<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 9, art. 4, p. 64-79, set. *0*1 </line>
<line> I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2021.1*.9.4 </line>
<line> Braz*l and its National System of Inno*a*ion (Nis): Pe*sp*ctive* *nd Challenges </line>
<line> * *rasil e seu S*stema Nacio*al de *n*vação (Sni): *erspectivas * *esaf*os </line>
<line> Julian* Var*as </line>
<line> Dou*o* em Ciên*ias Econômicas pela *ni*ersidade de Bra***ia </line>
<line> Profes*or da Universid*de Federa* do Piauí </line>
<line> E-ma*l: juliano.vargas@*fp*.edu.br </line>
<line> Adriel Na*cimento S*nt*s </line>
<line> Gradua**o em Ciê*ci*s Econômica* d* *niversi*ade Federal do Pi*u* </line>
<line> Particip*nte do progr*ma de Iniciação Ci*ntí*ica Voluntár*a (IC*) </line>
<line> E-m*il: ad*ielsanto*@uf*i.*du.br </line>
<line> Ende*eço: *uliano Vargas </line>
<line> *ditor-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerley de A*encar </line>
<line> Avenida J*ã* X*I*I, n* 3820, *eca**o das Palmeiras, </line>
<line> R*d*igue* </line>
<line> Condomíni* Bouleva**, t*rre a, apto. 408.CEP 64045- </line>
<line> 7*5 - Tere*i*a (PI). Brasi*. </line>
<line> *r*igo *ecebido *m 03/09/2021. **tima </line>
<line> ver*ão </line>
<row> Ende*eço: Adrie* Nasc*mento San*os </row>
<row> Douto* Valde* Manoel Ro**igues, n° 44*4, Bairro Porto </row>
<row> *leg*e, *EP 64039-440 - Teresin* (P*). Brasil. </row>
<row> *ecebid* *m 09/09/*021. Aprovado em10/09/2*21. </row>
<row> Ava**ado pelo sistema Triple R*view: a) De*k Review </row>
<row> pelo Editor-Chef*; e b) Dou*l* Blind Rev*ew </row>
<row> (avalia*ão c*g* por *ois avaliado*es da área). </row>
<row> Revisão: Gra*atical, No*mat*v* e de Fo*matação </row>
<line> Brazil and i*s National *ys**m of Inn*vatio* (Nis): Pe*s*ecti*es and Challenges </line>
<line> *5 </line>
<line> AB*TRACT </line>
<line> Based on t*e evolutionary a*p**ac*, in this pa*er we deal wi*h th* growing imp*rtance of </line>
<line> N*tional Innovation Systems (N*S) f*r s*cioeconomic development, fo*using *n th* Brazilian </line>
<line> case. For this, in*tially we d*scu*s the conn*ctions between NIS and socioe*onomic </line>
<line> de**lopment. Next, we discuss a set o* r**or*s and off**ial *ta*i**ics that i*dicat* the curr*nt </line>
<line> reality o* t*e Brazi*ian innovation system. In *h*s *erspective, *e analyze the ch*l**n*e* *nd </line>
<line> perspecti*es for Brazil in th* fa*e of t*e econom* and socie*y of the *1st century, which are </line>
<line> increasingly co**lex and globali*ed. It is considered that, d*s*ite the a*vances si*c* </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> 1990s, the Brazilian innovat*on syste* l*cks adjustments to e*fectiv*l* and efficiently </line>
<line> contrib*te t* the Brazil*an *ocioecono*ic develop*ent. </line>
<line> Key*o*ds: </line>
<line> **azi*. I*n**ation S*ste*s. **cio*con*m*c. Dev*lopm*nt. Evoluti*n**y </line>
<line> Appro*ch. </line>
<line> RES*MO </line>
<line> Com b**e *a abordage* evolucionária, neste art*go tratamos </line>
<line> da crescente importân*ia dos </line>
<line> Sistemas Nacionais d* Inovação para o desenvolvimento *ocioe*onômico, com foco no ca*o </line>
<line> brasile*ro. P*ra iss*, i*icia*mente discutimos as co**xõe* </line>
<line> entre o sis*ema nacional *e </line>
<line> inovação e o desenvolvimento socioe**nômico. A seguir, di*cutimos um conjunto </line>
<line> *e </line>
<line> rela*órios e estatísti*as oficiais que indicam a real*dade at*al d* sistema de </line>
<line> inovação </line>
<line> br*sileir*. Nessa pers*ectiva, </line>
<line> ana*isam*s os d*safio* e as perspectivas do Br*sil diante </line>
<line> da </line>
<line> econo*ia * da sociedade *o século XXI, cada vez *ais complex*s e globalizad*s. Considera- </line>
<line> se *ue, apesar dos avanç** desde a décad* de 1990, o sist*ma brasileiro de inov*ç*o care*e *e </line>
<line> ajustes que contrib*am de form* efetiva e eficien*e pa*a * *esenvolviment* socio*conômico </line>
<line> *rasile*ro. </line>
<line> Palavras-chave: </line>
<line> Bras*l. S*s*ema* de inovaç*o. Socioeconômic*. De*envo*vimento. </line>
<line> Abo*da*em Ev*lucioná*ia. </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina **, v. 18, n. 9, ar*. *, p. 64-79, set. 2021 </line>
<line> *w*4.fsanet.co*.br/r*vi**a </line>
<line> J. Vargas, A. N. Sant*s </line>
<line> *6 </line>
<line> 1 INTRODUÇÃO </line>
<line> An express*ve socioeco*omic develop*ent is im*robable wi*ho*t in*ovati*n, </line>
<line> especially *n the b*ginning of this 21s* cent*ry. *he i*ternationa* techno*ogic*l *anguard is a </line>
<line> *i*e q*a *on co*dition to *each and r*main am*ng those w*th real possibilities *f a vigorou* </line>
<line> socioec*nomic dynamic. To do so, c**ating an eff*ctive an* efficient NIS is practically </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> m us t . </line>
<line> *n this vein, *e aim i* *hi* study to exami*e the gr***ng imp*rtance o* NIS for </line>
<line> socioecon*mic d*v*lopmen*, f*cu*ing *n the *r*zilian case. The basic questions *hat will be </line>
<line> dis**ssed are the foll*wing: i) what a*e th* main c**n*ctions bet*een NIS </line>
<line> an* </line>
<line> socioeconomic *ev*lopment? ii) what do the offi*ial *eports *nd statisti*s on the </line>
<line> cur**nt </line>
<line> real*ty of the *razil*an innovation system points ou*? iii) in **is </line>
<line> perspect*ve, wha* </line>
<line> a** *h* </line>
<line> m*in ch*l*enges *nd opportun*tie* pr**ented for B*azil in this complex and global*ze* co*text </line>
<line> of the 21st century? </line>
<line> Meth*dologicall*, a theoretical readin* o* a h*ter*dox nature *s a*opt*d, **re </line>
<line> specifical*y *he evolutionary app*oach </line>
<line> on Economics (a l* Ne*s*n & Winte*, 198*). For the </line>
<line> li**ra*u*e review, se*o*dary bibliograph*c so***** from re*earchers dedicated to *he object of </line>
<line> study were used. It support* *nd is suppo**e* by conc*ptual, st*ti*tic*l **d anal*t*cal stu**es </line>
<line> of offic*al institutions addr*ssing the t**me. *o*e of *hem are the Organi*ation for *cono*ic </line>
<line> Cooperat**n and Develo*ment (OECD), At*as of Econo*ic C*mp*e*it* (AEC), World Bank </line>
<line> (W*), *n*ted Nations Ed*c**ional, S*ient*fic *nd Cult*ral O**a*ization (UN**CO), Ins**tuto </line>
<line> Brasileiro de G*ografi* e E*tatístic* (IBGE) and Minist*rio da Ciên*ia, Tecnolog*a </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> In*vaç*o (BRASIL/*CTI/E*cti). </line>
<line> This arti**e ** struct*red in three secti*ns, tog*the* with this i*trodu*t*on **d the *inal </line>
<line> considerations. *n th* second sectio* w* pre*ent s**e of the mai* relat**nshi** between *I* </line>
<line> an* s*cioeconomic develo*ment, showing in a**i*ion t* - </line>
<line> th* def*ni*ions of some *on*ep*s </line>
<line> that *ill ***meate </line>
<line> t h* s t ud y - ho w b*t h </line>
<line> i*teract and feedback. In the third, we interpret </line>
<line> o*fici*l documents and statistics o* formal institutions, </line>
<line> *n order to overview th* innovat*on </line>
<line> system </line>
<line> in Brazi*. Th* *reviou* s*ction* will pr*vide the*re*i*a* </line>
<line> insu*s for the *our*h, *n </line>
<line> whi*h the contempora*y challenges a*d opp**tuni**e* for **e count*y *re anal*zed. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teres*na, *. 18, n. *, ar*. 4, p. 64-*9, s*t. 2021 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> *raz** a*d its National S*s*em of Inno**tion (Nis): Perspec*ives and Cha*lenges </line>
<line> 67 </line>
<line> The first writ*ngs on t** NIS dat* *ack t* the 19th ce*t*ry, stemm*ng from the *tudies </line>
<line> of *ri*drich Lis* ([1841] 188*), that *d*r*ssed sys*emic inter*ctio*s between countries and </line>
<line> withi* them. The fun*am*nta* ide* was that o* a syst*m, suc* as a continuous process </line>
<line> between di*f*rent institu*ions, in which the *uthor **vest*gated the traje*tor* of the **ited </line>
<line> States and En*lan*. This </line>
<line> th**e was resume* in the late *980s, inspired *y *he rapid </line>
<line> tec*nol*g**al chang*s that are still on*oing. For th* expr*ss*on N*S there are se*era* *on- </line>
<line> c*nsensual defin*tions, a*ong w*ich fo*r **ands out: </line>
<line> i) the network of institutions in th* public an* private *ecto*s whose ac*i*iti*s </line>
<line> and inte*action* in*tiat*, *mpo*t, modify and *iffu*e n** techn*l*gies </line>
<line> (FREE*AN, *987, p. 1); </line>
<line> ii) all parts and aspects of the economic **r*cture and *h* inst*tutional set-up </line>
<line> aff*cting learni*g as w*l* as s**r*hing and explor**g (L*NDVALL, 19**, p. </line>
<line> * 2 ); </line>
<line> i*i) * set of in*tit*t*ons *hose *nteract*ons de*ermine the innovativ* </line>
<line> performance [...] o* nationa* firms (NELSON, *993, p. 4); </line>
<line> iv) a*l import*nt econ**ic, social, polit*cal, *rganisati*nal, institution*l and </line>
<line> other f*ctors **at influence the development, diffusion and use of inno**tion* </line>
<line> (EDQ*IST, *997, p. 14). </line>
<line> From these definitio*s, note* that NIS encompass the flow of infor*ati*n a*d </line>
<line> te*hno*ogy betw*en institutions, **ople *** compan*es, essential **r t*e innovativ* process at </line>
<line> t*e national leve*. They result fro* a complex s*t of r*lationships a*ong the va*iou* actors of </line>
<line> th* system, esp*cially governm*nt resea*ch i*stitutes, companies *nd univ*rs**ie*. </line>
<line> The inn*va*ion system co*cep*ion assumes that ea** case is unique and sh*ul* be </line>
<line> analyzed in its conte*t and a*cording *o i*s specificiti*s, w*th which its critics </line>
<line> especially </line>
<line> *hose o* eco*o*ic or**odoxy - *u*ge *t methodolo**cally diffuse. This cr*ti*ism advances on </line>
<line> the sy*t*mic and endogenous </line>
<line> vi** </line>
<line> o* p*blic poli**es, sin*e the governme*t i* seen in </line>
<line> t *i s </line>
<line> approac* as an *ctive agent - coordinating public policies - and not as a m*rk*t fai*ure. </line>
<line> It *s *lso cons*de*ed the "concept of g*obal pu**ic goods and the n*t*on of k*owledge </line>
<line> as a g*obal publi* good" e*aborate* by Stiglitz (1999, </line>
<line> p. *5). It *n*er*tanding the *I* as </line>
<line> somet*ing that can efficien*ly and effectively </line>
<line> cont*ib*te t* re*lection </line>
<line> an* action </line>
<line> as </line>
<line> *nstr*ments that should be o*ien*ed not only to econo*ic *rowth, but *o t*e promotion of the </line>
<line> socioec*nomic </line>
<line> *evelopment of international and n*tional commun*t*es. *quitable </line>
<line> us e </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> *ro*uction of </line>
<line> *lo*al knowledge d*rect** r**uire collective initiativ*. The internatio*al a </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 9, ar*. 4, p. *4-79, set. 2*21 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> J. Va*gas, A. N. S*nto* </line>
<line> 68 </line>
<line> comm**ity *aces a ch*l*enge, th*t i*, to m*ke our curr*nt syst*m *f v*lun*ary and cooperat*ve </line>
<line> governance t*rn to the collective inter*s*s of *ll. </line>
<line> Asso*iat*d wit* this con*eption o* k*owledge as a public good is the ro*e o* </line>
<line> i*nov*tion for the soc*oeconomic de*el*p*en* of c*unt**es. *or Fagerb*rg, S*holec & </line>
<line> Verspagen (20*0), innovation is seen as c**ried out </line>
<line> b* highly skille* R&D i***nsive hu*s </line>
<line> l*cated in the world\s *eading *enters of e*cel*enc*. Fr*m this p*rspe*tive, innovation i* </line>
<line> an </line>
<line> exclusive activi*y of </line>
<line> adv*nced c*untries. However, ther* </line>
<line> is another way of looking </line>
<line> at </line>
<line> i*novation *hat goes far beyon* this high-tec* ima*e. In * bro*der perspe**ive, innovatio* - </line>
<line> such as trying new or imp*oved produ**s, pr*cesses o* ways to do t*in*s - is jus* one asp*ct </line>
<line> of most socioecon*mic activities. *hus, in*o**ti*n sh*uld b* *erceived as a rel*van* *ractice </line>
<line> for all existing communitie*. </line>
<line> From this discussi*n emerges an*ther, which, *n turn, unfold* i* two other*: the </line>
<line> i**ortan*e *nd </line>
<line> imp*ications of NIS for the s*c*o****omic *evelopment agenda. *iven th* </line>
<line> co*plexity of the </line>
<line> inno*atio* p*ocess, attempts to integr*te *t into </line>
<line> a s*st** hav* </line>
<line> - in </line>
<line> developing countrie* - emph*s*zed its implementati*n via f*rmal *nstitution*, o*ie**ed to *he </line>
<line> a*aptation and absorption of establish*d pra*tices. </line>
<line> Nevert*eless, *ther aspects h**e b*en neglected i* these countrie*, such as an agenda </line>
<line> focused on *he le**ning process. It is an essenti*l *art *f the i*novation process and, </line>
<line> co*sequentl*, the learning proce** is carved b* practical experiences and the econo*ic </line>
<line> structure in which it pe*petuated. Uniquely in em*rging developing coun*ries, l*arning is is </line>
<line> l*n*e* ** the *atu*al capab*lities needed to transform and modify knowledge </line>
<line> *o m*et and </line>
<line> adapt local cond*ti*ns and context (OECD, 2010). </line>
<line> Anot**r aspec* ** *h* relat*o*s be*ween NIS and s**ioeconom*c devel*pment </line>
<line> i* th* structural ch*nge - in full course - of the *roduc*iv* paradigm, that is, *he trans*t*on </line>
<line> fro* essentially in*ustrial economies to the predominan*e of s*rvic* econo*ies *s a majority </line>
<line> *ortion o* gr*ss domestic product (*DP). This is particularly c*iti**l when it com*s to *he </line>
<line> ac*el*r*t*d in*e*nationaliza*ion of servic**. This o*cur* *n progressi*e competi*ive global </line>
<line> dyna*ic, wher* techn*logy allows virtually barr*e*-*ree entry *nd </line>
<line> exi* from mar*ets </line>
<line> (i*c*uding labor). There is </line>
<line> no econo*y o* **ciety immune to this, *hich imposes </line>
<line> socioe*o*omic cha*lenges *nd opp*r**ni*ies, part*cularl* over develop*ng on** (*HILLIP* </line>
<line> and LÉO, 2010). </line>
<line> The rob*tizatio* of procedures c*ntinu*s ** evolve; software *oday c*n *o </line>
<line> as never </line>
<line> befor* tasks t*at were pr*viously done by pe*ple. If the aim is increasing *ompetitiveness and </line>
<line> existi*g as companies, i* requir*s chang*s in *he organizati*n, suc* a* methods *nd ways of </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, v. 18, n. 9, *rt. 4, p. *4-7*, set. 2021 www4.fsa*et.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Br*zil an* its Nati*na* System of Innovation (N*s): Perspe*tive* a*d Challe*ges </line>
<line> 69 </line>
<line> *ela*ing to the customers (an* c*ti*ens, in the *ase o* the St*te). Thus, it can </line>
<line> be seen as </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> t*re*t, but it also *f*ers m*ny oppo*tu*iti*s. </line>
<line> In this vein, it is i*portant to consid*r the social is*ues involving th* theme of </line>
<line> innov*t*on (and NIS). Accor*ing to Kline & *ose*berg (1986), s*cial </line>
<line> **sues matter: </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> increase *n </line>
<line> techniqu* is </line>
<line> an h**tori*al labor saver, *hich leads to d*bates nowadays about </line>
<line> socio-techn*cal systems and *ocial technology. Therefore, it is necessary t* *ook ** </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> innovation proces* as **ange *n the system as a whole, which encompasses the market a </line>
<line> environment, st*ck *f *rev*ous technical </line>
<line> *n*wledge, </line>
<line> pr*duc* life cycle, in addition to the </line>
<line> vari*us social contexts in which it *s inse*t*d. </line>
<line> *n the curre*t e*onomic and social s*age, very glo**lized an* c*mplex, some *f the </line>
<line> **in connections of NI* w*th socioeconomic develo*men* remain theoretically man*fest*d, </line>
<line> as wel* as the i*portance of the former in supporting the latter, as both interact and f*ed back </line>
<line> into a cumul*tive ci*cu*ar </line>
<line> pro*e**. Th*s fa*ors the adoption of a sustained </line>
<line> de*elop*ent </line>
<line> strate*y th*t </line>
<line> c*n *ffectively contribute to th* imp*o*em*nt of **vi*g conditions *n gen**al, a </line>
<line> thi*g certai*ly *esire* by all societies and th*t ** Brazil in partic*lar *s still muc* to advance. </line>
<line> In order to con*or* a b*ief overview of the inn*vation sy*tem in Braz*l </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> empirically </line>
<line> attest its im*orta*ce for *ati*nal socioeco**mic deve*opm*nt, the followi*g </line>
<line> section will b* </line>
<line> dedicated to *he </line>
<line> pres*ntation **d interpr*tation of some stati*tica* </line>
<line> da*a </line>
<line> *nd </line>
<line> of*ic*al documents of in*ernati**al an* nation** institutions. </line>
<line> 3 *OT*S ON *NN*VATI*N IN *RAZ*L: TIMID AD*ANC*S </line>
<line> With regard t* Bra*il, a </line>
<line> country wi*h n*merous histori*al obstac*es to its </line>
<line> soci*e*onomic develo*ment, it can be affir*ed tha* its innovation *ystem - which began to ** </line>
<line> implem*nted **ly in </line>
<line> the 19*0s - co*tin*es to p*esent an in*erm*dia*e level standard. His </line>
<line> *c*ion* in t**s are* - to *e di*cussed in t*e ne*t sect**n - are o* the type top-*own wi*hout *h* </line>
<line> *ecognition of th*** most *romising **d advantag*ous niches. This dis*ussio* is *e*urrent *n </line>
<line> **e Brazili*n academi* literatur*. </line>
<line> Albuquerque (1996), for exampl*, based *n </line>
<line> the defi**tions *f N*S and the </line>
<line> systemati*atio* of th* data that hav* be*n already existin* on science and tec**ology (S&T) </line>
<line> divided th* standar*s into *hree dist*nct categories: *) those that allo* *dvanced count*ies t* </line>
<line> m**nta*n </line>
<line> *h* *nte*nat***al technologica* vanguard; ii) those that a**ow countries to </line>
<line> *im </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> dissem*nation of *nnovat*ons, since th*y absorb the advances gen*rated </line>
<line> in the p**vious </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 18, n. 9, art. 4, p. 64-79, set. 202* </line>
<line> www*.*sanet.c*m.br/revista </line>
<line> J. Vargas, *. N. Santos </line>
<line> 70 </line>
<line> category; iii) *hose who have no* com*leted, a*e immature and w*t**ut S&T struct*re a </line>
<line> suitable for the p*oductive sector and that contributes little to t*e *evelopment of t*e country. </line>
<line> Bra**l, *cc*rdin* *o the data revealed by *he *uthor, fell into this last c*tego*y, in a much </line>
<line> lo*er stan*a*d than the mature NIS in that mo*en*. </line>
<line> Despite almo*t t*i*ty years o* many initiat**es for **e *mplementati*n of a successful </line>
<line> innovat*o* sys*em in B**zil, all this time was not enough *o </line>
<line> ac*ieve s*cces* on suc* </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> j*urney. Brazil has consolidated instit*t*ons of the *nnova*i*n system *h*ough meas*res very </line>
<line> sim*lar to tho*e adopted *n countries with inno*ati** **stems co*sidered matu*e. Ho*ev*r, it </line>
<line> has not yet manage* to cre**e or make the existent intera*tion channels capable of **ovidin* </line>
<line> legal c**t*i*ty, encouragi*g intera*tions *n* </line>
<line> gi*i*g dynami** to </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> componen*s o* the </line>
<line> syst*m (TURCHI; MORAIS, 2017). </line>
<line> UNESCO (2*15, p. *0-11) al*o *nd*cates that despi*e *he advance* of Brazil, it h** not </line>
<line> bee* able to a***n with the lea*i** cou**rie* in research and d*ve*opment (R&D) in*estment </line>
<line> (espec*ally the public one). Public **mmitme*t *o R&D *as *emained unchanged since 200*, </line>
<line> although the private sector has *n*reased sl*ghtly from *ts own effort. A*l companies ** the </line>
<line> research co*ducted </line>
<line> in the tri*nn*um 20*5-2017 reported a fall in innov*t*on activity since </line>
<line> 2011. What we can expe*t is th*t this trend wi*l **ve effects on s*en*ing if **e *razilian </line>
<line> *conomic *lowdown pe*sists. </line>
<line> T**s as*e*tion is corro*ora*ed, *or example, by the da** provided by IBGE/P*NTEC </line>
<line> 2017 (2020), wh*ch shows that *ust ove* a t*ird of Brazi*ian c*mpanies made som* ef*ort to </line>
<line> innovate between 2015 *nd 2017 (*igure 1), which is unsatisfactory for more robu*t a*va*ces </line>
<line> in the sector. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 18, n. 9, art. *, p. 64-79, set. 2*21 </line>
<line> www4.**anet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Brazil *nd *ts National Sy*t*m of I*no*ation (Nis): *erspec*ives and Chal*e*ges </line>
<line> 71 </line>
<line> Fig**e 1 - Pa*ticipatio* in the numb*r *f comp*nie* that have implem*nted produ*t or </line>
<line> process *nno*ations, by sectors of activities, accordi*g to *he type of innovation - Brazil </line>
<line> (2015-2017) (%) </line>
<line> Sourc*: IBGE/PINT*C (*020, p. 2). </line>
<line> Th*r* is anoth*r disturbing *act contai**d in IBGE/*I*TEC 2*17 (2020). It con*erns </line>
<line> the frag*lity of i*novative efforts, with a pro*ortion of revenue *edi*at*d to innovative </line>
<line> inve*tments (*xp*ns*s) o* only 1,65%. This is even worse if *i*en *he propo*tion that R&D </line>
<line> spending i* tot*l sp*n*ing on innova*io*. These li*itatio**, the docu*e*t concludes, </line>
<line> *bserved in the scope o* *ompanies\ in*ovations, are r*lated *o th* limited amount they </line>
<line> devot* t* R&D inv*stm*nts: only 10.91% o* tot*l spending on *nnova**ve a*t***ties. </line>
<line> *ith *e*ard t* public sector inv*stmen*, the situation is even more serious. Federal </line>
<line> g*vern*en*\s objective set *ut in th* propos*l ca*le* the National Strate*y for S*ience, </line>
<line> Technology and Innovation 2016-2*19 (BRASIL/MCTI/Encti, 2016) was to *nves* *% of </line>
<line> national </line>
<line> GDP in R&D by 2019 - whi*h would bring Brazil to an investment level closer t* </line>
<line> the OECD avera*e of 2.4% *n 20*5 (OEC*, *01*). It s**uld be em*hasized t*at until the last </line>
<line> available data, in 2017, R&D investment in t*e country was **ly 1.2*% (WB, 2020), well </line>
<line> be*ow the target to be achieved. </line>
<line> This s*ructu** reflects t*e pos*tions **at Br*zil occupies in sev*ral rankings *elated to </line>
<line> the NIS. Two examples *** emblematic. **rst, the Global Innovation *n*ex - a ra*king of </line>
<line> c*un*ries based on their capa*ity and success in the field of inn*vation. In * univ**se of 131 </line>
<line> countr*es, in 2016 Brazil positioned its*lf in the 62*h place (CORNELL UNI*ERSITY, </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, T*re**na PI, v. 18, n. 9, art. *, p. 64-79, set. 2021 </line>
<line> www4.fs*net.co*.br/re*ista </line>
<line> J. *argas, A. N. Santos </line>
<line> 72 </line>
<line> INSEA* & W*PO, 2020). Second, The Glo*al Competitiveness Report 20*9 (G*R) (WEF, </line>
<line> 2019), in *hich th* country appears in t*e 7**t positio* in * ranking fr*m 141 c*untries. </line>
<line> Also noted in this *i*id *volut*on *f Brazil\s in*ovation system is **e in*o*mation </line>
<line> gat*ere* by the Atlas *f Economic Complexit* (201*). Considering *hat th* p*oducts made in </line>
<line> a socie*y ca* be used as a measure of knowled*e, the *co*omic com*lexity of a c*untry is </line>
<line> calcu*at*d ba*ed on the va*ie*y *f exp*rts produced in </line>
<line> comparison w*th *he n*mber *f </line>
<line> *ountri*s capable of *roducing *hem. From </line>
<line> *h*s derives t** Economic Comp*exity Index </line>
<line> (ECI), whi*h concerns * spe**fic overall given econom*. </line>
<line> In the co**arison be*w*en *995 and *0*8 - th* first and last d*ta available by the </line>
<line> Atlas, figures 2 and * sho*s which products are vi***e fo* expo*t from Brazil an*, m*re </line>
<line> *pecifically, the country\s diversification o*p*rtunities based on what it c*rrently exp*rts. </line>
<line> F*gur*s 2 and 3 - Opportunities fo* diver*ific*tion of B*azil b*sed on what *t ex**rts </line>
<line> B*azil - (19*5 *nd *0*8) (ECI) </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, *eres*na, v. 18, n. 9, art. 4, p. 64-79, set. **21 </line>
<line> www*.f*anet.com.br/re*ista </line>
<line> Bra*il and its Na*ional Syst*m of Innovation (Nis): Perspe*tives a*d Ch*llenges </line>
<line> *3 </line>
<line> Sour*e: A*las of Eco*omic Complexit* (2018). Note: The purple c*lor d*notes t*e chemicals and *lastics, while </line>
<line> the light b*ue colo* *efer* to t*e electronics. Bo**, in the authors\ view, are the two a*pects *n*lyzed by the Atlas </line>
<line> that h**e the most rel*tionship with NIS. </line>
<line> Figures 2 and 3 let eviden* the timid a**ances in absol*te **rms of Brazil and *ts </line>
<line> setback whe* c*mp*re* *o o*her c*unt*ies. *or exam*le, in * *niverse o* 1*2 n*tions, in 1995 </line>
<line> B*az*l wa* in the positi*n twenty-nine (with ECI of 0.*44), while in 2*18 it w*s the fiftie*h </line>
<line> *ositio* (with ECI of 0.16). Thi* a*tests how the countr* i* laggin* behind ot*er </line>
<line> econom*es </line>
<line> an* *oci*ti*s in *h* *echnological rac* and therefore on t*e path to impr*ving ou* </line>
<line> socioecon**ic performance. </line>
<line> After the a*sump*ions *f the e*olut*onary approach and *h* information **mpared </line>
<line> her* re*ealing the sc*nar*o *f in**vatio* in Brazil, it is observed that the*e is still muc* to be </line>
<line> d*n*. T*e medium and lon* ter* *la*ning and management of the Brazi*ian </line>
<line> innovation </line>
<line> s*stem can - and sho**d - be an *ssential co*po*ent of nationa* stra*egy of s*stained a </line>
<line> socioe*on*mic developme*t. Wha**ver *acroeco*omic poli*ies t* *e de*igned for the </line>
<line> co*ntry, it is nece**ary to take *nto account the importance of *echno*og* for i*s growth an* </line>
<line> dev*lopment, giv*n the increa*ing complexity an* interde*enden*e a**ng </line>
<line> internationa* </line>
<line> ec**omie*. It is in the lig** of this reali*y that in the next sect*on are *nalyzed *hallenges a*d </line>
<line> opportu*ities of B*azil and its *nnov*ti*n sys*em. </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Te**sin* P*, v. 1*, n. 9, art. 4, p. 6*-79, s*t. 2021 </line>
<line> www4.fs*net.com.br/revista </line>
<line> J. Vargas, A. N. Santos </line>
<line> 74 </line>
<line> A* expressed in the previous section, the actions of the innova*ion system a*e of t*e </line>
<line> typ* t*p-d*wn without the *ecognitio* of the** most p*omisi*g and *dvantageous niches. </line>
<line> Gover*ment *omes </line>
<line> in a** out; the </line>
<line> initiatives n*rmal*y fails to m*te*ialize in concrete </line>
<line> ad*ances. This co*sum*ated *n a structure of th* t*pe stop-and-go. Perhaps, *ore p*omising </line>
<line> was * smaller amou** of investments, provided w**h th* guarantee* of f*nancing *f the </line>
<line> propo*ed projects an* p*licies. </line>
<line> *he*e are many reas*ns f*r t*e *os* of space in *razil in i*su*s co*cerni*g t*e *IS, as </line>
<line> seen in this research. They range *ro* *he l*t* beginning of the *ountry in *mpleme*ting its </line>
<line> innovation system, through the prec*rious way in which t*is process took </line>
<line> pl*ce, to the </line>
<line> pr*b*ems *r*sing from the lo* *apa*it* of k*owledge abso*pti*n, new te**nologi**, e*c.. </line>
<line> It must be acknowledged that over time there have be** success ca*es (EM*RAPA, </line>
<line> EM*RAER and PETRO*RAS, for ex*mp*e), bu* *lso that *t is </line>
<line> not e**ugh to Brazil\s </line>
<line> numerous pote*tialities, vide, fo* example, the Ipea stu*y th*t *resents *he main results of the </line>
<line> mapping **o*ect of *he Br**ilian sci*ntif*c and technolog***l r*search *nf*astru*ture (DE </line>
<line> NEGRI a*d SQU**F, 2016). Th* conclusion is *hat: **ere *r* a fe* Brazilian institutions </line>
<line> capable *f ha*ne*si*g econo**e* *f *cale and scope th*t could increase *f***i*n*y of sci*ntific </line>
<line> *esearch in </line>
<line> the coun*ry. The most of </line>
<line> *ts *esearch infrastructure is made *p of small </line>
<line> laborator*es (spaces) </line>
<line> that d* </line>
<line> n*t s*em to be </line>
<line> able t* provide, by </line>
<line> themse*ves, the same </line>
<line> *ondit*ons of res**rch as in other *o*ntri*s. </line>
<line> Br*zil should **v*ew its S&T res*urce alloc*tio* p*li*y that has **ng </line>
<line> prio*itized </line>
<line> g*ea*er fragmenta*ion and m*y ha*e he*ped in th* creation of such a dissol*ed system, w*ich </line>
<line> caused li*tl* compet*tiveness. In th*s sens*, it is t*e c*se *f the s*lf-expla**tory exp*ession of </line>
<line> li*ited by design from Crow & *oz*man (1998), *hose d*fends *he t*esis that *ays *he NIS </line>
<line> is a r*sul* of po*i*y co*t**ts *n whi*h **ey a*e embedde* *ve* time. </line>
<line> Another aspect *h*t deserv** speci*l atte**ion on the national i*novation s*stem is </line>
<line> wha* concerns socia* </line>
<line> tec**ology (application of technology fo* so**al purposes). It s*ould </line>
<line> h*ve activ* participat*on of the State - in additio* *o *onventio*al technolog*es - when it </line>
<line> come* to the *ole of innovation fo* socioe*o*omi* development. This niche *s li*tle e*plored </line>
<line> a*d has *rea* pote*tial for improvi*g </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> life cond*tion* </line>
<line> of the Brazil*a* cit*zenship, </line>
<line> espe*ia*ly its most vuln*rable **r**on. </line>
<line> It is on the guide*ines of the so-call*d Inn*vati*n Law (BRASIL, 2004) that i* in it* </line>
<line> article 27 says: "VI - prom*te the developme*t *nd dissemi*ati*n of so*ial *echnolo*ies to </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, Teresina, v. 18, n. 9, *rt. 4, p. 64-79, set. 2021 www4.f*anet.*om.br/revista </line>
<line> Bra*il and its National S*stem of Inno*a*ion (Nis): *ersp*ctives a*d Chal*enges </line>
<line> 75 </line>
<line> and t* streng*hen the t*chnological exte*sion *or pro*uctive and socia* inclusion". In o**er to </line>
<line> comply with t*is orientation, there m*st be *n ar*iculation of the various agents involved in </line>
<line> the Brazilian S&T proc*ss, whic* include*: i*cubators, scientific in*ti*utions, *echnol*gy and </line>
<line> *n*ovatio* (*CTs), parks and *echnolog*c*l center* for innovatio*, etc. </line>
<line> An objective of the **no*at*on Law is to sti**late the socia* techno*ogi*s focus*d on </line>
<line> the problems </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> the ge*era* popu*a*ion. T* t*is *nd, financial re*ources are made availabl* </line>
<line> *nn*ally to pu*lic ed*cat*onal institut*ons, bu* there i* a la*k of c*arity in def*ni*g what the* </line>
<line> fi* as socia* technol*gies h*nde*s (or prevent*) the *udge* e*ecution of these resources. It c*n </line>
<line> be seen that the agen*s of *he national in*ovation system have hardl* wa*ched for this </line>
<line> opportu*ity, typical of the </line>
<line> 2*st century scenar*o, *hich in the NI* of </line>
<line> *he countries *it* </line>
<line> technologic*l *va*t-ga*d* *av* been re*eate*ly stimulated. </line>
<line> Based on the abo*e, i* is clear t*at *razil presents eno***u* *hall*n*es to co*so*idate </line>
<line> *ts in*ovation syst**. Th* la**es* of these is di*ectl* re*ated t* a structural transf*rmation </line>
<line> a*med at catchin* up with which only *onventi*nal *con*mic policies will be insufficient to </line>
<line> d* so. If this process occurs, it will *eces*a*ily be in a mo*e uncer*ain en*iron*ent - with th* </line>
<line> *ncreasingly complex *nd globalized *conomy a*d society - where inf*rmation, competence </line>
<line> to add </line>
<line> va*ue and ec*n*m*c integrat*on w*ll </line>
<line> be *he flagship* of econom*c *rowth and social </line>
<line> d*velopment. To *his en*, Brazil needs to *ccele*at* t*e s*ep i* *h* *uantitative an* qualitative </line>
<line> pr*motion *f knowle*g*, *n order to carry out its pr*jects. </line>
<line> However, given the *urren* Br*zilian and international conjuncture, it is hard to predi*t </line>
<line> *hat this w*ll b* the *ath fo*l*we*. It is ce*tain </line>
<line> that, whatever it </line>
<line> is, *t mu*t be c**ar that the </line>
<row> *razi*ian *nno*ation system l*cks adjustments to *o*tribute more efficiently a*d effective*y to </row>
<row> its s*c**econo*ic de*elopment. </row>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> FINAL CO*SIDE**TIONS </line>
<line> Ba*** on the evolu*ion*ry approach, *n this research we a*med to examine the growin* </line>
<row> importance of NIS f*r *ocioeconomic developme*t, focusing on th* Braz*lia* case. Br*zil </row>
<line> presents a h*ge contrast between its ec**o*y </line>
<line> *n* its society: *t is a***g the *en large*t </line>
<line> econo*ies </line>
<line> on *he pl*net a* t*e sa*e ti*e as in 2018 it was </line>
<line> in 79th place in th* *anking of </line>
<line> human developm**t of the United Nations (UNDP, 2019). Its most due to its socioec*n*mic </line>
<line> *ormation and political/insti*utional con*ucti*n thro*gh **me. </line>
<line> This *anorama *nd w*at i* expresses *ef*ects the count**\s contemporary *olitical- </line>
<line> institutional archit*cture, rev*aling that the challen*es to *m***ment a solid nation*l </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eresina *I, v. 18, n. 9, ar*. 4, p. *4-79, set. 2*21 ww*4.fsanet.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> J. Vargas, A. N. Santos </line>
<line> *6 </line>
<line> inno*ation s*st*m f*r soci*econ*mic de*elopment are </line>
<line> hug*, while </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> p*o*pects for this to </line>
<line> ha**en - at least in the short and medium ter* - *re n*t promisin*. Th* *ntense budge* cuts </line>
<line> an* *estraints in the R&D and C&T a*e** of the las* six years *re clear de*o*strations of this </line>
<line> reality. </line>
<line> As it is prop*r to innovation and techn*logy, *his unco***rtab*e situation does not </line>
<line> have to b* peren*ial. If it exists, there is nothing tha* determines it must pe*sist. The **vances </line>
<line> - although tim*d - in this ar*a c*rroborate this assumption. Perhaps wh*t **st can co*tribut* </line>
<line> t* * bet*er use of Br*zil\s *otential in </line>
<line> this field conce*ns the be*te* *rt*culat*on between </line>
<line> policies directl* and indire**ly *elated t* it, with the rec*gniti*n o* its most a*s*icious an* </line>
<line> a*v*ntageous n*ches. These should be st**ula*ed and implemented deli*er*tely by all **e*ts </line>
<line> (i**l*ding *y th* State, *i*h elaboration, impleme*tation, con*rol *n* evaluati*n of p*blic </line>
<line> polici*s impleme*ted), establi*hi*g itself especially orient*d to it. </line>
<line> Th**efore, it is nec*s*ary to reflect and act a*ound the **tentialities a*d limitations of </line>
<line> the Brazilian inn*vation sy*tem, as **ll as for *ts impr*veme*t. ** this sense, it is a*so ur*ent </line>
<line> *o re*lect and act *n *h* social role of inno*ation. ** i* </line>
<line> certain that such a system lacks </line>
<line> adjustments so tha* it can cont*ibu*e more effectiv*l* to t** na*i*nal so*ioeconomic </line>
<line> development, e*pecially in the face of the econ*my and *ociety of *h* *1*t c*n*u*y, which are </line>
<line> increasingl* *omp*ex and *lobaliz*d. </line>
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<line> Contribu*ção *os Autores </line>
<line> J. Varg*s </line>
<line> A. N. *an*os </line>
<line> 1) conc*pção e planejam*nto. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 2) an*li*e e i*terpreta*ão *os *ados. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 3) elaboração do *asc*nho o* na revi*ã* crítica do conteúdo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) pa*ticipaç*o n* apro*a*ão da versão fin*l do manus*rito. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eres*na PI, v. 18, n. 9, art. 4, p. 64-7*, set. 2021 </line>
<line> www4.f*anet.com.br/r*vista </line>


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