<line> Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho </line>
<line> www*.fsanet.com.*r/revista </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *7, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. *0*0 </line>
<line> I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983 </line>
<line> http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2020.1*.12.1.1 </line>
<line> Vi*ão Geral da Pesquisa sobre Armaz*n*gem de Grã*s (M*lho e S**a) </line>
<line> An Overview o* *esearch on G*ain Storage (*aize *n* Soybean) </line>
<line> E*isangela Dom**gues *az </line>
<line> Master'* Deg*ee in t*e *raduat* Program in Agribusi*es* by the Federal U***ersity of *rande Dourados </line>
<line> *aulista S*ate Univers*ty (UNESP - TUPÃ) </line>
<line> E-ma*l: e*isangela.vaz@un*sp.br </line>
<line> Marc*lo *orrêa da **lva </line>
<line> Pos*-Do* (CAPES PNPD) r*s**rch fell*w in Agribusines* </line>
<line> M*rcelo-cor*eadasilva@h*tmail.com </line>
<line> João Aug*sto *ossi Borges </line>
<line> F*der*l U*iver*ity of Gra*de *o*rados (UFG*) </line>
<line> E-ma*l: joaoborges@u*gd.edu.br </line>
<line> Régio Marcio Toesca Gi*enes </line>
<line> Post-Docto* i* C*r*or*te Fi*anc* *y the University *f *ão Pa*lo (FEA / USP) </line>
<line> F*deral Un**e*sity of Grande Dourados (*FGD) </line>
<line> E-m*i*: regiogim**e*@ufg*.edu.br </line>
<row> En*ereço: Elis**gela Dom*ngues V*z </row>
<row> Dr. Joaqu*m, de A*reu Sampa*o Vidal, 7*8, Alto *afezal, </row>
<row> Ma**lia, São Pa*lo. Brasil. </row>
<row> Ende*eço: *a*celo Corrêa da Silva </row>
<row> *r*grama d* Pós-Gra**ação e* Agronegócios, UFGD, </row>
<row> Ro*ovia D**rados, Itahum, Km 12, Unidad* II, Mailb*x: </row>
<row> Editor-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Ke*ley de *l*ncar </row>
<row> Rodr*gues </row>
<line> 364, D*ura*o* - MS, 7*804-970. Brasi*. </line>
<line> Artigo recebido em </line>
<line> 04/*7/2020. Últ*ma v*r*ão </line>
<line> End*reço: João Augusto Ro*si Borges </line>
<line> r*ce**da em 20/*7/2020. *prova*o *m 21/0*/2020. </line>
<line> Agribusines* Pos* Graduation Pro*ram, NUPACE, </line>
<row> Unive*s**y C*mpus, Mail*ox nº 364, Dou*ado*, Mato </row>
<row> Grosso *o Sul. Brasi*. </row>
<row> Endereço: Régio Marcio Toesc* Gi*en*s </row>
<row> Faculty of Administration, *ccoun*ing *nd Economics </row>
<row> (FACE), Univers*ty Campus, M*ilb*x nº 364, Do*rados, </row>
<row> Mato Grosso do Sul. Brasi*. </row>
<row> Avaliado **lo sistema Triple Review: Desk *e**ew *) </row>
<row> pelo Edi**r-Ch*fe; * b) **uble Blin* Revie* </row>
<row> (avaliaç*o cega por do*s *valiad*res da área). </row>
<row> Revisão: Grama*i*a*, Normativa e *e Formatação </row>
<line> E. D. *a*, *. C. *i**a, J. A. R. Borges, R. *. T. Gimenes </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> ABSTRA*T </line>
<line> R*sear*h relate* to grain s*orage s*ans to a wide range of aspects. It is a rel**ant topic for </line>
<line> ma*y sectors of the value cha*n. *tudies h*ve been de*e*o*ed to reduce grain losses in te*ms </line>
<line> of foo* s*curity and food safe*y. This c*m*rises the need for innova*ion *n terms of </line>
<line> t*ch*ology and l*gistics. Su*prisin*l*, ma**r </line>
<line> pl*y*r* *n grain *rod*c**on </line>
<line> a*d ex*o*tati*n, </line>
<line> suc* as Brazil, s*i** strugg*e to gu*rantee **e *roper stat*c storage capacity recom*ended by </line>
<line> The United Nations (FAO). Bec*use grain storage is crucia* in the global food supply chain, </line>
<line> we *imed t* deliver descriptive *tatistic*, ide*tifyi*g *rend* in literature </line>
<line> that may **liv*r </line>
<line> valuable *iagnosis </line>
<line> and *urture innovative </line>
<line> research on the fie**. Our approach was b*sed </line>
<line> on </line>
<line> performing qu*ntita*ive and qualitati*e </line>
<line> appreciation of the scienti*ic prod*cti*n </line>
<line> on grain </line>
<line> storage betw*en 2008 *nd 2017. A st*p by step pr*toco* was m*de ava*lable </line>
<line> to allow </line>
<line> traceab*lity of all criteri* ad*pted during t*e workflow. The </line>
<line> metho*ological pr*cedures </line>
<line> enabl*d clustering o* scientific produc**on according *o the similar*ty of content and </line>
<line> disc*i*inati*n *f scientific product*on accord*ng to several </line>
<line> crit*ria (*.e., **er reviewed </line>
<line> jou*nals, u*iversiti*s, count*ies). Also, an </line>
<line> explicit de*on*t*ati*n of netwo*king among </line>
<line> acade*ic* enab*ed the ident*fi*atio* </line>
<line> of pathw*ys </line>
<line> *nd alternative **rategie* *owards </line>
<line> innova*i*n in </line>
<line> the fie*d. Ov*ra**, bibliometric an* c*ntent analysis of the pub*ished </line>
<line> manus*ripts reveal*d </line>
<line> trends, *aps and leg*bl* per*pecti*es for </line>
<line> academ*cs int*rested in the </line>
<line> field *f gra*n s*ora*e. </line>
<line> Keywords: F*od Safe*y. Pos* H*rvest. Post-H*r*es* L*sses. *rain Qual*ty. Agribu*iness. </line>
<line> R*SUMO </line>
<line> A pes*uisa relacionada ao ar*azenament* de grãos *brange uma ampla gama d* *spectos. É </line>
<line> um *ópico re*evante para muitos setores da cadei* de valor. Es*udos f**am *esenvolvidos *ara </line>
<line> red***r as pe*das de gr*os em termos de seg*ranç* a*imenta* e *li*ent*s seg*r*s. Isso inclui a </line>
<line> necessidade de in*vação em termo* </line>
<line> *e tecnologia </line>
<line> e lo*ística. Surp*een*entem**t*, os </line>
<line> princip*is atores *a produção e exp*rt*ção de grãos, como o Brasil, a*nda *utam pa*a garantir </line>
<line> a *apacidade ** armaze*amento e*tátic* adequada recomendada pela Org*nizaç** das </line>
<line> Nações U*idas </line>
<line> (F*O). ***o * a*maze*a*ento </line>
<line> d* grãos é </line>
<line> cruc*al n* ca**ia global </line>
<line> d* </line>
<line> suprimento </line>
<line> de alimentos, nosso *bj*ti*o </line>
<line> foi fornecer estatísticas *escritivas, *dentificando </line>
<line> tendên*i*s n* </line>
<line> lit*ratura </line>
<line> que *os*am f*r**cer diagnósti*o* valiosos e fomentar *esquisas </line>
<line> inovadora* no *a*po. Noss* abo*dagem foi **se*d* na avaliaç*o *uantitativa e qua*ita**** *a </line>
<line> produ*ão científica sobre ar*azenamento de grãos entre 2008 e 2017. U* *rotocolo p**s* a </line>
<line> passo *oi dispo*ib*liz*d* *ara pe*m*tir a ra**reabilida*e de todos os critério* adotados d**an*e </line>
<line> * flu*o de trabalho. Os pr*cediment*s met*dológicos </line>
<line> p**mitiram agr*par </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> produç*o </line>
<line> científi*a de *co*d* co* a similaridade ** c*nteúdo e a disc*i**nação d* prod*ção *ientíf*ca </line>
<line> de **o*do com </line>
<line> vári** </line>
<line> crité**os (ou seja, revistas </line>
<line> r*visada* po* pares, uni*ersidades, </line>
<line> país*s). </line>
<line> Além diss*, uma demonst*a*ão *xpl*cita de r*de en*re acadêmico* *e**itiu a i*entificação de </line>
<line> ca*inhos * est*atégias al*ernat*v*s p**a a in*vação no campo. No </line>
<line> gera*, a an*lise </line>
<line> bibliomé*r*ca </line>
<line> e *e con**údo dos man*scrit** </line>
<line> publ**ados </line>
<line> rev*l*u t*n*ências, lacunas </line>
<line> e </line>
<line> per*pectivas legíve** p*ra ac*dê*ico* in*eressados n* ca*po *e arma*ena***to de grã*s. </line>
<line> Palavras-*hav*: Segurança Alimentar. Pós-Colheita. Perdas Pós-C*lhei*a. Qualidade </line>
<line> de </line>
<line> Grãos. Agroneg*cio. </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *7, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsa*et.com.br/revista </line>
<line> V*sã* *eral da *e*quisa *obre Ar*azenage* de *r*o* (Milh* e Soja) </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 1 *NTR*D*ÇÃO </line>
<line> I* modern agribusi*ess, demands fo* new t**hnol**i*s ar* *ontinu*u*. Some </line>
<line> in*ovations are des*gn*d </line>
<line> to *ac*le fa*to*s that hinder food production an* foo* *u*lity. In </line>
<line> terms of *r*ductivit*, *ncreasing the co*trol of loss*s in the supply c**in and i*pr*v*ng </line>
<line> sa*ety mar*in* h*s becom* crucial (CRUVINEL *t al., 201*). *his is </line>
<line> t** case *f grain </line>
<line> sto*a*e. For som* time, the gr*in sector *as *een consi*ered as a *arti*u*a* ecosyst*m </line>
<line> because o* the m*gnitude and importance to hum*n survival (O*UM, *989; *UNK*L, </line>
<line> 1992). Thi* resem*les w*at </line>
<line> has </line>
<line> been defined as the </line>
<line> techno-sp*e*e </line>
<line> or the agro-i*dustrial </line>
<line> landsc*pes (NA**H, 200*). </line>
<line> Research relat*d to *rain s**rage covers a wide *ang* of aspe**s. There are t*icky </line>
<line> aspec*s to manage bec*u*e grain stor*ge o*c**s at diff*rent stages and di*tribution *akes *la*e </line>
<line> in *any ways. (PARM*R; JA**, 201*; WILLIAMS et al., 2*17). </line>
<line> Stud*es ha*e been *e**loped to reduce grain losses prior or post-h*rvest (JAY*S, </line>
<line> 2012; ML*MBO e* al., 2017). Co*p*ris*ns and </line>
<line> eva*uation *f g*ain s**rag* techniques, </line>
<line> *nclu*in* *olar e*e*gy (WANG et *l., 2*12), non-chemical alternatives to control grai* *e*ts </line>
<line> (ADEBO; O*A*ELE, 2*14) and smart interf*ces that can i*prov* c*ntr** a*d management </line>
<line> du**ng *torage (ZH**G *t a*., 2*14) are ci*ed i* l*ter*ture. *ome real-*ime on-*ine </line>
<line> monitoring syste*s have </line>
<line> been dis*ussed to *ecrease unce*tainty of *arket av*ilabil**y, food </line>
<line> security *nd f*od safety (Z*ANG et </line>
<line> al., 2014). Res*arch </line>
<line> on grai* stora** has also been </line>
<line> contextualized on alleviation of food wa**e and *he p*omo*ion of sustainability (GAO et *l., </line>
<line> 2016; *OWELL et al., 2017; MENDOZA et al., 2017). In *erm* of *ain*ain*ng grain *uality, </line>
<line> the moist**e con***t, the in*ect infestat**n a*d toxin cont*mination ar* some of the most </line>
<line> *sual reasons fo* improving *rain *torage (DANSO </line>
<line> e* al., 2017; LI*HAY* et al., 2016; </line>
<line> KR*KA et al. 201*). </line>
<line> No doubt, grain c*mmoditi*s </line>
<line> ar* prominent in the eco*omy of m*ny **un*ries. </line>
<line> Cu*re*tly, Brazil an* USA *re the leading coun**ies on </line>
<line> exportation o* ma*ze and soya </line>
<line> (USDA, 2017). Tog*ther w*th China, *he*e countries pr*du*e the greatest amount of maize. </line>
<line> Su*prisi*gly, *r*zil h** a defi*i* on *he static st**age capacity of about *0 m*llion tons based </line>
<line> on th* r*commendation of the F**d *n* Agricult**e Orga*ization (FAO) of *he *nited </line>
<line> Na*ions that a *ount*y's static storage capacity should be equal to 1.2 times i*s a*nual *utput. </line>
<line> *n * local an* gl*bal perspective, d*mands t* *eet the standard* f*r good *torage and </line>
<line> ad*ress the st*tic st*rage sit*ation have become *rit*c*l. I* fact, this ma* h*nder the </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 17, *. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 2020 www*.fs*net.*om.*r/revista </line>
<line> E. *. Vaz, M. C. Sil*a, J. A. R. *orges, R. M. T. Gimenes </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> ag*icu*tural potential of *ra*n exporta*io* in many </line>
<line> countries (HARA, </line>
<line> 200*; EMBRA*A, </line>
<line> 2017). In several developing count*ies, silo facil*t*es *re frequently in*pp*opriate (d*e t* poor </line>
<line> hygiene, i*adeq**t* *rain drying, improper trans*ort, and other is*ues related to grain </line>
<line> logistics) (*MB*APA, 2017). </line>
<line> *ecause grain storage is such an i*portan* iss*e in the </line>
<line> **oba* food sup*l* chain, </line>
<line> s*ve*al s*udies have *ontrib*t*d t* the *opic with variou* possibilities *f application. Some </line>
<line> straig*t *p re*iew on l*ter*ture *ontent o* grain st*r*ge related topics have been deve*op*d, </line>
<line> *.e. Ka*eta and Gornick* (2013), but not l*ok*n* at *he s*ati**ic* of availa*le l*terature. We </line>
<line> aimed t* deliver some descripti** statisti*s, identifying *ren** *nd oppor*un*ties for scientifi* </line>
<line> public*tions on gr*in s*ora*e </line>
<line> (s*ya and m*ize). T*e research was per*ormed by developing </line>
<line> *ualita*ive an* quantitative apprec*ation of the scientific publ*cations o* grain storage ove* </line>
<line> the last deca*e. </line>
<line> 2 M*THO*OLO*ICAL PROCE**RES </line>
<line> 2.1 Workflo* (a step-by-step protocol) </line>
<line> T*e definiti** of t*e resear*h protocol, *he *nalysi* of arti*les and the summary </line>
<line> o* </line>
<line> results were ba*ed on p*o**du*es a*d pri**iples found in Ma*ten* *t al. (2013), Hoffmann et </line>
<line> al. (2015), Ferenhof *nd Fernandes (2016; 2*13) and Strue*ker and Hof*mann (2017). </line>
<line> The *o*kflow con*iste* *f two t*i*ls. Eac* trial was characterize* a*c****ng to *tep- </line>
<line> by-step procedu*es. Deta*ls *ncompassing all st*ps (sp*i* in two different trials) a*e g*ven. The </line>
<line> f*rs* *ria* was developed to sample </line>
<line> *rtic*e* from literature and d*velop *uali*y control. Th* </line>
<line> s*ar**ng po*nt o* the first trial was to fix collection a </line>
<line> *f key-*ords sorted t* devel*p wide- </line>
<line> range sa**li*g of articles i* different data*ases (peer-reviewed article*). Each **mbination of </line>
<line> key-words was ni*k*ame* and co*figured as a unique scen*rio. Every *cenario (searches) </line>
<line> e**ompassed t*o sorts of databases: Brazilian datab*ses (using Portuguese key-w*rds) and </line>
<line> Non-Brazilian da*abases (English key-wor*s). Duri*g sampling ev*n*s, ***el s*eet* were </line>
<line> bui*t by saving information of each sample (article). A c*as*ification criterion (s*pa*ate </line>
<line> columns) were developed t* *ort the ****c*es in t*e *ata *et. Prior to sa**ling, we ar*itrari*y </line>
<line> fixed *he *efinition of a *ime interval related to *he yea* of *ublication. </line>
<line> Afte* buildin* t*e wide-*ange data sets t*e </line>
<line> first trial proceeded to some steps </line>
<line> *f </line>
<line> qua*ity c*ntrol (*C). Th* first step </line>
<line> o* QC was to *ev*lop selection/dispo*al of articles </line>
<line> (trimming) b* dis**rding all ar*icl*s tha* we*e *o* rel*t*d to the stora*e of maize or s**a. This </line>
<line> *ev. F**, Teresina, v. 1*, n. 12, art. 1, p. *-30, dez. 2020 www4.*sanet.c*m.br/re*ista </line>
<line> Visão Geral da Pesquis* s**re Armaze*agem d* Grãos (Mi*ho e S*j*) </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> was done manually by readin* ti***s and abstracts. The s*cond step of QC was to *d*ntify an* </line>
<line> elimin*te any *v**la*ping. Ove*lappin* was defined a* repe***ion of a*ticles due to </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> in*exing of *anuscripts in m*re tha* o** database, or </line>
<line> beca*se </line>
<line> ide*t*cal articles we*e </line>
<line> obser*ed (false r*plicates) using a d*fferent collection of key-w*rds (scenarios). All scanning </line>
<line> *rocedures (QC) we*e handm*de and w*re d*veloped to tac*le re*u*dancies *r super </line>
<line> estimation. Ar*i*les wer* sort*d </line>
<line> i* the Excel sheets *sing information s*ch as a*thor, tit*e, </line>
<line> k*y-words, etc. Columns wer* also add*d in t*e *ata shee*s to al*ow d*tail on: methodology; </line>
<line> th* s*ie*tific que*tion; *ost re*evant conclusions (inter*re*ation based *n *yste*atic re*di*g </line>
<line> an* teamwork dynamics). *ore specifically, *eamwork consi*ted of reading th* abstracts and </line>
<line> *d*ntifying the ma*n objective*, met*ods and con*lusi**s. When these were not made *lear, </line>
<line> the en*ire ma**scri*t was accessed, *ainly by one co*laborator. The first author was </line>
<line> re*ponsible for </line>
<line> ac*essing all necessary articles and for arrang**g ar**cles according to </line>
<line> simi*ar**y of c*ntent. A second author of the team was always </line>
<line> responsible </line>
<line> for develop*ng </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> c*ose* evaluation of *t *east 15 ar*icl*s at a time and verifying the arran*ements of articles in </line>
<line> categor*es. Thi* w*s </line>
<line> *ssential t* </line>
<line> es*ablish consensus b*tween colla**rators i* t*rms of </line>
<line> summ*ry of **ntent and category b*p*ism (naming categories an* sub*ategories according to </line>
<line> co*tent). *abelli*g all ma*uscripts helped to sort out the ones referring to exploratory </line>
<line> approa*hes, experiments an* </line>
<line> questi*nn*ire </line>
<line> te*h**qu*s. Th* management </line>
<line> of all </line>
<line> the sheets </line>
<line> rela*ed to *razilian o* non-*ra*i*ian databases </line>
<line> were similar. T*e th*r* st*p </line>
<line> of Q* *as </line>
<line> *o </line>
<line> identify al* arti**es that *ailed to *ee* the cr*teria of research. This *s **ually a classifi*ati*n </line>
<line> output of*ered in the digital datab*se* an* may </line>
<line> be </line>
<line> done according t* convenie*ce. The last </line>
<line> *tep of QC was the selection/disc*rdin* of man*scr*pts accordin* *o the key-*ord*. Selected </line>
<line> arti*les should pres*nt key-words r*ferrin* to stora**. </line>
<line> The secon* trial of the workflo* cons*st*d *f bui*di*g a graphical auth*r netwo** </line>
<line> sche*e, build**g a graphical wo*d-c*oud, *nd *evel*pin* qua*itative c*ust*ring and re- </line>
<line> clu*ter*ng of the artic*es *elected to comp*se the nov*l dataset. Thi* c*nfigured a mix*ure of </line>
<line> principles a*d proc*dures, defined a* </line>
<line> bibliometrics, syst**atic </line>
<line> re*iew a** content an*lysi*. </line>
<line> Bib*iomet*ics highli*hte* the *eneral statistics a*d *eta*ls o* *he sc*en*ifi* publicati*ns, </line>
<line> i*cludi** geogr*phical or in*titut*onal *n**rmation. The on-li** *oftw*re Tagul (W**d Cloud </line>
<line> Art) *elped to develop th* word-c*ou*, b*sed on t*e **y-words pr*sent in al* the articl*s that </line>
<line> passed QC. The Ucinet fo* Windo*s: Softwar* *or Soc*al *etwork Analysis (20*2) hel*ed to </line>
<line> *rrange the ne*wo*k scheme. </line>
<line> Systemat*c Review and Conte** Analysis aimed to f*cilitat* appre*iation an* a critical </line>
<line> over*iew of the datas**. A </line>
<line> double-step t*amwo*k </line>
<line> **pro*c* e**ble* the ***reciation of the </line>
<line> *ev. FSA, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 1*, *rt. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 202* </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.c*m.br/revis*a </line>
<line> E. D. Vaz, *. C. Silva, J. A. R. B*rges, R. M. T. Gimenes </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> same da*aset </line>
<line> in two di**erent methods. The firs* method consisted on grou*ing **ticles *n </line>
<line> categories. The cri*eria was the similarity *f titles and abs*rac*s (see re*ults, Frame 1, Fra*e </line>
<line> *). *ne category *as chosen (category wh*ch allocated the higher number of articles) to </line>
<line> zoo*-i* and identify po*sible subgro**i*g. B*ptis* *rocedures (naming </line>
<line> of c*te*ories and </line>
<line> subcategories) w*re ba*ed on conten* (a poste*i*ri) (BARDIN, </line>
<line> 2010; TEZA et al., 2016) </line>
<line> r*th*r than fixing *am*s *rior to </line>
<line> ex*loratory ana**sis. He**e, *aptism </line>
<line> proce*ures were </line>
<line> restricted to t*e *irs* metho* *f appreciating the dataset (in t*e se*ond me*hod, t*e name* *f </line>
<line> *he categories had already been establ*s*ed). The alt*rnati*e *ethod of *o*king at th* data </line>
<line> was don* by select*ng at leas* three or four categor*es (a* ***st 60% of t*e novel data s*t) an* </line>
<line> wr*ting down short notes *r word* *o describe and address the co*tent of articles allocat** in </line>
<line> each *hosen c**e*o*y. Overall, the *irst met*od of l*o*in* a* the data **t enabled summa*y o* </line>
<line> article* into categories and subcate*ori*ation *f *he *ajor category. Th* s*cond metho* </line>
<line> consisted of **oming-i* on some o* **e major categ*r**s an* *aki*g briefs </line>
<line> descrip*io*s of </line>
<line> the cont*nt. Most of the p*ocedures consisted of tea**ork dyn*m*cs. T*e g*al was to </line>
<line> develop qualitativ* organization </line>
<line> of articles </line>
<line> and co*t*nt, and </line>
<line> to d*liver tabl* and graphic </line>
<line> ou*puts that co**d facilitate in*erpretation and *nf*renc*s regarding the state of the ar*, t*ends </line>
<line> or even gaps in the field of intere*t. </line>
<line> 2.2 Wo*kflow and qual*t* *ontrol (QC) </line>
<line> The c*ll*ction ** k*y-words (sc*narios) u*ed to sampl* articl** in B*a*ilian and non- </line>
<line> *raz*li*n datasets are </line>
<line> pres**ted in Table 1 and T*ble 2, respective*y. An arbitrar* time- </line>
<line> in*er*al was fixed *y the *uthors to sample *ub*ications only between 2008 a*d 2017, w*ich </line>
<line> was a group consensus. The sampling events *cc*rr*d between October and November, 2017. </line>
<line> Overal*, 565 articl*s were s**pled in order to build a wid*-ra*ge dataset. </line>
<line> Sub*e*uent*y, f*ne scanni*g (QC) ena*led the dispo*a* of 208 art**les, f*r not being *elated to </line>
<line> s*y* or mai*e. Su*sequently, 115 ar*icles were *iscarded be*aus* of overlapping between </line>
<line> scenarios (ident*cal *rticles sampled with different key-words), re*aining 24* a*ticles i* t*e </line>
<line> datase*. From these, 68 *ere discar**d due to o*e*lapp*ng between da*abases, remai*ing 174 </line>
<line> a*ticles in the dataset. Furth*r, 63 articles were *isc*rd*d for not meeting the *esearc* </line>
<line> ar*a </line>
<line> (t*ir* step of the protocol). All arti*l*s a*signed t* </line>
<line> t he </line>
<line> agricultural area *ere *ele*t*d, </line>
<line> remaining 1*1 </line>
<line> a*ticles. F*om thes*, *8 articl*s *resented ke*-words with no relatio* *o </line>
<line> storage an* were discarde* (forth *tep *f the protocol). At the end, 73 *r*icles *ere *ept in the </line>
<line> data*et f*r the purpose *f subs**uen* a***ysis. </line>
<line> *ev. F*A, *eres*na, v. 17, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-3*, dez. 20*0 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Visão Geral da Pe*quis* so*re Armazenagem *e Grãos (*ilho e S*ja) </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> *ab*e 1 -Sampled articles* *sing c*llections of keywords in Brazilian dat*bases </line>
<line> SCENARIOS </line>
<line> SCIELO </line>
<line> SPELL </line>
<line> T*TAL </line>
<line> 1 - (**mazenagem) AND (grãos) </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 10 </line>
<line> 2 - (pós-c*lheita) AND (grãos) </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 3 - (sistema de armazenagem) AND (gr*os) </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 4 - (armaze*ament*) AND (*rãos) </line>
<line> ** </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> 5 - (ar**zenagem) *ND (viabil*dade) </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 6 - (armazenagem) AND (investimento) </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 22 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 24 </line>
<line> Source: *repared by th* *utho*s based on data *rom Scielo and Spell (2017). *numbers *fter a**usting for </line>
<line> *cena*io ove**appi*g, prior to adjustme*ts for databa*e overlapping; armazenagem = st***ge; grãos = gra**; pós- </line>
<line> colheita = post harvest; *i*tema d* armazen*ge* = storage system; </line>
<line> armazen*mento = storage; viabilidade = </line>
<line> viabi*ity; inves*imen** = investment. </line>
<line> Tab*e 2 - Sampled articles* using colle*tions of ke*words in non-Brazil*an databases </line>
<line> W E * OF **IENCE </line>
<row> SCENARI*S </row>
<row> SCOPUS SCIENCE </row>
<row> DIRE*T </row>
<row> TOTA* </row>
<line> 1 - "gra*n stor*ge" AND "technology" </line>
<line> 44 </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> *0 </line>
<line> * - "post harvest" AND "tech*ology" AND "grain" </line>
<line> 23 </line>
<line> 10 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 34 </line>
<line> 3 - "grai* st*rage" AND "ado*tion" </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 4 - "post harvest" AND "a*op**on" AND "gra*n" </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 5 - "grain s*orage" *ND "food security" </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 23 </line>
<line> 6 - "po*t *ar*est" AN* "fo*d security" A*D "grain" </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 22 </line>
<line> 7 - "g**in s*o*age" AND "foo* saf*ty" </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> 8 - "pos* harvest" AND "food safe*y" AN* "grain" </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 9 - "g*ain st*r*ge" AND "grain protecti*n" </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 10 - "post harvest" AND "grain pro*ecti*n" </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 11 - "gra*n storage" AN* "optimization" </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 12 - "p*st harvest" *ND "*r*in" AN* "optimization" </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 13 - "grain s*or*ge" A*D "pos* h*rvest l*sses" </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 14 - "*rain stor*ge" AND "fe*s*bility" </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> *5 - "post harvest" *ND "grain" AND "feasib*lity" </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 1* - "gra** storage" AND "NPV" </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 17 - "gr*in stora**" AND "IRR" </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> *8 - "p*st harv*s*" AND "*PV" </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 19 - "post h*rvest" AND "IRR" </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 20 - "grain storage" AND "*eci*ion making" </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 21 - "post ***ves*" AND "d*cision making" A*D "*ra*n" </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> 22 - "grain storage" AND "impacts" </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> 23 - "pos* h*rvest" AND "impacts" AND "grain" </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 0 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 127 </line>
<line> 73 </line>
<line> 18 </line>
<line> *18 </line>
<line> So*rce: *repared by the authors ba*ed on d*ta fr*m Scopus, *eb of S*ience and S*ien** Dire*t (2017). </line>
<line> *n*m*er* a*ter ad*usti*g for *cenario overlapping, p**or to a*j*stments for d*tabase o*erlapping. </line>
<line> R*v. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 17, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 2*20 www4.*san*t.com.br/r*vista </line>
<line> *. D. V*z, M. C. Silva, *. A. R. Borges, R. M. T. Gi*enes </line>
<line> 10 </line>
<line> 3 RESULTS </line>
<line> The n*vel d*taset c*nsisted of 60 ar*icles sampled from non-Br*zilian **taba*es </line>
<line> a*d </line>
<line> 13 articles sam**ed from Brazilian databases. Th* sampl* o* 60 peer-reviewed articl** taken </line>
<line> from th* Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct da*abases cov**ed 31 countrie*, us** to </line>
<line> address all st*dies. </line>
<line> 3.1 Biblio*e*ri* an**ys*s of a*tic*es </line>
<line> A*out the *istr**ution of s*a*ch*s carried out i* na*ion*l and interna*ional databases, </line>
<line> 60 artic*es were publ*shed i* internatio*a* journa*s and 13 in nationa* j*urnals, in the period </line>
<line> *o*respon*ing to 200* to 2017. Fi*ure 1 **ows *he *vol*t**n of these publica*ions over the </line>
<line> year*. </line>
<line> Figure 1 - Numb*r of pub*ications b**ween 2008 and 2017. </line>
<line> Source: P*epar*d by t*e auth*rs. Na*ionais = sampled fro* B*azilian data**ses (Scielo *nd *pell); </line>
<line> Interna*ion*i* = sam**ed fro* non-Brazilian databases (Scopus, *eb of Science * Scien*e *i*ect); *searches </line>
<line> re*ate* *o t*e year 2017 ended during Novembe*. </line>
<line> Until 2012, artic*es from Brazili** and no*-Brazilian d*ta*ases showed si*ilar </line>
<line> *umbers. *rom 2013, a boost w*s o*served on publ*cati**s re*ated to t*e storage *f mai** and </line>
<line> *oya in non-Brazi*ian databases. </line>
<line> **v. FSA, Teres*na, v. 17, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 2020 </line>
<line> ww*4.fsan*t.c*m.br/r*vista </line>
<line> Visã* Ger*l da Pesquis* sobre Armaz*nagem de Grãos (Mil*o e Soja) </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> The ge*gr**hical distribut*on **d the *umber of the pu**ications acc*rding to country </line>
<line> is pr*sente* in Figur* 3. China rank* first (28% o* articles), *ollowed by t*e Uni*ed *tate* </line>
<line> (15% of ar*icl**), Bra*i* an* Kenya (bot* wit* six articles). </line>
<line> *igure 2 - Geographical distribution and n*mber *f the sampled articles using </line>
<line> n*n-Br***lian data set*. </line>
<line> Source: Prepared by the authors using the databases Scopus, W*b of Science *nd Sc*ence *i*ec* (2017). </line>
<line> Regardin* the 60 arti*les sa**led fr*m non-B*azil*an databases, 58 authors we*e </line>
<line> ide*tified (1* *rom China and 8 from th* USA). I* this same g*ou* of articles, 172 co-aut*ors </line>
<line> were iden*ifi*d, of w*ich only 7.5% (12) were *d*ressed to more than on* arti*le. In the </line>
<line> gro*p of 13 articl** sampled from Brazilian da**bas*s, no repeti*ion *f author* was identi*ied </line>
<line> (authors we*e *ot iden*if*ed in more than *ne a*ti*l*). Th*se finding* are proba*ly *ue t* the </line>
<line> gr*at *a*iability of themes related to resear*h o* *rai* s*orage. Researche*s present*ng </line>
<line> auth*rship in at least two articles are listed in T*ble 3. </line>
<line> Table 3 - Author* and co-authors wit* at least tw* a*tho*s*ips within the a**icl*s </line>
<line> s*mpl*d with non-Bra*ili*n datab**es. </line>
<line> Scie**i*ic Author Country publications </line>
<line> Scientific Co-autho* *ountry pub*icat*ons </line>
<line> Bao*a, I.B. Nigeria 2 Z*ang, Y. Chin* 2 </line>
<line> B*rib**sa, D. Unit*d States * *hang, Y. China 4 Li, X. China 3 Murd*ck, L.L. United State* 3 </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. 17, n. *2, *rt. 1, p. 4-30, *ez. 2020 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/revi**a </line>
<line> *. D. Vaz, M. *. Silv*, *. A. R. Borges, *. M. T. Gi*enes </line>
<line> 12 </line>
<line> Mvumi, B.M. </line>
<line> ***ba*we </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> Ama*ou, *. </line>
<line> Niger*a </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> Tefera, T. </line>
<line> Ken*a </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> Wa**, S. </line>
<line> China </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> *ang, Y. </line>
<line> China </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> Ca*, J. </line>
<line> Ch**a </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> L*, B. </line>
<line> *hin* </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> Li, D. </line>
<line> China </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> Source: Prepared by th* aut*or* fr*m the da**b**e* Scopus, Web of Sci*nce and Science D*r*** (2*1*). No </line>
<line> rese*rchers *isted in the Brazil*an databases *re*ented two or more authorships. </line>
<line> Th* authors of China and *igeria each hav* 2 *rt*cles publish*d in the area. Zhang, *., </line>
<line> of China, als* appea*s in 4 othe* *anuscripts as *o-*utho*. Bar*butsa, D., fro* *S*, is co- </line>
<line> author *f 4 other ma*usc*i*ts. </line>
<line> *igure 3 - Ne**ork of a*thorshi*s h*ghlighting t*e co-auth*rs l*nke* to more t*an one </line>
<line> article. </line>
<line> Legend: blu* square=co-a*thor; red dot=f*rs* author; *rticle=a dot-sq*are co*plex. </line>
<line> R*v. F*A, T*resin*, v. 17, n. 12, a**. 1, p. 4-30, de*. 2020 </line>
<line> www4.fs*net.com.br/revista </line>
<line> Visão *er*l da Pesq*isa so*re Arm*zen*gem de Grã*s (Mi*ho e Soja) </line>
<line> 13 </line>
<line> *mon* all c*u*tri*s, **az*l, Chi*a **d US* were the c**nt*ies with the highest </line>
<line> *u*bers rel**ed to a*thors**p (18, 17 and 7 respecti*ely) and co-a*thorship (5* and 64 and </line>
<line> 26, res*ect**ely). </line>
<line> In terms of number of collaborat*on ** peer-reviewed m*nuscr*pts, some *o-authors </line>
<line> st*od out. For example, LI, X. (fro* *h*na) collab*rated with th*ee different a*ticle* (Liang, </line>
<line> K (China), with Zh*ng (Chin*) a*d Ya*g (China)). This shows colla*ora*ion b*tween Ch*nese </line>
<line> *o-au*hors *inked to differe*t articles. In B*azil, *here was no co*l*bor*tion between *ra*ilian </line>
<line> co-author* linke* *o **fferent articles. </line>
<line> O*her authors which *tood *ut th* most in the collaborat*on ne*work was Zhang, Y.; </line>
<line> Li, D.; Li, B.; *ai, J.; and </line>
<line> also Bari*u*sa, D. This la*t au*hor (ad*res*ed to the *SA) </line>
<line> collab*rated with Willia*s, S.B. (USA), with Baoua, I.B. (Nig*ria) a*d Nouhoheflin, T. </line>
<line> (U*A) (Figure 4). Despite ne*er being fir*t *uthors, *ome r*searche*s stoo* out in terms o* </line>
<line> bridgi*g names f*om different arti*les i* the ne*work scheme. For e*ample, this was **e case </line>
<line> of Mvumi, B.M. f*om Zimbabwe, showing co*labo*ati*n in four different articles (Figure 4). </line>
<line> The researchers that presen*ed firs* authors*i* twice were Di Domenico, A.*.; Zh*ng, Y.; and </line>
<line> *aoua, I.B. *n thes* </line>
<line> c*ses, all **-authors (blue *quares in *i*ure 4) wer* linked </line>
<line> t o a uni *ue </line>
<line> article (red dot in Fi**re *). </line>
<line> Th* articles with **e highest numb*r of cit*tio*s are pr*sented in Table 4. The ten </line>
<line> m*st c*ted a*t*cles *e*e a*l sampled </line>
<line> from n*n-Brazilian databases. Th* *er*entages o* </line>
<row> citat*ons *egarding the a*ticle* sample* fro* non-B*azilian dat*ba*es (60) were: *6% (1*) </row>
<row> with eig*t or more *itati*ns, 5*% (31) between o*e an* seve* c*tations, and 32% (19) with no </row>
<row> citati*n. The most cited artic*e wa* "Courting the r*in: Rethinking seasonalit* an* adaptation </row>
<row> to recurr*nt drought in semi-a*id southern Afric*" b* MILGROOM, J. fr*m t*e Wageningen </row>
<row> *ni*ersity (Nethe*l*nd*), wit* 2* *it*tions. F*om th* 10 top cited articles, the titl*s o* four </row>
<row> were *pe*ifically related t* **e **rica* c*ntinen*. </row>
<row> Ta*le 4 - Th* most *ited peer-rev**we* ar**cl*s in the datas*t rel*te* to sto*age of maize </row>
<row> an d s oya </row>
<line> *itle </line>
<line> Cita*ions </line>
<line> Courting *he rain: Rethinkin* seasona*ity *nd a*aptation to recurrent drought in semi-*rid </line>
<row> southern áfrica </row>
<row> Post-harves* food *o*ses in a maiz*-based f*rming *yste* of semi-ari* *avannah area of </row>
<row> Tanza*ia </row>
<row> PICS bags fo* post-har*est storage of maiz* grain in West Africa </row>
<row> Insecti*idal pot*n*y *f Hyptis sp*cig*ra pr*parations a*ainst Sit*p*ilus zeamais (l.) and </row>
<row> *ribolium cas*aneum (*erbst) on stored *aize g*ai*s </row>
<row> *ev. *SA, T**e**na PI, v. 17, n. 12, art. *, p. 4-30, dez. 2020 ww*4.fsane*.com.br/re*i**a </row>
<row> 29 </row>
<row> 24 </row>
<row> 23 </row>
<row> 20 </row>
<line> E. D. Vaz, M. C. Silva, *. A. R. Borges, R. M. T. Gimenes </line>
<line> 14 </line>
<row> *o diat*ma*eous earths have potential as grain protectants for smal*-h*lder farm*rs i* sub- </row>
<row> *ahara* A*ri*a? The ca*e of Tanzania </row>
<row> Simulatio* of t*ree-d**ensional a*rflo* in g*ain *torage bins </row>
<row> Ef*iciency of differe*t *lant foliar extracts on gra*n protectio* and seed *e**inati*n in </row>
<row> m*ize </row>
<row> Grain bin monit*ring **a electr***gnetic imag*ng </row>
<row> S*oring Grain* for Food Security a*d Sustainability </row>
<row> Influe*ce of Temperature a*d *umidity on the Stability *f Carotenoids i* Biof*rti*ied Mai*e </row>
<row> (Zea mays L.) Geno*ypes during Controlled Po**h*r*e*t Storage </row>
<row> 17 </row>
<row> *4 </row>
<row> 14 </row>
<row> 9 </row>
<row> * </row>
<row> * </row>
<line> *ourc*: Prepare* by the a*thors *rom t*e dat*b*ses *cop*s, Web of Science and Science Direct (**17). </line>
<line> Table 5 shows the five m**t cited articles sampled from Brazilian databases. In this </line>
<line> *a*e, Ma*ques Neto, from University Uni*amp (county o* Camp*nas, Sã* Pa**o) wrote *he </line>
<line> artic*e wi*h th* highest nu*be* of citations (6). ** the 13 articles, *ive were cited between two </line>
<line> or six *imes, 2 wer* cited only once and the *emai*i** *ix were not cited ye*. </line>
<line> Table 5 - M*st cited *rticles t*at *ere samp*ed wi*h Brazilian dat*bases. </line>
<line> Title Citation </line>
<line> Ap*lying *tructu*al *as*nry fo* gran*lar ma*erial storage sy*tems </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> Diff*r*nt aeration strate**es for stored corn: temperature and mo**tur* content </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> Q*al**y of corn grai* stored ** silo bags </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> Physical, physi*l**ical and s*ed health *ualities o* m*ize landrace seeds produced on </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> north*rn Minas Gerais, Brazil </line>
<line> Ph*sica*, physiol***cal a*d seed health qualities of ma*ze lan*race seeds produced on </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> northern Mi*as Gerais, Brazil </line>
<line> Sour*e: Prepar** by the authors from t*e database* Sc*elo and Spell (2017). </line>
<line> The number of articl*s **blished *n each s*i**tif*c journal, t*eir r*lative frequency, </line>
<line> country of *rigin, as *el* *s t*e jour*al impact factor calculated *ccording t* *he *JR </line>
<line> (Scima*o Journal Rank*ng - </line>
<line> yea* 20*6) is shown *n *able 6. The *r*i*les found i* non- </line>
<line> Brazilian databas** wer* published in 41 journal*. Th* journals t**t *ubl**h*d at l*ast *wo </line>
<line> art*c*es within the sample ac*ounted for *2% of *h* articles *ampl*d from non-Br*zilian </line>
<line> da*abases (Tabl* 6). A*ong the 60 articles found in *on-Brazi**an datasets, 25 *r* related to 6 </line>
<line> journals, r*present**g 42% of the sampl* (Table 6). Two journals (Journal of Sto*ed Produc*s </line>
<line> Rese**ch; Crop P*otecti*n) are *r** the UK, represent*ng </line>
<line> 16% (*0 ar*icl*s from Journ*l* </line>
<line> a*signed to the UK). The *ourna** f*om non-Brazilian databases that were not listed in T*ble 6 </line>
<line> appea*ed i* one journal eac* (3* art**le* p*blish*d in 35 different journals). *his included </line>
<line> journals from USA (*), Brazi* (5), Holland (*), C**n* (1), U* (1), *n*ia (1) and Nigeria (1), </line>
<line> among o**ers. </line>
<line> *able 6 - *ournals *rom non-Bra*ilian d*tabas*s with more tha* two publications in the </line>
<line> t*eme and t*eir im*act factor1 accor*ing to SJR cla*sific*t*on </line>
<line> Rev. *SA, T***sina, v. 17, n. 12, ar*. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 20*0 </line>
<line> www4.fsan*t.com.br/revista </line>
<row> Visã* Geral da *esquisa *obre Armazenagem *e Grãos (Milho e Soja) </row>
<row> Numb*r Re*ative </row>
<row> Impact </row>
<row> *5 </row>
<row> Jou*nal </row>
<row> of </row>
<row> art*cl*s f*eq*ency </row>
<row> f a ct o r </row>
<row> Country of orig*n </row>
<line> Journ*l of Stored *roducts *esearch </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> 13% </line>
<line> * ,8 2 5 </line>
<line> United K*ngdon </line>
<line> Nongye Gongchen* Xuebao </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> 12% </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> Chin* </line>
<line> Jour*al of the Ch*nese C. and Oil* Assoc*atio* </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 7% </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> China </line>
<line> Jo**nal of *ntomology </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 3% </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> Pakist*n </line>
<line> C**p Prote*tion </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 3% </line>
<line> 1 ,* 2 0 </line>
<line> United *ingdon </line>
<line> Biosyst**s Engineering </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 3% </line>
<line> 2 ,1 3 * </line>
<line> *nited States </line>
<line> 25 </line>
<line> 42% </line>
<line> Source: Prepar*d by t*e autho*s based o* the dat*ba**s Scop*s, Web of Scien*e *nd *ci**ce Direct (2018). </line>
<line> 1check*d d*ring Apr*l, 2019; *Th* Impact fa*tor was no* accounted for these journals. </line>
<line> Regarding t*e articl** sampled from Braz*li*n database*, indexin* of arti*les i* a same </line>
<line> journal w*s ob**rved *nly *n t*ree s**uations: Ciência Rura*, *ngenharia Agrícola an* </line>
<line> Revista C*ênci* *gron*mica (Ta**e 7). T*e three journals are class**ied as B1 accordi*g to </line>
<line> *he Q*ali* CAPES criteria. This is a quality ind*cator base* *n a seven-lev*l </line>
<line> clas**fi*at*** </line>
<line> scale (A1, A2, *1, B2, *3, B4, C), adopted in all *r*zilian post graduat**n pr*gram*. </line>
<line> *able 7 -*ournal* t*at published articles on gr**n st*rage of maize and soya, identified </line>
<line> b* *ys*em*tic sa*plin* i* Br**ilian dat*ba*es </line>
<line> N*mber </line>
<line> R*la*ive </line>
<line> Journ*l </line>
<line> *ourna* </line>
<line> ISSN </line>
<line> *f articles </line>
<line> fre**ency </line>
<line> rank </line>
<line> *iência Rur*l </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 167*-4596 </line>
<line> Engenha*ia Agrí*ola </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 0100-*91* </line>
<line> Rev*sta Ciência Agronômic* </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 15% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 1806-6**0 </line>
<line> Bragantia </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> ** </line>
<line> *678-4499 </line>
<line> Food Scien*e and Tec*nology </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 01**-2061 </line>
<line> Gest*o & *e*i*nalida*e </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B2 </line>
<line> 217*-5*08 </line>
<line> Pes*uisa *gropecuária Bras*lei** </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 1*78-3921 </line>
<line> Reuna </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B3 </line>
<line> 2179-8834 </line>
<line> Revista Brasile*ra de Eng. Agrícola e Ambi*nt*l </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B1 </line>
<line> 1807-1929 </line>
<line> Revi*ta Brasi**ira d* *ootecnia </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 8% </line>
<line> B* </line>
<line> 1806-9290 </line>
<line> *3 </line>
<line> 10*% </line>
<line> Source: *repared by th* aut*ors b**e* on the da*aba*es Sc*elo and Spell (2*17). Qualis CAPES classificat*on </line>
<line> f*om th* year 20*6. </line>
<line> The 60 article* sampled u*ing no*-Brazilian *atabases w**e l*n*ed to * total of 9* </line>
<line> u*ive*siti*s and ins*i*ution*. A to*al of 18 universities a*d resear*h institutions wer* addresse* </line>
<line> t* at least 2 articl** eac*, rep*esenting 3*% of t*e arti*les sampled with *on-Brazilian </line>
<line> databases. </line>
<line> The Pur*ue University sta*ds out due to the development of Purdue Improved C*op </line>
<line> St*rage te*hnology (PICS). *hi* refers to a storage *ption *ith hermetic conditio** so </line>
<line> th*t </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresi*a PI, v. 17, n. 12, art. *, p. *-30, dez. 2*20 www4.fsanet.com.*r/re*ista </line>
<line> E. D. Vaz, M. C. Silv*, J. A. R. Bor*es, R. M. T. Gimenes </line>
<line> 16 </line>
<line> small farmers may *inimize loss** *aused by p*sts *ithout the u*e of insecticides. Tw* c*- </line>
<line> *uthors *isted ** Table 3 (B*ributsa, D. *nd Mu**ock, *.L.) present*d c**laboration in grain </line>
<line> s*orag* studies in Purdue Uni*ersity. </line>
<line> A *ummary *f th* most frequent key-wo**s (a *otal of 30) identified in articles </line>
<line> sampled from Brazilian and non-*razilian data*ets is shown in Figure 5. </line>
<line> *igure 5 - Wor*-cloud built wit* key*or*s used at lea*t two times in 73 peer- </line>
<line> reviewed articles relate* to the storage of maize and soya. </line>
<line> Sou**e: Prepared by t** aut**rs *sing Ta*ul - Word Cloud Art (*nl*ne so**wa*e). </line>
<line> 3.2 GROUPI*G ARTICL** IN CA*EGO*I*S </line>
<line> *sin* co*tent a*al*s*s, 73 ar*icles were clustered into 18 cate*ories. The na*e of eac* </line>
<line> category is * rough sum*ary of the content, presented *n F*ame 1. </line>
<line> Frame 1 Al*oca*ion *f *rt**les in ca*eg*ries (CTG) a* a resul* of quali*ative cluste*ing </line>
<line> base* on the si*i*arity of cont*nt. </line>
<row> Category nam* </row>
<row> Autho** </row>
<row> f </row>
<line> Rev. FSA, Te*esina, v. *7, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 2020 </line>
<line> www*.f*a*et.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> V*são Geral da Pesqui** so*re Arm*ze*a*em de Grãos (Milho * So*a) </line>
<line> 17 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> I**ovat*on *nd Tech*ology adopt*on </line>
<line> M**mbo et al., 2017; Will*ams et al., 2017; *rska *t al., **16; Asefi et a*., 2015; Yus*f * He, *011; Shao *t a*., 2*15; Jia e *e, 2015; Zh*ng et al., *014; *iang et *l., 2013; Kong et al., 2009; Khatchatour*an e *inelo, 2008; *ard e *av*s, *013; Nas*i*en*o et a*., 2009; A*drighetto et al., 2008; Marques Neto e Silva, 2011. Othira et al., 20*9; *tathe*s et al., 20*8; Wang et al., 2*14; Zhang *t al., 2014; Chigoverah e Brighto*, *016; Bao*a et al., 2*14; Conteh e* **., 2*15; Mweb*ze e Mugisha, *011; Di*sanayake e Jai*, 2010 </line>
<line> 24 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> P*evention against pes*s and inse*t* </line>
<line> Dowell e Dowell, 2017; Nham*cho et al.,20*7; Dan*o et al., 2017; Baoua et al., 201*; Musu*dir* et *l., 2015; Quirino et al., 2013; Ntonifor et al., 201*; Rani e De**na*d, 2011; Zhang e Mao, *009 </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> *ontrol and *anage*e*t of grain quality </line>
<line> C*radi *t al., 2016; *hang *t al., *014; Furlan; Mor**ini, *01*; San*os et a*., 2012; *as*ime*to e Q*eiroz, 2011; Catão et al., **10; Costa et al., 2010; Gut*oski e* al., 20*9 </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> Storag* *echniqu*s </line>
<line> Me*d**a et a*., 2017; Likh*y* e* *l., 2016; *ang e* *l., 20*6; Di *omenico et al., 201*; Sahu et al., *015; Wu e* a*., 2014 </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> 5 </line>
<line> *ont*ol of los*e* </line>
<line> Mwangiab et **., 2017; Gao e* a*., 20*6; Ka*unasagar e Karunasagar, 2016; *o*g e* al., *014; </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> *ood Secu*ity </line>
<line> *onda e Alakonya, 2*16; Zhai e* al., 2015; D*menico et al., 2*15; Ja*as, *012 </line>
<line> 4 </line>
<line> 7 </line>
<line> Implement*tion of storage fa**lit*es and investments </line>
<line> Bocca; Ga*ve*, *016; N*urbakhsh et al., 2016; Macha*o et **., 2015 </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> Quality of *rain stored for f*ed </line>
<line> Dafei et al., 2*17; Carvalh* et al., 2*09 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 9 </line>
<line> S**tic capac*ty and logistic* </line>
<line> Nou*oheflin e* al., 2**7; Si**a Neto et al., 2016 </line>
<line> 2 </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> Gender *ssu*s </line>
<line> Manda; M*umi, 20*0 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 11 </line>
<line> Mana****nt techniques </line>
<line> *bass et a*., 2014 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> Climat* *hange </line>
<line> *ilgroom; *iller, 2013 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 13 </line>
<line> Characteristics of grain </line>
<line> S*ng et al., *016 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 14 </line>
<line> **e*ention and analysi* o* risks and accidents </line>
<line> iták et al., 2015 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 15 </line>
<line> Influence on grain commercial*zati*n </line>
<line> *e*ai et al.,**1* </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 16 </line>
<line> Rese*rc* on *a*o*enoids </line>
<line> Ort*z et al., 2016 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 17 </line>
<line> Influence on storage conditions </line>
<line> D*oáek e* a*., 2010 </line>
<line> 1 </line>
<line> 18 </line>
<line> Referring to "st*rage" </line>
<line> Kozicka *t al.,**1*; Xiu et al., 20*3; Su*eetha et a l ., 20**. </line>
<line> 3 </line>
<line> f= fr*q*ency; Source: Prep**e* b* the a*thors from the obs*rvati*n of abstract*. </line>
<line> The *ategory *hat con*ained the h*ghest n*mber of a*ticles (24) was Innovation and </line>
<line> t*chno*ogy adoption, *c**untin* for 32.8% of the art*cles. In secon*, the category Prevention </line>
<line> *gai*st pests and inse*ts (9), *it* 12.3%, foll*wed by Control a*d managem*nt *f gr*in </line>
<line> qualit* (8) (1*.9%) a*d Storage techniques (6), *ith *.2% (Fra*e 1). </line>
<line> Rev. F*A, *eresina PI, v. 17, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-3*, dez. 2020 </line>
<line> *ww*.fsan*t.*om.br/revista </line>
<line> E. D. *az, M. C. Silv*, J. A. R. Borges, R. M. T. *imen*s </line>
<line> 18 </line>
<line> Four subcategor*es (SC) emerged f*om the major *ategor* Innovation and t*chnolo*y </line>
<line> ado*tion (Fra*e 2). *he su*categories w*** referred to (*aptiz*d) as (a) SC*: Technolog* </line>
<line> and innovation rela*ed to *ood s**urity (6), (b) S*2: Tec*nology and innovation r*lat*d to </line>
<line> contr*l *nd pre*ent*o* ag*inst p*sts and insects (7), (*) S*3: Technology and i*novat*on </line>
<line> about loss and waste p*eve*tion (4), (d) SC*: Techn*logy an* innovatio* related t* specific </line>
<line> *opics and cas* studies (6). In Frame 2, the titl* of every *rt*cle allocate* in the major </line>
<line> ca*egory (Innovation and Technology adoption) is il*ustrated. </line>
<line> Frame 2 - Authors a*d title of articles that w*re sorted in subcategori*s after zoomin*- </line>
<line> i* the major ca*e**ry in the data set: Inno*ation an* technology adop*i*n </line>
<line> Ti**e of the a*tic*es in eac* subcategory found *n category In*ov*tio* *nd A*t*o*s ***hnology adop**on </line>
<line> f </line>
<line> Su*c*tegory 1: Techn*logy an* inno*ation rela*e* to **o* Security </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *hang et al.,*0*4 *n onl*ne de*ec*ion mo*el of gr*nary **ora*e quantity </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Real-ti** m*ni**ring system *or *rai* *oi**ure content bas*d on equilibr*u* Li*ng et *l., 2*13 m*isture model </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Co*teh e* al., 201* T*e *et*rminants of *rain storage technology ado*tio* in Sierra Leon* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Safe *ood and feed through an integrat*d tool*ox for my*ot*xin management: Krska e* al., *016 The MyToolBox ap*roach </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> Asefi *t al., 2015 Grain bin moni*oring v*a *lectromagnetic ima*ing </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Design, de*e*opme*t and techniqu*s for co**roll*ng *rains pos*-ha*vest *o*ses *us*f; He, 2011 with me*a* si** for smal* *nd m**ium scale farm*rs </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Subca*eg**y 2: Tech*ology *nd inn*vation related to control and prevention against pests and *ns*cts </line>
<line> </line>
<line> ** *iatom*ceous earths have p*t**tial *s *r*in prot*cta*ts for sm*ll-holder Stathers et al., 2*0* f*rm*rs in sub-Sa*aran Africa? The case o* *anz*n*a </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Ins*ctic*dal pot*ncy of *yptis spicigera preparat*o*s again*t Sit*philus Oth*ra e* al., 2*09 z*amais (l.) and Tr*bo*ium *astaneum (*erbst) o* st*red maize grai*s </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Field efficac* of hermetic a** other maize g*ain storage options under Mlambo et al., 2017 smallho**er farmer management </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Willi*ms et *l., 2*17 Safe st*rage of maize in *lternative *ermetic cont*iners </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Present situation and *rospect* of st*rage pests based on vis*on inspection **ng et al., 20*4 te**nology </line>
<line> 8 </line>
<line> Re**arch and applicati*n progress o* moni*orin* stor*d grain secur*t* b* gas *han* et al., 2014 anal*zing </line>
<line> </line>
<line> C*igoverah; B*ighton, 2016 E*ficacy *f metal silos an* herme**c bags against stored-maiz* *ns*ct pest* un*er sim*lated smallholder fa*mer conditions Baoua et *l., 20*4 PIC* bags fo* post-harvest storage of m*iz* g*a*n in West Africa </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Subcategory 3: Techn*logy *n* innovat*on ab*ut loss and waste pre*ention </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *ascimento et al., Concr*t* bl**ks for th* modular cons*ruction of circu**r silos 2009 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Marqu** N*to; Silva, Applying structural masonry *or granula* material stor*ge systems 2011 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *we*aze; Mugish*, Adoptio*, utili*ation an* e**nom*c impacts of impro*ed p*st-harvest 2011 **chnologies in maize produ*tio* ** Kapch*r*a District, Uganda </line>
<line> </line>
<line> D*ssana*ake; Ja*n, Status of post-harvest technology of agricultural crops in Sri Lanka **10 </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Subcategory 4: T*c*nology and *nnovation rela*ed *o sp*ci*ic topics an* case stud*es </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Shao et *l., 2015 Desi*n and *xperiment for g*ain storage monitoring system based on 3-D </line>
<line> 6 </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> Re*. FSA, *eresina, v. 17, n. 12, ar*. 1, p. 4-**, dez. *020 </line>
<line> www4.fsane*.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> Visão G*ral da *esquisa sobre Armazena**m de G*ãos (Mi*ho e Soja) </line>
<line> 1* </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> lase* scanni*g technology </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Jia; He, 2015 </line>
<line> **udy on *eat insulation perf*rmance *f ext*rnal wa*l of low temperature grain storag* granary </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Kong et al., 2009 </line>
<line> *efr*gera*ion perfor*ance o* a silica GelWater ads*rption chiller d**ven ** *ariable heat source </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> Khatchatourian; *inelo, 2008 </line>
<line> Sim*lation of t*ree-d*mensional airflow *n grain s*orage bins </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *a*d; Da*is, 20*3 </line>
<line> A system to asses* gr*in bag *torage internal envi*onment </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> *ndrig*et*o et al., *008 </line>
<line> Automatic c*n*rol of *lide gat* valve* with pneumati* drive in **ric*ltural storage facil*ties </line>
<line> </line>
<line> f= frequency; *ource: Pre**red b* the aut**rs f*om t*e observat**n of abs*racts. </line>
<line> Re**rding *esear** on topics *elated to tec*nology an* inno**tion, associ*t*d *o </line>
<line> inf*sta*ion of pests and ins*cts, some articles *ere focused on m*tal silos and hermetic bags </line>
<line> (using natural (i.e., *l*nt extracts), artificia* o* mixed pesticides). Some articles incl*ded </line>
<line> c*n**ol m*t*o*s u*in* re*l-time infestation le*e*s. I* Addi*ion, the scope of </line>
<line> Innovation </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> techno*og* adoption, several articles referr*d to post-**rvest losses, **e reductio* o* food </line>
<line> wa*te and food *afe*y. Some artic*es refer*ed to **e usage of e*ectro*agnetic *mage* to </line>
<line> *onit*r sto*ed grains a*d refere**ed upc*ming (necess*ry) tec*n*logy and projects re*at*d to </line>
<line> sma*l-scal* metal silos. </line>
<line> I* t*e category Innov**io* a*d techn*lo*y *doption, *he team grouped up the *otes </line>
<line> and listed **e *oll**i*g it*ms: opt*ons to s**re, hermetic alternativ*s, real-time mo*it*ring </line>
<line> (on-line), grain monitor*ng, natura* in*ecticides, 3* Te*hno*ogy, </line>
<line> the*mal is*lation, sensors </line>
<line> and he*met*c Ba*s (PICS). T*ere w*s also emph*sis o* *ontro*ling th* level* of ox*g*n and </line>
<line> mois*ur*, insect *amage, r*te of grain germination and size of t*e *ns**t *opula*ion. Dif*erent </line>
<line> for*s of temperature control and grain cool*ng are being *v*l*ate* such as ai*flow sim**ation </line>
<line> that may optimize storag* systems, 3-* mo*itoring o* grains and the use *f e*e*tr*magnetic </line>
<line> im*ge* *h*t may avoid grai* residues. *ome techn*logies such as ther*a* insulat**n ar* being </line>
<line> d*scuss*d i* t**ms of *nergy saving alternativ**. Com*arisons about the th* e*fi*iency of t*e </line>
<line> GrainPro *u*er Grain Bags (SGB) IVR and P*rdue Im*roved Crop Storage (PICS) stood out. </line>
<line> T*ese we*e related to the control *f *est* and insects in d*fferent seasons a*d applica*ions of </line>
<line> **ganic or syn*heti* in*ecticides. Also, *esearch on PICS sea*i*g tech*ology stood out, which </line>
<line> is * storage sys*em for small farm*r* (f*mily far**rs), besides t*pics on PET bottles. </line>
<line> Ov*rall, the rese*rch *eam </line>
<line> con*erged an* agreed th*t is*ues *e*ated to *ra*n losses </line>
<line> c*uld be summar*zed *.e. to some ana*ys*s of the s*o*ag* condition*, monitorin* o* grains and </line>
<line> the control of *arbon *iox*de. Si*ilarly, food security c**l* be summarized to sto*a*e </line>
<line> m*th*ds, </line>
<line> including hermet*c al*ernatives, and also manag*m*nt systems that *a*ilita*e or </line>
<line> support grain storage and grain q*ality. </line>
<line> R*v. FS*, Teresina PI, v. 17, n. 12, art. *, *. 4-**, de*. 2020 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.com.br/**vista </line>
<line> *. D. Vaz, *. C. Silva, *. A. R. Bo*ges, R. *. T. Gim*nes </line>
<line> 20 </line>
<line> 4. FI*AL CONSIDERAT*ONS </line>
<line> The methodology under*a*en, combining bibli*metrics, systematic *eview a*d cont*nt </line>
<line> an*ly*is gener*te* a *ortfolio, </line>
<line> l*ok*n* at the sta*i*t*cs of available literature. Th*s enab**d </line>
<line> insigh*s </line>
<line> on t he </line>
<line> scientifi* *u*lication* *n *ra*n storage, specificall* so*a an* maize. The </line>
<line> wor*f**w *eveloped al**wed tra*e*bility of the adopted *rocedures. Scientifi* pu*li*ations </line>
<line> w*re *ort*d in ca*e*ories an* subc*tegories, baptize* a poster*or*, according to *he *imilar*ty </line>
<line> of cont*nt. Nota*ly, the r*sea*ch team struggled to per*orm quali*ative clust*ring and </line>
<line> converg* to an id*a* *roupin* structure. Th* **in *ea*on for struggl* was *he *imilarity and </line>
<line> interd*pendency of themes. H*nce, the predom*na*t focus of t*e articles wa* the criteria *o </line>
<line> p*rform sub grou*in*. This wa* *r*cky </line>
<line> especially when d*sentang*ing *o**s related to food </line>
<line> security, gra*n lo*s, a*d insect an* pest control. These *opics linked close*y to each other. </line>
<line> The resu*ts from clustering cle*rl* sho*ed that technology is the em*hasis given by </line>
<line> authors in </line>
<line> the *cientific publi**tions. This is su***ined </line>
<line> because majority (33%, f=24) of the </line>
<line> ar*icles were grouped </line>
<line> in a category bapti*ed </line>
<line> a </line>
<line> posteriori a* Innovation *nd *ech*ology </line>
<line> adopti*n (Frame 1). In Frame 2, on* can </line>
<line> observe th** the sp*t**ght on techno**g* sp**s to </line>
<line> four major sub*opics. This is repr*s*nte* by f*u* subc*tegories (Frame 2). The *t*uctu*e o* </line>
<line> sub *ategoriz*tion sugges*s that Inno*ation and technolo*y ad*ption is fr*quentl* related to </line>
<line> be*efit* o* food </line>
<line> safety and *ood s*curity, reductions of losse* t*rough waste </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> co*tamination (Frame *). Becaus* maize an* ***a a*e comm**itie*, the con*ent is embed*ed </line>
<line> in the scope o* ma*n*ainin* grai* q*ality a*d the vo*u*e of pro*uction. </line>
<line> I* ad*itio*, su*marizin* the sci*ntific publ*cations on g**i* stor*ge revealed th*t </line>
<line> t*c*nolo*y enco**assed not o*ly issue* re*ated to infra*t*uc*u*e but se*eral *ec*nical asp*cts </line>
<line> that span **a** *roduc*ion and s*o***e. In fact, </line>
<line> readi*g the name of sub*ategories and *he </line>
<line> ti*les of *he arti*les (Frame *), r*p*ate*l*, help** to verif* the *ontent linked ** several r*sk </line>
<line> factors that may lead to irrepar*ble damage. These factors resem*l* guidelines </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> compreh*ns**e goals, neces*a*y to guarantee food supply for livestock and human populati*n </line>
<line> worldwide. *h* variabilit* *f theme* (cate*o**es and subcategor*es) prov*ded new insi*h*s </line>
<line> an* are, most *ro*ably, a consequen*e of *h**s*ng a ****eriori criter*a *o sort out conten* and </line>
<line> baptize clus*er* inste*d *f fixing group na*es prior to an*ly**s (FRANCO, 2007a; FRA*CO </line>
<line> 2007b). </line>
<line> Nota*ly, technolog* adoption and gr*in storage have b*en discussed *n beh*l* of sma*l scale, </line>
<line> fam*ly farmers with re*pect to allevi**io* of hu*ger and food secu*ity (i.e. Yusuf; He, 2011) </line>
<line> Rev. **A, Teresi*a, v. 17, n. 1*, art. 1, p. 4-*0, dez. 2020 www4.fsanet.com.b*/revista </line>
<line> Vi*ão *eral da Pesquisa *obre *rmazenagem de Grãos (Milho * S*ja) </line>
<line> ** </line>
<line> (*ubcate*ory 1, *rame 2), technology t* co*trol pests a*d *nsects (i.e. Stathers et al., 20*8; </line>
<line> Mlambo e* al., **17; *i*liams </line>
<line> et al., 2017; *h*go*e*ah; Brighton, 2016) (subcategory </line>
<line> 2, </line>
<line> Fram* 2). Also, soci*l (i.e. cate**ry 10 and 14, F*ame *) and en*ironm*ntal (i.e. category 12, </line>
<line> Frame 1) *oncern* ar* stated in research *elated to grain s*orage. This means that eve* if there </line>
<line> is bias towards tech*o*ogy, grain storage i* n*t d*coupl*d from a </line>
<line> the topics that sh*pe the </line>
<line> goals for the *h*rd mi*l*nnium (FAO, date). *n fact, co*tent an*lysis *e*ealed that tec*no*o*y </line>
<line> has *nabled the redu*tio* of indiscri*inate u*e *f </line>
<line> pesti*id*s i* grain stor*g*, minim*z*n* </line>
<line> envi*onme*tal im*acts *nd avoiding wor*er ex*osu*e to toxi* pro*ucts (i.*. Nton*for **., et </line>
<line> 2011 (cat*g*ry 2, Frame </line>
<line> 1); Othira et al., 2*09 (subcatego** 2, Frame 2). I* </line>
<line> some cases, *t </line>
<line> w*s observed tha* t*e cos* rel*ted to pest con*rol has dec*e*sed an* the **ali*y of the storage </line>
<line> grain has i**roved con*i*er*bly (i.e. Othir* et al., 2009 (su*ca*e**ry 2, Fr*me 2). </line>
<line> R*garding the au*hor network (Figure 4), some ef*ect is </line>
<line> po*sibly driving distinct </line>
<line> network c*nfi*uration between C*ina an* *raz**. In which extent could the isol*tion *mong </line>
<line> research teams hi*d*r grain sto*age m*de*nizatio*? D*es this enc*ur*ge th* disc*s**on abo** </line>
<line> scientific societi*s re*ated </line>
<line> to grain st*rage? These </line>
<line> issues sho*ld be explored </line>
<line> in su*sequent </line>
<line> re*earc*. No d*ubt, i*ter-team *iscus*ion *nd c*llaboration *s str**egic *o ge*erate inn*vat**n </line>
<line> and impact on the tech*ological, s*cia*, econo*ic a*d *nv*ronmental a*pects of gr*in sto*age. </line>
<line> So*e aspects were not fol*owe* by the set of key-words use* to *ampl* ar*icles i* the </line>
<line> da*aba*es. **terestingly, articles pin*ointi*g </line>
<line> *h* cost-benefi* </line>
<line> of </line>
<line> adopting techno*ogical </line>
<line> al*ernatives (*esign** </line>
<line> to imp*ove g*ain stor*ge), *eemed ve*y disc*et* (*.*. Mwebaz* </line>
<line> and </line>
<line> Mu*isha, 2011 (su*category 3, Frame 2); Dis*anaya*e and Jain, 20*0 (subcatego*y 3, Frame </line>
<line> 2,); Ntonifor et al., 2011 (c*teg*ry 2, Frame </line>
<line> 1)). This f*nding sugg*sts a </line>
<line> gap in *erms of </line>
<line> scien*ific publicat*ons. L*ttle res*arch on the economic a*d fi*ancial c*pacity of farmers to </line>
<line> implement grain *torage systems may po**ib*y l*mit d*cision making. This includes dec*sions </line>
<line> m*d* by </line>
<line> actors f*om several sectors from th* s*pply </line>
<line> chain. No doubt, the adoption </line>
<line> *f </line>
<line> po* t </line>
<line> ha*vest te*hnologies *s neces*ary t* *void production l*sses an* to add val*e to store* g*ai** </line>
<line> (DISSAN**AK* </line>
<line> and J*IN, 2010). H*wever, the technologic*l *lterna*ives need to </line>
<line> be </line>
<line> link*d to cost-benefit analyzes </line>
<line> (MWEB*ZE *nd MUGISHA, 2011). Surprisingly, *his was </line>
<line> not the *ase. For exam*le, *rain s*orage within the farm is bel*eved </line>
<line> *o ma*e tr*ffic (i.e. </line>
<line> trac*ors) less intense during harvesti*g seas*ns, min*mizing *n*rast*ucture problems *nd b**ter </line>
<line> *eeti*g </line>
<line> the demand* of *he i*dustry. Hence, char*cterization </line>
<line> *f </line>
<line> t *e </line>
<line> economic a*d fi*anc*al </line>
<line> capability of farmer* to imp*ement s*o*ag* systems is relevant. Likew*se, it *o*ld b* su*table </line>
<line> t* fore*ast how improv*ments on grain storage log**tics w**ld *ffect *he country's economy </line>
<line> Rev. FSA, Teresina PI, *. 17, n. 12, *rt. *, p. 4-30, dez. 2*20 www4.fsane*.com.br/re*ista </line>
<line> E. D. V*z, *. C. S*lv*, J. A. R. Borges, R. M. T. G*menes </line>
<line> 2* </line>
<line> *r farmers' </line>
<line> p*ofit. **ese issues are of *r*at con**rn, and may pote*tially aff*ct f*rmers´ </line>
<line> in*ention to adopt or adapt any sto*age facility. </line>
<line> The l*mita*ion o* *at* lead* *o u*certainties. Fo* example, how do *osts a*d e*rnings </line>
<line> va** ac*ordin* t* th* geo*raphic distance of </line>
<line> grain producers and cu*rent stor*ge fac*lit*es? </line>
<line> How *ou*d improvemen*s on logi*tics affect the econ*my of cou*tries tha* exp*rt grain? </line>
<line> T*er* seems to be limited kno*ledge on how the stati* st*rage defi*it affects the current </line>
<line> s*pply *hain a*d how ** may limit p*ofit and the empower*ent of *armers. Governmenta* or </line>
<line> **ivate grai* storage init*atives (define* *s "condom*niums" in so*e latin countries to refer to </line>
<line> arrange*ents to *tore grains in a loc*l co*perativ* fashion)) seem to be *nexpl*red in stu*ies </line>
<line> focuse* o* econom*c *iabi**ty. If investment dec*s*ons rely on un*erstanding unc*rta*n*ies, i* </line>
<line> seems unlike*y that </line>
<line> farme*s wil* invest time a*d mon*y to ins*all or adapt </line>
<line> storage facilities, </line>
<line> es*e*i*lly in th* abse*c* o* *uar*nte** and p*oper grai* *torage </line>
<line> policie*. Brid*ing these </line>
<line> iss*es may be the key to gene*ate innovative rese*rch on grai* stor*ge. It may open the door </line>
<line> for *ew *ontr*b**ions on *oo* *on*rol in the perspectiv* of *odern agrib*siness and world </line>
<line> econo*i**. </line>
<line> A statistic*l ov*r*iew of the availa*le li*eratur* on grain *torage topi*s seemed to be a </line>
<line> g*o* s**rt f*r *isti*g down topi*s an* enco*ragin* in-dept* a*alysi*. I* te*ms of *he method, </line>
<line> some limitat*on were conseq*ences of g*oup de*isio*s made prio* to sampl*ng *** articles i* </line>
<line> lite*atu*e. *eglecting *i**rature presen* in b*ok chapters may h*ve limited the representability </line>
<line> o* the overv***, fa*ling to ret*ieve v*luable researc* *n the topi* of inter*st. *lso, focu*ing </line>
<line> o*ly *n *rain s**rage of m*ize an* s*ya ended *p co*cealing cont*ib*tions on subj*c*s *uch </line>
<line> as integrated pest managem*nt (I*M). Re*e*tly, there is great *mphasis on p*st manag*ment </line>
<line> programs *n *r*in s*ora*e (*E*KEL AND ADAM, 2018). </line>
<line> ACKNO*LEDGE**N* </line>
<line> W* thank ***ES and C*PQ for grants an* *cholarshi**. </line>
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<line> monit*ring s*or*d gra*n se*urity by gas anal*zing. Journal of the *hinese *erea** *nd Oils </line>
<line> Associati*n. V. 2*, n. **, p. 12*-128, 2014a. </line>
<line> ______; XIU, F.; LI, X.; WANG, S.; Research on cool*ng meth*** for h*at pipe-ba*ed grain </line>
<line> sto**hou*e in Sum*er. Journal *f t*e Chinese Cere*ls and *ils Association. V. 29, n. 5, p. </line>
<line> 1*6-124, 2014b. </line>
<line> *TÁ*, M.; K*LLÁROVÁ, K.; MAC*K, M.; P*ÍSTAVKO**, M.; *OANSKÝ, M. </line>
<line> Assess*ent of </line>
<line> ri*ks in the field o* s*fe*y, qual*t* and environment in post-harvest line. </line>
<line> Rese*rch *n A*ricul*ural Eng*ne*ri*g. *. 61, p. S26-S3*, *015. </line>
<line> Como Referen*i*r este Artig*, conforme ABNT: </line>
<line> VAZ, E. D; SILVA, M. C; BORGES, J. A. *; G*MENES, R. M. T. V*são Ge*al *a Pesquis* sobre </line>
<line> Arma*enagem de Grão* (Mi*ho e So*a). Rev. FSA, Teresina, v.1*, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-*0, dez. 2020. </line>
<line> Contribuição dos Auto*es </line>
<line> E. D. Vaz </line>
<line> M. C. S*lva </line>
<line> J. A. R. Borg*s </line>
<line> *. M. T. Gimen*s </line>
<line> 1) concepção e planejamento. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 2) an*lise e interpret**ão dos dado*. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> </line>
<line> 3) elaboraçã* *o rascu*ho ou na revisão cr*tic* do co*teúdo. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> 4) pa*tici*ação *a apro*ação da *ersão final do manusc*ito. </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> * </line>
<line> X </line>
<line> Rev. FS*, Teresin*, v. 17, n. 12, art. 1, p. 4-30, dez. 2020 </line>
<line> www4.fsanet.co*.br/rev*sta </line>

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