<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *1, n. 8, art. 7, p. 152-173, a*o. *02* </line>
<line> ISSN Impresso: 1*06-6356 IS*N Elet*ônico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/202*.21.8.7 </line>
<line> Pa*sive Transparency in Brazilian *u*iciary an* th* Socio-**ucational Mea**res in Pande*ic </line>
<line> Transpar*ncia *a*siva no Ju*iciário Bras**eiro * as Medida* Soc*oeduc*t*vas na P*ndemia </line>
<line> Ana Cláudia d* So*za Valente </line>
<line> Dout***do em Admi*istração pela U*iversida*e de Brasíli* </line>
<line> Mestra em Direit* pe*o Centro Univer*itário de *ra*ília </line>
<line> Pro**ssora d* Pr*grama de Pós-*r**uação do *EAD/UnB </line>
<line> E-mail: ana*l*udias.val*nte@gmail.co* </line>
<line> Bruna Hamerski </line>
<line> Do*tor*do em Adminis*raç*o d* Univ*rsidade d* Es*a*o de Santa *ata*ina </line>
<line> Mestrado e* Sociologia e Ciência Política *ela Pontifícia *n*v*r*id*de Ca*óli** do Rio Grande do S*l </line>
<line> *-mail: *ruh_hamers*i@hotmai*.*o* </line>
<line> Leonardo Secchi </line>
<line> Doutor*do em S*u*i Politic* "*s*itu*ioni e Po*itiche Pub**iche" Uni*ersità *egli Stud* di Mi*ano </line>
<line> Profe*sor titu*ar da U*iversida** do Estado *e Santa Catari*a (Ud*s*/Esag), vinculado (PPGA/*s*g/Udesc) </line>
<line> *-mail: le**ardo.s*cchi@udesc.br </line>
<line> Endereç*: Ana Cl**dia de Souza Valente </line>
<line> Edit*r-Chefe: </line>
<line> D*. </line>
<line> Tonny </line>
<line> Kerley </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> Alencar </line>
<line> U*ivers*d*de de Bras*lia, Campu* Uni*e*sit*rio Darcy </line>
<line> Rod*igues </line>
<line> Ribeiro, Brasíl*a-DF, CEP 70*10-9*0. *rasil. </line>
<line> *ndereço: Bruna Hamer*ki </line>
<line> Artigo r*ce**do em </line>
<line> 26/*3/2024. *ltima </line>
<line> *e*são </line>
<row> A*. Madre Benvenuta, 2*07, I*acorubi, Floria*ópolis-SC, </row>
<row> CEP: 88.0*5-**1. B*asil. </row>
<row> Ende*eço: Leonard* Sec*hi </row>
<row> Universi*ade do Esta*o de Santa Catarina,,Escola </row>
<row> Su*er*or *e Administração e Gerência. A*. Madre </row>
<row> *env*nuta, 2037, Itacorubi, Flori*nópolis, SC, *EP: </row>
<row> r*cebida em *7/05/2024. Aprovado em 28/05/2024. </row>
<row> *valiado p**o sistema Triple Review: a) Desk *e**ew </row>
<row> *elo Edit**-Che*e; e *) D**ble Blind *eview </row>
<row> (*valiaçã* cega por doi* a*aliado*es da área). </row>
<line> 88035001. Brasi*. </line>
<line> R*v*são: Gramati*al, Normativa </line>
<line> e d* F**m*t**ão </line>
<line> Passive Tr*nsparency in Braz*li*n Jud*ciary an* the Socio-*ducati*nal Measures in Pandemic </line>
<line> 153 </line>
<line> ABSTRACT </line>
<line> ** speak </line>
<line> of citize* participation in public *o*icies im*lies disc*s*i*g </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> different ways in </line>
<line> which s*ciety ca* h*ve access to or inter*ere in t*e *ontent of administrativ* dec*sions made </line>
<line> *y t*e Public Po*er. When it c*mes to a*c*ss ** inf*r*a**on, it ca* be s*i* *hat *his *l*ment </line>
<line> *elon*s to the fie*d ** passiv* trans*arency, **i*h takes pla*e, in Brazil, primarily, thr*ugh </line>
<line> the Access to Information Law (L*I). This paper sought </line>
<line> to inves*igate how passive </line>
<line> transparency o*curs i* the sphere of the Judi*iary, spec*fic*lly ab*u* the s*cio-educational </line>
<line> measu**s </line>
<line> of *dmission a*d substituti*n for measures </line>
<line> in </line>
<line> the open environment, **e </line>
<line> t o t he </line>
<line> pandemic c*used by the SARS-CoV-2 *orona*irus. Through docu*entary analysis and </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> survey a*plicat*on, c*mpliance with CNJ Reco*mendat*on 62/2020 w*s analyzed, *hich </line>
<line> *eter*ined s*ecific rules about the *ocio-educational m*as*res of </line>
<line> admiss*on during the </line>
<line> pandem*c. For this pu*pose, question* were develope* with the LAI suppor* *nd forwarded *o </line>
<line> the Brazili*n Courts of Justice th*o*gh the*r *ebsites, aiming to und*rstand ho* compliance </line>
<line> (or lac* the*e**) with the resolu*ion in *uestion h*s occur*ed. The results show tha* th*r* are </line>
<line> *till chal*enges to guarant*ei*g pas*ive transpa*en*y, wit* barrier* th*t weaken access ** </line>
<line> informa**on, making it di*f*cult to mon*tor *he **diciary's action*. </line>
<line> K*ywords: Democracy. Transp*rency. Passi*e transparen*y. Socio-e*ucational *ys*em. </line>
<line> A*cess t* information. </line>
<line> *ESUMO </line>
<line> *alar em participaç*o cid*dã *as p*líticas púb*icas im*lica *i*cutir as dif*r*nt*s *orma* pelas </line>
<line> qua*s a socied*de pode *er acesso *u interferir no </line>
<line> conteú*o das decis*es admin*strativas </line>
<line> do </line>
<line> Poder </line>
<line> Púb**co. Quando se *rata de a*esso à informação, pode-se dizer que </line>
<line> e*se element* </line>
<line> perte**e a* campo da trans*arênci* **ssiva, *ue se dá, n* Brasil, prioritar*amen*e, *or meio </line>
<line> *a *ei *e Ac*sso à *n*ormação (LAI). Este artigo </line>
<line> buscou i*vestigar como **orre </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> transparê*cia passiva *a es*era do **d*ciário, esp*cificame*te sobre as medi*as </line>
<line> *ocioeducativas de admiss*o e s*bstitu*ção de medid*s em </line>
<line> ambien** aberto, *m decorr*ncia </line>
<line> d* pandemia causada </line>
<line> pelo Coronav*rus SA**-CoV-2. Por mei* </line>
<line> de aná*i** *o*u*enta* </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> *plica*ão de questi*nár*os, **i analisad* o cumprimento da Recomendação *NJ *2/2*20, que </line>
<line> determinou normas esp*cíficas </line>
<line> sob*e as medidas socioedu*a*iv*s de *nternamen*o d*ran*e </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> *andemia. Para t*n*o, foram desenvolvid*s questões com o apoi* da *A* e encam*nha*as aos </line>
<line> Tri**na*s *e Justiça b*a*ileiros por meio d* seu* ****s, visan*o compreender como tem </line>
<line> *corrido o cumprimento (ou não) da resolu**o em questã*. *s *esulta*os mostr*m q*e ai*d* </line>
<line> *xiste* d*safios **ra garanti* a transparência pass*va, com barr**ra* q*e fr*gilizam o acesso à </line>
<line> *nformaçã*, difi*ultando o mo**toramento d* atuação do J*diciário. </line>
<line> P*lav*as-*h*ve: *emocracia. Tran**a*ência. Transpa*ê**ia pass*va. Si*tem* socioe*ucat**o. </line>
<line> *cesso a inf**mação. </line>
<line> **v. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 21, *. 8, art. 7, p. *52-*73, ago. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> A. *. S. Valente, B. H*m*rs*i, L. S*cchi </line>
<line> 154 </line>
<line> * INTR*DUCTION </line>
<line> The w**k **med to i*vestigate how the *razil*an J*diciary1 r*spond*d *o d**ands *or </line>
<line> transparency duri*g th* Covid-19 pande*i*, spe*ific**ly regardi*g the f**fill**nt of Nat*o*al </line>
<line> *o*ncil of Justice (CNJ)2 *ecommendation N*. *2/*020. I* st*rte* wi*h the discus*io* </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> *assiv* tra***arency c*ncerning a*ces* to information in the judiciary regarding soc*o- </line>
<line> edu*ational measures during the *andemic period. </line>
<line> Retur*ing to the debate on ci*izen par*icipation and its *ar**us form*, i* is not*d that </line>
<line> t*ere are c*se* i* w*ich s*ciety do*s no* e*erci*e any type of inte*vention in pub*ic po**cies, </line>
<line> **t *as a**ess to w*a* is bein* decided. In this c*se, *e ar* ta*king *bo*t transparency and </line>
<line> public data d*scl**u*e (Oliveira & Ckag*a*arof, 2023). **ving forward in t*e level </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> in*ervention, ther* *re case* in *h*ch so*iety </line>
<line> ca* "co*t*ol" the d*cisions of govern*ng </line>
<line> auth**ities, t**ing a*vantage of *h* existin* rules to pu* the State *n a *osition o* submiss*on </line>
<line> to *h* c*tizen, co*troller of *ts ac*s (Siraque, 2009). Here, we are talk*ng about soc*al *ont*ol. </line>
<line> H*wever, whe* socie*y int*rferes in </line>
<line> publ i c </line>
<line> policies, it speak* o* effective </line>
<line> ci*izen </line>
<line> participat*on, whi** can o*cur through the *epr*senta**ve, deliberative o* par*icipat**y model. </line>
<line> Firs*, society el*cts represent*t*ves who will *ake *h* *ecision* (Schumpeter, 1961). S*cond, </line>
<line> the St*te sh*ul* mak* decisions af*er r**lec*ion and/or debat* with so*iety (*aberm*s, **97). </line>
<line> Third, the </line>
<line> decisions made by the State sho*ld be dire*tly link*d to t*e demands *f *ivi* </line>
<line> Society (P*teman, 1*92). </line>
<line> *n thi* *ork, *t is of inter*st to *nv**tigat* t*e cases </line>
<line> in *hi*h Society may demand </line>
<line> information from the Sta**, w*ich has a l*g*l dea*line to </line>
<line> provide it (C*ntra, 2016). Whe* it </line>
<line> co*e* to t**n*parency, theref**e, t*ere are tw* *y*es: *c*ive tran*par*n*y, wh*ch is </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> infor*ation *lready made availabl* on electronic *ites by t*e government, *nd passiv* </line>
<line> transpa*ency, wh**h is when societ* req*ests this i*formation from t*e state. </line>
<line> The J*dicia**'s performance is an illustrative case for this study. Du**ng th* Cov*d-19 </line>
<line> *andemic, several documents w*re pre*ared to ensure not only the safety bu* als* th* hea*th, </line>
<row> 1 </row>
<row> *he Judic*ary is one of the t**ee po***s that m*ke up the Braz**ia* State. It has *he role of ju*ging, according </row>
<row> *o the law, confli*ts between *itiz*ns, entities an* the State. *t is *p to the Judi*iary to int*rpret the laws a*d </row>
<row> apply t*e La* in the judicial proc*edings *ha* *re *ddress*d t* them. The Fede*al C*nstitution of Braz** </row>
<row> guarantees every ci*iz*n the right to provoke Ju*tice f*r the sol*ti*n of disputes. </row>
<row> h*tp*://international.stj.jus.br/pt/Pode*-Judic*ari*- </row>
<row> B*asil**ro#:~:tex*=%E*%80%*B%E2%80%8BO%20**der%20Judici%C3%A1rio,*ud*ciais%20que%20lhes% </row>
<row> 20*%C*%A3o%20endere%C3%A7ado*. </row>
<line> * T*e *ational C**ncil o* Justice (CNJ) is * pu*lic inst*tution tha* aims *o improve the work of the Brazilian </line>
<line> Judiciary, especial*y w*th re*ard to *o*trol and *dm*nistrative and pr*cedura* *ransparency. </line>
<line> htt*s://*ww.cnj.*us.br/sobre-o-c*j/quem-somo*/. </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, Teresin*, v. 21, n.8, art. 7, p. 152-17*, ago. *0*4 w*w4.fsanet.co*.b*/revista </line>
<line> *assive Transparency *n Brazilian Judiciary a*d t*e So*io-*ducationa* Measures *n Pan*emic </line>
<line> 155 </line>
<line> protection, a*d di*nity of people depr*ve* of libert* an* working in places of deten*ion, </line>
<line> in*icating the need to improve preven*ion and contro* m*as*res in closed env*ro*ments </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> *nc*ease access to </line>
<line> *ealt* *e**ices (Valente & Sauerbronn, 20*2). In the socio-ed*cational </line>
<line> area, on March 17, 2020, t*e C*J issued *ecommendation No. 62 to guide the *ourts </line>
<line> a*d </line>
<line> ma*istrat** on p*eventiv* m*asures *ga*nst *he spread o* the cor*n*vi*us i* the criminal and </line>
<line> *ocio-education*l justice systems. Therefo*e, *he q*estion *ris*s as t* the effe*tive ful*i*lment </line>
<line> of what is stated in the rec*mm*n*ati*n. </line>
<line> According to t*e Access to In*or*a*io* Law (*AI), p**li* institut*ons *ust submit </line>
<line> informa*ion and respond to reque**s for acce*s to informati*n wh***ver </line>
<line> dema*de* (CGU, </line>
<line> 2011; CGU, 2019; Eg*ers, 201*; Mendonça, 2*21; O*ive*ra & *astell*, 2019; *aes, 2011). </line>
<line> Research*s signal the challen*es of tr*nspar*ncy in the Brazilian j*stice system (Angélico et </line>
<line> al., 2*17; Rodrig*es, 2019; Teixeira, 2*17). However, fe* fin*ing* on a*cess to inf**mation </line>
<line> in the C*urts of Justice have bee* found (Frei** & Vie*ra, 2021; S*lva, 2021), ab*ve *ll, </line>
<line> on </line>
<line> pa*sive tr*nsparency in the act* of the socio-edu*ation*l **el*. </line>
<line> Wit* the f**egoing in mind, th* cur**nt study sought to examine the Judici*ry's </line>
<line> response to dem*nds for pass*ve transpa*ency concern*n* the fulfi*lmen* *f CNJ </line>
<line> R*c*mmend*tion No. </line>
<line> 62/2020. Conseque*t*y, *** *nves*igation aimed to de*ineate *he </line>
<line> *onstituents of the *nfor*a*ion Access Law (LAI) pertai*in* to passi*e t**nsp*rency, solicit </line>
<line> informat*on fr*m *he courts regarding R*comme*dati*n No. 62/2020, a*d </line>
<line> *sc**tain *hei* </line>
<line> respective stances on providing the r*ques*ed informati*n. Prio* to delving int* *he*e aspects, </line>
<line> howe*er, a comprehens*ve presentation of the theo*etic** framework underpinning the *u*jec* </line>
<line> matte* addressed in this resea*ch shall b* provided. </line>
<line> 2 THEORET**AL REFEREN*E </line>
<line> 2.1 From transparency to citizens' pa*ticipation </line>
<line> In Latin Ameri*a, talking about citizen *articipation is not an *asy ta*k. </line>
<line> In part, </line>
<line> mome*t* o* **tra*tio* and expa*sion of public policies influence the intensity *f p*rticipation </line>
<line> (Côrtes, 20*5). I* </line>
<line> part, because, despite severa* *tudies ** **e *ubjec* (A*rit*er & Costa </line>
<line> 2004; **ritzer, 20*8; Tatag*ba, 2004; *lm*ida & Tatagiba, 2*12; Ventura, 2016; Gohn, </line>
<line> 201*; Pogre*in*chi, 2021; Pogrebi*schi & Ros*, 2*21), the*e is no consensu* in the literature </line>
<line> on how best to imple*ent p*rtic*patio* too*s. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Ter*sina PI, v. *1, n. *, art. 7, p. 152-173, ago. 202* www4.fsanet.com.br/revist* </line>
<line> A. C. S. **lente, B. Hame*ski, *. Secc*i </line>
<line> 1*6 </line>
<line> *e*pit* t*e existence o* challenges r**ardin* cit**en particip*tion in pu*lic </line>
<line> policies, </line>
<line> se*eral pa*ticip*tion tools have been create*, f**m the avai*abili*y of info*mati*n *o effective </line>
<line> participation. W*en ** *alk about the availa*ility of informatio*, w* call it t*anspar*ncy. Th* </line>
<line> A**in*stratio* must pr*vide access t* reco*** and inf*rmation about gove*nmental *cts. </line>
<line> Thus, access *o info*m**ion is two-dimens*onal, i* o*her words, there *s the du*y of activ* and </line>
<line> spontaneous t*ansparency of the state and *he duty of passive transpar*ncy, which occur* </line>
<line> when a p*rson ex*rci*es </line>
<line> the right de*and c*r*ain info*mation from the state, *h*ch must *o </line>
<line> res*on* in the legal form *nd deadline (Cintra, *016). </line>
<line> An*ther asp*ct *f participation is soc*al contr*l, def*n*d by Brav* and Co*rei* (2012) </line>
<line> as a "control of soc*e*y o*er the Sta*e," mor* preci*ely over its acts. We diffe*en*iate citize* </line>
<line> p*rtic*pation *ro* soc*al control, which me*ns that participa*ion is a kind of *ollaboration in </line>
<line> *he decisions a*d *ormation of sta*e legal norm*, and *ontrol is a *ay to **ke advantage </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> previous*y </line>
<line> elaborat*d rule* *o sub*it the state to </line>
<line> *he position of *ubmission to the citizen, </line>
<line> control*er of its acts (Si*aque, 2009). </line>
<line> Moving forward, representative, del**era**ve, and participatory d*mo**acy s*and out. </line>
<line> In a representative </line>
<line> democracy, democracy is procedure for ch*os*n* rep*esentatives, a </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> c*ncept wid*ly a*opted for </line>
<line> its simplicity in deali*g with many voters, with Schump*ter </line>
<line> (19*3) *s *ts main aut*or. *or Schumpeter, "[...] demo*racy is a pol**ical met*o*, that is, </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> ce*tain **pe of institutional *r*angement to reach a polit*cal *ecision (legislative </line>
<line> or </line>
<line> ad*inis*rative)" (*chumpe*er, 1961, pp. 295-296). </line>
<line> In deliberative democracy, politics involves negot*ation and argument*tion, an* th*re </line>
<line> is a *e** to *sta*lish a joint plan of action. Langua*e is u*ed to obtai* mut*al *n*erstanding, </line>
<line> through </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> infl*enc* o* on* </line>
<line> over **e o*her (Habermas, *997). T**s, it con*ists of d*ci*ion- </line>
<line> ma*ing after reflection o* c**sultation. More i*por*ant than co*sultation is reflection (*ic*o, </line>
<line> 2*23; Habermas, 1997). Final*y, partici*atory demo*racy places participation in a </line>
<line> *road*r </line>
<line> cont*xt, s*ating that it ** possibl* to c*nsider the </line>
<line> par*icipation of or*inary citize*s as cen*ral </line>
<line> (Pate**n, 1992). </line>
<line> It r*mains to be understo*d how *he *i*fere*t f*rms of participat*on mate**aliz* in the </line>
<line> s**eres of power. In *he *egi*la*ive B*anc*, par*icipatio* is m*terialized th*oug* the vote or </line>
<line> usi*g p*pular initiati*es </line>
<line> and ref*renda. In the E*e*utive </line>
<line> branch, t*rough participato*y </line>
<line> inst*uments of decis*on, consultation, and </line>
<line> **ntrol, s*ch as **uncils (Per*z, 200*). In t*e </line>
<line> Judi*iary, it can *ccu* thr*ugh popular juries, c*l*ect*ve w**ts of *an*amu*, and </line>
<line> popula* </line>
<line> act*ons, wi** the fi*ure of the "am*cus </line>
<line> cu*iae" (i* w**ch organs or enti***s tha* are </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, *eresina, v. 2*, n.8, art. 7, p. 152-173, ago. *024 </line>
<line> ww*4.f*a*et.com.b*/r**ista </line>
<line> Pass*ve Transp*rency in Br*zilian Judiciary and the Soc*o-Educ*tional Me**ures i* Pa*demic </line>
<line> 157 </line>
<line> represen*ativ* of so*iety will hav* th* right to speak on t*e </line>
<line> record to the ext**t of the </line>
<line> relevance o* the disc*ssion), *r public h*arings (Santos, 1*88). </line>
<line> In all sphere* *f power, the LAI *an be </line>
<line> *s** as a *o*l **r pa*siv* **ansparency, </line>
<line> allo*ing any citizen to reque** </line>
<line> information. Un*erstanding t*e passive *ranspa*ency in the </line>
<line> f*amework of LAI about the j*diciary's ful**llment of socio-educat*onal measures during the </line>
<line> *and**ic is ne*essary. Next, the rela*ionship between access </line>
<line> *o information </line>
<line> a*d </line>
<line> pa*sive </line>
<line> tr*nsparency will *e **scussed to c*mprehend the Judicia*y's role in the democratic process as </line>
<line> a promoter of *a*sive transpare*cy when trigg**e* by *itiz**s, except in cases invo*vi*g legal </line>
<line> prohibitions. </line>
<line> 2.2 Ac*ess t* informatio* as a mec*a*ism of passive transparency i* th* Judiciary </line>
<line> An *ff*c*ive means *f implementi** passi** t*ansparency i* by ensuring access to </line>
<line> inf*r*ati*n. In Br**il, the normative framework was *sta*lishe* with *he ena**m*nt of the </line>
<line> Federal Constitution of 1988, *h*ch guaran*eed th* r*ght of ev*r*one to rec*ive informa*ion </line>
<line> from p*blic agen*ies, as long as it is </line>
<line> not *onf****tial or i*s disclosure </line>
<line> *oes *ot *ntail high </line>
<line> costs (Braz*l, 1988). **wever, it was only in </line>
<line> 2011 that *aw No. 12.527/2011 (LAI) was </line>
<line> en**ted, pro*iding r**u*a*ory norms for *his righ*. Despi*e *he *x*stence o* *egislation, </line>
<line> num*ro*s </line>
<line> challe*ges arise in the </line>
<line> implementat*on o* acces* t* in*ormation, especi*l*y within </line>
<line> th* Judiciary, wh**h hinde*s passiv* **ansparency i* i** act**ns. </line>
<line> I* this context, sin*e t*e LAI and acc*ss to informat*on operationalization ar* *ecent i* </line>
<line> B*azi*, th* literature points out chall*nges to passive transparency an*, i* the case o* access to </line>
<line> i*formation, the *bstacles ca* *nly be overcome *hrough the effec*iv*ness *nd application of </line>
<line> existing me*h*nisms, such as the LAI, ombudsman office* or inf*rmation acces* p**tals that </line>
<line> effe*ti*ely re**o*d to the re*uests fo* access to i*format**n ma*e (*entura, 2016). </line>
<line> O*e of *he *irst studies that e**mined the LAI from *he perspective o* passive </line>
<line> tran*parenc* in *he Brazilia* Judi*iary is from 2014 *nd *ound that only a few courts ap*lied </line>
<line> th* legislation (Warmling et al., 2014). The matter ga*ne* vi*ibility with the increase of </line>
<line> information a*d communic*tion te**nologies, arousing other r*se*rchers, which </line>
<line> v*r*fied </line>
<line> *h e </line>
<line> *mplement*tion of *AI in the </line>
<line> port*l* of the Cou**s of J*stice, noti*g that the L*I *as </line>
<line> imp*eme*ted incipiently *oncerning *assive tran*par*ncy (Oliveira & Dinarte, 2015). </line>
<line> Meanwhile, the *our*s must interpret the cases involving LAI; the* are the pa*s*ve </line>
<line> subje*t* that mus* </line>
<line> obey its dict*tes. Howeve*, *t was the *o*t </line>
<line> clo*ed and opaque </line>
<line> *ower </line>
<line> concern*ng acces* to information (Hija, 2015; Te*xeira, 2017). The jud*cia*y r*sistance to </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, T*resina *I, v. *1, n. *, ar*. 7, p. 152-173, ago. 2024 www4.fsane*.c*m.b*/revista </line>
<line> *. C. S. Valente, B. Hamerski, L. *ecc*i </line>
<line> 15* </line>
<line> b*nding to the n*rm* of acces* to info**ation </line>
<line> ha* </line>
<line> a*so been seen *n research that compa**d </line>
<line> the level o* </line>
<line> passive trans*arenc* in t*e organs of the three branc*e* (Drehm*r & Ra*pp, </line>
<line> 2018) and tha* dem*nstrated the *xcess**e fo*m***sm an* the *u*eauc*atic structure of </line>
<line> *h e </line>
<line> Jud*ciary, little committed to the provision of i*form*ti*n (Cruz & Zuccolot*o, 2021). </line>
<line> T*erefor*, the *ud*ciary is the most res*stant *o the approach to society, which is why </line>
<line> th* discussion about the need </line>
<line> to ex*and a**ess to </line>
<line> information </line>
<line> in the judic*ary, especially, </line>
<line> regarding transparency (Santana & Pa*plona, 2019) </line>
<line> has *ained *tre*gth. D**pi*e </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> *riticis*, there </line>
<line> are *nstruments of participation and creation of bodies that *ontemplate t** </line>
<line> judi*iary, such </line>
<line> as th* CNJ, TV Justice, Radio Justice, Soci*l Netw**ks, and Ombu*sman </line>
<line> *ffice*. </line>
<line> *oreo*er, Article 3 of the L*I establishe* principles such as the observ***e of </line>
<line> publici** as a general precept and se*r*cy as a* excepti*n; t*e spontaneous disclosu*e of </line>
<line> information of public intere*t on their *orta**; the use of means *f communication made </line>
<line> possible b* informati*n technology; the pr*motion </line>
<line> of a cult*re ** transparency *n public </line>
<line> administrat*on; and *he de*elopm*nt of social control of p*b*ic administration (Br*zil, 2011). </line>
<line> Also, the LAI states th*t i* is the citiz*n's righ* to obtain informati*n a**ut activi*ie* </line>
<line> performed *y agen*ies and </line>
<line> entities, includin* </line>
<line> t*os* relat*ng *o its policy, </line>
<line> *rganization, and </line>
<line> s**vic*s, *nd that any </line>
<line> *nte*ested </line>
<line> party *ay </line>
<line> submit a request fo* acc*ss to </line>
<line> informa*ion </line>
<line> to </line>
<line> *g*ncies and entities, by *ny l*gitimate means and the reques* must *on*ain the i*entificati*n </line>
<line> of the reques*er *nd t*e specific*ti*n *f </line>
<line> the *nformation required, being s*re *hat </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> ap*l*cant's s*ecificatio* of the req*ester ca*n*t include r**uirements tha* make the request </line>
<line> un*easible (Br*zil, **11). </line>
<line> As for the response tim*, the LAI d**ermines t*a* th* public *o*y or *ntity must </line>
<line> auth*rize or grant immediate access to the i*for*ation available. Unabl* ** imm*diat*ly </line>
<line> provide acce*s, *he *ublic body or entity that receives the reques* m*st grant access within a </line>
<line> per*od not excee*ing t*ent* days, which may then be ext*nded f*r add*tional t*n days *pon </line>
<line> expres* jus**fica*ion, of w*i*h t*e *pplic*nt wi*l be </line>
<line> n*tified. It necessary is </line>
<line> ** indic*t* </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> factual o* legal re*sons for the </line>
<line> *otal or par*ial refusal </line>
<line> of the desired *ccess (B*azi*, </line>
<line> 2011). </line>
<line> Fur*hermo*e, t*e LAI dete*mines that it is *ecessary for public i*stit*tions, w*en requested, to </line>
<line> *ndicate to the </line>
<line> citizen re*uestin* *nfor*ati*n the correct pla** to search for the desired </line>
<line> infor*ation, *h*never </line>
<line> they are not respo**ible for that *nformation.. However, despite </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> principle* and determ**ations contai*ed ** the LAI and the </line>
<line> no*ms </line>
<line> of the CNJ, so*i*l </line>
<line> p*rt**ip*tion *ith*n th* Judici*ry, re**rding the *o*tr*l of its acts, st*ll </line>
<line> *ack* adjustments, </line>
<line> *hich has already been exp*rienced in p*eviou* research an* w*ll be co*firmed below. </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, *eresina, v. 21, n.8, art. 7, p. *5*-173, ago. *024 www4.f*anet.com.b*/revi**a </line>
<line> Pa*si*e Tr*n**arency in Brazili*n Judiciary and th* Socio-Educat*onal Me*sures in Pa**emic </line>
<line> 159 </line>
<line> *he Cov*d-19 p*ndemic made social *r*blems visibl*, *mong which *re *he </line>
<line> precariou* con*i*ion* </line>
<line> *f inpa*ient units in Brazil. In this cont*xt, the first g*ideli*e* f*om </line>
<line> world health *uth**it*es were social distancing, </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> us* of masks, and hand *anitization as </line>
<line> **ecaut*ons to conta*n t*e spread of the *isea*e. As for *he spaces of depr*va*ion of liberty, *he </line>
<line> WH*- *orl* Health O*ganizati*n (202*) *ein*orced that stat*s were </line>
<line> require* *o ensure th* </line>
<line> safety, health, protection, and *uman d*gn*ty of *eople </line>
<line> depr*ved *f freedom an* working in </line>
<line> p*aces of detention, *ndicati*g the n*ed ** improve prevent*on **d con*rol measures i* *losed </line>
<line> enviro*ments and increase ac*ess to *uality h*alth servic*s (Valente & *auerbron*, 2022). </line>
<line> On Marc* 17, 20*0, t*e CNJ *ssued R*com**nda*i*n N*. 62 to guid* cou*ts and </line>
<line> magist*ates regarding the </line>
<line> prevention measures *n the *riminal and socio-educationa* jus***e </line>
<line> systems. The *ecommendation took into account the context of the virus di*semination, *he </line>
<line> pr*fere*t*al *ncidence of op*n </line>
<line> social-ed*catio**l prac*ices, a*d the *eview of </line>
<line> judicial </line>
<line> decisio*s on </line>
<line> p*ovision** internment, the reeva*uati*n </line>
<line> of social-*du*ational </line>
<line> measures of </line>
<line> d*tention and s*mi-f*eedo*, for eventual repl*c*ment by the semi-open r*gime, *uspension o* </line>
<line> orders </line>
<line> or gra**ing of remission. In other w**ds, t*e recommen*ati*n sought *o reduce th* </line>
<line> number of adol*s*ents in *ri*on by reducing *he f*ow *f *eo*le in deten*ion units. </line>
<line> *n t*is c*ntext, *nf*r*ation from the Brazilian Courts of Ju*ti** was *e*uested </line>
<line> regardin* the "acts o* the Cou*t" and the "acts of other institutions" of the so*ial-educational </line>
<line> sy*tem, such as the Exe*utive. </line>
<line> The B*a*ili*n *udiciary is mad* *p of *iv* seg*ents of justi*e, na*ely: Sta** Justic* </line>
<line> *n* Federal Justice, which are part of the Common Justice, **d Labor Jus*ice, E*ectora* </line>
<line> Justice and Mi*itary Jus*ic*, whi** are part *f the Spe**al Justice (CNJ, 2023). These </line>
<line> seg*ents are distribu*ed across </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> 26 Braz*lia* s*ates plu* the Federal District. In this </line>
<line> r**e*rch, qu*stio**aires wer* sent *y electronic me***ge *nly to t*e S*ate Co*rts of Justice *f </line>
<line> the ** Brazili*n States and th* Fed**al D*s*ric*, through the electronic portals o* eac* Co*rt. </line>
<line> *he resp**s** w*re cataloged in a* Excel table and t*e***d *c*ording *o </line>
<line> each r*search </line>
<line> objective. </line>
<line> T*e questions h*d a* assumptions some elements that *re present in LAI, nam*ly </line>
<line> public agenc*e* mu*t </line>
<line> disclose in*ormation in an eas*ly accessib*e plac*; </line>
<line> t he y </line>
<line> must **ve </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> content se*r*h </line>
<line> too* tha* allows acc**s </line>
<line> *o informati*n objectiv*ly a*d *ra*sparentl*; *ny </line>
<line> inte*ested pa*ty *ay submit </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> re*uest for *cce*s to *nformat*on; the identification of </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> request*r cannot cont*in *equire*ents that requ*st inf*rmati*n u*fe*sible; *gencies **st </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, Teresina PI, *. 21, n. 8, art. 7, p. 152-173, ago. 20*4 w*w4.fsane*.com.br/*evist* </line>
<line> A. C. S. *alente, B. H*mer*ki, L. Secchi </line>
<line> *60 </line>
<line> p*ovid* a* alt*r**ti*e for *c**ss r*quests th**ug* their official webs*t*s; they mu** make </line>
<line> i*forma**on available immedi*tely or wit*in 20 (twent*) days; the organs *ust **dicate the </line>
<line> factual or legal reasons *or **e total or parti*l refu*al of the *esired acce*s; the organs must </line>
<line> communi**t* that they *o not have the *nformation, if *cknow*edged, the organ or en*ity tha* </line>
<line> h*lds *t, or, further, forward the *equ*st to *hat orga* or en*ity, *nfor*ing the interest*d party </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> the f*rwar*ing of his req*e*t fo* information; *he *equester must b* infor**d **out the </line>
<line> possibilit* of appeal, deadlin*s and *ondi*ions for its interposi*ion, a*d the competent </line>
<line> author*ty for its consid*r*tion must a*so b* indic*ted (*razil, 20*1, art. 8 to 1*). Based on the </line>
<line> above </line>
<line> *ssumptions, six questio*s wer* prepared for the *ourts, sent through t*e use of LAI, </line>
<line> a*d *ill </line>
<line> be p*esen*ed in the *ollow*ng table, foll*wed by t*e reason *hy each one was </line>
<line> req*este*. </line>
<row> Table *1 - LAI requested i*formation and **s purpose in the pr*sent study </row>
<line> Info </line>
<line> Target </line>
<line> *o kno* if t*ey prefer the decree of open social and </line>
<row> Amount of review of court de*isions *f this JW *h*t ordered </row>
<row> provisional d*te*tion be*ween 20*8 and 2*2*, separa**ly by </row>
<row> year. </row>
<row> Amo*nt of subs*i*ution of *easures of res*riction of </row>
<row> freedom or s**i-l*be*ty for open mea**res between 20*7 </row>
<row> and 20*1, se*aratel* by year. </row>
<row> Number of teenage*s co*tami*a*ed by *o*id-*9 and servers </row>
<row> 20*0 and 2021. </row>
<row> The number of de**hs *y covid-19 (*erver* and *dolescents </row>
<row> in *uveni*e deten*ion - *peci*y which). </row>
<row> Numb*r o* riots, reb*ll*ons, and d*ath by ac*s anal*gou* to </row>
<row> homicide* or s*icid*s *n detention facilities in the y*ars </row>
<row> 2017, 2018, 2019, 202*, and *021 separatel*. </row>
<row> About education and profe*si*nalization, for how lo*g were </row>
<row> the adolesce*t inmates kept wit*o*t classes in t*e s*cio- </row>
<row> educatio*al *nits? Was the r*m*te *ode* u**d? I* positi*e, </row>
<row> as o* when? Indicate ordinances. </row>
<row> Sou*ce: *urvey dat* (20*3). </row>
<row> educational meas***s **d rev*s*d the de*is*ons of </row>
<row> *rovi*ional intern**nt *ur**g t*e pandemic, </row>
<row> co*pari*g i* to the *eriod before the pan*emic. </row>
<row> Chec* whether there *as a reevaluation *f the </row>
<row> det*nti*n an* semi-freedom program, for eventual </row>
<row> sub*titution by a measure in the open *nvir*n*ent, </row>
<row> suspens*on of th* appli*d mea*ure, or gran**ng of </row>
<row> remission. </row>
<row> Check *hether the mea*ures imp*sed by Resolution </row>
<row> N*. 62/2020 have achieved their g*al regar*i*g *he </row>
<row> contain*ent *f the *isease. </row>
<row> To ve*ify the re*a*ionship between t*e number of </row>
<row> de*ths an* the socio-educa*ional *ea*u*e c*rri** o**. </row>
<row> Verify the avai*ability, qualit*, and tho*oughnes* o* *he </row>
<row> information. Also, veri*y if another body was ind*cated </row>
<row> *r s*nt the request to this body or entity, notifying the </row>
<row> intere*t*d party of *he s*ndi*g of hi* r*qu*st for </row>
<row> i*formation. </row>
<row> Verify the av*ila*ilit*, *uality, and *horo*ghn*ss o* the </row>
<row> informati*n. Also, verify if ano*h*r public body has </row>
<row> been indic*ted or deliv*red the r*q**st to t*at bo*y or </row>
<row> entity, notifyi*g the **tereste* **rty of forwa*din* the </row>
<row> request *or information. </row>
<line> Rev. *SA, Teresina, v. 21, n.8, art. 7, p. 1*2-173, ago. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.f*a*et.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Passive *ransparency in *razi*ian *udicia*y and the Socio-E*ucational Measures in Pan**m*c </line>
<line> *6* </line>
<line> As can be see*, each ***stio* sent to t*e Court* had a s*ecif*c obj*c*ive. *esi*es its </line>
<line> purpose, we also sought to ver**y whether the Judiciary i**icated to the citizen the competent </line>
<line> public body to answer q*e*tio*s that it was not qualified to g*ve, knowing t*at it *s the l*ca* </line>
<line> *xecuti*e that co*rdi*ate* the execut*on *f socio-educat**nal measures an*, therefore, would </line>
<line> be better able t* provide a*swers, according to art. * of La* N*. **.594/2012 (Brazil, 201*). </line>
<line> The requ*sts for a*cess to in*or*ation we*e mad* on 12/02/2021, 12/0*/2021, and </line>
<line> 12/14/2021. One ca*eat: th* reques*s w*re *ade in *ecem*er, bef*re the court rece*s. During </line>
<line> th* r*cess period, proced**al deadlines are suspended. However, t**s el*ment canno* </line>
<line> in**uence the dis*losure ** information, but it may hav* i**acted the *esponse t*mes. The </line>
<line> res*l*s and discussion will be presented bel*w. </line>
<line> 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIO* </line>
<line> The r*sponses *** the d*ta from the websites were ana*yzed, s*eking to understand to </line>
<line> what extent t*ey are in line with the *ssumpti**s present in the LAI. F*rst, an outl*ne *as </line>
<line> prepared with the main responses: wh*t**r the cou*t respo*d**, how *ong it took *o res*ond, </line>
<line> whether another organ wa* indicat*d, w**th*r it pa*tially responded, or whether *t denied th* </line>
<line> *es*onse. Sub*equently, the c*ntent *f t*e answers *a* analyzed. *t *h*s stage of t*e analysis, </line>
<line> four catego**es e*erged, namely: fulfillme*t o* </line>
<line> the minimu* *e*uir**e*ts of *he L*I, </line>
<line> qual*t* of responses, gaps in th* passive tr*nsp*r*ncy of the *ourt*, and challen*es to the </line>
<line> e*fective pas*iv* transparency of the courts. *able 2 pr**ents the overv*e* of the responses </line>
<line> obtai*ed. </line>
<line> Table ** - A quantitative *verview of the responses </line>
<line> Passive t*ansparen*y indi**tors (bas*d on LAI) </line>
<row> *tate </row>
<row> *c** </row>
<row> Alagoas </row>
<row> Amapá </row>
<row> Am*zona* </row>
<row> Rep*ied </row>
<row> *artially </row>
<row> No </row>
<row> *o </row>
<row> *o </row>
<row> *omplie Inddcate i </row>
<row> d *ith </row>
<row> de**l*ne aorogtanr n he </row>
<row> No No </row>
<row> - Yes </row>
<row> - - </row>
<row> - - </row>
<row> Reason of denial </row>
<row> Forwarde* to an inter*al s*ctor, which did </row>
<row> n*t *esp**d. </row>
<row> H*g* Expen*e </row>
<row> Requested information, b*t didn't answer. </row>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 21, n. *, art. 7, p. 152-*7*, *g*. 20*4 </line>
<line> *w*4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> A. *. *. Val*nte, B. H*merski, L. *ecchi </line>
<line> 162 </line>
<line> A*ked for *erson*l data to send e-*ail, but </line>
<line> Bahia </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> didn't ans*er the e-m*il. </line>
<line> Req*est not </line>
<line> Requested *egistration *n the s*t*, which </line>
<line> *ear* </line>
<line> * * nt </line>
<line> didn't work o*t. </line>
<line> Had no one i* charge - he c*uldn't name the </line>
<line> Espír*to Santo </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> agen*y. </line>
<line> Goiás </line>
<line> Partially </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> Maranhão </line>
<line> Yes </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> Re*ues* not </line>
<line> Mato Gros*o </line>
<line> Dif*iculty se*di*g - l*nk *ot working. </line>
<line> s e nt </line>
<line> Mato Grosso *o </line>
<line> Reque*ted for e-ma*l and reg*stration on * </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> Sul </line>
<line> porta*, but did not provide the *nformation. </line>
<line> Min*s Ger*is </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> Techn*cal difficul*ies on *he we*site. </line>
<line> Infor**d that *t would be a*alyzed, b*t g**e </line>
<line> Pará </line>
<line> N* </line>
<line> no answe*. </line>
<line> Informed *hat it would be a**lyzed, but gave </line>
<line> Paraí** </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> no answer. </line>
<line> Paraná </line>
<line> Partially </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> Due *o not ha*ing a com*lete an*we*, *e </line>
<line> Pern*mbuco </line>
<line> Partia*l* </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> *es </line>
<line> **dicated another orga* bu* did not g*ve </line>
<line> conta*t details. </line>
<line> *equest no* </line>
<line> Piauí </line>
<line> Technical difficulties on the webs*te. </line>
<line> s e nt </line>
<line> R**uest not </line>
<line> Rio de Jan*ir* </line>
<line> Technical *ifficul*ies on t*e web*ite. </line>
<line> s e nt </line>
<line> Asked f*r mo** time, *lai*in* it wa* </line>
<line> *io Grande do </line>
<line> No </line>
<line> Yes </line>
<line> com**ex - they sent it to the Lo*al </line>
<line> Norte </line>
<line> E*ecut**e, wit* no resp**se. </line>
<line> R*o Grande do </line>
<line> Request not </line>
<line> Req**st complex regis*rat*on </line>
<line> S*l </line>
<line> s e *t </line>
<line> Request not </line>
<line> Rondônia </line>
<line> Link not load*ng </line>
<line> s e nt </line>
<line> The **te demands t* know w**ch *ec***. </line>
<line> Request no* </line>
<line> Ror*ima </line>
<line> When put presid*n*y or childhood, nothi** </line>
<line> s e n* </line>
<line> appe**s. </line>
<line> Sant* Catari*a </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> Very generic request. </line>
<line> São P**lo </line>
<line> N* </line>
<line> Demand to be a researcher. </line>
<line> Request n** </line>
<line> Se*gi*e </line>
<line> Info*mati*n *id **t load. </line>
<line> s e n* </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, *eresi*a, v. *1, n.8, art. 7, p. *5*-173, ag*. 2024 </line>
<line> *ww4.fsanet.com.**/revista </line>
<line> P*ssive Tran*parency in *razilian Jud*ciary a*d the Socio-Edu*at*ona* Measures in Pandemic </line>
<line> 1*3 </line>
<line> Tocantins </line>
<line> ** </line>
<line> Request not </line>
<line> Di***ito Federal </line>
<line> Server *rror, req*est did not loa*. </line>
<line> * e nt </line>
<line> Sourc*: s*r*e* data (20*3). </line>
<line> *ased on *h* initi*l out*ine, some findings *an a**eady b* made. Concern*ng </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> Courts that complied wi*h the request, only five r*sp*nded to the request a*d only </line>
<line> on* </line>
<line> *rovi**d a complete a*swer, and f*ur r*sponde* </line>
<line> partially. On *he o*her h**d, *hirteen *ere </line>
<line> *he ca*es in which the *nswer was denied, which is alm*st h*lf of *he case*. Attention shou*d </line>
<line> be drawn *o the c*ses in whic* the reques* *ou*d *ot be *ade, due to *e*hni*al li*itation* a*d </line>
<line> diff*cul*ies in the electronic s*te. In thi* case, attention is d*awn to nin* c*ses. </line>
<line> Regarding bo** ful* and *artial res*ons*s, none *esponded on time, *nd 3 indicated </line>
<line> another organ. Ab*ut the cases witho*t any response, which was 22, 7 said the reason, while * </line>
<line> esta*lished * dialogue but *id *ot provide a reply. F*rther*ore, 9 were the courts fo* *hich </line>
<line> *he site did not a*low registrat*o* or acce*s due to technical *iff*culties. Finally, t*ere was *ne </line>
<line> case with no response and no just*fication. </line>
<line> Fro* **is initia* ove*view, it is al*eady </line>
<line> possible to see *h** the pas*ive tr**sparenc* </line>
<line> scenario *s not **vor*ble </line>
<line> to cit*ze**. Regarding the qualit*tive *iscussion of the data, *our </line>
<line> cate*ories e*erg*d from the analysis, n**el*: compliance with the minimum requirements of </line>
<line> the LAI, quality of r*sponses, gaps i* passive transparency *n the </line>
<line> court*, and challenges *o </line>
<line> ef*ec*ive passive *ransparency in the courts. The discussion of th* categories will be presented </line>
<line> belo*. </line>
<line> *.1 Fulfillment ** LAI'* *in*mum req*irements </line>
<line> The LAI *ta*es th** an* intereste* party ma* *eque*t ac*e*s *o in*or*ation *ro* t*e </line>
<line> orga*s referred to in the law, provided i* is by a </line>
<line> legit*mate me*ium that con*ains the </line>
<line> i*entification of the request*r a*d the identifi*ati*n (Br*z*l, 2**1). In this *or*, only five </line>
<line> *ourts r*sponded *o the request; *hat is eq*ivalent *o * little over 1*%, and, of these, onl* two </line>
<line> pr**ided a comp*eted re*ponse (just over 7%), and three *o*r*s indic*ted anoth*r organ or </line>
<line> sector to **sp*nd. </line>
<line> Not* th*t *he information r*qu*sted m** be co*si*ered un*easible due *o re**urce </line>
<line> limitations, *hich may </line>
<line> burd*n the *gen** and make </line>
<line> dis*losure i*p*ss*ble (Braz*l, 2*1*). </line>
<line> Howeve*, </line>
<line> there </line>
<line> ar* no oner*us r*quests, *iven that this is quantitative in*orm*tion about </line>
<line> *ev. FS*, Te*e*ina PI, v. *1, *. 8, a*t. 7, p. 1*2-173, a*o. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> A. C. S. Valente, B. Hamerski, L. Sec*h* </line>
<line> 164 </line>
<line> de*isions r*ndered duri*g the pan*emic. Even so, </line>
<line> two courts claime* "*igh cos*" and "ver* </line>
<line> complex re***s*" to deny *he informat*on req*ested. </line>
<line> Further*ore, the LA* states that, in cases w*ere infor*a*ion may not immediately b* </line>
<line> given, the o*gan h*s a maximum </line>
<line> period </line>
<line> of twen*y day* to r*sp*nd (which may further </line>
<line> be </line>
<line> extended by ten </line>
<line> day*), either b* *xp*aining the reaso* for </line>
<line> no* being able </line>
<line> *o prov*d* </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> information or *y ind*cating t*e org*n th*t </line>
<line> holds it (Braz**, 201*). De*pit* this, n*ne of *he </line>
<line> *our*s res*onded within the init**l deadline, and only si* of the* resp*nded withi* </line>
<line> * he </line>
<line> maxim*m pe*i** (30 da*s), both in c*s*s ** full </line>
<line> a*d par**al a*swe*s and in those whe*e </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> info*mation *o*ld not b* sen* or they w*u*d indicate a**ther orga*. </line>
<line> I* th*s re*earch, the questions asked fe*l *nd*r t*e comp*tence </line>
<line> of * he </line>
<line> E*ecutive </line>
<line> Branch t*rough it* specifi* secretariat*. But o*ly *ne court gave thi* information to </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> *equ*ster. One of the </line>
<line> courts repor*ed **at it *xperienced technical di*fic**ties and did not </line>
<line> an*wer </line>
<line> them but indi*ated specific *rgans. Howe*er, we c*ose no* *o conside* their </line>
<line> indicati*n, in*tead, we in*ert** the* </line>
<line> *n the percentage o* those w*o di* not answ*r </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> q*e*tion. </line>
<line> Tw****-two unanswere* cases sh*uld h*v* inform** the re*son for n*n-response by </line>
<line> the LAI, of which only seven </line>
<line> co*rts men*ion*d t** r*ason, five communic*t*d with </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> requester but not providing any information, and nine courts *id no* p*o*ide it d** t* an error </line>
<line> *n t*e w*b*i*e server. On* court, specifically, provided no response or just*ficati*n, *lthough </line>
<line> an exception, it *s a big gap in p*ssi** t*ansparenc* tha* shall be addr**sed. </line>
<line> I* c*ntrast to the lit**a*u*e on p*ssive transparen*y, whic* deals with th* sta*e's duty </line>
<line> t* respon* in a legal m*nner an* within a *egal deadline (Cintra, 2016), the *ast m*jority of </line>
<line> cou*t* *o not m*et the minimum re*uirements </line>
<line> ou*lined </line>
<line> in the LAI. Even if, ba*ed o* </line>
<line> th e </line>
<line> literature, a* all *ev*ls of gov*rnment, the citi*en may req*es* inf*rmation t*ro*gh *he LAI. </line>
<line> Even so, highligh*ing *he po*ential*t*es identified in the resea*ch about *om*lian*e *ith LAI. </line>
<line> Thus, eve* if the cas*s of response r*cord*d have been few, it is w*rth discussin* the quality </line>
<line> *f the in*ormation made av*ilable. </line>
<line> *.2 Qua*ity of re*po*ses </line>
<line> A* mentioned ab***, five were th* cases *n which *t was possi*le to obtain a respon*e, </line>
<line> wit* one c**e with a co*plet* response and four with a *art*al respon*e. *n LAI, t*ere *s *o </line>
<line> i*forma*ion about the con*e*t of the answers, th* law on*y states that the agency *ust *rovide </line>
<line> th* reque*ted inf*rmation. Th*refore, th* purpose o* each questio* was taken as a </line>
<line> basis, in </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, Teresin*, v. 2*, n.8, art. 7, p. 152-1*3, ago. 2024 www4.*sanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Passive Transparency in Br*zilian Judiciary and the S*cio-Educational Measure* in Pandemic </line>
<line> 165 </line>
<line> order to u*derstand if it *a* possible to *b**in the information. Th* informa*ion will be </line>
<line> prese*t*d by **urt. </line>
<line> Tabl* 3 - Qu*lity of r*sponses </line>
<row> Court </row>
<row> Mara*hão </row>
<row> (complete) </row>
<row> *oi*s </row>
<row> (Pa**ial) </row>
<row> *c*e </row>
<row> (*a***al) </row>
<row> Paraná </row>
<row> (Par**al) </row>
<row> Per*a*buco </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> C*urt </row>
<row> Mar*nhão </row>
<row> *oal 01 </row>
<row> Dete*m*ne **e*her </row>
<row> open s*cial and </row>
<row> e*u*a*iona* </row>
<row> inte*ve*tions *ere </row>
<row> pri*riti**d du*ing </row>
<row> the pandemic </row>
<row> c**p*re* *o the </row>
<row> pre-pan*em*c </row>
<row> pe**od **d whether </row>
<row> tempo*ary detentio* </row>
<row> d*ci*ions *er* </row>
<row> rev*ewed. </row>
<row> Goal 02 </row>
<row> Che*k whe*her th*r* </row>
<row> A*sw*rs </row>
<row> No review </row>
<row> *t informed that it had submit*ed t*e parameteriz*d dat* to </row>
<row> the CNJ and determined that th* appli*ant shou*d s*arch the </row>
<row> data availabl* in *he CNJ portal. </row>
<row> Presen*ed the number *f reviews of court deci*ions of *h*s </row>
<row> TJ that ordered pro*isional inte*n*ent b*tween 2018 and </row>
<row> *021, sep**ated *y y*ar, noting *ha* the s*s*em d*d n*t </row>
<row> provide resul*s *or **search f** 201*. *n this sense, it </row>
<row> *ndicate* mo** than 71 *rovis*onal i*ternments in 2021, </row>
<row> while in 2020 there were only 09 and in 2018 *he*e we** *5. </row>
<row> Info*med that by consult*n* *he Pr*j*d* - Data Ex*lor*r of </row>
<row> the B*siness Intelligence Too*, i*f*rm*tion was fo*nd on </row>
<row> the Subject Prov**ion*l *nter*ment *rocess*s betw*en 2018 </row>
<row> and 2021. It also stu*i*d the li*t of p*ocesses th*t re*eiv*d </row>
<row> th* movement and *ou*d 82* decrees o* Provis*on*l </row>
<row> Internment. T*ey were separat*d by year, but s**ll presented </row>
<row> *omplex tables that made analysis impossible. </row>
<row> Provi**d quantitative figures on t*e iss*an*e of a temp*rary </row>
<row> internmen* measure in t*e following p*riods: 2018 (534), </row>
<row> 2019 (618), 2020 ( 6*7), and 202* (706). </row>
<row> A*swers </row>
<row> From 2017 to 2019, *he system did n** capture t*is </row>
<row> i**ormation. B** from August 2020 th* data starte* to be </row>
<row> *ecor*ed ma*ually. Thus, in *0*0 *hey *eco*ded 02 LAs in </row>
<line> (Co*plete) *as been a re- </line>
<line> *lace of semi-l*berty m*asures and appl*ed 27 L**. In 2021, </line>
<line> evaluation of the </line>
<line> t**y a*plied 0* LA* in pla*e of semi-liberty meas*res and </line>
<line> internment and </line>
<line> a*pli*d 65 L*s. </line>
<line> semi-d*tention </line>
<row> Goiás </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> Ac*e </row>
<row> (P*r*i*l) </row>
<row> Paraná </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> Pernambuco </row>
<row> (Partia*) </row>
<row> meas*r*s with a </row>
<row> v*ew to *heir </row>
<row> possible </row>
<row> repla*ement b* a </row>
<row> measure in an open </row>
<row> en*i*on**nt, the </row>
<row> su*pension of th* </row>
<row> applied measure ** </row>
<row> the granting of a </row>
<row> r**i*sion. </row>
<row> No answer </row>
<row> No answer </row>
<row> No answer </row>
<row> Stat*d that coul* not automatic*lly determine w*et*er or not </row>
<row> me*sures of *epriv*tion of l*b**ty o* semi-freedom were </row>
<row> *epl*ced by measures ** an open environment. To det*rmi** </row>
<row> *his, th*y *ould have to access *he tex* of eac* sentence. </row>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. 8, art. 7, p. 152-173, ago. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.co*.*r/revista </line>
<line> A. C. S. Vale*t*, B. Hamerski, *. Secchi </line>
<line> 166 </line>
<row> Cour* </row>
<row> Ma*anh*o </row>
<row> (C*mplete) </row>
<row> Goiá* </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> A*re </row>
<row> (Partia*) </row>
<row> Paraná </row>
<row> (Par*ial) </row>
<row> P*rnambuco </row>
<row> (Parti*l) </row>
<row> Court </row>
<row> Maranhão </row>
<row> (Complete) </row>
<row> Goiás </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> Ac*e </row>
<row> (P*rti*l) </row>
<row> Paraná </row>
<row> (Partial) </row>
<row> P*rna**uco </row>
<row> (*artial) </row>
<row> Court </row>
<row> M*ranh*o </row>
<row> (Complete) </row>
<row> Goiá* </row>
<row> (Parti*l) </row>
<row> Acre </row>
<row> (partial) </row>
<row> Paraná </row>
<row> (pa**ial) </row>
<row> P*rnamb*co </row>
<row> (partia*) </row>
<row> Cour* </row>
<row> Maranh*o </row>
<row> (Complete) </row>
<row> Goal 03 </row>
<row> Check **ether *he </row>
<row> measures imposed </row>
<row> *y Resol*tion *o. </row>
<row> 62/202* have </row>
<row> achieved their goal </row>
<row> regardi*g the </row>
<row> containment of th* </row>
<row> dis*ase. </row>
<row> G*al 04 </row>
<row> Verif*catio* of the </row>
<row> relationship </row>
<row> b*tween the number </row>
<row> ** dea*** and the </row>
<row> socio-educational </row>
<row> measure </row>
<row> im*lemented. </row>
<row> Goal *5 </row>
<row> Check the *umbe* </row>
<row> of riots or rebelli*ns </row>
<row> by com*aring the </row>
<row> p*n*emi* peri*d </row>
<row> with the period </row>
<row> b*fo*e that. </row>
<row> *oal 06 </row>
<row> Check if it has b*en </row>
<row> give* anoth*r j*b in </row>
<row> An*wers </row>
<row> Data from 2*2* and 20*1 show th*t 30 se*vers were </row>
<row> cont*minated **d on*y 17 socioeducants we*e infected with </row>
<row> C*vid-19. </row>
<row> No a**wer </row>
<row> N* answer </row>
<row> ** ans*er </row>
<row> I* was said th** it coul* not info**, in an a*tomat** way, </row>
<row> wheth*r or not there *as substi*utio* *f measures o* </row>
<row> r*s*rict*on o* freedom or semi-fre*dom for measures i* an </row>
<row> open environ*ent. To make this identification it would be </row>
<row> n*c*ssary to access the tex* o* each sentence. </row>
<row> Answers </row>
<row> There were no d*aths *m**g so*i*-e*uc*ti*na* individuals </row>
<row> partici*a*in* in so*io-educational interventions. </row>
<row> No answ*r </row>
<row> N* answer </row>
<row> No answer </row>
<row> No answer </row>
<row> Answers </row>
<row> *here wer* *2 rebellions ** the pandem*c *eriod, n*ne in the </row>
<row> pe*iod *rom 2017 to 2*19. </row>
<row> No ans*er </row>
<row> No **swer </row>
<row> No ans*er </row>
<row> No a*swer </row>
<row> Ans*ers </row>
<row> N*t a*plic*ble, a*l question* answere*. </row>
<line> *ev. FSA, *eresina, v. 21, *.8, art. 7, *. 1*2-173, ago. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fs*ne*.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> *assive Trans*a*ency in Brazilia* *ud*c*ary and *he *o*io-Educa*ional Measures in Pan*emic </line>
<line> 167 </line>
<row> Goiás </row>
<row> (p**t*al) </row>
<row> A**e </row>
<row> (*art*al) </row>
<row> Par*ná </row>
<row> (part**l) </row>
<row> Pernambuco </row>
<row> (partial) </row>
<row> or*er to answer t*e </row>
<row> q*estions. </row>
<row> Indicated other i*ternal bo*ie* and the CNJ f*r t*e ap*licant </row>
<row> *o do fu*ther research. </row>
<row> No answ*r </row>
<row> No *nsw*r </row>
<row> Indic*ted l*oking for t*e Exe**tive S*cretar*at of </row>
<row> R*soci*l*zation. </row>
<line> So*rc*: survey *ata (202*). </line>
<line> From the analysis of the table above, *t *s e**d*nt tha* the cou*ts were un*ble to </line>
<line> provide satisfactory answers </line>
<line> to *he requeste* q*e*tio*s. Those wh* </line>
<line> did resp**d did so </line>
<line> incompletely and, at tim*s, indicat*d a *einforce*ent of the measure* im*l*me*ted during t*e </line>
<line> p**d*mic, contrary to *he CNJ's re*ommendat*on. This lack of info*m*tion sig**ls n*n- </line>
<line> compl*ance n*t </line>
<line> o*l* *ith </line>
<line> t*e Information Access Law (**I) bu* also with CNJ </line>
<line> Recomm*n*at*on No. 62, ca*ling for th* n*ed to reflect on how to enh*nce pas*ive </line>
<line> transparency within the court*, a matt*r to be addressed furthe* a*ead. </line>
<line> *.3 Gaps in the pas*ive transparency *f courts </line>
<line> T*e cases **ere there ar* gaps *er* considered as t*ose with no answer. B*s*d on </line>
<line> LA*, when an answer is refuse*, it is necess*ry to state the re*s*n, *ommunic**e that one do*s </line>
<line> not have the informa*ion, and indic*te, i* known, t*e respon*ible orga*. Whe* the *n*ormati*n </line>
<line> i* totally o* partially cl*ssi*ied, the requ*st*r must be *n*or*ed about th* possibili*y *f </line>
<line> appeals, as well as the de*dline* and *ondi*ions for such. </line>
<line> As mentio**d *arlier, there were 13 *a*es *n t*is paper where the an*wer *as denied, </line>
<line> which is almost *a*f of the courts. T*e*e case* are considered major gaps in the pass*ve </line>
<line> tran*par*ncy of the Brazilian ju**c**ry. </line>
<line> *n the cases where a nega**ve ans*er wa* given, a *ide v*riet* of re*sons were *iven, </line>
<line> such as "hi*h cost", "too general a reques*", "r*quirement to be a re*earcher", "too complex * </line>
<line> reques*". Howev*r, som* </line>
<line> el*ments sh*ul* </line>
<line> b* pointed ou* in *h*s context. *i*s*, the cost of </line>
<line> answering such a re*uest i* *ero and c*n be consulted by a** c*tizen, sin** i* is *umerical and </line>
<line> non-confi*en*ial *ata. Second, pr*c**e*y because it ** quanti*a*ive information, the r*quest is </line>
<line> neither comp*ex *or *eneral, s*nc* the *nform*t*on reque*ted i* very specific. The*efore, </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> an*wers given by *he *ourts a*e not just*fied. </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, Ter*sin* PI, v. 21, n. 8, art. 7, p. 152-173, ag*. 2024 www4.*sanet.com.br/*evista </line>
<line> A. C. S. Valen*e, B. Hame*s**, L. Secch* </line>
<line> 168 </line>
<line> Some cour** *eq*ir*d additional i*for*at*on to respond, such as s*nding an e-mail, </line>
<line> perso*al informatio*, or *egisterin* on a website. H*wever, even in *ho*e cases where a* e- </line>
<line> m*il was s**t, * registration was mad*, and the r*que*t** additional information was </line>
<line> p*ovi*ed, *he request* were not replied to. *ven with the contex* of "dialogue" with the or*an, </line>
<line> it can be considered *ha* it w*s not possible to get the ans*er. </line>
<line> It is </line>
<line> also important menti*ning those court* *hat indicated a ***ferent location or </line>
<line> internal area but *id </line>
<line> not respond. Another case </line>
<line> claimed no* to </line>
<line> be responsibl* for the </line>
<line> info*ma*ion *ut could not s*ecify which office w*uld be in charg*. *here w*s **so one case </line>
<line> th** c*ai**d not to have the co*plete answer but d*d *ot i*dic*t* whic* office would be </line>
<line> resp*n*ible. </line>
<line> *ik*wis*, there wer* two cases </line>
<line> wh*re we were t*ld that the request *oul* be </line>
<line> conside*ed, but e*en six months *fter *h* request, there w*s no f*rther response. And finally, </line>
<line> *h*re was one case whe*e there was simply *o respo*se. The la**** is *he big**st ob*tacle t* </line>
<line> passive tra*sparency, as the*e i* s*ill a l*ng wa* t* go here. *lthoug* t*e latte* case is t*e </line>
<line> m*st se*io*s, all the *ases me*tioned here *hould be con**d*red g*ps in passive t*an*p*renc*, </line>
<line> as the* *ould not </line>
<line> be *ffectiv* du* to bureaucra*i* re*s*ns, inco*plet* in*ormation, *on- </line>
<line> response t* *e***sts, et*. </line>
<line> Althoug* t** *ight to inform*tion is already *nshrined in th* 1988 *edera* Consti*ution </line>
<line> (Bra*i*, 1*88), t*e*e fin**ngs </line>
<line> corr*bor*te the literat**e that the *udiciary is the most closed </line>
<line> and opa*ue power when the subject is acc*s* to information (Teixeir*, 20**). In this conte*t, </line>
<line> *he results of this category are also consistent with the lit*rature that *t*tes that the **lfillm*nt </line>
<line> of *h* *inimum requireme*ts </line>
<line> of LA* can ensure t*e *ffe*tivenes* </line>
<line> of *assive transpar*ncy </line>
<line> (*e**u*a, 20**). ** the literatur* h*s also shown (Warm*ing et al., 2014), onl* a f*w cour*s </line>
<line> *uarantee passiv* transparenc* by **hering in practic* to LAI. </line>
<line> 4.4 Chal*enges to effe*tive passive co*rt transparency </line>
<line> *s challenges *o pas*i*e tran*parency, th* cases in which tec*nical and oper**io*al </line>
<line> di*ficulties hinde*ed access to informati** were con*idered. *he law s*ates that data should be </line>
<line> di*closed in a *la*e of easy access, a*d the*e should be a search tool th*t *bj***ively a*lows </line>
<line> *ccess to informati*n, e*abling acce*s *o information by some tool *f their of*ic**l w*b*ites </line>
<line> (Brazil, 201*). </line>
<line> T*e s*t*s must attend, among others, the follo*ing requir*ments: a) c**tain a searc* </line>
<line> too* that a*lows a*cess </line>
<line> to the information in *n objec*iv*, transparent, clear, *nd easy-to- </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, *eresina, v. 21, n.8, art. 7, p. 152-1*3, ago. 2024 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/r*v*sta </line>
<line> Passive Transp*r*nc* in Bra*ilian Judiciary and the S*cio-Educational Me*s*res i* P*ndemic </line>
<line> 169 </line>
<line> und*rstand m*nner; b) e*ables *h* recording of r*po*t* in va*ious electroni* for*ats, such as </line>
<line> s*readsh*e*s and te*t, t* fa*ilitate th* a*alysi* o* t*e inf*rmat*on; c) en*ble a*tomated access </line>
<line> *y ext*rna* systems *n op*n, stru*ture* and **chine-read*b*e formats; d) disclose in d*tail the </line>
<line> form**s used for *tructurin* th* information e) *n*ure t*e au*henticity and *ntegrity o* t*e </line>
<line> info*mat**n av*ilable; f) keep the informat**n availab*e *pd*ted; g) indica*e a location *nd </line>
<line> *n**ructi*ns th*t allow intere*ted parties to communicate *lectron*cally or by telephone with </line>
<line> the org*n or *ntity that owns th* site; h) **opt **e necessary measures to ensur* acce*sibility </line>
<line> of content fo* p*ople with d*sabi*it*es (Brazi*, 2*11). </line>
<line> When con*id*ring *he ca*e* *n whic* *he application coul* not *e submitted due *o </line>
<line> technical limitati*ns and difficultie* on the elec*roni* web*ite, 9 *ases are *ointe* out. *mon* </line>
<line> the reasons t*at le* *o the *ech*ical diff*cul**es, the main elements of *he survey w*re g*ouped </line>
<line> *s fo*l*ws: *) the registr*tion on the *ebsit* did no* work; 2) the link to the r*gis*ration does </line>
<line> not work/load; *) th* regi*tr*tion is *oo </line>
<line> com*lic*te*; *) the website asks for certa*n </line>
<line> info*m*t*on, but even i* it is entered, there *s no respo*se; 5) the inf*rmati** after *egis*ration </line>
<line> d*es *ot load; 6) *erver *rr**: *he acce*s requ*st was not lo*ded. </line>
<line> Thus, regarding th* above *lements, the *ourts have n*t provided simple tools </line>
<line> for </line>
<line> ac*ess *o information an* have impos*d a bureauc*atic obstacl* that is incons*sten* with LAI. </line>
<line> *ome indicate the cour* por*al to fil* in the electronic form, however, when t*ying to access it, </line>
<line> the a**we* wa* that *he application was offline, or sa*d it nee*e* to access a*other system but </line>
<line> refused t* r*gister, stating that it already e*ist*d, ev*n if no p*ior regist*ation h*d bee* *ade. </line>
<line> Some access li*ks did n*t load, and *thers sti*l *eq**red the **er *o kno* and indi*ate </line>
<line> the specific depar*m*nt resp*nsible for the info*mation. However, no citizen is ob*ig*ted to </line>
<line> know the internal admin*strative stru*ture of publ*c i*stitu*ions to obtain the informat*on th*y </line>
<line> ne*d. Th* lack of stan*ardization in the access to infor*ation *ervic*s poses * s*gnif*cant </line>
<line> challenge, a* it c**ate* diff*culties in o*ta*nin* information, give* that not all C*ur*s provide a </line>
<line> s*eci*ic f*eld for directly reques*ing in*ormati*n *ro* the local Judiciary. Other *ata i*d*cat*s </line>
<line> t*at the p*inci*les and guidel*nes of the </line>
<line> Information Acc**s Law (L**) ha*e not y*t been </line>
<line> fully implemented. All these find*ngs po*nt *o the need *or the creati*n and imp*ementat*o* of </line>
<line> *ew *ublic policies *or acce** to informa*ion w**hin the Judiciar*, i*cludi** stricter meas*res </line>
<line> in case* of n*n-compli*nce by public authorities. </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, Teresina PI, v. 21, n. *, art. 7, *. 152-1**, ag*. 2024 </line>
<line> **w4.*sanet.com.br/rev*sta </line>
<line> A. C. S. Valent*, B. Hame*sk*, L. Secchi </line>
<line> 1** </line>
<line> 5 C*NCLUS*O*S </line>
<line> T*is p*per aimed to investigate how passive tran*parency o*curs i* the *udici*ry, *ore </line>
<line> specific*lly abou* the socio-education*l measur*s of inter*men* and subst*tu*ion for measures </line>
<line> in ope* environment, due to th* co*id-19 pand*mic. The findings demons*rate *he wea*ness** </line>
<line> of the Judi*iary in access to inf*rmati*n, not only </line>
<line> because </line>
<line> it </line>
<line> *oe* *ot conside* the </line>
<line> legal </line>
<line> dea*line, but also b**ause, for *he most par*, it does not provide the objective dat* reques*ed. </line>
<line> In addition, some *our*s were no* accessed </line>
<line> due to va*ious p*oblems, su*h as in the </line>
<line> i*e*tifica*i*n in t** registration and in *h* request for a*cess to informa*ion, *o* exam*le, the </line>
<line> link di* not work or t*e req*irement to kn*w whi*h secto* was responsible for the demand. </line>
<line> Mor*o*e*, the resp*nses *f *h* *our*s sh** that *assive tr**sparency throu*h acc*ss </line>
<line> to informa*ion in </line>
<line> the judiciary is *f low density and tha* actors are *ardl* able </line>
<line> to access </line>
<line> informati*n, e*ther *e**use the *ud**ia*y uses standard respo*se* that are oft*n subjective or </line>
<line> becaus* i* *efuses the r*que*t *or access to data *hat c*uld rev*al its co*rse of actio*. Thus, the </line>
<line> work su*s*a**iat*s *revi*us work on t*e no*-comp*iance *f the LA* g*ideli*e* an* prin*iples </line>
<line> from the perspec*ive </line>
<line> of the effe*tiveness *f </line>
<line> pass*ve tr*nsparency *y the Bra*il*** judiciary. </line>
<line> *hus, t*e wo*k *ontrasts w*t* *he duty of pres*nce *dvocated in the l*terature on passive </line>
<line> transparency, *hich argu** *he *eed for the *tate t* respond in the l**al form an* time lim*t </line>
<line> (C*ntra, 201*). </line>
<line> Rega*di*g *he qua**ty of the *nform*t*on, it sho*ld </line>
<line> b* noted that th* va*t majority of </line>
<line> *o*r*s failed to provide it. For those *hat *id, t*e *esponses are inco*plete and, in *ome case*, </line>
<line> show that the r*s*l*tio* was </line>
<line> *o* f*llowed. Thus, not only di* the co**t* f*il to f***ow LAI, </line>
<line> b*t they also fail** to follow t** CN*'* r*commendation, wh*ch was th* *ocus of the </line>
<line> **vestigation. *n additi*n, </line>
<line> gaps </line>
<line> in passive transpare*c* are identi*ied in cases *here </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> respo*s* was de*ied wi*hout a*y justificatio* and in c*ses wher* a* i*coherent **s*ons* w*s </line>
<line> **ven **r the denial, imply**g th*t the o*jective was *ot *o al*ow **e requested infor*ation. </line>
<line> "In add*tion, t*chnical difficulties in obtain*ng inf**matio* are *ointed out, i*di*ating that the </line>
<line> courts make n* effort to ensure passi*e tra*spa*ency *or c*tizens". </line>
<line> Th*refore, </line>
<line> the *iscrepancy be*we*n </line>
<line> the enthusiasm with which p*rtici*at*ry spaces </line>
<line> were embra*ed in </line>
<line> democracy and the li*ite* impact o* this partici**tion in </line>
<line> challenging </line>
<line> t h* </line>
<line> *eproduc*ion </line>
<line> of *ominant *at*erns ingr**ned in the curren* stru**ures of the Judiciar* is </line>
<line> reaffirmed. Cons*quently, the ***erstanding solidi*i*s that the J*diciary is a clo*ed </line>
<line> ins*itution, in ne*d of improvements, *nd *equ*res reflecti*ns that **eate and implement more </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *1, n.8, art. 7, p. *52-**3, ago. 2024 www4.fsane*.com.br/revi*ta </line>
<line> Pas*ive T*ansparenc* in Bra*ilia* Judiciary and the Socio-Educa*ion*l *easures *n Pandemic </line>
<line> 171 </line>
<line> effective pu*lic policies f*r access to in*ormat*on with*n t** *udiciary, including reinforcing </line>
<line> penalti*s for n*n-co*plian*e by th* authoritie*. </line>
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<line> 2024. </line>
<line> Contr*bu*çã* do* Autores </line>
<line> A. *. S. Valen*e </line>
<line> B. Ha*e*ski </line>
<line> L. Secchi </line>
<line> 1) co*cepção e planejamento. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *) análise e interpr*t*ção dos *ados. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> *) elaboração do rascunh* ou n* revisão crít*ca *o *onteú*o. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> 4) participaç*o na a*r*vação da ver**o final do *anu*c*i*o. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*ina PI, v. *1, n. 8, art. 7, p. 152-173, ago. 2024 </line>
<line> **w4.f*a*et.com.*r/revista </line>


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