Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *9, n. 9, art. 8, p. 151-171, s*t. *02*
ISSN Impresso: 1*06-6356 IS*N Elet*ônico: 2317-2983
Co*porate Social Function and Publ*c *olicies f*r S*cioec**omic Inclusio* *n Brazil
Fun*ão Social Em*resa*i*l e Políti*as Pública Pa** Incl*são Socio*con*mica n* B*asil
Yd*an May
Doutor em Dire*to *ela Universida** *ederal de *anta Catarina
P*ofessor d* Programa de *estrado e gradua*ão *m Direito da Uni*ersidade *o E*tremo Su* *atarin*ns*
E-mail: ym@une*c.**t
Endere*o: Yduan May
Edito*-C*efe: Dr. Ton*y Kerley de A*encar
Av. Universi*ári*, 1105 Bairro U*ive*si*ário, *riciúma,
SC, Bras*l, CE* 88806-000, Bras*l.
Artigo recebido em 04/07/2022. Ú*tima
rec*b*d* e* 20/*7/202*. Apr**ado em 21/07/2022.
A*a*iado *elo sistem* Triple R**i*w: Desk Review a)
pelo Edit*r-Chef*; e *) Double Bl**d *evi*w
(avalia*ão cega por **is avali*dores d* área).
Revi*ão: Gr*matical, N*rmativa * de For*atação
Y. M**
article d*scu*s*d the corporate func*i*n when c*mplyin* *ith pu*lic policies for soci*l
and e**nomic inclusion. Firstly, *he conce*tualization of regulato*y publ*c *olicies w*s
studied *s th* w*y to *efine rules a*d procedures that reg*late the b*hav*o* of act*rs to meet
the genera* interests *f s**iety. Su*seque*tly, so*i*econ*mic inclusion thr*ugh *ecent work
and r*gulatory public
*o**ci*s aimed fo* this specif*c pu*pose were an*lyzed. Fina*ly, it was
verified the effect*ve*es* of the corporate social func*ion in *he f*lfillment of such
regulat*ons. The ded*cti*e method w*s adopted, with the form of a qua*itative a**roach, with
an exploratory obj*c**ve, *hrough t**hni*al *i**iographi* proce*ure.
KEYW*RDS: Socioec*n*mic Inc*usion. Corporate Social F*n*t*on. Decent Wo*k. Public
Polici*s. **g*l**ion
Es*e artigo tem por ob*et*vo di*cutir o p*pel das em*resas n* cumprimento das políticas
públicas d* *nclusão social *
econômica. Primeirament*, e*tudou-se * conceitu*ç*o
políticas públicas regulat*rias com* m*io de definição de re*ras e pr*c*dimentos para regular
o c*mpo*tamento do* at*res ao enco*tro dos int*resses
*e*ai* *a so*i*d**e. Poste*ior*e**e,
an*lis*u-*e a in*lusã* socioecon*m**a por me*o do tr*balho d**e*te e quais p*líticas públicas
normat*vas apontam para esse fim específi*o. Por fim,
verificou-se a efet*vidade da função
social corporat*va no c*mprimento dessas nor*as. Adotou-*e o m*todo d*d*tivo, *a forma de
abordagem qu**ita*iva, com obj*tivo explora*ório, por meio do procedimento técnico
PALA*RAS-CHAVE: Inclusão S*cioec*nômica. Função Soc*al Empresarial. Trabalho
Dece*te. Polí*ica* Públicas. Regulação
Re*. FSA, Ter*sina, v. 19, n.9, *rt. 8, p. 151-17*, set. 2*22
Corpor*te Social Function *nd *ublic Polici*s for Socioeconomic *nclusion in *razil
In this *rticle, we propose t* *nswer what is *he corporate *unction exercised in *h*
face o* p*blic policies of soci*economic *nclusion regulat*d by *h* *tate.
In order to *larif* the impor*ance of *he company in the face
o* th* n*ed f*r
socioec*nomic inclusion, *uc* rese*rch is justi*ie*, sinc* we are fa*in* a scenario of ne** for
soci** inclusion thr*u*h economic *ncl*si**, which occurs, for *h* most part, through of
work, *hich consti*utionally mu*t occur i* a dignifie* ma*ner.
*or thi*, at first, what *s a reg*latory public poli*y wil* be *tud*ed, in order t*, later,
s*udy s*c*oeconomic i*c*us*o* thro*gh work, an* which pub*ic poli*ies aimed *t
socioeconomic inclu*ion, to fina*ly verif* the importance of the
c**pany. within *his
scen*rio, so that it is possible to verify w*ich corpor*te fun**io* it performs.
Fo* this, th* **ducti*e method *as adopted, with th* form *f * qualit*t*ve *ppr*ach,
w*t* an exploratory objective, so tha* it is possible ** provide greater *amiliarity *ith *he
pro**s*d problem, t*rough the *ibliographic t*ch*ical procedure in doctrin*s an* legisl*tion.
Public policies expres* deman**, which can be *emand* f** *e*l*h, edu*a*ion, pu*lic
safety, w*rk, t*at **, they aim to *mplement constitutionally gu*ra*te*d social rights, as well
as exp*ess demands *or participation in t*e *ol*tic*l system, or*an*zat*o* *f political
as*o*iations, also, of cont*ol of corruption, of p*li*i*al info*mat*on, of esta**is*m*nt of norms
*o* the behavior of th* pub*** **d priva*e agents (RUA: 1998). Publi* policies are a dynamic
process, with ne**tiations, p**s*ures, mo*ilizati*ns, *lli*n**s or co*l*tions
o* *nterests
(T*IXEIRA: 2002).
In genera*, Public Pol**ie* a*e re*ated to governmen* actions, i* orde* to implemen* *ts
electora* proposals, a*d, specific*lly *he* t*yi*g to guarantee r**h*s around decen* w**k, as
det*rmin*d by *he Inte*nati**a* Labor Orga**zatio* (*LO), meet
pressures of *nterna*io*al
organi*ations in respo*se to socia* needs (SOUZA: *0*6).
T*ese *re progr*ms th*t will reflec* *n **e socia* context, as they ai* at soc*al
i*provement*, throu*h *re-**fine* reasons, satisfying s*me n*ed/deficiency *n *oci*ty. Th**
means that
*he att**pt to **nceptua*i*e P*b*ic Policies must per*eate the context ** t*e
int*rr*lat*on*hip between *ta*e, p*litic*, eco***y and soc*ety.
Rev. FSA, *ere*ina PI, v. 19, n. 9, art. 8, p. 151-171, set. 2022 www4.fsanet.c*m.br/r*vista
Y. May
Scheeffer (201*) states that the essen*e of Public Policies i* the publ*c problem
identif*ed ** societ*, a*d that *t will b*ing a kin* of *e*p*nse t* this ide*tif*c*tion, *n order to
promot* improvements.
*ubli* *olic**s, *fte* *esigne* a*d formu*ated, are materia*iz*d in *la*s, pro*ra*s,
projects, databases or informa*ion **d *esearch system*. W*en put int* *ction, they are
im*lemented an* then subjected ** monito*in* a*d eva*uation *ys*e*s (SOUZA: *006).
A public polic* usuall* *nvolve* *ore t*an one deci*i*n and req*ires sever*l
strateg*ca*ly select*d action* to im*l*m*nt the de*isions tak*n. Fur*hermore, as obvious as it
may se*m, public pol*ci*s ar* 'pub*ic' - and not *rivat* or ju*t collective. Precisely because of
*h*ir imperativ* nature, since the* are co**cive*y
imposed on tho*e ad*inist**ed, and
obedience i* not *ptiona* *y individua*s, that is, th*y are decision* a*d actions co*ere* b* *he
sover*ign authority of t*e public po*er (RU*: 19*8).
Th* Public Polic* foc** sho*ld be public wel*are, aim*ng to *btain *h*
possible welfare
i n t he m os t
effic*ent way, in
*rder to f*ce an* solve a pr*b*em r*tionally
*hrough * pr*cess ** gov*rnmental ac*ions, *nd **e publ*c *ction wil* be *arried out with
resources that are also publi*, *h*ch is why e*e* more *fficiency is expec*ed (VÁZQUEZ;
DE*APLA*E: *011).
**z*uez and Delapla** (20*1) bring an**h*r p*r*pective, *n th* s*nse *hat
t *e
object*ve and *ssence of Public Poli*y is not the sol*tion of s*ecific probl*ms, of unsa*isfied
d*mands, b** the fulfillmen* of r*ghts. There*ore, it is underst*od that publ*c poli**es become
instruments through which fundamental righ** are r*ali*ed.
B*sed on these premises, the con*ept of *egulatory Public Policy, according *o Lo*i's
*las*ifi*ation is *hat it is about th* *stab***hment o* standards of **ha*ior, service *r product
fo* both public and *rivate actors (S*HEEFFER: 20*4).
Add*ng Veruska Goi*s (2014) tha* reg*latory publ*c policies *annot be confus*d with
no*mat*zed rights, regulato*y frame*or**, si*ce they *av* their own cyc*e of *xistence, which
are **cisions, implementa*io*, evaluation, extinction *r perm*nence.
Th*re*ore, not all nor*at*zed rights and regulatory frame*orks
a*e pu*l*c pol**ies,
si*c* fo* their real e**stence they need thei* ow* cycle, which the 'manag*m*nt cycle is
process**', w*i*h result f**m a pro*ess
divided in*o
s*ages or s*ages: 1) prob*em
id*ntification; 2) agenda-setting (becomes
political issu*); 3) f*rmul*tion o*
(*hoosing the best a*tions t* *e taken to deal wi*h *he pub*ic problem);
4) d*cision mak*ng
(cho*sing the *est actions to be t*ken *o *ea* with the pub*i* problem); *) implementation; 6)
eva*uation and 7) extinction (*CH*EFF*R: 2*14).
Rev. FSA, T*resina, v. 1*, n.9, ar*. 8, p. 151-171, set. 2022 www*.fsa*et.com.br/revista
Co*po*ate Socia* Fu*ction and Public Policies *or Soc*oeconomic Inclusion in Brazil
*he Regulatory *u*li* Policy is specif*ca*ly the imp*em*ntation of rul*s for **e
**lations between public pow*r and society, me*iating actions between actors *f s*ciety an*
the State. Being explained, syste*atized, *r fo*mulate* *n do*uments, a* f*r examp*e, i*
leg*slation, ai*ing to r*s*on* to d*mands, social
nee*s, as well as to ex*and and make
effective cit*z*nsh*p right* (TEI*EIRA: *002).
Assu*ing a spe*i*ic role in social relations, as th*y a*m *o de*ine rules and pr*cedures
that *eg*l*te *he b*hav**r o* actors
to *eet *he general interes*s of society (TEIXEIRA;
20**). Accordin* to Frey (2000), re*ula***y
polici*s w*rk with orders and p*ohibit*ons,
decree* and *rdi*an*es.
Base* on th*s study, it is concl*ded that the impleme*tation *f a reg*latory public
policy *ccurs in a complex and proced*ralized w*y, being even more c*mplex the reg*lat*on
o* cor*orate beha**or with the goa*
socioeconomic inclu*ion, since f** thi* purpose
* he
State wi*l h*ve to in*ervene *n the sphere private *ector, making th* priva*e **ct*r al*o pub**c,
which for Pilat* (201*) *ignals a new paradigm, as will be studi*d further, together *ith
specifi* public pol*cies for soci*e*onomic in*lusi**.
**e Wel*are State, accordin* to Delg*do (*005), was the maximum *oint *f *ncome
power distribu*io* already
*xp**ien*ed by capitalism since i*s ori*i*s. One of its
fundament*l post*late* was the prim*c* of **rk in *api*alist society. From this period on,
empl*ymen* became the ep*cente* of the organiz**io* of social life *nd the economy, t*at is, it
becomes the most rel*vant **strument for the affirmatio* o* hum*n bein*s, in terms of their
socia* and econo*ic family insertio*. *t is the pil*ar of the structuring of the economic, *ocial
and cultural order o* a minimally democratic *apitalist society.
Thi* cultu*al matrix wis*l* d***cte* tha* work,
esp*cially regulated work
(employment, in short), as it
g*ar*ntees a certain level o* gu*rantees for human beings,
con**itutes *** *o*t impo*t*nt v*hicle of soci**conomic a*firmat*on of th* va*t majority of
t*e individuals that make *p the c*pi*alist society, th*s being o*e *f the m*st relevant (if n*t
the most of them) instruments of affi*mati*n of D*mocra*y in *ocial life. W*rk assum*s t*e
character of being *he most relevant means of *uar**teeing a min*mum *f soc*al *o*e* to t*e
*reat mass of t*e population, **ich is *epr**ed of wealth *nd other l*cit means of rea*hing it.
*n this *ay, he wisely perceived this *u**ural matr*x, the f*llacy of *nsti*u*ing Democracy
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a P*, *. *9, n. 9, art. 8, p. 151-171, set. *022
Y. M*y
wi*hout a *o**es*onding e*onomic-*ocial system *hat
v***es huma* work (DELGADO:
T*erefore, *ork assumes a fu*damen*a* *haracter for the *uaran*e* of human dignit*,
since t*rough dec*nt work the distri*ution of wealth is guarante*d, the most
instru*ent of socioeco*omic in*lusion. *mpl*yment, regulat*d and *r*tected b* legal norms,
emerges a* t*e main v*hicl* fo* the insertion of *orkers in the capit*list s*cioecon*mi* arena,
to provid*
them wit* a con*i*tent lev*l of in*ivi*ual, family, social,
econ*m*c a*d
even eth*cal a*firma*ion. Adding still, not to be *he *nly one, sinc* t*e spe*ialize* an* val*ed
autonomous work *lso has this chara*ter, but it is th* main and most com*rehensive veh*c*e
of socioecono*ic
affirmat*on o* most of the *opul**ion in the unequal capita*ist
(DELGA**: 2005).
*n this sense, pu*lic policies a*med at increasing formal jobs are, *rom a
econ*mic point of view, the best and most effective a**irm**ive actions for the dig*it* *f the
*uman person. Thanks to them, a large mass of workers hitherto excluded *nd *a*gin*lized
pass to f*r*ality and *onq*er the means of social welfare (hea*th, social security, FGTS for
ho*sing, p*o*i*ing them wi*h d*gnity through work, *nabling the* *o themse*v*s seek the
g*ods o* *he world of life, with *h*ir own strength, without a*sis*ance.
Goldschmidt (2008) exp*ains *hat pub*ic poli*ies focused on economically including
the worker through the employ*ent contract, with d*e compl*an*e with *a**r l*ws a*e the
most effective
way to obtain * bett*r distribu*ion *f w*a*th
and to build an
economy mor*
sol*d, *it*out l**s o* internal or e*tern** compet*tivenes*. Th* affir*ation of work, especial*y
**rmal work, is ther*for* a fundamen*al element for social inc*us*on *nd
better income
distr*bution. In
*ther words, *ublic employment
policies and *he re*ulati*n of *ormal work,
ro**s that ar* ass*gned to the Sta*e, are necessary *ot only to aff*rm the d*gnity of **e human
pe*son, but also to ensur* the f*rm *n* cons*st*nt development of *he coun**y's ec*nomy, in *
*piral positive *nd
*row*ng, *esul*ing *n be*efits for *ll t*ose involved: w*rke*s, companies
an* th* State.
It is up to
*he State t* give normati*e *orce to the Con*titution
by implem*nting
*oncrete action*
that encourage the
f**mal hir*ng of **rkers, remo*ing t*em f*om
une*ployment o* und*rem*loyment (GOLDSCHMID*: 2*08).
I* thi* *onte*t, t*e Fe*eral Const*tut*on of 1**8 esta*lishes that *ne of t*e fou*d**ions
of the Democ***ic St*te of Law i* *he \dignity *f the human person\ (a*t. 1st, I*I). I* a*dition,
*h* *razilian *onstitut*onal text s*ates that all economic actio* aims t* ensure a d**nifie*
ex*stence for everyon* (art. 1*0) (RAM*S: 2014).
Rev. FSA, *er*sina, v. 19, n.9, art. 8, p. 1*1-171, set. 2022 www4.**anet.com.br/revista
*orporat* Socia* Function *nd Public Polic*es for Socioeco**mic Inclusion *n Bra*i*
T*e *e**ral *ons***ution ensures th*t economic power must va**e human work; and
*ts main objec*ive is to a*sure ev*ryone a dign*fied existence accordin* to the dictat** of
social justice, unde* the terms of art. 170. Based *n th** guaran*ee, Ramos (2014) notes t*at
capital (or economic
p*wer) is the means *o en*ure and *romote
the dign*t* *f the human
b*ing, and any reasoning *hat seeks to reverse this order is illegitimate a*d *nconstitution*l.
Because man **n*ot
*ail t* *enefit from the produ*ti*n chain, that is, man is
j u* t t he
*eans of fost*ring th* a*cumulation
of capital. For tha*, th* State must in*er*e*e in the
re*ationship be**een ca**t*l and work, aff*rming the principled bas*s *f La*or Law,
**nsidering that these are curre*t an* effec*ive d*recti**s *o guarantee the fair distribution of
w*a*th in the c*untry. *o*ntry: inc*u*ion of mor* workers in t*e formali*y of emplo*ment,
generating inco*e fo* ***m and tax*s to the State *nd d*iv*ng the economy toward* a grow**
spiral; increase in domestic *onsumption, provided by t** wages p*id to wo**e*s *ho, in the
fina* analysi*, are al*o *on*u*ers; and g**ranteeing the i*fr*structu*e works
so desired by
entrepr*neu*s as a f*r* of *rowth, which is on*y *ossible wi*h the increas* *n taxes
(*OLDSCHM***: 2008).
In this w*y, **cio**ono*ic inclusion thr*ug* work can be c*nsidered a Fun*amental
Right, since funda**ntal ri*h*s ar* th*se internally positivized, t*at is, present in the national
leg*l *ystem, and *herefore s*bject to judic*al collecti**, as they would ha*e a constitution*l
m*trix (*AMOS: 2014).
The 1988 Constituti*n *ealt with human rights in its Title II c*lled "F*ndamental
Rig*t* *nd Guarantees", *iv*ding i* *n*o five cat*gories, n*mely: a) indi*idual a** col*e*tive
rights a*d du*ie*; b) social rights; c)
na**onality rights; d) p*litical rights; a*d e) political
*arties. *ot *eing an exha*stiv* list, since it gua*an*ees in its art. 5, §2 of the Consti*ution t*e
principle of non-exhaustiveness of fundame*ta* ri*hts, also called opening of the Constitutio*
to human ri*hts. Sin** the right to work guarante*d i* article 6 of th* F*dera* Co*stitutio* is
call*d a social rig*t *hat consi**s of a *et of legal *aculties a*d *ositi*ns b* which an
individ*al can dema*d benefits f*om t*e State
or society or even abstention to a*t, al* to
ensure minimum material conditions for s*rvival.
Hi*t*rically, *o*ial righ*s are the resu*t of social**t revolu*i*ns in *everal count*ies,
having be*n insert*d, in the constitutional fie*d, in pioneering wa* in t*e C*nstitution of a
Mexi*o in
191* an* in *he *onstitution of Weimar (Germa*y) *f 1*19.
In Int*rnational
Rights, the T*eat* of V*r*ailles (1919) i* in*ovative *n const**uting th* m*in defense o*
workers' rights. In Bra**l, the 1934 Co*stitution is t*e star*ing *oint for the introduction *f
*ocial *igh*s, but these wer* inc*uded in the ch*pter o* *con*m** *nd so*ial *r*er. Th* 1988
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. *9, n. 9, art. 8, p. 151-171, set. 2022 www4.fsanet.com.br/r*vist*
Y. M*y
Constitut*on, on th* other h*nd, h*s a *pecific chapter ("Soc*al Rig*ts", articles 6 to 11) in
Title II ("Fundament*l Rights
and Guarantees") and als* ensh**ned the principle
of non -
exhaus*iveness of social rights, which allows to extract ne* rights result*ng fro* the *egim*
*nd *rin**ples, as w*ll as from *he treaties entered into by Brazil (Article 5,
§2) (RAMOS:
A*ticle 7 guara**ees w*rk in a
dignifi*d way, complemented especially by *he
Con**lidation o* Labo* Laws, w**ch ar* essentially provi*ional in cont*nt, in which State and
society a***on
is requir** to overcome factual inequ*l*ty
and *aterial *it*ations
that are
offensi*e to the dignity of the worker. , as we*l
as, they c*n be c**tent with abste*tion
defense), in which the Stat* must refra*n from unduly inter*ering in a certa*n s**ial right, such
*s, for example, freedom *f unio* asso*iatio* or still the right to str*k* (RAMOS: 2014).
Consequen*ly, work is the main social inst*um*nt of inclus*on, whic* is a fundamental
rig*t, b**ng
duly en*ur*d
by the Bra*ilian *egal system, which is guara*t*ed *n a
way to all *ndividuals witho** dis*i*ction of se*, rac*, color, relig*on, according to
o*ser*e next.
Given the import*nce
o* wo*k in the c*pitalist ec*nomic order, an* in *rde* to
guarant*e i* i* the b*st way for individuals, it is i*po*tan* to st*d* which p*blic polici*s for
soci*economi* i*clusion ex**t in the Brazil*an legal system.
Jua*ez Freitas (*010) **ghlights as the first pre*ept and t** key to the *y*te*atic
in*e*pre*ation of the Con*titution, the hierarchy of principles *gai*st norms in the strict s***e
(ru*es), wh*ch would make th*m, *n p*actice, foundation and summit of the order. Whe* t*e
entire constitutional sy*tem is conne*ted, i* ord*r to resolve some legal is*ue, eit*er th*ough
the *erfor*ance of the *ubl** admi*istrat*r *r t*r*ugh th*
perf*rman*e of the judiciary,
fund**ental *i*hts are achie*ed in pra*tice
by the f*ct that the *nterpreter goes beyond th*
mere te*t an* recogni*es
*ir*ct and ind*rect effective*ess. This provides a sa*isfy*ng and
d*gnified life.
It *lso argues that in our Dem*cratic **ate o* law, *ll legal interpr**ation is systematic,
emphasizi*g that *y*tematic interpretatio* *s, in a way, cons*itutional, subordinating any rule
to funda*ental righ** and superior p*in**ples, that is, unde*standing thes*
l * ke * he
**ns*itut*ona* one* (FREITA*: 2010).
**v. FSA, Tere*i*a, v. *9, n.9, art. 8, p. 151-1*1, s*t. 20*2
Corporate S*cial Functi*n and P*blic Polici*s *or Soci*economic Inclusi*n *n Brazil
In this w*y, *ased on *he fundam*ntal righ*s gua**nte*d c*nst*t**ionally, here
spec*fically the right *o decent work *nd econ*mic order, b**ed on the appreciation of h*man
w*rk an* free i*itia*ive, in order to ensu*e *veryone a dig**fied exist*nc*, according th* to
*f soci*l justice, to study infra constit*tional laws w*ll be u*e* t* implement publ*c
po**ci*s for socio-economic inclusion i* a systematic way.
*e will begin the **udy wi*h Law nº 13.14*, of *uly 6, 2015, whic* esta*lishes *he
Brazilian Law *or *he Inclusion o* Pers**s wi*h Disabi*ities (Sta*ute o* *ers*ns with
Disabil*ties), intended ** ensure and *romote, on an equal basis, the ex*rcise *f f*ndam*ntal
right* and *reedoms
by p*ople with di*abilities, aiming *t their s*cial i*cl**ion and
citizens*ip (**ASIL: *015).
Ensuring y**r art. 35 be the *rimary purpose of pub*ic pol*cies on w*rk and
emplo*ment to pr*mote and g*arantee con*itio*s
o* acce*s and pe*man**ce
o* p*op*e with
dis*bil*ties in the wo*k field, asserting that programs to encou*age e*trepreneurship and self-
empl*yme**, *ncluding coo*erativism and associativism, must provide for the particip*tion of
peop*e wit* disa*i*it*es and the avai*ability of *redit **nes, wh*n nece*sary (*RASIL: 2015).
This legislati*n is c*mplemen**d by Law No. 8,213, of July *4, 199*, which prov*de*
for Social Security B*nefit Plans, a* it
d*term*nes in its article *3 *hat a company with
(*ne hu*dred) or more *mployees is r**uired to complete from 2% (tw* *erc*nt) to 5% (five
*erc*nt) of the*r position* with rehabili*a*ed bene*ic*aries or peopl* wit*
in the
*ollowing *ro*ort*on: i) up *o 2*0 *mployees: 2%; ii) from
201 to 500:3%; iii) from *01 **
100*: 4%; *v) IV - from 1,001 onw*rds: 5% (BRAS*L: 1991).
I* the Brazilian legal system, incentives for t*e first job were als* created, through
L*w No. 11,692, o* 2*08 (B*A*IL: 2008a)
Law No. 1*,*92, o* Ju*e 10, *008, which pro*ide* for the **tional **u*h Inclusion
Program - Projovem, which is a National You** Inclusion *rogr*m - Projo*em , establishe*
byLaw No.1*,12*, of J**e
2005, *hich bec**e governed,
as of January ,
1 200*, b y t h e
provisions *f this Law (BRASIL: 200*a).
Pr*j*vem is ai*ed at young people aged betwee* *5 (*iftee*) and 2* (*wenty-nin*)
old, with the obj***iv*
prom*ti*g thei* reintegratio* into **e educat*onal process,
t*eir **ofe*s*ona*
qualification, and their
human de*elo*me*t, b*ing dev**o**d *hrough the
follo*ing modalities: i) *r***v*m *dolesc*nt - Soci*-educational Servi*e; ii) Projovem
*rb*no; iii) Projovem Campo- Saberes da *erra; i) Proyoung Work*r (BRASIL: 2008a).
R*v. *SA, *eresina PI, v. 1*, n. 9, art. 8, p. 151-171, se*. 2022
*. May
Projov*m *s a Na*ion*l Youth Inc**s*on Program, w*ich author*zes *h* Un*on to gran*
*inanci*l aid, in - o*ig*nally - the amo*nt of R$ 10*.00 (o*e hu*dred rea*s) monthly, to
Projovem ben*ficiaries, *n the aforeme*ti*ned mod*lities (BRASIL: *008a).
L*ws als* en*ur* job st*bility f** young pe*ple, such as D*cree No. 5,598, of
December *, 20*5, which r*gulat*s the h*rin* of appren*ice*. Consideri*g an *ppre*t*ce t* b*
*ve* four*e** yea*s old and
u**er *wenty-four years
old *h* enters a* *ppren*icesh**
contract, pursuant t* art. 428 of t*e Consolid*tion of Labor La*s - CL*, *he maximum age
provided does not app*y t* *isabled appren*ices (B*ASIL: 200*c).
According *o article 3, the apprentic**h*p contrac* is the specia* employment co*tract,
*greed in writing and *or a fix*d *eri*d not exceeding two year*, in w*ich t*e employ*r
und*rta*es to *nsure to the appr*ntice, enrolle* in an *pprenticesh*p *rog*am, methodica*
te*hnical-profess*onal t**i**ng compatible with *heir physical, mor*l, and *sych*logical
development, a*d the *pprentice
undertakes *o carry out with z*a* and dilige*ce t*e
nec*ssary fo* this trai*ing (BRASIL: 2005c).
A* well as Law No. 11,788, of Se*temb*r 25, 2008, which pr*vides for student
in*ernships; ch*n*es the w*rdin* of art. 42* of the *onsolidatio* of Labo* Laws - CLT, *nd
the internship *s a su*ervis*d school educati*nal act, develo**d in the work envir*nment,
which aims to pre*are
f*r th*
productive work of students who are attending regular
education *n insti*utions o* h*gher education, profess*on*l educa*ion , sec*ndary *d*cation,
**ecial educat*on and the *i*al years *f elementary e*ucation, in the profess**na* mo*ality of
youth **d adult educat*on (BRAS*L: 20*8b).
Law N*. 9,799, of May 26, 1999, which i*clu*ed ru*e*1 on w*m*n's *ccess to the
lab*r market in the Consolida**on *f Labor La*s and p*ovi*ed other measu*es, suc* as the
p*ohi*itio* of discrimi*at*ry conduc* in *abor rel*tions wi*h wome* (BRA*IL: 1999).
Law N*. 9,02*, of Ap*i* 13, 1995, art. 1 prohibits
the requ*rement
of pregnancy a*d
st*rilization ce*tificates, and other discr*mi*atory practices, for t*e purposes of admis*ion or
1 Art. 373-A. Ex*e*t for the lega* pr*visions inte*de* to correct th* d*st*rti*n* *ha* affect *omen'* access to the labor market
and *er*ain speci*ic*ties established i* **b** agre*m*nts, it i* pr*hibit*d to:
*ublish or hav* * jo* ad**rt*sement
in whi*h the*e i* refer*nce to sex, age, color o* family si*uation, except *hen the
nature of t*e activi*y to *e ex*rcised, publicly and notoriously, so re*uires;
II-refuse employment, prom*tion *r *otivate dis*issal f*om wor* due t* sex, age, col**, family situation or p*egnancy
statu*, except w*en the nature of the *ctivity is notoriously and p*blicly i*c*m*atible;
III - *ons*der g*nder, age, col*r or famil* s*tuation as a deter*ining variab*e for p*rposes of remun*ratio*,
*r**ning and opport*nities for prof*ssiona* advance*e**;
IV - require a certificate *r examination,
of any nat*re, to p*ov* sterility or pregnancy, upon admission or permanence in
V - p*eve*t ac*ess or *d*pt *ubject*ve criteria for deferri*g re*istr**ion or appr*val i* com*eti*ions, in privat* companies,
due to se*, a*e, color, family situation or *regnancy st*tus;
VI - to *a**y out t*e emp*oyer or agent to sea*ch th* *emale em***yees. (BRAZIL, *999).
*ev. FSA, Teres*na, v. 19, n.9, art. 8, p. 151-1*1, set. 2022 www4.fsanet.com.*r/revista
Corporat* S*cial Function and Public *olicies for Soc*oeco*omi* Inclus*on in Brazil
*ermanence of the legal emp**y*e*t *elationshi*,
and p***ides *ther mea*ures. Th*
follo*ing d*scri*i*ato*y pr*ctices constitute crimes: i) I - the re**irement of testing,
exami**tion, expertise,
report, certificate, declaration or any oth*r *roc*dure related to
sterilizatio* or pregnanc* stat*s; ii) II - *he **option *f any mea*ure*, at t*e initiati*e o* the
employer, t**t configure; a) in*ucing or instigating genetic st*rilizati*n; b) promotion of birth
c*ntro*, t*** not considering th* provisi*n of serv*ces and
co*ns*ling or f*mily *lanning,
carrie* out through public or pr*vate i*stitut*on*, su*ject t* the r*les of
*he Unified Healt*
System (SUS *n *ortuguese) (BRASIL: 1**5).
Such regulations aim to balance the **nde* situation (*an * *oman) in the la*or
mark**, with the sole purpose of so*i*-*conomica*ly includ*ng women on *n *qual basis with
men, through the measur*s/barriers exposed above.
*aw No. *0,741, of O***ber 1, *003, which provides for the El*erly S*atute, which
now ensures that the eld*rly person has the rig*t to exer**se a professional ac*ivity, resp*ct*ng
their physical, intellectual, and ps*c**logical *onditi*n*. *ete*mining tha* in th* admission of
the elderly to a*y job or j*b, d**cr*minat*on is prohibited and the esta*lishment o* * ma*imum
age *imit, includin* for co*pe*itions,
ex*e*t in cases *h*r* the nature *f the position so
requi**s. (BR*SIL: 2003). Therefore,
in it* ar*. 28 guarant**s *hat **e *ubli* Pow*r will
*r*ate and encourage prog*ams
for a) sp*cia*i*ed
profes*iona*ization for *he elderl*, taking
of their potential and ski*ls for re**lar and remune*a*ed activities; b) prepar*ng
worke** for retirement, *t least 1 (one) year in advance, by enco*raging ne* socia* *rojects,
*ccordi*g to t*e** interests, and pr*vidi*g cl*rif*cation on so*i*l *nd citizenship rig*ts; and *)
*n*ouragement to private companies for the admission *f elderly p*opl* work (BRASIL: to
Als*, *aw *o. *2,990, o* June 9, 2014, which reserves *0% (twenty percent) of the
vacanci*s offe*ed in publ*c **m*et*t*o*s for blacks to fill effe**ive *ositi*ns and pu*lic jobs
wi*hin the *cope
o* the federal pu*lic administration, auta*chies, pu*lic fo*ndations, public
c*mpanies and m*xed ca*i*al com*ani** *ontrolled by t*e Union (BRAS*L: 2014).
In te*ms of socioeconomic *nclusio*, we also c*nsider Law No. 12,71*, of August 29,
2012, which p*ovi*es for admiss*on to *ederal un*ve*si*ie* and federal high-level tech*ical
ed*cation ins*itution* and other me*sures, ensur*ng that in federal high*r education
ins*itut*ons linked *o the Ministr* of Edu*atio* will reser**, in eac* selective *ompetit*on **r
admis*ion to un*ergradua*e courses, by cou**e and shift, at least 5*% (*ifty percent) of their
vacancies *or st*dents w*o have co*pleted *ig* *chool *n public scho*l* (BR*SI*: *012).
Rev. FSA, Teresina P*, v. 1*, n. 9, art. 8, p. *51-171, se*. 2022 www4.*sanet.com.*r/revista
Y. May
Finally, it is interesti*g to ment**n Law No. 13,445, of Ma* 24,
*017, which
e*tablish*s the Mi*rati*n Law, which in it* art. ** ensu*es t*at *fter **ceiving the asylum
re**est, the Federal Police *epartmen* will **sue a *rotoco* *n fa*or of the applicant and his
group that i* in t*e na*ion*l territory, which will authorize th*
stay until **e final
deci*ion of **e p*oc***. Since that *rot*col will allow the M*n*stry of Labor to issu*
pro*isio**l work *ard, for *h* exercise of remunerated ac**vit* in the country (BRASIL:
Also gua**nt*ei*g, in it* art. 4*
t*at **e recogni*io* of c*rtifi*at*s
t he
r*quir*ments for obta**ing resid*nt status a*d admissio* to academic i*stitut*ons at all leve*s
s *oul *
be facilitated, taking *nto account **e unfavorable ***uation experience*
by refug*es
(BRASIL: 2021).
**rthermor*, t*e *m*igrant *s *ssured *h*t publ*c pol*cies must observe *he f**lowin*
principles a*d guidelines: i) protection and *rovision of consular as*is*ance through Brazil*an
repre**ntat**ns abroad; ii) p*omotion o* dec*nt livi*g conditions, *hro*gh, am**g *thers, th*
fac*lita*ion of consula* registration and the provis*on o* cons*lar ser*ices related to *he areas
o* educa*ion, health, *ork, social **cu*i*y and *ulture; ii*) p*omo*ion o* studies *n* resea*ch
o* emigrants and Brazili*n commun*ties abroad, in orde* to suppor* t*e formulation of **bli*
pol*cies; iv) dip*oma*ic act*on, at the bilater*l, regional and multilateral le*els, in defense of
t*e rights of Brazilian emigrants, in accordance wi*h int*rnatio*al law; v) integ*at*d
actio*, with t*e
participation of gov**nmen*
bodies acting i*
the thematic a*e*s
menti*ned in items I, II,
II* and *V, aiming to assist *razili*n communities abroad; vi)
permanent *ffort
to redu** *ureaucra*y, up*ate and mode*nize the service sys*e*, *ith
t he
*bject**e of impr*ving assi*tanc* *o em*grants (BR*SI*: *021).
With the implemen*atio* of these policies, the*e is the e*fectiv*nes* of material
equalit*, *in*e it already known that in order to achieve ideal equality, unequa*s must be is
tre*ted unequally in the me*sure of the*r
inequalities. *t is
*nd*rstood that *uch policies
for economic devel*pment, as
is the distribution
** wealth throug*
* he
b**ak*ng of ba*riers that delay *ul* deve**pm*nt, such as p*ejudice, **r exa*ple, *s *e*l as *he
*pprec*at*o* of soc*al diversity, causing for exclude*
groups or mi*oritie* to conquer t*eir
socia* space, causing the full devel*pm*nt of all, it als* mak*s th* b*si**ss secto* pl*ralized,
a*d in gen*ral they *nd up prepari*g young p*ople for *h* job market, as *s the case of wor*
permi** for young p*ople ap*rentices and
the internsh*p *t*elf, cau*ing an adv*nce in
t he
strategi* *ir*ction *f t*e *ompany in the sen*e o* socia* *espo*si*ility.
R*v. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 1*, *.9, art. 8, p. 151-171, set. *022 www4.fsan*t.com.*r/re**sta
Corpora*e Social *u*ct*on and Pu*li* P*licies *or Socio*conomi* Inc*usion i* Brazil
*s seen *t the first moment, it is the duty of the State to regulate publ*c
accord*ng to social *emands, h*wever, their fulfillment occu** in a plu*al way, t*rough
t he
i***r*elatio*ship of the p*blic a*d private sect*rs, assumi*g the private sector, a* the momen*,
a *ollective duty, the so-cal*ed princip*e of b*siness social function.
T*e pri*cip*e o* the social function of the company has as f*undatio** fo* its
conceptuali*ation *he social f*nctio* o* private property t*geth*r with an *cono*ic o*der
based on th* *ppr*ci*tio* of hum*n wor* an* fre* init*ative, articles 5, item **III and 170,
item III of *he Con*titu*ion of the B**zilian F*der*t**e Rep*blic 1988, *e*p**tivel*. In sh**t,
en*uri*g a dignified lif* through t*e econo*y *tself (B*ASI*: 1988).
All *n*ividuals ar* *uarantee* t*e r*ght *o private property, conseque*t*y t*e
o*nersh*p of the m*ans *f production, thr*ugh the f*ee exerc*se of busines* econ*mi*
activities. Howe*er, the Federal Con**itu*ion
itself imposes a limita*io* *n thi* right, as
t he
property mus* har**niously serve not *nly private inte*ests, but also c*llective i*teres*s, thus
**lfilling *ts social funct*on.
T*ere is the* a ri**t an* *uty in relation to *he exer*ise *f privat* prope*t*, there i* **
*bsolute freed*m in the r*ght t* p*operty **d, ther*fore, in t*e exercise of business activities.
There a*e great*r in*er**t* to be pursued than t*e *ucrative desires, which have to be exercised
in consideration of the ot*er in*e*e*ts that **r*ound it,
t*e i*te*e*t* of employe*s,
the tax
authorities and the community (TOMAZETT*: 2018).
Th*o*gh this principle, he rec*nciled confl*cti** p*inciples, n*mel*, the principl* *f
pri*a*e property, which
**a*a*tees *rivate/individua* right*, and the princ*ple *f social
*unctio*, which aims *o guara*tee coll*ctive interests. For this, a req*irem*nt was impose* f**
the gu*rantee of privat* property, whi*h is the fulfillment of it* soc*al function.
In or*er t* do *o, we star*ed from the prem*se that in *os*-mod*rnity we w*rk *it* the
concept of propert* in t*e bro*d sense, *n*luding all patrimonial po*er oppos*bl* to th* s*cial
group. This *uts withi* reach of the fu*ctio* all individual and s*cial power, be i* political,
e*onomic, *f whatever natur*. Conclu*ing t*at withi* th*s con*ext, not
only t** *oncept of
pr*perty *s modif*ed, but the e*tire paradigm (PILAT*: 2012).
*n thi* *ias, since *he co*pany is a private proper*y, wh*ch has pol*t*cal an* eco*o*ic
*ower, w*en starting from *h*s new paradigm def*nded b* Pilati, in the sense that *ver*thing
tha* encom*asses p*ivate prop*rty in pos*-modernit* brings with i* the duty of fulfill its soci*l
Rev. FSA, *er*sina PI, v. 19, n. 9, *rt. 8, p. 151-171, se*. 2022 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista
Y. May
functio*, according to collective i*terests, emerging a new st*ucture and business conc*pt, as
the colle*t*ve starts to *a** the same weight as the *ndividu*l property right.
*a*io C**lho (2017) *onc*ptualiz*s the social busine*s function in *he *ens* *hat *t *s
*u***lled when
the **mpany *e*erates jobs, ta*es, dist*ibut*on of wealt*, c*nt**b*ting to th*
economic, *o*i*l and *ultu*al *evelo*ment wh*re it **era*es, adopting susta**a*le **siness
prac*ic*s , ai**ng
**re to
th* environment, *s *el* as to *ul*ill *ts duties towar*s
*mploy*e* b* co*plying with *he labor laws that aim to guar*nte* dignity in the *xerc*se of
work. That is, it fulfills its *ocial *unction *he*
it is strictly complyi*g w*th legislation
rele*ant to its eco*omic activities, as wel* as all t*e *acets that involve i*.
Within this c*n*ext, Z*noti (2006) adds *hat thi* *eans *ha* the pursu*t o* prof*t *oes
*ot *ive permission *o *es**se the ap**eci**ion of the dign*ty
of the *um** person,
*epres*nted, i* short, by the due respect for the well-being of employees and t*e s*rro***ing
co*munity; by permanen*l* *ptim*z*n* the qua*ity *f its goo*s or services; for loyalty *o *h*
St*te and supp*iers, and for the prese**ati*n *f the *nvir*nment.
T*e need *or concern with the social *s *osited
*n the *hapter tha* dea*s wi*h th*
'Economic Ord*r', i* Art. *70, of the F*deral C*ns*itution: The ec*nomic order, fou*ded on
the val**ization of hu*an work and free initiative, aims to ensure everyone'* *xistence is
dignified, acco*ding *o t*e dictate* of social justi*e [...]. For such id*as to be made p*ssible, it
is essential that t*e princi*les t*at are established in t*e same Art. 170 a** observed.
*ith **is, the admi**strator receives a *ifficult mi*sion, *hat o* reco*ciling econo*i*
a*d so*ial *nterests, for
t*rough *n ethical s*ance in decis*on-maki*g, which Zanoti (2*06)
sco**d well in
the sense of respe**in* the soc*al *ell-be*ng of employees, as wel* as
t he
community in whic* it i* inse*ted. Thi* dualism must be the funda*en*a* p*oblem that every
company, with an eth*cal p*s*ure, need* to ma*age.
Goias (2014) conte*tualiz*s the social business *u*ct**n from th* perspective *hat the
company o**anizes itself as a **i*ate agent, as a rule, and seeks its own ben*fits, incur*ing in
the capi*alist regime of *ar*et freedom *nd initi*tive. B*t as it is * l**ge-s*ale
acti*ity, *t interferes wi**ly in the social environme*t, re***ving n*t *nly rights, but espe*ially
*bliga*ions, which is justified in view of the strength with which it operates i* *he economy.
Curren*l*, there is ta*k of constituti*na*iza*io* of
civil law, *ue to the
r*quiremen* that
prope*ty me*t its social fun*tion (CRFB/88, art. 5, XXIII).
Coelho (2017) elabora*es *hat *he social scenari* tha* * com*any can involv*, in
ad*ition to the
int*rests *f entrepreneurs, the par**ers o*
the bu*iness soc*ety a*d
namely, the interest* *f work*rs, focusing on the pr*servat*on of *heir jo*s, with decent work
Rev. FSA, Teresin*, v. 19, n.9, art. 8, p. 151-171, set. *022 *ww4.f*anet.com.br/*evist*
Corporate Social Fun*tion and Public P**ici** *or Socioeconomic Inclusion in Brazi*
and salary *mprovemen* , cons*mers, tax authoriti*s, as well *s the colle*t*ve o* diff*se meta-
individua* in*erest* of the collectivity, s*ch as th* local, *eg*onal, n*tional and glob*l
*conom*, which is *he com*itment to deve*opment.
F** Mas*oli (2015), the social fu*ction of the comp*ny would b* * natu*al resu** of i*s
ow* developme**, with th* generat**n of jo*s, paym**t of taxes, *irculation o* wealth, am*ng
ot**rs. Adding th*t *h* corp*rat* social function is *aterialized by co*plying with the *ules
of Consumer Law, Competition Law and Lab*r *aw.
The term corporate s*c*al function is present in the Corpora*ion L*w **d in
* h*
J*di*ia* an* Extrajudicial Reorg*n*za*ion L*w, and in Law 6,404/76 (Brazilian Corporat*on
*aw), in articles 116 and 154, it contai*s the det**mination tha* *he shareho*d*r The co*troller
ha* the *uty to use it* power to *eet t** company's o*n obje*tives, as *ell a* to *nsur* that *t
fulfills *ts socia* *uncti*n, that is, it m*st ful*i*l its duties and resp*ns*biliti*s towa*ds the other
s*a*eholders of the c**pa*y, *hose wh* wo*k *n it and f*r with the community w*ere
operates, **o*e ri**t* and *ntere*ts it mu** loyally respect and att*nd, being dili*en* in all
decisions to be take*, in order
t* en*ure such obj*ct*ves *ithout *eviat*on from purpose
(BRASI*: 197*).
In j*dicial *eorg*nization, L*w No. 1*,*01/200*, the pri*ciple *f soc*a* function *s t*e
found*tion to *ustify the need for
judicial reorga*i*at**n, *ervin* as a bas*s for
making, together with interpreting
*he will of
a*d debtors. *n other w**ds, when
working on a judicial re*rganizat*on *ne must al*ays keep in mind it* so*i*l f*nction. If th*
co**a*y can perform it* social fu*ction ver* well, there a justif*c*tion for **rth*r effor*s is
to*ar*s **s rec*very (TOMAZETTE: 2018).
Also, ** the *udicial and Extraju*i*ia* Reorgani*ation Law, i* a*ms to make it possible
to o*ercome *he debtor's economic-financial cri*is sit*ation, in order to allow t*e *ain*enance
of the pr*ducing source, the *mploymen* of work**s and the int*rest* of *reditors, thus
p*omoting the preser*a*ion of *he company, its social fu*ction and th* stimulus to econ*m*c
*ctivity, ** expressly p*ovided for in article *7 (BRASIL: 2005*).
The*efore, p*esent is *he requir*men*, on t*e *art of t*e c*ntrollin* shareholder, *o ac*
responsibl* wi*h its pow*r *f c*ntrol, in ob*dience to t*e *ocial function of the com*any, in
t* its duties of
diligenc*, *e*ng vetoed the deviat*o* of *ur*ose
that is the socia*
fun*tion itself. and the speci*i* objectives of t*e *ompan* (BRASIL:1976).
Massoli (2015) explains th*t It is i*por*ant to assert that the e**r**se *f the social
function, b* *he con*roll*ng shar*hold*r, mus* occu* primaril* at the general *eeting, as it is
in this scen*r*o that, in fact, he has *he conditions to exe*cise hi* power. *t a ti*e o*tside th*
Re*. F*A, Teresina *I, v. *9, *. 9, art. 8, p. 15*-1*1, *et. 2022 www4.fsanet.com.br/revi*ta
Y. Ma*
meeti*g, the
**a*eholder w**l *er*fy the performance of t*e m*nag*rs,
wi*h**t *xceeding th* *imit of *h*ir attributions, as a s*areholder. The develo*me*t o*
busines* ac*ivi*y, obvi*u*ly, moves *he
ec*nomy and generate* patrimo*ia* and off-balan*e
s*eet eff*cts
t he
*aily li*es
of se*era* people, whether physica* or legal. T*e fact is tha*,
especially when *t comes *o **rge com*anies,
the ref***ti*n
o* t he
decisions *ake* by
* he
company, in the fulf*llment of its object, *as the power to *om*letely cha*ge the routin* of a
signific*nt *ange of entiti*s.
R*quião (2**9) *xplains that the comp*ny ends u* ass*m**g severe and serious duties
to*ard* th*
*n which it operates. *anagers must
recon*ile [...] multiple and
diffe*ent interests, of which *ro*it i* the main one, but not the only *ne. Concluding that every
com*any must behave a* * responsible pa** *f the social aggregate in which it ope*ates.
The administrators, therefore, ha*e the ethical-soc*al duty, the d*ty *f di*igence and
th* prohibition of the m*suse of power, h**ing as *u**ification th* *e*d t* *revent
t he
deviat*on of their social *u*cti*ns, w*i*h occ*rs also through soci*e*onom*c i*clu*ion itsel*.
The company *s the key to *chieving the desir*d so*ial and
eco*omic in*lusion
throu*h the *m*lementation of *ubli* policies previously studi*d, *hrough socioecon*mic
inclusion, whi*h not on*y distri****s w*alth, b** main*y has th* duty to guar*ntee decent wor*
th*o*gh the *ppli*a*ion of l*bor law*, t*e aim is *hen econ*mi* deve*op*ent, pass*ng thro*gh
the fulfi*lment of the **e* soci*l business fun*ti*n, *n whi*h all f**ets of soci*ty win, a k*y
p*int for socia* b*la*c*.
The Sta*e reg*la*es the pub*ic policy
of s**i*-**onomi* inclusi*n, *** it is in
t he
pri*ate sector, thro*gh companies,
t*at th* regul*ted pub*ic polici*s *r* ful*i*led, w**h
t he
com*any *ssuming a coll**tive duty, *he so-called corporate social func*ion. Companies in
the establish*d *conomic order, that is, ca*it**ism, companie* a*sume an indispensable role,
because it is not only responsib*e for the dis*r*bution of we**th, but t*e ful*i**ment of specific
p*blic po*icies, which
*a* the *ole not o*ly *f pluralizing th* env*r**m*nt.
b****ess, but
mainly *o *nclude individu*ls socioeconomi*al*y thro*g* decent work, that *s, in complian*e
t he
norms of the I*O, CRFB/88, CLT, t*gether with t*e implementati*n
of specific
nor*s for the soci*econ*m*c incl*sion of you*g people, of the eld*rly, of the wome*, *f t*e
Rev. FSA, Ter*sina, v. 19, n.9, art. 8, p. 151-17*, *et. 2022
Corporate Social F*nction and *ub*ic Policies for S*cioe*onomic Inclusion in Brazi*
6 ***CLUSIO*
Publ*c Regulatory Polic*es *re about the *m*lementation of rules betw*en
publ i c
*ow** an* s*ciety, mediatin* a*ti*n* between actors of society and the St*te, determi*ed by
the **ate
itself, a*min* to res*ond to *emands, social needs, as wel* as to ex*an*
and make
effective *itizenship righ*s. Assuming a specific rol* in social relations, as they d*f*ne rules
and proced*r*s t*at reg*late the behavior of thos* involved to meet th* g*nera* i*terests of
soc*ety, thro*gh orde*s and p*o*ibitions, decr*es *n* ordi*ances.
Faced wit* the *ower of the S*ate in c*r*ain soc*al *sp*cts, it has t*e *uty, th*r*f*re, to
*nter*ene in *he pr*vate sector in o*der t* imp*ement fu*dam*ntal r*ghts, *s is
**e case
wo*k, *hich is the epicenter of *he organizat**n of socia* life and th* ec*nomy, an instru*e*t
mos* rel*vant for the af*irmation o* t*e huma* bei**, bei*g the pillar of the structu**ng of the
e*o*om*c, social and *ultural ord*r o* t** minim*lly d*mocratic capi*alist society, as studied.
It *s consti*uted as the
most important vehicl*
of s*cio-economic affi*matio* *f th*
majority of the individu*ls th*t make up the capitalis* s*ciety, with *he ch*ra*ter of be*n* the
most re*ev*nt me*ns of *u**antee**g a minimum of social *owe* to the great mas* of the
population, whi*h is, unfortunately, *n its major*ty, de*tit*te of *ealth an* other *awf*l me*ns
of attaini*g wea**h its*lf.
T*erefore, w* con**ude that work plays a fu*damental r*le i* guara*tee*n* hu*an
dignity, s*nce throug* decen* work t*e wealth distributio* is g*aranteed. It becomes the m*st
*mpor*an* instru*ent of *oci*ec**omic inclusion. For its pro*er exe*u*i*n, the work mu*t be
properly regul*ted and pr*tected by l*gal no**s, aimi*g to p*ovide a c*ns*stent le*el
i*di***ual, fam*ly, soc*al, economic *nd even ethical affir*ation.
*ithin this b*as, public po*icies for socioeconomic incl*sio* are of great impo*tance,
such *s those tha* guarantee th* entry into hig*er ed*cation o* people who have alway*
stu*ied thro*gh public education, and it is possibl* to assume that they ar* *f l*we* inco*e,
together with the law that guar*ntees p*o*essional e*perience, such as the autho*i*ation of the
young apprentice an* the *nte*nship i*self. Also t*e laws t*at ai* *t material equali*y, as is t*e
case of t*ose that g*a*an**e work t* *he *lder*y, the bla*k and the woman, prevent*n* social
*iscrimination aim*ng at full social development.
H*we*er, for the proper fulfillment *f such regulat*ry policies *f s*cioec*nomic
inclusion, the privat* sect*r, th* bus*ness sector, *esponsible for fulfilling these *ollec*ive is
*eeds, wh*c* as we *ave seen a new par*dig*, *inc* it ha* is
changed b*si*ess *orizons,
because i* added to its p*rp*ses, in addit*on t* pro*it, the social function i*self. I* the cur*e*t
R*v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 19, n. 9, art. *, p. 151-*7*, set. *02* www4.fs*net.c*m.br/revista
Y. M*y
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nece*sa*y to balan*e all sectors *owards t*e desire* d*ve*op*ent, and then to f*lfill t**
corporate *ocia* *unction.
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*ontribuição *os Au*or*s
Y. May
1) concepção * *lane*am*nto.
2) anál*se e interpre*ação d*s dados.
3) el*boração do rascunho ou na revisão crítica do conte**o.
*) participação na aprov*ção da v*rsão final *o *anuscrit*.
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a P*, v. *9, n. 9, *rt. 8, p. 1*1-171, set. 2022
- Não há apontamentos.

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