Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *2, n. 2, art. 2, p. 25-45, fev. *0*5
I*SN Impresso: 180*-6356 ISSN *letrô*ico: 2317-2983
Divi*end Cagr as an Asset Selection Cr*t*rion in Mo*en*um Str**egies of Brazi**an Reits
Cag* de Dividend*s com* C*itério de *eleção de Ati**s em E*tratégia* de M*mentu* d*
Fundos *e Investimentos Imo*il*ários Brasilei***
Raphael P*reira de Souza
M*ster\s in b*siness admi*istration (Unive*si*y of Bordeaux)
E-m*il: raphae*pe*eira@ano**adroga*ia.*om.br
Raphae* M**es Roque*e
Doutor em Admin*s*ração pel* Universida*e Federal do Rio de *ane*ro
Professor *o CO*PE*D/Uni*ersidade *ed*r*l do Rio de *ane*ro
Email: rapha*l.moses@coppead.ufrj.br / raphael@*acc.ufrj.br
Andr* L*i* C*rv*lhal *a Si**a
PhD in Business *d*inis*ration (Uni*ersity o* *a*chester)
Assistant Prof*ssor o* F*nance (COP**A* Gra*uate Sch*ol of Busin**s)
E-mail: a*drec@co*pead.ufrj.*r
End*reço: Raph*el Perei*a de So*za
Federal d*
de Jan*iro, Rua
Lemme, 355 -
CE*. 21941-**8, Brasil.
Raphae* Moses Ro*uete
Artigo recebido em 1*/01/202*. Ú*tima vers*o
F*der*l do
de Jan*iro, Rua
receb*da em 29/01/*025. *p*ovado *m 30/01/2025.
Lemme, 355 -
*EP. 21941-91*, Br**il.
An*re Lui* C*rval*al da Silva
Avalia*o pe*o sistema Tripl* Review: Desk Revi*w *)
*ederal do
de J*neiro, Rua
pelo E*itor-Chefe; e b) Double Blind Re*ie*
Le*me, 355 -
CEP. 21941-918, Brasil.
(av*liaçã* ceg* por dois avaliadores da ár*a).
Revisão: G*ama*ical, Norm*tiva e de Formatação
R. P. Souza, R *. Roquete, A. *. *. Silva
This study see*s **
in*roduce s**ect*on *r**erion app*icabl* to a
port*olio creati*n *trateg*es.
We propose, supported b* e*p*rical evide*ce and theoreti*a* *e*s**ing, that util*zing the
dividend *AG* as a s*lection *riterion *or asse*s enables the capture of returns. Resul** were
measured b* Sharpe ratio, alpha of
the *a*a and Fre*ch three-f*c*o* model,
and excess
returns obta*ned in re*a*ion to the market\s in*ex. Stat*s*ical tests were applied t* ver*fy the
sign*fi*ance of the *esults. Thi* paper s*o*s t**t th* d*v**end com*oun* a**ual *row*h *ate
(C*GR) is *ot a releva*t **lectio* crite*ion
of B**z*lian real e*tate investment trusts (B*-
REITs) to form winner portfolios. It *as shown that strategies ar*und
the momentum effect
that buy B*-REITs *hat had greater CAGR i* previous *ont*s do no* t*nd to *ave superior
performa**e to *he market. C*nsidering th* relatively scant attention directed **wards BR-
REITs wit*in the existing lite*ature, *his paper assumes *mportance in the context of fi*ling a
v*id w*thin the field of finan*e. It con*ributes kn*wledge per*aini*g to
a* asset *lass
characterized by *ts distinctive dyn*mi*s and specifi*ities. To the best of o*r knowledge, *here
exists no *rior study wit*in the national lit**ature that de*ves into the u*ilization of this
mom*n*um str*t*gy for BR-REITs. Consid*ring the g*owing BR-REITs mar*et e*p**sion,
this paper *as the
*otential *o influ*nce numerous institut*on*l *nd i*dividual
*nvestors by
prov*di*g a so*id scientif*c f*unda*ion to en*an*e their investm**t decisi**s.
Keywords: Rea* E*tate Inves*men* Tr**t. BR-REIT. Momentu* S*rategy. Dividend CAGR.
Este estu*o busca intro*uzir um c*itério de s*le*ão
a*licáv*l às
estratég*as de
portfólio. *ropo*os, *poi*dos em evidê*cias em*íric*s * raciocínio *e*ri*o, *ue a u*ilização
*o CAGR de d*vidend*s como cri*ério de seleção de ativ*s possibil*ta a capt*ra de retornos.
Os resul**dos foram me*idos pel* índice de Sharpe, alfa do modelo de tr*s fatores d* Fama e
**en*h, e os retornos *xceden*** obtid*s em rela*ão ao índice de mer*ado. T*s*es esta*í*ti*os
f*ram a*l*cados para verificar a signific*ncia estatíst**a dos resultados. *ste artigo m*str* que
a t**a *e crescime*to anual c*mposta de divid*nd*s (CAGR) não é um critério de s*leç*o
relev*nte dos fund*s de invest**ento im*biliári* brasi*eiros (BR-REITs) para formar cart*iras
v**cedoras. Foi *ostra*o
*** e*t*atég*a* em tor*o do efeito m*men*um **e
compram B*-
REITs que tiveram maior CAGR no* me*es *nteriores não tendem a ter de*empenho sup*rior
ao mercado. Consi*e*an*o a e*cassa aten*ão
*ire*i**ada aos BR-REIT* n* literatura
existen*e, este artigo assume *mp*r*ância n* con*exto de pr**nc*e* uma lacuna *o *ampo das
finanças. *ont***** com con*ecimentos pertencent*s a uma classe de ativos caracterizada **r
suas dinâ**c*s e espe*ificida*es *ist*n**s. Até o*d* sabemo*, *ão existe n*nhum estudo
prévio na *iteratura **ci*n*l qu* aprofunde a utili*ação dess* estr*tégia momen**m para BR-
REI*s. Considera*do crescen*e ex*an*ã* a
d* mercado de BR-RE**s, *ste artigo tem
p**encial *e inf*uen*iar inú*eros **v*stidores i**tituc**nais e individuais, f*rnecen*o u*a
base cie*tífica sólida p*ra aprimor*r suas decis*e* de *nve*timento.
*alav*as-Chave: Fund* *e **vestim*nto Imobiliário. B*-REIT. E*tra*égia
de Mom*ntum.
C*G* de **vide*dos.
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *2, n. 2, *rt. 2, p. 25-45, fev. 2*2*
Div**end C**r as an As*e* Se*e*tion Criterion in Mo*entum Strategie* *f *razi*ia* Rei*s
*ra*ilian *eal ***ate Inve*tment Fund* (BR-R*ITs) represent the fastest-growing
financial a*set c*ass in Brazil over the past de*ade. According to the D*cember 2022 Monthly
R*port iss*ed by B3, the number
*f B*-*EITs in*e*tors s*rged fr*m just ov*r 1*0,*0* in
De*ember 20*2 to *e*rly m*llion in Decembe* 2
2022, marking
*n exp**enti** g*owt* *f
nearl* 2*00% in th* last decade. In te*ms *f ne* as*et va*ue, *arket capitalization,
v*lum*, *n* public offerin*s, *e observe **e same
exponenti*l growth rat*s. Today,
t hi s
ind**try in t*e c*u*try i* valued *t a*p*oximat*ly 200 billion Bra*ilian R**is,
and a*
*emon*trated, it c*n*inues to *row year af*er year.
Th* il*ustrated *rowth sh*ws no *i*n* of slowi*g down; on th* cont*ary, the potential
of this indu*try in Brazi* re*ain* imm*nse, and th* marke* has o*ly just begun
to develop.
becom*s *ven more appa*ent when we look a* the RE** mark*t in the United S*ate*,
which **s been
evolving si*ce t*e
1960s **d currently *oasts a mar*et value of
app*o*imately 1.3 t*ill*o* *ollars.
I* is worth noting th*t
this shar* grow*h i* the *razilian REI* mar**t ha* been
the *volu*ion of *h* *egulatory framework,
with various changes *nd
improv*ments si*ce it* inceptio*. H*wev*r, while we *bserve * re*ulat**'s in*erest in the
*ubje*t, t** same c*n*ot be said *or *cademia, as very few works have been published ** t*is
topic i* B*azil.
*his study aims to co*laborate wit* rece*t *ese**c* about the BR-REI* *ar*et to
redu** t*e g*p *n academ*c st*d*es r*gard*ng the
di*fusio* of this market in the c*ntext of
and *nstitutiona* Brazilia* investo*s. The pr**ary contributi*n of *his work is *o
test whether th* dividend Co*pound **nual Growth Rate (CAGR) paid is a significant value
indic**or an* can *red*ct which funds will outperfo*m the i*dex in future years.
The success of BR-*EIT* ca* be a*tri*uted to s*veral factors. Hi**oric***y, due to *
macroeconom** tr*nd
uncont*olled infla*ion
in the count*y, we have inheri*ed from our
the belief *hat real e*tat* investment *s a safe har*or in the face of
*con*mic crises and curre*cy fluc*ua**on*, ensuri*g i*come. Investm*nt i* physical real esta**
has created many mil*io*aires and has allowed ma*y indi*iduals t* li*e off rental in*om* in
the country, even in the not-so-d*stant *ast.
*t*rtin* *n the 1*7*s, w*th the begin**ng of the development *f t*e capital market in
th* c*untry and the subsequ**t *v*lution
of **ock
ex*hanges, a new cu*tu*e of savi*gs
allocat*on in *isted assets began to emerge in its early stages.
Rev. FSA, *er*sina *I, v. 22, n. *, a*t. 2, p. 25-45, *ev. *025 www4.fsanet.co*.br/revi**a
R. P. Souza, R M. Roqu*t*, A. L. C. Si*va
However, *t was only i* 1993, w*th the en*ctment of Law 8668/*3, th*t *ra*il
establis*e* the nece*sary regulatory brid*e between real estate in*es*men* an* the stock
e*change. Se*eral *ears were required fo* the *arket to evolve and *ea*h the leve* of *aturity
and traction that *e are c*rrently experiencing. The first st*ge of developm*n* fo* this market
only *cc*rred afte*
20*8, the year in wh*ch th* *r**ilian Securities
and Excha*ge
Commission (C*M) finally regulated this asset *la*s with In*truction No. 472. From this
milest*ne, the n*mbe* of inve**ors *nd the nu*b*r of lis*ed *R-RE*Ts
began to *xperie*c*
ra*id g*owth.
Since them, B*-REITs have
beco*e the
best alternative
for *h* ave*age inv*sto*
seek*ng expos*re to the *o*al real estate market because: (i) i* el*m*nat*s all the bureau*ratic
fricti*ns *f *uy*ng a*d se**in* real esta*e; (ii) *t
requires a much sm*ller initial investmen*
*ompared t* direct proper*y pu***ases; (iii) *t a*lows for greater di*ersifi*ation in te*ms o* the
*ua*tity an* type* of real estate ass*ts, reducing vacancy *isks; (iv) *t prov*des greater
liquidit* for buying and selling; (v) it ad*eres to ma*datory income dis*ribution rul*s, ma*ing
*t an *xcellent i**ome generator; *nd (vi) it benefits from pr*fessional **nag*ment of r*al
estate a*se*s.
In add*tion to *he advantages liste* above, there are *lso in*o** ta* exe*ptio* *ules
on earnings *hat **ply to most individual investors, whi*h do not exist when r*ceiving ren*al
income f*om direct pro*e*ty invest*ents. **cause *f *ll the*e factors, BR-REITs are ga*n*n*
***reas*ng popularity in th* portfo*io* of Brazilian inves*ors, e*p*cially among individual
Wi*h s**h su*cess among individual i*vest*r*, this market segment i* compr*sed o* a
significa*t*y l**ger n*mbe* and trading volume of individual inve*tors *ompared to
t h*
Brazi*ian stock mark**. Ac*ording to the D*cember 2022 Mon*hly Report issued by B3,
indi*idua* *nvestors hold custody of app*o*ima*ely 74% *f this market and are res*onsible f*r
67.7% of the trading **lume. Furth*rmore, out of the nearly 2 million regi*tered investors in
this ma*ket,
9 9 .6 5 %
are individual *nvestors. This distinc*ive ch*racteristic
*e*d* ** cer*ain
*neffici*ncies in the market, creating opportunities for g*in* through momentum stra*eg*es, as
demonstrated in the art**le by Ba****o *nd Cam*a*i (20*3).
Between 201* *nd 2022, BR-*EITs we*e ranke* ba*ed on their hig*est annual
dividend CAG*s for t*o, t*ree, and five year *eriods. F*o* these *ankings, portfo*ios were
constructed with varying si*es (nu*ber o* asset*) and *olding peri*ds (rebal*nc*ng intervals
accord*ng to the ranking). All port*oli** exhibited p*rfo*manc* be*o* t*e ma*k*t in terms of
e*cess returns **nerat*d, an* *nly a few str*tegies yi*lded positive a*phas wi*h no st*tistical
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. *2, *. *, art. 2, p. 25-4*, fev. 20*5 www4.fs*net.c*m.*r/revista
Dividend Cagr as an *ss** *election Criterion *n Momentum Strategi*s *f Brazil*an Reit*
sig*i**ca*ce. Conse*uently, *he results su*gest ***sisten* evidence that hist*rical di*idend
CAGR is no* a reli*b** criterion for se*ectin* B*-REITs.
To the bes* of our k*owledge, t*e use of dividend C*GR as selection criterion f*r a
constructing a portfoli* of BR-REITs is a c*mplete*y innov*tiv* approach in th* lite*a*ure.
The m*tivation
behind this *p*roach w*s the *nd*rstanding that, d*e to the requiremen* to
dis*ribute 9*%
of *he fund's cash profit se*i-annual*y, the *o*sistent *rowth *f di*idends,
even during cha*l*ng*ng macroe*onom*c peri*ds, could serve as a good pr*xy *or the quali*y
*f BR-R*IT\s man*ge*ent. *e considered this f*ctor to be importa*t in predictin* the future
value *eneration of t*e *ssets.
This arti*le is divide* int* four addit*onal **apters in addition
to thi* introduct*ry
cha**er. In *hapter 2, we wil* conduct an ext*nsive literature review on momen*um strategies
i* Brazil and abroad,
as well as on Real Estate Inv**tme** Funds (REITs) in Brazil
a**oad. C*apter 3 will describe the article's research methodology.
In Chapter *, we *i*l
pr*sent and discu*s *he main re*ult*, and finally, in Chapter 5, we will pr*vide the key
One of th* mo*t widely recognize* strategies ** the fina*c*al market i* the m**entum
strategy, whic* p*sits that the future retu*ns o* a stock traded on the stock *xcha*ge can b*
explai*ed by the past performance of that same asset. This strategy has its ini*ial landmark in
the *rticle *y J*gadee*h
**d T*tma* (1993), where the authors, analyzing *he U.S. *arket
betw*en 1*65 *n* 1989, were able to
generate si*nif*c*nt*y pos**iv* returns by bu*ing
p**tfolio* with ass*ts *hat ha* positive past returns (*i**ing portfolios) a*d se*ling portf*lios
with assets
that had *eg*ti*e
past returns (losing p*rtfolios). *n
addition *o this
discovery, the* also *ound e*ide*ce that such p**tfolios *orm*d based on past *eturn criteria
*ended to have *heir ge*erated a**ha revers*d after 12 months. Thi* indi*at*s *hat t*is *trategy
works bet*er in a s**rt-te*m appro**h, as over time, th* ma*ket *ou*d ret*rn t* see*ing
ratio*ali*y, contradicti*g th* Efficient Mar*et *ypothesis of Fa*a (1970).
The *uthors go on t* p*opose some exp*anations for this b*havio*, introducing th*
concepts of underre**tion an* over**action tha* coul* acc*unt fo* this short-*erm *rra*ionality,
leading to *h* pos*ibi**ty of *et*rns *hat do not a*ign *ith ri**.
Subse*uently, othe* autho*s del*e* *nto the concept o* **derr*action, su** as Lo and
Ma*Kinlay (1988), Poterb* and Su*me*s (*988), Jeg*d**sh himsel*
(1990), and B*rberis,
Rev. *SA, Teresina PI, v. 22, n. 2, art. 2, p. 25-*5, fev. 2*25
R. P. Souza, R M. Ro*uete, *. L. C. Si*va
Shleife*, an* Vishny (1998), arriv*ng at the definiti** that it could be an e*otional *espon*e
by inves*ors that
preven*s them from full* *ncorporating *nfor*a**on i*t* a**et p*ice*
**mediately. One
po* s i bl e
explanation for t**s phenomenon co*ld be the exis*ence of
c*nserva*ism bias amo*g investors, which would c*eate resista**e to changing their bel*efs in
the face of new info*mat**n.
On the *ther hand, the phenom*non of overreaction, whe* studied by De Bo*dt a*d
Thale* (1985), De Bondt an* T**ler (1987), and *arberis, Shleifer,
and *ishny (1998), was
characterized as an emotional res*o*se leading to an
*xaggerated s**l*ng *f ass**s. As
explanation fo* th*s behavior, we have the repr*sent*tiveness bi*s, which *a*ses investors to
extrapolate *ho*t-term inform*ti*n *nto the pe*petuity of th* *sset.
I* *t*er studies, al*ernative
explanations h*v* bee* found **r these behaviors.
and Stei* (199*) disco*ered *hat th* *p*ed of information dissemination amon* i*vestors,
w*ich th*y *onsider*d *o be low at *he time, is on* of the exp*anations *or
the returns of
mome*tum ****tegies.
I* their turn, Da*iel, *ir*hleifer, and Subrahma*yam (19**) demonstrate that it's not
und*rreaction causing momen**m and ov*rreact**n *a*sing reversa*. Instead, *verre*c*io* i*
what cau**s momentum due t* in*estor ov*rconfidence. Moreover, overr*act*on can *e*si*t if
future infor*a*ion confir*s and reinfor**s inves*or belie**.
*verall, under*e**tio* *ccu*s when market par*ic*pants do not *ully adjust to *ew
information in a timely **nner, ca*s*ng s*oc* prices to move gradually rat*er than instantly
reflecting al* a*ailable i*formation. *verreaction, o* the other ha**, suggests that m*rket
participan*s m*ght o*erreact to
news or events, caus*n* prices to overshoot their
true value
t*mpora*ily. These conc*p** of underreact*on *nd ove**e*ction can *elp expl*in the obse*ved
sho**-ter* a*omalies in st*ck r*tu*ns and provide a bas** for understandin* why momentum
str*tegies can be *rofita*le *n the short r*n, as m*rket participan*s m*y not fully incorporate
all a*ailabl* information into stock prices.
In the Brazili*n a*ad*mic literature, studies on the momentum
eff*ct are
pred*minant** limited to the stock marke*. In*tially, Campan* a*d Lea* (20*6) propose*
equa*ly weighted p*r*folio mod** to de*elop two
st*ck indices *u*seque*tly *amed the
"Valor-Co*pead Indic*s." One of thes* ind*ces is
based on a momentum strategy using
*sra*lsen's (2005) adjusted SR (Sharpe Ratio), aiming t* generate *a*imum ret*r*s with
vo*atility equa* to that of t** market i*d*x.
Sub*equently, Car*eiro and Leal (*017) exam*ned the effects of momentum *trategies
using p*st m*tr*cs such as Sharpe Rat*o (SR), div*de*d y*el* (DY), and liquidity as stock
Rev. *S*, Te*esina, v. 2*, n. 2, art. 2, p. 25-45, fev. 2025 w*w4.f*ane*.c*m.br/revista
D*vi*end Cagr *s an Ass** Selecti*n *riterion in *omentum Strategies o* *razilian Re*ts
selectio* crite*ia i* the Brazilian market betw*e* 2003 a*d 20*2. They demonst*ate*
various *trate**es c*n ** *mplo*ed t* a*hiev* returns due to mom*ntum e*fects. Following
this, Mendonça, Campani, and L*al (20*7) s*udied the use of *R and Je*sen's al*ha a* cr*teria
for selecting *tock i*vestment funds in Brazil from 2004 to 20*4.
Lastly, Civiletti, Campani, and *oque** (2020)
conducted studies that fo*nd
satisfactory returns
in the Brazilian stock mar*et
using momen*um
str*teg*es be**ee* 200*
*nd 2018, p*oviding e*idence that momentum effects also exist in the Brazilian *tock market.
R**ardi*g the BR-REITs, t*ere are very few academic works in *his ar**. However,
wh*n we l*ok at t** acad*mic literature on U.*. Real Estate I*vestment Trusts (REITs),
which c** *e considere* *he corresponding asset cl*s* to BR-R*ITS in U.S. *ar*et (although
there are re*ulatory differences that bring
s*me partic*lari**es, making them n*t exactly the
same), we find a subst*ntial amou*t of literature on t*e subject.
In int*rn**ional literat*re, many studies corre*ate be*avio*al bia*es with the returns of
RE*T*, generating various m*mentum and reversal strategi*s. C*ui, Titman, an* Wei (200*)
discovered, after an*ly**ng data fr*m t*e U.S. market *etwee* 1982 and 1999, that short-te*m
*ov*ments *n R*ITs cannot b* explained by risk **cto*s. *hey propos* an e*planation b*sed
on the theory deve*ope* by Daniel, Hir*hleif*r, *nd Subrahmanyam (1998). *hey *elieve that,
starting in 1992, d*e to c*an*es in the *egulatory f*amework of REI*s, t*e va*uation of t*is
*s*et cl*ss became more complex, leadi*g i*ves*ors t* a*t with o*erconfiden*e. When the*
applied *h* Jegadeesh **d Titman (1993) s*rategy to REITs, the* obtained e*ces* *eturns
almost twice as hi*h
in th* *tock mark*t, *em*nstrat*n* tha* momentum strat*gies have
much more strength in the REI* mar*et.
Hung and Glascock (20**) *xam*ned t*e dividend yiel* (D*) as * factor in a
momentum strategy in the U.S. market *e*ween 1972 and 2000. They demo*strated tha* DY
is *igh*r among funds with higher *ecent *etur*s, leadin* to
the *onclusion *hat **ment*m
can be *x*la*n*d by th* inhe*ent r*sk of DY variation.
Furt**rmore, *e *an find more r*cent stu*ies associa*ing moment*m strategies with
the retu*ns of RE*Ts, s*ch as Bro*, Ghosh, *nd *etrova (20*7), who found evid*nce of
momentum in Eur*pean *nd UK RE*Ts by analyzing *eturns
2002 and 2*14.
Addi**onal*y, By*n, Lim, and Yun (2016) **d Liu and Lu (2019) suggest that ut*lizin*
overreactio* *trategy can g*nerate significant positive
returns in th* U.S. REIT
In the Brazil*an **terature, initia*ly, we find arti*l*s b* Ca**do, *iott* & Sec*rat*
(2002) an* Amat*, *akaoda, Li*a & *ec*rato (2005). Thes* ar*icl*s primarily p*ovide basic
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 22, n. 2, a*t. 2, p. 25-*5, fev. 2025 ww*4.*sanet.c*m.br/revista
R. P. Sou*a, * M. Roquete, A. L. C. Silva
s*udies o* the chara*teristic* of BR-**ITs, *he *red*m**ant investment se*tors, the number
of *nvestors, all *uring a *eriod when **e market was taking its fir*t ste*s in d*velop*ent.
D*e to the predominan*e *f individual **vestors bo*h i* trading volu*e an* t*tal **set
cu*tody, as previously mentioned, th*s is a market e*posed *o * h*gher risk of ine*fic**nc*es
due to the lower level of sophi*tication among i*s players. Addit**nally, *t is a market *ti*l in
the growth *nd ma*uratio* phase, as previou*ly *ighlighted.
Al*houg* *her* is clear *vidence t*at th* *R-RE*Ts market is exp*sed to these
in**ficiencie*, few have taken an
interest in s*udyin* th* topi*. Guimarães (*013), *sing
Carhar*'s (1997)
four-f*ctor model on a sma*l group o* BR-REI*s i* *he Brazilian mar*et
**twee* 2008 and 2012, d**onstrated a p*rformance
trend, obse*ving p*rsisten*e of past a
re*urns into *he future
(*omentum). Mor* rece*tl*, Barr*to and C*mpa** (202*), a*al*zing
the B*azi*ian market be*ween 2012 and 2020, found that the variati*n in d*vidend yield (DY)
is a factor tha* can ** *sed very succ*ssfully in a momentum strategy, generating excellent
retur*s above the m*rket.
*redo*i*an*ly, in the Brazi*ian academ*c lite**ture, w* find m*re ar*icles on the BR-
REITs marke* that *tudy ris* *actors that can expla*n the*r returns. F*r e*ample, Dias (2019)
point* out that the r*tur*s of B*-REITs market inde* (I*IX) and Brazilian stoc* mark*t index
(IBOV) *ave low covar**nce when analyzed by the be** of C*PM models. O*ive*ra and
Mi*ani (2020) de*onstrate that *h* return *f I*OV, among other *ari*bl*s *tu*ied, is the o*e
bes* ex*lai*s the r*tu*n *f IFIX. Lastly, Nascimento, Scaramussa, *nd **rto*o*
evaluated B*-REITs ret*rns fro* the perspective of regulatory, tax, and manag*ment aspects.
In an a*tempt to compleme*t the effor*s *f th*s *ecent national **ter*tu*e, th* next
section *ill *resent **e metho**l*gy used
to study the momentum strategy in BR-REITs
usi** dividend C*GR. Su*sequen*ly, the results *ill be pre*en*ed i* *ection
4, *nd the
co**lusions in section 5. Section * will provide the r*ference literature.
3 .1 *ata
The present article will a**l*ze the *onth-**-month res*lts o* all Brazilian R***
Es*ate Inv*st*ent Fu*ds (BR-REITs) tha* are e**gible wi*hin the criter*a ex**ain*d *elo*,
from January 2018 to December 202*.
Rev. *SA, *er*sina, v. 2*, *. 2, **t. *, p. 25-45, fev. 2025 ww*4.fsanet.com.br/re*i***
D*v*dend Ca*r as an A*set Selection Crit*rion in Momen*um *trategies of Brazilian Reits
*he initial idea of th*s study was to us* a *im* frame of ten y*ars. The choice of s*ch
an extens*ve tim* frame wou** be explained b* t*e len*th o* the Brazil**n *eal estate m*rket
cycle, *hic* l*st* approxim**ely 8 to *0
years, a*co*ding to sourc*s such as *he B*azi*ian
Asso*iation of Real Estate Dev*lopers (ABR*INC) and the Fe*er*tion of *ndustries of t*e
Stat* of São *au*o (F*ESP). Ad*itional**, by using * significan*ly long period, we would
e*po*e BR-REIT* manag*rs to a *ide *ange of ma*roe*onomic sce*ari*s, add*n* rob*s**es*
to th* s**dy. H*wever, whe* *na*yzing the Compound A*n*al Growt* *ates (C*GRs) wi**
the filters
applied *or the peri*ds between *anuary 2013 and *ece**er 2017,
the sample of
approved funds *n
t** research filte*s beca*e too sma*l,
forming po*tfolios with fewer than
t**e* assets. Fo* this reason, w* chose to cut th* analy*is from January
p*rio* in which market liquidi*y, th* numb*r of asse*s lis*ed o* the s*ock exchange, and *he
number of in*esto*s experience* m*re s*gnificant gr*wt*.
The funds that c*mpris** t** total universe sam*le for this study w*re th* ones
*ategorized by the Quan*um Ax*s platform as intended *or general inves*o*s, resultin* in
*otal o* 283 *unds ove* the entir* analysis period. T*e number of funds analyz*d eac* month
varied due *o various factors, su*h as the laun*h *f new fu*ds, th* termina*ion of *ld funds, or
ev*n opera*ional is*ues that led to non-*ivid*nd dis*ributions.
Based *n the asset sel**tion criteria pro*osed below, monthly div*dend *aym*nt data
was extracted from the Quantum Axis platform, leading to th* total d*vidend p*i* over the last
twelve mon*hs, *hereby *limina*ing an* i*sues re**ted to divide*d distrib*t*on seaso*ality. As
previ*usly mentioned, due to r**ul*to*y requirement*, *R-REITs are obl*gated t* dis*ribute *
minimum of 95% of the semi-a*nua* cash
*r*fit, l*a*in* little room for *anagers to make
discreti**ar* distribu*ions.
F*om t*e universe sam*le, fun*s with c*nst*tuti*n dates late* th*n the
peri*d used in *he CAG* cal*ulation,
s*own *n the *q*ation1 below, and funds that
*ot distributed divid*nd f*r any reason du*ing the denominator perio* of *he CAGR
calculation w*re excluded.
By usin* the filters menti*n*d above and th* an*ual dividend *ai*, we are assumi*g
*ha* we a*e **im*nating *ny sp*rious effects from the analys*s.
T* exclude f*nd* with low liquidity ***t **y dis*o*t compa*is*ns wit* thei* peers, for
eac* *ef*re**e m*nth, only the f*nds t*at *et the *ollowing criteria w*re consid*red:
presence *n 100% of the tradin* days of t*e an*lys*s month, i.e. at least one negotiation in a*l
of the trading
days in the refer*nce m*n*h. This liqui*ity cri*erion *as se*ected to be **en
more stringent tha* the trading cr*teria fo* the composition of *he market index (IFIX), as will
R*v. FSA, Ter*s*n* PI, v. 22, n. 2, ar*. 2, p. 2*-45, fe*. 2025 www4.fs*net.com.br/*e*ista
R. P. Souza, R M. Ro*uete, A. L. C. Silv*
be d*tailed later in *his ar*ic*e. *he *eas** f** using this stri*ter criterion i* to ensu*e that th*
p**tfolios formed in this st*dy can be easily replica*le by i*di*idual investors; and (ii) an
average daily trading liquidit* o* over R$ 100,*00.0* (one *undre* t*ou*and Bra*ilian Reais)
for the
anal*sis *onth. **is liquidi*y fil*er r*pre*ents that, with*n the smaller sampl* i*
t he
entire study, ensures th*t the select*d funds w*l* *e amon* the 7*% most liquid in the s*mple.
**ditiona***, for return c*lcu*ations, the m*nthly adjusted ret*rn value of each fund
was e*tracted from Quant*m *xis, considering the mont*ly dividend pay*ent
v*lue *or
t he
r*ference month.
T*e monthly closing prices o* *h* B*-R*ITs market i*dex (I***) and t*e Brazil*an
Inte*bank D*posi* Cert*f*cat*s ra*e (CDI) were also extracted from Quan**m Axis. These data
were use*, *ith the former serving as a benchmark for return and volati*i*y an*lyses, and the
latter as the ris*-free rate fo* the B*azili*n e**nomy.
3.2 *ortfoli* For*ati*n
3 .2 .1 Seleo* cr*terion and for**tion period
The *election criterion that this ar*icle prop*ses to use in a momentum *trat*g*
**alysis is the divid*nd Compo*nd Annua* Growth Ra*e. T*e use of t*e div*dend CAGR is
bas*d on the hypothesis that *his fa*tor is a *el*va*t prox* for t*e fund'* management qual*ty.
Since, by *e*ulatory definitio*, *he manager is
obliged to distribute u* *o 95% *f the fund's
*as* *rofit semi-an*ually, a* *ncrease in dividend distr*b**ion is a st*ong indic*tor of succ*s*
in achieving increasingly positive r*sults at different point* in th* market c***e.
To a*hieve this, it was necessary t* calcu*ate: (i) the total dividend paid in the l*st
twelve months; (ii) th* total di**dend paid between th*
13th and 24*h m*nths; (iii) the total
dividend paid betwe*n **e 15th an* 36th mo*t**; (iv) t*e total div*dend *aid between the 37th
and 48th *onths; (v) t*e t**al *ivide*d paid between the 49th and 60*h months; an* (*i) t*e
total d*vidend
paid be*ween t*e 6*st and 72n* m*nths, all r*l*t*ve to the re*erence month.
With this **for*ation, it was possible to *al*ulate the d**i*end **m*ound *nnu*l Grow*h
*ate (CAGR) for the last tw*-, three-, and f*ve-y*a*s using Eq*atio* 1. The highes* CAGRs
wer* used as the s*le*tion criterion for the winn*ng portf**ios.
Equation 1 *r*sents the process of ca*culatin* *he CAGR for a per*od
of time "n",
where n represents the t*tal analy*is per**d (2, 3 or 5 y*ars) and *otal *i**dend1 represent*
the f*rst *ear'* returns.
Rev. *S*, T*resina, v. 22, n. 2, art. 2, p. *5-45, fe*. *0*5 www4.fsanet.com.br/revista
Dividend Cagr as an Asse* Selection *rit*rion in Momentu* S*rat**ie* o* Brazi*ian Reits
3 .2 .2
Size, weig*ts and strategy of the portfoli*s
The n*xt step in *o**o*in* t*e *inning portfolios (long **ly) f*r this *tudy's an*lysis
invo*ved mon*hly ra*king the BR-REI*s within the universe sam*le over t*e spec*fied time
frame ba*ed on the best *o wors* d*viden* CAG** *f two years, thr*e years, and f*ve years.
Fo* each
of the rankings *escribe* above, th*ee portfolios wer* formed with the followi*g
as*et compositi*n: the *op-ranked *un*s f*om *he ranking present in the 10%, *0%, and 30%
*ercentile* of the to*al funds in t*e sample spa*e for the reference mon*h, totaling nine
Each a*set will make *p its p*rtfo*io with equ** weigh*s, which, acc*rding to *en**tzi
and *haler (20*1), is an
exc*llent weightin* *trategy for unsophi**icated investors.
Furthermore, b* usin* portfo*ios with *qual we*gh**, we aim *o eliminate f*o* th* an**ysis
any alpha genera*ed *y more so*histica*ed weight*ng techni*ues, analyzing the effects of the
momentum *trategy ** the purest possib*e w*y.
Usually, t*e analys*s of mom*ntum *trategies invo*ves **ying * win*in* port**lio and
selling a losi** portfolio, creating lo*g, short, lo*g-sho**, and l*ng-bias** por*folios.
However, in this stu**, losing portfoli*s wi*l no* be c*eated due to the fact that the BR-REIT*
regulatio* *nly recentl* allow** sh*rt ***ling of thi* ass*t class, and to this d*y, *he liquidity
for bor**win* BR-RE**s is ve*y low. Th*r*fore, it would not be possibl* *o ac*urately
determine the costs of imp**me*ti*g this *hort *e*li** strategy.
*.2.3 *old*ng per*od
*s mention*d *arlie*, mome*tum theory sug**sts
that t*e generate* returns ar*
consequence* of mark*t inefficienc*es, *hic*, in turn, are generated b* some cognit**e biases
in mar***s where individual *nvestor*, who are less so**isticate*, h*v* a *ignifi*a*t prese*c*.
Due to *hese *haracteristics, s*ch i**ffici*ncies tend to *issipate over time, making
t he
*omentum strategy more e*fe*tive for short-term r*balanci**.
Rev. F**, Teresina PI, v. *2, n. 2, art. 2, p. *5-45, *ev. 2025 *ww4.fsanet.co*.br/r*vist*
*. P. *ouza, R M. R*que*e, A. L. C. *ilva
3 .3 .1
Sharp* rati* (SR)
The Sharpe Ratio wi*l be calc*lated f*r ea*h portfolio accordi** to *quation 2 below.
It will be obtained by considering the differenc* between the ar*thmetic mean of the mon*hly
return *f the portfolio *nd t*e a*ithmetic me*n of the monthly return
of the risk-free rate,
div*ded by the standard deviation of th* *ortfolio.
3.3.2 **ree-**ct*r model\* alpha
The Jansen\* Al*ha of **ch *ortfolio w*ll be est**ated *y ca*c*l*tin* th* inter*ep* o*
the li*ear regressions performed using *he least squ*res met*od. Equation *, used as a b*sis, is
described below. It is b*se* on the Fama-Fre*ch t*ree-*a*to* *odel, whi*h i* an extens*on of
th* Capital *sset Pricing *odel (CAP*), adding t* m*rket risk: (i) th* outperformanc* of
sma** companies *ompare* to large companies ("SMB"); and (*i) *h* outper*ormance o* high
book-to-market **mp*nies
c*mp*r*d to low book-to-ma*ke* compa**es ("HM*"). We *ill
use *he IFIX as th* mar**t index and the SMB *nd HML factor* calc*lat** by the Cente* for
Rese*r*h i* Financi*l E*o*omics a* the Univ*rsity o* São *aulo (NE*IN).
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 22, n. 2, art. 2, p. 25-*5, fe*. 2025 www4.f*anet.*om.*r/*evista
*i*id*nd Ca*r as an *sset Selection Criterion in Momentum Strategies of Brazil*a* Reits
3.3.3 Th* BR-REIT mark*t index (I*IX) composition
For a better un**rstand*ng of th* results co***r*d to the *arket index, *t is im*ortant
to clar*fy how it i* composed.
In general t*rms, BR-REI*s *arket index (IFIX) is a tota* return ind*x tha* is
composed of all Real Es*ate I*ves*me*t Funds listed on the B3 stock exchange or o*er-the-
co**te* market, provided *hat th*y meet the f*llowi*g *umulative criteri*: (i) hav* at least *ne
ne*oti*tion in 95% of th* *rad*ng *ays *f the p*riod *ov*red *y
the *revious three IFIX
po**folios; (ii) do not have a *inima* quot*tion that c**ssifies *hem *s '**nny S*ocks'; and (i*i)
*r* *lassi*ied
a**ng e*igi*le assets, which d*ring the p*evious *h*ee IFIX *ort*olios, th*t
*epresent 99%
** the sum of *h* in*ica*ors of the Liquidity Index fo*m*la*ed
*y B3, in
*escendi*g or*er.
The eligible a*sets are *eighted *y the market v*lue o* th* Real Estate Inve*tment
Fund in refe**nce. *t is worth noting that a REIT\* pa**icip*tion in
the index cannot e*cee*
portfolios C2(10)Q
and C3(3*)Q exhib*t *tatistical significan*e at the 5% and
1*% lev**s,
*espective*y. Al* portfolios w**n men*i*ned on this paper **l* r*ceiv* the following
den*tatio*: C YEAR(SIZE) FO*MAT*ON PERIO*, that
is, *f we are ref*rring t* the
port*olio formed by the best 5-year d*vide*d CAGRs with s*z* *f the b*st 20% funds in the
*ample and reb*lanced quarterly, we will *bbr*viate to C5(20)Q an* so o*.
Ad*itional*y, it is notewort*y that all *al*ula*ed Sharpe *at*os (*R) for the portfolios
ex*ibi*ed ne*ative v*l*es, except for portfolio C3(*0)Q, which *ad * posi*i*e SR and, along
Re*. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 22, n. 2, art. *, p. 25-4*, fev. 2025 www4.fsanet.*om.br/revista
R. *. Souza, R M. Roq*ete, A. L. C. *ilva
with port*olio C2(*0)Q, ou*perform*d t*e ben*hmark. This pa***cular data
po*sibly only *ortfolios (C3(30)Q and *2(10)Q), *ithi* *he contex* of th*s study,
demonstrated a p*rfo*mance
tha* t*ansla*ed i*t* a m*re fav*rable risk-retur* r*lationship
compa*ed to t*e market index, although *hey *id not gen*rate a* excess *eturn.
It is *ignifica*t to obser*e that, during *he analysis period of this s*udy, the m*rk*t
index itsel* (IFIX) exhibite* a lower return than the Brazilian risk-free rate (*DI), with higher
volatility, *esulting in a negative SR *or the market
index. Howev*r, it is importa*t *o
emphasize *h** the analysis in Table * against *he risk-free rate *s *one **fore tax*s. In *razil,
in*ividual investors
*ave relative*y e*sy a**ess *o
fixed-inco** instr*m*nts.
However, th*se inst*umen*s are not so*e*ei** r*sk but cor*orate ris*, w*i*h
dis*orts *he
*nalys*s again*t the **sk-f*ee rate. Within ass**s *it* *overeign ri*k, i*com* *ax ** calculated
bas*d on descendi*g *ca*e tha* co*sid*rs the investme*t per*od. For *n*e*tm*nts over a
years, the lowest possible ta* rat* is 15% on the cap*tal g*in. The tax structure of Real Esta*e
Inve*tment Fu*ds (*EITs) in Brazil is hybri*. Th*re is income tax exem*tion for indi*iduals
on distributed *ividen*s *nce certain rules ar* met, includin* a *inim*m number of
sha*eholde** in th* BR-*EIT, manda*or* semi-*n*ual *is*ribution of 95% o* c*sh **ofit, and
**adi** on a stock exch*nge or ov*r-t**-counte* marke*, which *irtually
all funds in
t he
sample comply with. Therefore, for t*e p*rpo*** of
thi* analysis, we will co*s**er
t h*
e*e*ption o* div*dends. Ad*itionally, there is a 20% ta* r*t* on *apital gai*s from buying
and sell**g BR- *E*Ts. Co*side*ing tha* IFIX i* a total return index, meani*g *t consi*ers t*e
return ge*era*ed b* cap*tal gains and *ei*ves*ment of di*idends, *e
c*n use a simplif*ed
average tax r*te of
10% for ta* *omparison pu*poses. With this, we would have an average
monthly ret**n of 0.43% for the CDI against a* aver*ge *onthly re*urn of 0.44% for IF*X. As
be se*n, in the analy*is after taxes, the market ind*x offers * slig*tly higher return than
*he risk-free as**t.
Rev. FSA, T*res**a, v. 22, n. 2, art. *, *. 25-45, fev. 2025
M ax
0 ,5 1 %
0 ,2 8 %
0 ,1 3 %
1 ,1 7 %
0 ,4 9 %
3 ,6 3 %
1 0 ,6 * %
P*nel B: Por*foli*s
Av e r a g e
M ax
( %)
6 ,2 5 %
* 5 ,* 9 %
0 ,0 8 %
5 ,6 9 %
1 2 ,0 4 %
0 ,5 1 %
5 ,7 6 %
1 3 ,9 6 %
0 ,0 0 %
4 ,9 1 %
9 ,1 4 %
C*GR *
0 ,4 0 %
4 ,7 4 %
1 0 ,0 * %
0 ,* 9 %
* ,* 0 %
9 ,3 3 %
0 ,2 4 %
* ,5 4 %
9 ,1 8 %
0 ,3 5 %
4 ,5 9 %
9 ,2 7 %
0 ,* 2 %
4 ,4 * %
9 ,2 0 %
5 ,3 6 %
* 2 ,5 6 %
0 ,2 1 %
5 ,3 0 %
1 2 ,5 6 %
0 ,2 7 %
5 ,3 1 %
1 2 ,6 6 %
0 ,2 0 %
4 ,9 2 %
1 0 ,7 2 %
0 ,2 4 %
* ,6 * %
1 0 ,7 2 %
0 ,3 * %
4 ,7 * %
1 1 ,1 2 %
0 ,* 5 %
4 ,5 8 %
9 ,9 * %
0 ,4 3 %
4 ,4 3 %
9 ,9 4 %
0 ,5 2 %
4 ,* 2 %
0 ,0 0 2
1 0 ,7 8 %
6 ,1 6 %
1 * ,7 2 %
0 ,* 2 %
5 ,9 3 %
* 3 ,1 7 %
6 ,* 6 %
1 3 ,0 7 %
0 ,2 7 %
5 ,1 8 %
1 0 ,* 5 %
0 ,2 9 %
5 ,0 3 %
* 0 ,4 1 %
0 ,3 5 %
5 ,2 * %
* 2 ,9 5 %
0 ,3 0 %
4 ,8 0 %
* 1 ,5 5 %
0 ,3 7 %
4 ,6 6 %
* 1 ,5 5 %
0 ,3 * %
4 ,7 7 %
1 1 ,3 5 %
Note: On panel A, the average *eturn was obtained bas*d on *he ar*thmetic me*n of th* monthly returns of th* indices. The
stan**rd d***ation was also calculated based on mo*thly data. The S*arpe ratio (*R) was *alculated based on *quation * for
IFIX si*c* the *DI is *he risk-free rate i*se*f. The m*nimum value correspo*ds to th* lowes* ob*erved *eturn. The maxim*m
*alue c*rrespon*s to th* highest retur* observe*. *n pa*els B, portfolios were *ivided based on C*GR analys** into *hree
gr**ps, o*e fo*med by the b**t 2 year* dividen* *AGR, ot*er by t** best 3 yea*s dividend CA*R, and the l*st by **e best 5
year* d*v*dend *AGR. *he
was calcula*ed based on equati*n 1. The
size of th* portfolios adopted values of 10%,
20%, and 30%. The *o*mation period adopted *a*ues of a (annual), s (semi-annual) and q (quar*erly). *0 **nth*y *e*ur* da*a
w*re generated for each *o*tf*lio. T*e average return was obtained based on *he *rithmetic mean of the monthly retu*ns of
eac* */N portfolio f**med based o* t*e
size a*d
per*od. The stand*rd devia*ion w** also calcu*ated b*sed on
mo*thly *at*. The S*arpe *atio (SR) was *alculat** based *n equation 2. *he exc*s* return was calculat*d a* the dif*erenc*
between the t*t*l return of each p**tf*l*o subtr*ct*d *rom the t*tal return of the IFIX *nd after
annual**e*. The **n*mum
*alue c*rrespo**s to the lowest observed *ortfolio ret*rn. *he maximum value correspo*ds to the h*gh*st observed *or*fol*o
retur*. * denot*s significance at 10% a*d ** at *%, as m*asured *y bil*teral t-tes*.
Rev. F**, Teres*na PI, v. 2*, n. 2, art. *, p. 25-4*, f*v. 2025 www*.fs*net.com.*r/revis*a
R. P. Souza, R M. Roquete, A. L. C. Silva
Ult*m*te**, w*at is e*ident f*om Table 1 *s that the excess returns of the portfol*os
construc*e* a*cor*ing to the *ethodol**y of this article, except for por*folios C2(*0)Q *nd
d* not have statisti*al *i*ni*icance. Ther*fo**, i* can be conclude* that the
m*mentum st*ategy, when employe* w*th CAGR a* *he s*lectio* facto*, di* n** demo*strate
superior perform**ce t* the market index in t*r*s o* both retu*n and, in gen*r*l, risk.
Table 2 presents th* result* for the estimated alpha according *o the t*ree-factor
CAPM models, a* p*r Eq*ation 3.
None of t*e alphas calculat*d for the p*rtfoli** had positiv*
valu*s, e*cept for
portfo*ios C2(10)Q and C3(10)S, *3(*0)Q, C3(2*)Q, C3(30)S, C3(30)Q, C5(20)Q, C5(30)*,
and C5(30)Q. Th*s means that thes* p*r*folios, a**hough they d*d not generate excess *eturns
compa*ed t* the mar*et index, *ossibly c*eat*d va*u* by prov*di*g a better *isk-return
re*ati*n. However, it *s i*portant *o *ot* that even
i* these
case*, t*e
alphas did not reach
sta*istic*l si*nifi*ance higher than 10%. Thi* *e*ult suggests that, in *e*er*l, t*e portfolios did
not *ene*ate excess returns relat*v* to the market in*e* that c*uld be attributed to asset
selection *kills. I* the*e was any merit in the po**f**io'* return generation, it w** not du* to th*
moment*m str*tegy *sing *ividend C*GR as a selecti*n factor but rather to an ef*e*t of the
market risk *remium relative to t*e risk-f*ee rat*, capt*re* by the be*a r*s* factor coe*fi*i*nt
in Equa*i*n *, which is notably positive and *ighly **atistic*lly significant a* *h* 1% level fo*
*l* po*tfolios.
Tabel 2 - CAPM 3 f*ct*rs m*del
F**m*tion period
C*GR 2
CA*R 3
Rev. FSA, Teresina, v. 22, n. 2, art. 2, p. 2*-45, f*v. 2*25
Di*idend Cagr as an Ass*t Selection Criterion *n Momentum Strategies *f B*azi*ian Reits
*ote: Portfol*os were div*ded based on CAGR an*lys*s into thre* groups, *ne formed by t*e bes* 2
*ears dividend C*GR,
ot*er by the best 3 years divide*d *AGR, and the last by *he best 5 years div*dend CA*R. The CAG* *** ca*culat** base*
on equa*ion 3. The siz* of the portfoli*s a*o*ted va*ues o* 1*%, 20%, and 3*%. The for*a*ion per*od adopt*d v*lues *f a
(*nnual), s (s*mester) *nd q (quarter*y). 60 monthly **t*rn da*a were generat*d f*r *ach p*rtfol**. 60 monthly *eturn da*a
w*re generated *o* ea*h *ortfol*o bet*ee* January 2*18 and Decemb** 2***. The th*ee-facto* C*** model was esti*ated
according *o Equation 3. No *lpha
*or the *hree-fa*tor model *s
*i*nif*c*nt at **e 10% leve* or l*ss. All model eq**tions
R. P. Sou*a, * M. Roq*ete, *. L. C. Silva
ski*ls of the st*a*egy, wh*ch l** to t*e decision to not proceed w**h the anal*s*s u*ing another
*ultifactor *od*l, **ch as t*e 5-fa*tor CAPM.
It is w*rth noting that some portfo*ios, such *s C2(10)Q and C3(30)Q, possibly exhibi*
a be*ter risk/return re*ation **an t** market portfolio
as measured *y the *harpe Ratio. One
assump*i*n for this b*havi*r i* the more *r*quent reba*an*ing s*rate*y (**arter**) and the use
of not-so-d*sta*t CAGRs (2 and 3 ye*rs), which aligns with J*gadeesh and Titman'* (1993)
under*tand*ng t*at mo*entum st*ategi*s te*d to *ave their gen*rate* *lpha *eve*sed after *2
mo**hs, indicating that suc* a strategy *ork* bette* in a *h*rt-*erm approac*. As suggest*ons
fo* futur* studies, it would be in*ere*ting to perform addition*l t*sts w*th *onthly *ebala*cin*
an* * (one) year CAGRs to further e*plore *h*s* dynamics.
Fi*ally, it is importan* to highli*ht that the *esult* *f this *tudy *ere calc*la*ed over a
*elati*el* **ort per*od com*ared to the r*al estate market cycl*. This l*mitation wa* due to the
re*orted issues of a lack of a rele*ant *niverse sample o* available *unds withi*
the applied
m*thodology. Add*tion*lly, duri*g this short time fram*, we h*d the mar*et effects of
t he
coronavirus pandem*c, which
could have als* *on*ri*uted *o the distortion
of the results
f*und. The*e*ore, the ana*ysis covered a more restri*t*d period, which may
impact the
gen*ral*zat*on of th* results to *onger p*riod*. *uture research ma* consid*r expandi*g
t he
anal*s*s p**iod if a**ro*riat* data
bec*mes available
to gain a *o*e compr*hensive
understan*ing of the
of momen*um *trategies in the context
of th* real
Compari*g w*th the *rticle written by Barreto a*d Cam*ani *hat *nspired thi* study,
the initial expectation wa* to fin* a meth*dology *h*t gen*rates alpha, prob*bly **all*r tha*
Barret* an* Cam*ani found, but with *ower
volatil*ty *nd easier to *epl*cat*
individual investor *ince i* would r*q*ir* less asset turnover in the *ortf*l*o. Ho*ev*r,
t he
me*hodo*ogy discovere* in this article did not sci**tific**ly *rove t* be alpha-generating. This
suggests that, *ue to t*e s*ill emerg*ng stage of th*s market *n Brazil, *s*et *ri*es are much
more *ensiti**
to short-te*m res**ts than quality f*n*ament**s such as the ma*agement's
a*ili*y to deli*er increasing and recurring re*ults.
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C*mo Referen*iar este Artigo, conform* ABNT:
SOUZ*, R. P; ROQUETE, R *; SILVA, A. L. C. Dividend Cagr as an As*e* S*l**tion Criterion in
Moment*m Stra*egies of Br*zilian Reits. R*v. FSA, T*resin*, v. 22, *. 2, art. *, p. 25-45, fev. 2025.
Co*tribuição dos Autores
R. P. Souza
R M. Roquete
R M. Roquete
1) concepção e *l*n*jamento.
*) análise e interp*etação *o* dad*s.
3) elabora*ão do rascunho ou *a revisão crítica d* co**e*do.
4) pa*ticip*ção na aprovação da ve*são f*nal do manuscrito.
R*v. FSA, *ere*ina PI, v. 22, n. 2, art. *, p. 25-*5, f*v. 2025
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