Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *1, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. *0*4
I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983
Infl*ence of Hospital Service Qualit* o* the Satis*ac*ion of **ncer Patients
**fluência da *ualidade do *ervi*o *ospitala* Sobre a Satis**ção d* Paciente* Onc*lógic*s
*duardo *ias Coutinho
Doutor *m A*ministração pe** *niversid*de do Grande Rio (*NIGRANRI*)
Analista em *iência e Tecnolo*ia *o Instituto Nac*onal de Câ*ce* (INCA)
E-ma**: eduard*.co*tinho@inca.g*v.**
Flavia F*eguglia de Lima
M*s*re em Gest*o e Estratég*a pela Universida*e Fe*eral Rural do *io d* Ja*eiro (*FRRJ)
Anal*st* e* Ciência e *ecn*logia do Insti*uto Nacional de Câncer (INCA)
E-ma*l: flavia.lima@in*a.*o*.b*
Avaliado pelo sistem* Tripl* R*view: Desk *eview a)
pe*o Ed*t*r-Ch*fe; e b) Double B*ind Review
(avaliação *ega por do*s av*l*adore* da área).
Revisão: Gram*tical, Norm*ti**
e de For*ataçã*
Influ*n*e of H*spital Service Qu*lit* on the Satisfac*ion of Cancer Pat*e**s
Th* objective o* thi* study was to *nvestigat* the satisfaction of cancer p*ti*nt* with the
service quality of a *razil*an p*blic hospital located in t*e city of Ri* de J*neiro. The *tudy is
quantitative, based on *pplicati** of a questionnaire to a sample *o**os*d of 245 o**pat*en*s
** the hospi*al. The *ata were *reated with *t*uctura* equation modeling suppo*t*d *y partial
le*st squares (PLS-S*M). **e *e**lts indicate* the patients plac* va*ue on *he quali*y of the
se*vice re*dered by physicians, quality of the adm**istrative serv*ce, quality of the
f*cilitie* and quali*y *f *he nursing service, in that ord*r. The mai* t*eoretical contribu*ion is
t*e *dentification, in contra*t to *revious fi*di*gs in the li*erature, th*t the ca*c*r p**ien*s *n
**r sampl* att*i**ted *itt*e *mpor*ance *o the nursi*g **rvice, e*en tho*gh nurs**
t he
healt*care professionals who i*teract the most with patients.
Keyw*rds: Service quality, patien* satisfaction, cancer patient, pub*ic hos*ital, cancer.
O o*jetivo de*te e*tudo f*i *nves*igar a satisfação de pa**ent*s oncológi*os com a quali*ade
do serviço de um hospital público b**sileiro localiza*o na cidade do Rio de J*neiro. * estudo
é quantita*ivo, baseado na aplicação de
qu*stioná*io a *ma amostra composta po*
pac*entes ambu*atoriais
d* hosp*tal. O* dados *oram tratados
com mode*agem de equações
es*ru*urais, calcad* em mínimos quadrado* parciais (PL*-SEM). Os resulta*os indicaram q*e
os pacientes valo**zam a qualida*e do serviço p*estado pelos médicos, * q*alida*e *o serviço
administra*ivo, a qual*dade
das instalaç*es h*s**talares
e a qual*dade
d* serviço
enferm*gem, nesta ordem. A princ*pa* c*ntr*buição te*rica é a identifi*aç*o, em c*ntraste
com *ch*dos a*teriore* da *iteratura, de qu* *s pacien**s oncológicos
*a *ossa amost*a
at*ib**am pouca importâ*c*a ao serviço de enfermage*, ainda que os *nfermeiros s*jam os
pr*fissionai* de *aúd* que ma*s interagem c*m os pa*ientes.
Palavras-ch*ve: Qu*li*ade *o serviço, sa*isfaçã* do pa*i*nte, pacient* o*co*ó*ico,
pú*lico, cânc*r.
Rev. FS*, Teresina *I, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. 2*24
E. D. Coutinho, F. F. L**a
Th* satisfaction of patients with the s*rvice rend*red is ** fu*damental impo*tance t*
**spita*s, since s*tisfied
patients *ot on*y *emain l*y*l, t*ey t*nd to *x*ress positive
comments and reco*mend the hospi**l to
other potent*al users. Thi* hel*s soli**f*
t he
hospit*l\s image a*d expand its par*ic*pation in the market (Janda*ath & *yram, 20*6; Silva,
Ferr*ira & Daniel, **18; Stef*nini et a*., 2019). B*sides this, satisfaction tends *o have
**sitive psyc*ologi*a* **f*c*s tha* c*n stre*gthen the im*une *ys**m and incre*se motivation
and discipline t* fo*lo* the medical guidance and tre*tment regim*n, in turn contributin* t*
re*ove*y (Dang et al., *01*; Gup*a, **deghier & Lis, 20*3).
*n the oncological ar*a, this positive psyc*ol*g*cal eff*ct i* even more **po*t*nt since
th* t*eatment of cancer *s ge*****ly prol*nged and debilitating, *ith many negative side
effects, requir**g strong mo**v*tion of *atients *o f*llo* t** orien*a*ions of **e healthca*e
professionals. So, mo*ivation ca*
*mp*o*e th* efficacy of the tr*atment an* the c*ances of
rec**ery (Gupta, Ro*eghier & Lis, 2*13; Padmana*han, *es*i* & Ha*dad, 2017).
Any fac**r *hat can exert a *o**tive in*luen*e on *he effi*acy o* *a*cer treatm**t and
t** chances of recovery *s highl* re*evant. Can*er is the second *eading cau*e of death du* t*
di*eas* in the wo*ld, an* the rates
of i**i**nce are *ising in many coun*ries. I* 201*,
approxima*ely 18 *i*li** peop*e were diagnosed with *anc*r in the world a*d * mil*ion
p**ple died of *he dis**se (Bü**elberg & F*o*ea, *0*7; Bray et al., 2018). In Br*zil in 2018,
cance* *a* resp*ns*ble
*or *24,727 death*, ma*in* it the *oun***\s second *eading fat*l
di*ease. At current trends, about
625 thousand new c*ses w*ll be diagnosed in 2021.
Aggra*ating this situation *re the high cost of tre*tment an* the negative impa*t o* *he dise*s*
on the *hysica* and emot*on*l *t*te of *he patie*t (IN*A, *019a, *019b).
Because of t*e high negativ*
impa** of ca**e* on t** welfar* o*
the Bra*ilian
populatio* (IN*A, 20*9a, *019b) *nd *he importance of the satisfacti*n of **n*er patients to
t*e*r adhesio* *o therapy and rec*very (Dang et *l., 2016; Gupta, Rod**hier & Li*, 20*3), *he
ai* of this *tu*y *as to me*sure the satisfac*ion of c**cer out**tien*s with the q*a*ity of th*
service pr*vided by a *ra*ilian pub*ic hospi*al in *h* c*ty of Rio *e Janeiro, a *heme *hat has
not been widely invest*gated in the *it*rat*re o* outpatie*t onco*ogic*l services.
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 21, n. 2, a*t. *, p. 44-66, fev. 202*
Infl*ence of Hospita* Ser*ice Qu**ity on the Satisfa*tio* of Canc** Patients
response af*er a consumpt*on ex*e*ien**. I* results from th* *on*ormity or
**s*on*o*mity of
t*eir *x*ect*tion* about a s*rvice *endered by a company (O*iver, 1980).
In th* area of h*alth care in p*rticular, *he expec*ations ** the consumers o* hos*ital
servi*es (patients) are d*rected at fa*tors p**ceived
as fundamental for their recovery
reductio* *f suf*eri*g, al*hough they also value aspect* that c*ntribute to their physical
emot*ona* co*for* (Cou*inho et a*., 2019; Coutinho & Vi**ra, 20**; *alil et *l., 2017).
Theref**e, m*eting or exc*eding patie*ts\ expectation* with
the object*ve of elici*ing t*eir
satisfact*on with th* hos*ital\s servi*es have gre*t importance, bo*h for the *osp*tal
and the
patients *hemsel*es (**ak*e et al., 2*17; *upta et al., 201*). The *eason is that patie**s\
satisfaction with * ho*pital\s services has a po*itive *mpact on *he*r loyalty and t*e l*kelihood
they will express
posi*ive co*men*s *bout **e hosp*t*l a*d recommend ** to others, thus
improv*ng *he hospital\s image (Bo*k*e et al., 2017; La Fata, Lup* & *i*z*a, 2019; Sil**,
Ferre*ra & Daniel, 2018).
*oo* patient *atisfacti*n is a*so a basic indicator for hospitals to obtain accredita*io*
cert*ficat*s *nd ranki*g a* reference instit*tions
i* *ertain medical s*e*ializ*tions,
them to ob*ain fu*ding for *esearch, staff tra*nin* a*d t* upgrade the*r *uality, i* a virtuous
circle (Car*ucci, Renna & Schiuma, 2013; *ah*an & N*gs*abandi, 201*).
Besides t*is,
sa*isfied patients tend *o ex*erience
positive p*yc*ological *ff*cts
strengthen their *mmuno*ogical system and their motivatio* to follow the o*i*nt*tions of
healthc*re *rofessio*al*, which can have * posi**v* *ffect on their recovery (Dan* et al., 2016;
Gupta, *odeghier & Lis, 2013; Nezenega, Gac*o & T*fere, 201*). Gupta, Rodeghier and Lis
(2013), in s*rvey am*ng A*erican **nce* patient*, i*entifi*d t*at t*ose who wer* more a
s*t*sf*ed w*th the service al*o had better hea*th outcomes, which the auth*r* att*ibuted *o
Re*. FSA, T*resina P*, v. 21, n. 2, ar*. 3, *. 44-66, fev. 2024 www4.fsanet.com.br/r*vi*t*
E. D. C*utinho, F. F. Lima
positive psy*ho*o*ic*l ef*ect* *ha* strength*n th* immunity and motiv*tion and discipline to
a**ere to the *reatment regi*en.
various studie*, suc* *s Grönroos (1988) and Parasuraman, Zeit*aml
and Berry (1988). T*e
perceptio* of individ*als regardin* t*e quality *f a se**ice is *h* resul* of their expectations
a*o*t *** *ervi*e in question that w*ll be re*de*ed by a particular c*mpan*. C*nsumers tend
to have a pos*ti*e percep*io*
*hen *heir expectations abou* the s*r*ice are met or exceede*
(Grönr*os, 19*4, 1988; Paras*r*ma*, *eith*ml & B*rry, 1985, 1988).
Parasuraman, Zeithaml an* Berr* (1988) identif*ed tha* the quality of * *er*ice is
compose* of five dimensi*ns: reliability, responsive*ess, s**urity, empathy and tangibili*y. *n
tu*n, Grön*oos (1988) found that perc*ived
qual*ty is constituted o*
*wo dimensi*ns:
functional and technical. The func*ional dimension refers to *he relationship
betwee* the
provider a*d cons*mer that occu*s *u***g co*sum*tion of t*e service, while the
technical dimension involve* th* technical knowledge a*pl*ed by the service provider to
**liver t** **s*red re*u*t to *he consumer.
T** two studi*s indic*ted abo*e h*ve influenced *arious investigations *f the s*rv*ce
quality perce*ved by pa*i*nts
in *he health secto*. The findings have indicated that pat*ents\
*epos*t thei*
gre*test expect*tions ab*ut *he
hospital service (*ure and/or reduction of
su*fer**g) in the atte*din* phys*ci*n,
*e*era*l* with high exp*ctations abo** the fu*cti**al
and techn*cal quali*y of the service *endere* by the *octor (Coutinho et al., 2019; Ja*i* *t al.,
2017; J*ndava*h & Byram, 2*16).
Th* f*nctional quality of the serv*ce ***vided by physicians (*enceforth medical
s*r*ice) can
b* unders*ood th*o**h
v*rious in*icator* inherent to t*e doc***\s "bedsi*e
manner", such as: emp*thetic, r*spectful, court*ous an* w**coming attitude; *ime de*o*ed to
listening *o and
ex*mining th* patient; and conce*n with explaining the parti*ularities of the
disease an* treatment. In
tu*n, the
*ual*ty of the medic*l ser*i*e refers *o
t he
specialized kno*l*dge of t*e doc*or *n performing cli*ical diagnoses; ski*l in in*erpreti*g
R*v. FSA, Teresina, v. 21, n. 2, ar*. 3, p. 44-66, f*v. 202* w*w4.fsane*.com.br/*evi*ta
Influence of Hospit*l *er*ice Quali*y on t*e Sati*faction of Cancer Patien*s
laboratory *e*t res*lts and *re*ari*g reports; choice an* execution of the m*st suitable
su*gical technique; *nd prescripti*n *f the most effec*ive drugs to *rea* the partic*lar a**ment
(Coutinho & Vieira, 201*; Jandavath & *yram, 2**6).
The *unctional dim*nsion of the qu*lity of the service
by th* physician can
b* easily perceived by patients, since
t he y
do no* *eed **ecialized knowledge t* as**ss
t h*
doctor\s attitude and behavior. This does not hold regarding the perc*iv*d *ech*ical quality o*
t*e service, *inc* patients as a rule do not have suff*cient specialized technical *nowle*g* t*
judge the d*ct*r\s decisions, so the*r evaluatio* *ainly de*e*ds on
t he i r
*ecov**y and/or
of *a*n and physical limitatio*s, as*ects that are not always re*ated *ith the
*echnic*l quality of the medical service (Coutinho et al., 2019; Coutinho & Vieira, 2*18; Jalil
et al., 2017; J*ndavat* & By*am, 201*).
I* *hi* sen*e, these two dimensions of the qual*ty of *edical ser*ice *re *u*damental
for hospitals, sinc* the* h*ve * dire** po*itive influe*ce on **tients\ *atisfac*io* with t*e
services rendered (Co*t**ho et al., 2019; Cout*nho & *ieira, 2018; *alil et al., 2017).
The survey *on*uc*ed by Jalil et al. (2017) am*ng outpat*ents of a pu*lic hospital in
Pakistan found *hat t*e func*ion*l quality of t** service *end*red by doctors *as important fo*
the satisfac*ion of p*tients, w**
mainly va*ued the
explanation *bout *he *r*atme*t a*d the
time devoted *o
hear a** exam*ne the p**ient. The techni*al *ual*ty
* f t he
*oct*r wa* also
cons*der*d important by *ati*nts, in terms of *he*r recovery and a*leviatio* of pain and
The studi*s carried out by Cou*inho e* al. (2019) and Cout*nho and Vieira (2018)
outp*tien** of Brazil\s *atio*al
C*ncer I*stitute al*o fo*nd q*ality of the medical
*e*vic* to b* *n imp*rt*nt f*ctor posit*vel* influ**cing p*tient satis*actio*. In th*s* *tudies,
the patie***
stat*d they mai**y valued th* doctor\s effort in h*lping *he*, t*e expla*a**on
about t*e therapy, *he technic*l competence, the time devote* to
hea*ing the
an* th*
coherence of the cl*nica* diag*osis.
Various *th*r studies
have dem*nstrated that the **ality
of medical se*vice
posit*ve impact *n
patient satis*action with hos**tal services, s*ch as *h* *urv*y* c**duc*ed
b* **abbir, Malik and M*lik (2016) among patients ** public hospita*s in Pakistan; *iovanis
e* al. (2018) *mong hospit*l patients in Greece; and S*maedi et al. (20**) with public hospital
p*tients in Indonesia.
Ther*for*, *ur firs*
hypothesis concern* the importance
of the qu*lity of medical
*erv*ce on pa*ient satisfact*o*:
*ev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, *ev. 2024
E. D. Coutinho, F. F. L*m*
H1: The medica* service qual**y (*SQ) *as a d**ect positive effect o* on*ological
patient satisfa*tion (*PS).
Another i*portan* f*ctor that has a positive influ*nc* on patient sa*is*a*tion with
*ospital serv**es is t** q*ality of the n*rsing service, since on av*r*ge n*rses i**eract
patients more than a*y ot*er cat*gory *f heal**c*re professionals, and their services a*e *eys
to the *ffica*y *f the med*c*l treatme*t (Giovanis e* al., 2018).
Pa*ients, bec*use of their conditio* of p****cal and
e*otional vuln*rab*li*y, need to
feel welcome* by hea**hcare professionals as well *s receive technically co**ect tre*tment.
N**s*s *re the main pr*tagonis*s of th* i*te*a*tion wit* *atients, often
d*ri*g intima*e
delicate moments (Karac* & Dur*a, 2019).
*h* su*vey conducted by *i*vanis et al. (*018) identifi** that th*
quality ** *he
nursing se*v**e ha* *osi*ive a
effect on th* sa*isfaction o* Greek hospita* patients, who
attributed s**nifica*t *mpo*ta*ce to the empathy,
and courtesy of nurses,
alon* w*th their t*chnical
co*petence. Simil*r results we** obtained in stu*ies among
hospit*l p*tien*s in various other countries, s*c* as Turkey (Karaca & Durna, 2019);
(*umaed* et al., 2016); Chin* (Z**eldin,
and *nd*a
(Naik & **s*ir, 2015),
le*ding to o*r second hy*othesi*:
Th* n*rsing servic* qua*it* (NSQ) has a
direct pos**ive effect on onco*ogical
patient s*tisfaction (O*S).
Besid*s t*e quality of *he se*vices rendered b* do*tors and nurses, patients als* tend to
*ttribute significant importance to the qual*ty *f t*e hospital\s administrative service, such a*
the ease of *chedul**g appointments, waiting ti*e f*r consultatio*s *nd te*ts *nd the
pro*edure t* obtain medic*n*s (Bentaye*, *ahri*hi & Roussea*, 2019; Giova*i* et al., 2*18;
S*abbir, Malik & Mali*., 2016).
The st*dies perfor*ed b* Giovanis et al. (2018), Shabbir, Malik and Mal*k (20*6) and
Durrah, Allil and Kahwaji (2015) found tha* the
quali*y *f the adm*n*strativ* service has a
*ositive in**uence on *a*ient *atisfaction, *eading to our *hird hyp*thesis:
H3: The administrati*e service quality (*SQ) h*s a *irect positive effe*t
onc*lo*ic*l p*tient satisfaction (OPS).
Rev. F*A, *er*sina, v. 21, *. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. 2024 ww*4.fs*net.*o*.br/revista
In*lu*nce of Ho*pital S**vice Qua*i*y on the Sati*faction of Cancer Pat**nts
Patie*t satisfactio* is als* sub*ect to the positive influe*c* of the *ual*ty of the
hospi*al i*stallations, *nvolv**g as*e***
like *lea*l*ness, *omfort, modernity, *ood si*naling
to facilitate internal navigation a*d est*et*c beauty (Coutin*o et al., 2*19; Cout*nho & *ie*ra,
2018; Deshwal & Bhuy*n, 2018).
*arious studies have found that the qual*ty of hospital facilities has a *osit**e
influence on patient satisfa*tion. Coutinho et al. (2019) and Coutinho and Vieira (201*)
identified co*fort,
g*od s*gnag* *nd *sth**ic attra*tiveness *s factors for cancer patients\
satisfaction. Deshwal and B*uyan (2018) fou** that *he decoration, *leanliness, comfort and
modernit* of equ**ment and fu*nish*ngs ha** a pos*tive impact on the s*tisfaction o* cancer
patients in India. The s*** results wer* *ound by Jandavath and Byra* (2*16) amo*g Indian
*at*ents, as well as
by Giovan*s et al. (2018) among Greek patients a*d Shabbir, *alik **d
Malik (2016) amo*g Pakistani patients.
Hence, ther* is ample ev*dence of the import*nce of hospital *ac**ities on patie*t
satisfaction, under*innin* the f*llowi*g hypothesis:
H4: The hosp*t*l facilities quality (*FQ) has a direct positive effec* on *ncological
*atient *atisfaction (OPS).
Fig*re * *resents t*e p*oposed mod*l and t*e respective hypotheses.
F*g*re * - Satis*ac*ion-quality *odel.
Source: Own el**ora*i*n.
Next, we de*cri*e the method*logy used to collect t*e da*a and the anal*sis of
* h*
Rev. FSA, Teres*na P*, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. 2024
E. D. Coutinh*, F. F. Lima
employ *t least 10 observatio*s
for *ach ind*cator of the mod*l, and for the sample to
c*mposed ** at le*st 2*0 elements. There**re,
our sample of 245 respondent* meets *h*
quality parameters of
t** statistical *ool used. Since the selection of the sample w*s not
rando*, *e decided to ta*e a **utious stance an* use more than 1* o*se*va**on* per o*ser*ed
v*riable, *ince **e model pr*p*se* here has 18 ind*ca*ors.
* .2 Collection *nd treatment of the data
T*e data were c*llect*d
by means of * s*ructur*d questionnaire, s*o*ed on a Likert
scale w*t* five
op*ions, rang*ng
from (to*ally **sag*ee) *o 5 (t*t**ly agree). The data w*re 1
Inf*uence of Hospit*l Service Qual**y on the Sat*sfaction of Cancer Patients
The da*a c*llec*ion instru*ent *mployed in t*is study was *nspired by the
que*tionnai*es app*ie* *y Coutinho et al. (2*19) **d Cou*inho and Vieir* (*018), based on
s*ales adapted from the *itera*ure for a*plication i* the conte*t of outpa*ient cancer *reat*en*.
Besi*es this, *e ad**d in*i*at*rs inhere*t to *he quality of *he administrative service to those
used *n the *revious studies mentioned ab*ve, a* **n be seen in Ta*le 1.
Table 1 - Oncology Patient Satisfaction Scale
*tems *f the *c*le
Med*cal Servic* Quali** (MSQ)
MS*1 MSQ2 *SQ3 M*Q4 MSQ5
The doctor gives an *xpla*ation ab**t the treatment of the *isea*e. The docto* li*tens calmly to what th* patient is fe*lin*. The d*ctor\s diagnosis i* c*herent with what the p*tien* is feeling. T*e doctor trie* *ard to help the patient. The **cto* is compete*t.
Qi* et al. (201*); Durrah, All*l and Kahwaji (2*1*); Juhana *t a*. (2015); Rahman an*
Nur*in* S*rv*ce Quality (*SQ)
NSQ1 NS*2 N*Q3
T*e nurs* tr*e* hard to help the patient. The nurse att*nd* *he p*t*ent without hast*. The nurse *s compe*ent.
Osmangani (2015); Jandavath and
Hospital F*cilities Quality (H*Q)
Th* appearanc* o* the *o*pital is agreea**e. Th* ho*pit*l has good sig*age *o the pa**ent can **o* where to go. The hospital\s physical facilities are co**ortable.
By*am (20*6); Sumae*i et al. (2016); Jal*l et al. (201*); Co*tin** and Viei*a (2018); Co**inho et al. (2019).
Administrati*e Service Quality (*SQ)
Whe* the *a*ient arr*ves at the hospital, he/she is re**i*ed qui*kly. T** patient c*n sch*dule consultat***s e*sily. Th* ho*pital *upplies the me*icin** necessa*y to treat the p*tie**.
Sha*b*r, Ma*ik and Malik (2016); Giovanis et al. (20*8).
On*ol*gi*al Pati**t **t*sfaction (OPS)
I\m *a***f*e* with th* medica* treatment. I\m satis*ied with the a*mi*istrative service of the hospit*l. I\m satisfied with m* recovery. In gen*r*l, I\* satisfied wi*h the service prov*ded by hospi*al.
Gup*a, Rodeghi** and Lis (2013); Qi* e* al. (20*4); Du*rah, Allil a** K*hwaji (2015); J*hana et al. (2*15); S*m*ed* et al. (2016); **utinho *nd Vieir* (20*8); Coutinho et *l. (2019).
So*rce: *dap*ed from C*utinho and Vieira (2018) an* Coutinho e* al. (2019).
Rev. FS*, Te*esina P*, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-*6, fev. 2*24
E. *. *outinho, *. F. Lima
Male Female T**a*
148 97 245
* 0 .4 1 % 3 9 .5 9 % 100%
A*e range
Between 26 an* 35 year* B*twe*n 36 and 50 years Between *1 an* 65 ye*rs Over 6* year* Tot*l
13 3* 101 92 245
5 .3 1 % 1 5 .9 * % 4 1 .2 2 % 3 7 .5 5 % 100%
S*hool*ng Level
Fun*am*ntal school inc*mplet* *u**amental school com*lete Secondary sc*ool c*mple*e College complete Adv*nced *pecialization comple*e Total
18 91 114 2* 1 *45
7 .3 5 % 3 7 .1 4 % * 6 .5 3 % * .5 7 % 0 .4 1 % *00%
S*urce: Own *laborati*n.
As can be seen in T*ble 2, the majority of the *espo*dents were males, *nd the majority
(193, 7*.77%) were over *0 *ears of *ge, re*lecting *he fac* that cancer i* more co*mon in
ol*er people. The samp*e was *lso he*vily skewed to pa*ients with low **hooling levels, si*ce
only (8.57%) had college *egre*s an* only 1 (0.41%) had advanced specialization. This can
be explained by th* fact th* hospita* i* question is part of the p*bl*c healt* servic*, which
*a*nly ser**s people with *ower inco*e* because *hose with high*r incomes typically ha**
pr*va*e health insur**ce.
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 21, *. 2, ar*. 3, p. 44-66, *ev. 2024
In*l*ence *f *os*ital Service Qu*lity on the Satisfaction ** Ca*cer Patie*ts
4 .* Str*ctural equati*n mode*ing
Thi* sub*ecti*n is divided *nt*
two parts. *he *irst pre*ents the *nalys*s of *he
measurem*nt m*del a*d *he second evaluates the struct*ral model (Hair et al., 20*7).
4.2.* Measurement m*del
The measurement model, *ls* called the external m*del, refers to the re*ationship
betwee* t*e constructs *nd *ndicators. Wh*n a*plying PLS-SE*, i* is *uit*b** to *valuat* the
m*asurement model by calculati*g t*e interna* re*iability, converge** *a**dity *n*
discri*in*nt val*dity *f the
latent v**ia*le* (*ai* et
al., 2017; Hai* et al., *01*; Hense*er,
The internal *eliabili*y of the factor* was evaluated by c*mputing *he c*mpo*ite
reliability (CR) and Cronbach\s alph*, which serve to verify if the samp*e,
wit* a*equate
prec*sion, ha* biase* and w*ether the o**erved variables repr*sent the data r*liably. C* values
above 0.70 ar* expected, but values greater *han 0.90 a*e *o* desired. Fo* Cro*bach\* alpha,
value* greater t*a* 0.70 are
considere* adequate, alt*ough t*ose
greater tha* 0.60 ar*
ge*e*al*y co**i**red acceptable *n the social sci*nces (Ha*r, Howard, & *i**l, 2020).
The convergent val*dity of the factors was e*aluat*d b* examining the average
variance extracted (AVE). An AVE valu* o* a latent v*ria*le g*eater *h*n 0.*0 means *hat on
average it explai*s mo*e tha* *0% of the var*ance *f it* ind*cators, which i* considered
*s shown in Table 3, the constr*cts had suit*ble valu*s ** inter*al re*iability and
conve*gent **lidity.
T***e 3 - Evaluati*n of *he internal *eliability and con*ergent validity of the co*structs
Composit* reliability Cr*nbac*\s al*ha Aver*ge variance ext*acted
0 .9 2 0 0 .8 9 1 0 .6 9 6
0 .9 1 5 0 .* * 1 * .7 * 3
* .7 9 0 0 .6 1 6 0 .5 5 *
0 .8 4 4 * .* * 6 0 .6 4 *
0 .8 7 9 0 .8 1 * 0 .6 4 6
So*rce: Ow* elab*rati*n
*ith *esp*ct to the discriminant validity of **e factors, it presented ad**uate results
according to the criterion of Fornell and Lar*k*r (19*1) and analysis of the cross-loa*ings, as
can b* note* in Tab*e 4. **e Forne*l-Larcke* cri*eri*n correlat*s t*e square root o* *he AVE
Rev. FSA, Te*esina PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. 202* www4.fsan*t.com.br/revista
E. D. Cout*nho, F. *. L***
of all the factor* of the mo*el, and fo* the model *o h*ve adequ*te di*criminant vali*ity, the
square root of th* AVE of *ach con*tr*ct *eeds t* be hi*her th*n the individual *orrelatio*s
*ith all the other fa**ors of the model. In turn, the values of t** cro*s-loadings *va**ate
t he
indic*tors in**vidually, to verify their a*s**iations w*th all the *onstructs *f *he model via the
factor loadings. This a*alysis serves to confirm
*ow st*ongly th* **serv*d variables are
associated w*th the*r respective factors (Hair et al., 2020).
*able 4 - Discriminant v*lidity o* *he constructs
Fornell-Larck*r **iterion (*981)
(0.834) 0 .* 0 7 0 .3 * 6 0 .4 1 8 0 .7 0 2
(0.885) 0 .4 1 3 0 .4 2 8 0 .5 6 *
(0.746) 0 .5 4 * 0 .4 * *
(0.8*2) 0 .4 9 8
<0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1
A*alysis of t** cr*ss-loadi*gs
Indicator M*Q1 MSQ* MS*3 MSQ4 MSQ* N*Q1 NSQ2 NS*3 *S*1 ASQ2 ASQ3 *FQ1 HFQ2 HFQ3 OPS1 OPS2 **S3 O*S4
MSQ (0.832) (0.866) (0.810) (0.83*) (0.8*4) 0 .5 8 4 0 .4 9 1 * .* 2 * 0 .2 6 * * .2 * 5 0 .3 1 * 0 .3 8 * 0 .2 4 9 0 .* 5 * 0 .6 6 3 0 .4 2 8 0 .5 5 1 0 .5 9 6
NSQ * .4 3 4 0 .4 7 7 0 .5 * 8 0 .4 * 5 * .5 6 6 (0.854) (0.*79) (0.9*0) 0 .2 1 1 0 .3 5 9 0 .* 4 9 0 .4 4 4 0 .1 * 3 0 .3 6 8 0 .5 5 2 0 .* 4 4 * .3 6 4 0 .4 3 3
ASQ 0 .3 1 3 0 .3 6 6 0 .3 2 5 0 .* 7 0 0 .3 3 7 0 .* * 6 0 .4 0 0 0 .3 6 3 (0.69*) (0.*54) (0.785) 0 .3 9 5 0 .3 6 3 0 .5 4 6 0 .* 8 2 0 .4 5 2 0 .* * 0 0 .3 8 0
H FQ 0 .2 9 4 0 .* 9 7 0 .3 3 7 0 .3 2 9 0 .3 8 2 0 .3 6 9 0 .3 9 6 0 .3 7 3 0 .4 4 * 0 .4 4 3 0 .3 6 6 (*.804) (0.7**) (0.836) 0 .3 9 * 0 .5 6 4 0 .2 * 6 0 .3 7 *
O ** 0 .5 7 7 0 .5 9 9 0 .5 1 9 0 .6 * 1 0 .6 2 * 0 .5 2 * 0 .4 5 * 0 .5 1 1 0 .3 1 8 0 .2 * 4 * .4 * 1 0 .4 3 5 0 .3 1 1 0 .4 3 2 (0.84*) (0.742) (0.**3) (*.844)
p-value <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 * 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <* .0 0 1 <* .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 0 1 <0 .0 * 1 <* .0 0 1 <* .* 0 1
*o*rce: Ow* elaboration.
Besides the a*pects discussed above, the anal*sis of *he cross-l*a**n*s a*l*w*
identifying the most im**rta*t obse*ved vari*bles for ea*h laten* varia*le, which
are th*se
that have a loading in a *actor th*t is hi*her than the loadi*gs of all the
o*her va*i*bles
a*soc***ed with the
sam* factor (Hair *t al. 2017). Fo* example, the main ind*cator of *he
facto* MSQ (medical servi*e quality) was MSQ2 (time
g*ven *y the doctor t* hear*ng
t he
pat*en*), wh*le *he most important indicato* of the
l*tent varia*le NSQ (nu*sing servic*
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fe*. 2024
In*luence of Hos*ital S*rvic* Quality on **e Sati*faction of *ancer Pa*ie**s
qua*ity) was N*Q3 (techni*al competence o* *he nurse). Regarding t** constructs ASQ
(administrative *ervi*e quali*y) and HFQ (*ospita* fa**litie* quality), thei* p*in*ip** indicators
were ASQ3 (*up*ly of med*cine to t*e patient) *nd HFQ3 (co*fort of the hospital facilities),
4.2.2 S**uctural model
The *tr*ctural mod*l refers *o the re*atio*ship between th* lat**t var*abl*s. I*s
eva**ation mainly enables **entifying the level
of *redictiv* accu**cy of
*he mode* *nd
t *e
empirical support for th* *ypotheses. This i*vol*es c*lcu*ating the Pearson coefficient of
de*erminatio* (*²) and determ*ning t** st*en*** and signif*can*e of the path coeffi*i*nts ().
Furthermore, th* *val*atio* *f the s*ructur*l *odel also involves verific**ion *f the effect size
(f²) and predictive **le*an*e (Q²) of *he co*s*ru**s (Hair et a*., 20*4, 20*7).
The P*ar*on coeffi*i*nt (R²) m*asur*s the predicti** accuracy *f the model, *y
ascertai*ing to what ex*ent the *ndependent va*ia*les *xplain the variance of *he dependen*
*ariables of th* **del. The values of R² *ange fro* 0 to 1, and the
pr**ictive ac*u*a*y *s
great*r *s the va*u*s of R2
*ppro*ch 1 (Hair et al., 2014, *017).
** this s*udy, the
endog*nous construct OPS
had R² valu* of 0.575, meaning
t he
exog*no*s constructs MSQ, NSQ, *SQ and HF* *xpla**ed 57.5% of the v*riance of
* he
p*tients\ *atisfaction *ith *he ho**i*al servi*e.
Th* indi*ators Q² and f² *easure the model\s fit. The ind*cat*r Q², a*so call*d the
Stone-Geis*er indica*or, has *he objecti*e of evalua**ng *h*
pred*ctive rel*v*nce *f
t he
*ndepend*n* varia*les *ith respect to the mode*\s depend*nt variables. Value* of Q² grea*e*
than 0 are consid**ed a*equ*te, and the p*edi*tive
q*ality of the mode* improves as Q²
approaches 1. In t*rn, f², also called t*e Cohen indicator (1988), checks the effect size of t*e
exo*enous f*ctors on the e*do*enous constructs. V*lues o* f²
near 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35
cons*dered to be smal*, medium and lar*e, *espect*vely (Hair et al., 201*).
In t*is study, the laten* variab*e OPS had adequate predictive rele*ance, since th*
**lue of Q² w*s 0.3*5. With respe*t to the effect size o* t** exogen*us con**ructs on
* he
endoge*ous c**str*ct OPS, the *at**t variables HFQ, ASQ, NS* and M*Q had respective f²
va*ues of 0.6*3, 0.558, 0.*83 a*d 0.695. This means tha* *ll *he model\s exogenous constructs
presented large effect sizes on *he construct O*S.
Finally, the empirica* support fo* the hypotheses *rop*se* here was ver*fied
t he
statistical significance of the pa*h coefficients (). A
pos i t i ve
value o* * indicates
*h e
R**. FS*, Teresi*a PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 4*-66, *ev. 20**
E. D. Co*tin*o, *. F. *ima
i*depen*en* v*riabl* exerts an influence on the depend*nt variable, *nd the c*usal
relati*nship bec*mes negative when is negati*e. T*ese
relations *re o*ly s*p*or**d with
st*ti*tical sig*ifican*e lower t*an 5% when the v*lues of t*e Studen* t-*est are great*r than
1.96 (Hair e* al., 201*).
*n this stud*, the lat*nt variable with the stron*e*t *ositiv* impact on *he factor OPS
was MS*, *it* of 0.5*0, f*l*owed by the follo*in* const**cts: A*Q, w*th = 0.16*; HFQ,
with = 0.1*5; an* *SQ, with = 0.131. Henc*, all the hypot*eses *ere **pported, wit* H1
and H2 *a*in* statist*ca* s*gnific*nce lowe* than 0.5%, *3 lo*er than *.5%, and H4 lower
than 0.1%, as reported i* Tab*e 5.
Table 5 - E*piri*al *u*port of *h* hy*othe*es
H1: MSQ has
a direct posit*v*
effec* on MSQ
0 .5 0 0
8 .9 1 1
< 0 .0 * 1
*2: NSQ has
eff**t on
0 .1 3 1
* .2 4 8
< 0 .0 2 5
*3: ASQ ha*
e*fect on
* .1 6 1
2 .9 9 7
< 0 .* 0 5
H4: HFQ has
effect on
0 .1 4 5
2 .9 * 9
< 0 .0 0 5
Sou*ce: Own elaboration.
Final*y, all *he h*po*hetical relations between the construct* are bett** de*icted in
Figure 2, *hich s*ows the pat* diagr*m *ith our main statis*ical *esults.
F*gure * - Pat* diagram prese**ing *he *esu*ts
Sou*ce: Ow* el*bor*tion.
*ev. FSA, Teresina, v. 21, n. 2, **t. 3, p. 44-66, fev. 2024 www4.*sanet.*om.br/*evista
Inf**ence of H*spi*a* *ervi*e Quality *n *h* *atisf*ctio* *f Ca*cer *atients
*he resu*ts i*dicate t*a* the quality ** the medic*l *er*ice *as the factor with
strongest *o*it*ve *nflue*ce on the *ati*nt satisfaction, *ollowed *y the adm*nistrative s*rvic*
qu*lity, hospital fa*ilities quality a** nur*ing service quality.
Patien*s t**d to b*lieve that only the atten*ing **ysician is qualif*ed to select
t he
t*eatment with t*e greatest
*hance *f cure **d reducti*n of the resulti*g su*fering. Th*s
ex**ain* *he high importanc* attrib*ted *y the res*onden*s
*o the me****l service qual*ty,
corro*orat*n* the res**ts obt*ined
by C*utinho et al. (2019), Coutinho and Vieira (2018),
*iovani* et a*. (20**) a*d Shabbir, Malik and *a*ik (2016).
The patients in this study placed value on the indicators of med*cal s*r*i*e quali** i*
the foll*wi*g o*d*r
*f importan*e: time devoted to hearing the patients; effort to h*lp them;
the trea*ment; technic*l co**e*ence; and
of the clin**al
In these res**c*s, *he pa*ients believe tha* the ti*e devoted to l*ste* to their
of sym*toms de*onstrat*s
the level of concern and enha*ces t*e quality of
t *e
**inica* diagnosis and se*ection of the *est treatment option. The *ffo*t to help them als* is o*
gr*at impor*ance, since pati*nts need t* fe*l th*t the doct*r r*al*y cares about their rec*ver*
and r*ducing *h*ir suffering, especially w*th a dise*se *s ser*o*s as cancer. Inde*d, it is
de*astating dise*se, in*erpreted by a substa*tial portion o* patients as * death s*ntence.
Furtherm*re, onco*ogic*l
treatm*nt *s pro*onged
and deb***tating,
gene*ating *ears an*
anguish. Fo* this reason, the doct*r\s ex*lana**on of the t*erap* is highly relevant to pa*ien*s,
and the r*s*lting *lar*f*ca*ion of *oubts generally *t*engthens their mo*ivati*n to stick to the
treatme*t re*imen, expl*ining *hy medi*al service *uality in *his surve* was the facto*
valued the most by the patie*ts.
Besid*s t*is, when the
do*tor shows
empa*hy and
courtesy, calmly listening to
t he
patient, *nd makes a maximum effort t* help them by explaining t*e treatment, the patient,
d*vastated by th* d*sease, feels *o** protected. This impro*es the pa*ient\s frame
of m i *d,
*hic* *s extrem*ly i*portant *o face the disease.
F*nally, the pat*en*s al** val*e* t*e** *ositive perc**tion o* t*e technical co*petenc*
of th* doctor and *h* co**r*nce of the *linical d*a*n*sis, s*nce t*es* two fa*tors co*vey t* *he
p*tients the belief
**a* th* *herapy is be*ng *uid**
by * *rofessional wi*h
the technic*l
*ua*ific*ti*ns t* cure then and/or *tten*ate th*i* s*ff*ring, thus en*ancing their satisfaction
w*th t*e hospital ser*ice.
R*v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-6*, fev. 20*4 www4.fs*ne*.com.br/revista
E. D. Couti*ho, *. F. Lima
The factor w*th the second-*trongest positive imp*ct on th* p*tients\ satisfactio* was
the quali*y
*f the *ospital\s admi*istrat**e ser*ic*,
where the *nd*cato*s *ad t*e f*llowing
order o* i*po**ance: 1) su**ly o* *he medicine ne*essary f*r t**atment; *) ease o* sched*ling
consultations; and 3) waiting time
to see the doctor. Thes* fi*din** *orrob*rate the results
re*o**ed by *i*v*nis et a*. (201*) and Shab*ir, Malik and Malik (2016).
Th* p*t*en*s attribut*d
great importance to **e su*p*y of t*e med*cines
since public hospitals *n *razil a*e leg*lly requir*d to *rov*de t*e drugs neces*ar* for *herapy.
De*ays in s*pp*ying drugs can *nterrupt treat*ent, since as a **le
the patien*s of
publ i c
hospitals do not have the financial wher**ithal to purchase the (usual*y exp*ns*ve) drugs t*
treat cancer. In*erruption o* treatment ob*iously has a negative effect *n their r*cove*y.
The outpatients also *tated that the **se of sche*uli** medical co**ultations has grea*
importance *or th*ir tr*atme*t, because thi* a*o*ds d*lay* that can negat*vely a*fect treat*ent
and recov*ry. Once *hey arrive at th* hospi**l, patients obviously want ** be *erved q*ic*ly
rat*er than having to sit f*r long periods in the wai*ing *oom
i* climat* of a
anxiety and
T*e *h*rd most important factor for patien* sati*f*ction wa* the q*ality of the hospita*
corroborating th* r*su**s obtain*d by Coutinho *t al.
(2019), Coutinh*
*nd Vieira
(2018) and **s*wal
and Bhuyan (2018). The patients indic*ted
that th* comfort of the
*ospital instal*at*ons is very *mportan* so as n*t to aggr*v**e th* already consider*ble *hysical
discom**rt caused by cancer. The pat*ent* **so val*e* the esthetically a*tract*ve app*arance of
the hospital, since this tends to soften anxieties about the
a**ment and the
thera*y. *inally,
goo* signage within *he *osp*ta* was valued b*cause it t*ansmits t*e feeling t*at th* hospital
is wel* organized, thus improving the satisfactio* wi*h th* service.
The respo*den** ran*ed the quality
*f the *ursing service
*n four*h place of
importance fo* *atis*actio*,
in contra*t wit* the res*lts found
by several oth** studi*s of
patient satisfa*tion
wi*h hos*ital se*vices, such as
Giovanis et al. (2018), S*maedi et al.
(2016), Zineld*n (20*5) and *aik and Bas*ir (201*).
The patients conside*ed the
positive p**cep***n of the
technical competence
of t he
n*rses to be the m*st importa*t ind*cator of satisfact*on with t*e service, f*l*owe* by th* time
devoted by th* nu*ses to *ear them and the effor* made to *elp
th*m. A*thoug*
patients did
no* e*press *xpectat*ons of * direct effect *f the nur**ng s*rvice on their recove*y, they were
aware *hat the go** qual*ty of th** ser*ice *ncreases t** chance *f effica** of tre*tment, **th a
posit*ve influence *n their sa*isfa**ion with the *o*p*tal s*rvi*e.
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *1, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-66, fev. *024 www4.fsanet.*om.br/revista
Influence of Hospital Service *u*lity on the Satisfacti*n *f Cancer Patients
In general, then, t*is st*d* *how*d *h*t t*e c*nc*r
outpatients survey*d *er* main*y
concerned about cure of the disease a*d r*duction of their suffering, so thei* satisfa**ion with
the s**vice was pr*n*ipally *ssociated *ith *uality attr*butes of *he th**apy, such as *edica*ion
of th* phys*ci*n, cla*ity o* explanati*n about t** treat*ent prescri*ed, sup*l* of drugs by the
hospi*al *nd
the s*eed of *ervice. In the *i*al analysis, sinc* *an*e* is a sev*re *i*ease tha*
causes psychologica* damages to pati**t*,
the* *a*e a s*rong n*ed to fe** welcome and
the q**lity o* the ser*ices r*nder*d *y a public *os*ital in *he city
*f Rio de Janeiro.
responses enabl*d *de**i*ying t*at pati*nts mainl* value the quality of the service render*d by
the doct*r, *o*low*d by the qu*lity of t** administrative
service, quali*y of the ho*pi*al
facili*ies and quality of *he *u*si*g service.
Al*ho**h *he literature o* patient s*tisfacti*n with hospital ser*i*es indic**es t*at the
q*ality *f
t*o** serv*ces mainly involves
the p**iti*e feeling conveyed t* t*em *y the
heal*hcare prof*s*ionals, where the work
of n*rses is *undamental (Batbaatar et al., 2017;
Hu*sain e* al., 2019; Poulton, 1996; Woo*s*de, F*ey & Daly, 1989), the *esults of this stu*y
demonst*ated a d**tinct reali*y in t*e c*ntext of outpat*ent treatment of ca*c*r pati*nts. Thus,
the principal
c*nclusion of *his study is that
*h*s* patient*, *ven though t*ey are typically
extr*mely anxious *ue t* the sev*rity of t*e disease, *ave * rat*o*al post*re *f priorit*zing the
qual*ty a*tributes th*y c*nsider t* b* mo*t importan* for the eff*c*cy of the therapy, i.e., the
ro*e of th* doc*or, mo*e so than aspects that g**e *motional comfort, su*h *s t*e p*ysical
setting and t*e wo*k of nurses.
In this respec*, t*e main theoreti*a* contr*bution of this study was to identify t*at the
o*col*gical outpatients sur**y**, un*ike found in many
other **udies, *ttri*uted li*tle
i*port*nce t* the nursi*g service qual*ty, even though nurses are t*e *ealthcare profess*onals
who interact t*e most w*th pat*ents. * po*sible ex*la*a*ion for thi* re*u*t is that t*e*e *atients
channel their expect*tions **inly to t*e quality attribu**s *hey belie** a*e m*st important to
their r*co*ery, *ausing them t* c**s*ify the nurs**g servi*e *s relatively unimpor*ant. Hence,
they priori*iz* th* quality *f
t*e me*ical s*r*ice and a*mini*trative activiti*s that di*ec*ly
affect the *uc*ess
of t*erapy, suc* as adeq*ate sup*ly o* drugs and short waiting *ime for
Re*. FSA, Teresin* PI, v. 21, n. 2, art. 3, p. 44-*6, fev. 20*4
*. D. C*ut*nho, F. F. Lima
c*nsu*ta*ions and tests. Furthe*more, outpatients ar* less dependen* on *he care of n*rses and
have * less intimat* an* frequent rela*io*ship wi** t*em than hospitalized *atients.
*esi*e* *he theoretical contribution, *his *or* contains a* instrument for col*ection of
date that *an be useful for better *anagement of outpatie*t s*rvi*es and thus improved patien*
satisfaction, which is funda*ental, since sati**ied patients
te** *o make positive comments
and remain l*yal to the hospital. More importantly, s*tisfied
patient* present pos*ti*e
ps*chological r*actions that enhanc* their discipl**e and m*t**ation to adhe** t* th* *reatment
regimen, *ontributing to re*o*ery *f th*i* heal*h.
In closing, the resu*t* repo*te* in t*is study, a*though vali* and reliab*e, cannot
general*zed, *ince the sa*ple was *elected by co*veni*n*e, classifying i* as no*-probabilistic.
Hence, there *r* opportunities fo* future
studies in
*ther ho*pitals, b*** *ub*ic and **ivat*,
that tr*at outpatie*ts suffering fr*m c*n*er.
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C**TINHO, E. D; LIMA; F. F. In*luen*e of Hospita* Service Quali*y o* th* Satisfaction *f Cancer
P*tients. Rev. FSA, T*res*na, v. 2*, *. 2, a**. *, p. 44-*6, fe*. 20*4.
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