Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *1, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2*2*
IS*N Impresso: 1806-*356 ISSN E*etrôn*co: 2317-2983
Imple*entation of the System Handled i* a *roductio* Ce*l: Casa **udy in a Metall**gical
Análise da *mpla*t*ção do Sis*ema Puxado em **a Cél*la de Prod*ção: *studo *e *aso em
u*a Empresa Metalúrgi*a
C*istiano Ricard* ** Silva
Bac*arel em Adminis*ração pel* Complexo de *nsino Superior d* Ca*hoeirinha
E-mai*: cristian*ri*ardo406@**ail.com
*am*el Vinicius *o**to
Douto* em Engenharia de *r*dução pel* Universida*e Federal do Rio Gr*nde *o Sul
Profess*r da *ni*ersi*ade Feder*l d* R*o Grande
E-*ail: *vbonato@gmail.*om
Errol Fernando Zepka Pereir* Junior
Mestre e* A*m*n*st*ação *ela **iversidade Fede*a* do Ri* Grande
Dou*orando e* *d*inistração na Universi*ade Fe*e*al de Sant* *a*ari*a
E-mail: z*pkaef@gmai*.*om
Cynth*a Mikae*a Chemell* Favi*ro Lopes
D*utora em *dmini*tração pe** Universi*ade Federal do *io G*a*de do Sul
E-mail: cynth*a.*aviero@*mail.co*
*elipe *opp Leite
Mestre em Ad*inist**ção pela Universidade Fe*eral do R*o Grande
Doutorando em Ad*inist*a*ão na Univ*rsidade F*der*l *e Sa*ta Catarina
E-*ail: felipe.kopp18@gma*l.com
Ende*eço: *r*stian* Ricardo da Silva
R. Si*v*rio M*noel da Silva, 160 - C*lin*s, Cachoeirinha
- RS, 9493*-6**, Br*sil.
Ender*ço: Samuel Vi*ici*s Bonato
Art*go recebid* em 14/05/2023. Última
Av. *tá*ia, */n - km Campus Carreiros - Rio Gra*de, RS
r*ceb*da em 27/05/2023. Aprovado em *8/05/2023.
CE* 962*3-900, Bras*l.
C. R. Silva, *. V. B*nato, E. F. Z. Pe*eira Junio*, C. M. C. F. Lo*e*, F. K. **ite
The *ndu*t**al l*nds*a*e has *volv*d from mass *r**uction *o
dema*d-drive* *y*tems
co*petitive market. Compani*s face constant change, prompting a *eed for efficiency
flex*bility in operations. The Toyota p*oduct*on system, developed i* the 1950s, *mph*sizes
*a*te re*uction and pull-based p**duc*ion.
This ar*icle explore* how the Toyota system is
applied in a me**llurgical compan* to reduce waste
and i*prove
*rocesses through *aizen.
The general
objective o* this ar*icl* is to analyze the pulle* produc*ion system *nd its
cont*ibut*on to *educi*g
inventories in the pr*duction process in * me*allurgical c*mpany.
This study was *perational*zed through a
q*alitative ana*ysis, with the aid of
**e case study
r*search metho* within a metallurgic*l *roduc*i*n context. The study pa*ticipant*
specific sec*or o* t** company and dat* colle*tion invo*ves doc*mentary analysis
s*co*d*ry d*ta. Data an*lysis includes c*nt*nt an*lysis, focus*ng *n red*cing lea* ti*e
inventori** in the pr**uction proces*. T*rough the i*ple*en**tion of the pull s*s*em and the
value flow, the p*oduction pr*cess was opti*ized, red*cing stock*, fa*ili*ating *uality contr*l,
and a*lowing the rapid id*ntif*ca*ion *f anomalies. *he
deve*opme*t *f a future st*t* fl*w
*ap sh*wed how To*ota Produ*tion Sy*tem tools, *uch
as 5S, visual manage*ent
Kan*an, can
*pplied to promote cont**uous improv*ment in t*e manufacturing process.
The implem*ntation of *he pul* *ys*em in the secto* brough* **prove*ents suc* as production
on c*stom*r *emand, r*d*ce* and *uali*i*d stocks, ensuring timely delive*ies in line wit* *he
philosophy of *he Toyota Pr*duc*ion Sy**e*, which prio*itizes pr*duction accord*ng *o the
customer's needs.
Keyw*rds: *oyota S*stem. Value S*ream. Lean P**ductio*.
O *enári* industrial evoluiu da produçã* em mas** para sistem*s orie*t***s *e*a pro*u*a em
*ercado comp*tit*vo. ** empresas e*frentam mudanças constantes, o *ue *er* uma
necessidade de eficiênc*a e flexibil*dade
nas operações. O S*s*em* Toy*ta de Produ*ão,
*ese*v**vido na década *e *950, enfatiza a reduç*o
de desperdícios e a *ro*u*ão puxa*a.
Es*e artigo e**lo*a *omo o siste*a *oyota é
e* uma *****sa meta*úrgica para
reduzir de*perdícios e melhorar processos atrav** do Kaizen. O **j*tivo ge*al deste *rt*go é
*n**isar o *i*tema
de **odução pux*do e sua contribuição *ara a reduç** de *s*oqu*s
processo prod*tivo em um* empr*sa metalúrg**a. Este estud* foi operaci*nalizado p*r me*o
u*a a*álise qualitat**a, *om auxílio do m*t**o de pes*uisa
*o es*udo de c*so de**r* de
conte**o de pr**ução metalúrgica. O
p*rticip*nt* do estudo * um setor especí*ico
empr*sa e a coleta *e *ad*s en*olve aná*ise d*cumental dad** e
**cundár*os. A análise
dad*s incl*i an*lise de con*eúdo, c*m *oc* *a red*ção
de lead time e esto*ues *o processo
pro*u*ivo. *trav** da impleme*tação
** sist**a puxado * d* fl*x* de valor, o processo
p*odutivo foi otim**a*o, red*zi*do e*to*ues, facilit*nd* o c*ntrol* de q***idade e p*rmitindo
a *den*ificação rápida de anomalias. A elaboração de u* mapa *e fluxo do
estado futuro
most*ou como as ferramenta* do Sistema Toyota de P*odução, c*mo 5S,
gestão visua*
K**ban pod*m *er apl*cadas
p*ra promo*er
* m*l*oria *ontínua
pr*c*sso f*bril. A
implement*ção do sistema *uxad* *o set** t*oux* *elhori*s, *omo pro*ução sob demanda *o
c*ien*e, e*toqu*s r*duzidos e qualificados, assegur*ndo **t*egas
oportunas *m *onsonânc**
com a filosofia d* Sistema Toy*ta de Produção, q**
priori*a a *r*duçã* confor*e
*e*essida*e do cliente.
Palav*as-chav*: *istema **yota. *luxo de Val*r. *rodução *nxuta.
Rev. F*A, Teresin*, v. 2*, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-*9, abr. 202* www4.*s*n*t.com.br/r*vista
Impl*ment*tion of the System Handled in a *roduction C*ll: *asa *tud* in a Metal*urgic*l Com*any
Since the begi*n*ng of the indu*trial era, the mar*et has **en un*ergoing consta*t
ch*nges, h**ing evolved from a *yst*m of mas* *roduction t* modern pro*uction system* o*
demand, in an *ncr*a**ngly agg*essive and compet*tive scena*io. Th* in*ust*y has been
exp*rie**ing, *or some time, a pr*cess of *evol*tion i* t** parameters that define
t he
environment in *hich it ru*s (Zambon, *ecch*ni, Egidi, S*p*rit*, & Colanton*, 2019).
In *he *urre** con*ext, the new f*rm of *om**titio* s*pplies an *nc*easingly turbulent
environment. The intensi**c*tion
of co*p*titi*n gives rise to "comp*titive press*re" th*t *
mot**a*ed companies to **re*t their fo**e* to*a*ds the se*rch *o* mor* effi*iency in *heir
o*erations and managem*nt processes.
C*mpanies *eed to compet* in severa* dimensi*ns,
such ** costs, quality, t*me, f*exibility *nd innovation. Si*ce then, comp*nies h**e discovered
the need to implement, in a
continuous and s**tema*ic w*y, in*reasingly flexible and
inte*rated *roduction systems, aiming to meet th* nee*s p*sed *y
th* market i* the
contemporar* *ompe***ive env*ronment (Mill**ei* & Martinich,
2*14). In this en*ironment,
chang*s are constant a*d compel co*pani*s to become fle*ible and p*omp*ly return to *arket
The Toyota *roducti*n sy*tem originated in th* 1950s i* Ja**n, w*th Mr. Ta*ic*i Ohno
as its p*ecu*sor. Its premise was ** increase productiv*ty *y continuously improvi*g proc*sses
by r*du*ing or cutting *as*e. This multi-step production sys*em, cha*act*r*stic ** many
systems, **ntemplates the metho*s o* pushing and pulling,
t*e *ormer,
used by i**u*t*ies, is
as th* planned quant*ty *f produc*ion, decide* by
forecasts and available stocks (Yamamoto, Milstead, & *Io*d, 201*). In thi* m*thod,
pro*uc*ion is carried out *ccordi** to demand and sto*k, *nd the *ntire proces* is carried *ut
in a *equenti*l and orderly
mann*r. Wh*n * pu*hed product*o* system i*
used, inventories
suf*er a very significant in*re*se a*d w*th fixed as*ets stopp*d, pro*lems appear,
indiv*dua* efficiencies crea*e a* illusion *f c*ntrol.
In the pulled system, *n the o*her hand, the final process removes *he necessary
q*a*ti*ies from the prev*ou* process a* a
g*ven time, and th*s pro**d**e is repeated in
t he
*rder, passing th*ough all previous processes (Ya*am*to et al., 2*19). In pulled a
system, * progra*min* logic i* *rea*ed, that i*, w*en it is *ot
*oss*ble to cut
s*ocks th*o*gh * con*inuous flow of pa*ts, supermarket* must be created with contr*l*ed
v*lumes o* mat*rial*, which se*ve as poi*t* of information generation. prev*ou* p*oce*ses.
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina PI, v. 21, n. 4, a*t. 1, *. 3-*9, a*r. 20*4 ww**.fs*net.com.br/*evi*ta
C. R. Silva, S. V. Bonat*, E. F. Z. Pereira Junior, C. M. C. F. **pes, F. K. Lei*e
Therefore, b*sed ** *he Toyot* pr*duction system (TPS), *nd its c*ntributio*
t *e
pr*du*tion pr*cess, *hich
promotes the *eduction of invento*ies and *educe* waste
i n t he
producti*n process, with the
analysis o* the value *low map (VSM) , this ar*icle was
deve*ope* thr*ugh *n analysis ** the productio* system
pulled in a produ*tion cell o*
met*llurgic*l company, i* or*er to co*bine
th* concepts seen in the*ry with the effe*tive
o*e**ti*n in *he pu**ed system presen* in t** company sector, to promote improveme*t ideas
for a future *tate map by p*rforming K*izen.
In this c*s*, the gener*l obj**tive o* t*is art*cle is to analyze the pul*e* p****ctio*
system and its cont*ibutio* to *educing inventori*s in t*e *roduction process in
me*al*urgical *om**ny, b*sed on the
following spe*ific *b*ectives: (i) implementi*g
impr*veme*ts to improv* t*e r**ults *f th*
production system ; (ii) present the resu*ts
ob*ained after t*e firs* improvement i* *he *alue flow; and (i*i) relate the ben*fits obtained by
the compan* by co**aring them from the perspect*v* of t*e pull *ystem.
In t*is section, the foll**ing topics *ill be covered that relate to the anal*sis of
t he
implementation *f the pull system in a met*llurgy production cel*, namel*: Toyota Produ*t*o*
**ste* (TPS), *alue Str*am Map, basic principles of Lean, Kaizen, Just in Tim* (JI*), Lead
Time, Takt Time and *to*ks and types of stocks.
2.1 Toyo** Produc**** S*stem (T*S)
*oyo*a Production **stem (TPS), L*an Prod*ction, J*st *n Time (JIT), Lean
*anufacturing, or even Le*n Prod*ct*on, are equivalen* terms us*d
*o name *he logic of
mana*ing, planning and controlling
produc*ion, o*igin*lly de*elo*ed by Toyota *otor
Com*an* in 1945 in Japan, afte* the defeat of this countr* in t** second worl* war. *rom t*e
c*n*e*tua* f*undations de*eloped by thi* *ompan*, oth** Japanese au*omobile i*dustries, and
some *ester* manufacturing sectors and *v** the North *meric*n automo*ive s*c*or,
over time they have evolve* in** * concept considered *s a production syste* m*x and wor*
philos*phy (Pi*c**oz*i, Aquila*i, & Gatti, *018).
The probl*m at
t **
*ime was, *t the same time, how t* cut
cost* and produce sma*l
quan*i**es of many types
o* cars. T*e *uthor assures t*at the f*ndamenta* principles of Lea*
Production were developed *rom these needs. The "lean" con*ept became popu*arly kn*wn,
Rev. F*A, Te*esina, v. 21, n. 4, ar*. 1, p. 3-1*, a*r. 2024 ww*4.fsanet.com.br/revist*
I*plemen*atio* of *he System Handle* in a Production Cel*: Casa S*udy in a M*ta*lurgical Company
fol*owing th* publ*c*tion of t*e work "*he M*chine that Changed the *o*ld", *y Womack,
J*nes a*d Ross *n 1990, where the authors p*pu*arized the u*u*l lea* produc*io* pri*ciples
and practic*s starting from th* System Toyota *e Produção, which
*n its philosop*y, *ims
essentiall* to increase *rod*ction capa*ity
t**ough the use of fewer reso*rces and th*
reduc**on of *aste (Pereira, B*nato, Pereira J*nior, Czarneski, & D'Ávila, 2019).
2.2 Val*e Stream Map
It i* very important to have the product value flow **ll d**ined, as it allows an
ove*vi** of th* processes that add value, since, for a given product the value has been
*re*i*ely *pecified, the v*l*e flow map*ed, t*e steps that do not add value elimi*ated value, it
is essential tha* the
va*u* i*
process fl*ws, *moothly
and contin*ously, withi* *he three
*r*tical mana*eria* *asks: problem solvin*, i*formation management an* phy*ical
transformation (Rahm*n, Moh*mad, Rah*an, Hamd*la, Larasati, & Ito, 2020).
After identifying the value according to the fir*t
principle, mappin* the pro*uc* value
*h**n a*d el*minating waste according to the s*cond *rinciple, t*e ne*t s*e* of lean thinking is
to make th* opt*m*ze* flow ** va*ue flow harmo*ious** until t*e arriva* of *he pro*uct to the
final custom*r, **defining the
fun*tio*s and depar*ments, allowing them to co*tr*bu*e to the
creation of val*e for the c*stomer.
The *alue Stream Map (VSM) is a procedu*e
for *indin* all *pecific acti**ties tha*
occ*r along the val*e stream for a pr*duct or famil* of prod*cts. It is * *articula*ly interesting
tool *or th* co*t*nuou* re*uction of waste. Th* idea is ** obta*n with i* * clear visualiz*ti*n of
*he *anuf*ctu*ing *rocesses *nd s*me of their was*es, a* well as effect*ve *nalysis guidel*nes
that a*d in the proje*t *o optimize the *low and cut these wa*tes. Th* VSM is a tool cap*ble of
looking at the **ocesse* of ad**ng value ho*izon*all*,
empha*izing acti*iti*s, ac*ions and
connection* i* the *ens*
cre*ti*g va*ue and maki*g
it *low fr** suppl*ers to final
*ustom*rs (Ra*m** et al., 2020).
The inf***atio* flow is th* *ovement of *nformation from cu*tomer*' re*u*rement* t*
*he points *here the i*formation *s needed to guide each stage o* the
pr*cess. Comp**ies
ba*ed *n the principles of *ass p*oduc*ion usually h*ve *arallel informat*on flow: forecasts,
**hedules, delivery o*ders, etc.
*n gene*al, these a*e sent at each st*ge of the
proces*. *he
of l*an pr*d**tio* a*s* *ims *o si***ify the flow of in*ormation, looking to set **
unique points o* programming *or produc*ion and *efine loops *ulled from information.
R*v. FSA, Teresin* *I, v. 21, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 20*4 www4.fsanet.com.br/revis*a
C. R. **lva, S. V. B*nato, E. F. Z. Pereira Jun*or, C. M. C. F. Lopes, F. K. Leite
T*e material flow *s th* physic*l movement of it*m* *long the com*lete value flow. In
mas* production, products range from large batches to *e*tralized proce*ses, through p**h*d
p*ogra**ing. The use of VSM, must *e m*de from the drawing of the c*rren* state, which *s
obtai*e* from the collection of inform*ti*n on the
shop f*oo*, f*r each fam*ly of product*.
*ased o* *h* information *ontained in the current
V*M, *
of **e future state
developed. How*ver, *he des*gn of *he cur**n* and future state does not occur in a com*l*tely
sepa*ate an* s*quentia* m*nner. Fina*ly, a work pla* must be dr*wn up and i*s consequent
impleme*tat*** *esults i* the achievem*nt o* th* projected future sit*ation (**ang, Kim,
Sadri, Dowey, & Dargusch, *019).
2.3 Kaizen
The main key ** the suc*ess of J**a*e*e production *ethods i* calle* K*iz*n
(*ontinuo** improvement). Th* Ja*anese pr*duction system is designed t* enc*urage *o*st*nt
change and imp*o*ement as pa*t of daily ope**tions. T* achieve ***zen, manageme*t **es t**
col*ective experien*e o* all its empl*yees and value* joint problem solving. The **volvem*n*
of e*er*one, including managers and w*rkers, is fundamental for the Kai*e* concept t* work.
There *s always somet*ing to impro**, whether at work *r in
any other act*vi*y (Ros*ini,
Audino, Costa, Cifone, Kundu, & *o*tioli-Staudacher, 2019).
Lean productio* appea*ed as a manufac*u**ng system whos* fo*us is t* *m*rove
proc*sses and
*rocedures *hrough **nti*u*us waste redu*tio*, su*h as: excess invento**
between workstat*ons, as well as lon* waiting time*.
All of t*e a*ove objecti*es we*e established in *rd*r to expand a company's produc*ion
cap*city so that it can compete in this globalized *ce*ar*o. The goals set by lean production in
relati*n to the var*ous pro**ction problems are: zero de*ec*s; zero prepara*i*n tim* (se*up);
zero st*ck; zero *ovement; brea* z*ro-unit lo* (*ne pi*ce) and zero *ead time (Ya*a*oto et
*l., 20*9).
2.4 Just in Time (J*T)
One of the *ost importa*t co*cepts of lean production is known by the n*me J*st in
Time (JIT). Supplying products to a produc*ion line, w*r*house, or *u*tomer, on*y when they
ar* needed, is t** idea of j*s* in ti*e. JIT is helpf*l when there i* certain*y of needs
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a, v. 21, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, a*r. 20*4 w*w4.fsanet.com.br/revi*ta
Impl*me*ta*io* of the System Handled in a Pro*u*ti*n Cell: Ca*a Study in a Metallurgi*al C*mpa*y
demands, repl*ce*ent time*, small a** known, pr*d*cts of
*nitary value and whic*
*equire a hig* level of contr*l (Dura* & Mer*ol, 2020)
For the Japanese, JI* m*ans "at *he r*ght time", "oppor*une". *n English it m*ans "in
**me", t*a* **, "not e*act*y *t the *stablished momen*, but a l*ttle earlier, with a certain amount
of time". In *he To*ot* System, product*on is ba*ed on ze*o st*ck, *o it is equivalent to *ay
tha* the processes must be replenished with *he right items, in the right quan*ity a** at the
right time, according to t*e concept of just in time. Basically, producing goods *nd services at
*xactl* the *ight **me, *ot b**ore, so th*t it does n*t become stock, and not after, so that there
is no waiting on t*e part of cust**ers, i* the concept of *IT (Duran & Mertol, 2020).
2.5 Lead Time
T*e time
**ken to tran*form *aw mat**ials *nto finished produ*ts is called L*ad Time
and is related to the fl***bility of th* *roduction system in meeti*g * custo*er's requ*st. *o,
the shorter the
time ta*en to transform raw materials int* finished
*rodu**s, the lower the
c*sts of
the production system wit* regard to
c*stomer needs (Dhira*idamani, Ramkum*r,
P**nambalam, & Subr*manian, 2018).
The lead t*me bas*call* has fi*e elements: (i) time in the q*e*e - time that the
j ob
rem*ins in the work center
before s*ar*ing the oper*tion; (ii) *reparation time - tim*
**ganize th* wo*k center fo* the op*ration; (iii) operating time - *i*e r*quire* to *perate the
o*der; (iv) waiting tim* - *he a*o*nt of time t*at w*rk is kept at *he work center, until i* is
t*ken to the nex* work c*n*er; and (iv) transportat*on t*me: transportation time betwe*n wor*
ce*ters (Dhi*avidamani e* al., 2018).
2.6 Takt *im*
The "*akt time" is *ef*n*d bas*d on market demand and the tim* av*ila*le fo*
p*oducti*n. It is the pr*duction p*ce neces*a*y to meet de**nd. Mathematic*lly, it results
*he ratio be*wee* *he time available for pro*uction a** the numbe* o* un*ts to
*r*duc*d. The takt time i* the production pace of a part or produc* in a *ine or cell (Millstein
& M***ini*h, 201*).
The takt team sh*w* wh*n a certain product should be made. Through the *a*t team you
can see the situat*on in which t*e pro*uct*on is. In other words, if a pr*duct h*s a on*-minute
t*kt tim* and it is be*ng p**duce* in two, i* w*ll *e *asy to *otic* that *here is a problem in the
**v. FSA, T*r*sina PI, v. 21, n. 4, *rt. 1, p. 3-19, *br. 2024 www4.*sanet.com.b*/revista
C. R. Silva, S. V. Bonato, *. F. Z. Pere*ra J*nior, C. M. C. *. Lopes, *. K. L*ite
flo* of that product *nd actions can be take* in th*s way. cu* such a problem (B*nato,
Zimmer, & Pereira Juni*r, 2019).
I* *roce*s B, t*ere is a continuo** unitary flow, that is, a finished *roduc* m*st come
out every determ**ed time. This t*me is the takt time, much less than the delive*y time of th*
*atches from th* ea**ier process. Duri*g assembly the*e *re *nl* *ar*s
tha* are *ctu*lly in
p*oduc**on, avoidi*g *he *ccumulation o* un*ece*sary materia*s throughout production.
Th*s chapter pr*s*nts
the *ethodological st*u*ture adopted to carr* o*t this r*search.
Re*earch can *e def**ed a* a r*tio*a* *nd systematic pro*edure that aims to *ind solution* to
t he
p*oposed pro**ems. Research is necessary *hen t*ere a*e not e*ough *rguments and
infor*a*ion to solve t** problems, o* wh*n the availab*e in*o*mat**n is di*persed. It develops
in a process w*th several st*ges th*t *a*ge from the form*lat**n o* the problem
t o t he
presentation *f the results, car*fully using met**ds, tec*niques and o*he* scientific pr*cedu*es
(Gil, 2*18)
In this study, w* ch*se to use the qu*lita**ve m*thod thr*ugh a case *tudy. **ali*ative
research *s understood
a* *he formati*e evaluation of information w*th the *ur*ose o*
improving *he e*fectivenes*
of a program, *nd
document analy*is is
one *f the m*st **ed
sources in res*ar**, as it *resents data f**m different p*riods of the studied c*mpany (*oesch,
& Mello, 20*5). About th* case stud* approach, it *ntai*s a *horo*gh
anal*sis **
si*g*la* situatio*, whe*her that
of an
*ndividual or an organization, with the pu*pose *f
examining the particular ci*cum***nces surroun*ing it (Roesch et al., 2015).
The case study is a modality that cons*sts of a deep *nd ex*aust*v* st*dy of one or a fe*
aims and
se*ks to e**lore a *ontem*orar* phenomenon its context an* can i*
be used i* *n
exploratory and des*ript*ve way,
incl*di*g these as case explor*tion and
desc*ipt*on. Ca*e
study is a method *h*t contributes to the k*owle*ge of indivi*ual,
group and **ganizational,
social phen**ena. *t allows re*ear*hers to l*arn about
t*e holistic and *i*nifica*t
c*aracteristic* of r*al-*i*e e*ents, such a* group beh*vi*r, ma*urati*n o* i*dustries,
organizational processes, *mo** oth*r* (Yin, 2015). In this r*search th* focus o* the case
study is the organizational proces* of production of a m*tallurgy.
As for th* target pop*l*tio* t*at characteriz** the *ni*ers* of this resea*ch, i* consis** of
a sec**r *f a metallurgical company, in which its production mo**l is analyz*d. The *nivers*
forms a group o* elements (*om*ani**, product*, individ**ls) that show the characteris*ics to
Rev. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 21, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, a*r. 20*4 *ww4.fsan*t.com.br/revista
Implementati** o* the Sy*tem H**dled in a P*oduc*ion Cell: Casa St*** in * Metall*rg*cal Co*pany
be inve*tiga**d. The sam*le population *r si**ly t*e *amp*e is chosen from this universe,
bas*d on *ep*es*ntativ**e** c*iteria. In the con*ext of the study, t*e ***g*t *ample p*pulati*n
corresponded to t*e sector that *as *he object of analysis (Roesch et a*., 2015).
Regarding the i*struments of da*a *ol*ection, it cor*esponds to a docum*nt that make* it
pos*ible to pr**ent questions *n* inqu*rie* to the resp**d*nts, providi*g the acqui*iti*n *f t*e
answers **at will *ontribu*e
t * t he s ol ut i on *f t he
pro*lem, *t wa* decided *o observe and
collect sec*ndary data (*oesch et al., 20*5). O*servat*on is a fundame*tal el*ment f*r
r*se*rch, si*ce it is f**m this th*t the resear*her can outline steps, fo*mu*ate prob*ems, bu*ld
hyp*the*es, define *ari*bles and co*lec* data (*i*, 201*). S**on*ary d*t* *oll*ction was **so
*sed, which consists o* c*llectin* *xisti*g data **d made available by t*e company i* reports,
in*exes, files and d*tab**es, through their analysis (Roesch et *l., 2**5).
As for the data *nalys*s, in the p*esent study *he data are analyzed by co**n* the
answe*s obtained in *he interpreta*ion of *he same through thei* relati*n*hip *ith the studied
theory. T*e tr*atme*t of
the d*ta is
*ow i* is in*ended to treat th* data to be coll*cted,
*ustifying wh* s*ch t*eatment is ad*qu*te for the purpo*es of t** P**ject (Roesch et al., 20*5).
From the data obt*ined *n the *ollection, it is intend*d to e*aluate, explain and und*rstand the
probl*m*tic issue a*d me*t the r*sea*ch objec*ives. It is *sed in the analysi* of results,
t he
content a*alys*s that consists
o* extracting meaning *rom the text
*n* image d*ta
transfe*ring t*em into infor*ation f*r the res*arch carried out (R*esch *t al., 20*5).
Therefore, the m*thod used in th** research was deve*oped in four stages. The *irst *tep
*as the bibliographic survey with the aim of seeking to add knowled*e about *he mappi*g *f
the value flow, lead tim* an* the red*ction o* stock*. T*e secon* *tep consiste* of conduc*i*g
c*llection in th* company of this study, u**ng *he *alue flow maps **d the
lead time
*ith dat*
col*ected i* the company's system. The t*ird *tep c*n*iste* o* an*lyzing
eval*ating the
data collected ** th* data coll*ction. *he f*urth step was t* devel*p possi*le
i*prov*ments in the *ro*uction fl*w p*ocess
to *educe th* takt t*am's *ead
time and
*nve*tori*s *n the sector. The use of the must b* made from the drawing *f th* current state,
*btained from the collecti*n
o* information
on the sh*p floor, for each fam*ly of products.
*n the informa*io* contained in *he *urrent VSM, a d*a*in* of t*e **tu*e state *as
de*eloped (Huang et al., 2019).
Rev. FSA, *er*sina PI, v. 2*, n. 4, *rt. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2024
C. R. *ilva, S. *. Bona*o, E. F. Z. Pereira **ni*r, C. *. *. F. L*pes, F. K. Leite
*rom the da*a obtained in t*e collection, it is *ntended *o as*ess, *xplain and understand
the problemati* issue in this chapter, meeting th* rese*r*h objective*.
4.1 Impl*menta*ion o* Improveme**s with the system pull*d in the compan* (pull
The process is th* flow of materials or product* that are *t *i*ferent sta*es i* the
p*oduction pr*cess, whic* c*n
be observed thro*gh the gradua* trans*ormation of raw
*ateri*ls *n*o f*nis**d **oducts. In this c*apter we see the *ransfo*mation p*o**ss of
t he
production syst*m pushed into the pulled *ystem *it* the mapping of the old and current
production process of
t*e *ompany se*tor *nde* the vi*i*n o* the pul*ed system philosophy
to*eth*r wit* *ean Enterp*ise. T*e pr*sen*ation of the re*ults analysis aims *o *eet
t he
specific goals of th* work, suppor*ed by the *h**retic*l fra*ework seen. Figure 1 *rese**s the
map ** *he past stat* of t*e company's s*ctor.
Figure 1. Map of *he past state - Pushed Syst*m Flowchart
Source: *r*vided by the company.
Rev. F*A, Teresina, v. 21, n. *, art. 1, *. 3-19, *br. 2024
Implementation o* *h* S*s*em Handled i* a Pro***tion *ell: Casa *tudy in * Metal*urgi*al Co*p*ny
The *ap in figure 1 shows a pushed system, **sed on the secondary data **esented on
the map, it was possible to consult and verify tha* t*e pu*hed system has several progra*ming
points *n the *ector. *he **format*on comes *rom *he P*PM, which se*ds *he production
**ders so that the *ell-to-cell programming
can be ca*ried out w*thout establishing th*
maxi*u* **d minimum stock wit*in the
pr*cess. Thi* process, i* ad*ition to *eing *ime
consuming, h*s a greater chance of err*rs in p*ogramm*ng.
*he *bject*ve of *he pus*ed system is to ke*p the cell p*o*ucing at all times, p**ducing
as much as possible, in this pro**ss t*ere is no in*en**ry control an* the lea* *ime is high, the
space to sto*e **e finishe* parts is l*rge and wit*o*t inventory control, without visual
ma*agement, and production c*ntro*s are mad* **roug* spreadsheets with manual co*nting *f
stored items. It is easy to see very h*gh stocks between pro*uction o**rations, with severa*
stock poin*s w*thin the cells increasing the takt tim*.
W**h the dev*lopmen* o* *n ac*ion plan fo* a pul*ed system, a map
of the future s*ate
was c*ea**d i* which *he aim is to reduce lead time, t*kt time and **du*e invent*ries. Figure 2
p*esent* th* map of the *u*ure state *f *h* company's s*ctor.
Figure 2. Map of the **tur* state - Flow Chart of the P*ll*d System
So**c*: pro**d*d by t*e co*pany.
A*t*r checking the flowcha*t of the sys*em p*l*ed from fi*ure 2 *hown above, a*d
current*y used by the
*om*any sector, the
use of a singl* program**ng point was ve*i*ied,
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. 21, n. 4, art. *, *. 3-19, abr. 2024
C. R. Silva, S. V. Bo*ato, E. F. Z. Pe*eira J**ior, C. M. C. F. *opes, F. K. *eite
**us cutting the va*ious *the* pro*ramming poi*t* o* the pushed system u*ed in t** p*st. This
change in the production system tends to eas* and make th* pro*uction process *o*e
The da*a in table 1 shows the numbe*s of the system pushed, system pu*led an* the
curre*t **e *ft*r *h* improvements implemen**d.
Ta*le 1. Da*a compar*tion
Lead time (*ays)
4 ,5
2 ,7
Takt time (hours)
Unf*nishe* stock (pieces)
3 0 0 .0 * 0
1 8 5 .0 0 0
1 6 5 .0 * 0
Fini*h*d stoc* (pie***)
1 7 5 .0 0 0
1 3 5 .0 0 0
* 1 0 .0 0 0
Sourc*: Data resea*ch (2023).
Table 1 shows *he data c*llected *rom the system pus*ed in the sector of the st*dy
c*mpany with a l*ad ti*e of appro*im*te*y 4.* days, the takt time of approx*mately * hours
and a *tock of a*proximatel* 300 thousan* unfinished pieces and *75 thousand fin*shed *nd
the data *aised after i*plant*tion *f the pulle* *ystem *n the secto* of the st*dy **mpany w*th
a lead *ime of app*oximately 2.7 da**, the takt time of appr**imately 50 minutes and a stock
of *ppro*imatel* 185 thou*and unf*ni**ed pie*es and 135 tho*s*nd *in**hed.
After the improve*en*s in the c*rrent pu*l system i*plemente* in the company's sector
of the case study, th*
lead tim* *as approximately *ay*, the takt ti*e approx*mately *0 2
mi*utes ago and the *toc* *ppro*ima*el* 165 t**usand unfinished pie**s and 110 thousand
fini*hed. The fi*ishe* *arts *uperma**et h*s become the programming p**nt of the
*rod*cti*n ce*l, being the system's puller, that is, fr*m the momen* *he customer *onsum**
pa*ts ***m the super*ark*t automatically, th* s*stem triggers the so-**lle* prod**tion p*ocess
i* t*e "full box x empty box" cell. In **e cy*le map of the part in the pulled syst** de*el*ped
fo* the p*o*uc**on cell, th*re *s th* study *n w*ich it is c*l*ed "ful* box x *mpty box", in whi**
there are *he three cy*les within *he productio*
proces* pulled into th*s c*ll, w*th specific
inventory *oints and on** one schedulin* **int.
In the map of the *alue flo*
t he
o* *he study c*m*a*y *here is *h*
repres*n*ation *f the *nventory points w*thi* *he sec*or of the comp*ny, which are monitored
by the s*pervisor in a quick walk *n w*ich he can observe th* maximum **d min**um points
Rev. *SA, Teresi*a, v. 2*, n. 4, art. 1, *. 3-19, abr. 2024 w*w4.f*anet.**m.*r/revist*
Imp*emen*ation of the Sy*tem Handled in a Production C*ll: C*sa St*dy in a M*tallurgical Co*pany
wi*hin th* productio* process of **e s*c*or, ha*ing an ove*v*ew o* the v*lue flow, *e*m and
*.2 Improvements saw aft*r implan*ation of the pulled *ystem.
Thi* t*pic presents the **van*age* of reduced *ead *ime an* the system pulle* for the
company where the study *as conducted.
The f*rst aspect addressed refers to the lead time, whic* cons*sts of t*e time it take* to
*ransform raw mater*als in*o finished products. In **e cas* of the company i* question, in th*
c*ge sect*r, the lead time is a*pro*imately two days, c*nsider*ng the start when
the raw
material s*arts the prod***ion proce*s on *he first mac*ine in the cage secto* u**il it is *inish**
on the la*t machine *n the
**oce*s, package* an* *ent to the supermarke* for r*ady-made
This pr*cess for*s the fo*low*ng steps: the lead tim* *n t*e study sector is estimated on
the average time of the machine cyc*es, the heat tre*tment time and the nece*sary movem*nts,
so that the
p*rt g*es *hrough the e*tire process from the beginning (material unti* finished
product. This lead time ca* *e reduced, thro**h im**ov*ments i* the process. Thes* ty*es of
**an*es could br*ng numer**s ben*fit*, s*c* as
g*ea*er agi*it* i*
meeti*g customer needs,
small-scale prod*ction, flexi*ility a*d ease of ide*tificati*n of possible losses during
t *e
p*oduction flow.
*avi*g a r*d*ce* *ead time *as*s the prod*ction o* smaller *atches and, so, * reducti*n
in inve*t*ry
ad*ition to facili*ating **e identifi*ation o*
possible losses in the
pro*e*s. "*gility *n reactio* when necessary", tha* *s, f*exibi*it* t* produce a large m*x o*
parts ** a sho*t p*riod of *ime, accordi*g to **stomer demand. The *educed lead t*me lo*ks t*
*dd value to t*e produc*i*n l*ne, throu*h r*d*ced cos*s, flexib*lity an* agi*ity in m*eting
The pulled system c*n be *efined as p*oduc*io* c*rried o*t *cc*rdin* to the *ustomer's
request, therefore, when the customer wants it and i* t*e quan*ity he wa*ts. The compa*y in
the p*esent study adopted this tool ** order t* add val*e to the bus***s*, reduci*g
costs and
i*creas*ng its
competi*iveness. T*is system has the adva*tage that *h* production is aligned
ac*ording to t*e dem*nd, that is,
the production *s car*ied *ut
*ccording to the
need, in contras* to the pr**io*s one that used la*ge sto*k to meet th* custo*e*'s need. It can
be said *hat t*e produc*ion f*ow o* the pull syste* *s or*er*d, ha*ing a b*ginn*ng, *idd*e and
Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. *1, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2024 *ww4.fs*net.c*m.br/revist*
*. R. Silva, S. *. Bon*t*, *. F. Z. Pe*eira Juni*r, *. M. *. *. Lopes, *. K. Lei**
A*oth*r crucial point o* the pulle* system *s *he atte*dan*e to DSA (i*d*x that
measu**s the deli*e*y o* the *ight product, in the quantity *n* at *he *ight t*me), as sim*le a* it
may seem, this p*ocedure *equires *roduction a
l*ne wi*h e*ficiency and com*itment
deliver*. *ork*ng with a minimum of invento*y b**ween
*perations and keeping th*
pro**ction line
organi*ed are some of
the *dvantages of t*e pull syst*m. For t*e comp**y,
one of
th* great advantag*s of *he pulled *yst** is t* *ctually produce w*at is
*ccordin* to dem*n*, in addi**** to being an agi*e and fle*ible *y*tem in i** respo*ses with
*espect to variations demands, facilitati*g custo*er s*rv**e (*SA), and to facilitat* p*rts in
flow and quality control in the production cell.
4.3 Main aspects f*r mai*t*n*nce of t** p*lled sys*em
*s p*e*i*usly expos*d, the pull system has
numerous advantages,
howeve*, discip*i*e
and monitoring are nec*ssary for the *yst** t* become sus*ain*ble. Among sev**al as*e*ts, it
is pertinen* *o *i*hlig*t people, who are ex*remel* important fo* the *roper fu*ctioni*g of the
sys*em, bein* necessa*y receive to
adequate trainin*, alig*ed with the ne* m**hod. Cu*ture
also needs t* be worked on a*d
gave, as it is necessary f*r pe*ple
t he
*un*tioning *nd why this syst*m is used i* th* pro*uction li*e, t*us *avoring the progress o*
the *roce*s.
It is w*r*h highlighting as a mainte*ance poi*t o* the p*l*ed system, the pe*iodic rev*ew
of demands. T*is pr*ctice aims to check t*e reality and m*rket variat*ons; the*efore, quarterly
*eviews *re co*ducted
w*th *ata p*ovided by
the ***ufacturing *roduc*ion Pla*ning and
Co*trol (PCPM) departmen*. The r*liab**ity of mac*ines *s considered a point of a*ten*ion for
th* p*oper d*vel*p*en* of the *ystem, and for tha* i* is necessary to ha*e empl*yees trained to
run them *n or*er to guar*ntee t*eir smo*th operati*n.
In relat*on to the p*lled system, p*oduction is carried out whe* the cust*me* needs or
"pull*". According to t*e Toyota philosophy, you have to produce what the *ustomer wants,
when he want* and, in the quantity, he wan*s (Yamamoto et al., 2019). In an *deal scenario, *t
*ould be to ma*u**cture a single produc* for the c*stomer's order, re*u*tin* *n zero st*ck, s*
everyth*ng that is produced *s consumed. In *he *omp**y's r*a*i*y, ***s flow is ofte* *lawed,
small l*vels of *nven*ory,
t hus
*h* necessar* security *o *a*ry ou*
prod*ct*on wit*in the e*tabl**hed *eadline. It is poss**l* to **rify that th* pu*led **st** has
numerous be*efits for the *o*pa*y, amo*g t*em,
r*duction of inve*tori*s, redu*t*o*
*ev. FSA, Teres*na, v. 21, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2024
Im*lementation of the System Handl*d in a P*oductio* Ce*l: Casa Study in a Metall*rg*cal Company
stora*e and mainten*nce costs, promotes org*nizati*n *n the production lin* and reduces
i*v*ntor* error.
Wi** the i*pl*mentatio* of *mpro*e*ent* in *he production s*s*em, **ich were **e
im**ementation of *he pulle* sy**em and t*e valu* flow, i* was possible to reduce inventories
between operations, as w*ll *s pe***ct and *nderstand the flow *f **e man*f*c*uring p*oce*s,
which w*s very complicated and di*f*c*lt *o understa*d. The process started ** use *m*ll
batc*es, eas*ng the flow of parts
and the *u*lity co*trol *tarted to b* spr*yed *n
se*eral points o* th* cel*. If there i* an anom*ly *n the parts, it i* easy to find it, i* which case,
th* *umber of defe*tive parts is less. The flow map of the future state wa* *rawn and it was
identified w*ere i* wa* and where *t could be reach*d using the t*ols mentione* in the Toyota
production sys*em, under*tand*ng why this system is so *uccessful, sin** the mappi*g sh**s
where you **ve to apply the 5s, vi*ual managem*nt, Ka*ban a*d oth*r tools that n*e* t* be
a*ded *o planning, and *speci*lly, traini*g people, maki*g the wh*le flow work alw*ys in
s**rch of continuous improve**nt.
*t is pos*ib*e to af*irm that the pulled sy*tem
brought significan* imp*ovem*nts to
t *e
sector, such
as, producti*n a*c*r*ing to the customer's
demand, reducti*n and
* h*
qualifi*atio* of stocks, guarantee*ng the f*lfillment of deliver*e* wh**ever the *ustomer
need*, which is in line w**h the philosophy o* *o*ota production system, which produces *s
needed fo* delivery.
The s*udy did not exte*d t* other sect*rs of the *nalyz*d compan*, n** tak*ng into
account th* cha*ges that the int**duction of lean thinking m*y ha** *rough* t* such areas of
the co*pany.
A*thoug* it can be considered limited, as it does not offer bases for generalizat**ns, the
study suppl*e* opportuni*ies to get to kno*, in *rea*er *epth, a real a*d
complex *ontext,
wh*ch can supp*y suf*icient informa*ion for another future research. It is sugge*te* as f*ture
work the appl*cat**n of *he tools used h*re, as *he processes ca* alway* be improved and, so,
new to**s may *ppear, *hich make* the s*udy a co*tinuous improvement cy**e of im*ortance
for compani*s.
Rev. FS*, Tere*ina PI, v. *1, n. 4, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2024
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Industry vs. agric*lt*re i* a future deve*o**e*t for SMEs. Pr**esses, 7(*), 1-*6.
Como Refere*ci*r e*te Artig*, co*for*e ABNT:
*I*VA, C. R; BON*TO, S. V; *EREIRA JUNIOR, E. F. Z; *OPES, C. M. C. *; LE*TE, F. K
Impleme*ta*ion of t*e System H*ndled i* a Produ*tio* Cell: Casa Study in a Meta*lurgical *ompany.
Rev. F*A, Teresina, v. 21, n. 4, *rt. 1, p. 3-1*, a**. 2024.
Co*tribuição do* **to*es
*. R. Silva
S. V. Bona*o
E. F. *. Pe*eira Junior
C. M. C. F. Lope*
F. K. Leite
1) concepção * planejamento.
2) a*álise e int*rpretação do* dados.
3) ela*or*ção do rascunh* ou *a revis** c*ítica do conteúdo.
4) partic*paç*o ** aprovação da versão final do m*nus*ri*o.
Rev. *SA, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. *, art. 1, p. 3-19, abr. 2024
- Não há apontamentos.

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