O Impacto da Covid-19 no Controle de Gestão das Startups / The Impact of Covid-19 on Startups Management Control
O estudo averiguou o impacto da Covid-19 no controle de gestão das startups. Para o alcance deste objetivo, seis empreendedores vinculados a um laboratório de inovação, sediado na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil foram entrevistados. Os achados evidenciaram que o cenário pandêmico desencadeou oportunidades e desafios para as empresas de tecnologia. Enquanto algumas identificaram lacunas para o êxito de sua solução, outras não estavam preparadas para a perda de fornecedores e quase precisaram descontinuar suas atividades. Durante a crise, as empresas fecharam parcerias com diversos agentes, inclusive com instituições de ensino superior, visando à troca de conhecimentos com pesquisadores da área de negócios. Quanto à constituição dos SCG das startups, verificou-se que antes da pandemia, os controles utilizados pelas empresas restringiam-se a mecanismos de planejamento e financeiros, como: a) planos operacionais e de ação; b) planos de investimentos; c) análise de ambientes interno e externo; d) controle de custos e despesas, e; e) previsão de receitas e despesas futuras. No período de crise, ou seja, durante a pandemia da Covid-19, alguns controles ganharam ênfase e outros foram sendo introduzidos nos SCG das empresas, como: a) treinamentos; b) marketing; c) parcerias; d) conhecimentos sobre os riscos do mercado, e; e) avaliação de desempenho. Após a pandemia, verificou-se que os SCG passaram a ser constituídos por controles mais consolidados, isto é, ferramentas utilizadas em médias ou grandes organizações. Dentre eles, destaca-se: a) planejamento estratégico; b) orçamento; c) balanced scorecard; d) benchmarking, e; e) just in time.
Palavras-chave: Startups. Controle de Gestão. Covid-19.
The study investigated the impact of Covid-19 on the management control of startups. To achieve this objective, six entrepreneurs linked to an innovation laboratory based in the Center-West Region of Brazil were interviewed. The findings showed that the pandemic scenario triggered opportunities and challenges for technology companies. While some identified gaps to the success of their solution, others were not prepared for the loss of suppliers and almost had to discontinue their activities. During the crisis, the companies closed partnerships with several agents, including higher education institutions, aiming at the exchange of knowledge with researchers in the business area. As for the constitution of startups' MCS, it was found that before the pandemic, the controls used by companies were restricted to planning and financial mechanisms, such as: a) operational and action plans; b) investment plans; c) analysis of internal and external environments; d) control of costs and expenses, and; e) forecast of future income and expenses. During the crisis period, that is, during the Covid-19 pandemic, some controls gained emphasis and others were introduced in the companies' MCS, such as: a) training; b) marketing; c) partnerships; d) knowledge of market risks, and; e) performance evaluation. After the pandemic, it was found that the MCS started to be constituted by more consolidated controls, that is, tools used in medium or large organizations. Among them, the following stand out: a) strategic planning; b) budget; c) balanced scorecard; d) benchmarking, and; e) just in time.
Keywords: Startups. Management Control. Covid-19.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2023.20.2.4
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