Modelagem de Equações Estruturais nos Estudos Sobre Gestão de Riscos em Redes de Suprimentos / Structural Equation Modeling in Studies on Risk Management in Supply Networks
Palavras-chave: Gestão de Riscos. Gestão de Riscos em Redes de Suprimentos. Modelagem de Equações Estruturais.
The internationalization of supply networks brings opportunities and challenges for companies. Among these challenges is the need to manage supply risks to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. Given this scenario, risk management has become a central theme for operations and logistics managers and researchers. The literature on the field of risk management in supply networks is vast and the studies contemplate different research methods, such as a Structural Equation Modeling - multivariate analysis technique with growing growth in Operations and Logistics due to its adherence to treatment. complex phenomena, explaining a relationship of variables with methodological rigor and flexibility. Given this context, the present study aimed to analyze the use of equation modeling. Results of risk management studies in supply chains. To achieve the objective objective, a bibliometric study was performed from the survey of keys in the Web of Science and the use of VOSviewer 1.6.13 software. The most important results indicated: (1) increasing number of publications over the years analyzed (2008 to 2018); (2) centrality of the author Wallenburg; (3) the great impact of publications from the USA, England and China, while participating in Latin American countries, including Brazil, is still quite limited; (4) Gaps in thematic clusters pointed by the keyword occurrence network can be explored for theoretical and empirical advances in the field.
Keywords: Risk Management. Supply Chain Risk Management. Structural Equation Modeling.
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