferre*ra et *l. (2020), high**ghts
Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 19, n. 9, art. 13, p. *72-284, se*. 2022
L. A. M. M Araújo, J. G. Bas*nte, M. T. Si*v*
that labo*ato*ies i*prove the ca*abilitie* o* future professio*als who will w*rk in
o*ganizations, th*refor*, be*n* es*ent**l ** the constructi*n of technical t*aining, *n
observ*t**n made in the work of Erol e* al. (2016) and Coskun et al. (2*19).
It i* al*o noteworthy that despite some gaps, as defended above, ENA*E *ssesses
i*ter*isc*plina*i*y, a* import*nt focus for Coskun et al. (*019),
*s rev**led by some *xam
q*est*ons *hat have susta*nability at their h*a*t. The exam also asks questio*s about the u*e of
tech*o**gies, a *ey po*nt in industry 4.0, bu* does **t develo* **pects that E*ol e* al. (2016)
addr*ss as relevant, thes* points being a list of ski*ls that are: persona*
s*ills, social skills,
actio* skills and mast*ry sk*lls, *oints o* social and pers*nal dimension. In this case, **e *U*
c*n develop th*s ass***ment, *y using d*ta that *he mar*et ma*es av*i*abl* as i*formation that
includes the notes **fended by Erol et al. (2016).
To summarize, the courses must transform themse*v*s to *ace a period of intense
change*, and the rank*ngs a*e beac*ns **r possi*le decis*on-m*kin*.
The result* sh*w that the two e**luations are re*ated to essential aspects of Ind*stry
4.0 bu* leave gaps
that must be *ompl*t**. *or example, the eval*ations c*nnot
ver*fy the
tra*ni*g of lead*rs, wh*ch is a vital req*irement acknowledged b* the li*eratur*. Mo*eo*er, the
*ppro*ches i*herent to the soc*ability of *r*fessionals are
not **sessed either, though
engineers are n* *ong*r "just" tech*ic**ns; they are al*o manag**s. The challenge of
evaluat*n* *oft skill* can justi*y those res*r*ctions. Still, the ability to
lead and pa*ticipate in
teams is an in*vita*le condi***n, and *he schools should care for it* devel*pment.
It is understood, therefore, th*t the RUF incorporate* the mark** assessment, and this
*s positive. *ti*l, in contrast, it does not have the impac* t**t ENADE h*s since *h* *val*ation
carr*ed ou* by INEP is a state policy. Its p*rforman*e
t**ou*hout t*e national territory is
requ*red, and in m**y c*ses, high*r education in*titut*on* tailor th*i* content e*h*b*tion to tha*
requested by the refer**d ex*m. This evaluation
cover* a s*t of concep**, i*clu**n* the
s*ude*ts' gra*e* average, as parameters *or the resu*ts.
I* i* notewort*y tha* an assessme*t model th*t sums up the *ai* points of each exam
would im*rove the **aluation of th* t*aining for the industr* 4.0 produ**ion model.
Rev. FS*, Teresina, v. 19, n.9, art. 13, p. 272-284, set. 2*22
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Como Refer*nciar este Artigo, conforme ABNT:
ARAÚJO, L. A. M. M; BA*ANTE, J, G; SILVA, M. T Ranking Analysis o* *roduction Eng**eer**g
C*urses A*ainst Industry 4.*. Re*. FSA, T**es*na, v.19, n. 9, ar*. 13, p. 272-2**, set. 2*22.
C*n*r*bui*ão *os Aut*re*
L. *. M. M. Ara*jo
J. G. Basante
M. T. Silva
1) concepção * planejamen*o.
2) a*álise e inte*pretação *os dados.
3) elaboração do r*sc*nho ou na revis*o cr*tic* d* co**eúdo.
*) pa*ticipaçã* na apro*ação da v*rsão final do *anuscri*o.
Rev. *S*, Teresina, v. 19, *.9, art. 13, p. 272-284, *et. 202*
- Não há apontamentos.

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