<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *2, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-60, jan. *0*5 </line>
<line> I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2025.2*.1.3 </line>
<line> A Met*odological Approach to Estimat*n* Producti*n T*mes in **gineer-to-Orde* *ndustry </line>
<line> Uma *bordagem Me*odol*g*ca para Es*imativa de Te**os de *rodução n* Ind*stria *n*ineer- </line>
<line> t*-Order </line>
<line> Renan de Aguia* Fr*ncelino </line>
<line> Bachar** *m Adminis*ração pelo Comp*exo de Ens*no Superior *e Cachoeirinha, C*mp*s Cachoeirinha </line>
<line> *-mail: rena*12*@gmail.co* </line>
<line> *amuel V*ni*ius Bonato </line>
<line> D*u**r em Enge*haria de Produçã* p*la Univer*idade Feder*l do Rio Grande do S*l </line>
<line> Pr*fessor da Uni*ers*da*e Fed*ral do Rio *ra*d*, Campus Ri* Gra*de </line>
<line> E-mail: svbon*to@gmail.com </line>
<line> Errol Fernando Zep*a Pereira Junio* </line>
<line> M*s*r* em *dmin*str**ão pela Universi*a*e Fed*ral do Rio G*ande </line>
<line> Ins**t*to Federal de Educação, C*ência * T*cnologia ** R*o Gr*nde do Su* - IFRS, Campu* *olante </line>
<line> E-*ail: zep*aef@gmail.*om </line>
<line> Cy*thia Mika*la Cheme*lo Fav*ero Lopes </line>
<line> **utora em A*ministração p*la U*i*ersidade Federal do *i* Grande *o Sul, Ca**us Cen*ro </line>
<line> E-mail: cynthia.favi*ro@gma**.com </line>
<line> Felipe Kopp Leite </line>
<line> Mes*re em Adm*nistração pela Universi*ade Fe*e*al do Rio G*ande </line>
<line> Dout*ran*o *m Ad*inistração n* Universidade Federa* de Santa C*tar*n*, Campu* Trindade </line>
<line> E-mail: feli*e.kopp18@gm*il.**m </line>
<line> Ender*ço: Ren*n de Ag*i*r Fra*celino </line>
<line> Editor-Che*e: </line>
<line> Dr. </line>
<line> *onny </line>
<line> Kerley </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> A*encar </line>
<line> R. Silvério *a**el *a Silva, 16* - Colinas, Cac*oei*inha </line>
<line> Rodrig*es </line>
<line> - RS, 94935-*30. Brasil. </line>
<line> Endereço: Samuel Vi*ic*us *onato </line>
<line> Artigo recebido em 09/1*/2024. Ú*tim* </line>
<line> versão </line>
<row> Av. Itália, s/n - km Camp*s Carreiro* - Rio *rande, RS </row>
<row> C*P 96203-900. Brasil. </row>
<row> Endereço: Er*ol Fernan** Zepka Pereira Junior </row>
<row> R. Rodovi* R*-*39 *m 68, Nº 35** (Est*ad* </row>
<row> T**uara/Rola*te), 956*0-000. Bra*il. </row>
<row> Endereço: *y*thia Mi*aela Chemello Faviero Lo*e* </row>
<row> F*rroupilha, P*rto Alegre - RS, 90*1*-*5*. B**sil. </row>
<row> Endereço: *elipe Kopp Leite </row>
<row> R. *ng. *gron*mico And*ei Cristi*n Ferre*ra, s/n - Trindade, </row>
<row> Florianópolis - SC, 88040-**0. Brasil. </row>
<row> recebi*a em 02/01/2025. Aprovado em *3/*1/2025. </row>
<row> Av*liado pel* s*s*ema Triple Review: a) Desk Revie* </row>
<row> pelo Edi*o*-Chefe; e b) Double Blin* Review </row>
<row> (*v*liação cega por dois aval*ado*es da área). </row>
<row> R*vi*ão: Gramati*al, Normati*a e de Fo*m*ta**o </row>
<line> A M*t*o**logica* App*o**h to *sti*a*ing P*oduc*ion Times i* E**ineer-t*-Order *ndustr* </line>
<line> *5 </line>
<line> *BSTRACT </line>
<line> Th* ETO production environm*nt (Engineer to Order) is characteri*ed primarily by customer </line>
<line> in*eraction level since the product *esign. *nother attribute of t*is is the h*gh l*vel of </line>
<line> *u*tomi*ation of products, a fac* *hat *irectly re*lects the </line>
<line> org*nization of </line>
<line> production. The </line>
<line> s t ud y </line>
<line> aims ** </line>
<line> analyze the estim*tion method </line>
<line> of produ*tion t*me in an industry w*th ETO </line>
<line> environment. For this wa* found i* the *iterature, bibliograp*ies and *tudies tha* guide </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> p*oces* of es*imati*g production times, </line>
<line> obs*rving the practice* th*t most resemb*e </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> company's focus *f work. Final*y, the </line>
<line> data coll*ction was carr*ed out, focusing on t** </line>
<line> comparison b*tween the Pre*icted Time and Realiz*d *roduc*i*n, starting this analy*is found </line>
<line> t*e effectiveness o* the *p**ied process. Thu*, it was *ound that *ethod a*opted in the focus </line>
<line> of th* wo*k *omp*ny achiev*d convincing and *av*rabl* results. </line>
<line> Key*or*s: Pro*uction T*me*. ETO Industry. Me**od Valid**ion. </line>
<line> RESUMO </line>
<line> O am*i*nte de prod*ção *TO (**gineer to Order) é *a*acterizado principalme*te pelo níve* </line>
<line> de interação *om o clie*te desde a c*nc*pçã* do pro*uto. Outro atr*buto d*sso é o alto nível </line>
<line> de *usto*iz*ção </line>
<line> *os produtos, *ato que *efle*e *iretamente </line>
<line> *a *rg*n*zaçã* da produç*o. </line>
<line> O </line>
<line> estudo *em como *bjetivo a*alisar o método de esti*ativa do te*po de pro*ução em uma </line>
<line> indústria c** ambiente ET*. Para iss*, foram encontrados na literatura, bi*liografia* </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> estu**s q*e orientam o pr*cesso d* **timat*va de tem*os de produção, obs*rvan*o *s práti*a* </line>
<line> qu* mai* se as*e*elham ao foco de trabalho da empr*sa. Por </line>
<line> fim, foi r**lizada a coleta </line>
<line> d* </line>
<line> dados, </line>
<line> com fo*o na *ompar**ã* entre o Tem*o Previst* e a Produção Rea*iz*da. Iniciando </line>
<line> esta análise, *eri*icou-se * eficácia do *rocesso ap**cado. As*im, const*tou-se *ue o método </line>
<line> adotado no foco da em*resa d* *rabalho obt*ve res*l***o* c*nvin*e*tes e f*voráveis. </line>
<line> Pa*avr*s-C**ve: Tempos d* Produção. Indústria ETO. Método *e V*li*ação. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 22, n. *, art. 3, p. 44-60, j*n. 2025 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.*r/*ev*sta </line>
<line> *. A. Franceli*o, S. *. Bon*t*, *. F. Z. Pereira Jun*o*, C. M. C. F. Lopes, F. K. Leite </line>
<line> 4* </line>
<line> 1 INTRODUCTION </line>
<line> In a p*od*c*ion env*ron*ent with h**h v*r*ability of *r*ducts surrounded *y an **** </line>
<line> *reater *ange of production pro*esses, it can be said that there is a diff**ulty in est**l*shing a </line>
<line> *eliable *et*od o* e**imati*g *roduct**n times. The *roject is the present*tion of thi* *et*o* </line>
<line> dev*loped in an indust*y in the me*al-me*hanic secto* *n the north o* Porto Alegr*, which has </line>
<line> t*e ET* (En*i*ee* to Order) system ** a *haracteristi* o* *ts prod*ctio* env*ronmen*. </line>
<line> In an **g*nization w**h an ET* *roduction model, the *evel of *ro*ess stand*rdization </line>
<line> is ve*y low and th* products th*t *nt*r th* product*on sy*tem have a hig* *e**l of var*ability. </line>
<line> In the ETO *nviro*men*, the stages *f desi*n, *ro**ct en*ineering and product*on a*e carried </line>
<line> out o* d*man*, that **, with </line>
<line> the cu*tomer'* *uida**e (Rocha; S*a*ar*a; *amacher, 2005; </line>
<line> Americ*; Costa, 2019). In thi* *n*iron*en*, the *li*nt, in most ca*es, *ol*ows th* def***tions </line>
<line> of *he product *esi*n </line>
<line> being offered, the </line>
<line> production process that wi*l be a*opted to </line>
<line> manufacture it and t*e deadline for delive*y of the completed wor*. </line>
<line> Because *t is an environmen* wi** a high r*t* of pro*uct var*ability, *he*e *r*cess*s </line>
<line> need to *dap* t* prod*ction, it is </line>
<line> neces*ary to find </line>
<line> way* to se** patt**n* to f**ilitat* a*d </line>
<line> organ*ze the different *nf*rma*io* that *ha*ges according to the changes in p*odu**s *ntering </line>
<line> the fac*o*y environ**nt. It is extremel* important t*at an organizat**n seeks *lt*r*ativ*s to </line>
<line> sta*da*d*ze and o*ganize its proces*es. </line>
<line> In th* *tudied **mpan*, some ways o* s*andardi*ing the pro*uction pr*ce*s are </line>
<line> obse*ved. An ex*mple *s *h* organiz*tion of the *ayou*, which varies according to </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> *haracteris*ic* of e*ch p*oductive *ector *f the *ompany, in this case, the organizati*n *ivides </line>
<line> its pr*duction into fou* produ**ive s*ctors, they are: P*epa*ation, **cus sector that wi*l ha*e </line>
<line> its pr**ess of estim*ting produ*tion times ana*y*ed, in which i* ado*t* *he layou* by process, </line>
<line> Boiler*aking and F*nal A*se*bly *ith position*l la**ut a*d the Painting s*ctor wi*h mix*d </line>
<line> layo*t (** process and positional). Another important *ssue to st*ndardiz* the p*oduction </line>
<line> *r*ces* is the def*nition *f a *rodu**ion *cript for ea*h pie*e a** for ea*h *et, thus cr*at*ng a </line>
<line> standard flow </line>
<line> of information </line>
<line> regardless ** t*e type, siz*, t*me </line>
<line> an* process in which </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> product is en*erin* t*e ma**f*cturing proces* *wn. </line>
<line> *everal st**i*s h*v* been dev*lop*d *n re*ent y*ars. To il*ustra*e this, we highlight th* </line>
<line> work of Silva e* al. (2024), w*ere the autho*s analyze *ow impro*ing pro**ction efficien*y </line>
<line> th*ough pull-b*sed systems from *ean manufac*uring (**ch as TPS) aims to </line>
<line> optimize </line>
<line> production and reduce waste. I* *his c*nte*t, th* topic of customization vers*s stan*ardization </line>
<line> is also discussed: the re*ear*h l*ans *owa*ds stand*rdization (Lean, T**), wher* **e goal i* to </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter**in*, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. *4-60, jan. 2025 *ww4.fsanet.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> A Metho*ological A*proa*h to Estimatin* Producti*n Ti*es in Engine*r-to-Order I*dustry </line>
<line> 47 </line>
<line> strea*line pro*ess*s and reduce waste. Ev*n in a cu*to**ze* enviro*me*t, Lean </line>
<line> princi*les, </line>
<line> *uch as waste reduct**n and continuous imp*ov*ment, can be adapted to im*rove p*oductio* </line>
<line> ti*e accuracy. Thu*, to*ls and methods are studied in bro*der pr*duc*i*n sys**m appr*a*he*, </line>
<line> such as Kaiz**, JIT, and VSM, within the *am* research. </line>
<line> In this rega*d, *he process of determi**n* s*andard op**ating *ime in an ETO </line>
<line> en*ir*nment be*omes a comp*ex fa*tor, but it can become a competitive advantage in relati*n </line>
<line> t* comp*titor* w*rking in *he *ame production en*ironme** if executed well. *o *over </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> various par*s and assem*lies t*at enter *he factory enviro*men* o* th* studied com*a*y, </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> det*rmination of standar* operating time is based *n t*e ch*on*analysis p*ocess, whi*h was </line>
<line> *pplied to characteri*tic* that could change p*od*ction tim*s, s*ch as thickness, area, weigh*, </line>
<line> numbe* of holes, set size, number of operato*s involved, amo*g *th*rs. The productio* ti*e </line>
<line> estimat*on *odel develope* at th* *o**any will be presented in thi* project. </line>
<line> The stu*y is focused on solving the prop*se* researc* problem with the following </line>
<line> ques*ion: Is p*ssi*le to de**lop * method f*r *stimat*ng *t </line>
<line> pr*duction ti*es in an *n*us*ry </line>
<line> w*th an ETO environ*ent? </line>
<line> In this sens*, the methodology applied i* t*e re*earch w*ll t*ke pl*ce throu*h a case </line>
<line> s*u*y focused on data collection, ana*ys*s *nd i*entification </line>
<line> o* the variable* th*t </line>
<line> *ui*e th* </line>
<line> Gen**al *bjective *hic* is defined as: Analy*e the method of estimati** </line>
<line> producti*n times, </line>
<line> adopte* in a ***ustry wi*h </line>
<line> a* ETO environment, in *he nort* </line>
<line> of Porto Al*gre. *n or*er </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> expla*n it, t*e items described *n the Specific Objec*ives we*e unfo*ded, (i) demonstrate how </line>
<line> *he method of estimating prod*ction tim*s is performed in t*e equipment o* the *rep*rat*on </line>
<line> sector o* *he target comp*ny; (ii) verify the effecti*eness of th* *eth*d and pre*ent the res*lt* </line>
<line> obtain*d; (iii) pr*pose improvements t* the time estima*ion pr*c**s a* the *ompa** </line>
<line> in </line>
<line> question. </line>
<line> The m*in way to different*ate a produc*ion enviro*ment is accor*i*g to the wa* in </line>
<line> wh**h cust*m*rs int*ract with the final prod*c* (P****, 2004). *here are basically *our </line>
<line> pro*uc*ion </line>
<line> environments: M*ke to *t*ck (MTS) - production to stoc*, As*embly to *rd** </line>
<line> (ATO) - *ssembly to order, Make to *rder - *r*duction to order and E*ginee* to or*er (ETO) - </line>
<line> desig* (e*gi**erin*) and *roduction on request. </line>
<line> The production e*viro*ment explain*d in </line>
<line> th*s research is (E**). In *his model of </line>
<line> pr*duction </line>
<line> enviro*ment the customer orders th* deve**pment and possible changes i* </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Te*esina PI, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-6*, jan. 2025 </line>
<line> w*w4.fsanet.com.br/rev**ta </line>
<line> R. A. Franc*lino, S. V. Bonato, E. F. Z. Pereira Junior, C. M. C. *. Lopes, F. K. Leite </line>
<line> 48 </line>
<line> product, t*at is, the products are pr*duced according to the *eques*s and specifi*a*i*** pas*ed </line>
<line> b* the cust*mer. In this system the products are usually uniqu*, th*refore, because they ha*e </line>
<line> n*ver been produced and their p**cesses </line>
<line> *** *o* mappe*, t*ere *s often no his**ry of </line>
<line> prod*ction o* these (S*ef*nelli, 2010). </line>
<line> The *ndustries that work to o*der, ha*e s*ecific characte*istics, i* w*ich th*y have </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> direct i*fluence on management, which are: (i) lon* Lead *ime, f*om the *ome*t of the </line>
<line> deve*opment o* th* commercial proposa* until the final assembly; (*i) ri** and costs li*ked *o </line>
<line> eac* co*t*a*t si*n*d, starting wi*h the develop**nt of t*e pr**osal; (iii) acc*unting an* </line>
<line> finance focuse* on cont*acts (S*ia, 2009). </line>
<line> The ETO system can ca*s* *ome inter*erenc* in the fa*tory *n* in the progress of </line>
<line> programmi*g a***vities, since the pro*uction system of a co*p*ny focus*d on ETO *roduc*s </line>
<line> **es*nts a hig* </line>
<line> degree *f uncertaint*, in vi** *f the hi*h degree of custome* interfe*ence </line>
<line> during </line>
<line> the *evelo*m**t of the product, w*ile th* f*ctory needs to a*ticipa*e informa*ion on </line>
<line> capacity al*ocation and product specif*cations to </line>
<line> purchase raw mat*rial. In additio*, the </line>
<line> con*tructi*n si*e has a number o* play*r* that </line>
<line> can *ffect the </line>
<line> previously *s*ablish*d </line>
<line> con*tr*ction sequence (D* Silva Etges; Viana; F*rmoso, *014; Gall* et *l., 2021). In </line>
<line> t hi s </line>
<line> sense, an u*derstan*ing o* t*e logist*cal pr*ces* is essential to assess *h* al*gnment be*ween </line>
<line> *he pro*uction of components by t*e f*ctory and it* a*semb*y at the *on*tru*tion site (Silva et </line>
<line> a*., 2019). </line>
<line> An ETO produc* is often </line>
<line> innov*tive solutions m*king it a </line>
<line> uniqu* p*ototype, </line>
<line> but </line>
<line> bec*use it is a to*all* new projec*, the o**rlapping of the organiza*ion's secto*s can g**erat* </line>
<line> instabilitie*. An </line>
<line> example is t*e raw material purchase process w*thout the </line>
<line> engin*ering stage </line>
<line> having been completed, another fa**or i* *hat as production evol*es, **ere m*y be a need for </line>
<line> engineering changes, thereby generating new needs for *ur*h*se o* materials and *h*nges in </line>
<line> th* pro*uction schedule (Saia, 2009). </line>
<line> Anothe* issue that should be highligh*ed is t*e </line>
<line> *t*ck levels p*es*nt in </line>
<line> t hi s </line>
<line> environm*nt. As the var**ty of pro*u*ts that can </line>
<line> *e req**sted by the customer *s *ery large, </line>
<line> most organizat*ons *ecide that they cannot sto*e </line>
<line> any*hing, th*t is, the* wait for the order to </line>
<line> enter and only after that trigger the purchase of *he necessary input* for pro*uc*ion. Be*a**e </line>
<line> o* thi*, an industry that relies on the ETO *nvir*nment cann*t re*y o* s*rategic stocks, at any </line>
<line> level i* its *r*du*tion **st*m, so it needs t* lear* *o react *nd monit*r a*l mark*t variability, </line>
<line> so that i*s **ctors can be supp*ied *o meet the d*mands of these (Correa; Gia*es*; Ca*n, 2001; </line>
<line> de Brito Nogueir* et al., 2023) </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Tere*ina, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-60, jan. 2025 ww*4.fsa*et.com.*r/re*ista </line>
<line> A Method**ogical A*pro*ch to Estimati*g Production Ti*es in Enginee*-to-Orde* Industr* </line>
<line> *9 </line>
<line> Industrie* with an **O env*ronmen* *ave the charact*ri*tic *f c*stom*zin* the*r </line>
<line> product*, so t*at their proje*t is *ersonalized a*d c*stomer oriente*. </line>
<line> The great *ariety, prese*t *n this product*on environment, gen*rally *mpacts product* </line>
<line> that have both the pr**uction *eque**e and their *ycle *ime* with a *igh degree *f di*fer*nce, </line>
<line> in which they use *h* sam* pro**ctiv* en*iro*ment (Stefa*ell*, 2010). </line>
<line> R**ardin* the volume-v*riety *atio, *t **scribes the type* ** proc*sses in </line>
<line> ma**facturing *perations, where ea*h type *f p*o*ess res*l** in a diffe*ent way of *rganizing </line>
<line> *perations activities. Relat*ng to t*e company **at is t*e f*cus of this project, *he co*cept *hat </line>
<line> best fits *s t*e Project Process*s: in this the manuf**turing process dea*s with ve*y cust*mized </line>
<line> pro*ects, where the p*riod of time to m**e the product i* very *o** (Sla*k, *0**). </line>
<line> Ano*her ***tor, takes into ac*ount that at the time of t** definitions in *he product </line>
<line> de*ign, if poo*ly defi*ed or with so*e uncertainty, </line>
<line> the conseq*ence of this c** be changes </line>
<line> during the p*oduction process itself. *n th** proces* the work has well-def*ned start and finish </line>
<line> act*vities and </line>
<line> depe*din* on the p*ysical structu*e ** the product, *he resources </line>
<line> that wil* </line>
<line> perform this task must be organized in a special w*y *or each </line>
<line> case. Ope*ations with a </line>
<line> **g* </line>
<line> va*iety ** products that genera*e l*w volume, will have more dem*ndin* consumers </line>
<line> w*th </line>
<line> rega*d *o processes, than operations t*at *rovide seria* pr*d*cts and st*ndards (Slack, **06). </line>
<line> OF P*ODUCT* *N </line>
<line> PRODUCTION </line>
<line> Operations look f*r al*ernat*ves t*at mak* *h* cost of producing a high variety viabl* </line>
<line> b* standard*zing t*e*r produc*s, *ervices a*d processes (*maral et a*., 2018). The </line>
<line> s*andardization of an o*era**** helps to *educe </line>
<line> the com*lex*ty *f </line>
<line> the products. Some </line>
<line> al*ernat**es can be verified to manage t*e impact caused by the var**ty of pr*ducts i* *h* </line>
<line> p*oduction (Sla*k, 2006). </line>
<line> Ba*icall*, t*e p*y*ical arr**gement of a prod*ct*ve area d*fines the location of the </line>
<line> tra*sfo*matio* r*so*rces within the </line>
<line> a*a*lable phys*cal space. The **equate *isposit*** of </line>
<line> these reso*r**s </line>
<line> di**ctl* influences the f*ow *f materials *nd people and a*fects the overall </line>
<line> efficie**y of pro*u*tio*. Th* definition and adjustment o* the type of physical arrangemen* </line>
<line> s*arts from *he type of p*ocess and this *s the charac**ristic of volum*-variety (Slack, 20*6). </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, *eresina PI, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-60, ja*. 2*25 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> R. A. France*ino, S. V. *onato, E. F. Z. Pere*r* *unior, C. M. C. F. Lop*s, F. *. Leite </line>
<line> ** </line>
<line> T*e layout i* one of th* main decis*ons tha* *ill *e*ermine the ef*ici*nc* of the </line>
<line> organizatio* *n the long run, if it *s effective it ca* become a comp*titive *dv*ntage in rel*tion </line>
<line> *o competitors, fo* th*s the layout needs to be desig*ed in a w*y </line>
<line> that meets the company's </line>
<line> competitive requir*me*ts. *hey argue that in any situation the definit*on and orga*izatio* *f </line>
<line> the layout should seek to *ef*ne the followi*g *equi*em*nts: (i) grea*er use o* space, </line>
<line> equipm*n* and peopl*; (*i) bet*er flow of i*formation, *a*erial* or p*ople; (iii) better </line>
<line> e*ployee mor*le and safer *ork*ng conditions; (iv) better interaction wit* con*umers and </line>
<line> customers; (v) flexibility (whatever *he curren* l*yout wil* n*ed to be m*dified) (Slack, *006). </line>
<line> The pro**ct's focu* c*mpan* divides its p*oduction int* four mac*o productive sectors: </line>
<line> Prepa*ation, Boilermaki*g, Pa*nt*ng and Final Assembl*, the ord*r i* in *cc*rdance with the </line>
<line> sequence of t*e *ro*uction f*ow. The sectors organiz* </line>
<line> the*r pr*d*ction using </line>
<line> b*si*ally two </line>
<line> *ypes of **ysical a*r*ngement, so t*ese were considered f** the realiza*ion of the proj*ct. </line>
<line> The *ain*ing sector uses two types o* p*ysica* arr*ngement: physi*al a*rangement by </line>
<line> *roces* *nd p*y***al po*iti*n*l arr*ngement. In the are* where *he line </line>
<line> painting process is </line>
<line> carried out, wher* the p*ec*s move to the pai*ting ar*a, it ado*ts t*e p*ysical arrangement *y </line>
<line> proc*ss. For large sets, where it uses a station*ry painting booth, the physical *rran**ment </line>
<line> adopted is the positional *ne. Another alternative, present in the project's foc*s company, to </line>
<line> ma*age th* imp*ct </line>
<line> ca**ed *y th* *ariety o* products *he Production Roadmap. This tool is </line>
<line> assists in guiding the *low and seque**ing o* production, it *istributes the operations inher*nt </line>
<line> in t** process, fo* the m*nufac**re of * certain item, in the *arious work c*nters arranged in </line>
<line> the factory ***ironment. </line>
<line> Th* *roduction roadmap for a pr*d*ct des*ribes th* ne*essary sequence of oper*tions </line>
<line> to produce a </line>
<line> particular par* or compon*nt. Th* *oadmap sheet hi*hlights the entry for each </line>
<line> opera*ion that mu*t be performed on th* </line>
<line> item being prod*ce*. *nother import*nt factor </line>
<line> present in t*e prod*ctio* scrip* is the raw material need*d *or product transform*tion (Slack, </line>
<line> 2006). </line>
<line> The productio* sc*ipt is the pa*h that t*e material takes alo*g i** producti*n p*ocess, in </line>
<line> th*m are p*esent the necessary opera*i*ns *o carr* ou* the task, its *equencing and oth** ver* </line>
<line> r*levant fac*or a*d the presen*e of the task executio* tim*. Therefore, th* produ*t*on script is </line>
<line> a documen* gen*rated for each component and e*ch se* sp*cifying *hich operat*ons must be </line>
<line> car*ie* out, *n which ord*r a*d *hich *esources will be responsibl* fo* the*, this *o*ument </line>
<line> a*companies t*e raw mate*ial unti* t*e final </line>
<line> pro**ct ready for di*patch. All of this </line>
<line> in*ormation c*eat** a workflow, organizing an* orderin* *he entire "*i*" of </line>
<line> *roduct* t*at </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teresina, v. *2, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-60, jan. 2025 www4.fsanet.com.*r/re*ista </line>
<line> A Methodological ***roa*h to E*timating Produ*t*on *imes in Engineer-to-Order Industry </line>
<line> 51 </line>
<line> enter th* f*ctory, from this it becomes a *ool to manag* the i*pac* of the variety of product* </line>
<line> on the *acto*y enviro*ment (S*ack, 2006). </line>
<line> Due to t** high d*v*rsity of prod*cts in an *TO environm*nt, it is </line>
<line> dif*icult to have </line>
<line> extremely pr*cise st*nda*d times f*r oper*ti*ns. When re*eiving the orde* under order, the </line>
<line> scrip* shou*d be det*iled, including *he expected operating ti*es to ca**y out *ts w*rk. </line>
<line> Depending on t** product and even its productio* volum*, t*e estimation of product**n times </line>
<line> can be *erformed through the analysis </line>
<line> of similar p*oducts pre**ously produce*, in **is </line>
<line> process, you mu*t have your pro*u*ti*n t**es *ccom*lis*ed, f*led in a *atab**e, with thi*, t*e </line>
<line> c*mparison stag* be*ome* more secure a*d organized (Stefanelli, 2*10). </line>
<line> The study *f time* and movemen*s *an be us*d to determine the *t*ndard operating </line>
<line> tim* i* a </line>
<line> time e*timation *rocess. Th*ough ** it i* </line>
<line> po*sib*e ** determine the tim* that </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> qualified a*d properly </line>
<line> tr*ined pe*son </line>
<line> uses to **rform a certain task, worki*g and *orma* </line>
<line> condi*ions. *he most common proc*s* used to measu** an operato*'s w*rk is timing. T*e </line>
<line> op*r*tio* *o be st*died is divided </line>
<line> into elements an* each of these *lemen*s </line>
<line> *s *imed. A </line>
<line> represen*ati** va*ue calculated is </line>
<line> for each elemen* and the addition *f the elementar* *imes </line>
<line> p*ovides the t*ta* </line>
<line> time for the ex*cuti*n of the *peration. The spe*d u*ed by the </line>
<line> opera*or </line>
<line> du**ng t*e timing *s evaluat*d by t** obs*rver and the sel*cted time can b* *djusted so *hat a </line>
<line> qualified operator, work*ng at a *or*al pa*e, can easil* per*orm the work </line>
<line> *n the specif*ed </line>
<line> time. This set ti*e is call*d the n*rm** time. Tolerances *or **rson*l needs, fatigu* </line>
<line> *nd </line>
<line> waiting ar* added to the normal ti*e, thus *esultin* in the stand*rd time fo* operatio* </line>
<line> (Stefanelli, *010). </line>
<line> T*e s*udy o* times s*rve* *o de*e*mi*e the stan*ard *osts of </line>
<line> the pr*ducts, </line>
<line> t hi s </line>
<line> information is very importan* for t*e elaboration of the budget of *ale ** *he product ha*ing a </line>
<line> safe commercial proposal with respect to the cost of la*or involved *n the *rodu*t *ei*g </line>
<line> offered to th* client. The *erson **rform*ng the *ime e*timation must know the req*irem*nts </line>
<line> nece**ary to carry out a reli*ble s*udy such as, *nd*rstand and know the pr*duction proc*ss, </line>
<line> k*ow ho* to handle and use t*m* tables and </line>
<line> graphs wel*. The m*asure deliv*red in an </line>
<line> esti**te of production times usu**ly t*kes place i* hou* / man or ho*r / machine, s* the cost </line>
<line> depar*m*nt mult*pl*es this data by *ts u*it *o*ts (*tefanelli, *010). </line>
<line> This f*rt*er r*infor*es *h*t the longer the time spent to perform *he **tim*t*, the more </line>
<line> accurat* the resul* of the a*alysis will be, however the person responsib*e for </line>
<line> the analysis </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. *2, n. 1, art. 3, p. 4*-6*, jan. *0*5 www4.fsanet.co*.*r/re*is*a </line>
<line> R. A. *rancelino, S. V. *ona*o, E. F. Z. Pe**ira Jun**r, *. M. C. F. Lopes, F. K. Leite </line>
<line> 52 </line>
<line> must determine an optimal time f** the study t* take *nto acc*unt the final a*plicatio* of *is </line>
<line> w**k, that is, , *n estima** for high volume production m*st be extremely ac*urate, while an </line>
<line> estim*te f*r *etermin*ng a manufacturing device pro**c*ion ti*e, for </line>
<line> **ample, can </line>
<line> *e </line>
<line> rou*hly performed. </line>
<line> T***e a*e two me*ho*s of es*imating produ*tion **mes: (i) est*mation by comp*ris**; </line>
<line> and (*i) *eta*led estimate. The comparison esti*ati*n m*th*d uses s**i**r *roducts as a basi* </line>
<line> on which its prod*c***n *i*e is alr*ady kno*n, in which case it is *p to the perso* re*ponsible </line>
<line> for the analysis to car*y out weightings on s*milar characte*i*ti*s, thereby res*lting in an </line>
<line> increa*e or decreas* in tim* and, conse**ently, in the co*t *f the *rod*ct. . In an ind**t*y with </line>
<line> an ETO *roduction *nvi*o*me*t, the </line>
<line> prod**ts supp*ied by it *su*lly have a </line>
<line> hig* range </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> *omp*nen*s, so in mo*t cases an estimate is req*ired, some o* the componen*s t*at make *p </line>
<line> the new produ*t have *lread* be*n p*oduce* in the pa** and has i*s productio* costs stored in </line>
<line> a databa*e. T*is resul*s in an *gile a*d re*iable est*mat*, consideri*g th*t onl* a *mal* p**t o* </line>
<line> the p*o**ct w*ll need a m**e e*aborate estimate (St*f*nelli, 20**). </line>
<line> In the *ompan* *hat is the focus of th*s </line>
<line> project, t*e project i* to use the metho* of </line>
<line> e**imation by </line>
<line> comparison in the sector* th** are responsibl* for th* aggrega*ion of parts *o </line>
<line> form a component set of a **n*l product, *hese sectors *re the Boiler a*d Fina* Assembly. The </line>
<line> detail*d estim*t*on </line>
<line> m*thod seeks to more accur*tel* veri*y the pro*ucti*n co*ts of * given </line>
<line> product, bu* because it is a *roce*s with a high d*g*ee o* criticality, *t n*eds some inform*tion </line>
<line> s**h **: </line>
<line> drawings, material </line>
<line> *ist, adopted proce*s, bat*h </line>
<line> of m*nufacturing, etc. This p*oces* </line>
<line> can result, for example, *n the delivery of *h* total amou*t of *our / ma* req*ired to </line>
<line> m*nufactur* a given product in * given sector. </line>
<line> As in an ind*stry *ith an ETO produc*ion environment, the *ata collect*o* proces*, </line>
<line> due t* the high *ariet* of products, i* very co*plex. In o*der to carry out a p*oces* to est*mate </line>
<line> production *imes, the seque**e of activities an* product characterist*cs ca* mak* it easier to </line>
<line> carry out the analysis. These sequences can be describ*d as: (i) ca*rying ou* t*e collection of </line>
<line> process*ng *imes fo* some pr*ducts; (*i) *efinit**n of the varia*les of the*e *roducts *hat </line>
<line> interfere *ith processing times (s**h a* th*ckness, weight, **ngth, for examp*e); (iii) </line>
<line> el*bor*tion of * mathematical formula th*t li*ts th* p*oduc* v*ri*bles whose proc*ssing times </line>
<line> have not been **ll*cted; and (i*) check*ng t*e variation be*ween p*ocessi*g ti*es ca*culated </line>
<line> by t*e d*fined for*ul* and meas*red in th* proce*s in *rder to veri*y th* form*l*'s margin of </line>
<line> error (Stefanelli, 20*0). </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 22, *. 1, ar*. 3, p. 44-60, jan. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> * Me*hodological Approac* to Estimating Prod*ction Times in Eng*n*er-to-Order In*us*ry </line>
<line> 53 </line>
<line> 3 METHOD*LO*ICAL CHOICES </line>
<line> *h* pr*sen* r**ea*ch was c*rrie* out through an exploratory ca*e s*udy, in the </line>
<line> *om*any TMSA - Tecnologi* </line>
<line> ** M**imen*a*ão. SA. Ca*e s*udy is * meth*d in which it </line>
<line> a**ow* th* *es*archer to ret*in ch*ra*teris*ics of organization*l and admi*istrative pro*esses. </line>
<line> Unlike othe* researc* met*ods, *he case study is not intended to demons*rate specific </line>
<line> characteristics *n a su*j*ct, but rathe*, a globa* view o* the p*oblem and t* *how the factors </line>
<line> that i*fluence or are *nfluenc*d by it (Gil, 2018). </line>
<line> The d*ta collection process took p*ace thro*g* s*ontaneous *bse*vati*n, in which th* </line>
<line> research*r, *emaining unaware *f the </line>
<line> communi*y, grou* </line>
<line> or situation he </line>
<line> *ntend* to *t*dy, </line>
<line> *bse**e* *he facts that </line>
<line> oc*ur there. It is su*table f*r explor*t**y studies, as it favors </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> *pproach of the research*r as th* re*earched phenomenon (Gil, 2018). </line>
<line> As this is a case study, all dat* c*llected d*rin* the *roces* a*e a*alyzed *nd </line>
<line> interpreted in </line>
<line> paral*el w*th it* *ollection. *n thi* way, *he a*alysis starts *rom the first </line>
<line> obser*a*ion record, with that the inf*rmation end* </line>
<line> up </line>
<line> being *r**essed *nd co*pared in real </line>
<line> time, t*us be**ming a us***l tool for th* res*archer (Gil, 2*18). </line>
<line> The case study wa* applied at TMSA - Tecnolog*a em Movimentação. S*. L*cated in </line>
<line> the north of Port* Alegre, capital *f the *tat* of Rio G*ande do Sul, the c*mpany founded in </line>
<line> 1966 </line>
<line> has a**r*x*m*tely 600 emp*oyee*. **e org*nizatio* </line>
<line> is an in*ustry *n the *etal- </line>
<line> *e*han*cal *ector, characterized by </line>
<line> being one o* *he main suppliers in MERC**UR of </line>
<line> equipment for port terminals and handling of solid bu*k *n hi*h capacities and long distanc*s. </line>
<line> TMSA has a v*ry di*ersif*ed </line>
<line> **rticip*tion in s*ver*l ma*ket segmen*s s*ch as: Port </line>
<line> Term**als; Mining; Ener*y; Coal; Fertilizers; Sugar; Agribu*iness. Due *o its high supply </line>
<line> line, c*mbin*d ***h the high level of c*stomiza*ion of it* projects *nd *roducts, *MSA f*ts its </line>
<line> producti*n environment as the ETO (*ngine*r to Ord*r). T*ro*gh thi* prod*ction *ethod it </line>
<line> provide* customize* s*lutions, oriented a** according to the requirements of its **sto*ers. </line>
<line> The fir*t s**ge of the work *as the r**lization of the present pr*j**t, using </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> b*bliograp*ic search b*s*d on articles, books and websites in whi*h the relevant subjects </line>
<line> o* </line>
<line> the w*rk guide. ***s bib*iographic search based on th* keywo*ds: Production times; ETO </line>
<line> Industry; Me*hod Validation. </line>
<line> The se*ond stag* *f the work will be the *dentifica*io* and analysis of the method of </line>
<line> estimati*g **oductio* times a*o**ed i* the Prepar*tion *ector </line>
<line> of the focus company. Th* </line>
<line> sector h*s t** wo*kstat*ons, each with specific chara*teristics **r d*termini*g operating ti*es. </line>
<line> The *ha*acterist*c* and neces*a*y *nformatio* will be investigated i* *he w*rk. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 2*, n. 1, *rt. 3, p. 44-60, j**. 2*25 w**4.*sane*.com.*r/revi*t* </line>
<line> R. A. Francelino, S. V. Bonat*, E. F. Z. Pereir* Jun*o*, C. M. C. F. Lope*, F. K. Le*te </line>
<line> 54 </line>
<line> The thi*d stage in*olves the va*id*tion of the method using the *iming pr**ess, in the </line>
<line> main *o*kstations in the Prepa*ation se**or. The </line>
<line> timed tim* at the Workstation can </line>
<line> be </line>
<line> compared *ith the st*ndard **recaste* time av*ilab*e ** the database </line>
<line> spr*adsh*et. A* thi* </line>
<line> stage of the *o*k, *ased on the analysi* descr**e* above, the method of estimating production </line>
<line> times ca* be validat*d. </line>
<line> As * form of evidenc*, g*aph* </line>
<line> *nd </line>
<line> *a*les co*paring Estimated Time (dat*base) and </line>
<line> Realized Time (timed) wi*l be us*d. For this, *i** r*ga*d *o *he display of data, the ma**ice* </line>
<line> are ar*angemen*s made up of *olumns *nd row* that quickly e*able the comparison betw*en </line>
<line> the da*a (Gil, 2*18). </line>
<line> 4 RESULTS AND DI*CUSSION </line>
<line> The P*epara*i*n sect*r of *** company that f*cuses on the *ork, has the *unction of </line>
<line> manufact*ring </line>
<line> par*s for the *ther productive s*ctors of the company. Thi* org*nizes your </line>
<line> pr*duct*on using t*e p*oc*ss *ayout. </line>
<line> Each process, with sim*lar cha*acteristi*s, is divi*ed into ten W*rkstations. *heir assignments </line>
<line> can b* seen below, in Ta*le 1. </line>
<line> T*ble 1 - Assig*ments per Wor*stati*n of t*e Preparat**n sect*r </line>
<line> Stations </line>
<line> *tations *tt**bution* </line>
<line> P1 </line>
<line> Therm*l and mech*nical cutting o* *he plates. </line>
<line> P2 </line>
<line> Cutting **d stamping of profiles from punc*ing. </line>
<line> P* </line>
<line> Cut, mec*anical a*d punct*re*, *rofil*d. </line>
<line> P4 </line>
<line> Turning, m*l*in*, dr**ling and threading of *ig*t parts a*d equipm*nt. </line>
<line> P5 </line>
<line> Dril*ing, count*rsinking and cutting of plates and profil*s. </line>
<line> P6 </line>
<line> Bend**g and bending oper*ti*n of sheets, *rofiles *nd tube*. </line>
<line> P7 </line>
<line> St*mping operatio* by e**entr*c pr*ss*s. </line>
<line> P8 </line>
<line> B**ding and shaping of pl**es by turning machines. </line>
<line> *9 </line>
<line> Turning *pera**on of *eavy eq**pme*t and parts. </line>
<line> P 10 </line>
<line> Machining o**ration (milling a*d th*ead*ng) b* machining center. </line>
<line> Source: research d*ta </line>
<line> For bett** understand*ng, the **ct*r's ***kstations *ave *een numbered, accor*i*g to </line>
<line> the floor plan la**ut s*own i* *igure *. It wort* n*ting that Workstations 4, 6, 9 **d 10 *s </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. 44-60, **n. 2*25 *ww4.fs*net.c*m.*r/r**ista </line>
<line> A Met*od*log*cal Ap*ro*ch to Esti*a*ing Pr*duct*on Times in Eng**eer-to-Ord*r Industry </line>
<line> *5 </line>
<line> appear do*ted in the lay*ut beca*se they are in t*e p*oce*s of development the ti*ing and </line>
<line> cons**uently the det***ination of their pr*ductive *imes, not being **jects of t*e *a*a </line>
<line> *ollect*o*. </line>
<line> Figure * - T*SA Pre*arat*on Sector Plant </line>
<line> So*rce: **SA - Tec*ologia em Mov*mentação SA. </line>
<line> The data collecti*n process took place at W*rk*tations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8, w*ich 7 </line>
<line> wer* *ampl** for verifica*ion the qu*nti*y of app*oximately te* Pro*ucti** O*ders, wit* ite*s </line>
<line> (pie*es) and various *ots. The intention of using a r*ndo* samp*e relat*d to the quantit*es of </line>
<line> part* and ba*ches of the *roduction **de* i* to se*k the high *r*duc*ion v*riabili*y *xisti*g in </line>
<line> *he sector, which reinfo*ces the p*esence of the ETO pr*duction e*v*ronment in the </line>
<line> or**niz*tio*. </line>
<line> In each wor*sta*ion, th* most common proc*ss was used to assess the time ta*en for </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> task. To d*termine the expected operating time, the Manufac*urin* Timesh*et was </line>
<line> adopte*, av*ilable in the compa*y's sys*em directory. This tool **es th* main character*stics </line>
<line> of the Wo*k*tation* as a basis for prep*rin* the times, which di*ectly i*fluence the operating </line>
<line> time. After t*e survey of th* **alized Ti*e da*a - defined by *iming - and Estimated *i** - </line>
<line> calcul*ted by **e Manufa*turing Ti*eshe** ava*lable in </line>
<line> t*e c**pany's database - these *ill </line>
<line> b* presented and analyz*d throug* the com*ara*ive tables and graph*. </line>
<line> *n o*der to highlight the data collection process, comparative table* and graphs wer* </line>
<line> created for </line>
<line> the analys*s. These </line>
<line> bri*g the Estimated *ime, *en*rated by the *anufacturing </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 22, n. 1, art. 3, p. 4*-60, jan. 2025 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revis** </line>
<line> R. A. Francelino, *. *. Bon**o, E. *. Z. Perei*a Junior, C. M. C. F. Lop*s, F. *. Leit* </line>
<line> *6 </line>
<line> T*mesheet. An*ther dat* *vide*ced *s *h* Rea*iz*d Time, *en*r*ted by *he timing process. </line>
<line> Each Workstati*n analyzed g*nerate* a table and a *raph desc*ibing the comparison betwee* </line>
<line> th* times. </line>
<line> After ha*ing *he d*t* an**ysis pro*es* complete*, as a mea*s of veri*ication, it wa* </line>
<line> created *nd is pre*e*ted below, in F*gure 2. This esta*lishe* *he consoli*ation o* all times </line>
<line> (Expected and Acc*m*l*shed) ra*sed and an*lyzed in the study. </line>
<line> F**ur* 2 - Time *on*o*idation Chart - Wo*ks*ation* </line>
<line> *repa*at*on. </line>
<line> Sour*e: research d*ta </line>
<line> W**n analyzing the ch*rt, a reliabil*ty pa*ter* *n the Estima*ed Time s*a*ds *ut in </line>
<line> mos* of *h* Workst*tions, ho*ever Wo*kst*tions 3 *nd 7, still have small divergences *hen </line>
<line> *onsiderin* thei* ti*e*, which w*s *ep*rted *s an op*ortunity for improvement in the method. </line>
<line> TIMES </line>
<line> Among the improveme**s appli*d to ada*t </line>
<line> the metho* ** t*e ETO pr*duction </line>
<line> env*ronme*t, present in th* sector, th* update in the way of me*suring th* s*tup time at Work </line>
<line> Station 1, *esponsibl* for t*e thermal cutting proces*, stan*s ou*. Pr*viously, early in the </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 22, n. *, art. 3, p. 44-**, ja*. 2025 www4.fsanet.*om.br/r*vista </line>
<line> A Met*odolo*i*al Approach to Esti*atin* Product*on Ti*es i* Engineer-to-Or**r In*us*ry </line>
<line> 5* </line>
<line> devel*pmen* of *he m*thod, *ach piece sent to Work**ation 1, counted a setu* time o* 14 </line>
<line> mi*utes, this t**e genera*ed b* t** timi*g process. *h*s **ctor s*arte* *o di*tor* the Estimated </line>
<line> Ti*e in relat*on to th* R*alized *ime *f setup. </line>
<line> B*s*d on this pro**em, a </line>
<line> proce*s *as *eve*oped to improve the accuracy *n </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> *st*mated *ime of se*up. B*sically, the </line>
<line> upda*e had as a *ormula t*e direct weig*ting *f t*e </line>
<line> part area with t*e raw material are* (*lat*), used for </line>
<line> the thermal cuttin* pr**ess. A* it is </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> relatively new met*od i* *he organization, i* is still undergo*ng expansion a*d developm*nt. </line>
<line> Fro* the pr**ress of da*a collection fo* </line>
<line> the *roject, it *as p**sib** to see a series of </line>
<line> o*portun*tie* for impr*vemen*s *o the pr****ed production *ime esti*atio* m*thod. </line>
<line> To **is end, *he follo*ing opportunities stand out: (i) to define a m*thod to *sti*at* </line>
<line> *h* time for moving par*s *n Workstations P2, P3 and P7; (ii) to create a factor of aggregation </line>
<line> of produ*tive *i*e *or acti**t*es that i*vo*ve *o*e *han one ope*ator at Work Station 8, with </line>
<line> this the guarantee of t*e hourl* / m*n data in the resources o* this station *ill **c*me more </line>
<line> rel*abl*; (iii) to develo* * meth*d *f Estimation by C**p*r*son f*r the sectors of </line>
<line> Bo*lerma*ing and Final *sse*bly; (iv) to *evelop *he Detaile* Estima*ion meth*d </line>
<line> for </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> Painting sector; (v) to u*e the *roduction ho*r* *o meas*re the Estimated *ime of operat*on. </line>
<line> 5 FINAL CONSIDERATION* </line>
<line> Thi* study addressed *he m*th*d of esti*ating producti*n times ad*pt*d in *n industr* </line>
<line> wi*h t*e ETO production envir*nme*t. A pr*cess of *x*reme complexity, due to the *igh rate </line>
<line> *f c*stom*z*tion of product* combined *ith the high va*iabi*ity of production ex*sting in this </line>
<line> p*oduction sy*tem. </line>
<line> The *ethod was analyz*d in the *repa*ation se*to* of th* target compa**, *rom there </line>
<line> th* detai*ed esti*ation proc*ss was evidenced in t*e dat* coll**tion. In it, </line>
<line> *t was *ossible to </line>
<line> observe </line>
<line> that *har*cteristi*s *hat </line>
<line> di*ect*y *nf*uence *he time of </line>
<line> operat*o*, such as thickness, </line>
<line> *imens*ons, area, amount </line>
<line> of drill*ng, h*ight, etc., a*e the b*sis for </line>
<line> *he develop*ent of </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> *esult of t*e Predicted T*mes in all analyzed Worksta*ions of t*e s*ctor, where ea*h of them </line>
<line> uses c*aracteristics </line>
<line> inherent </line>
<line> to their processes to d*termine the most suitable </line>
<line> *tandard </line>
<line> operating time. </line>
<line> F*om the data analysis, the e*fectiveness o* t*e </line>
<line> method was *e**fied. It is worth </line>
<line> menti*ning tha* some Workstatio*s *eed ** have the*r me*hod of es*imating productio* times </line>
<line> more re*in*d, </line>
<line> as **ghl*g*t*d ** *igure 21, whic* </line>
<line> *rings *h* consolidatio* of the E*tima*ed </line>
<line> Time in r*l*ti** t* the Time R*alized in *l* W*rkst*tion*. </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Te*esina P*, v. 22, n. *, *rt. 3, *. 44-60, jan. 2025 www4.**a*et.**m.br/revista </line>
<line> *. A. F*anc**in*, *. V. Bonato, E. F. Z. Per*ira Junior, C. M. *. F. *op*s, F. K. L*it* </line>
<line> 58 </line>
<line> T*e study also bro*ght </line>
<line> o*portu*i*i*s f*r improveme*t </line>
<line> in the method, topic directl* </line>
<line> add*essed in the sp*cifi* objectives of this paper. This fa*t prov*d to be ex*re*ely important </line>
<line> for the d*ve*opment, expansion an* maintenance *f the process. From it, th* critic*l *oints are </line>
<line> highlight*d and defined *s * prio*ity for future *ctions. </line>
<line> **e lim*ta*ion of thi* wo*k was *o *eal *it* the great varia*i*it* *f produc**on e**sting </line>
<line> in the TM*A factor* en**ronmen*. Due to *his, so*etimes idle resources in Workstations, </line>
<line> made data collectio* im*oss***e. On th* other hand, dependi*g ** the p*o*u*tion mi* pre*ent </line>
<line> in th* manufacturing environm*n*, t*e l*rge </line>
<line> number *f parts hindered the t**ing *r*cess *n </line>
<line> bot*leneck *esour*es. In this sense, the great c*a*lenge o* the w*rk was to fi*d id*al g*ps f*r </line>
<line> the safe per*or*anc* of data co*lectio*. </line>
<line> Fo* future work, it *s suggested tha* the sectors t**t remained as *n opportunity for </line>
<line> improvement to create the method ** estimating production tim*s, Boi*er*aking, Pai*ting and </line>
<line> Final A*sembly, </line>
<line> be an*lyzed and val*dated. With this, all the produ*tive sec*ors o* </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> company that is the *ocus of the stu** will have *hei* *ethods def**ed and validated. </line>
<line> An*ther sugges*ion i*, from *he de*ermination o* t*e *sti*ate* Times for the </line>
<line> o*her </line>
<line> se*tors, to mon*tor a product, *heckin* its production *imes i* *ll the productive sectors ** th* </line>
<line> organi*at*on. </line>
<line> It c*n be concluded that th* study met the proposed r*sea*ch pr*blem. Ye*, it is </line>
<line> possible to develop * me*h*d </line>
<line> *f estimating production times in </line>
<line> an *ndus*r* with an E*O </line>
<line> env*ronment. For this, it i* import*nt to develop factors *h*t a**ow worki*g with the gre*t </line>
<line> variability of **oducts and the unp**d*ctability of production existing in t*is environ*ent. The </line>
<line> clear k*owledge of the v*ri*us product*, the adju*tment *f an appr*p**ate *nd specific </line>
<line> physi*al l*yout for each pr**ess involved, the understa*din* ** the ph*s*cal characteristi*s of </line>
<line> th* produ*ts that directly influence their production times, combined with a rel**ble </line>
<line> chronoanalys*s *rocess, thu* bringing confi*en*e fo* de*ermination *rom a deta*led estim*te, </line>
<line> you can d*term*ne an extremely *eliable production times estimate. </line>
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<line> C*mo Refere*ciar este Art*go, c*nforme ABNT: </line>
<line> *. A. F*ANCELIN*, S. *. BO*ATO, E. F. Z. PER*IRA JUNIOR, *. M. *. F. LOPES, F. K. </line>
<line> LEITE. A Methodo*ogica* App*oach *o Estimating Producti** T*mes in Engineer-to-Or*e* In*us*ry. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *2, n. 1, *rt. 3, p. 44-60, jan. 2025. </line>
<line> Contri*u*ção dos Autores </line>
<line> *. A. *rance*ino </line>
<line> S. V. Bonato </line>
<line> E. F. Z. Pereira Junior </line>
<line> C. M. C. F. *opes </line>
<line> F. K. *eit* </line>
<line> 1) concepção e planejam**t*. </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 2) a*álise e interpretação **s dado*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> *) elabor*ção d* rasc*nho o* na revisã* crítica do con*eúdo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) participação n* a*rovação da versão f*nal do manuscrito. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eresi*a, v. 22, *. 1, a*t. 3, p. 44-60, *an. *0*5 </line>
<line> www4.fsan*t.c*m.*r/revista </line>


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