Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *0, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2*2*
IS*N Impresso: 1806-*356 ISSN E*etrôn*co: 2317-2983
Const*uct and Survey of the Dimensions *s*d to Asses* th* Quali** of Commercial **bsites: A
Sys*ematic Revi*w
Con*t*ução e Lev*ntamento das **mens*es Utiliz*das *ara Av*l*ar a Qua*idade de Sites
Comer*ia*s: Uma Revisão Si***mática
Ma*heus Fernando M*ro
PhD in P*oduction En*ineering from Un*ve*sity Federal Un*versity o* Sa*ta Catar**a
Resea*ch*r in Product*o* *ngineer*ng Department (UF*C)
*-mail: moro*mi@hotmail.c*m
Anny Key de Souza *end*nça
PhD in Pro*uct*on *ngin*ering fro* Un*v*rsity Fed*ral *niversity of S*nta Catarina
Researcher in Pro*uction Enginee*i*g *e*ar*ment (*FSC)
*-*ail: anny.mendonc*@p*sgra*.ufsc.br
Dal*on Franc**c* de Andrade
PhD in Biosta*istic* f*om Univer**t* of N*rth Caro*ina at Chap** Hill, USA.
*rofess*r at the De*artm*nt of Info*matic an* Stati*tics from **iversida*e Federal de Sa*ta C*t*rina
E-mail: dalton.da*d*ade@ufs*.br
Rafa** Tezza
*hD in Production Engi*eerin* *rom University Federal U*iversit* of Santa Catarina
Profes*or at t*e *epartmen* of Busine*s Ad*i*ist*ation
E-mail: r*fael.tezza@udesc.br
En*ereço: Mat*eus *e*nando *oro
Editor-Chefe: Dr. T*nny Kerley *e A**ncar
(UF*C), Camp*s Trin*a*e, PO B*x 476, 88040-900
Florianopoli*, Santa Catarina, B*a**l.
An*y Key de Souz* Men*onça
Artigo *ecebido em *1/12/2022. Última versão
(UFSC), C*mp*s T*indade, PO Box 476, 88040-900
re*ebida *m 15/*2/2022. Aprovado em 16/12/202*.
Florianop*lis, *anta Cata*ina, Brasil.
Dalton Fr*ncisco de **drade
Avaliado pelo sistema T*i**e R*view: a) De** Rev*ew
(*F**), Campus Tr*ndade, *O Box 476, *8040-900
pel* E*itor-Ch*fe; e b) Double Blind Review
*l*r*anopolis, Sa*ta Catarina, Bra*i*.
(*v*l**ção cega por d*is avaliadores da *re*).
Rafa*l Tezza
Av. *adre Be*venuta, 2037, Itacorubi, 88035-001
Revis**: Gramatical, Nor*ativa e de Formatação
Flo*i*nopolis, *anta Cata*i*a, *rasil.
Construct and Survey of *he Dimen*i*ns used to Assess the *uality *f *ommercial Websites:
M*intaining *n
a*tractive, e*sy-to-use we*site th*t
*ta**s ou* i* t** indust*y in *h**h it
*per*t*s is a *remi*e for any bu*i**ss that *ntend* to use t** i*ternet eff*ctively. However,
users to *ncounter many problems when inter*cting with websites, and
thi* is because
many organizations do *ot hav* a complete understan*ing of wha* a we*site r*a*ly me*ns
to them. Although the** is a *ot of evide*ce in the form *eta-analysis reviews related to
websi** quality
assessme*t, a systematic revie* of the*e meta-analyses is *acking in
t he
literature. Our o*jectiv* was *o synthesize the exist*ng lite*ature to id*ntify the m*in
di*ensi*ns and *nalysis methods assoc*ated with website q*al*ty assessmen*. Following
the recom*endations P*ISMA
statemen* for systemati* reviews, we reviewe* *elevant
arti*les identifi*d in the Web of Science *n* Scopu* d*tabases. A total of 38 o*iginal
re*earch articles re*ate* t* *ebsite quality *ssess*ent were r*trieve* and selected for
eligi*il*t*. The *esults pr*sent an overview *f s*udie* on website q*al*ty as*essment,
*de*tifying the mai* *riteria **ed for their as*e*sment. Our r*vie* sh**s that there
m*r* than a hundred dimension* used in stud*es to assess t*e qualit* of website*, ho*eve*,
these *imensions ha*e simi*arities and theref*re we*e g*oup*d, providing * broad v*ew of
*h* most used di*e*si*n*.
Keyw*rds: Websi*es qualit*. Websit*s evaluat*on, Electronic
commerc*, Electroni*
Manter um site a**aente, fácil *e usar e q*e
se destaque no setor em que
atua é um*
premissa p*ra qua**ue* empresa que
pr*tenda u***izar i*ternet d* a
forma eficaz.
e*tant*, o* usuári*s *nc*ntr*m mui*o* problemas ao interagir com site*, isso ocorre e
p**que muitas organ*zações não t*m um *ntend**e*to complet* do que um s*te realmente
si*ni*ica para eles. Embora haja m*ita* evidên*ias na forma *e revisões ** meta-an*lise
rel*ciona*as à avaliação da qualidade do s*te, uma **visão siste*ática *e***s *e*a-aná*i*es
est* faltando
na *ite*at**a. Nosso obj*tivo foi sintetizar a literatu*a e*is*ente para
identificar as
dime*sões e métodos de anál*s* as*oci*dos à avali*çã*
q*a**dade do websit*.
S*guindo as
recomenda*ões da declaração PR*SM* p*ra revi*ões
*istemáti**s, r*v*samos arti*o* relevantes ident*fic**** *as base* de dados Web of Science
* Scopus. Um total de 38 artigos
de pesqui** originais **l*cionad*s à avali*çã*
q*a**dade d* s*te fora* *ecuperado*
e selecionados para e*egibilida**. Os *e*ult*dos
um *anorama
d*s est*dos sobre av**iação da qua*idade de web*ites,
ident*fic*nd* o* pr*ncipais critér**s *tilizados par* s** avalia*ão. No*sa r*visão m*stra **e
*xistem mai* *e uma c**tena de dimensões ut*lizada* em *studos pa*a avaliar a qual*dade
de sit*s, porém, essa* d*me*sõe* possuem *emel*anças e por is** f**am agru*adas,
proporciona*do uma *isã* ampla das d*mensõ*s *ai* *tili*adas.
Palavras-chave: Q*ali*ade de sites. Av*l*açã* de We**ites. Comér*io Ele**ônic*.
*egócios *l*tr*n*cos.
Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, **v. *023
*. F. M*ro, *. K. S. Men*onç*, *. *. Andrade, *. Tezza
The digital transformation in all layers s*gnif*cantly changing is
the way as *eople do
business aro*nd the world. As a resul*, many dai*y processes are ex*cu**d in a
to*a*ly vir*ual
way. *esides, a* a r*s*l* of th* impact o* the *O*ID-19 *andemic, there is *ven a greater n*ed
of **os t i ** t *e
de**lopmen* o* soluti*ns and virtual pl*tf*rms (*ed*iros, *ol*oni, Batista
Junior, & Rocha, 2020; Tr*n, 20**).
T*us, companies no*m*lly use re**urces in electro*ic media suc* as websites to a**ract
mo*e c*s*omer* and to h*ve *u*cess in *n increasingly co*petiti** market, **ming *o serve the
*r*wing dem*nd of consu*ers from d*gi*al media. H*wever, us*rs ha*e * t*ndency o* finding
ma*y pro*lems during
the interaction w*th websites *nd *his *s pr*bably due *o the f*ct th*t
sometimes the use of technology i* n*t well succee*ed (Kabassi, 2018). T*is hap**ns be*ause
many organ*zat*ons fa** in understanding *hat * site re**ly represen*s to them. So, *any sites
have *s*bility and f*nct*o**lity pro*lems and the inter*ction with *hem i* co*pli*ated. Many
res*arc**rs h*ghlight the nee* of eval*atin* the qu*l**y of sites (Fogli & Guida, 2018; Lopes &
Melão, 2016; *ngsakul e* al., 2020).
F*r tha* reason, di*f*ren* experime*ts of ev*lu*tion **re s*arched to ev*luat* th*
*ualit* o* sites. Des*it* many trials being made in order to approach th* *v*luation o* s*tes f*r
different catego*ies, there is n*t yet * m*tho* *r * technique univ**sa*ly accept** o* do*n* this
eva*uat*o* (Ece*, 2014; *abassi, 2*18; Kam*sh, Bhanu, & Sastry, 2018; K*ól & Zdonek,
2020). *n order t* evaluate
the *uality
of *he site b* counti** only the access*s in *ages or
usi*g a single criter*on only, such *s the f**ility of browsing, is not precise (Kabassi, 2018).
Instead o* *his, t*e ev*lua*ion of a site generally depen*s upon *everal criteria to capture all
dime*sio*s o* the *ina* product/*ervice. Therefor*, *he qu***ty of we*sites is trea**d a*
multidime*sional vari*ble (Tezza, Borni*, Spenassato, & Tri*rweiller, 2*16), al*hough there is
*ot a conse*sus *bout what ar* its dimens*ons (Ongsakul et *l., 2020).
Ev*n co*sidering that sever*l resea*ch**s s*ruggle* in *reating eval*ati*n models
Rev. FSA, Te*es*na, v. 2*, n. 2, art. *, p. *-34, fev. 20*3
Co**truct and Survey *f *he Dim*nsions used t* Assess the *ualit* of Comme*cial Websites:
To *nsw*r *he*e questions, *h*s study c*rries out a systemati* literature review
cons*de*ing *eb*ites evalu*tion stud*es. Co*ducting effective re*iew* of literature is es*en*ial
to adv*nc* knowledge and to understa*d the b*eadth of research on a topic of inte*est, in
additio* t* sy*thesizing the em*ir*cal evide*ce *nd providing a *asis **r **bsequent research,
identif*ing the researc* topics
or domains that require *ur*her inve*tigation (Paré, Trudel,
Jaana, & Kits*ou, 2015). *her*fore, du*
* o t h*
explora*o*y natur* of *he m*thodology, *his
res*a*ch *ene*ates knowledge a*d highlights fu*ure research directions.
1.*. Webs*te quali*y evalua*i*n
The concept of website quality *tt*a*ted * huge attention *or researche*s a*d *ro*ess*ona**
of *he sector (*ngs*kul et al., 2020). It is a *onsensus that the quali** of the sit* has a
multidim*nsi***l interf*ce. *n academic literat*re, the q*ality of th* sit* is n*rm*lly rec*gniz*d
as a critical sta*e to push online busi*ess. The*efore, *undreds studies were *edicated to the
quality and e*aluation *f sites. Those stud*es were made i* sev*ral *rea* and in diff**ent
proportio*s. For Król and Zdonek (202*) the type of **alu*tion may *e split in t*o m*in
grou*s: (i) off-s*te, relating with the *nvironment of t*e site; *o* *ns*anc*, the n**ber of links
rece*ved **d the number of signals in social medi* and (ii) on-site, regar*ing the qual*ty of use
of * site (see Figu*e *).
Figure 1. S*ruct**e of ev*l*ation *f website quality.
Off-si*e *u****y may *e evaluated by auto*atized *nd*xes available on th* web. A*t*ough
they are trustable, t*ey *hould no* be **ed a* an index of website qual*ty, be*a*se they are
developed *s the r*sult *f an evaluat*o* of **e bas*c at*ributes of the site, being used more as a
*ev. FS*, Teresina PI, v. *0, n. 2, ar*. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
M. F. Moro, A. K. S. *endonça, D. F. Andrade, R. Tezza
*isib**ity index. Król and Zdonek (202*) e*plo*es the *ff-site quality, however *n this stu*y we
will give empha**s to the on-s*te quality. The on-site quality may be e*aluated by means of two
vis*ons, the first one about t*e perception of users, t*e seco*d one made wit* t*e ***vey *f
cr*teria us*d in other models. Users are not able to evaluate te*hn*cal characteristics o* th* site,
such as the accessibili** criter** **d *sing t*e *pti*s of the proje**. It possib*e to eva*uate, is
*ut*ing those char*cteristics together, mo*e the o*es *egarding the non-*echnica* c*aract*ristics
such as *nformation and design.
In several res*arch *ssay*, in ord*r to *xamine the q*ality of *he *ite, the concept of si*e
quality was initially l*mit** to usabilit* (Kua*, Bock, & *at*a*o*has, *0*8). Usability i*
characteri**ic of s*ste* *rojects
and *s defined *y
the internati*nal Org*nizat*on for
Standardization as t*e **tension w*ere a p*oduct ma* be us*d *o reach goals with efficacy,
e*fi***ncy and satisfactio* (ISO 9241-11). Several s*u*ies meas*red the *sabil*t* *f s*tes usin*
those t*ree domains (f*r ins***ce, (Gree* & Pearson, 2006; Roy, Pa*tnaik, & Ma*l, 2014; Teo,
Oh, Liu, & *ei, 200*)). N**mally, previous r*searc*e* of usability in*icated *hat
usabi*ity is associated *ith several positive resul*s such as reducing the numbe* of errors, more
p*ecisio*, more po*iti*e aptitude reg*rdin* t*e destin*tion system a
grea*e* use (Nie*sen,
2*00). *or Kuan et al. (2008) *he quality of the si*e is a w*der fiel* en*ompassing usability,
s*ould foc*s on s*s*em quali*y
to in*rea*e customer conversion, *n*
on *ervice qu*lity *or
cus*omer retention.
Thus, sinc* th* middle of th* 9*s sev*ral res*ar*her* started to develop *odels in order to
e*aluate the qua*ity of websites u*der several pe*s*ectives. Abdall*h and Jaleel (*015)
*bserved th*t the **aluation structures of s*tes normal*y foll** an ap*roach of Infor*ation
Systems (*S) or of another combined approach. *nd the IS approa*h is focused in
aspects oriented t* *he t**hnology of the sites su*h a* *sabi*ity, navigability or quality of
information, thus providing a measur*me*t *or t*e technical ab*l*ty of the s*te d*veloper. On the
other hand, the
prop*sers of the marketing approac* put em*h*s*s
in factor* su*h as
advertising, on*ine transac**ons and c*s*om service. *he co**ined structure a mix *f *hose is
approaches with t*e tw* other ones. Table 1 resumes *ome e*aluati*n model* developed
mainly to evaluate e-commerce sites.
Although there is
no st*ndard methodology *o
analy*e w*bsite*, s**er*l st*dies provide
insights for *evel*ping an emb*aci*g s*r*cture. For
instance, the SiteQ*al (W*b* &
We*b, 200*) * to*l developed t* meas**e the pe*ceived q*al*ty of a
*hopping website,
n* n*
*lements that
are *ate*orized in f*ur main
dimensions: ease
o* us*,
Rev. FSA, *eresina, v. *0, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-*4, fev. 2023
C*nstru*t an* Survey of the **mension* use* to Assess the Q*ality of Commer*ial Websites:
speed p*ocessin* *nd securi*y. Although it is cons*dere* as * w*dely
*cc*pted model for
eva*uating **e qua*ity of t** online service, *t f*cus*s e*clus*vel* in t*e interfa*e of *he site,
even if *isc*unting the \cli*nt
*riented\ and oth*r aspects *f e-marketing. *t* applicabilit* is
limited to evalu*te the *fficacy of mark*ting in the web.
WebQu** was cre*ted b* *leanor T Lo*acon* et a*. (2002) a*d is a widel* use* web*ite
assessment tool. *l*ono* Loi**ono m*de *hre* updates to *ts m*del, cu**ently *EBQUAL is
co*posed *y 36 q*e**ions, 12 dimensio** *nd fo*r constru**s (Eleanor T *oiacono
et al.,
2007). T*is set
*f c*i*eria fr*m **e WEBQUAL *odel
beco*es a
determ*nant of the quality
percepti*n of a s*te and, in
c**seque*ce, *f the intention of u*er of *etur*ing to it a
Za*din, Zakuan, Ismail, & *shak, 2015; Y.-H. Lee & Le*, *017; McCoy, Everard, & L*iacono,
2*09). Sev*ral autho*s were based on W*bQual in order t*
*valuate the el*ctro*i* *erv*c*
(A**am e* al., 2***; Kim & Stoel, 2004a; S*n, Yang, Wang, & Zhang, 2015).
Th* *-S-Qual develope* by Ananthana*ayanan Pa*asuram*n et al. (2005) i* a modified
version of SER*QUAL (see (Anan**aranthan Parasuraman,
*eithaml, & Berry, 1985)) for
ev*lua**ng the q*ality of the electro*ic service in the e-comme*ce environment. *he t*aditio*al
SERVQUAL was *d**uate to meas*re the quality of all i*teractions and experiences with
companies not b*s*d on the interne* (Kang, Jang, & Par*, *0*6). H*weve*, *s the quality of the
el*ct*onic service (e-SO) became mo*e and *ore importa*t for de*e*mining the success of e-
commer*e a*plications, a *ew *e*hod of con*eptualizati** was ne**e*. The developm*nt of
the new version of SE*V*UAL *or the **ectronic context demanded the *eve*opmen* of
el*ctron** s*rvice dimensions.
Table 1. Websites eva*u*tion mode*s.
*rea of Ope*atio n
*n instrum*nt to obtain user feed*ack ** **e qualit* of the site in *erm* of: *eliability, Assured E*pathy, **rceived usability, and Trust*orthiness.
Business -t o - co**ume r (B2*)
(Webb & We**, 2*0*)
WebQ*al inclu*es 12 d*m*ns*o*s (inform**ional fit-to-tas*, ta*lored in*ormation, trust, response tim*, eas* of und*r*ta*ding, intuitive o*e*ations, vis*al appeal, inn**ativen*ss, emoti***l appeal, cons*s**nt i**ge, o*-line completene*s, r*lative adva*tage)
Business -* o - business (B2B)
(Eleanor T Lo**cono, Wa*s*n, & Go*dh*e, 2002, 2007)
Rev. FSA, Teresina P*, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
M. F. Moro, *. K. S. Mendonça, D. F. *ndrade, R. Tez**
The DeLone and *cLean model of in*or*atio * systems success
A model to mea*u*e the success of electronic commerce, c*eated *n 1992, had two d*m**sions: quality *f i*forma**o* and quali*y of the s*stem. It was *ubsequ**tly *p*ated, adding a *ew d*me*sion: quality of ser**ce.
Informati on Sy*tems
(DeLone & McLe*n, 1992, 2003)
MU* (Micros*ft *sability Gu*deli*es )
It presents Mi*ro*oft guidelines on usability *ot only *or websites, but for most software as well. It co*si*ts *f five dimensions: Content, Ease of Use, Promo*ion, Person*lizati** and Emotion.
Usability and *ar*etin g on the Mi*r*sof t *et*ork (MSN)
(Ke*ker, 199*)
Is a mo*i*ied versi** of SE*VQUAL for e*aluating t*e *ualit* of e*ectronic servic* in the e-com*erce enviro*men*, comprising four factors: Efficiency, Ful*ill*ent, System availability, and Privacy.
Online *tores
(Ana*t*ana raya*a* Parasur*ma n, Zeithaml, & *alhotra, 20**)
WEQ (Webs*t* Eval*ation Questi*nn aire)
Quest*onnaire *sed to detect and diagnose u*ability problems. *t co*si*ts of three dimensio*s: Navig*ti*n, c*nt*nt and layout.
Develop ment of *u*st*on naire *hat can be used by gover*m en* org*n*zat io n s
(Elli*g, L*ntz, & Jong, *007)
Scale f*r *easuring th* quality of eTail. The s**le consists *f four factors: *ebsit* des*gn, fulfillment / reliabili*y, *rivac* / sec*rity and custo*er s*rvice.
Online *tail
(W**fin*a* **r & Gil*y, 20*3)
*AMMI - (*ebsite Analysis a*d Meas*rem ent Inventory)
Model to measure user sati*fact*on *n relation to we* user in*erface *esi*n w*th five factors: attr*ctive*ess, controllability, efficiency, helpf*lness and learnability.
Chambe* of co**erc e
(Kirakowsk i & Cierlik, 1998)
B* means of the method composed by four dimensions (Eff*ciency, Fulfil*ment, S*ste*
avai**bi*ity, **d Privac*) as well as *2 others of sub criteria, customers evaluate the quality o*
Rev. FSA, Teres**a, v. 20, *. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. *023
Con*truct **d Survey of *he Di*ensio** used *o Assess the Qualit* of Commercia* Websites:
service deciding i* **ere is any ga* *etween their expectancie* a*d perc*ptions. I* th* level of
their percepti*ns about Quality of Service was gr*ater than *he le**l of
expectanci*s, then the
service provided is ac*eptable. If *heir perception wa* greater than th* le**l of expectanc*es the
service is idea*. Howev*r, if t*e perc*ptions of customers reg*r*ing the quality of ser*ice were
under the level of exp*ct*ncies, the se*vice is *nsatisfactory and t*is **s a negati*e e*fect in the
*ntent*on of repurchasing. Severa* a*th*rs bas*d o* E-S-Qual in or*er to evaluate the **ali*y *f
the elect*oni* service (Swa*d & Wigand, 2009).
The WAMM* dev*loped by the H*man Fa*t*rs Research Group (HFR*) in 1*99, it is a
questionnaire used a* a web*it* analysi* tool that me*sures and anal*ze* the *ser's exper*en*e
*f the *eb to help them achieve their *oa*s. Th* WAMM* c*nsists *f a question*aire with *0
questi*n* that was ev**uated through *ive options on a Lik*rt scale "St*ong** Agree", "Agree",
"Neutral", "Disa*ree" and "S**ongly Dis*g*ee". *AMMI al*o
*rop*sed its
own WAMM*
factors or also called
usability attr*but*s -
demonstrating how ea** *t is *o use *he
site, which
ar* (C*ar*dge, 2021):
Attractiveness - to be attractive the *i*e must be visually pleasing *o its users,
a*d als*
off*r advantages to responde*ts, whe*her i* terms of *uncti*nality or i*for**tion;
*ontrol*a*il*t* - for th* webs*te to *ave good control, users **st be a*l* to easily
nav*gate thr*ugh it and do *he things t*ey want with ease;
Efficien*y - to be e*fic*ent, user* must f*el
*hat they c*n quickly find a*d do what
interests th*m eff*ctivel* and economical*y, as well as feel that the s*te resp**ds at * rea*onable
Use**lness - in order to be of good use, t*e site *e*ds to meet users' expecta**ons about its
*ontent and structure;
Learning - In order for *he site to b* *ighly learnab*e, u**rs must be able to *se the site
wit* a *in*ma* *nt*oduc*ion, *her* everyt*ing i* *asy to und*r*ta*d from the star*.
Th*s to*l has been use* by many websites and has b*come popula* among *esearchers.
*h* statem*nts used in WAMMI a*e *tandardized and can*o* be chan*ed and the *uestionn*ire
c** be a*ce*sed *n **e WAMMI website (ht*p://www.wammi.com/que*tionnaire.ht*l).
WEG wa* developed ** Elling et al. (2007) based on t*e lit*ratu*e on us*bili*y and user
satisfac*i*n. WEG evaluat** the qualit* of *avigation, co*ten* a*d la**ut of
websites. The navigati*n dimension m*asure* u*e*s' opinions abou* the **fo*mation search
process, while
the *ontent dimensio* measures the re**lt of
t*is process, t*e q*ality
of t he
in*orma*ion fou*d on the site. The l*yo*t dimension is *elat** to t*e so-call*d "look and *eel"
R**. FSA, *eresina PI, v. 20, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2**3
M. F. Moro, A. K. S. Men*onça, D. *. An*rade, *. Tezza
of *he w*bsite, and re*ates to how y*u successfully ac*omplish *n appr*pr**te "look and feel"
f*r y**r Bus*ness-to-busine** website desi*n. WEQ has been refined *o a new *ersion w*ich
can be fo*nd in (Elli*g, Lentz, de *ong, & Van den B*rgh, 2*12).
*olfi*barger *nd G**ly (2*0*) de*eloped th* eTa*lQ - a 15-item sc*le, with the objective
of measuring custo*er pe*ceptions about the quality of *lec***nic retail. Th* scale contains four
factors: website design, reliability/se*vice, privac*/secu*ity, a*d *us*omer service. W*bsite
desi*n invo**es att*ibute* asso*iated with design, custome* inte*actions **th the
coveri*g nav*gation, inf*rm*tion search,
order pro*essing, perso*ali*atio* and
selec*i*n. The reliability/ser*ice s*ale
refers t* accurately r**resenting the
product so t**t
cu*tomers rec*ive *hat they *eally orde*ed, with on-time *e*ivery. P*iv*cy/security re*ers *o
e*s*ri*g the websi*e's securi*y, c*sto*ers sh*ul* f*el safe and trusting the website, and s*al*
*ust*m*r service
combin*s respons*ve, help*ul and determined service to resolve issues
quickly respondi*g to customer inqu*ries. eTail* i* pre*e*ted with a servi** qua*it* sca*e as it
consid*rs t*e measu**ment of **e *ebsite interface and the perceived dimensions of el**tronic
ser*ice q*ality, s*ch as security, *eliabili*y a*d cu**omer ser*ice.
The M**rosoft Usability Guideline* (MUG) proposed by Mi*rosoft in 2006, has be*ome *
k*y index i* the constructs of web usabili** a*sessm*nt. Th**e guideli*es ar* in five factors,
***ch *re (Venk*te*h & Rame*h, 2006): (1) conten*, (2)
usa**lity, (3) pr*motion, (4)
perso*ali**d se*v*ces *nd (5) emotions. According to S. Wang, L*, and *hu (*01*) usabil**y **
t*ought of as the ef*orts made by user* d***n* t*e web co*nition *rocess and is decid*d
structur*s, g*als and feedback. According to th*
authors, the structu*es refer to the g*n*ra*
organizatio*al structure of th* web; goals me*n whet*er or not t** web theme is de*i*ed an*
und*rstandabl*; *e*dback is the *peration a*d pr*g*es*ion infor**tion gi*en by the *eb *o
users. In thi* way, usab*lit*
can *e affect*d by the usability
of the v*ew, the usab*lity of the
st*uc*ure and *he usability o* the in*eract*on (*. Wa*g et al., *019).
In or**r to prov*de a parsimo*ious and unified view of *eb*ite qual*ty, the*e is th*
suc*essful In*orm*tion Syste*s (IS) *odel *e*one *n* *cL*an (19*2, **03) t*
**se*s the
attributes of a* e-*ommerce **bsite. *n
cont**st with quality mode*s of previo*s
sites, the *uccess model of *S fr** DeLone and McLean provides only
thr*e d**ensions of
qual*ty: Qua*ity
of Sy*tem, Quality *f Information and Qualit* *f *ervice, wh*ch
may capture a*l attr*butes identified in *reviou* s*udi*s regarding the quality *f we*site*. Using
th*se th*ee d*mens*ons of quality, se*eral attribut*s of
e*isting websi*e* may *e organized i*
or*er to form a more *arsim**i**s website structur* (Kuan et al., 2008).
Rev. *SA, Te*esin*, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 202*
Co*struct and Surve* o* the Dimens*ons *sed to *sse*s the Qua*ity of Com*ercial Websites:
In the model of DeLone an* McLe*n the quality of t*e system correspond* to the
techn*c*l level (*hara*teristi*s of th* e-commerce sy*tem use* by the si*e producing
infor*atio* about *he product), while *uality of info**ation is about its *emantic level (success
*f the *nfo*mation of products in the site during the placement of the intende* meanin*). Only
in 2*0* the model was
updated wh*n
d*mensio* Qualit* of Ser*i*e was ad**d, reflecting
* he
succes* o* the onli*e peripheral s*pport provided by mean* *f a *it* (for instance, f**dback and
freq*ent que*tio*s). Sever*l authors
have been using * tri*imen*i*nal m*d*l i* order to
evalua*e the quality of the websi** (J. V. *hen, Rungr*engsa*rit, *ajkumar, & Yen, 20*3;
Hsu, C*ang, & Che*, 201*; Hung-*oubert, 2017; *. Zh*u & Jia, 2018). *eL*ne
and Mc*ean
(2003) *rgue t*at a*tempts shou*d be *ade t* r*duce the number of measures dif*erent used to
measure *S su*cess.
2.*. Study search and selectio* st*ategy
A literature re*iew was performed u*ing the Preferred *e*orting Items *or *ystematic
Re*ie*s and Meta-Ana*y*is (*RIS*A) **id*lines a* show* in Figure 2. Considering that t*e
o*jective o* th*s research related ** *h* *dent*f*cation *f t*e main *imen*ions and anal**is *s
m**ho*s associated *ith q*al*ty ass*ssment of websites, w* searched *or studies tha* fit this
topic. The *atabase* inc*ude* in the search were the Web of Science an* Scopus.
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 20, n. 2, *rt. 1, p. *-3*, fev. 2023
M. F. Moro, A. K. S. **ndonça, D. F. Andrade, R. Te*za
Figure 2. F*ow chart *f search process.
Th* following search terms were *sed in al* d*t*bases: Webs*te q*alit* OR website
a*sessment *R *ebsite measur$ OR w*bsite assess*ent. A r*nge not limited *o one j*ur*a* of
*ubl**h** data and includ*d full journal d*ta arti*les up to *0**. To validate the key dates *sed
in searching long-st*nding *at*bases, we performed an adherence test. This test was perfor*e*
randomly *y an*lyz*ng ten *r*ic*es from *he documents identifie* in t*e ini**al search a*d
com*ari*g th*ir keys to as us*d in the search term*. T*is comparison showed that t*e keywords
u*ed initi*l** were p*rt of *he set of keywords i*clud** in the te* **ticles, sugg*sti*g
alignme*t with the research *opic and ignoring the nee* to incorporate add*t*onal keywords into
our se*rch (Table 2).
Tabl* 2. Con*oli*ation o* the research ax*s and definition of the Lit**a*u*e *ortfolio.
Re*aini** *ubli*ations a*ter
I n i* ia l
Se*rch T*rms
eac* filtering criteria
i ii iii
**bsite Website
Web of
486 958 185
q u a lit y
*s*ess*ent OR measur$
Re*. FS*, *eresin*, v. 20, n. 2, ar*. 1, p. 3-*4, fe*. 2023
*onstruct and Su*vey of the Dimensions used to Ass*ss the Qua*ity of Commercial Webs*tes:
N*** that this search pr*vided a l*teratur* portfoli* co*taining *136 d*cuments for
ana*ysis. During the screeni*g proc*ss, publ*ca*io*s (in En*lish *angua*e only) were analy*ed
accordi*g *o the following cri**ria: (i) only journal articles (ii) duplic**e ar*icles, (iii) a*ig**ent
of title, a*stract **d
keywords with the
resear*h **pic, (iv) ful* article a*alysis and *l*gnment
with the research topic, and (v) fe*dback. In the feedback, the *anua* search o* **e ref*rences
of the articles selec*ed in (i*) was also carried out to complement t*e searches in the data*ases,
in t**s way we captured art*cles align*d w*th the research topic in the reference* o* *he artic*es
sele*t** in (i*). We evidenc* here *hat in filter (iv), only article* that use* me**od* that v*lidate
scales were selected, *uch as Fact** An*lysis, It*m Response The*ry and/*r S*ructural *q*ation
The screen*ng of titles, abstracts **d ke*words, followed by full t*xt*, was perfor**d *y
th* *i*st au*hor (*FM) and *h* other authors indepen*ently revi*wed *h* selectio* of st*dies.
Any dis*repancie* were resolv*d b* discussion and consensus a*ong the a**hors.
Mendeley® *o*tware was used to suppo*t the fil**ring process. In*tially,
899 articles
withdraw* because t*ey wer* *ot from
j*urnals. *hen, d*e ** duplicate versi*ns,
27* wer*
dro*ped. After th*t, *7* articles were remo*ed bec**s* their titles and abstracts and keywords
were not in *ine with th* res*arch topic. Then, *f*er a **mp*e*e anal*sis of the articles, 24
arti*les were selected. In addition t* these, *nother 14 *r**c*es *e*e *ncorporated into the
re**ren*e, coll*cted fro* reference* of prev*ous ar*icles. Finally, *he 38 remaining works wer*
conside*ed as p*rt of the literatu*e portfolio (L*).
2.2. Lit*r*ture P*rtf***o Analysis
The *iterature a*alysis fac*litates the identif*cation o* trends i* scientific produ*tion in
different areas *f
re*earch. This an*lysi* first con*id*rs *he *P's 'basic variables', such as t*e
most a*siduous au*hors reg*rding the te*m and evolut*on of publications ove* time.
cont*nt an*lysis was p*rformed in re*ation *o the *ollowing "s**cific *ariables": (i) *ectors
e*al**ted by s*udies; (ii) *riteria m*st used to asses* *he quality of websit** and (iii) methods of
analysis. Thes* vari*bles pr*vide sup*ort to a*al**e the b*havior of stu*i*s o* we**ite quality
assessme*t, v*rifying *aps and f*aws that c*n be inves*igated in other studies
on the subject.
The *nalysis **so allows a better *nd*rstanding *f the pan*rama of *he su*ject, shedding l*ght
** aspe*ts t*at *re no* *et explicitly eviden**d in the literature.
Rev. *SA, Teresi*a PI, v. **, n. 2, ar*. 1, p. 3-34, f**. 202*
*. *. Moro, A. K. S. Mendonç*, D. F. A*dra*e, R. T*zza
3.1. Ba*ic Variabl**
Figure 3 pre*ents t** re*ul** *f the distr*but*on of publications *v*r time. As observed in
**gur* 3, the **rst pu*licati*n *n website quality assessme** was *egistered at the beginning of
this **nt*ry *ith an *ncre*s* in **blicatio*s i* 200* and 20*4. A*ter this p*r*od, the*e was *
slowdown in re**arch and c*nsequentl* in publica*ions for appr*ximate*y 10 years, re-
em*rg*ng a* an important area of re*earch after **15.
Figure 3. Dis***bution of publicat*ons over *ime.
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 20, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
Co*struct and Sur*e* of the D*mensions used to A*ses* the Quality of Com*ercial *ebsites:
The journal Informatio* and Manageme** *eceives r*sea*ch that impl*ments and manages
in*o**ation s*stems **plicati*ns, seekin* to co**ect *nd dissem*na** information on new
adva*ced developments in t*e field, p*ovidin* mat*rial for training an* *du*ation, encouraging
progress in the methodology and application*
of informatio* systems, as well addres*es the
rang* of development *nd u*e o* informatio* systems in the use of policies, strategies
m*nagerial activities for business, **blic administ**tio* *nd
*nterna*ional organizat*on*
(Mana**me*t, 2021).
The J*urnal Be**vior & *nfo*m*t*on T*ch*ology *os*s *esear*h and case studies that put
people *efore techn*logy by *ddressing u*ability a*d user experience, human-comp*te*
interaction, h*man-*ent*r*d a** user-cen*er*d design, a* well as *ocial, bu*iness, and hum*ns
of the *igital w*r*d (Technology, *021).
The Journal *f Elec**onic Comme*ce Rese*rch welcomes research tha* e*c*mpasse* key
techn*logies enabling a b**te* under*ta*d*ng of e-commerce, a* we*l as th* *mpli*at*ons of
t*ese technol*gie* *or societies, econ*mies, busines*es, an* ind**iduals (Rese*rch, 2021).
* .2 .
*pe*ific Var*ab*e*
Table 4 *resents *he summ*ry o* the 38 s*udies that make up the LP. One can ob*erv* the
author*, year *f p*b*ishing *h* st*dy, di*ensio*s used, sample size, reliability indexes, number
of items, and
h*w *he sca*e was con*tructed, whe*her was a*apted from other authors or it
*able 4. L*terature P***f*lioInf*rmation.
Ye * r
D*mensi ons *ount
Ite ms
Cro*ba ch's alp*a
(Liu & Arnett, 2000)
200 0
*uality of i*form*tion and service, System u*e, Pla*ful*es*, System Design Quality
119 webmas ters
* ,6 3 - 0 ,9 2
(Ranganatha n& Ga*apath*, 2002)
200 2
I*forma*i*n Content, Design, Se*urit* and Priv*cy
2*4 us*rs
0 ,8 7 - 0 ,8 9
(Al*dwa*i & Palv*a, 200*)
20* 2
Te*hnic*l adequacy, specific c**tent, web content, web a*peara*ce
1*7 users
0 ,* * - 0 ,9 4
(*o**zade* & Dhillon, 2*0*)
2** 2
Inte*net p**duc* cho*ce, online paymen*, Internet *endor t*u*t and sh*ppi*g travel
4*1 users
0 ,8 * - * ,9 3
(*ar*es & V*dgen,
200 2
Usability, Informa*i*n a*d S*rvice *nteract*on
*76 users
0 ,8 1 - 0 ,8 *
Updated *ersion o* WebQual 3.0 (Ba*nes &
R*v. F*A, Teresina PI, v. 20, *. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 202*
M. F. Moro, *. K. S. **ndon*a, D. F. Andrade, R. Tezza
Vid**n, 2001)
(Gounaris & Di*itriadis, 2003)
20* 3
Customers ca*e and risk r*ducti*n, Info**ation and *nteraction fac*lit*tion
871 *ser*
0 ,7 * - * ,8 1
Adapted from (Ba*nes & Vid*en, 2*01; Anant*anara*a*an Para****man, Berry, & Zeit*aml, 1991)
(*olfi*b*rg er & Gi**y, 2003)
*00 3
Webs*te design, Customer service, Fulfillment/r*liabil*ty a*d S**u*ity/privacy
1013 u*e*s
0 ,7 9 - 0 ,8 8
(Hong & Kim, 2004)
200 4
Internal reliability, external *ecur*t*, u*eful co**e*t, usable *av*ga*i*n, *ystem inte*face attractiveness, Communication interface a*tracti*e*ess
300 website s and 23*1 users
0 ,7 9 - * ,9 1
U**f*l content a*apt*d from (Huang, L**, & Wang, *9*8), Navigation usa**l*t* adap*ed from (Davis, 1989), *thers *roposed
( Ki m & S*oel, *004a)
200 *
Inform*tional fit-*o- task, T*ilored c*mmunication, Online complete*ess, R*lative advan*a**, Visua* appeal, Innovati*eness, Emotio*al appeal, Consistent ima*e, Ea*e of understandi*g, In*ui*ive oper*tions, Response *ime, Trust
2*3 us*rs (only wo*en)
0 ,* 1 - 0 ,9 2
Adapted from WebQ*al (E*eano* Terese *o*acono, 2000)
(Shih, 2004)
200 4
I*formati*n q*alit*, s*stem quality an* service q*ality
212 use*s
0 ,* 5 - 0 ,9 5
( W eb b & W *b b , 2004)
200 4
Re*iability, As*ured em*athy, Perceived u*abilit* and T*ustwort*in*ss
1*8 users
0 ,8 3 - * ,* *
Reliabilit*, Assur*d empat*y and Perce*ved usability adapt*d fro* (Anan**anarayan*n Par*suraman et al., 1991). Trust*ort*iness ada*t*d from (*. Y. Wa*g & *tr*ng, 199*).
(Ananthanar ayan*n *arasurama n et al., 2*05)
200 *
Efficiency, Fulfillmen*, Sys*em availa*ility *nd Priv*cy.
549 use*s
0 ,8 3 - 0 ,9 *
Adapted f*om Servqual (A*anthanarayanan Parasuram*n et al., 19*1)
( K* m & Lee, 2006)
200 *
Informationa* fit-to- task, Interactivity, Trust, Response time, D*sign appeal, Intuitivenes*, Visual appeal, Innovativ*ness, Flow-emotional appe*l, Integrated c*m*unications, *u**ness process, Viable s*bstitut*.
278 US A 347 Sou*h *o r e *
0 ,6 6 - 0 ,8 3
*dap*ed from W*bQual (Eleanor Tere*e Loiacono, 20*0)
(E*ean** T Lo*a*o*o ** *l., 2007)
200 7
In**rmati*n*l fit-to- task, Ta*lored c*mmun*cation, Onl*n* co**l*teness, Re*ative
3*1 *n* 377 s*uden*s (2 *ears
0 ,7 1 - 0 ,9 3
*dapt** fro* WebQual (Eleanor T**e*e L**acono, 2000)
R*v. F*A, Te**si**, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, *ev. 2023
*onstruct and Su*vey o* the Di*e*s*on* used to Asse*s the Quality of Commercial W*bsi*es:
advantag*, Visu*l appeal, Innovativeness, Emotio*al app*al, Consi*te*t image, Ease of underst*nd*ng, Intuitive operat*ons, Response *ime, Trust
differen ce)
(K*an et al., *0*8)
200 8
Information q*ality, system *u*lity *nd service qua*ity
10* *sers
0 ,* 0 - 0 ,9 4
(Swai* & W*gan*, 20*9)
200 9
Informat*o* qu**ity, webs**e de**gn, reliabilit*, respons*ve**ss, assu*ance, P*rsona*ization
557 users
0 ,8 0 - 0 ,8 6
Information quality adapted f*om (*. Li, T**, & *ie, 200*), Realibility and Pe*s**aliz*t*o* adapte* fro* (Wolfinb*rger & Gilly, 2003). Responsi*e*e*s a*d Assuranc* adapted from (Anantha**ray*n*n Par*sura*an et al., *005; Wo*finbarger & Gilly, 2003). Usab*l*ty adap*ed fr*m (Ananthan*ray*nan *ara*uraman et al., 2*05).
(*ell*, Valacich, & *ess, 201*)
20* 1
Visual appea*, Security, Downl*ad Delay, Navi**bility,
240 u*ers
(Hsu et al., 2012)
201 2
Informatio* *uality, system quality and s*rvic* qu*lity
534 *sers
0 ,7 6 - 0 ,8 8
I*formation q*ality and Sys*em quality adapted from (Wixo* & Todd, 200*). Serv*ce quality adapted fro* (Jayawardhena, **04).
(J. V. Chen *t al., **13)
201 3
Inf**mation quality, sys*em quality a*d ser*ice q*alit*
285 Thailan * u*e*s 25* Tai*an users
0 ,7 8 - * ,9 3
Inf*rmation qu*lity (Q. Chen & We*ls, 1999). *ystem Quality, a*d Serv**e quality adapted from (Bar**s & V*dgen, 20*2; A*antha*arayanan Parasurama* et al., 2005) and (Barnes & Vid*en, 2*02).
(Su* et al., 20*5)
201 5
Response Time, Ease *f U*d*r*tanding, Intuitive Operations, Onli*e Com*l*teness, R*lati*e Advantage, Consist*nt imag*, Information Fit-to-ta*k, *ai**red Info*mation, Trust, *isual Appeal, Inn**ativeness, Emotio**l *ppeal, Responsiveness, Empathy
133 U* A users 175 *hina users
0 ,* 8 - 0 ,9 0
Adapted fr*m (E*eanor T Loi*cono et a*., 2007), o*ly Respo*s**ene*s adapted (Wolfinb*rge* & Gilly, 2003).
(Abda**ah & Jaleel, 2015)
201 5
Look an* Fee*, **vigat*o*, Credentials, Conte*t and C*stomi*ation
16 users
0 ,8 9
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2**3
M. F. Mo*o, A. K. S. Mendonça, D. *. An*rad*, R. T*zza
(L. Wang, *aw, Guille*, Hung, & Fong, *015)
201 5
Us*bili*y, functionalit* and Security and Privacy
422 users
0 ,7 5 - 0 ,* 3
(Loureiro, 2015)
2*1 5
D**ign-*isual appeal, I*form*tion content, Ea*e of us* and Interactive Featur**.
270 *sers
0 ,8 8 - 0,91 CR
*dapt*d from (H*n & Mills, 2006; Park, Gretze*, & *iraka*a-Turk, 2007).
( T ezza et a*., 2016)
20* 6
Use* orient*tion during navigation, Accessib*lity and reliability o* the *yste*, User contr*l or us*r interaction with th* system, Presenta**on o* **formation
441 website s
N/ A
(Lopes & Melão, 2*16)
201 6
Con*ent a*d Design
915 websi*e s
N/ A
(Ali, *0*6)
20* 6
Usa*ility, Functional*ty *nd Sec*rity and Privacy
441 *sers
* ,8 4 - 0 ,9 3
*da*ted fr*m (L. Wang et al., 201*).
(H*hn, Spa*ks, Wilki*s, & Jin, 2*17)
201 7
Atmosp*eric Qua**ty, C*stomer Review, Emotio*al Engagement, Re*iable Inf**mati*n, Local**y In*orm*tion and Fu**tional*ty
843 u**rs
0 ,* 6 - 0 ,9 4
(Hun*- Joubert, 2017)
*01 7
Infor*atio* *uality, syst*m *u*lity *nd s*rvice quality
123 *sers
0 ,7 8 - 0 ,9 4
(U. Tandon, Ki*an, & Sah, 2017)
201 7
Navigation, ease of understa*d*ng, information useful*e*s, website design, ease of use, security *nd pr*v**y, ea*e *f *rd*ri*g, a*d customization.
410 *s*rs
0 ,7 3 - *,80 CR
(F. Zhou & Jia, 2018)
201 8
Info*ma*ion quality, system quality and ser*ice qual**y
223 users
* ,8 5 4
Adapte* f*om (Shih, *004).
(Hsu, Che*, & Kum*r, 2018)
201 8
I*formati*n qua**ty, system q*ality *nd servi*e qua*it*
393 *sers
0 ,9 0 - 0 ,9 7
Ad*pted fro* (*uan et *l., 2008).
(Jimén*z- Barr*t* & Campo- Martínez, 2018)
*01 *
Design, *ase of *se, Informati*n *nd Interactivit*
13* u*ers
0 ,* 3 - 0 ,* 9
*dapted f*om .(Loureiro, 2015)
(Akra* et al., 2018)
201 8
U**f*lne**, E*se o* Use, En*ertain**nt and Complementary Re*ation
1161 u*er*
0 ,8 0 - 0 ,8 9
Adapted from (Ele*nor T Loia*on* et al., 2007).
(U. T*nd*n & Ki*an, 2019)
*01 9
se*urity and privacy, eas* of o*der*ng, webs*te de*ign, ease of *avig**ion, an*
500 us*rs
0 ,* 0 - 0,84 *R
*ecurity a*d P*ivacy a*d Websi*e Design (Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003). Ea*e *f o**e*ing,
Re*. FSA, Ter*sina, v. 20, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
Constru*t *n* Sur*ey of the D*mension* *sed to Assess the Quality of Com*ercial We*si*es:
cust*mization of produ*t
a*d *as* of navigati*n a** c*stomization of *roduct ad*pted from (*. Tandon et al., 2017) an* (Y. *ee & Kozar, **12).
(G*o & Li, 201*)
201 9
I*fo*m**ion q*ality, system quality and **rvi*e quality
265 users
0 ,* 1 - 0 ,* 2
Adapted *rom (T. Zhou, 2*1*).
(A. Tandon, Aakash, & Aggarwal, *020)
202 *
System quality, content quality, tr*st, cus*omer support, usage, pers*n*liz*tion, customer f*edback
204 users
0 ,9 3 - 0 ,9 8
(**ao, Vuong, & Qua*, 2020)
*02 *
Website design, *ecurity/privacy, Fu*f*llmen*/Reliability and Consum*r service
5*4 users
0 ,7 3 - 0 ,8 6
*d*p*ed from (H. **, Aham-Anyanw*, Tevrizci, & Luo, 2015).
(Ong*akul et al., 202*)
202 *
Usabil*ty, Funct*onality a*d Se*uri*y *nd Priv*cy
683 users
0 ,8 8 - 0,91 CR
Ad*pte* from (Ali, 201*).
No*e that si*t*en *apers sugg*sted new sc*l*s, in other words, they deve*oped t*eir *tems
on literature and **t *n ready scales (or any *t*er *im*nsion). Model WebQual *rom
*oiacono was used by six st*d*es, being that th*e* studi*s used WebQual (2000), three others
used *ebQual (*007). *arasaruman was the bas* *o* *iv* studies, in which three **ed sca*es of
*ervQua* and t*o oth*rs us*d E-S-Q prop*sed by Parasar*man in 2005. eTailQ from
(Wol*i*barger & Gilly, 2003) w*s used in three studi*s while *he pro*osal *eb*ual from
*ar*e* and Vidgen *as *i*ed twice.
F*o* t*e 38 papers, eight of them used t*ree eq**l
dimens*ons, Information Q**l*ty,
System **a*it*
and Service Quality. Tw* ot*er s*udies used 12 *i**n*ions, based o*
*oiacon*. O*her two papers used th*ee equal dimensions, U*ab*li*y, Functi*na*ity *nd Sec*r*ty
and Pr*vacy. *wenty-six other pa*ers diff*r f*om the dimens*on* used, so*e
use simi*ar
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 2*, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
M. F. Moro, A. K. *. Mendonça, D. F. *nd*ade, *. Tezza
Cont*nt; Customer Service; *ustomization; **se of o*d**ing; Fulfillm**t/*el**bility;
Informati*n content; Interac*i*ity; *avi*a*ion; P*rsonalization; Priv*c*; reli*bi*ity;
responsi*eness; Secur*ty
Others 6* dimensions
Regar*ing *he types of *ites ap*roached, the p*blic*t*ons approach we*site* in several
sectors. The Reta*l *ector (that sell pr*ducts in general) w*s used i* 15 works. ****he* 15
wor** addr*ssed we*sites in gen*ral (The \General\ *er*i*ology *as us*d *or work* that us*d
*roduct *nd servi*e w*bsit*s). W*bsites o* hotels *as used in fo*r works. Tour**m *esti*ations
was app*oa*h*d in t*o work*. *ive other a*proache* si*es of Service*, S*ci*l *hoppin*, Trav*l
A*encies, Ap*arel Retail a** F***ist\s W*b.
Althou*h ***re are basic el*ments present i* sites of diffe*ent s*ctors *ndustr*al, also th*r*
a*e su*s*anti** differe*ces *n websites in c**tain sect*rs. L. Wang et al. (2015) says that hotel
s*tes work as information channe*s *nd transaction forums, d*ff**ently of bein* o*ly a website
products. Kuan et al. (2008) highlight tha* in sites
off*r*ng services, **e onlin*
get information *bout pr*ducts
offer*d *lmo*t exclus*ve*y by
o f t he
f*nct*o**l*ty o* ***
site. This is co*t*ary to tangible p*oducts whose inf*rm*tion m*y
obtained from o*f-line source*. Fo* *uthors this means *hat resource* of the site wo*ld have a
more pr*minent role in bu*ing decision*
from *h* user t*an in sites
*f products. In thos*
articles an**yz*d, 182 *imensions used t* evaluate the quality o* *ebsites *ere ide*tified. *rom
63 dimensions we*e used
only *nc*. However, we perce*ved t*at many authors would
rath*r *ro***e diffe*ent n*mes for the same dim*ns*on. Because o*, i* was decided to categorize
*he dimens*on* *si*g *reater represe*t*ti*n
*n the study, Quality of Information, Q*ality of
Se*vice and **ality of Sys*em (T*ble 5). T*us, in F*gure 4 we characterized
di*ension* by
*imilarity in three *arge groups. Numb*rs between brackets repr*sent the amount of times that
*h* dimension was used *t *he *8 pape*s.
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 20, n. 2, a*t. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023
Con*truct an* Survey *f the D*m*nsions used to *ss*s* the Q*ality of Commer*ial *ebsites:
F*gure 4. C*t*goriza*io* of *imensions *n *hree g*o*p*
3 .3 .
In*orma*ion Qu*lity
*or Hsu et
al. (2012) *nd Hs* et
a*. (2018) Inf*rma*ion Qu*lity *ean* * measure
*a*ue perceived by a custom*r of the outpu* *roduced b* a website. F*r J. *. Chen
et al.
(2013) *o *easu*e qu*lity of inform*tion it is i*p*rtant *o ob**rve *he
organ**ation and *n*er*ainment. Aut*ors highlig*t t*a* *he sit* must *ave informati*n in a
way that it is interpre*able, und*rstandable, easy to handle and acc*ssi*le. For Hung-Jouber*
(2017) i**orm**ion quality is about the conte*t of a* online system that mus* b* customize*,
comp*et*, relevan*, e*sy to under*ta*d and *ave. F*r *. *hou an* *ia (2018) quality
in*orm*tion shows the d*gree in which the cont*nt of the site is pre*ise, comple*e and
*ppo*tune. *n the you* resea*ch G*o an* Li (2019) highl*ght t**t Inf*rma*ion Quali*y in**udes
some attributes s*ch as oppor*uni*y, rele*anc* a*d p*ecision. For *hih (2004) th* quali*y of
in*ormation is associat*d wi*h the precision and integ*it* of th* in*ormati*n. Fina*ly, K*an **
al. (2008) describes quality *f info*m*t*on as the deg*ee where the user be*ieves tha* the site
in*ormat**n has t*e att*ibutes o* co*tent, acc*racy, f*rm** *nd upda*e.
Para *waid and Wig*nd (2009) Information Q*ality *s the
custom*r perceptio* of
usefulness and quality of t*e we*site content. Aut*ors used th* usefulnes* of informati*n,
accuracy, fit *o tas*, up-to-dat* in order to measure th* Inf*rmation *uality. Eleanor T
et al. (2007), K*m
and Lee (2006) and Kim a** St*el (*004b) *ncluded the
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 20, *. 2, art. 1, p. *-3*, fev. 2023
M. F. M*r*, A. K. S. Mendonça, D. F. Andrade, R. Tezza
dim*nsi*n Infor*ational fi*-to-task, *rom t** WebQual model, whi*h is the *ne regard*ng the
cap*c*ty ** a site
i* *ro*idin* informa*ion regarding the capa*i*y of a
si*e to provide
inform*tion that enhances and improve *he *sers\ task.
Abdallah and Jaleel (*015) used the Co*tent dimens*on, *here i* states that
information mu*t be p*eci*e, ne*ded and upda*ed. Loureiro (2015) used dimension
I*forma*ion wh*re it me*s*res o*serving the util*ty a** amo*nt of *nformation *re*ent *n the
site, besides *he facility o* ob*erving them. *his
*onc*pt was also used in Jimén*z-Barr*to
and C*m*o-M*rtínez (2018). Ranganathan a*d Gan*p*thy (*00*) on its I*form*tion content
d*mension cites
the availab**ity an* *om*leten*ss of information. For Barnes
and Vidgen
(*002) in*or*ation is t*e quality
con*ent of th* site,
enc*m*as*in* the adequacy of
*nforma**on for the r*ason*
*f the user, such as: *r*cisio*, *ormat and rele*ance, a conc*pt
*etailer. J. V. Chen et al.
on th* other *and, c**ose usabil*ty and
availability *f the
s*stem to evaluate its *ua**ty. For Hung-*oubert (2017) S*stem Quality m**sures th* ease of
use *erceived by the users, the
author used *he Usab*lity, Availability, *eli*bility,
A*aptability, and Re*ponse *ime to mea*ure the qua*i*y of the *y*tem. F** F. Zhou and Jia
(2018) th* q*ality
of the s*stem regards
th* cha*a*teri*tics of avail*bility, Reli*bili*y
Respons* time *f the si*e. Gao and Li (2019) measured system qu*l*t* in terms *f bro*s*n*,
*cce*s sp**d and *isual app**l. For Shih (2004) s*stem *uality is ass*ciated with the
proces*ing characteristic* of the site, *uch a* the facility of payment a*d t*e pro*e**ion of u*er
**ta. *uan et al. (2008) defined *he *uality of th* system as
the degree in *h**h the user
be*iev*s *hat the site is ea*y to b*owse an* that the *nteraction *f the interface *s *o**ist*n*.
Kim a*d Stoel (200*a), Ki* and L*e (2006), *leanor * L*iacon* e* al. (*007)
Sun et al. (2015) used the *imension Visu*l Appeal, w*ich co*resp*nds to the a*sthetic *f t**
*ite, evalua*ing i*
the *i*e has a plea*a** design. Simila* to t*at, Lopes and Melã* (2016)
highlight that design regard* the way as *** si*e content i* prese*ted to users, inc**ding visu*l
elemen*s, s*ructure *nd or*an*z*tion. I* *his sens*, Tezza *t
*l. (2016) fo*nd d*mension
Acce*si*ility and Sys*e* U*e,
highlighting that this dimen*ion *f ve*i*ying group items o*
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 20, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2*2*
Construct an* Surve* *f *h* Dimen***ns used *o Assess the Qua**ty of Comme**ia* *e*sites:
some pos*ible obs**cles for th* *ystem that ma* prevent, *onfuse or hinder the access
*sers. Loure*ro (2015), Jimé*ez-Bar*eto and *a*po-Mar*ínez (2*18) exp*ain that the des*gn
of t h*
site com*r*s*s the char**t*ris*i*s ** acc**sibility, such as t** siz* of the *ite
pres*nc* of i*te**ction. For Rangana*han
and Gana*athy (2*02) and Giao et al. (2020)
design is as*ociat** with t*e ch*racteristi*s o* ease of use and browsing.
For *waid and Wigand (2009) th* easi*ess *f bro*sin* is insert*d in dimens*on
usability. I* th*s context, L. Wang et al. (2015) use* dimen*io* usability, meaning h*w much
a site is efficient *nd n*ce. Abdal*ah and Jaleel (**15) used dimension brow**ng regar*ing th*
ease of u*e a*d the intu**ive flow in the si*e. Sim**ar to that Eleanor T L*iacono et al. (2007),
Ki* and Stoel (20***) and Sun et
al. (2015) us*d *imension I*tuitive Operat*ons me*ning
that it i* the point in which *ro*sin* in the websit* seams e**y for the user to learn. Kim and
Lee (2006) used *he same di*en**on but
named Intuiti*eness. For L*pes an* Melã* (2016)
desig* chara*teri*tics
of the site cannot
be sepa*ate* f*om the
qu*stions of accessibility an*
safety and pri*acy.
Thus, Soyo*ng Kim *nd Stoe* (20**), *im and Lee (2006), Loiacono, Watson, and
Goodhu* (2007), S*n et *l. (2015) *nd Tan*on, Aakash, an* Aggarwal (2020)
dimension Trust, reg*rding th* secu*ity of doi*g **ansactions in a site. *imilar to th*t, Swaid
and W*ga** (20*9) use* *ss*rance *bout the perc*ption of *he user re*arding *rust in the site.
All t*at is rel*t*d to securit* aga*n*t external threats to th* *ite. *ong and Kim (20*4) u*e*
external security that re*resen*s security again** external t*reats to t*e sit*. Wolfin*arger and
Gilly (2*03) used dimension Security and Privac* *egard*ng the securit* of
payments wit*
d**ivery. C*en et al. (2013)
li*ited the d*mens*on of quality of s*rvi*e to its trust/wa**anty
(knowle*ge and co*rtesy of employees with the custome** and their capacit* of transm*tting
trust) and empat*y (c*re and ind*vidual*zed a**ention to cl*ents). H*wever, authors *en*i**
that t*e qu*lity of se*v**e must be eva***ted also *y measuri*g responsiveness. For Hung-
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 2*, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023 www4.fsane*.*om.b*/re*ista
M. F. Moro, A. *. S. Mendonça, D. F. Andrade, R. Tezza
Joubert (20*7), the quality of service
des*ribes the suppor* that a site offers to its users,
dependin* on Respo*siven*ss, Assura*c*, *m*athy, Rel*ab*lity, *nd Fol*ow-up S*r*ice. *or
Zhou *nd Jia (2018) Quality of S*rvice is ab*u* the capacities of s*rvi*e and after-*ale suppo*t
of the *ite. Hsu, C*en, and Kuma* (2018) hig*li*ht* t*at *uality of *ervice is *elat*d *ith the
*ual*ty of *eliverin* *he
onlin* service. F*r Gao and Li (2019b) reflects the
ef*icacy of the
*uppo*t provid*d to users for helping w*th **eir onl*ne sh*pping. T*e authors meas*re the
qua*ity of ser*ice using re*iability, resp*ns* capability, *arrant* and cust**iza*ion. For S*ih
(2*04) Quality of Se*vi*e is *he i***r**tion bet*ee* user and e-commerce and i* as*ociated to
*ser support and deliver* time. For K*an, Bock, and V*thanophas (2008) quality of serv*c* i*
d**ined as the degree in whic* the us*r believes *hat the site is *espon*ive, in*era*tive, *lear
about secur*ty and privacy policies and efficient on its capacity of research *n* c*mparison.
*or the authors, se*vice su*p*rt o* the web may
t*ke several forma*s, such as answering *o
u**r *ema*ds a*d prov*ding resources of res*arch *nd comparison.
Swaid a*d Wig*nd (2*09) used dimensi*n re*po*sively where it makes explicit that *t
*s the perception
o* th* cus*ome* in getting h*lp when *eeded d*e to autom*ted
** hu* a n
facto*s. Kim a*d *to*l (2004) and **iac**o, Watson, and Goodhu* (*007) used dimensi*n
*egardin* t*e interactio* *etween *s*rs an* co*p*ny by m*a*s of
the site,
in orde* to all*w
that u**rs and company get *usto*ized answer*. Kim and Lee
(200*) us*d t*e same dimensi*n but name* as Interactivi*y, me*ning **e c***cit* of a*lo*ing
us*r and co*p*ny *o *ommunicate d*rectly between them. Under thi* perspe*tive, *am et al.
(2020) a*d Wol*in*ar*er and *i*ly (2**3) used
*imen*ion *ust*mer Se*vice, meanin* the
willingness of a*s*ering to custom**s in real tim*.
Eleanor T Loia*o*o et al. (2007) also uses d*mension Rela*ive Adv*ntage, regarding
how easier it i* to get *nfo*mati*n by means of the sit* than to contact the co*pany by offline
m*ans. For that, *t *s im*ortant t*at t*e user feel* trust in the s*te. *o have trust it is necessary
to kno* th* compa**. For that, Abdalla* and Jaleel (20*5) us* dimension C*edenti**s to
the se*vice
(mission, valu*s, te*m), b*in* **e display of information from the
c*mpan* (miss*on, value*, t*ams) and severa* typ*s of *onta*t *or t*e ***r to receiv*
We could see that *o** of the conc*pts of di*en*ions regarding Service Q*ality are similar
an* incl*de tr**t in the c*mpa*y, customer s*pp*rt and response *apacity to ***rs.
Rev. FSA, Teres*na, v. 20, n. 2, ar*. 1, p. 3-34, fe*. *023
Con*t*uct an* ***vey of the Dimensions used to Assess *he Qual*ty of *o*mercial W*bsites:
This rese*r** f*cused on answ*ring thr*e goa**: (i) ident*fying *he dimensions us** to
eval*a*e *he quality *f websites; (ii) wh*ch are th* sources *f those dimen*ions *nd (*ii) which
are the si**lari*ie* of the used *imensions. To *eet th* first goal, o*r research identified over
100 dimensions. Regard**g t*e second goal, we identi*ied tha* model WebQ*a* of Laiaco*o
was the more us*d m*d*l. In *he thi*d goal, we grouped *he *ime*sions in three *roups that
effe**ively cap*ure all th* attribut** identified *n previous *tudie* on the qualit* of
websites, ba*ed on frequency and similarit*. The ana**sis derive* from
the e*ec*tion of
objectives allowed to sug*estion o* *wo m*in re*earch direction*,
an* these a*e dis*ussed
* .1 . An approa*h more and more focused in *ustomiza*ion
The advanc**ent of digita* tr*nsformation increased the autonomy of *he customer over
transac*ions in
t*e sit*, making the market more *nd more co*pet*tive. Beside*, changes *n
cus*o* care happen *ach time faster. *urrently, compa*i** *eed o* adapting themselves to the
n*w cus*omer
pr*files - inc*ea*ingly dem*nding
and multi-*onnected came to define -
t h*
great *r*nds of custo*e* care. N*w co*su*ers are inco*stant. At any mom*nt they may give
up d*ing *usiness w*th the *ompan* and opt by a co*petitor i* th* cu*tome* service *as no*
satisfa*t**y. With digit*l transfor*ation, f*cusing on the u*er experience became
indi*pensable for comp*nies aiming to ha*e success in busi**ss. Th*s way, it is necessary that
the m*dels in*orpo*ate *ore and more c*iteria to eval*a*e custo*er ca*e inside the site. The
*ew cu*tomized *are i*
based *n bi*
da*a (of*ering cust*mized
*roducts and services)
art*fi*ial intelli*en**, like ch*t-bots, t* *olve instantaneous quest*ons from users. T*ere is also
the integrat*on *f s*tes wit* *ocial networks and message ch*ts f*r a faster and assertive
Measuring **stom *are in the si** with b*s*c questions such as: "Are the q**stions
answered readily?" (Wolfinbarg** & Gilly,
2003); "does t*e site make easier the
co*munication **t* **e organization" (Barnes & Vidgen, 2*02); "*oe* th* site allo*s me to
i*tera*t *ith it in order t* receive customized inf*rmation" (Eleanor T *o*acono e* al., 200*),
**es not seem so much. With *he f*st change pul*ed *y *he dig*tal transformati*n, mor* a*d
more techn**ogies are *vai*a*l* in
t*e market and *s neces*ary to measure witch tool **e it
*u*tomer *ses for a bett*r experience.
*orkzadeh *nd Dhillon (2002) when *evelopi*g th*ir r*s*arch f*und t*at users did n*t
seem *oncerned with customer su*port before the sale (*or instance, talking w*th * *ales
*e*. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2*23 ww*4.f*anet.co*.br/re*ista
M. F. *oro, A. K. S. Mendo*ça, *. *. Andrade, R. Te**a
person, having the opportunity of
p*rson** interaction). The aut*or*
highlight that those
construct*ons see*ed
to be le*s rele*a*t for the commerce by Internet and, because of that,
*tems regarding Qualit* *f S*rvice *e*e not i*cluded in the model. *ne y*ar later, DeLone
and McLean (2003) *pdat*d its mode*, *nc*ud*ng exact*y the *uality of Service, **cause the*
verifie* that *h* model *ith
attri*ut*s of information and system was not enough to capture
the qua*ity of a website. In a repo*t, Segment (2017) it was dem*nst*a*e* that o*ly 22% of
users are s*tisfied with t*e pe*son*l care that they r*ceive in a web*it*. *his way, focusi*g in
user exp*rien*e is *sse*ti*l *or th* succ*ss of the site.
4 .2 .
Ap*lic*tions *nd D**el*pment in Particul*r Se*tors
W* demonstrated that, al*h*ugh several *ite* of indust*ies were u*ed, the*e are no
m*del* neith*r *pplication
in site* with
produc** *f hig* aggregated value in **ic* the
trans*c*ion is
not *ade *n site. Howev*r,
the w*bsite is u*ed
** large showc*se for a
t h*
*omp**y to ca*ture the cust*m*r and to m*ke the t*ansactio* *atter, such as happens in sit*s
*f car sale and r*al e*tate. We belie** t*at the par*i*ularities of this model must b* explored,
by applyi*g the already existing ***e*s, identifying pro*lems an* *uilding new mode*s
focused *n *his type *f in**s*ry. O*her se*t*r* also have particular*ties and must be exp*o*ed,
su*h *s sites of
universities, museum*,
of tourist
attrac*i**s in gener*l),
teleco*munication *erv*c*s.
Th* objective
** this *esearch was *o present an overvi*w of studies *n th* q*ality of
web*ites, in *rder to id*n**fy the main d*mensio*s an* me*ho*s *f anal*s*s associated with t*e
evaluation of the
quality of we*sites. For this, we followed *he recommend*tions
of t h*
PRISMA statem*nt for syst*ma*ic r*vie*s, revie*ing ar*icles for *heir content. In a*ditio*,
this review made it
possibl* *o identify research *ap*, whose fillin* is *uggested by
t he
de**lopmen* of a res*arc* sche**le.
This r*v*ew was c*rried out f*c*se* on website qual*ty assessment models. The re*ie*
w*s limited to models t*at proposed scales
commer*ial *ebs*t*s, s* it was *ecided to
focu* on stud*e* tha* used *a*to* *nalysis, *tru*tura* Equation *odelin* a*d Item Respo*se
Theory. *he anal*sis of th*se method* *s supp**ted b* Barri**anal, Sicili* Urbá*, González,
and Hilera (2*05), who mention that t*e*e method* dem*nstrate reliability and validity for an
**v. FSA, Teresina, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-3*, fev. 2023
Const*uct a** Sur*ey of the *im*nsion* u*ed to Assess the *uality of C*mmercial We*sites:
eva*uation scale. *o*e that **iversity, gover*ment and h*spi*al w*bsi*es, for examp*e, were
no* *nclud**, as th*se websites a*e often i*f**mational an* non-*r*nsacti*nal.
T*e re*u*ts of *his res*a*c* revealed that there *re *ore than a hundred dim*nsions use*
in *t*dies *o assess the quality of webs*tes, ho*ever, these di*ension* have s*milarities and
*herefore, in th** work they *ere group*d
providing a br*a* v**w o* the most used
dime*si**s. We id*nti*ied that **e *e*Qual model by E*eanor T Loi*cono et al. (2002) was
the mos* used mo*el in this
literature portfolio. WebQual was develope* in fou* stages and
co*sisted of fo** c*ns*r*cts, **ich ga** *ise to 12 d*mensions, which were ev*luated t*r**gh
36 items.
D** t* t*e simila*i**es *f the dimensions *sed, we gro*p*d *he dimensions
i*to thr*e
gro*ps that coul* effectively capture all the at*ribu*es ident*fied in pre*ious studies *n the
quality of w*bsi**s, based on frequenc*
and s*mi*arity, whic* are: *nformation Qu**ity,
System Quality and Ser*ic* Q*ality. DeLone a*d M**ea* (2003) corroborate w*t* the
clustering of
*imensions, t*e
*rgue that attempts should be made to reduce
t he
*umber of diff*rent m*asu*es use* to measure the success *f *he In**r*ation Syst*m.
In *ddition, we also suggest *wo research directions, one focused o* customiza*io* an*
t*e *the* for spe*if*c sector s*te*, suc* as high value-ad*ed product sites. At first with digita*
transformation, it has
*ecom* ind*s*ensable *or
comp**ies that ai* to succeed in *usiness -
f*cus on user exper*ence. Thus, it is *ece*sa*y tha*
the m*dels inc*r*or*te more and mor*
cr*te*ia *o e***uat* customer se*vi*e w*thin the site. *h*s new customi*ed s*rvice can be based
on *ig data
(offering customized products and ser*ices) and a*tificial intelligence, such
chat-bots, to solv* use*s' in*tant queries. I* *he se*on*, we demon**rate that *here *re
*odels or applications on *ites wi*h
h*gh *dd*d
value pr**ucts where t*e transac*ion is not
carr*ed out on site. We conclude* t*at t*e site is used as a gr*at showcase for the company t*
capture the customer and make the transact*on las*, a* in car and re*l *state sales websites. We
believe that
the particulariti*s of specific *e*tor webs*tes shou*d ** explored, app*yin*
existing model*,
identifying *ro*lems and building ne* m*de** focused on this type of
industr*. Other sec*ors *lso h**e partic*la*it*e* and should be explored, suc* ** unive*sity
sites, m*seums, tourist attractio**, as well as teleco*mun*cations servic*s.
Thi* research has *o*e limitations. First, res*lts were *estr*cted to p*blicatio*s
available in the da*abases Scopu* and Web of Scie*ce. Alth*ugh
they were w*dely
conside*ed, ther* may be important stu*ies that are no* ind*xed on those datab*ses. Therefore,
f**ure resea*ch*s co*ld amplify the num*er of databas*s queried so that a broa* s*t o* papers
*s consi*er*d. Besides, *he insertion *f
o*her key-words in the init**l search m** l**d
Rev. FSA, Teresin* PI, *. 20, n. 2, *rt. 1, p. 3-34, fev. *0*3
*. F. *o*o, *. K. S. Mendon**, D. F. Andra*e, R. T**za
compl**entary *erception* about th* theme. *n this se*se, an advanced com*inati*n of key-
wo*ds c***d *ring other approaches not *nclude* in this *esearc*.
The authors would li*e to
thank The Br*zili*n N*tional Council for Scient*f*c
T*chnolog*cal Develop*e*t (C*P*) and Coord**ati*n for the Improv*m*nt of Higher
Education Pers**nel (CAP*S) f*r funding t*is rese*rch project.
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Co*o Referenciar este Art*go, c*nfor*e AB*T:
MOR*, M. F; *ENDONÇA, A. K. S; ANDRA*E, *. F; TEZZA, R. Cons*r*ct and S*rv*y
of the Dimensions *s*d *o Assess the Quality ** Commer*ial *e*si*es: A Syste*a*ic
Review. R*v. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 20, n. 2, art. 1, p. 3-34, fev. 2023.
Contribuição dos Au*ores
* . F. Moro
A. K. S. M*ndo*ça
D. F. Andrade
R. Tezza
1) conc*pção e planejamento.
2) an*lis* e interpretação dos dad*s.
3) el**oração d* rascunho ou na revisão crítica do conteúdo.
4) p*rt*cipação *a *pro**ç*o da ver*ã* final d* m*nuscrito.
Rev. F*A, T*resina, v. *0, n. 2, *rt. 1, *. *-34, fev. 2*23
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