<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *0, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, *e*. 20*3 </line>
<line> ISSN Impresso: *806-6356 I*SN Ele*rônico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/20* </line>
<line> *ublic Policies and Politics: The *r*zilian Di*em*a to Re**ce Deforestat**n </line>
<line> Políticas *úblicas e a P*líti*a: * Dilema Br*sileiro para **duzi* o Desmata*ent* </line>
<line> Geran*y *ouveia *etto </line>
<line> Graduado em Ciê*ci*s Econômicas pe** *aculdade *e Administraçã*, Ciências *ontábeis e E*onomia da Univer*id*de </line>
<line> Federal da Gr*nde Doura*os </line>
<line> *-mail: net**_gouvei*@ho*mail.com </line>
<line> Jon*t**n Gonçal*es da Silva </line>
<line> Douto* e* Economia *plicada pel* Escola Superior d* Agr*cultura "Luiz *e Qu*ir*z" - ESA*Q/USP </line>
<line> Prof*ss*r *o Program* de P*s-graduação em *gronegócios da Universidade F*deral da Grande *o*r*d*s </line>
<line> E-*ail: j*nat**ndasilva@ufgd.ed*.b* </line>
<line> Rose*aine Bonfi* de Almei** </line>
<line> D*utora em Economia Aplic*da pel* E*cola Supe**o* de A*ricultu*a "Luiz de Qu**roz" - ESAL*/USP </line>
<line> Pro*essora do *rogr*ma de Pós-g*aduação *m Agro*egócios d* *niversid*de Federal da G*and* D*urados </line>
<line> E-mail: rosela*n*almeid*@ufgd.ed*.*r </line>
<line> Ende*eço: Gerandy Gouveia N*tto </line>
<line> (FA**/UFGD) - Rodovia Dourados/It*hum, Km 12, </line>
<line> *ditor-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerl*y de Al*n*ar </line>
<line> Cidade *niversit*ria, *o*rad*s/MS, CEP: 79.804-*70., </line>
<line> Rodrigues </line>
<line> Brasil. </line>
<line> E*dereço: Jo*ath*n *onçal*es da Silva </line>
<line> Artigo re*ebido em 15/*0/2**3. Últim* </line>
<line> versã* </line>
<row> (FACE/U*G*) - Rodo*ia Dourados/Itahu*, Km 1*, </row>
<row> Cidade Univers*tária, Dourados/M*, C**: 79.*04-970., </row>
<row> Bra*il. </row>
<row> Endereço: *ose*aine Bonfim *e Almeida </row>
<row> (F*CE/UFGD) - Rodovia Dourados/Ita*um, *m 1*, </row>
<row> Cidade Universitária, Doura*os/MS, C*P: 79.*04-970., </row>
<row> Brasil. </row>
<row> recebida em 3*/10/2023. Apr*vad* em 31/10/20*3. </row>
<row> Avaliado pelo sistema Tripl* Review: a) D**k Review </row>
<row> pelo Editor-Chefe; e b) D*u**e B*ind Revi** </row>
<row> (ava*ia*ã* *ega por do*s aval*adores d* área). </row>
<row> Revisã*: G*amatic*l, Normativa e de Formataç*o </row>
<line> *u*lic Policie* and Politics: Th* B**z*l**n Dilemma to R*duce Deforestati*n </line>
<line> 1*9 </line>
<line> ABS*RACT </line>
<line> Wor*dwide env*ronmen*al debates have advanced as a </line>
<line> response ** the need to curb *lobal </line>
<line> warming. In 2015 the *a*is Agree*ent was es*a*l*shed, in which countries set en*ironmen*a* </line>
<line> goals for 2025 and 20*0. Brazi* i* a signatory to the Agreem*nt a*d identifi*s d*forestati*n in </line>
<line> the Ama*on Rain*o*es* *s it* m*i* *nviron*ent*l **obl*m. Th*s *tudy *ropo*es an </line>
<line> inter*r**ation o* the ac*ions of **a*ilian gove*nments to reduce defores*ation in the Legal </line>
<line> Amazon from 2000 *o 2020. For that, we conducted * literature review </line>
<line> on deforestat*on and </line>
<line> *sed relevant seconda*y data. The *esu*ts sho* t*at Br*zil did not </line>
<line> have a plan t* *ont*ol </line>
<line> defores*ation until </line>
<line> 2*04. After that the </line>
<line> government starts to **ntrol deforestat*on efficiently </line>
<line> unti* 2011. F*om that year onwar*s, efficient policies are aban*oned, an* sev*ral </line>
<line> environmental set*acks ar* imposed. Th* final part *f thi* stud* propo*es new approaches for </line>
<line> t*e continuity and im*ro*ement of effo*ts to combat defores*ation in the *egal Amazon. </line>
<line> Ke*words: Amazon. D*forestation. Globa* *arming. Paris *greement. </line>
<line> RES*MO </line>
<line> Os debates ambient*i* em tod* o *undo avançaram como r*sposta à n*cessidade de cont*r o </line>
<line> a*u**imento global. E* 2015 f*i estabel*cido </line>
<line> o A*ordo de Paris, no qual os *aí*e* </line>
<line> est*belecera* metas ambientai* </line>
<line> pa*a </line>
<line> 202* </line>
<line> e 2030. O Bras*l </line>
<line> é *igna*ário </line>
<line> do A*or*o e </line>
<line> identifica o **smatame**o na Floresta </line>
<line> A*a*ônica como *eu p*in**pal problema amb*e*tal. </line>
<line> Este estudo propõe </line>
<line> um* interpreta*ão das ações d*s govern*s brasilei*os *ara *eduzi* o </line>
<line> desmatamen*o na Am*zônia Legal de </line>
<line> 2000 * 2020. *ar* iss*, realizamos *ma revi*ão da </line>
<line> *i*eratura sob*e * de*m*tame*to e utili*amos </line>
<line> dado* secund*rios rele*antes. Os </line>
<line> resultados </line>
<line> mo*tram que o B*asil </line>
<line> não *inha um plano </line>
<line> para cont**lar o </line>
<line> desmat*mento at* 2004. Depois </line>
<line> disso, o governo passa a c*ntrolar o d*smata**nt* de forma efici*nte até ***1. A par*ir desse </line>
<line> *no, políticas efic*ente* s*o aband*n*da* e vá*ios r*t*ocessos ambientais são imposto*. A </line>
<line> parte final d**te estudo propõe </line>
<line> *ovas aborda*ens *ara a c**t*nuidade e a*rimorame*to dos </line>
<line> esforços *e c*mbate ao desmatamento na A*azô*ia Lega*. </line>
<line> Palavras-ch*ve: Amazôni*. *esmata*ento. Aqu*cimen*o Global. Acordo de Paris. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eresi** PI, v. 20, n. 12, ar*. 7, p. 138-*6*, **z. *0*3 </line>
<line> www*.f*anet.c*m.br/revista </line>
<line> *. Gou*ei* *etto, J. G. Sil*a, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 140 </line>
<line> 1 INTRODUCTION </line>
<line> *nv*ro*mental discussions have exp*nded intern*tionally since the St*c*ho*m </line>
<line> Co*ference he*d i* 197* i* *weden. Nations *e*k to stabilize the gl*bal climate system a*d </line>
<line> c*n*ain the *ncr*ase in </line>
<line> glo**l t*m*erature, wh*c* is </line>
<line> caused by green*ous* </line>
<line> *** (*HG) </line>
<line> emis*ions (Rei et al., 2017). This *ecomes clearer when one considers the **ree pillar* *f *he </line>
<line> Inte*nationa* Cl*mat* R**ime: th* U*ited Na**ons Framew*rk Convention on Clim*te Change </line>
<line> (U**CC*), t*e Ky*to Protocol, and th* Paris Agr*emen*. </line>
<line> The emergen** of the UNFCC*, </line>
<line> in 1992, mean* a breakthr*ugh *n c*i*at* and </line>
<line> environmen**l *egotiations a* t** intern*tion*l </line>
<line> le*el. Thes* </line>
<line> nego**a*ions have </line>
<line> b**n held </line>
<line> **nually in meetings c*lled Co*fe*ences of t*e Parties (COP). In *hese inter*ational for*m*, </line>
<line> co*ntr*es joint*y ass*ss alternati**s ** mitiga*e climate change a*d </line>
<line> the b*st a*tions to be </line>
<line> *mplem*n*ed ** </line>
<line> ensu*e </line>
<line> adaptation to these *han*es. In this cont*x*, </line>
<line> the *onfe**nce held in </line>
<line> *yoto, J**an, in **97, stood *u*, re*u*ting in a Protocol th*ough which indus**i*lize* </line>
<line> co*ntr*es *ommitted to *ed*ci*g thei* lev*** of GHG em*ssions (Vio*a, 20*2). </line>
<line> The conference held in Paris in 2015 is also wo*th me*tioning. This conference </line>
<line> res*lted in a broader comm*tment </line>
<line> between countr*es, the Pa*is Agreement. The p*rt**s </line>
<line> invol*e* in thi* agreem*nt commi*te* t* m*inta*n the ave*age *l*bal t*mperature withi* 2ºC </line>
<row> above prei*dust**al le**l*. Thu*, *he </row>
<row> 21 CO*, h*ld in Pa*is, aimed strengt*en *he g*ob*l </row>
<row> st </row>
<row> t* </row>
<line> re*ponse to the threat of climate ch*nge **d *einforce the ca*a*ity of cou**ries to deal with *ts </line>
<line> resultin* impacts (Rei et a*., *017). </line>
<line> To r*ac* t*e new *greeme*t, a*l *ountri*s that committed t* reduci** their G** </line>
<line> emis*ions had ab*u* two year* to present *heir Inte*de* National*y Determ*ned C*n*r*butions </line>
<line> (*NDCs) (Souza & *oraz*a, 2017). Then, these </line>
<line> turned from i*tended </line>
<line> cont*ib*tio*s to </line>
<line> *ationall* Deter*ined *ontributions (NDCs). Furthermore, ND*s *ecame </line>
<line> part of *he legal </line>
<line> framewo*k of se**ral c*untries. This is *he c*se of B**zil, where this for*ali*ation t**k place </line>
<line> thro*gh Decree N*. 9073, of July 5, 2*1* (Brasil, 2017). </line>
<line> *s a r*s**t, Brazil *as committed to re*uce its GHG *miss*on* to a *evel 37% below </line>
<line> *005 **vel* </line>
<line> by 2025. The coun*ry also *stab*ished * s**sequent indicative contribution to </line>
<line> reduc* </line>
<line> greenhou*e gas emi*sion* </line>
<line> to a level </line>
<line> *3% *elo* 2025 </line>
<line> leve*s by 203*. Re*ardi** </line>
<line> def*restation t*rget*, th* *ountr* h*s committ*d </line>
<line> t* end illegal deforestation in the Amazon </line>
<line> and t* *e*tore 12 mi*l*on de*orested hectares i* that territo*y by 2*3* (Bra**l, *016). </line>
<line> However, the **st *roblemat** c*te*o*ies for t*e Br*z*lia* emis*ion redu*tion </line>
<line> t*rgets are those conce*ning changes i* land use *nd forests an* agricult*ral acti*ity. Dat* </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina, *. 20, n. *2, art. 7, p. 138-*64, dez. 2023 www4.f*anet.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> **blic Policies and Politics: The Brazilian Dilemma to Re**ce De*ore*tat*on </line>
<line> 141 </line>
<line> from 2020 show that the*e acti*ities correspond, respectively, to 4*% and *7% o* tot*l gr*ss </line>
<line> emiss*ons in Brazil (SEE*, *021). D***restat*on is major pr**le* for Brazil b*cause it is a </line>
<line> *he main activit* of the most emit*ing sector, *t the *ame time that i* has a stro*g re*ationship </line>
<line> w*th agricul*ural expansion. </line>
<line> *his emis*ion *rofile is thus one of *he main *nv**on*ental p*ob*ems in Brazil, </line>
<line> *ire*tly correlating wi** the high rates of def*re*tation in the country. Th* conve*sion of </line>
<line> n*ti*e vegetation a*ea* to other uses is a complex phenom*non th*t po*e* seve**l chal*e*ge* </line>
<line> to the Brazi**an government. Among t*es* challenges is compli*n*e with the emission </line>
<line> re**c*i*n targets **reed </line>
<line> u*on by the count*y i* interna*ional foru*s. The *aris Agreement, </line>
<line> for example, projects significant redu*ti*ns in *otal e*i*sions fo* Br*zil, with the close*t </line>
<line> targe* *eing a reduction *o * level *7% below 2005 l*vels by 202* (Brasi*, 2017). </line>
<line> Thu*, damage to the fore*t do*s *ot *nly represe*t *n enviro*mental loss, but also a* </line>
<line> economic loss. This is be*au*e th* Br*zilian eco*omy has ab*ut 24.*% of its Gross Domestic </line>
<line> *rod*ct (GDP) coming from a*ri*usiness (C*PE*, 2023), which can be directly *ffect*d by </line>
<line> more restrictive environment*l policies. In a*d*ti*n, the environmen*al *ebate has *on*ributed </line>
<line> to con*umer **r**ts becoming more demanding *bout the sustai*ability of production </line>
<line> process*s. T*erefore, *n increase in deforestation may *esult i* boy*otts of **ric*ltural </line>
<line> p*o*ucts of *ra*ili*n origin, le*ding to *c*no*ic l*sses for the coun*ry. </line>
<line> In this sense, *his study analyzes defore*t*tio* in the B*azi*ian L*gal Amaz*n </line>
<line> betwee* 2*00 and </line>
<line> 2020. More specifically, it *ss*s*es </line>
<line> g*vernment actio*s that have </line>
<line> co*tr*b*te* to r*duc**g d*forestat*on i* </line>
<line> this region. Furthe*more, it analyzes the act**ns of </line>
<line> Braz*lian governme*ts t* **duce def*re*tation in the Legal *mazon f*om 2000 to 2*20. </line>
<line> B*azi* st*nds out *n thi* context because i* </line>
<line> is a forestry countr*, with ar*und 50* </line>
<line> m i l l i on </line>
<line> hectares of n*tural </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> planted forest. Thi* number co*responds to about *9% </line>
<line> of its </line>
<line> terri*ory. *he A*azo* Forest, the **rgest </line>
<line> tropica* forest in the world, corr*sponds to </line>
<line> a**ut </line>
<line> 6*.5% of the B*azilian fo*es* </line>
<line> area (MA*A, </line>
<line> 2019). T*e biodiversity of th*s forest provid*s </line>
<line> some *r**uc*s fo* huma* </line>
<line> *onsumption such </line>
<line> *s fi**, wood, and </line>
<line> inputs for pharmaceutical </line>
<line> c*mponents. Moreover, </line>
<line> *he forest ha* a regulato*y </line>
<line> character, s*q*estering *arbo* *nd </line>
<line> rec*c*ing wa*er (Fearndside, 1999; 2008). *h* e****stem *ervices provided b* the Ama*on </line>
<line> *iome are many, such a* the a*p*oximately twenty billio* to*s of wate* tr**spi*ed per day. </line>
<line> This </line>
<line> ecosyste* serv*c* brings to the contine*t sign*fica*t part of its *i* hu**dity, *n a </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> *henomenon known as "biotic moisture pu*p" (Mak*rieva & Gorshk*v, 2007). *his </line>
<line> phenomeno* *cc*unts for the </line>
<line> hu*idity levels oc*urring in more than three th*usan* *m </line>
<line> inland (Salati et al., 1979). In a*d*tio*, it reg*lates the rainfall regi*e through *lying rivers </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, *eresina PI, *. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, dez. 2023 www4.fsan*t.com.br/revista </line>
<line> G. Gouveia N*tto, J. G. Silva, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 1*2 </line>
<line> (Nobre, 2014), which expl*ins pa*t of the immen*e *g***ult*ral *otentia* of Brazilian lands. </line>
<line> In doing so, we organized this s*ud* into four sections. Sec*io* 1 introduces the issue </line>
<line> addre**ing </line>
<line> an i****n*tiona* a*pro*ch, contextua**zing envi*onment*l actio*s o* the </line>
<line> Internati*nal Community. Section 2 *iscus*es *he environmenta* issue fr*m *he per*pective of </line>
<line> econ*mic theory, referring to various empi*ical *tudi*s on de*ore*tation. Sect*on 3 begi*s t*e </line>
<line> discussions on def*restation from 2000 to 20*0 in **azil. Finall*, sec*ion 4 *ri*g* r*fle*t*ons </line>
<line> and persp*ctives for fu**her re*ear**. </line>
<line> 2 THEORETIC*L FRAMEWO*K </line>
<line> 2.1 An economy a*proach *o the e*vironment </line>
<line> The study by Pigo* (1**0) is a fore*unner *f the env*ronm*n*al approach to </line>
<line> economics. In t*is ***dy, Pigou identified *hat he called market *a*lures. Th*se </line>
<line> mark*t </line>
<line> fail*r** co*sist of p*ssible *enefits or ha*m cau*** to thir* parties by a decisi*n maker w*en </line>
<line> carrying out *n unde*t**ing. That is, when d*cidin* t* exploit a certa*n resou*ce or carr* out a </line>
<line> work, for exam*le, an economic agent can hav* a positive or negative effe*t on the society *n </line>
<line> which *t opera*es. T*ese effects we*e cal*e* "externa*ities", and </line>
<line> can generat* a *ocial c*st </line>
<line> wh*n t*e </line>
<line> externality is *egative or a social </line>
<line> *enefi* when it i* po*itive. Market failures *ere </line>
<line> thus *onsi*e*ed - as fai*ures - b*cau*e the market was incapa*l* of *ewarding *r pun*shing *he </line>
<line> responsible for these *xt*rnalities. </line>
<line> T*e *tudy *y Pigou *av* ris* to what became know* as the "Pigouvian T*x" or "Pigou </line>
<line> Tax". T*is tax is applied *y the State to t*e *gent responsib*e for a negat*ve e*ternality. *he </line>
<line> th**is behind this tax is that *f the State *mpose* * cost *n the economic *ctivity that g*nerates </line>
<line> negative externalities, *he agent genera*ing this externality must recalculate its op**mal </line>
<line> **oduction considering *he **w tax. *his would reduce the level of activity that </line>
<line> generates </line>
<line> externalitie*, le*d*ng t* new equilibri*m * </line>
<line> point. In t*is n*w equilibrium point Pareto - </line>
<line> optim*l point -, society and the causer *f the e*t*r*ality are a* a l*wer level of extern*lities, </line>
<line> resu**ing in gr*a*er social w*lfar* (*annan, 1921). </line>
<line> Samuelso* (1*54) also contributed to th* deb*te by defining concepts ab*ut th* </line>
<line> proper*y right* of goods in the economy. These concepts are described in terms of exclu*ivity </line>
<line> and rivalry i* their c*ns*mptio*. A **bl*c go*d is a good that contains the chara*teri*tics of </line>
<line> non-*xcl*si*i*y and nonrivalry, which means *hat * </line>
<line> p*bl*c goo* *s a *ood whose soc*ety </line>
<line> c**not be </line>
<line> p*evented *ro* acces*ing. Non-exclusivity in*i**tes that the use o* tha* good </line>
<line> canno* be prevented by an indivi*ua* or *xclusive consumption *ight. In tu*n, nonrival*y </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. *38-16*, dez. 20*3 ww*4.fsanet.com.b*/*evista </line>
<line> P*bli* Policies and P*litics: The Braz*lian Dilemma *o Reduc* Defores**tion </line>
<line> 143 </line>
<line> i*dicates that the use *f tha* go*d *anno* be *revented by a disp*te with **othe* indivi**al, </line>
<line> which would e*id*nce * sc*rcit* of t*at g*od. A publi* goo* is a good that t*e wh*le society </line>
<line> sho*ld *e able to consum*, as it has n* restriction *n *xclusivity an* </line>
<line> does not suffer fro* </line>
<line> scarc*ty in the market. *ome good examples ar* </line>
<line> *ublic p*rks, </line>
<line> n**ional secu*ity, s*ate </line>
<line> *ducat*on, etc. </line>
<line> A pri*ate *ood, *n the other hand, has t*e *har*cte**stic* of *xcl*sivity and *iva*ry. </line>
<line> Thi* *eans t*at an agent c*n limi* thir*-p**ty access to that </line>
<line> ***d. Exc*usivity d**otes </line>
<line> exclu*ive use of a good thr*ugh th* ri*h* of owne*s**p, which is </line>
<line> *uarantee* by the </line>
<line> Stat*. </line>
<line> Rivalry means that this good *an be d*sputed be**een in*iv*duals in a society (i* a mar*et, fo* </line>
<line> example). In ot*er *ords, a private goo* is any good that ma* *ave its consumptio* limited </line>
<line> *y an in*ividual t*rough ownershi* rights and mark** competition. A*l </line>
<line> dur*b** and </line>
<line> *o*d**abl* goo** *hat can be purcha*ed in a market and any mea** of </line>
<line> production w*ose </line>
<line> ownershi* is guaran*eed by t*e State are e*amples of private goods (S*muelson, 1954). ** </line>
<line> is </line>
<line> also </line>
<line> important to hi*hlight the study develop*d by **ase (196*) </line>
<line> on Pigou\s externali*ies. </line>
<line> Already influenced *y property and s*ate *ction i*sues, Coase prop*s** an alternat*ve to the </line>
<line> Pigouvian Ta*. For him, the State should not charge a tax that disc*u*ages the produc*ion of a </line>
<line> good t**t *au*es a n**ative externality, bu* ra*her provide agents with th* tool* to understa*d </line>
<line> the pr*d*ction of externalities. This p*op*sal, which emp*as*z*s the impo*tance </line>
<line> of a cle** </line>
<line> distr**u*ion of proper*y rights, became known as t*e "*oas* theor**" (Coase, 1960). </line>
<line> These alternatives *rop*sed by *igou *nd Coa** a*e important for the study of </line>
<line> relations*i*s with the </line>
<line> *nviro*m*nt. The st*d* by Pigou i* </line>
<line> one of the fi*st to cons*der the </line>
<line> ne*ative effects that </line>
<line> ca* be g****ated by e*onomic activ*ty. T*e a*thor finds in the </line>
<line> appl*catio* *f a tax a way to bring balance </line>
<line> t* society. In </line>
<line> turn, the inter**etatio* of </line>
<line> Coas* </line>
<line> (*9*0) *s that one </line>
<line> age*t should *ot be p*e*en*e* from cau**ng harm to anoth*r, a* </line>
<line> t hi s </line>
<line> imp*diment would in itself harm o*e of *he age*t*. Fo* him, the solution *e*ween the ag*nts </line>
<line> can be rea**ed by de*ining wh* ** authorized t* c**se h**m to *thers, and the sol*ti*n occurs </line>
<line> by p*eventing the g*eater of the two possible h**ms in th*t *itu*ti*n. </line>
<line> It is possible to find Pigou*ian characteristics in situati*n* such as th* applicati*n of </line>
<line> fines to </line>
<line> ag*nts who comm** illegal defore*tation. This fine *s a *enal*y in the form of an </line>
<line> economic san*t*on that serves to control the deforest*tion a*tivity of the a*e**s. On the other </line>
<line> h*nd, *ne can **p*rically o*serve Co*se\s approa*h in und**ine* l*nd tenure sit*ati*ns *n the </line>
<line> Amazon Forest. **e places with </line>
<line> the m*st conflicts </line>
<line> ove* land ownersh*p conce*tr*te </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> great*st de*orestation acti*it*es. Weakly defined property r*ghts in *he Legal Amazon generate </line>
<line> land disputes betwe*n d*ff*rent agents living in that region. Empirica* studies th*t prove **ese </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 20, *. 12, *rt. 7, p. 138-164, de*. 2*23 ww*4.f*anet.com.b*/revist* </line>
<line> G. Gouveia Net*o, *. G. Silva, R. B. **meid* </line>
<line> 144 </line>
<line> relati*nships in t*e *razil*an t*rritory and that *efine the c*aracterist*cs o* </line>
<line> illegal </line>
<line> deforestation in the country wi*l be *iscussed below. </line>
<line> 2.2 The empirical approach to *eforesta*i*n in Braz*l </line>
<line> *hanges i* land use and f*rests </line>
<line> esse**ially in*o*ve de*orestation, t*at is, </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> conv*rsion of * "forest" </line>
<line> area to a "nonforest" a*ea. In Brazil, the </line>
<line> pr*jec* Mo*itoring </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> Defores*ation o* th* Br*zi*ian Amazonian Forest by Sate*l*te (*RODES) of *he National </line>
<line> Institute *or S*ace *e*earch (INPE) de*in*s the con*ept of g**ss defor*s*ation as the *utting </line>
<line> of primary for**t. This type o* forest is also *alled *irg*n, primitive, native, or anci*n* fores* </line>
<line> (Fea*nside, 2017). In t*is c*se, secondary *orest* *re n*t </line>
<line> ***lude*, tha* i*, thos* that were </line>
<line> reculti*ated a*ter suffering a major disturbance by fire, cu*ting, *r e*en wind. </line>
<line> Another *mporta*t disti*cti*n i* that of net deforest*tion. T*e Food and Agriculture </line>
<line> Organization (FA*) of the United Nations provides *ata b**ed on the net deforestation met*ic </line>
<line> through the Global Forest Resource Assessment (F*A), which report* data </line>
<line> o* glo*al </line>
<line> de**re*tat**n. Net def*restatio* consists of the </line>
<line> difference in the forest area of given pla*e a </line>
<line> between tw* *omen*s in time. It con*iders both the loss in the form of d*fores**tion and th* </line>
<line> reco*ery of **e are* through regenerat*on or refores*ation (Brown & Zarin, 2013). </line>
<line> The mai* **udies on the **azon Forest report that de*o*estat*on in the *re* occurs </line>
<line> from the investm*nt decision perspective. The mode* that </line>
<line> best *escr**es the Brazilia* Legal </line>
<line> Amazon is that of </line>
<line> an open, sm*ll, and free-*ccess economy. This *pproach </line>
<line> assume* th** </line>
<line> prices are exo*enous, population is e*dogen*usly *eterm*ned, production is sold i* m*rkets, </line>
<line> and property ri*hts are not defined, encouragi*g d*forestatio* to acqu*re ownership of </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> a*ea. **om this pe*sp*ctive, one c*n divi*e the variables into three *y*es: *arket *on*itions, </line>
<line> poli*ical influence, an* *nit*a* condition* (Fer*eira & Coelho, *015; Silva, 2009). </line>
<line> Regard*ng t*e variables o* the fi*s* type, </line>
<line> market conditio*s, th* price of agricultural </line>
<line> produc*s sta*ds *ut. These, *s previousl* mentioned, are *xo*eno*s, being rep*es*n*ed </line>
<line> by </line>
<line> *ommodity prices in the inter*at*ona* mark*t. *he high*r the prices *f these co*moditie*, t*e </line>
<line> more the i**entives for fa*mers and ranchers t* expand the*r la**, explaining the increase *n </line>
<line> defore**ation. The *a*n c*mmodit*e* dis*ussed in these s*udies on the Amazon are soybean </line>
<line> and cat*le, w*th cattle being the mai* **cto* and s*ybean a seconda*y *ac*or. This is due to the </line>
<line> logic of land </line>
<line> appropriati*n, *hich will be explained belo*. While cattl* rais*ng s*imulates </line>
<line> deforestation *n the L*gal A*azon, soy*ean cr*ps advance *ver **eas p*evious*y *cc*p*ed by </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, *eres*na, v. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, **z. 2023 *w*4.fsanet.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> *ublic Polic*es and Poli*ics: The Brazilian Dilemma *o Reduc* Def*restati*n </line>
<line> 145 </line>
<line> p*st*re for cat*le raising. This *elationship is perha*s the *ost stu*ied, thus being w*dely </line>
<line> reported in studies *uch as t**se by *rim* et al. (2007), Famino* (*998), Ferreira and Coelho </line>
<line> (2015), Ma*gulis, (*0*4), Mattos and Uhl (1994), Mer**ns et al. (2002), a*d Silva (2009). </line>
<line> Within the second type of varia*les is poli**cal influence, *hi** can manifest its*lf </line>
<line> through ins*i*ut*on** ch*nges *nd c*edi* polici*s. In t**ms of inst*t*ti*nal variables, *t i* wor*h </line>
<line> mentioning *he level of inspection, wh*ch can be hig*er or l*wer; environ*e*tal </line>
<line> pro*ection </line>
<line> policies, w*i*h may or may not exist; *n* </line>
<line> legisl*tion on la*d tenure, w*ich c** be w*ll *r </line>
<line> po*r** defined. Furtherm*re, literature rep*rts often men*ion lan* disputes, a* *and tenure is </line>
<line> not well defi*ed in *he Le*al Ama*on. Ar*újo et al. (2009) highl*g*ts that the po** definitio* </line>
<line> of *and tenure fa*ili*a*es p**vate u*e of public lands. If the land is ex*lored for one </line>
<line> *ear, th* </line>
<line> r*g*t to use it is gra*ted, **d a*ter five years it is possible to o*tain a title deed. *his tenure </line>
<line> logi*, *ermit*ed by law, add*d t* a large extens*on of *onallo*ated public land* an* the social </line>
<line> ine*uali**es i* the coun*ry, encour*ges t** rep*oduction of con*licts between **ndless peo*le, </line>
<line> farmers who seek to increas* their *la*ting *rea, land </line>
<line> sp*cul*tors, </line>
<line> and ind*genous peop*es </line>
<line> with or without *emarcat*d terr*to**. In this regard, Sa*t\a**a and *oung (2010) iden**fied </line>
<line> the posi*ive relationship bet*een la*d confli*ts and defor*station i* the Amazo* region, usin* </line>
<line> the h*mi*ide r*te as a v*ria**e. </line>
<line> Wh*l* la*dless peo*le f*nd support in *he law to take unproductive land, specula*ors </line>
<line> w*o own it find in deforestation * way ** *ake use of tha* land. In general, the exploitation of </line>
<line> new areas begins with li*estock acti*ity, w*ich h*s * sh*rt-term return. *hen the own*rs sel* </line>
<line> *he lan* to far*ers w*o plant soybeans and other *rain*. Land dis**tes in Brazil thus hav* as </line>
<line> th*ir main fac*or *he lack of clear regul*tions on land *eli*itat*on and ownership, e*p*cially </line>
<line> in the case of U*ion l*nds and Indi*enous Territ**ies. Speculation, land grab**ng, l*gislation, </line>
<line> *nd c*nflicts *ver land ar* thus closely l*n*ed (Araú*o e* al., 2009; Fearns*de, 2*17; *p*ro*ek </line>
<line> et al., 201*). </line>
<line> Other fac*or* rel*ted to *an* c*nflicts are the expansion of the agri*ul**ral *r*ntier and </line>
<line> popula*ion densi*y. The ag*icultural frontier is the advance of agricu*tural activities o* the </line>
<line> environment. I* Brazil thi* f*ont*e* has already bee* *n th* At*ant*c Forest and i* the *errado. </line>
<line> **rrentl*, *t *s in the Amazon Forest, in what researchers call the ar* *f deforest*tion. *he </line>
<line> need *or agricultur*l expansi*n c*rre**tes with *he incre**e in </line>
<line> land prices as the region *s </line>
<line> occupied. This in*rease causes the nee* for *g*nts to lo*k for new lands so that these ca* *e </line>
<line> *old. Th*s exp**sion </line>
<line> can o*ly be *arried out with ***es* to a new *re*, which *ust </line>
<line> occur </line>
<line> thro*gh th* </line>
<line> *onstruc*ion of a </line>
<line> road. Th*ref**e, co*s*ruc*ion of roads is a key factor for </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, T*re*in* PI, v. 20, n. **, a**. 7, *. 138-164, dez. 2023 </line>
<line> w*w4.fsanet.com.br/r*v***a </line>
<line> *. G*uveia N*tto, J. G. S*lva, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 146 </line>
<line> e*couraging de*or*station (Kirby et al., 2006; Lauranc* et al., 2001; Pfaff, 1999; *faff et al., </line>
<line> 2007; S*a*es-*ilho et al., 200*). </line>
<line> The construction *f a road repr*sents *ccess to p**viously unacc*s*ed ar*as, w*ich in </line>
<line> turn **t*vates immig*ation. This *ncr*a*es *opulatio* *ensity *nd reduc*s t*e transporta*ion </line>
<line> cost* of a*ric*ltural p*oducts grown in that loca*ion. The con*truction als* ad*s value *o the </line>
<line> land, acti*ating *reate* in*er*st fro* specula**rs who ca* deforest. In *ddition, it fosters the </line>
<line> n*ed *or </line>
<line> other *nfras*ructu*e wo*ks, which a*so t*igger defo*est*tion (*e*rns*d*, *01*). The </line>
<line> l*t**atu*e highlig**s o*her causes that are a*s* importa** for ex*laini** deforestation in Br*zil. </line>
<line> These i*clude mini*g activity, mone* lau**ering, tax incentives, obtaining fir*wo**, </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> population *rowth (*earnsid*, 2017). </line>
<line> From se*tion 2 onwards, the paper d**c*sses defo*estation wit* an emphasis on *he </line>
<line> Ama*on territory. Sectio* 3 highl*g*ts t*e variables discussed i* thi* sect*on accor*ing t* </line>
<line> rel*vant *vents for the per*od. The period f*om 20*0 to 2020 is of *r*at i*portance, esp*ci*lly </line>
<line> for the grou* of var**b**s related to market *onditions and pol*tica* infl*ence. Thus, the study </line>
<line> wil* high*ight the influence of s*ybean prices on t*e *nternatio*al m*rket, p*ans *o contro* and </line>
<line> monit*r deforestation a*tivity, property rights, *nd ac*ess to credit. </line>
<line> 3 RE*ULTS AND DISCUSSION* </line>
<line> 3.1 Market pr*c*s as dri*ers o* defores*ation (*000-2004) </line>
<line> Whil* Brazil *as the co*ntry that most def*rest*d in th* decades of 1990 a*d 2000 </line>
<line> (FAO, </line>
<line> 2010), **e following years </line>
<line> *ccounted for a signifi*ant r*duc*ion in this activity. </line>
<line> Deforestation in the Legal Amazon has three d*stinct *oments i* r*lation to market variab*es </line>
<line> *nd poli*ical in*luenc* f*r the </line>
<line> pe**od from 2000 t* 2020. Figu*e *hows the *umbers 1 in </line>
<line> def*rested area for this en**re *er*od. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere**na, v. 20, n. 12, art. 7, *. 138-164, *ez. 2*23 </line>
<line> www4.*sanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Publ*c Po*icie* a*d Pol*t*cs: *he Brazilian Di*emma to Reduce Deforesta**on </line>
<line> *47 </line>
<line> Figure * - Defor*sta*ion in the Amaz*n Fore*t from 2*00 t* 2020, *n </line>
<line> . </line>
<line> Source: INP*, 20*2. </line>
<line> The begi*ni*g of the 2*00s was m*rked b* an i*crease in de*ore*ted a*e* in the first </line>
<line> four years, with 200* being the most expres*ive *ear. Scholars a*alyze this rapid increase *n </line>
<line> d*forested area with an *mphasis on market f*ctors such as the p*i*e of soybeans *nd *he </line>
<line> price of be*f. R*searchers re*e* to *he b*g**ni*g of the *000s *s the "Commodity Boom" </line>
<line> period, wh*ch *s marked b* hi*h prices of agricul***a* *nd mi*e*al raw m*te*ials d*e to t*e </line>
<line> expansion o* *me*gi** </line>
<line> ec*nomies such a* Chin* </line>
<line> (Ba*bosa, 2*20). In other words, the *igh </line>
<line> degra*ation of Brazi*ian forests was dr*ven by an *nte*nat*onal economic scenario favorable to </line>
<line> a*ricultural activity. Due to the s*cial *y*amics of Bra*il, this *ctivi*y fin*s in defore**ation a </line>
<line> way to expand i*s area of influ*nce and e*onomic production. </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 20, n. 12, art. *, p. 138-164, *e*. 2*23 </line>
<line> www4.fsa*et.c*m.br/r*vista </line>
<line> G. Gouv*ia Netto, J. *. S*lva, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 148 </line>
<line> *igure 1 - Varia*ion in *oybean prices a*d defo*es*a*io* </line>
<line> Sou**e: **rld Bank, 2021. </line>
<line> Fr*m 2000 to 2004, th* price o* soybean *o** by around 66% on the intern*tional </line>
<line> market, while def*resta*io* in the Amazon Rainforest increased by around 52%. Despite t*i*, </line>
<line> i f t he </line>
<line> int*rna*ion*l mark*t *em*nstrat*s favorable conditions *or i*crea**ng defores*atio* to </line>
<line> i*cre*se pasture or p*antation areas, gov*r*ment instruments must repr*sent a count*rbalanc* </line>
<line> t* *his pr*ctic*, reducing the retur* of th**e agents ** *ncreasing t*e ri*k of this act*vity. This </line>
<line> fact beco*es clearer from 2006 onwa*ds, when soybean pri*e* started to show a trend of </line>
<line> *ncrease withou* defo*est*tion fo*lowing this tre*d. </line>
<line> Brazil had undergone an a**n*m*n* to the Fores* Code *** a Pro*isional *easure </line>
<line> *ade by *he go*ernm*n* </line>
<line> of F*rna*do Henrique Cardoso in 2001. This me**ure proposed an </line>
<line> increase **om 50% to </line>
<line> 80% in Legal Reserve </line>
<line> areas on properties within the L*g*l Am*zon </line>
<line> (Brasil, 2001). This fact is im*ortant beca*se it *s a pro*ec**ve meas*re, which *hou*d re*lect </line>
<line> the co*tr*l of deforesta**on in the region. *n practice, however, deforestati*n accompa*ies the </line>
<line> rise in commodi*y pri*e*. </line>
<line> **re effective actio*s to comb*t defore*tation wo*ld *nly take *lace *rom 2004 </line>
<line> onward* with the progress of </line>
<line> env*ronme*tal deb*te* un*er the *over*ment o* Luiz Inácio. </line>
<line> Unti* that year t*e*e was no technologi**l model for identifying deforestati** act*vity, makin* </line>
<line> in**ection and pu*ishmen* *ifficult. From the perspec*i** of the exp*anatory </line>
<line> v*riables </line>
<line> el*b*rated </line>
<line> here and based on the literature *n the period, it is possibl* to st*te that t*** </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Teresina, v. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-1*4, dez. 2*23 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Public *olicies and Politics: *he Brazi**an Dilemma to Reduce *eforestat*on </line>
<line> *49 </line>
<line> increase in deforested area is main*y **e to the g*eat inc*n**ve p*omoted by m*rket *rices and </line>
<line> the low repression *f defore*ta**on *ctivi*y (Castelo et al., 2018; Ferreira & *oelho, 2015). </line>
<line> *.* Th* start of * deforestatio* contr*l p*an (2004-20*1) </line>
<line> * change in *n*t*tutional p*actices became clear i* *he f*llowing years, especial*y </line>
<line> f*om 2004 to 2**8. *his **r*od is *har*cteri*e* by a strong advance in t*e containm*nt o* t*e </line>
<line> practic* of de*orestation. *ccording *o Silva (2009), *ha* is achieved through the use *f </line>
<line> variab**s of political *n*luence as resources. If *n the fir** four years </line>
<line> of th* 2000s market </line>
<line> conditions were favo*able and g*vernm**t action *n the fi*ht ag*i**t deforestation *as ti*id. </line>
<line> I* is f*om 2004 onwa*d* t*at a major change in *his lo**c *akes place, with institutional </line>
<line> variables linked to *eforestat*on b*ginning to cont*i* thi* *ct*v*ty. The*e include inspection, </line>
<line> envi*onmental protection policies, *redit *olicies, a*d **g*sl*t*o* on land tenure. </line>
<line> Among the **st s*gnifi*ant feat*res of the p*riod is *he 200* Plan for the Pr*vention </line>
<line> and Control of De*orestat*on in t*e Legal Amazon (PPC*Am). This Plan w*s esta*l*shed </line>
<line> f*om a ***manent Interm*nisterial W*rking Grou*, denoting an interdi*ciplina*y approa*h in </line>
<line> the elaborati*n of its guidelines and a*tio*s. Its authors *ecog*ize that t*e i*cr*as* of </line>
<line> deforestation in previo*s years *as had vari*d factor*. These inclu*e the advanc* of livestock </line>
<line> as the pre*ominant land us*, logg*ng, wood min*ng, expansion *f mech*nize* cultivati**, </line>
<line> illeg*l </line>
<line> occupati*n of publ*c l**ds, open*ng of roa*s, </line>
<line> and the c*eation of rural **ttlements </line>
<line> (Castelo </line>
<line> e* </line>
<line> *l., 2018). The program is thus very su*cess*ul in id*ntifyin* the eco*om** </line>
<row> relat*ons causing d*f*re*ta**on in previous years. I* fa*t, this ca* be under*tood as a m*rit </row>
<row> achie*ed by the interdisciplinarity of the Inte*ministe**al Working Group t*at *onceived i*. </row>
<row> Chart 1 - P*CDAm st*ateg*c guidelines se*ect** by th* aut*or. </row>
<line> *elec**d </line>
<line> Guideline Descript**n </line>
<line> Item </line>
<line> i) </line>
<line> Valuing the for*st for the *urpo** of co*servin* *iod*versity, forest managemen* *f </line>
<line> timber and nont*mbe* pro*uct*, </line>
<line> and the provision of environmental *ervices. Th**e </line>
<line> actions st*nd as o** of *he ***ndations o* a ne* model of regional d*v*lopment, </line>
<line> aiming at th* *ual*ty </line>
<line> of **fe of l*cal pop*l*tions, with the reduction of **cia* </line>
<line> inequalities, economic competiti**ne*s, a*d envi*onme*t*l s**tainabil*ty; </line>
<line> *ii) </line>
<line> T*king u*ge*t measure* f*r land *nd te*ritorial orde**ng, aiming *t </line>
<line> reducing *ree </line>
<line> access </line>
<line> *o natural res*urces f*r predatory us* an* str*ngthening instrument* for </line>
<line> democra**c and sustaina*** management of the t*rritory. *he focus is on p**oritizin* </line>
<line> t*e *i*ht agai*s* public *a*d grab*ing, l*nd tenure regular*zat**n, enab*ing alternat*ve </line>
<line> land reform models suited t* the Amazon, and creating *nd *onsolidating conse*vation </line>
<line> R**. FSA, T**esina PI, v. 20, n. *2, art. 7, p. 13*-164, *ez. 2023 *ww4.fsanet.co*.br/r*vist* </line>
<line> *. G*uveia Ne*to, J. *. Silv*, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 150 </line>
<line> *nits and indigenous lands; </line>
<row> iv) </row>
<row> *i) </row>
<row> vi*i) </row>
<row> Imp*oving i*struments for m*nitoring, *icens*ng, and insp*ction of de**re*t*tion *ith </row>
<row> innov*t*ve m*thod*logies, a*o*g with *nce*tives for the preventi*n of envi*onmental </row>
<row> damage an* the adopt*o* of sustainable p**cti*es a*ong users o* nat*ral re*ources; </row>
<row> Promotin* cooperation between federal i*stitutions respo*sible for the set of policies </row>
<row> on deforestation dy*amic* in the L*gal Amazon, ov*rc*ming historical tr*nds of </row>
<row> *ispersion and isolati** of th* environmental *rea; </row>
<row> Encouragi*g *ctive p*rticipation of th* dif*erent interested *ectors *f the Amazonian </row>
<row> society in the mana*ement of poli***s for the p*eve*tion and con*rol of deforestatio*. </row>
<row> S**portin* the fe**ibility *f sustain*ble a**ern*tives as a *ea** to increase the quali*y </row>
<row> of t*eir implementation, w*th trans*arency, *oci*l control, and politi**l a*propriation. </row>
<line> Source: Brasil, 2004. </line>
<line> Chart 1 depicts the strategic gu*delines of the *lan based on the view th*t the fores* </line>
<line> needs to be econ*mic*ll* integrated *hrough more sustainable activities. This is co*sistent not </line>
<line> only with the synthesi* *f thought prov**ed b* *he *dvance*ent of internati*na* </line>
<line> deba**s </line>
<line> o* </line>
<line> forest pre*ervatio*, *ut </line>
<line> al*o wi*h *c*nom*c p*annin* th*t *ransf*rms the entire </line>
<line> production </line>
<line> proces* into sustai*able. Th* strong envi*onmental*st character of the Plan indi*at*s the </line>
<line> understa*din* of t*e *ma**n territ*ry *s a tool fo* correc*ing soci*l injustices *nd integ*ating </line>
<line> di*f*rent sectors *f society, confi*uring ** unprecede*ted cha*acter for government acti*n* i* </line>
<line> that te*ritory. Th* program defines it* *bj*ctive *f r*d*cing deforestat*on *hroug* * set o* </line>
<line> in*egrate* actions of t*rri**rial and land mana*ement, monito*ing a*d co**rol, and prom*tion </line>
<line> of s*s*ai*able pro*uc*i*e activ*ties. </line>
<line> The *inistr* of t*e Envir*nment (MMA) considers that a good pa*t of *he positiv* </line>
<line> resu*ts *b*ained f*o* 20*4 to 2*08 (per*od in which Phase I of the PPCDAm was in force) </line>
<line> were due to the ax*s *f acti*n on Land *nd Territor*al Plann*ng. This axis was responsible f** </line>
<line> the cre*tion of *ore than 25 ***l*on hect*res of Conse*vatio* Units and the h*mologati*n of </line>
<line> 10 million hectar*s of Indig*n*us Lands. In Phase II, from 2*09 to 2011, t*e Mon*toring and </line>
<line> Control axis w*s lar*ely *es*onsible for the drop in deforestation rat*s. This wa* *ai*ly due </line>
<line> to the effi*iency *f the Proje*t for M*n*toring Deforestat*on in *he Legal *mazo* by S*tellite </line>
<line> (PRODE*) *omm*nd*d by *he Nat*onal *ns*itu*e for *pace Research (INPE). De**ee No. </line>
<line> 6,321, of 2007, stan*s as on* of th* reasons fo* *he succe*s of *h* *onit*ring axis. *h*s ** </line>
<line> becau*e it d**erm*ned *he periodic edit*on, by the M*nistry *f *he Envi*onm*nt, </line>
<line> of an </line>
<line> o*d*nance with t** list of mu*i*ip*lit*es identified as the main res*o*si*le *or def*restati*n in </line>
<line> *he region (Brasil, *007). In th*s way, int*grated inspe*tion *ct*ons carried out </line>
<line> b* </line>
<line> environmental ag**cie*, the police, and the army were *or* *ffec*ive, as they became more </line>
<line> co*sta** and strict in the m*st deforested mu*icipalities (B*zzo & Farias, *017). </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Te**sina, v. 20, n. *2, art. 7, p. 138-164, d*z. 20*3 www4.fsa*et.c**.br/r**ista </line>
<line> Public Polic*es and P*lit*cs: The Br*zilia* D*lemma t* ***uce Deforesta*ion </line>
<line> 151 </line>
<line> A* of 20*8, *he gove**ment i*augurat*d another important project, the Sustaina*le </line>
<line> Amaz*n Pl*n (P**). C*art 2 shows the five *b*ectives of this Plan, which seem to appear as </line>
<line> an expansion of what the gov*rnme*t *f *uiz Iná**o *ad alrea*y d*fi*e* a* the planni*g goal </line>
<line> for this territory. Basic guidelines alrea*y shown *n *he PPCDAm are strengthe*ed and </line>
<line> expand*d he**, i*auguratin* a fo*est resource **nage*e*t plan that is </line>
<line> coh**e*t *ith t*e </line>
<row> reduction of def*resta*ion provided *y th* PPCDAm, a*tribut*ng and prom*ting, th*refore, </row>
<row> n*w uses for the Forest. </row>
<row> Chart 2 - PA* obje*tives. </row>
<line> Item </line>
<line> De*c**ption </line>
<line> *) </line>
<line> Promoting terri*orial organi*ation and environmental *ana*ement to enable (i) *he f*gh* </line>
<line> against *and grabbing; (ii) *he resolu*io* of l*nd confli*ts *nd *llocation of public la*ds; (i*i) </line>
<line> con*rol ove* i*legal and predatory explo*tation o* na*ural *e*ources; and (iv) </line>
<line> th* protecti*n of </line>
<line> regional e*osys*ems; </line>
<line> b) </line>
<line> Promoting econ*mic activitie* </line>
<line> based </line>
<line> on the *ustain*ble use </line>
<line> of natura* resour*es wi*h </line>
<line> techno*og*cal i*novation, add*** value, and en*ancin* biodiv*rsity, geod*versity, and </line>
<line> the </line>
<line> know*edge *f loc** populati*ns to *timulate the generatio* of e*ployment *n* incom*, foo* </line>
<line> s*cu*ity, an* greater competi*i*eness in regional, *ation*l, and international mar*ets; </line>
<line> *) </line>
<line> Subsidiz*ng the *lannin*, execution, *nd mainte*ance of in*rastructure *orks in the sectors of </line>
<line> energ*, transpo*t, a*d communicat*ons, and suppor*ing </line>
<line> the installation of urban equipment, </line>
<line> aiming *t maximizing </line>
<line> socioeconom*c </line>
<line> benefits and minimizin* </line>
<line> and mitigating the negat*ve </line>
<row> d) </row>
<row> e) </row>
<row> impacts o* t*ese interve*t**ns in the region; </row>
<row> Stren*thening *ocial inclusion *n* cit**enship t*rou*h partic*patory public poli*y management </row>
<row> *ro*ess** and *u*r*n***s of access fo* *he reg*o*al population *o unive*sal e*ucation, he*l*h, </row>
<row> p**l*c securit*, and socia* s*c*rity *olic*es; </row>
<row> *uppor*ing the *onst**cti*n of a new financin* *o*el ** the Amazon, a*me* at r**uc**g social </row>
<row> and reg*onal inequal*t*es, *nd ge*er*tin* employment, inc*me, an* susta*n*b*e u*e of natural </row>
<row> *esources. </row>
<line> Source: Brasil, 2008. </line>
<line> *bje*tives A and B co*side* the consolidation of a sustaina*le dev*lopment *ge*da </line>
<line> for the Legal Amazon, *n w*ich reduction of def*restation is *nly the first step. Regi*nal </line>
<line> eco*o*ic development is th*n guided and e*c*urag*d by sustainab*e activ**ies, w*il* </line>
<line> deforest*ti*n act*v*ty i* di*couraged throu*h *tr**g inspec**on. O**ectives D and E *how that </line>
<line> *he **staina*le dev*lopme*t agenda provides for the inclusion and broad participatio* of *ivi* </line>
<line> **ciety. *igure 3 indicates t*e **cide*c* o* PPCDAm (*004) *nd PAS (Br*sil, 2008) from a </line>
<line> temporal p*r*p*ct*ve, present*ng the behavior of def**est*t*on ra*es. It *s notew*rthy t*at from </line>
<line> the year of impleme*t*tion of *ach P*an, defores*ati*n st*nds *t a level belo* 50% *n th* </line>
<line> followin* three y*ar*. This successi*n of positive re*ults in the pe**od caused def*restation in </line>
<line> Brazil to decrease by about 83% between **04 and 2012. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 20, *. 12, *rt. 7, p. 138-1*4, dez. 2023 www4.f*anet.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> G. Gouve*a Netto, J. G. Silva, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 15* </line>
<line> Figure 3 - *ncid*nce of PPCDAm and PAS </line>
<line> So*rce: INPE, 2022. </line>
<line> W**le two imp*rta** Plans were **unched and perfect*d, rural cred*t als* appe*red a* a </line>
<line> very import*n* </line>
<line> v*ria*le f*om 2008 onward*. In tha* year, the Br*zilian Centr*l Bank i*sued </line>
<line> Resolutio* No. 3.54*, *hich limited the </line>
<line> granting ** ag*icultu*al *inanc*ng in the Amazon </line>
<line> Biome *y requiring documentat*on p*ovin* enviro*mental compliance. The ac*io* c*n </line>
<line> *e </line>
<line> understood as a result of the inter*isci*l*narity p*opos*d by deforestation c*ntrol p*ans, as it </line>
<line> shows </line>
<line> an inci*i*e a**ion by th* Central Bank *ith a direct infl**nce on deforestat**n. *he </line>
<line> Resolution made the presentation o* the Rural P*operty Regist*ation Certific*te (*CIR), </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> non*xistenc* of emb*rgoes in *o**e on *he economic use of *lle*ally deforeste* *reas in </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> property, and th* doc***ntati*n *f environmental re*ulari*y in th* region of the enterprise to </line>
<line> become conditioning factors for granting **nding. This reduce* t*e possibil*ties of expandi*g </line>
<line> t*e ec*no*ic activity *f those wh* practice* environme*tal i*legalities on t*eir lands </line>
<line> (Fearnside, 2017). </line>
<line> The years from 200* to *011 </line>
<line> *hus seem to </line>
<line> presen* a st**ng r*lationship be*ween </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> incidence of *he </line>
<line> two *lans </line>
<line> and the large reduc**on of *efore*tation. Re*iona* contro* and </line>
<line> monitoring </line>
<line> through **telli*es has thus expanded </line>
<line> *he resp*nse </line>
<line> c*pacity *f environmental </line>
<line> agencies. Moreov*r, credit as an incentiv* for *usta*nable econ*mic ac*ivities in the Forest </line>
<line> *egion and the </line>
<line> non**ant*** of credit to rural landowners who car*y illegal acti*ities on th*ir </line>
<line> la*d certainly contri*uted </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> t*e figures f*r *he p*riod. *his period is, ther*fo*e, mark*d </line>
<line> by </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *0, n. 12, ar*. 7, p. 138-*64, *ez. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.*r/*evist* </line>
<line> Public P*licie* and Politics: T*e Brazil**n Di*emma to Reduce Defore*tation </line>
<line> 153 </line>
<line> the lo*s of impor**nce o* intern**ion*l pr*ces as an ex**anator* variabl*, *nd the *ncrea** in </line>
<line> the imp*rtance of ins*itutiona* vari**les. As of 201*, t*e*e is a *hir* logic in the relati*nships </line>
<line> between ma*ket variables a*d political influence, which will be reporte* b*low. </line>
<line> 3.3 Legal loosening *n* reduced inspection: incentives for d*fore*t**ion (*0*1-*02*) </line>
<line> Lo*ki*g at deforestation fr*m *01* onwa*ds </line>
<line> means looking at a period in which th* </line>
<line> po*icies implemented in 2004 and </line>
<line> 2008 *tarted t* *et loose, with **centraliz*t*on of so*e </line>
<line> importan* pro*esses. In thi* context *tand* *ut the </line>
<line> enac*ment o* Complem*ntar* La* (CL) </line>
<line> No. *40, wh*ch is a </line>
<line> key f*ctor for **e dece*tralizatio* of </line>
<line> env*r*nmental inspection *n f*rest </line>
<line> te*ritor*. In an attempt *o *educe bureaucra** in *n*ironme*ta* l*censing, *he CL defined that </line>
<line> und*rtakings and ac**v*tie* *h*t us* effec*ively o* *otentially polluting e*vironmental </line>
<line> *es*urces would be submitted t* the appro*al *f a single co*pe*ent *ody (Bra*il, 201*). The </line>
<line> licensing body co*ld n*w be *n the co*pete*ce of the Un*on, st**e, or mu*icipal*ty, </line>
<line> dec*ntra*i*ing the en*ir*nmenta* licens*ng process. The supposed gain in admi*i*tr**i*e spee* </line>
<line> meant t*at the Bra*ilian Institute of Environment and Ren*wable Natur*l *e*our*es (Ibama) </line>
<line> w*s only re**onsible for licensing project* with nati*na* impact, wh*le projects with l*ca* </line>
<line> i*pa*t would be li*en**d *y the competent *unicipal *ody (Caste*o et al., 2018). </line>
<line> In 2012 t*e *ew Fores* *ode (*ederal *aw No. 1*.65*/2**2) app*ars. Among </line>
<line> innovations an* *rit*cism, this tool accou*t*d f*r changes *hat reduce* t*e ranges of </line>
<line> Permanent Pre*ervati*n Areas (PPAs) along water courses. Th* text a*thorized the continuit* </line>
<line> o* agr*forestry, ecoto*rism, and rural tou*ism activ*ties in **As within ru*al </line>
<line> ar*as </line>
<line> *onsolidated un*il 2008, which const*t*tes an *mnesty </line>
<line> for </line>
<line> PPA </line>
<line> deforest*rs until tha* </line>
<line> date </line>
<line> (Almeida; Cas*e*o; *ivero, 20**). This </line>
<line> suppos*d granted amnesty pro*otes the </line>
<line> unde*sta*ding of *mpunity *or defore*ter*. Fro* t*e </line>
<line> persp*ct*ve of defo*estation as </line>
<line> a* </line>
<line> inv*stment deci*io*, a legal d*c*si*n granting </line>
<line> *mnesty to d*f*resters may lead to an </line>
<line> exp*ctati*n of * new a*nesty in the future, ind**e*tly favoring the inc*e*se *f d*forestation. </line>
<line> Meanwh*le, t*e PPCDAm entered its Phas* </line>
<line> I*I, from 2012 </line>
<line> to 20*5, *ith a n*w </line>
<line> proposal for actions aimed at </line>
<line> chang*ng the </line>
<line> p*oce*s </line>
<line> of verification of il**g** ac*ivities in </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> forest. I* *appen* that </line>
<line> *he defo*esta*ion </line>
<line> p*tter* has chang*d in recent yea*s, resulting in </line>
<line> deforestat*o* rates that are belo* the detection thres*old of t*e Braz*lian *ea* Time </line>
<line> Def*re*t*tion Detec*io* S*stem (DETE*) (C*s*elo et al., 2018). Amidst a </line>
<line> need for *ore </line>
<line> su**inct act*ons for the detect**n *f defores**t*on, *he program ended up suf*er*ng m*jor </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te*e**n* PI, v. 20, n. 12, ar*. *, p. 138-16*, d*z. 2023 www4.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> G. Gouveia Ne*to, *. G. S*lva, R. B. Al*ei*a </line>
<line> 15* </line>
<line> budge* c*ts from t*at ph*se onwards in all a*es of act*on. *able 1 depict* th*s scena*io </line>
<line> (Castel* et al., 20*8). </line>
<line> Table * - PPC*Am expenses in reais. </line>
<row> Exp*nses by </row>
<row> go*ernment </row>
<row> Lul* (2007-2010) Dilma (2*11-2014) </row>
<row> *e**ction </row>
<line> P*anning </line>
<line> 8 1 9 ,7 9 * ,* * 2 .1 * </line>
<line> 4 3 * ,0 0 7 ,1 4 6 .6 9 </line>
<line> 4 6 .8 1 % </line>
<line> *oni*or*ng </line>
<line> 9 5 8 ,5 4 3 ,4 3 6 .4 9 </line>
<line> 7 0 2 ,7 5 * ,8 4 0 .8 5 </line>
<line> 2 6 .6 8 % </line>
<line> Promotio* </line>
<line> 4 ,5 8 4 ,3 8 5 ,4 1 8 .4 4 </line>
<line> * 3 7 ,* 8 6 ,5 4 4 .9 8 </line>
<line> 8 6 .* 8 % </line>
<line> Total </line>
<line> 6 ,3 6 3 ,7 * 0 ,5 8 7 .0 8 </line>
<line> 1 ,7 7 6 ,5 * 1 ,5 * 2 .5 2 </line>
<line> 7 2 .0 7 % </line>
<line> Sourc*: Ca*telo et **. (2*18). </line>
<line> At the end of the exe*ution pe*iod *f **ase III, the project for Phase </line>
<line> I* was *nl* </line>
<line> launched i* 2018. Phase IV of the *PCDAm was presente* in an MMA document toge*her </line>
<line> with Phase III of th* PP*err*do. This was the first time th*t the documents were present*d </line>
<line> together. The un**ication of poli***s between 2016 and 2020 brought about *ignificant </line>
<line> changes. In an attempt to in*egrate the two Pl*ns, a Unified *xe*uti*e Committee w*s </line>
<line> established with s*veral bodies t**t oper*t* *n the two Plan*. *e*ti** 6 of the document </line>
<line> e*plains these fact*r* reg*rdi*g *he ne* form of governance. I* s*ctio* 5, t*e do*ument sta*es </line>
<line> that the o*jectives o* the Plans are the sa*e </line>
<line> as *hose propo*ed by th* National Pol*cy on </line>
<line> *l*mate Change (PNM*) (Bras*l, 2018). This means that in Pha*e *V the PPCDAm start* to </line>
<line> have a mixed </line>
<line> gov*rnance *s well as ****ct*ves th** are n*t speci*ic to the pro*ram. </line>
<line> Mischaract*ri*a*ion of *oth t*e *orm of g*vernan*e *nd the o*jective* of *he mo*t s*ccessfu* </line>
<line> Brazil*an deforest*tion contro* *l*n may *ave </line>
<line> contribut*d t* t*e dis*ontin**ty of previ*us </line>
<line> posit*ve *esults. </line>
<line> Some e*v*ro*m*ntal la*s wer* ma*e more fle*ible to favor **r***n sect*rs of soc*e**. </line>
<line> *hus, the reduct*on of funds for v*rious inspect*on ac*ions b*gins to *ecome not*c*a*le f*o* </line>
<line> 2019 **wards. Th* bud*et </line>
<line> of bodies su** as Ibama a*d the Chico Mendes Institute </line>
<line> for </line>
<line> Bi*diversity Conservation (ICMBi*), m*inly responsible for mo*it**ing environm*n*al </line>
<line> crimes, is contradictory with the current situation of th* territory. D*f*restation r**es thus *tart </line>
<line> *o **se again along wit* the rec*rding of the *o*est </line>
<line> *udgets a*th*rized and execut*d by *h* </line>
<line> *o*ies **** monitor this e*v*ronmental pract*ce. Figure 4 shows *ow *bama\s </line>
<line> *i*cretionary </line>
<line> budg*t suffers a pe*ce**ible drop as defor*station leve*s rise again. T*e reduction of f*nds for </line>
<line> bodies su*h as Ibama may *ean a *e*uctio* in their ab*lity to fulfill th*ir inspection **nc*ions, </line>
<line> *ncouraging ille*al deforestation acti**ties. </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, Tere*ina, v. 20, *. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, dez. 2023 ww*4.fsanet.co*.br/*evista </line>
<line> Public Po*icie* and Politics: The Brazilia* D*le*** to Redu*e Def*restation </line>
<line> 155 </line>
<line> Figu*e 4 - *bama\s Budge* </line>
<line> S*urce: Siop, 2022. </line>
<line> In addition *o a smalle* au**or*z*d and executed b*d*et, *m*ortant sources of </line>
<line> financing such as *he Amazon F*nd also s**rted to repr*sen* a prob*em. Cre*ted in 2008 in the </line>
<line> same cont*xt of Ph*se * of the PPCDAm, the Fu*d ceased to recei*e support from its larges* </line>
<line> investors in 2019. Germany an* N*rway began to block *r*ns*ers to *he Fund </line>
<line> after </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> interru*tion </line>
<line> of monitoring *n* insp*c*ion activitie* that wer* financ*d </line>
<line> by th* F*nd. The </line>
<line> decisio* to *t*p the*e activities ca*e fr*m the MMA on t*e groun*s *hat the *un* ne*ded </line>
<line> change* i* its fu*c*i*ning *nd a k*nd of v*rifi*ation operatio* to in*est*gate irr*gul*ritie* in </line>
<line> tr*nsf**s to </line>
<line> instit*t*ons that carried out act*vities </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> pro**ct the For*st. The post*re, *hich </line>
<line> came from *h* chie* exe*utive of the MM*, meant that *n *019 no *roj**t wa* approved. This </line>
<line> resulted </line>
<line> in **e interru*t*on *f transfers, *onsequentl* in*e**uptin* a goo* part of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> ins*ection activities in the Am*zon terr*tory. </line>
<line> The absence of a containment *lan *nd the reduction o* inspe**ion **rroborate the data </line>
<line> in Figure 5. *he nu*ber of infraction noti*e* applied ov*r tim* by *bama beh*v*s </line>
<line> abnormal*y. I* mome*ts of *r**t defo**station activity th*oug*out 2002 and 200*, fines seem </line>
<line> to follow t*e amount of irregul*rities tha* occu*red. *owev*r, when de*orest*tio* act*vities </line>
<line> incre*se ag**n, pen*lti*s seem to s*ow a **eady downward trend ye*r after yea*. In t*is way, </line>
<line> *he a*o*nt *f fines </line>
<line> impo*ed seems to *ave mo*e to do *ith Ibama\s ability to *ppl* these </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. 20, *. 12, ar*. 7, p. *38-164, d*z. 2023 </line>
<line> *ww4.*sa**t.com.br/revista </line>
<line> G. Gouveia N*tto, J. G. *i*v*, R. B. Almeida </line>
<line> 1*6 </line>
<line> fines based on its *udget tha* with the en*ironm**tal cr*mes t*at effec*iv*ly occur *n </line>
<line> Amaz*ni** *oil. </line>
<line> Fig*re 5 - In*raction not*ces issued by Ibama </line>
<line> So*rce: Ib*ma, 2022. </line>
<line> The f*deral gover*ment then decides to reactiva*e th* National Counci* for the Leg*l </line>
<line> Amazon (CN*L), inactive si*ce the 1990s. Th*s cou*cil was a*pointed in 2020 with 1* </line>
<line> mil*tary per*onnel and no members of academia or st*te governments, no rep**se*ta*ives *f </line>
<line> the private sector or civil soc*ety, no r*p*esentativ* of the National Indigenou* P*ople </line>
<line> Foundation (Funai) </line>
<line> or indige*ous *eop*es, </line>
<line> no re*resentati*e of ICM*io or **ama. The only </line>
<line> infor*ation a*out CNAL\s *ctions is * 2*20 **udy tha* *ee*s to o*tline a n*w policy for the </line>
<line> Amazon *o*est. The *3-page document exp*ains how the CNAL and its Commis*io*s work, </line>
<line> indicating </line>
<line> various str*tegic objecti*es. These obj*ct*ves co*cern areas to be strengthen*d, </line>
<line> suc* as p*ese*vation, prot*ction, and sustainable developme*t. The d*cumen* also pr*p*ses </line>
<line> o*iginal immediat* act**ns s*ch as * Social Comm*ni*ati*n Plan, the reactiv*tion of the </line>
<line> Am*zo* Fund, and oth*r ac*ion* that seem to coincide wi*h targ*ts for r*d*ci*g deforestation. </line>
<line> Notwiths*andi*g, *he c*ar*cter of *he do*ument is that o* a study that is just beginn**g, with </line>
<line> **or*y defi*ed guidelines, poorly explained object*ves, la*k o* deadline*, and no indica*ion of </line>
<line> me*ns of fin*n*in*, in*pection, or any g*als. Iba** and ICMBio *re me**ioned only once, i* </line>
<line> a* excer** that mentions *heir "restr*ctu*ing" and e*entual "doctrinal revision". In t*rn, </line>
<line> PPCDAm is not me*tion*d onc* (*NA*, 2020). </line>
<line> **v. F*A, Teresina, v. 20, n. *2, art. 7, p. 138-164, *ez. 202* </line>
<line> ww*4.fsanet.c**.br/*evist* </line>
<line> P*bl*c Po*icies and Politics: The Brazilian Dilemma *o Reduce D*fores*ati*n </line>
<line> 157 </line>
<line> T*e f*deral govern*ent laun*hes another plan in 2*20, this t*me throug* the *MA: </line>
<line> the Nat*on*l Plan to Control Illeg*l Deforestation and R*co*er Native *egetation. It is a 17- </line>
<line> page *ocum*nt tha* reli** on three tr*nsversal themes: bus*ness e*vironment, innovati*n, a** </line>
<line> financing. *he Executive *ommission for **e Contro* of Illegal *eforestation and Recover of </line>
<line> Native V*getati*n (CONAVEG) is now res*ons*ble for t*e governance of th* plan. T*is body </line>
<line> is *omposed on*y *f feder*l *inis**rs and will make its d*c*sions on the </line>
<line> e*tablishment of </line>
<line> *uid*l*nes a*d plans for th* control of d*fore*tation and re*ores*ation </line>
<line> b*sed on Thematic </line>
<line> Consultative Cham*e*s. *hese Cha*bers *i*l ** est*bli**ed th*ough </line>
<line> a res**ution by </line>
<row> CONAVE* itse*f (BRASIL, 2019). *hart 3 shows the axes of *ction of the documen*, which </row>
<row> resc*es ax*s of action from old and su*ce*sful *r**ects su*h a* *he *PCDAm. </row>
<row> Chart 3 - Axes of a*ti*n of the Nati*nal Plan to Control Ill*g** Deforestat*on a*d </row>
<row> *ecover Native Ve*etat*on </row>
<row> Item </row>
<row> * </row>
<row> 2 </row>
<row> 3 </row>
<row> 4 </row>
<row> 5 </row>
<row> Sou*ce: Ministér*o do Meio Ambien*e, *0**. </row>
<row> Axi* o* Acti*n </row>
<row> Zero Tole*anc* to Il*egal D*forest*t*on; </row>
<row> Lan* r*gu*ariz*tion; </row>
<row> Land use planning; </row>
<row> *ayment for Env*ronmenta* Servi*es; </row>
<row> Bi*economy. </row>
<row> Al*hough th* ax** *f action of *his p*an m*k* sense acco*d**g to the abovem*nti*ned </row>
<line> plans (such </line>
<line> as *he PPCDAm and the PAS), the perspecti*es </line>
<line> are not ***d. T*e document* </line>
<line> expos*d here by CNAL an* *MA have a v*ry embry*ni* and info*mal c*ar*c*er. The </line>
<line> **cument p*esent*d *y CNAL is *uch *ore like a pre*im*nary study fo* p*l*cies to be drawn </line>
<line> up based on it. In *urn, *he d*c*ment proposed by t*e MMA has a ve*y inform*l character an* </line>
<line> i* p*ese*ted *s * g*impse of what may be dec*ded in **e *u*ure. Bo** *ocumen*s also indicate </line>
<line> **gnificant **ss** i* the representat*veness o* *ivil socie** and scientis*s, in addi*ion to little or </line>
<line> no referenc* t* bodies tha* were very su*cessf*l </line>
<line> in mon*t*ring a*d enfo*cing i*legal </line>
<line> deforest*tion ac*ivities. *i*h*ut goals, d**d*ine*, o* s**cif** actions, the MMA do**men* was </line>
<line> ne*er publishe* in *he O*fi**al Gazette, which d*notes its in*ormal *ature. </line>
<line> The informality and littl* devel**ment o* the*e two Plans i*di*ate a delay in </line>
<line> formulating p*licies to contain defo*esta*ion </line>
<line> *ctiv*ty, i* addition </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> the inabi*ity to continu* </line>
<line> ex*cuting the formula of Plans t*at hav* al*eady shown good resu*ts. This </line>
<line> characteristic </line>
<line> b*cam* evident *ince the PPCD**, in its Phase IV, was put i**o joint e*ecuti*n and </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, *eresina P*, *. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-1*4, dez. **23 www4.fsanet.com.br/*evista </line>
<line> G. Gouveia Ne*to, J. G. Silva, R. *. **meida </line>
<line> 158 </line>
<line> governan*e *ith the PPC*rrado by the </line>
<line> gov*rnmen* of Michel Tem*r. From then on, ther* </line>
<line> se*ms t* be a great los* for the **ans for economic integration and control *f defores*at**n in </line>
<line> the Amazon Fores*, caused by m*schar*cter*zation of p*st pol*cies. *his phenomenon seems </line>
<line> to have o*cur*e* through *hanges in the form of govern*nce. It express*s itself in th* loss o* </line>
<line> repres*nt***veness of sectors of civil society, the red*ction *f fu*ds </line>
<line> for *mport*nt </line>
<line> environm*ntal control bodies such as Ibama, and th* lack of d*fini*ion of cle*r **jectives for </line>
<line> new Pla*s. The result* are an incre*se ** ar*und 1**% in *efore*ted area from *012 to 20*0. </line>
<line> 4 FINAL C*NSIDER*TIONS </line>
<line> The history of *he Amazo* R*inforest is *he h*s*ory of how the State deci**d to *xploit </line>
<line> it eco*om*c*lly. The period under study *eems t* tell the story of **w the Brazi*ian State *as </line>
<line> ve*y succe*sful in identify*ng the variables that influenced the i**rease *n deforestati*n until </line>
<line> 2004. The*, *t *as very successful in synthesizing P*ans f*r the control of *ef*re*ta*ion and </line>
<line> for s*stainab*e e**nomic integration o* *he *o*est u*til </line>
<line> 2008. This was motivated b* a </line>
<line> *usta*nable *evelopmen* logic, </line>
<line> a*wa*s indicat*d in the proposed Plans. H*wev*r, a State is </line>
<line> managed by a </line>
<line> provisi*n*l government, and th* </line>
<line> cont*nui*y *nd e*aboration of </line>
<line> new polici*s </line>
<line> d*pend *n the g*vernm*nt t*at *s in po**r. </line>
<line> *he c*ntinuity of gover*men*s from 2010 *nward* seems *o </line>
<line> have chosen a gradual </line>
<line> mischaracte*izat*on o* *he Plan* that reduced B*azilian d*fore*tation. This occu*red *nitially in </line>
<line> the **rm of sensit*ve chang*s such as spending cuts in Phase III o* *he PPCDam (2012-201*), </line>
<line> which wer* justified by the way i* wh*ch defore*tation *ad ad**ted. From the* on, how*ver, </line>
<line> environme*ta*i**s have *ace* successi*e **feats regar***g enviro*mental le*islation. These </line>
<line> consecutive defeats are magnif*ed by budget reductions in insp**tio* bo*ies, which red*ces </line>
<line> their operational potential. </line>
<line> The scen*rio of environmental losse* </line>
<line> at the legislati*e level, along with the </line>
<line> l os s </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> inspectio* and moni*oring *ower, is th*n **d*d to the d*sc*ntin*ity of *he Pla*s. *he r*sult is </line>
<line> *he lack of elaboration *nd the disc*n*inuity </line>
<line> of initiati*es t*at aim to re*uce defor*statio*, </line>
<line> now on th* rise. The di*continu*ty *f t*e*e p*licies be*omes clea*er wh*n *t is onl* in 2*20 </line>
<line> th*t the MMA a** the CNAL *repare do*uments that design studies for d*forestatio* in th* </line>
<line> country. *he absence </line>
<line> of policies *o c**trol de*ores*ation a*ts on the fores* in the for* </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> deregu*ation. With t*e reduction of *ns*ection oper*tions a*d loopho**s in *nvironm*nta* </line>
<line> laws, internati*na* mar*et p***e* *re </line>
<line> once a*ai* important for deforest*ti*n levels. Th*s </line>
<line> is </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 20, *. 12, art. 7, p. 1*8-164, dez. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Publ*c *o*i**es and Politics: The Brazi*ian Di*emma to Red*ce Deforestat*on </line>
<line> 159 </line>
<line> *ecaus* the *rice* of agricultural *ommodities make the expansion of the agricultural frontier </line>
<line> more *i*b*e, increas*ng </line>
<line> deforestatio*. The syn*h*sis *f these </line>
<line> econ*mic and politica* </line>
<line> relationships tel*s t** s*ory *f ho* the co*ntry was very success*ul in *ts environmental </line>
<line> pre*erva*ion *bjectives from *004 *o 2*11. However, it also contemplates how *t *hen began </line>
<line> to syste*at*cal*y ab*ndon these o*jectiv*s and de*egulate f*res* *xp*oitatio*, favor*n* gr*ups </line>
<line> with g**ate* *conomy power in the **gion. </line>
<line> This study c*n *e expanded by adding oth*r perspe*t*ves for the sa** period *n* </line>
<line> terr*to*y. *mong t*e*e perspectives sta*d out t*e dispu**s between environ*enta*ists and </line>
<line> rur*lists in gover*me*t i*stitutions, th* disputes *etween traditi*nal *eopl**, la***ess *eop*es, </line>
<line> *nd lar*e lando*n*rs *n *he Amazonian *erritory, in addition to deepe* resear*h on l*nd </line>
<line> regulatio* and c*ed*t p*licy. U*d*rst**ding t*is ti*e in*erv*l also *eans unders*anding the </line>
<line> occupati*n *f the Amazonian **rritory thr*ughout its ent*r* history. In this way, an* historical </line>
<line> a*proach *n the integration of the Amazon *lso co*tri*utes *o the understandin* of the future </line>
<line> of the fo*est. The ideologi*al approach *a* als* be taken, *ith *he underst*nding of the m*in </line>
<line> *conomic and social ideas that und*rp*nned t** various Plans th*oughout hist*ry. A*l these </line>
<line> stud*es, if pl**ed in a timeline, wi*l be able to dialog*e wi*h e*ch ***er and contribute to the </line>
<line> understan*ing o* the e*onomic e*p*oitation of th* Ama*on F*rest *e*ond *h* **rspective *f </line>
<line> the Sta*e a*d the market. </line>
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<line> Como *efe**nciar este Artigo, conforme ABNT: </line>
<line> *OUVEIA NETTO, G; S*LVA, J. G; ALMEI*A, R. B. P*blic Policies and P*litics: *he B*azilian </line>
<line> Dilemma to Reduce Deforestation. Rev. FS*, *eresina, v. 20, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, dez. 2023. </line>
<line> Contribu*ção d*s A*tore* </line>
<line> G. *o*veia Netto </line>
<line> J. G. Silva </line>
<line> *. B. Alme*da </line>
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<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina, v. 2*, n. 12, art. 7, p. 138-164, *ez. 20*3 </line>
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