Centro Unv*rsitário Santo Agostinho
Rev. FSA, Tere*i*a, *. *8, n. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, ja*. 2*21
*SSN Impresso: 18*6-6356 ISS* Eletr*nico: 2317-2983
Wo*kplace Accidents as a Consequen*e *f Human Er*or: *n Empi**cal Study in a G**d Mine
Os Aci*entes de Tra*alho *o*o Consequ*ncia dos Erro* *uman*s: Um Estud* de C*so em u*a
*ina de O*ro no Brasil
Ludmila *ar*ins Floris
Dout***do em Admi*istração pela U*iversida*e Federal de *avras
Mestrado e* Qu*lité et Perform*nce dans l*s O*ganisat**ns Univ*rs*te de Techno*o**e de Comp*egne
Eduardo G*mes Carvalho
Dout*rad* em Administr*ção *el* Univ*rsidade F*de*a* de Lavras
*est*ado em Engenha*ia de Produção pela Universida*e Federal de Ita*u*á
Bruna Cris*i*a Ram*s Faustino
*estrado **o*issional em Engenharia *mbien*a* pela Univ**s*dad* Federal *o Rio de Jan**ro
Gradu*ção em E*genharia *e Min*s pela Uni*ersidad* do Est*do de Mina* *erais
Cr*s*ina Lelis Leal Caleg*r*o
Douto*a em Agr**ultur*l And Applied Economi*sUniv**sity of Georgia
Professo*a da Univ*rsidade Federal de Lavra*
*ndereço: L*dmi*a *art*ns Floris
Edi*or-Chefe: Dr. Tonny Kerl*y de Alenc*r
Aq*e*ta Sol, *avras - MG, 37200-900. Br*sil.
*duard* Gomes *a*valh*
Aquenta Sol, Lavra* - MG, 3*200-900. Brasil.
A*tigo recebido em *2/**/20*0. Última v*rsão
Br*na Cristina *amos Faust*no
recebida em 16/11/2020. Apro*ad* em *7/11/2020.
Aquenta Sol, Lavras - M*, 37200-*00. B*asil.
Cristina Le*is Leal Cal*gar*o
Avaliad* pelo sistema Triple Review: De*k Review a)
**uenta Sol, Lavras - MG, 37200-900. B*a**l.
p*lo Edito*-*hef*; e b) *o**le Blind R*view
(a*aliação *ega por dois *v*liador*s da área).
Revisão: Gramati*a*, N*rmativa e de *ormatação
Os Pr*m**r*s **ços de Minas: A *oesia Árcade Bras*le*ra co*o Conjur*ção
In * context where high rates of accidents ** the mining indu*try still occur, this stud* a*ms to
eva*uate if li*e *v*nts of employees of a large min*ng compa*y *n Brazil can cause
erro*s. *hrough the technique of m*del*ng structu*al *quations, i* measured t*e causa*
r*la**ons*i* b**ween li*e ev*n**, cap*cit* f*r ove*comi*g, stress, ps*c**logica* funct*on,
phys**l*gical func*ion, and human error. This b*sed on the assumption that life eve*ts can
influence these vari*bles, which in turn can
hu*an err*r and cause damages to *he
worker*. All *he hyp*t*eses *f this relation were va**dat*d in a gold m*ning company *ith
more than 600 employees. The result* *how that the life e*ent is interconnect*d with *uman
error and tha* the stress is an agent that inf*uences *his *rocess. Furthermore, th* descri*tive
stati*tics allow*d to i*enti*y in wh*ch groups, selected fro* sociodemographic *ar*ables, there
a*e higher possibilit*es of human e*ror. The result* have theoreti*al and practical im**ications
and *uggest measu*es that may contribut* t* reduc*n* psychological and ph*siologic*l
dysfunctions to *voi* w**kplace failure*.
Keywo*ds: Workpl*ce acci*ents. Human Error. Minin*. St*u*tur*l Equatio*s.
Em um con*ex*o em q*e ainda
ocor*em *ltas *axas
de a*id*ntes no setor de **neração, **te
estudo tem
c*m* objetivo a*ali*r s* *s eventos de vida *e *uncionários de uma
empresa de m*neração no Br*sil pode* causar err*s
h*man*s. Atra*és da técnica *e
mode*agem de equações es*rutu*ai*,
é me*ida a relaçã* causal *ntre
da vida,
*a*ac*d*de de *uperação, *stresse, f*nção ps*cológica, *unção fisiológica e er*o humano. Is*o
se base*a no pressuposto de que ** eventos da v*da podem *nfluenciar essas variáveis, que por
*ua vez pode*
**ro* humanos e caus*r danos
*** traba*hadores. *odas as hipóteses
*essa *e*ação fo*a* va*ida*as
em *m*
empresa de mineração de ouro com *ais de 600
func**nários. Os result*dos mostram *ue o *vento ** v*da está int*rligado a* erro humano e
qu* o e*tresse é um agente que infl*enc*a esse p*ocesso. Além *isso, as est**ística* descrit*vas
pe*mitiram identificar em quais g*upos, s**ecionados a *artir *e ***i*v*is so*i*demog*áficas,
há ma*ore* po**ibilidade* de erro humano. Os resultados tê* im*li*ações teóricas e práticas e
s*gerem medid*s que
podem contribui* p*ra *edu*ir
disfunç*es *sic*l**icas e fisioló*i*as
para evitar falha* no local de trabalho.
*al*v*as chav*s: Ac*dentes de **ab*l*o. Erro Huma*o. *ineração. Equaçõe* Est*****ais.
Rev. *SA, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 01, a*t. 4, p. 74-99, jan. 2021
L. M. Flori*, *. G. *arvalh*, B. C. R. Faus*in*, C. L. L. *a**gario
The se*rch for measures to el*minate occ**at*o*al a*cidents is a prior*ty of almo*t all
*rganizatio** and has beco*e a worldwid* concern du* to m*ny *c*id*nts and deaths t**t
*ave occurred t*r**ghout h*stor*. Som* sector* are
d**t*nguished b* *he deg**e
dangerousness a*d insal*br*ty involv*d in their work p*ocesses, an*, between the*, m*ni*g
st*nds out. D*spit* the importan**
o* * hi s
sec*or as an indispens*ble so*rce
*f raw mater*al
for *o*ie**, mine*al activity carries w*th i* major risks to *h* hea*th an* *afety, envi*onmen*
*nd we**are of th* c*mm*n*ty (Amoah & Stemn, 2018). B*sides, injury and **t*lity *at*s in
*hi* harsh work e*vi*on*ent ar* ver* **gh compa*ed to other *ndu*tries (Kumar et al., 2016).
In the Brazilian scenari*, mini*g activity is classified as r*sk grade 4, considered *s the
highest by the La*our and E*ployment Ministr* (MT*), *onstit*t*ng one
* f t he m o* t
danger*us *o*k *roce*ses (Cost* & Rez*n*e, 201*). Although the imp*ovements occu*red i*
*ecen* *e*rs d** to work *c*idents *revention, the re*or*s of *he*e occ*rr*nces in the mining
industry rema*n a c**c*rn. According to *h* Special S**retariat of Welf*re and Labor
(*ecretaria Espe**al de Pr*vi*ê*cia e *rabalh*, 20*6), *n 2016 w*re
registered 3,82*
ac**dents w**h an a*erage of 1,7*6 *ccident* per 100,000 *orkers. In *om*arison, in *he same
p*riod, *h*r* were 365 *ccidents p*r 100,*00 employees in the Australia* mining indu*tr*
(Dep*rtm*nt of Mine*, Indus*ry Re*ulation and Safety, 2016).
Numerous c*u*es culminate *ccidents in the m*ning w**kpla*e, and human erro* is
of th* *ost important. To K*mar *t al., (201*), *uman error
p*ays a cruci*l role
accid*n*s and Rushwo*th e* a*., (*999), veri*ied that almost 85% *f all minin* acci*en*s co*ld
be attribu*ed t* *t le*st one human err*r. The er*or oc*urs wh*n * *lanned sequence of mental
or physical acti*ities fai*s to achi*ve th* desired r*s*lt (R*ason, 1990).
*n recen* ye*rs, se**ral *tudies have *een c*rr**d out a*m*ng to find *he *undamentals
behind human errors. Most
of them **c*sed on ana*y*ing v*rious factors rela*ed to human
er*or su*h *s cr**i*ility, control m**el, *echanism, **d *he*r *requenc* (Li & Y*-Q*n, 20*1;
Liu *t al., 2007). *hese
a*alyses did
not consid*r cognitive ps*chology *s a support
*nderstan* the huma* error (L**o et al., 2006; Liu & Z*eng, *010), lackin* the analysis
e*ternal fact*rs suc* *s life events (Zhang, 2014).
Life events are events that oft** easi*y ar*use *motional disorders, which us*ally c*n
involving danger and fundamental *han*es *n he*lth (*renek & Ma*sto, 2013). In addit**n to
t** *ressur*s typical of a* *rg*nization an*
t he
specifi* characteristi*s of the
m i ni ng
e*vironment, *iner* are also subje*t to life e*ent* of differen*
kinds, whic* are often
Rev. FS*, Teresin*, v. 18, *. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, jan. 202*
O* Primeiros Mo*os d* Minas: A Poesia Árca** Brasileira como Con*ur*ção
unpredictable an*
unive*sal to an*on*. When miners fa*e s*ch circumstances, their
*ala*c* is di**urbed, *n* th*y may suffer **om emotional fluctua*io*s and
psychological p*e*sure. From the reality ** t*e *igh rates ** work-r*lated acciden*s t*at
persi*t in the
ana*yzed *ector, the research problem proposed is: What is the impa*t o* life
*vents *n *uman err*rs *n the Brazilian mi*ing env**onment?
This rese*r*h aims *o measure the *ausal rela*ionsh*p betwee* life events, capac*ty f*r
*ve*coming, psyc*o*ogical s*ress, psychological a*d physiological
functi*n, a*d
*rrors. It wi*l be
done u*ing t*e statistical techni*ue o* modeling structur*l e*uations, b*se*
on t he
assumption that lif*
event* will influence the other variable*, which may gene*a*e
error, causin* da*age to wor*er*. Besides, the de*crip**v* *tatistics will be used to
id*ntify in which c*tegories of sociodemographic *ar*ables an*lyzed there is a higher
possibil*ty of hu*an e*ror.
Stu**es a*out occu*a*ional a*ci*ent* are essent*al sinc* i*vo*ves *he health of
work*rs, namely,
healt* and society (Simonelli
et a*., 2*16). M*reover, *any *f the*e
occurr*nces can
*voided, because of the numerous f*ct*r* tha* are capable of t*iggering
wor*, ac*i*en*s ar* alr**dy *resent be*ore *he accident effect*vely occur (Santana et al., **06;
Binder & *lmeida, 2013). Th*s, it ** *ecessar* fo* more researches in*olving *afety haza*ds
a*d is*ue* relate* to hu*an performance (Tr*pathy & Ala, 2018).
There *re seve*al lim*tations in the curren* literature on life events (Pa*uch et al.,
2*18) and its relatio* to human erro* is s*ill *itt*e explored ** studies on hea*th and safety at
work. In t*rms of cont**but*on to the *iterature, *hi* study a*ms to fi*l the existing gap in *ork
safety stud*es tha* a**re*s th* effe** of cognitive psy*hol**y on accidents. The majority use
preve*tive measures of op*rational an* environme*tal nature, di*r*garding t*e inf**ence t*a*
the pe*sonal life of the employ*e
*a* ***rcis* in its operational *nd cogn*ti*e functions. In
this *ense, *t *eeks to broaden the discu*si*n about t*e l**e ev*nts theory and their inf*uenc*
o* the lives of employee* who wo*k in a *angerous an* o*te* *nhea*thy *ector.
As practical contribution, this *tudy *uggests meas*res th*t may reducing
**yc*ological and p*ysiological dy*functions to avoid workpla*e fai**res, besides presents
eviden*e *hat *elps t*e improvement
of existi*g legisla*ion on safety and qu**ity of life
In order to find an answer to
the *roblem and the specified o*jectives, this
s t ud y i s
o*ganized as
follows: Sec*ion 2 h*s the theoret*c*l ***dam*nts *n the lif* events;
t he
methodology used are described in Sec*io* 3; in Section 4 are
prese*te* the results and
t he
discussi**; and Sec**** 5 *pecif*e* the *onclusions o* *he paper.
R*v. FSA, Te*esina P*, v. 1*, n. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, *an. 2021
L. *. Floris, E. G. Carval*o, B. C. R. Fau*t*no, C. L. L. *alegario
The is*ues *f safety are *f utmost *mp*rtance for the prope* functioning of the minin*
com**nies (Amoah & S*emn, *018). A*th*u*h *he o*g*nizations in*est in traini** and
po*ici** orientated *o work saf*ty and occupati*nal hea*th pro*rams, the risk of accidents
c**tain envi*onmen*s is alwa*s emi*e*t. And increasingly, industri*l a***dents involve human
*actors, (Skalle et al., 2*1*; König et *l., 2018) w*ich hi*h**gh*s the
understand*ng th* **rors re*son.
The causes of hu*an failu*es are diverse, a*d thus *h* *perations that i*volve *o*tact
with indiv*duals m*st be seen *s complex
process*s. The errors can be related
t* several
aspects such
as env*ronmental inte*ferenc*s, organ*zat*onal and techn*cal f*c*ors or ev*n
related to the perso*a* life of *he em*lo*ee (Rong et al., 2016; *ripathy & Ala, 2018).
In *his wa*, the theo*y o* life events proposed b* the Amer*can p*y*hologis*s Holm*s
an* Rahe (1967) elucidates t*a* ce*tain situ*tion* cause *hanges in human behavior, *ak*ng
the neces*a*y som* adjust*en*s fo* us to deal with thos* events that we exp*rience at some
*oint. In the liter*ture, the under*t*nding that life *vents are fa*ts t*at bring ab*ut ch**ges in
our life is the pred*minant (Kre*ek &Mai**o, 201*).
The events can *e predictable *r not, and these experiences can be *lassified acco*ding
to Mcquaid et al. (1992) in terms of magnitud* - *ajo* *r minor events, importa*ce - **ute o*
chronic, the
degree of difficulty, and running time (Zhang, 2014). For exa*pl*, t*e
bi*th of
the child *s *onsidere* an i*portant event, by and large, desira*le and expected during a given
*eriod. *n *h* other hand, *t m*y bring some degree *f financial **fficult* a*d adaptati*n to
Already the dea*h *f some family member poss*bly *ill have an opposite effec* for
m*ny peop*e can su*fer mental and physical consequences during a certain period. Accord*ng
to Holmes and Rah* (1967) th*s "c*llate*a*" *ff*ct o* certain life events causes an imb*lanc*
in mind and *ody, *or *n*tance, situations typical of *dul*h*od *uch a* *mp*oyment chang*s,
beg**ning or *nding of *el*tions*ips, financial issues, i*l**sses are example* of l*fe events
(P*luch et al., 2018).
The resear*h o* Bu*ns and Machin (2013)
has b*ought evi*ence that l*fe events are
most strongly ass*ciat*d with *ala*se and result* *rom Lu et *l. (20*3) suggest that *here is a
between lif* events
*nd the in**rnalizat*on of problems, since *hen e*pe*i*ncin*
ad*erse situations i* life ca* *evel*pment o* *ognitive vulne*ab*lit*es. *n thi* sen*e, Le*gett et
Re*. FSA, *eresina, v. 18, n. 0*, art. *, p. 74-99, jan. 2021 *ww*.fsanet.com.br/re*ista
Os Pr*meiros Moços *e *inas: A Poesia Á*cade Brasileira co*o Conj*ração
al. (2015) *lucidate that these **ents ca* caus* *egative fe*ling* in p*ople a*d may even
h*rm t*e in*ividual life.
Beside*, l*fe e*ent* *an ca*se *igh-*tress leve*s. St*ess is * *tate o* advanced
ho*eosta*is, in *h**h individuals re*** beha*iourally, **ysiologic*lly and psychologi*ally, i*
an *t*empt to *e**ver homeo*tasis (Pal*ch et al., 201*). Krenek and Maisto (2013) sugge*t
that *tress
is r**ated t* th* conceptual defini*ion o* life *vents and, in a*di*ion, these
imbalan*es have been assoc**ted with higher ris*s of phys*cal an* mental il*ness (König et al.,
However, ind**iduals respon* diff*r**tly *o *i**'s ad*ers* **ents. Some people
more susceptible to t** effects of dail* annoyances, w*ile other* are not *s affected a* there
are different leve*s of stress se**itivity (Qiao et al.,
2013). *hile some
people present
chr**ic stre*sful life cycle, othe*s are strong enough to ov*rcome adversit* and *ven mak*
positive chang*s ** response to * situation (Park et al., 1*96; Mcmillen et al., 1997).
The coping style of a situat*o* helps people de*l with the str**s*s o* ever**ay life both
emotiona*ly *nd cognitively and can med*ate t*e relations*ip betw*e* stressful life events (Li
et al., *01*; Tang et al., 201*). Th*s,
*s higher t*e coping capa**ty and **e*coming of lif*
events, the fewer people w*l* be s*scept**le to stress.
On the other hand, if *he a*ility *f
ind*vidua** t* cope with certain life events is null o* i*sufficie*t and t*e *mergenc* o* stress
is *nevitable, p*ysical an* mental he*lth to some degree wil* be a****ted in so*e way.
From the *tud*es *y Holmes and Rahe (1967) *bout t** impacts of life events and
th*ir effects on health, many **search *egan to ** t*k*n has sought t* investi*ate th* r*la*i*n
betwee* *he occurrence o* li*e events *nd psychological and physic*l he*lth (Pa*k*l, 2*01).
Certain bad li*e *vents were *elated to bei** associ*ted with ***ression and a*x**ty
(E**y & St*venson, 2000; Lu et
*l., 2*13) and
they m*y represent a p*ychological
vulnerabili** (Chorpi*a & *arl*w, 1*98; Barlow, 2000; Bolger & Patter*on, 2001; Lu et
2013). The examples
*rising st*essing psy*hological dys*unctions ar* *he loss of
conce*tration, lack of w*ll *o do t*ings, desire to work among othe* s*mptoms.
Moreover, the physiological fu*ction *s also
affecte* i* *esponse to str*ss *aused **
s*me life ev*nt. Life e*ents are as*ociate* *ith *h*sical and men*al h*al*h (Burns & Machin,
2013; **nig et al., 2018), and t*ere were propose* several mode*s to ana*yz* the relatio*ship
*etween adverse l*fe *vents and physiological sym*toms (Ra*ziej et al., 2015). The majority
suggests that the *on*in*ous effects
are increased processing of di*ordered in*ormati**,
nervousness, changes in
pe*ce*tion mechanis*s, *emor*es *apses, dif*iculty *n ordering
th*u*hts and re**exes *o react und*r the brain *o*mand.
R*v. FS*, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. *1, art. 4, p. 74-9*, jan. 2021
L. M. Floris, E. G. Carvalho, B. C. *. Fau*tino, C. L. L. Calegario
The studies by Leggett *t al. (2015) s*g*est that *i*e events *nd sleep diso*ders were
a**ociated *i*h dep*essive sympt*ms and accord*ng to Qia* et al. (2013), an individual
pre*isposition to exp*rie*ce, *dverse life events m*y cause *ul*er*bl* to some
psychopathological *n* ph*sical il*nesses.
In this way, it ca* be i*fer*e* that the stre*s r*action t* the par**cular si*u*tion of the
p*rsonal life will inte**ere in the ps*chological an* physi*log*cal mechanisms, which in tu*n,
*ay inf*uen*e the occurren*e of *uman errors. T*is arg**ent *o***bora*es w*t* the s*udies of
Lu et al. (20*3) who c*ncluded that life events are significantly *elat*d t* cognitive erro*s.
Based *n the ab*ve, t*e f*llowing hypotheses *ill be *nalyzed:
H1: Life events have a significa*t influence on the stress of min*r;
H2: T** overcoming has a significant i*fluence of the inverse ratio on the stress of
H*: Stress has a si*nific*nt i*flue**e o* the **ycholog*cal funct*on of the miner;
H4: Stress has a significant influence on th* direct ratio ** the p*ysiological f*nction
of the miner;
H5: Stress has a *ignif**ant influe*ce on *he dir**t rea*on for the human err*rs of the
H6: The psychological functio* **s a signific**t influence on the human er*o*s of th*
H7: *he *hysiological function *as a significant influence on the *uman erro*s of t**
H8: The
psy*hological function has a signif*cant influ*nce on the physiolo*ical
function o* th* *iner.
The model *o be tested is shown in *igure * and r*flect* the proposition of the
h*p*theses presented abo*e. Each hypothesis composes a c*ns*ruct
repres*nted by * latent
variable, whi*h w**l affect a*ot*er variabl* by a ca*se and effect relation. The *i* co*struc*s
t*gether form *he model.
Rev. FSA, Te**sin*, v. *8, n. 01, art. 4, p. *4-99, *an. 2021
O* Pri*eiros Moços d* Minas: * P*esia Árcade Brasilei*a co*o Conjuração
Fig. 1 - Model (bas*d on Z*an*, 2014).
The *onstructs a*e composed of o*se*ved *ariables i*en*i*ied i* the literature with
the obje*ti*e of *epre*e*ting in * more comple*e form pos*ible the *a*ent
variab**. For
example, th* observed variable* that descr*be t** life events are three: Imp*rtance, d**ficulty
d*g*ee *nd
dura*i*n ti*e. These classif*cations will be discussed in the front *or f*rther
3 ***HOD
*his r*search has an ap*l*ed *ature since it seeks to generate knowledge fo* t*e
practical application an* to solve pro*lems *rom *stablished objectives. T*e appr*ach i*
quantit*tive o*ce there
hyp**hese* to be te*t*d
a*d *tatis*ical *etho*s that are
used for
**ocess*n*. In terms
of ge*eral obj*ctive, it is c*assified a* a descriptive research,
be*ause th*
phe*omenon c*aract*ri*tics will *e described fro* a theoretical field f*r bet*er
In add*tion, a case study was real*zed ana**zing *he p*ocesses and the r**ationships
between them to und*rstan* i* in depth. Yin (2001) argues **at one of the m*in objectives of
the case study is to explai* causal lin** in real-life in*er**ntions. To Gil (200*), the possibili*y
*f u*de**ta*ding * phe*ome*on in a b*oad a** detailed *a* is * task practica*ly *mpo*sible
by othe* methods.
Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, v. 18, n. 01, art. *, p. 74-99, *an. 2021
L. M. Flori*, E. *. Carvalho, B. C. R. Fausti*o, *. L. L. Cale*ario
Th* present s*udy w** con*uc*ed i* t** largest gold mine *n Brazil (Revista M*nérios
& Miner*les, 201*). The reason **r this choice is the size of *he co*pany *nd, con*eque*tly,
the high number *f *mployees, bes**es the impo*ta*ce of the ore m*ned. *h* gol* *s part *f
the precious metals class with *ighest rates *f indu*t*i*l accidents in B*azi* *he* compared to
other metallic mine*als classes. Acco*ding to the Braz**ian So*ial Securit* in *016,
t he
mortal*ty ra*e of thi* group was 23.17 (in *00,*00), the lethali*y rat* *as 1*.91 (in 1,00*), and
the ra*e of w**k ac*idents between*6 to 34 years wa* *1.92 (in 100).
T*e sample size was estimated at *19, and *hi* numb*r was deter*ine* using the G *
P*wer softwar*. The calculation i* based on *he for*ul**ed model constru*t t**t rec*ives the
large** arrows numbe* or that
has the most
si*nific*nt predi*tor\s number*. The data
c*llection *ccurred by l*call* ap*lyin* 630 que*tio**air*s *et*een Novem*er a*d December
20*8, which 611 (97%) were considered valid. This *ata w*s deemed accurate based on the
*ues***nnaires excl*sion that contained more than 10
percent of
null replies. Thu*, it was
obtai*ed al*ost f*v* ti*es the recomme*ded sample *y G * Pow**. Emplo*ees fr*m twe*ty-
two sectors of the compa*y fil*ed the qu**tionnaires with the p*rpos*
of increas*ng *he
observed variance *nd allowing a *tro*g com*rehension of the r*a*ity. The anonymity of t*e
res*ondents was *uaranteed an* *he bias associated with th**e wh*
did not
wis* to r*spond
fo* reasons of *onfidentiali*y *as redu*ed (*ialaszewski & G*all*ur*k*s, 1*85).
The elab*ration of *he *ata *ollec*io* i*strument followed the guidelines of *he **udy
*f *hang (2014), and aft*r its tran*lation, *cademic researchers familiar with the subj*ct
evaluated the ac*ordance of the ite*s. Thus, the q*e*tio*n*ire was
validat** by s*x
p*ofe*sionals from
*iff*rent ar**s like p**c*ology, work safety
and the r**earch was r*view*d
based *n their commen*s. After th*t, t*ey
w**e applie*
appro**mately forty students to ada*t it in
language te*ms, comprehension, cl*rit*, a*d
The questionnaire
has nomolo**c*l vali*ity a** included *ocio*emographic dat*
**ns*sting o*
si* quest*ons,
and six var*able* (*alary Ra*ge, Company Tim*, Age **nge,
*a*ita* Status, Number
of Children, and Gen*er). I* al*o h*s secti** c**p*sed by a
questi*ns regarding the
*b***v*d *ariabl*s, which *n turn represent th* six model
*ariables. Table 1 summarizes all *he variables consid*red in this stud*, w*ic*
t he
*asis for the quest*onnaire for*ulati*n. Previou* *tudies confir*e* the n*mol*gical vali**t*
by testing t*e relation*hip *e*we*n the cons**ucts.
Re*. FSA, Tere*in*, v. 18, n. 01, art. 4, p. *4-99, jan. 2*21
Os Primeiros Mo*os de Minas: * Poesia Árcad* Br*sileir* como Conjuraç*o
Impo*t**ce (L*)
Psycholo**ca* The desire (PC2)
Life e*e*ts
Diffi**lty le*el (L2)
Consciousnes* (PC3)
Dura*ion time (L3)
The desire fo* wor*
Ability to overcome (O1)
Perceptio* (PS*)
T*e technique for da*a ana*ysis *sed was the modeling st*uctu*al equations to evalua*e
the interrelat*d *ependency *ela*ions t*rou*h the sof*ware Smar*PLS. After that, des*riptive
statistics wer* perf*rmed using SPSS s*ftware to organize a*d present th* d*ta in an *bjec*ive
c*ear wa*. As a result, th* human e*ror poss*bility was analyz*d wit* each
s*ciodemographic *ariable.
I* order to ensure the rel*abil*ty o* the construct, the internal consistency of
t he
questionnaire res*onses w*s assess*d *sing Cronbach's alpha an* co*posite *eliabi*ity, as *a*
be seen ** Table 2.
Rev. FS*, Teresina *I, *. 18, n. 01, ar*. 4, p. 74-99, jan. 202* www4.fsanet.com.br/revi**a
L. *. Fl*ris, E. G. Carvalh*, *. C. R. Faustino, C. L. *. Calega*io
The val*es of this first indicato* for *ach c*n*truc* a*e a*ove 0.6 and are sa*isfactory
as recommende* *y C*urchill (1*79). The *omp*site reliabil*ty tha* is a uni* of a*alys*s more
rigor*us *han the Cr*nb*ch's
alph* for
taki*g into *cco*nt
differen* ext*rnal *o*ds of the
indicator variables h*d values above
0.7. Thus, *he h*ghest
level of *eliability possible was
a*hi*ved as suggested by Ha*r et al., (2005) indicat*ng that all scales *s*d in this stud* we*e
Th*n, t*e algorithm o*t*in*d th* r**ul*s of the *easu*ement models, in order to relat*
th* construc*s a*d their indicators. *** R* *f 0.56* o* the hum*n e*rors i*dica*es that all
va**ab*es (**fe *vents, overco*ing, s*re*s, psyc*ological function, a*d physiol*gical functio*)
together explain *6.2% of the *ari*nce *f human errors. In general, values above *.2
The values of t*e ext*r*al loads wer* calcul*ted in *rder *o ascertai* *he reliability of
the *ariables. As ca* be seen i* Table 2, the externa* load values of all the indica*ors
*b*v* 0.7 indicat*ng t*at th* latent vari*ble expla*n* more than 70% of the *ariance of ea*h
indi*ator. This means *hat th*
as*o*ia*ed i**i**tors have a
l ot
i* common causing *t to be
c*ptured b* t** construct and justifyin* the fact that the indica*ors ar* re*lexive.
Then, the discriminant validity evaluated to what *x*ent a cons*ruc* is t*uly di*t*nc*
from th* others, that is, each cons*ruc* cons**ered in the *odel *as t*e on*y one to captur* the
phenomenon ana*y*ed. The measure of discrimin*nt validity *sed was t*e **iteri*n of F*rnell-
Larcker, whos* squa** root of i**
*alue corres*ond*
to the mean-v*riance extracted (A*E).
The reading in Table 2 al*o allows verifying *h*t the values exceed the re*erence value of *.5
Latent Var**ble
s alpha
explanation (R² )
E* = 0.748
Life Events (LE)
0 .8 3 1
E2= 0.83*
0 .6 9 5
0 .6 2 2
E3= *.778
* .* 5 4
S 1 = 0 .7 * 0
0 .7 4 4
0 ,6 * 1
Re*. FSA, *eresina, v. 1*, n. 0*, art. 4, p. 74-99, jan. **21
0 .8 0 1
* .6 6 *
0 .5 0 2
0 .2 3 *
0 .8 6 6
0 .7 * 3
0 .* 1 7
* .3 0 3
0 .9 0 4
0 .8 5 8
0 .* * 2
0 .4 7 0
Y1= 0.836
Human **ror*
0 .8 8 *
0 .8 * *
0 .6 5 1
0 .5 6 2
To test the hypotheses, t*e **timation *rocess wa*
carried ou* i* the modeling of paths by
means of the Bo*tstrapping calculation. *he ge*erated r***rt gi*es the values of the "t" test
and *he lit*rature indicates that values above *.96 (significance leve* of 5%) are s**ficient to
affirm th*t the corre*at*ons and the regression coefficients a*e **gnifica*t, and th*r**ore
*alidate th* hypo*heses. As can be seen
in Table 3 *ll hypot*es** we*e supp*rted once they
reached the le*el of signi**ca*ce requi*ed. The Figure 2 *hows t*e c*nstruct w*t* all
hypot*e*e* tested and *heir interrelationsh**s.
Ta*le 3 - Hypothesis test res*lt*
T v**u*
* .7 6 5
6 .2 4 *
1 6 .1 0 4
Rev. FSA, Teres*na PI, v. 18, n. 0*, art. *, p. *4-99, jan. 20*1
L. *. Floris, E. G. Ca*va*ho, B. C. R. Faustino, C. L. L. Calegar*o
* .4 5 3
5 .3 0 1
*C* HE
2 .4 4 3
1 3 .0 0 5
1 6 .2 2 1
Fig. 2 - Model path *iagram
The following will discuss *he differ*nces a** similar*ties be*ween *h* *indings of
the Br*zili*n an* Chi*ese case. In t*e *a*e of the different c*ntext **t*een Brazil and China,
such as the workload, cultural d*fferences, *nd t*e fact that the o*i*ina* *od*l *as app*ied in
a coal mining and her* is used in a gold mine, this study *ooked *o underst*n* *f *he *a*i*bles
(Table 1) could influ**ce t*e vali*ity of th* hypothese* initia*ly for*ulated by Zhan* (2014).
The relationship be*ween str*ss
and *uman error in vari*us circumsta*ces is *e*l
know*, esp***ally in work se*tings (Lu et a*., 2013, Cohen *t al., 2016). Despite thi*, the in
Ch*nese stu*y, stress did not in*luence human errors, acc*rdi*g to hypothes*s 5, wh*le
Braz*l, y*s. O*e o* the justifications for the *alidat*on of this h*pothesi* in the prese*t study
may b* the fact that Brazilia*s are one of the m*st st*essed peop*e in the world. *ccord*ng to
*ev. FSA, Tere**na, v. 18, *. 01, art. 4, p. 74-*9, jan. 202* ww**.fsanet.*om.br/rev*sta
Os Pri*eiros Moços de M**as: A Poesia Árcade Br**ileira como Conjuração
the In*erna*ional S*ress Man*gement *ss**iatio* (ISMA) survey, B*a*il*an* *ank second in
relatio* to *eople wi*h the hig*est level *f stress w*en compared to nine countries
i n t he
world (*arreto, 2**5).
In this aspect, in *he *hinese con*ext, the r*lation* of ex*hange between e*plo**es
an* sup*rv*sors **nd to be more emphasiz** due to the importance o* social re*atio** in th*s
cultu** (Wan* & Yi, 2011). In addition, they ar* *lso linked to Chi*ese *ult*re, t*e popular
use of herbal medicines in *his countr* *s able to red*ce str**s, a*xi*** and improv* qua*ity of
life (Kurebay*s*i et al., 2016).
On the oth** han*,
as in **ang's s*udy (201*), t*e hypothesis 1, that life
on the miner's stress was val**at*d a*cordi*g to s*u*ie* *arried ou* li*kin* life
e*en*s with the *n*ernal*zati*n of problems (L* *t al. , 2013) a*d directly *ith stress (*renek
& Maisto, *013). Lik*wise, the hypot*es*s 2 w*at refers
the capacity *o
overcome b*
*nversely prop***ional to the miner's *tress wa* also supporte* *y statist*c*l *e*ts, conf*r*ing
the *i*dings *f Li e* al. (2010) and Tang et *l. (20**) that t*e ability to o*ercome life events
helps to in*ibit or even reduce stre*s l*vels.
Hypotheses 3 an* 4 defend** the i**luence of str*ss on the p*ych*logica* (Janis, 1958;
Vi*oku* & Selz**, 1*75) and ph*sio*ogic*l (Cohen et al., 19*5; Brosschot et al.,
functi*ns o* the m*ner wer* shown true. This *roves the *remis* that
the mi*er will suf**r
p*y*iolo*ical and p*y*hol*gica* imbalan*e* when s*bje*ted to certain levels o* stress. T*is
finding is very w*rrying on*e *hat part of the mi**ng a*cid*nts can be a*tri*uted t* stress
(Hongxia e* al., 2014).
In addition, the hypothe*is 7, which had the p*emise of the influence of physiological
functio* on hu*an erro*s, proved true *he* considering the va*ious p*ysiological symptoms
**port*d by Radziej et a*. (2015), which can *r*ate
the *onditions that ca*se a*cidents at
work. Si*ilarly, *he confirmation of hypothesis 8 wh*ch affirmed t*** psycholo*ica* function
in*erferes with physio*o**cal fun*tion (G**lhorn, 19*3) was also *alid**ed a*d the rela*io* *f
such functions to st*ess h*s already been report*d in the l*teratu*e (Ge*lhorn,
1953; Araldi-
Fa**ss* et al., 2005).
In the analyzed sample,
descriptive statistics showed *hat 20% of inter*iewed
employees "agree" *r "strongly
*gree" that when t*ey a*e s*ressed they *ave a lack of
perception; 18.5% "agree" or "strongly a*ree" that when they are stressed the* *ave a lack of
ju**men* *nd *f opera*ion, and that
2 9 .8 % o *
em*loye** "ag*ee" or "stron*ly agree" **at
wh*n th*y *r* str*ss*d they *re *o*e like*y to commit errors.
Rev. FSA, Teresin* PI, v. 18, n. 01, ar*. 4, p. 74-99, *an. 2021 www4.*sanet.com.*r/revista
L. M. Floris, E. G. Carval*o, B. *. R. Faustino, C. L. L. *ale*ari*
It **s also po*si*le to iden*ify in w*ich cont*xts the compa*y's emplo*ees have *
g*eater chance *f occurrence of * human **ror, and con*equent*y, of work accidents. The dat*
i* F*gure 3 s*ows by mea*s of the "% in the possi**li*y of
hu*an *r*or" in which secto*s
t*ere is * *reat*r p*ssibil*ty of occurr*nce ** human error. It can *e observed th*t the *ect**s
where such *hances a*e *ig*er than 1*% in *s*ending *rder are: *ivil Wo*ks (1*.3%);
Mecha*ical Maintenance (13.3%) and Electri*al M*intenance (*0,1%).
Fi*. 3 - P*s*ibilit*e* of *uman *rror a*cording to the sector
From Table 4, it can be observed that emp*o*ees wh* have the*r incomes be*ween 1
an* 3 wages are the ones that are mo** likely *o commi* human erro**, *o*respon*ing to
69.4% of *he tot*l, followed by t*ose with h*ve incomes above 3 up t* 6 wages (23.*%). T*is
relationship may be a r*flection o* the l*w level of education of th*se em*loy*es, *hich may
lead them to the misunderstandin* of work o**er*, difficulty in dr*wing u* alternati*e
stra*e*ies in the face of a r*sk si*uation, i*corr*ct i*terpretation ** som* in*tru*tion, e*c.
The *at* als* show*d that the greater the **me of experience in th* compa*y, the
*ower the ch**ces of hu*an e*r**s bei*g committ*d *n **e anal*zed c**e. Em*loy*es with up
to 3 yea*s of compa*y, have a *9.*% possib*lit* of human *r*or, followed ** 20.1% for th*s*
wh* are *lder than 3 up to 6 years; 13.8% fo* t*os* ov*r 6 up t* 9 years; 9.*% for *hose over
9 up to 1* years; an*
7.2% for em*loyees who ha*e bee* in
*he company for mo*e than
Rev. **A, Te*esina, v. 18, n. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, jan. *02*
Os Pri*eir** Moços de Minas: A Po*sia Árcade Brasi*eira como Conj*ração
Ne*t, we ha*e a gro** that is ab*ve 32 to 39 years *ld, w*th
23.6%. Thi* rel**ion
**tween age and the p*ssibil*ty o* human er*or did *o* have a d****t proportion b*tween ag*ng
an* t*e occur**nce of *rrors. In *ddition, the data in Table 4 show that the po*sibili*y
*um** e*ror is higher for th*s* employees who are married (60.1%), followed by those who
are single (30.45%).
In r*lati*n *o *he numb** o* childre* of *he *m*l*yees who co*posed the sample, it
was verified that those who do *ot have *h*ldren are more likely to *ommit human
(*6.*%), followed b* tho*e who have a ch**d (27.8%) *n* of those who have **o *h*ldre*
(23.6%). The increase i* the nu*ber of childr*n is *nversel* propor*ional to th* chance*
human *rrors in the analyzed case. At l*st, th* findings sho* t**t the c*ances of human er*ors
among mal* employees are significa*tly *igher (85.9%) when co*par*d t* female s*x
Table * - Possibil*ti*s of *uman erro* in *el*tion to sociodemograp*ic v*riab*es
Stro*g*y I do not
I agree
I *otally
a*r*e or
(% of
(% of
(% of
(% of
(% of Total)
Between *
1 4 ,9 %
1 9 ,0 %
1 5 ,0 %
1 2 ,5 %
* ,0 %
6 9 ,4 %
and 3 wa*es
Abov* 3 up
5 ,0 %
6 ,5 %
4 ,8 %
5 ,8 %
1 ,7 %
2 * ,9 %
to 6 wa*es
Above 6 *p
1 ,* %
,8 %
1 ,8 %
,7 %
* ,0 %
4 ,5 %
to 9 ***es
Above 9 up
,* %
,2 %
,2 %
,8 %
0 ,0 %
* ,5 %
to 12 w*ges
Above 1*
0 ,0 %
,3 %
,3 %
0 ,0 %
0 ,0 %
,7 %
Up t* 3
1 1 ,2 %
* 0 ,4 %
1 2 ,* %
* ,7 %
6 ,3 %
4 9 ,1 %
Co*pany Above 3 up
Time to 6 y*ars
* ,0 %
8 ,2 %
3 ,1 %
4 ,0 %
,8 %
* 0 ,* %
Above * up
1 ,* %
3 ,* %
3 ,6 %
* ,0 %
1 ,8 %
1 3 ,* %
Rev. FSA, Teresina *I, *. 18, n. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, j*n. 2021
L. M. F*oris, E. G. Ca*valho, *. C. R. Faus*ino, C. L. L. Cal*gario
t* 9 years
Ab*ve 9 up
2 ,1 %
2 ,5 %
1 ,8 %
* ,6 %
,7 %
9 ,7 %
to 12 years
Above 12
2 ,5 %
2 ,* %
1 ,6 %
,8 %
,3 %
7 ,2 %
Between 18
an* 25 years
4 ,4 %
4 ,3 %
5 ,* %
3 ,3 %
2 ,0 %
1 9 ,2 %
ol d
Above 25
up t o 32
6 ,9 %
8 ,4 %
6 ,4 %
7 ,1 %
3 ,8 %
3 2 ,5 %
year* old
Above 32
up t o *9
5 ,9 %
6 ,2 %
5 ,6 %
4 ,6 %
1 ,3 %
2 3 ,6 %
years ol*
Above 39
up t o 46
2 ,1 %
4 ,1 %
2 ,6 %
2 ,0 %
* ,0 %
1 2 ,8 %
years old
*b*ve 46
1 ,5 %
3 ,6 %
3 ,0 %
* ,0 %
,* %
* 1 ,8 %
years old
6 ,6 %
* ,3 %
6 ,4 %
6 ,8 %
3 ,3 %
* 0 ,4 %
1 3 ,2 %
1 5 ,* %
1 * ,0 %
1 2 ,* %
* ,9 %
6 0 ,1 %
0 ,* %
0 ,0 %
,2 %
0 ,0 %
0 ,0 %
,2 %
,2 %
,7 %
1 ,7 %
,5 %
,* %
3 ,5 %
,* %
2 ,* %
* ,* %
,5 %
,2 %
5 ,9 %
6 ,8 %
8 ,8 %
8 ,8 %
* ,* %
3 ,3 %
3 6 ,4 %
6 ,* %
6 ,4 %
6 ,9 %
5 ,5 %
2 ,8 %
2 7 ,8 %
5 ,* %
6 ,3 %
4 ,5 %
* ,0 %
2 ,6 %
2 3 ,6 %
* ,7 %
* ,1 %
1 ,* %
,* %
,7 %
* ,3 %
Above 3
1 ,0 %
* ,0 %
* ,2 %
,* %
,3 %
4 ,0 %
2 ,9 %
3 ,2 %
2 ,3 %
* ,9 %
1 ,3 %
1 * ,* %
1 7 ,8 %
2 3 ,2 %
2 0 ,0 %
* * ,4 %
* ,6 %
8 * ,* %
Rev. FSA, Tere*in*, v. 18, *. *1, a**. 4, p. 74-99, jan. 2021
*s P*ime*ros Moços de Min*s: A Po*sia Ár*a*e *ra*ileira como *onjuração
The understand*ng t*at the shorter *he ti*e of experience in the company, th* great*r
the cha*ce *f occurrence of error c*nv*rges with the findin*s of Wenwen et *l. (2011), where
it was evid*nced th*t *orkers with less tim*, necessarily *a*e les* experience in *hat spe**fic
f*nc*ion of com*an*. As a c*n*equ*nc*, they are more su*c*pt**le to hum** err**s due to the
inc*mprehen*io* *f secur*ty rul*s or
ev*n forgetfulness of them. Others factors are the
psychologic*l i*sec***ty to e*ecute certain func*i**s or t*e *e*d to wan* sho* compete*ce,
which often leads to th* t*a*sg*ession of s*fety rules.
Furthermo**, the *v*denc* from *he resu*t show *hat the chances of errors a*e *igher
a*ong e*ployees wh* are *arr*ed a*d those who do *ot *ave *hildren. T*is find*ng *iffers
from th* study by Szurla*, Gleriano & Jus** (2015) and alth*ugh these authors also agree that
variables i**luence the employee's profe*sion*l a*tivities, *n their finding*, they
conclu*ed that marri*d professionals with childr*n,
becaus* they *ave more responsibili*ies,
they are mo** attentiv* and **reful in th* *orkplace, which red*ces the tend*ncy t* huma*
In relation t* t*e *ind*ng t*at the chances *f huma* errors amo*g male employ*es are
s*gnificantly hi*her th** in females it may be becaus* *em*les can *re*te str*tegies for coping
wit* stress (APA, 2019) and cons*cut*vely *void mi*takes, as well as other att*ib*t*s *hat are
characteristic of women, suc* as hi*h *oncentr*tion, *iscipline with
resp*ct to ru*es and
This study wa* carried out in a g**d mine in Brazil an* *h*ough
the modeling
of struct*ral equati*ns was
possibl* measure the cau*al *elationsh*p betwee*
lif e
e*ents and
*u**n er*ors. The results re*eal*d that the life e**nt is interconnected to hu*an
e***rs in t*e *nalyzed work envir*nment *nd tha* stress is an agent that influences this
All the hypotheses rai**d were validated f*o* the statis*ical tests. The i*it*al p*em*se
that the l*fe events *f the empl*yees will g*nera*e the stress tha* will be inversely proportional
to the capa*it* of o*ercoming each one *as v**ida*ed. The stress, i* turn, *ill
cause an
imb*lance *n the psychological and **ysio*ogica* function*, and a*so the p*ychological
function w**l
infl*ence the physiologi*al func*ion. S*ch imba*ances will foster the
Rev. FS*, Teresina PI, v. 18, n. 01, art. *, p. 74-*9, jan. *021
L. M. Floris, E. *. Carvalho, B. C. R. Fau**ino, *. *. *. Calegario
error. These findings re*nforce the imp*rtance of s*fety *anagement into acc*unt take
*xternal ca*s*s th*t may *nfluence the beha*io* of its *mployees and shows th* need fo*
strat*gi*s that *ay mitigate the *m*alanc* of these *uncti*ns.
Besides tha*, by means ** des*riptive statistics, i* was possible to i*entify in **ich
c*ntexts ** whi*h th* employees ** the com*any are i**erted *here i* * greater c*ance
occur*ence of th* huma* *rror, and con*e*u*ntly, *f wo*k accidents. Regard*ng the gender of
t h*
employee, it was *bserved that the
chances of human errors amo*g *ale employees are
sign*f*cantly higher (85.9%) when compared to th* fema*e **x.
Th* s*c*or* of *he *ompany where human er*o* is *ost l*kely to occur are "Civil
Works", "Mechanic*l M*intenance" and "Electrical Mainten*nce". It wa* *lso found tha*
*mployees w*t* lower s*laries are *ore
*ikely to mak* mistake*. In ad**tion, the re*ults
i*dicated *hat t*e l*nger *he
ex*erience in *he compa**, the lo*er the chanc*s
of hu*a*
errors being commit*ed, *ut in re*ation *o age, there wa* n* direct relation**ip *e*ween ag*ng
*n* occurre*ce of errors.
Regardin* the marital sta**s *f em**o*ees, *t was o*served **at the possibility of
hu*an error is gr*at*r for those who are married *ollowed b* th*se who are si*gl*. As f*r the
nu*ber of *hildren, it was verifi*d th*t la*ger num*er of *mployees' c*ildr** is inv*rsely a
*ropor*iona* t* the chanc*s o* human e*rors in *he analyzed case.
As in any study, some *i*it**i*ns sho*ld be hi*hlighted. *irst, the cross-section of this
research *estricted o*l* t*e co*firmatio* of causa* *elationships over the expecte*
relation*hi*s between *ariables, disrega*di*g *he *ffect of tim* al**g *his process. In
a*dition, th* present s*udy was carried out *n * sample c**pos*d exclu*ively *f w*r**rs in *
specific sector of minin*, *lth*ugh this was the obje*t*ve *f the stud*. As these re*u*ts cannot
be generalized *o the ge*eral population, it is suggested th*t futu*e studies consider more
*e*ero*eneous samples *n other types of in*ustries.
Evid*nc* from this study *hows the importanc* o* consi*ering the influence of
e*ternal caus*s as the behavior *f *h* employe** of the compa*y analyzed and possib*y this is
the r*ali*y of man* others. E*rors are n*t ca*ses *u* conseq*en*es and tha* it is possibl* to
m*nage them, at *ea*t part of *h*m (R*ason, 2000). T*us, the need *o* managerial strategies
t*at can *lle*iate *he imbalance of psycho**g*cal and physiologic*l *un*ti*ns are relevant and
d*ser*e attention. In this sense, * s*stainable orga*i*ation *s one that provides its employees
Rev. *SA, Tere*ina, *. 18, n. 01, art. 4, p. 74-99, jan. 20** w**4.f*anet.com.br/revista
Os P**meiro* Moço* de Mina*: A Poe*ia Ár*ade B*asileira *omo Conjuraçã*
with a balance between t*e*r personal and prof*ssional lives, as wel* as buil*ing a f*iend*y
s*cial env*ro*m*nt within t*e c*m*any and ta*i*g *are of their employees' interp*rsona*
*elation*hips (Jarosawska-**b*r, 2015).
The **o*h & S*emn (2018) research show*d t*at a*l representa*i**s *f coal Ghana'*
*ompani*s *onsidered social rel*tions and occupation*l s*fe*y to
be ke* va*ues
cont*m*orary ma*agem*nt and the respond*nts by Ja*os*awska-Sobór
(2*15) *valuat*d that
saf*ty at wo*k actio*s
or*anized for the employee* are essen*ials in orde* to improve the
cu*rent si*u**ion of t*e companies. I* **is *en*e, according to *he O*cu*ational Safety and
He*lth Administration (*SHA), health pro*ot*on in the wo*kplace produ*es a return to *ac*
euro invested *n t*e inves**e*t of 2.5 to 4.8 euros than*s to the r*duc*i** in costs related to
absenteei*m. St*ll *ccording t* OSHA (2010), individu*l measures to promo*e health in the
workpla*e through psychosocia* mo*ito*ing and anti-stress trainin* contribute to mental well-
be*ng. In this way, som* *anagement meas***s are suggested that can be used for su*h
I. The measurement of the lev*l of stress in reg*lar cycles c*n h*lp d*tect the alar*ing levels of
this sy*ptom in the emp**yees a*d **edict possib** f*tu** imbalances. To ach*eve this aim, it
is r*c*mme*ded *o *egul*rly apply questionn*i*es as * wa* of m*nitoring *nd, in additi*n, it is
poss*ble to implement me*han*sms of repo*ting li*e events in pr*ject* w*th partnership* with
*sychologists as a routine f*r *he management of l*fe
events of miner* and in o*der to pa*
***e a*tenti** to th* psycho*ogical stag* of workers (Wenw*n e* a*, 2011);
I*. Stre*s *ould be *iminis*e* in some *ituatio*s w*th fe*db*ck to emp*oyees a*out profess*onal or
**r*onal *evelopment ab*ut *o*ethi*g that **ght
be comp*omising *he *ctivity.
Acco*d*ng *o *onsoni (*010) f*ed*ack is a gr*at managemen* *o** *hat he*ps in imp*o***g
workers' skil*s and in the oppo*tunity for beh*vior *hange*;
III. Ano*her sugge*t*o* for *h* prom**ion
of ex*ra-o*cupational he**th is the i*centive to sports
practices of emp*oyees by means of agreement bet*e*n the company and academ*es, **erw
this last *o*ld be offer discount on the tuition. In addition, the company c*uld encoura*e
*mployee par**cipati*n in s*o**s competitions
an* offer s*bsidies in r*c*s, at*letic wa*ks,
*ournaments stim*lat*n* *h*
pra****e of sports and
*m*roving the psych*social aspect of
*or*ers. Co*p*nies such as Vale, *nimed Rio, and *el**tte carry out some *f these pract*ces
(Melo, 2016);
*V. The companies *an create mobile *linics withi* thei*
u*it for *onsultati*n with dentists,
ps*chologists, la**er*, nutr*tionists,
physio*herapists, couples the**pists, wo*k gymna*tics,
mo*ivational lectures, among *ther measu*es (*IRJAN, 2018). Conse*uent*y, employees
Rev. FSA, Teresi*a *I, v. **, *. 01, art. 4, *. 74-99, *an. 2021 www4.fsanet.*om.*r/revista
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pers*nal *ives a*d in re*urn the company would redu*e the hu*an *rrors and the absen*eeism
due to exit* for such services. In addi*ion, gymkhanas, group dynamic*, c*ffees break could b*
c*ea*ed aim*ng at more integration am*ng the employees. Th*s, *orke*s *ould integrat* more
and *reate m*re bon*s *f friendship.
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Os Primeiros Moços de M*na*: A P*esia Ár**de Brasileira como Conjuraçã*
C*mo Referenciar este Artigo, *onforme ABNT:
F**RIS, L. *; CARVALHO, E. G; **USTIN*, B. *. R; CALEGARIO, C. L. L. Workplace
A**idents as a Consequence of Human Erro*: *n Empirical Stud* in a Gold Mine. Rev. FSA,
Ter*sina, v.18, n. 01, **t. *, *. *4-99, jan. 2021.
Contribuição dos A*to*es
*. M. F*oris
E. G. Ca*valho
B. *. R. Fau*t*no
C. L. L. Calegari*
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2) análise e *n*erpret*ção do* **dos.
3) elaboração d* ras*unho ou na rev*sã* c*ítica *o conteúdo.
4) p*rtic*p*ção na aprov**ão da vers*o fi*a* d* man*scrito.
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